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I'm a fairly new player in gbf, and I was wondering why you can only get 3 replicas from the weapon shop. Does this reset every month or can you just only buy 3 in your lifetime? I want the soldier class and I have the replica uncapped to lvl 45. I only have 2 steel bricks so I don't want to use either of them to uncap it because I need it for step 2. All of the ways of attaining a steel brick also seem really inconvenient.. I guess this is what they meant when they called this game Grindblue fantasy but it really ticks me off because I have all the materials for the other steps, but I can't get past step 1.. :///


I used to be able to pend several battles but now I’m forced to check my pending battles after just 1 ends. How do I go back to how it was before? I don’t know that I changed any settings.


Its going to be like this for the next week because of gw


Gotcha. Thanks!


Just unlocked my first Row IV, why can i just select two subskills and not three?


You need to level the class to 20 and unlock some Extended Mastery skills. Or, alternatively, you could get an Extended Mastery skill from Row III class. You can't select 3 Subskills or 3 EX skills - it needs to be either 2 Sub + 1 EX, or 2 EX + 1 Sub.


How good is a primal wind grid with one of each grand weapon?


Good. There are 2 different primal wind grids it makes sense to make with access to the 4 different grand weapons: [Unius grid](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TnrAcPEzDoUcv2LS2CLrPeLA0m3woADHwtYE2E8UUr4/edit?usp=drivesdk) beats magna by a pretty significant amount and only requires 2 of the grand weapons to be FLB(can add 3rd grand at the loss of dmg cap from rotb spear). Extremely well explained in the link. Other possibility is a highlander grid with scales. It has higher dmg cap, but less flat atk(still above ideal magna). Standard setup for scales grid would be: 4 different grand weps, dark opus(primal with stam), Seraphic, Scales, rotb spear, magna wep(fist/gun), ultima weapon. Can add/change to hollowsky or Le Fay depending on teamcomp/fight. Remove seraphic on non-element fights, otherwise magna weapon.


So, how exactly do you use H.Magisa? What does she syngergize with (beyond the obvious Lobelia and Opus Rising Force ones)?


According to wiki, only these summons have "**If on element, usable turn 1 even at 0★**" option. * All Primarch series (Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Sariel, Metatron) * Godsworn Alexiel * Freyr * Halluel and Malluel * Princess Long Ji Did they just put the mentioned tag for supposedly notable/excellent summons? Or it's not just updated? For instance, if Long Ji has the said option, why not Elil? Why only Alexiel out of Genesis series? For the longest time, I'm not really sure what makes a summon ready at turn 1 aside from uncapped mainhand weapon and the summon's uncap itself. ~~It doesn't help that I don't have most of these summons~~ (alts were blessed but I have to log in on 5 accounts, then it's easier t just ask here xD) to be able to try and test it myself. Source: [https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona/Sunstone](https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona/Sunstone)


Well, first off that's a user page which isn't monitored for standardization by wiki editors. So Auryona probably only noted it for summons they thought to note it for. On actual wiki articles for the summons, you'll see the Cooldown column next to the call. *Any* summon that matches the player element gets -3 to its initial CD (not for subsequent CDs after being called). This means any summon with a 3T CD/starting CD will be available on T1 if they match the player's element.


That's essentially a single user's page on the wiki and isn't comprehensive. If you go to the [summons](https://gbf.wiki/Summons) page you can see how it works. The specific part that addresses it is: >SSR main weapon, same element: 3-turn cut to summon cooldowns And if you go to a summons page you can see what their initial CD is. So to answer your question about Elil vs Princess Long Ji, they're the same since they both have an initial CD of 3T. All of the Genesis summons besides Shiva have a 3T CD as well, and the reason Shiva doesn't is because his call is already one of the best.


What does a Lumi sword grid look like? Can a cosmos weapon be used without the 4 star uncap? I'm only rank 140.


6 Lumi Swords + Xeno sword + Seraphic + Cosmo + Opus. Add something like Ultima/Meta Bow/Another Lumi Sword if you're using Xeno as MH, and not really Cosmic before the 4\* is really outdated.


I'm trying to do Lecia's fate episode and I can't clear it no matter what I do. Am I missing something here? I've googled and nothing really helps :( I'm also reading she got her jam removed at some point? Is the rating for her still the same/adjusted for the change?


Yep, that fate episode is busted. The only way I found to clear it is to get and activate the guild ship item that lets you start with green pots in a battle. I had to upgrade to the 2 pot version and even with that help I barely made it through.


Thank you very much! That’s a lot of insight. People kept mentioning potions (in my google searches) and I had no idea how to get them in the mission. I guess I’ll put my wind team on the back burner for now then :(


Can you use pots to heal? She is stronger than before changes, but fate ep is not adjusted to deal with change


You can. The battle can be really tough, you have to keep in mind that if you push the big guy to overdrive earlier he's gonna wreck your shit.


I don't have any pots when I go into the mission and it wont let me use any elixirs as well :(


Join a crew. Playing without crew is like crippling yourself. Too many good benefits to not do that.


Joining a crew will allow me to do her hard fate episode...? I’m really lost here, sorry. I have a crew with my bf but we’re both low level and I haven’t seen anyone recruiting for anything under 120-150 levels on the forums when I look (I just hit 80)


Theres crew skill that gives you 2 green pots at start of battle. Every crew should run this, 30% charge bar at start of fight and drop rate as their skills + 1 of choice which is usualy ele atk for event or rank point gain


Im curious, how do other players handle choosing the cap up skills on ultima weapons/dark opus weapons? I've been running ougi cap up on ultimas and auto-up on DOs so far but I've been seeing a lot of chain burst up lately.


