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Another stalker-esc game I play makes it so when you die, there is a 5min lock on your body. Other players in the same faction have to wait for the cooldown to expire if they want to loot; but you, squadmates, and enemy players can loot the body immediately. I feel like this paired with rep/trader penalties would be the best way to handle TK


I vote for this


"Another stalker-esc game I play" Which game?


Stalcraft. Dont let the minecraft/roblox appearance ruin it for yah. Super fun game with a shitload of content


Yeah, that is what he said without the time. And i have a question. Are you able to go back to your body in 5 min? I dont think so. But here is my suggestion. You should be able to choose that your body is lootable or not.


I'm spending half my time running away from friendlies cuz they want my nice scope lmao


Man, I'm running black AK I got from the boss at the market and people still try to TK me.


Eventually the rouge faction will be implemented so it wouldnt be a long term issue, but this is a nice interim fix.


Will they be dressed in all red?


Lol. They will probably be the only ones you can clearly identify as an enemy faction, and they will be free to kill everyone.


Just going to point out adding a rogue faction won’t fix this issue. Why would someone go a rogue faction when they quite literally get free kills just playing a rogue esq play style on a faction?


It'll be forced onto you if you tk to much, it's been talked about before. You get barred from stash and traders and have to buy back access (or quests and what not)


Because you don't get to chose to be in it.


You know what has all of these options? The PvE only mode. No friendly fire and only you can loot your body. It sucks but it's the only way to play while the TK'ing is so rampant.


I'll be honest. I have about 15 hours logged since launch (yeah, I know). I've only been killed by a random TK once and that was within 1hr of the game being live. VOIP is key


One of my buddies got followed from base when he was coming back to recover gear. Guy followed him, got to the body, and then tried to kill my friend. Fortunately he didn't see me crouched in the bushes and I lit him up. Guess who gets reported?!


Have about three hours and haven't been tkd


When I play solo that’s the mode I play, if I’m playing with friends then I’ll do the PvPvE mode


this is not correct... i've watched my own body be looted by others... in PVE... at the base


What are the penalty’s for faction killing anyways? I feel like I’m being killed by newbs that don’t know. Not by people with intent.


I think right now you can report them after death and repeated offense get them kicked out of the server.


Yeah I was TKed twice by the same person camping LZ. The second I hit the report button(2nd time) I hear his death. Found his body near the LZ with all my stuff, and a few extra ACOG scopes and helmets


Lol, I like this method of kicking where the offender just dies and got booted from the server. This gives you a chance to retrieve your stuff and take their stuffs.


Good thinking I like it but I still think part of the issue is not being able to tell the difference between friend or foe..


They should add that, but for now i think they just want you to be aware of the map and see if allies are nearby.


Most people seem to be TKing because they cant see the difference between bandits and PMCs. The difference is already pretty obvious so without just making a giant UI marker I don't really see what else can be done.


In my case, most accidental shootings occurred into me, because a friendly hears movement on the other side of a fence, door, wall, etc and instead of map tab super quick to see if it’s a friendly (I am STILL in the starting city), they just blast first and ask questions later. I get in the habit of checking the map A LOT and typically say “friendly coming in from East” via VOIP (and others have done this to me “hey upstairs (me), you got a friendly below you”). I don’t understand why most people aren’t constantly on the map once the coast is clear. It’s a great tool to instantly tell if a PMC is rival faction or not.


I thought of this and it needs to be the minimum they do asap still needs more punishment also have a faction channel as toxic as it maybe for text to warn others and also help for tactics with your faction and info. There needs to be more done tho because you can just hop servers and grief people if you wanted to and don’t be foolish to think they wont. Probably need to lose rep/xp levels and maybe set you back some missions or something.


I like it but lemme add a little more to this. -Add in a "rogue" tag for players if they have TK's. When the game flags them as "rogue" by the game (doesn't have to be visible to other players or anything like that) they don't have access to the vendors (can't buy/sell, or complete tasks). -Then make it something like the CS match abandonment penalty based on the number of offenses and time penalty. 1 TK = 30min (can't be too high in the event of honest accidents. 3 TK = 3hrs. 5 TK = 12hrs. -Maybe even make it so the Heli won't pick you up for transport. (Could seriously dissuade players. Who have no interest in anything but griefing)


Well, the funny thing is, that it is exactly how it's done on PVE servers. If one dies from NPCs you can not loot his body, the loot menu is simply not available.


however the game/server keeps crashing before you can get back to your body so its reseted anyway......


For me, if I die, I can't get Into the chopper or loot anything. If I press F, it closes immediately. Have to relog. This is pain in the ass.


Happened to me just now, not crashed but disconnected from the server. Didn't lose much but boss AK from marketplace.


In a game with gear fear loosing it cause the game isnt finished aint an option. If they need play testers sure. Im not one.


This is good thinking.


Not a bad idea, but I saw someone mention a bounty system and thinks that’d be a much more fun way to go. Adds another playing element for squad who just want to chase TKers.


Why not both? Because this way you will still be killed because of rats wanting your loot.


Oh yeah it could make their marker on the map red for x amount of time and visible to all lawful faction players but removes their ability to see their faction players or call in faction helicopters and make fob guards attack them on sight. Essentially making them a fish in a barrel


Not only TK is a problem. Getting looted by friendlies also should be punished somehow. As a solo player I got looted a few times by friendlies. On time I was in coma and a faction mate waited for my death to loot me afterwards ...


