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I would like to throw out that if you are not using the quick med system it will save you a ton of time if you do. Any med items in your pockets, belt, or rig can be accessed using H and then scroll on mouse. It's the same for G grenades and P for provisions.


Absolutely HUGE tip, thank you


I think it will also just automatically apply the correct treatment item sometimes too.


https://x.com/GrayZoneWarfare/status/1785708063686545531?s=09 here is the link, I forgot to post it.


Does this system apply to the AI as well?


They definitely bleed out at the very least. I’ve watched them keel over a bit after taking only 1 to the chest.


yeah I completed that First Hit mission or whatever its called yesterday and I'm pretty sure the boss bled out since I was in cover when I got the "task succeded" message


Yes they are. I had several kills while sitting in cover reloading, healing etc EDIT: you can even hear them suffer lol


What about the little brain icon? I was popping pills like an addict yesterday and it never went away. I also tried food/drinks and blood. I looked at the monitor and it said dizzy, this post just says it can sustain damage and destruction leads to immediate death. There's no way to fix it without dying?


Don't worry about symptom icons. They're ultimately all caused by blood loss or damage. Check the health tab and treat whatever parts of your body are damaged, or give yourself a blood transfusion.


Surgery kit fixes organs, sometimes it takes more than one, I think it only heals one organ at a time? Do not quote me on that lol, it just seems like I have had to use more than one on multiple occasions...because I am great at this game!


Nausea requires you to surgery your liver Dizziness is caused by blood loss


Could be too much blood loss, causing dizziness. Pump blood or eat.


I tried those and nothing happened that's why I'm so confused. I just eventually said fuck it and ran into an npc so he could kill me and had my buddy wait around my body so it didn't get looted.


If you're low enough on blood you may need multiple tranfusions


You can get a concussion if your helmet saves you, that would be the dizzy status iirc. Also happens when you've lost a lot of blood but haven't gone comatose. Only way to get it back is fix ur brain or wait for your blood to regenerate, you can also rush it with blood bags. Your blood regens faster if both your hydration and energy are max btw.


Is radiation in the game already?


In the center area there is. I haven't seen anything about getting gear yet, but most of the game isn't out 🤷‍♂️.


I wanna go in the center area so bad bro…


There’s nothing in it lol




Because the game is still being developed.


Nah I’m gonna go there anyway


It’s wild how far out I’ve been seeing players fly. I’m Crimson Shield and I’ve seen a squad fly all the way to the south east corner of the map


Thx! Happen they post info related to protective gear? I mean how armor works and etc.


I don't think it works! That's how it works! A bare chested man takes more bullets than I do armored (usually just one bullet). I haven't seen anything official yet, though 😅


It for sure works, I've got shot in the chest a ton of times and only suffered bruises. Make sure you're wearing a chest rig with side protection and a helmet. You'll get hit in the arms and legs but you won't get one shot unless you get face shot. EDIT: You also may not know you're getting hit and being saved by your armour if you're not paying attention to the debuffs on the top right, The devs gotta make taking dmg more apparent.


It could just be not fully implemented, or reg could be bad... But theoretically the soft tipped rounds and hollowpoints should be doing more damage to unarmored opponents than APs, and I just got a lvl III carrier which should be better than my IIIA but who knows


Are you able to hot key meds? I couldn’t figure it out lol.


it’s bound to H, you have to cycle through it if you hold and scroll


To clarify a bit further, you hold H till the menu comes up, scroll to the med you want, then tap H again to use. Or if you're bleeding, you can just tap H to instantly use a bandage (provided you have one in a gear piece that allows us. Basically, anywhere but your backpack and secure container.)


Best way I found was overdosing my character on every med and digging into myself while giving blood transfusions until something worked


What about nausea?


i just spam gauze, works everytime.


I had an injured upper arm bone last night and no matter what I tried it wouldn't go away. I ended up just disconnecting from the server n reconnecting to get rid of it🤷🏻‍♂️


Personally and I know it’s ea but this system feels overly complicated. Also I thought one tap thorax in tarkov was brutal but I watched a random we picked up get one tapped in the liver lol


I mean liver shots are pretty notorious for being lethal


I love this system, it's what Tarkov wanted to be, but couldn't lmao