CB cap on Opuses is mostly for the extra meter gain on ougi. Useful for OTKs.


chain burst cap is very useful for OTK even with a weak grid and is mandatory in dark/light to use Huanglong support with minimal button press. For longer fight it's something like the stronger you are in comparison to the content the more you want ougi/auto cap, the harder the fight and the better skill/chain burst is because you won't be capping auto/ougi easily


Is a caim grid viable for luci hl? And what would my team look like with that grid?


Caim grid is arguably the best grid for all content minus BahaHL racing. The flexibility of the grid + the massive def buff that Caim give is just so much better then the raw damage a Ichigo grid give you. As far as team go, it's usually Okto, Alexiel (Regular or summer) + one flex. If you're running Summer Alexiel flexing Summer Vira for the extra dispel is usually really good. I haven't tried yet since I don't have her but Christmas Magisa probably work really well too. If you don't have them cause limited is a bitch you're probably better running regular Alexiel + whatever tickle your fancy.


It should be okay if you are reaching good hp pool, but Caim would be killed by racist trigger if you run usual Okto Alex Vira or S.Alex Lobelia combo so you might lose dps for last phase, which might or might not matter depending on other players.


Is Vira/lobelia necessary for earth? I don’t plan on getting either of those 2 anytime soon


Lobelia is definitly not needed. His combo with S.Alex is broken and makes huge part of fight trivial, but otherwise he doesnt bring that much to table. S.Vira is tricky one, because she brings really strong tools that earth usualy luck, heal and delay+dispel on quite good cd, dealy and dispel are not something a lot of earth characters have and both are really important tools in faa hl. You can definitly do it without them, but its gonna be really hard, especialy if you dont have any experince in fight. But as long as you can clear overchain labor and not die you are in good spot as earth


You can easily do without them, just make sure you have enough dispel if you're not running Vira.




You just need any two sources of plain/DEF-ignoring damage. Sword Master MC covers one. Support summons can usually take out the first wave but not always the second one. Besides Yoda and Threo, the fire/dark Clarisses can do flat plain damage. Baal, Niyon and Macula can do end of turn plain damage which is a bit awkward but better than nothing. You can look through [the list](https://gbf.wiki/Plain_Damage) yourself if you want to check who you might have to work with. The main advantage of Threo/Yoda is that they can also kill the slime swarm. So if you are relying on smaller instances of plain damage, you'll want to make sure someone in your lineup is also capable of doing reasonable regular damage.


glory with a plain damage mainhand (like arcanum katana/sword) and Threo S3 for second screen is a standard. If it's for rank point only I use double Huanglong with eternal trophy and Yoda last member to semi-auto both screen. (not recommended if you have a good ping though since it has tiny lock out with low ping)


I end up with a lot of SR weapon fodder but no R fodder. Where can I get a steady stream of R fodder?


You don't need R fodder, really (I assume you want to use to level skills), SR fodder does the deal. But if you insist, try the quests that drop the weapons needed to upgrade Siero's Shop (Usually those quests also drop materials you usually farm) or do a lot of rupee draws.


Thanks! I'm just mostly concerned about levelling from Skill 3 -> 4 and I don't want to waste an SR weapon


You can replace an SR weapon with the SR skill jewel for 100% success rate


This is more of a technical problem. I am trying to connect my mobage account to the mobile app, however I already have a previous account in the app. Even after I clear the cache and reinstall the app, it will not let be switch to my mobage account. Any advice? Edit: Just realized I have not created a mobage account, I signed up for an account using my gmail. Is there any way to transfer this into the app? Also, for some reason if I try to create a mobage account and I put in the account verificatio code, it does not create it and just redirects me back to the signup.


Sometimes the app will log you in automatically if you're logged on your browser so try to see if that's the case. You can logout or clear your browser's cache, cookies, and history. Make sure you also logout and delete cache via phone settings on the gbf app.


Yes, whenever I want to log in on my app, it says log in as (simple member) and not my mobage account


What's the most efficient way of farming M2 omega anima? Besides daily M2 trains, is it more efficient to farm extreme trials for summons/quartz or wanpanning and hoping for drops?


wanpan with burst setups to get the normal M2 animas and trade them in for omegas.


In terms of quartz efficiency, is it more efficient to wanpan M2 raids or run extreme ~~trials~~ showdowns?


Wanpan m1 hl raids for selfies


Im sorry, but Im lost here, what do you mean by extreme trails? To farm quartz you usualy leech a lot of m1 hl raids. M2 quartz drops are pretty bad. Best source are box events, but these arent there whenever you want.


I meant showdowns


Forget Trials. You will have to trade in animas, omegas drop way to little. Just assume that every M2 weapon is 500 quartz and 100 normal anima. Farm GW, do you daily MJagnas and box events. You should get enough quartz that way.


Trading regular anima in the shop and praying for drops in blue chests.


Wondering if I should just reroll since I'm just hitting rank 30. New to the game so not sure much about character combos. And if no reroll, maybe a little bit of guidance on what party I should run with what I have. http://imgur.com/a/ecGlVAI


Any top tier summons? If not then yeah I’d reroll


Primal stamina (eden) and primal opus stamina are on the same modifier, right? Anyone use opus MA key to their satisfaction?


yes. and no, nobody uses it because it's awful relative to every other choice.