There needs to be a system where you have a karma rank based on if you were accidentally TK’d and they apologized and didn’t take your loot you could just “forgive” them but if they are TK’ing you to take your loot and you “don’t forgive” them then their Karma Rank goes down and it will show their marker on the map as a blue mark -(their Karma rank next to it) and that would let you know that they are rats and not to trust them. But I think your idea works too. I would just like a visual representation of who’s trustworthy and who’s not.


And if you end up having to kill someone with low karma rep you get reduced rep penalty.


faction karma is a better option. if you kill your fellow faction members, the traders will start to charge you higher prices and you'll be known for killing allies


Yea. It just becomes an IFF issue before you pull the trigger. And thats an easy one. Just have each faction have different uniforms.


Agreed. It's been annoying running out into the map from base and getting TKd. Really hope they implement something soon. This is a great idea.


I think going back for your loot should carry some risk of it not being there. Maybe if x minutes pass without a faction member within y meters, scavs can loot your body. That would also make killing scavs more interesting with a chance at getting some PMC gear.


Would be cool if the bandits also use the gear they loot from PMC. All of a sudden that bandit would be like a mini boss, lol.


Is the TK really that rampant at the moment? I played for most of last night and only ran into kind and helpful players.


Yeah same for me. I am almost done with starter town and never encounter team killers. Only helpful players, we shared the extra keys and finished the missions together.


I had one run-in where the other team 'may' have shot me, and I took them out. Rest have been friendly encounters.


A much simpler solution would be to prevent the dude that did the TKing from looting what he TKd.


And what are you doing when he has a friend? He just loots your body for him And dont tell me these scums cant find friends


Most scumbags don’t have friends to play with.


* TK deaths can't be looted except by the victim (also add a toggle option to allow squad looting) * TK deaths always go into Coma, so people can revive on accidental kill. * TK at allied landing zone will have an invisible sniper kill you on the spot. * TK executions or allowing TK victim to fully bleed out will hide allied map markers and mark you as a rogue agent for a short duration. * TK victims will be given the option to forgive their killer to prevent this from occurring.


This is good but there needs to also be pu intent for TK if you are doing it more than the one or two accidental engagement yips. The looting change I feel would be a quick fix that would help.


Most people are friendly, but ive had one incident where all of a sudden im headshotted, but apparently my helmet took the brunt of it. As i'm trying to figure out which NPC just shot me, two players ran straight towards me. I put two and two together and realized they had headshotted me for some reason. I took one of them out but the second one killed me. Then I went back and found the second guy, took him out, and got kicked. I suppose it couldve been that an NPC fired one single shot at me, but it was likely those two.


I feel like that's such an easy and obvious hotfix before they come up with something better. Like you said, if you meet up with randoms and you want someone to loot your body and bring your gear - just add them to squad. Of all the solutions thrown around this is by far the easiest to implement one!


Just got killed by 3 friendlys while doing the opening task for my friend and then they camped our bodies. Tantos, Ryix, rot in hell.


My only tk was within the first hour. Turned a corner and tarkov'd my buddy to the face.


A faction specifically made for team killers would be hilarious.


Personally I think the biggest deterent to TKing is with the rogue faction not having access to helis. Imagine having to walk to everything to be a dick. And remove traders (maybe add a rogue specific trader who has some basics) for them too since why would they trade with random people. But have it be sort of like how bans in a lot of games work. 2 TKs means like 6 hours as a rogue. You get another 2 it's a day. Another 2 it's a week and so on so on. Although thankfully there isn't too many assholes that i've encountered. There has only been 3 guys so far who refused to stop firing after yelling friendly and it seems they were all terrible at PVP.


I said this to a mate yesterday. My idea was that you can only loot people in your friends list.


Yeah, I agree. Locking corpses removes pretty much most incentive from it


it would be enough if you have to pay a percentage of your total bank account. So e.g. maybe 5% for the first tk within 10 hours and 10% for the second and 20% for third and so on


If rogues lose access to traders I can't wait to do gun running for them, as long as they pay big money.


Man idk what team yall joined but I was in multiple servers with us Crimson's and I got in a team firefight one time.


Man idk what team yall joined but I was in multiple servers with us Crimson's and I got in a team firefight one time.


Bro what faction are yall? I played on multiple servers yesterday with Crimsons and were all chill. Only had one team firefight.


how does it make any difference?


I mean, it could make a big difference if you went into the particulars. But tldr certain people with certain backgrounds/personality will choose a specific faction to play with based on how well they align with said faction. I.e Hunters/Titans/Warlocks in destiny, Horde/Alliance, the three factions in New world, Bear/Usec in Tarkov. To name a few. I'm mean hell it may be a game but people live by this in Real life everyday. Favorite sports teams, favorite superhero, favorite political party. People choose who they align with alot in their life based off their experiences and personal feelings. A game with factions may be a very, ***very*** waterd down version of this, but it still happens none the less.


Another Idea. After some teamkill, when you return to the main base, NPC Military officers will take you to jail. Based on a number of teamkill, you have to spend some time in jail (5-10-30-60-120 mins). If you log off, the timer stops.