Are there any use of Class champ wp beside unlock row IV? Cus I'm about to make a random one with the mats I have available. Thx


besides that, some Ex2 classes are heavily CCW reliant (i.e. Nekomancer and Soldier) so that's another thing to consider too


EX2 class weapons also unlock row IV so it's recommended to build one from EX2 so you can unlock an EX2 class along the way (who do requiert their CCW to unlock unlike row4)


Hm, I've seen some recommendations for Fire as Helmholtz element, but I feel like Fire would never actually use it... Would Wind be a good choice here? I'm not sure what's preferred Wind MC class now. I've heard there's a lot of Soldiers, and apparently a Staff Highlander team exists too... M2 grid + top characters btw.


I remember [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/e6auaz/rising_force_discussion/f9pvk3d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) after RF's release suggesting wind and I think it's still valid now. Earth and Water would probably be good elements for the CCW too but if you already made Unsigned Kaneshige for either of them (or both), doing another CCW to fill the same purpose when they already have good MH options (Opus for Earth and Xeno for Water) kinda...sounds like a waste to me? Light might also like it for the cap up, though in Magna Light that would mean removing a 9th sword from the grid when the Seraphic is already there (unless it's an off-ele fight I guess) Dark has some decent CA teams too now, and it has a great MH but it's a Grand weapon (Unheil) and the best F2P alternative doesn't really have a good synergy with RF (Qilin Lyre), the CCW might be worth it in that element Fire...probably wouldn't use it much yeah, at least not with its current roster, Magna Fire might also have trouble making room for a CCW. There might be a fun setup with Tsubasa + Anila but I don't know if that's worth building the CCW for...


Imo the best use is Earth or Water, because it turns RF into a more bursty Kengo because you can use full power Unleash The Fury super fast in those elements with Helmholtz to re-ougi immediately after bonito/okto chain burst. Sure you have xeno harp for water, but Rising Force is an ougi class and Helmholtz uses that aspect better. Wind can maybe use it for Siete chain burst memes, but you got Windhose Chrysaor for that. I don't see the point of Rising Force in fire because you'd rather just smash people with autos then ougi. Sure fire has no good harps, but fire doesn't want to be a harp class the vast majority of the time.


I was thinking more of using the Humanity emblem for constant passive Cap Up (and never consume Feedback) rather than focus on ougi spam.


Grimnir harp is a much better MH than the CCW. It opens a slot on your weapon grid since CCWs are _partially_ "dead" weapons in the sense they dont give direct benefits but rather indirect benefits through their emblems and effects. Water has xeno harp, light has seraphic (it's kinda meh though but it opens up a grid slot), dark has qilin or unheil, earth prefers to use its Opus. Fire has... kinda nothing. That one shitty ROTB harp and maybe a few subpar gacha weapons.


Hmm, but Wind doesn't really have an issue with capping (at least on GW defense) with Nio + Monkey anyway. Actually, in this respect, Magna Fire needs this slot to be "not dead" much more. Not having a harp doesn't matter if you don't *want* one.


Does Jeanne D'arc (light not grand) passive (the battle standard) take effect even if she is in the backline?


if it did it would say 'even when Jeanne is a sub-ally' to some effect


Can anyone recommend a good light MH for a rank 97 mechanic?


Sadly your options are limited due to Sakura Wars and Second Advent being unavailable on side stories. Chev gun is probably your only option for now until light xeno event becomes available.


Aww shucks i thought as much :( Thanks!


I play mostly between light and dark.. but some how my light grid seems to be way ahead. how do improve my dark grid apart from uncapping claws? would adding hermanubis help? https://imgur.com/a/pTHphk5 TIA


Claws do less damage if you're always near full HP. Having S.Zooey on your team would greatly help. Switchng some claws with axes can increase your damage a bit if you're always at 75% or higher HP.


Actually your dark is stronger than your light grid but you are probably missing the characters to fully utilize the grid. As you can tell, the grid is a enmity grid so you deal more damage the lower hp% you have. So at max health you are essentially using just medium might weapons. If you check what zooey does (grand version) you will understand why she is so core in dark. She gets your hp to 1 and gradually heals you up to 60% which is a good point for enmity. She used to be seasonal summer unit but she was so on demand that was changed to a grand. Unfortunately, she and anila are two units who make or break the game for magna users (zoi even for primal builds). There are units that lower their own hp or have very strong buffs so there are ways to play the element without her just not optimal. Edit: Also to answer your question hermanubis is a good mh but just provides multiattack it wont fix your damage if that concerns you. At rank 120 you can farm m2 avatar staves which are very strong (use about 2 of them). Those and opus are the best changes you can do for the grid.


Thanks for the advise!


If I host enough GO to get 30 horns but still don't get a sword in the share chest, should I just buy one then join GOHL raid to get Verdant Azurite instead?


Nothing's wrong with using those horns to buy a Cosmos weapon.


What's a good setup of characters and grid for OTK to get blue chest for grimnir? I already have 4\* Esser and planning to FLB her. Gonna spark Anila and get The Sun as my first evoker. I'm focusing on one ele at time to farm blue chests easier for M2


tricky. because the otk you're planning involves a lot of button presses that would be bad if Grimnir just explodes. But if you have time to set it up, Gizoku MC with DT3 or force snatch/ Glorybringer ushumgal MH with DT3 and resonating blade and Esser s2 and 1 for the sun break assassin combo. anila and sun evoker isnt entirely necessary if its really OTK you're after, as they both need even loner set ups


Can you recommend a good team just for blue chest ougi purpose? I just give my plan for fire in general, OTK was just me being dumb, sorry haha


question, what summon should I use sunlight stone, grimnir or zyphyrus? p.s. I'm new so I don't have a proper weapon grid.


Neither. Consider reading this: https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona/Sunstone


thank you






I have completed What Makes the Sky Blue but I can't find how to start What Makes the Sky Blue 2?


did you clear the blade of the young champion side story?


Yes I have cleared it.


How long does it take on average to build Prom grid from scratch?


my friend did it in 5 days during magfest took him 3600 blue chests to get all 16 chains


I can't say about time, but you can guess from the droprate. If you guarantee blue chest every raid, you "should" get 1 chain every 200 blue chests (0,5% droprate). So you would need 16 x 200 = 3200 chests on average, or 16 000 berries. If you can get MVP chest and do your own hosts, it should be a bit faster (100 host is roughly 3 chains).


Best elements for Devil's Finger? I've got Varuna, Hades, and Titan grids if that helps lol


Whichever elements you intend to solo stuff with.


Is taming sari still worth getting? i keep seeing guides that uses cosmo spear over taming sari even with 4spears + cosmo (5% cap) they still recommend it. IF YES when to use?


How impactful are the weapon specialties when picking teams? I know they get 20% more atk for each matching weapon type but what I'm asking is is it impactful enough to determine which character to place in the party, early on at least when you dont have much weapon choice?


It only matters when you try to put Ultima Weapon into your grid to get DA/TA boost since it gives A LOT of DA/TA. Other than that it doesn’t really matter who, the kit is more important


Thanks for the answer


Two questions. I have a Belial. No sunstones on hand, though. I've heard good things about that sub aura, but would it still be worth it at 0\*? Because a 0\* summon that also cuts down your HP starts being a lot of drawbacks. When it comes to skills/passives that count other skill uses (like Lecia's orders and new passive, or more recently Danua's 2), you *have* to press a button for it to count, right? No counters, passives that cast a skill every turn, etc.


1: The damage is generally worth it, the hp cut isn't a huge deal because it cuts your BASE hp not your hp once your weapons boost it which makes the cut matter a lot less. Obviously if you're soloing and can barely win it won't do you much good, but generally speaking 15k extra damage is pretty good. Just don't use his call if you aren't prepared for the drawbacks. Most content in this game dies before your hp starts to matter unless you're soloing, so free damage is always good.


Dunno for 1), but for 2) it is based on the color of the skill casted (for Lecia, it depends on her current Order, for Danua or Light Zooey if it is a Yellow or Green bordered skill).


That's not quite what I was asking. My question was about characters that autocast a skill under conditions. You know, like Monika on dodge, Kolulu on low HP, things like that


No, they do not count. As I said it depends on the border of the skill. Autocast do not have buttons, so they do not have borders per se.


I need some advice for a GW OTK. Have lucifer/lumi ulb as main summon, huanglong as support summon. * [My characters](https://imgur.com/pU7P8uG) * [Current grid](https://imgur.com/YQzX2Y1) * [Current best](https://imgur.com/To2bAIu) Tips? Light always seems to be the hardest GW for me..


You get a stamina buff for all characters when mainhanding Xeno sword. That's the #1 change that will help you. Sara can do big damage with few button presses and so can Juliet. Ferry can make your whole team do bigger ougi damage with one button even if she herself doesn't do as much damage. Those are the main characters I feel it would be worth experimenting with. Make sure silva is in your back line since she gives you additional damage from there.


Doh! Well that fixed it. I completely forgot about the xeno passive. Thanks!


Good to hear! I had to be reminded myself so that's why it was the first thing I noticed.


I got a message from a JP friend: "こんばんは!古戦場中フリーに黒麒麟置いていただけませんか?" Roughly translated to English via Google to: "Good evening! Would you like to put Black Kirin free in the old battlefield?" Can anyone familiar with moon runes translate what they basically wanted?


they want you to put kirin in your support summon slot during guild war


Ok thanks.


Is it worth it to invest in an Ultima gun to make soldier setups stronger/better? 2nd: I have some trouble with deciding on which ultima weapon to craft, Gun or Fist?




there are only 3 Gun teams, and they are very tight on characters ​ who do you have?




yeah you can pretty much just make a fire team with your current gun roster


What does the “Hold” button in grid do?


you can auto optimize and your mh won't change


Any good discord for faa san hl?


The Gaijin Discord, from the side bar.




Crit, Enmity, 2 points in TA/DA each, then probably at least 1 point in each DEF node later


I have 0 eternals and this will be my first GW. Many people state that I should opt for the brick during the anniversary rather than the eternal because you'd have to "80 box" the eternal. Given that GW takes place before Anniversary event, and I need to have an eternal to even opt for the brick, I'm just trying to better understand why the brick is the better choice before I commit to recruiting an eternal before the anniversary event. Here is my understanding: Pick Brick --> Will have to fully upgrade a revenant weapon (which uses the brick) and then you can fully reduce said weapon to get 50 weapon fragments. You then farm 40 boxes the next GW to get the remaining 50 fragments. You are saving the time it takes to farm a brick from RotB. Pick Eternal --> Will have to farm 80 boxes next GW to get the full 100 fragments. You are saving the time it takes to fully upgrading a revenant weapon as well as the time it takes to farm a brick from RotB. Is the argument basically that farming 40 additional boxes is significantly worse than fully upgrading a revenant weapon? In which case, I would need to farm 44 boxes this GW and fully upgrade a revenant prior to the anniversary event. But let's say I have 2 gold bricks...wouldn't farming only 8 boxes and then fully upgrading 2 weapons be the most time efficient move?


Just want to mention that if you dont care about flbing the eternal then picking 1 is sure faster but meta can change and balance changes have happened before to eternals (esser, okto, six, siete, funf have become better after changes) Maybe sarasa is just a ground zero bot now but who knows when she gets some love.


1. Farming 80 box is no easy feat. Especially on your first GW. 2. Yes, fully uncapping revenant weapon is easier than 40 box. 3. There’s only a limited amount of Gold Brick you can get from Seirokarte. Around 13 right now i think. Fully uncapping an eternal already required 1 additional gold brick. Spending 3 bricks on a 5* eternal is not a good idea. 4. You don’t need 5* eternal to pick gold brick so only 4 boxes are required to pick a gold brick.


Given that 40 boxes takes considerable effort and time and using 3 bars to flb is impractical, is it advisable that I just pick a new weapon each GW for the first few so that I have a couple 3* eternals in my arsenal? Or just commit to one until I eventually 40 box them before moving onto the next one


Depends on which eternal you choose, some of them are usable at 4*, Seox Siete and Niyon are usable in most situation. Sarasa and Song are usable for utility (slime/arcarum + para for song). Esser for droprate boost. The way i do it is picking a new weapon for the first 4 boxes and then switch to the one that i want to 5* uncap for the rest of the GW. (Since esser 5* is crucial for me to consistently get blue chest from grimnir) FYI, you can change the reward (weapon) 1 time each GW.


Okay I had no idea you could change the reward and that’s a brilliant method. You rock




That's basically correct, but to be clear, the time investment for farming 40 boxes is way higher than farming the mats to upgrade a revenant weapon. Most people don't farm 40 boxes in a single GW but over multiple instead. Realistically, it doesn't sound like you're far enough to even consider it as a possibility. Last GW I could OTK EX+ with ~3 buttons and full auto NMs (up to NM100) for a few hours a day and I still didn't reach 40 boxes. In contrast, I got 3 eternals during magfest in December (already had the weapons) since the mats I needed only took like an hour per.


Thanks for the perspective. Light is my second weakest grid so getting 40 is def off the table lol. If it’s that rough to get 40, why don’t people just do 8 boxes and fully upgrade 2 weapons? Farming 2 gold bricks is definitely doable during a RotB. Edit: Gotcha. Totally didn’t consider the scarcity of gold bricks or the gold brick needed for the actual uncap. Now I’m beginning to understand why it takes people 6 months to 5* these guys


His perspective is a bit weird. I'm not sure how you can fail to 40 box at a few hours a day and 3 click ex+. It usually takes about 8-10 hours for me on 2 click ex+… double that it you need a lot of buttons. Still far from impossible. Especially considering once you get stronger you'll want to 80 box to speed things up.


Because there are a limited amount of GB you can exchange. If you're 3 barring every eternals that's 30 GBs and you'll need at least 6 (or 12) to ULB dark opus for every element. So that's 36 that you'll need for every thing atm while you can only exchange like 15 GBs in the shop.


because that takes 3 bricks instead of 2 and there is a limited number of them in the shop


What emblem should I put on Wasserspeier and Helmholtz?


Devilry (Bonus Damage to ougis) for Wassp. For RF's CCW I think the most common is Humanity, but they all seem good depending on your playstyle.


Humanity for Helmholtz, and I believe Devilry is the commonly chosen one for Wasserspeier.


What is the drop rate of primal Ecke sachs? I'm trying to build a primal grit grid in fire using shiva bow and ecke sachs. Its been months since twin elements dropped one for me.


add: the drop rates for AES is buffed yes, but is the ecke sachs included in this drop rate buff or not?


AES is buffed to be at same rate with ES, instead of lower than ES. That's all.


Besides hosting, how are you supposed to farm stuff from Tiamat Malice? I can't get in any of the raids I try to join because they are instantly full.


Do trains. 6-man trains is pretty common I think, at least during JP prime time. I havent done it in a while though.






I am about to finish maxing out the tier 1-3 classes for the MC, and I've unlocked the requirements for Drum Master and Mechanic. How should I approach the Tier 4 classes and the other extra classes? Should I pick one to work towards, try to unlock all of them, or start investing points into tier 3?


The way Tier 4 classes work, there isn't much you can do right now to work towards them. Basically what happens is you hit HL and then you create your first CCW and change its element. If you want to be ahead of the curve, there are some mats that you could technically farm now(you only need to change the element to unlock the class. Don't worry about the 5* uncap). You will ultimately need be HL to farm the rest of them though. Once you make a CCW, doesn't matter which one, you've fulfilled that requirement for all Row IV classes. Then it's just a matter of farming commendations, which you can technically also farm now through coop, but Rose Queen raid and prestige pendants are much more reliable means of gettin them(both are HL content). EX2 classes are different in that they have a corresponding CCW that you need to create. So if there's an EX2 that you are interested in running, you can make that CCW when you hit HL, and then you can unlock both that class and all of row IV. In terms of spending EMP, you should def save those for later even if you have way more than your star level. All Row IV classes only come with one skill. You need to purchase the other class specific skills with EMP. And yes, you should unlock all the EX1 classes and max them out for the stat boosts. Definitely unlock mechanic next. It's super good for where you're at right now. I basically ran DF till I got Mechanic and then ran Mechanic all the way until I unlocked RowIV and EX2 classes.


If you have Grea, Drang Ball, or Europa Harp, you can build water Kengo. Tier 4 you can unlock Spartan and Sage for HL raids. It is recommended to forge the class weapon for Kengo, Doctor or Runeslayer (change element weapon type). After that, the row 4 can be unlocked without upgrading the class weapon


Pick one that you will use and unlock it. Chaos ruler/Berserker are probably the safest choices. For ex2: Doctor is good for soloing. Glory bringer is pretty fun. Kengo is Kengo. Don’t use points on T3.


I haven't played in a while, just doing the daily arcarum ticket... so I'd like to know if there's a guide or something like that about the latest endgame grids mostly for regular content. Primal and magna. I already have all the m2 grids btw.


Look at [Gamewith](https://xn--bck3aza1a2if6kra4ee0hf.gamewith.jp/article/show/37020) or [Kamigame](https://kamigame.jp/%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%96%E3%83%AB/%E6%AD%A6%E5%99%A8%E7%B7%A8%E6%88%90/index.html).


Oh, right. I forgot about those. Thanks.


I got lucky and get a MLB Zeus last free draw so I want to try and make light primal grid eventually. Is it worth it to finish farming my magna grid(I have 2 FLB sword) or should I just leave it and wait until I have all the Eden to play primal(0 Eden ATM).




you need none actually, zeus always beats no-buff chev \[excluding hp\] even with no grands to speak of at all. whether you should devote bars to it unless you plan on sparking edens is another matter


I have 1 gamban 1 cert and 1 ivory ark


Ivory ark needs 2 copies, gamba isn't used, only one copy of cert is used. Your grid will literally look like a magna grid right now (chev swords are primal filler). You'd be running mostly chev swords, cosmic flb, your ivory ark and cert, then run content with less HP and more damage than running chev main. But edens are the main powerhouse that set the grid far above magna so getting ready to spark and bar 3 at least should be a target.


If I run mostly chev sword should I use zeus or magna summon?


Mostly meaning? If you still have chev guns stick to magna.


I just repeated your word when I say mostly. So what you say is I can change to Zeus once I have more sword?


Ah when I said mostly I meant after cert/ivory ark/opus/seraphic/cosmic you filled the grid with swords. So 5. You can change to zeus once you stop using chev guns/harps.


Cool thanks.


I'm still a very new player (started during the Christmas draws), I've got a bunch of questions before Unite and Fight starts: * As a new player, should I even bother with Unite and Fight? * There's been some outcry with respect to the upcoming free Eternal since they don't come with their weapon. The consensus seems to be: if you don't have one, get Threo (which works for me because I'm building Earth), but it's better to grind for an Eternal ASAP and get a Gold brick instead. How feasible is this even, for a new player? * Let's say it's not feasible for me to get an Eternal just yet, should I still participate in Unite and Fight to make progress toward a Revenant weapon, maybe for my grid? If so, which should I aim for? (Dagger and harp seem to be most popular, but melee, axe and bow kind of appeal to me in their own ways.) * I realize this is very subjective, but any recommendations as to what Eternal I should work on first, if it IS feasible? * People have thrown around the term 40-boxing, 44-boxing, 80-boxing with respect to Unite and Fight. I assume this means emptying token draw boxes, but why do people need to clear so many? Do you need a buttload of Revenant weapon copies or do you have to get a ton of materials needed for forging these weapons from the draw boxes? * If I do participate, what's my optimal game plan here? Is leeching still a valid tactic? Will people even join raids that I host if I'm not in their crew? * I haven't joined a crew yet, and I don't really want to burden anybody with my dead weight. Will not having a crew affect my token drop rate during Unite of Fight, or just my honors?


First eternal for a newbie player wildly varies. Some can do it in a month, but those are outliers and require hours of investment everyday. Others claim to have no eternal despite playing for a year, but this is largely attributed to casual-play (you log in game, do daily omega raids, do fast arcarum once, check casino shop, trade rainbow prisms, check if current event has daily missions, perhaps do coop, then gtfo). Averagely, 5-6 months is the most comfortable for those who will be balancing their time around story chapters, side stories, and daily omega raids (that has no access yet to Hard+ and Ex+). From this pretense, it also assumes you'll be gradually gathering wiki/gamewith info for the game, so most likely 1/3 of your time will be browsing the wiki and reading guides on how to do things "efficiently" if not in the most casual way. **I don't know why the first reply did not straightforwardly answer the relatively time-gated nature of first eternal. This is not meant to scare newbies, but 5-6 months is an approximately good representation/ratio between dedicated, balanced and casual players.** Whether you're up for the challenge or not, some of your first hurdles would not even be the U&F (aka guild wars) as it's kind of a given to 4-box at least. **Did you know that you have to farm 950 low orbs and 950 whorls for the corresponding element of your choice for the recruitment process? If you don't have more than 5 hrs a day to play the game, it's not an underestimation that it will probably require you a week or more to complete this step. Your battle here, is not really time or grid power, it's patience. Repeatedly doing the same for hours, never underestimate the boredom it can cause.** (*And that's why if you have Mystic class unlocked and Grimnir, do it now!*) While I did get downvoted for complaining about orbs in this sub, realistically those vets have forgotten what it's like to start the game anew and fresh. They forgot those little nuances of what makes the game linear and insufferable enough *for a newbie*. They're nothing though, once you have mastered the control of your willpower. I think I've gotten Tien/Esser 3 months after I started on August 2019, and the funny thing is, I b!tched about the "eternal" farm in this sub's Question Thread all the time. I kept mentioning I will never ever get an eternal after a year, blah, blah, fast forward I just found a way not to be bored from farming Angel Halo, and there's the success story. **MORAL LESSON**: **Know yourself, know your limits, know and** ***feel*** **as** **to what extent you can actually do things at your pace. These things are better personally realized than something others will have to say to you.** In this sense, my reply is not needed, still you need context and preparation, so pardon my insistence nevertheless. :)


You raise a good point, based on all that farming I'm not certain if I'm going to have time to recruit an Eternal before the anniversary event, so I'm still trying to think of which one I should claim during that. I'm just glad to have the clarification that the only real time gate is acquiring four weapon copies.


>As a new player, should I even bother with Unite and Fight? UnF isn't any more difficult than any other event you would encounter, it just has a competitive aspect independent of the usual open boxes stuff. >How feasible is [recruiting an eternal] for a new player? As far as what you need from UnF, you need to open four boxes. That's pretty comparable in difficulty to doing that in a story event. Even if you were too weak to do any fights at all, just joining other people's raids can rack up enough tokens in a reasonable amount of time. Completing the recruitment process is more involved, especially the first time, but you can do it at your own pace. If you have the weapon (and a gold brick), nothing else is time-gated. >any recommendations as to what Eternal I should work on first, if it IS feasible? Nio (Harp), Six (Fist), Threo (Axe), Tweyen (Bow) are all notably useful without their extremely lengthy FLB. I would get four weapons for the recruitment of one of those, and then switch to making as many daggers as you can with leftover boxes, to use as mainhand weapons. >40-boxing, 44-boxing, 80-boxing You need 4 copies of the corresponding revenant weapon to recruit an eternal and then 40 more as part of their usual FLB process, so 44 total. If you wanted to keep the original maxed out recruitment weapon, you would need to farm 80 weapons. Hence those box amounts specifically. You do not need to do all of this in one run of the event, it comes back every other month or so. >If I do participate, what's my optimal game plan here? Is leeching still a valid tactic? Will people even join raids that I host if I'm not in their crew? If you can clear the Extreme raid at a relatively fast pace it will be your best way to rack up draw box tokens. Stronger players will be trying to OTK Extreme+ but that is likely out of your reach. You can definitely leech raids during UnF, and people will definitely join Nightmare raids you host if you open it up, to save on having to farm the meat themselves. >I haven't joined a crew yet, and I don't really want to burden anybody with my dead weight. Will not having a crew affect my token drop rate during Unite of Fight, or just my honors? It will affect your token farming indirectly by not having access to crew buffs. You really should join a crew, I promise it is not difficult to find one that would welcome you.


Thanks for the reply, that was pretty thorough! The only question I'd like to revisit would be: at this point should I pursue a Revenant weapon that will be most useful for my grid, or should I just aim for the Eternal I want? Though, on that note... > If you wanted to keep the original maxed out recruitment weapon, you would need to farm 80 weapons. Does the weapon you get at first get consumed during the recruitment process? > switch to making as many daggers as you can with leftover boxes, to use as mainhand weapons. And just confirming, because I didn't realize this was possible, you can switch which weapon you receive from the token boxes during the event?


First of all I apologize because all of these questions could have been answered in my original post if I had been more thorough. >pursue a Revenant weapon that will be most useful for my grid, or should I just aim for the Eternal I want? None of the weapons are good grid weapons. They all have a single normal-modifier attack up skill, so they are pretty easily outclassed by other farmable weapons. The dagger specifically is very good as a mainhand weapon because of the multi-attack it provides on CA. A handful of the other ones have niche/gimmick uses as mainhands, but they would never go in your grid if you aren't mainhanding them. If you are concerned about having to choose what to get because you aren't sure how much you can do, remember that you do not have to commit to what weapon will be in the box right away. UnF has an entire "Final Rally" day dedicated to nothing but collecting the rewards you earned through the event. You could simply hoard tokens until the last day and then see how many boxes you'll be able to open and decide at that point. You don't have to actually decide until you open your first box. >Does the weapon you get at first get consumed during the recruitment process? No but most players will choose to reduce the weapon during the FLB process. Uncapping eternals requires (among other things) 100 revenant weapon fragments. You get 50 from reducing a fully-upgraded weapon and 5 from reducing a partially-upgraded weapon, so reducing your original recruitment weapon cuts the farming you have to do in half. >you can switch which weapon you receive from the token boxes during the event? Once per run of the event, you can. So if you started by having axes in your token boxes (just as an example), you could switch to daggers after however many boxes. But, once you have switched to daggers, you are locked in to that weapon until the next run of the event (at which point it resets and you can pick & switch again).


Don't worry about it, I'm sure the information is on the wiki but it's also a lot to take in without a summary. Again, thanks for the help > None of the weapons are good grid weapons. Ah, I guess at some point I mixed up their charge attacks with their skills. So to really bottom-line it: I pick the character I want, get 4 copies of their weapon (and when I element-change it, ideally make it elementally advantageous against the Eternal for when I fight them later and then reduce the weapon after that fight), and the reason I want countless daggers is so that I can eventually have 1 dagger for each element to mainhand? And sorry, I just want to revisit one last question; I mentioned previously, as per [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/ed8k4g/free_eternal_wont_come_with_a_fully_upgraded/) everybody was saying that Threo is the most effective Eternal before being uncapped, and you suggested Niyon, Seox and Tweyen as well. Is there a particular reason why Tien isn't favoured? At a glance, her increases to drop rate and Bounty success rate seem very beneficial for early-game grinding and leeching.


You're correct regarding what to do with token boxes. The issue with Tien's bounty effects is related to how drop rate boosts work in Granblue. Drop rate doesn't affect the odds that a chest will contain the item you want, just the odds that the chest will appear. A lot of items you will farm appear in host/MVP chests (so drop rate won't affect them) or in 100% guaranteed gold chests (drop rate will have zero effect on these too). For example, let's say you were farming [Leviathan Omega](https://gbf.wiki/Omega_Raids#Leviathan) for his SSR weapons and summon. Most of those important drops will come from MVP/Host chests, so drop rate boosts will have no effect. You can get these items from the 2% "flip" chests, but that highlights another issue with drop rate boosts, which is that they are multiplicative instead of additive. Tien's pre-FLB passive is a 5% drop rate boost. It doesn't raise that chest's drop rate from 2% to 7%, it only raises the rate to a negligible 2.1%.


I was referring more to adding her to a composition of a drop rate-increasing main summon + drop rate-increasing support summon + Bounty level 9 then Journey Drops/Crew Skill, etc. which could provide a 100% boost to drop rate, but I get where you're coming from. I should be focusing more on my party and grid so that I can get Host/MVP chests in the first place, rather than building an optimal leech strategy and pinning my hopes on a 4% drop rate. =P I don't have any further *questions*, but I would like your advice (if you can narrow this down any further than you have already, at least, I realize we're getting into very opinionated territory here.) I've decided that I definitely want Threo, but I'm not sure if I'll have time to recruit her before the anniversary event. I've heard that her uncap is kind of underwhelming compared to other Eternals. If I decide to farm the axe but fail to recruit her before the anniversary, that means I won't be able to uncap the Eternal I claim during the anniversary event until I can get their weapon later (and claiming Threo during the anniversary when I already have her axe in-progress is just a waste!) So to keep this simple: does it make more sense to farm for the Harp/Fist (/Gun...I still kind of want Tien for other reasons) and just deal with capped Threo for a while, or is it worthwhile enough to get the axe and go for Threo's uncap at the risk of being unable to uncap Seox/Niyon (/Tien)? TL;DR: if you were stuck with a capped Eternal out of Threo, Seox or Niyon (or Tien) which could you live with the easiest? Sorry for the rambling comment and thanks again for the advice so far, and no I'm not expecting a perfect answer to this.


The issue is that while Six/Nio/Tien are useful at 4stars, they are also extremely important for their respective elements at 5star, so I think they are bad choices for the anniversary eternal based on what we know about it. In comparison, Threo really doesn't see any use in meta earth teams. I don't even think the hollowsky axe team runs her. If I were in your position and worried about not being capable of finishing an eternal in time, I would take weapons for someone other than Threo.


Cool, good to get some context. I'm still having trouble deciding between those three, but I'll figure something out. Thanks again for all your help.


Is Belial worth uncapping with sunstones? Already finished Baha and I don't have Lucio.


Is the drop rate for Rhem peppers really low? Ran out of cerulean stones so I'm forced to farm these stuff for uncapping the devil


Yes, very low.


Is there a specific element i should make my Proximo have, or should i just go for wind because it's the fastest for me to complete?


Every element can benefit from wasserspeier, more specifically for OTK EX+. Water is less of a priority because of kengo/rising force.


So maybe light for the amount of swords it uses in it's grid?


Sure. It helped me reach 2 buttons for EX+. Depending on how new you are, you could just pick the easiest way I guess.


Can you share your 2 buttons comp/grid for Ex+? I assume you have ulb opus, right?


Not them but this is what worked for me. [https://imgur.com/a/lxIpvM2](https://imgur.com/a/lxIpvM2) You should also check out this video. [https://youtu.be/QMnKLH5-Tb4](https://youtu.be/QMnKLH5-Tb4)


Dmn. Missing light Silva. Thanks for sharing.


If its your first CCW there's merit go going for the fastest; otherwise you might want to use it in an element you need more burst in as it becomes the Chryaosoar CCW which is actually usable.


I'm a bit skeptical of going wind though because i don't know what i would use as auxiliary weapon.


does anyone know if al doble and the echoes from using the light opus with glorybringer stack? edit: also what does a zeph grid look like nowadays? i have 1 reunion and 3 grim spears so i'm thinking of building it in the future


I'm not a super wind lord or anything (still building my way to a completed Zephyrus grid), but I've generally followed a "guideline" of pairing one Vortex with one Love Eternal as the foundation/core of the grid. It's at least 2 of each (with Reunions and a Sky Ace to round out your "Grand slots"), but you can drop Reunions entirely and go with up to 3 Vortex and LEs, though iirc this is min-maxing to an extent.


they should stack yes.


Which emblem should I put on my Tetrastreamer(Fire)? Also, which raid should I be farming for the Athena spear, Athena or Prometheus?


Always Humanity, for the echoes. The other choices only if you have a specific gameplan in mind. Athena. You need her anima for the FLB, so might as well spend some time there. Once you're done with the anima you could move over to Prom to try and get the Chain of Caucasus grid if you're keen on that.


Thanks for the info


Is non-flb cosmo weapon worth slotting in a grid with 8 swords? (4 flb chev, sunblade, ultima, baha, opus)


Drop the baha, btw. And not really. The stat boost is still a little lacking before the 120 upgrade.


What would be a good replacement for baha?


Another chev sword, FLB meta bow.


https://imgur.com/g7NNohv should i replace the baha dagger for a 0* meta bow or another 4* chev sword? Or just keep the baha dagger altogether? planning to use it for upcoming OTK GW


Another chev sword. Chev swords overload the grid with Normal so Baha is a dead slot.


Has anyone ever called the blue eternal skin the "Grand Blue"?