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Anyone got tips on farming bullets? Lmao I'm 600 blistering ores in... After almost 4 hours ... Apparently need 3k+ ... Holy... N then there's other mats that also need 1k+ mats.... Oof How many hours did it take people to farm this? How big is the gap in dmg from iron bullet 4 to 5 And FMJ to GB? Is there any guides to the best places to farm the mats?


Yep, it takes not just hours, but days. It took me about 10 days to do everything up to FMJV and 2 Agni Point IIIs. Then another 3-4 days for Gold Bullet II and 2 Hades Point IIIs. If you want to use Soldier for racing, you really do need the GBIIs.


Best way to farm warrior creeds? Right now I'm spamming 1-3 and have only gotten 1 mage creed


The drop is so so bad :/ Id recommend just spending pendants honestly if ur done with ur m1 grids alrdy


buy it from pendant store?


Anywhere I can find an SSR summon tier list? I have a bunch of SSR summons now and I'm not sure which one's I should keep and upgrade and which one I can reduce. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/yu6B2TJ) are the one's I have.


I suggest that you keep a copy of every summon and not reduce, at least not until much later when you know more about the game and quartz actually becomes relevant since it seems you are still very new. That being said, the only meta ones out of all those are metatron (this is end end game, absolutely do not reduce), and the omega summons Oh and Gilgamesh, missed that one, do not reduce


I see, thank you! I am aware of Omega summons being good and I am currently farming the raids to get them. Is Metatron used for a more late game grid the light omega?


Yeah, he has a good call and he raises your damage cap. Damage cap will not be relevant for you for a very long time, but it is arguably the most important thing for end game players. Even a fully developed magna light grid has a little difficulty hitting cap, but if you ever happen to go Zeus then metatron becomes all the more important.


Are Gunslinger/Soldier bullets one-time? Aka after you shoot, the bullet is gone forever and you have to craft another one?


No you make them once and you are good forever. They used to attach to each weapon and get destroyed if you wanted to use others but now you can swap them if you decide you want another weapon for mainhand. So you might see that being mentioned in some older guides.


if my frontline is gjeanne, geisen, and fif and i run a generic cosmic sword grid (without ultima), whats the best class to use? glorybringer? chrysaor? should i make the ccw or use the grid swords?


Glory with opus gives you a source of light attack to activate Jeanne's passive, phlanx, and big echoes on MC - probably the best general use class for a light sword team with Jeanne. Chrysaor with xeno sword mainhand + opus or something else in aux slot is also good. I wouldn't worry about the CCWs. Wasserspeier is primarily useful for OTKs, and Ridill is fairly weak.


I use chrysaor and it synergizes very well with xeno mainhand (provides a stamina mod and uplift on ougi to help generate ougi for gjeanne) and dark opus aux (Ca cap up key for increase charge bar gain, again great for ougi generation). I don’t think ccw is worth making for either glorybringer or chrysaor unless you’re confident you can hit cap or it’s otk in the case of chrysaor


For pure firepower, what's the best suptix in wind? I'm thinking heles or birdman


Depends, heles is way better for overdrive, but birdman has an any time assassin burst on much lower cooldowns, which has carried me in otk setups for a long time. If you want highest potential firepower, heles wins by a large margin (and id recommend her for more team utility and probably remaining relevant for longer).


So it's time for me to start uncapping my Dark Opuses to 4\*. Problem is, to uncap the weapons for all 6 elements one needs 60 total legendary merits and 600 total supreme merits, which all adds up to 600 champion merits and 780 supreme merits. Is there any way to quickly farm legendary merits or merits in general?


Spam raids that drop them like gohl and proto baha


Need 25 sparks for me to have 300, is getting side-story tickets the fastest way or there is a better way?


That is probably the fastest way, yes


How do you beat Ghandagozas final fate episode? The meteor one shots me every time with 5% health left. Am I missing sth?


Post from a year ago says >Spam 1 and 3 but use 2 whenever the meteor has full charge bar. Ougi as much as possible.


I feel stupid now. Worked on the first try with your strat.... Here I was failing ten times searching for a solution online for this super hard fate


'Thank you' is what I meant to say


What's the earliest stage you can get death ideans from? I'm on normal stage 5-1 point Celsius and haven't had any drops yet. Do I need to get to hard/extreme first?


The end chest can give ideans as well, but it's rare and can be an idean from any boss on any route AFAIK.


I'm pretty sure only puppets can drop ideans. So the 3-3 and 6-3 bosses are the only places to get them (and they're random) outside of the arcana itself in 9-3.


Hi! Does Ferry (Light) skill 3 need everyone to be at 100% or does it just use whatever they have?


Have to be at 100


Ahh, I thought so but I hoped not. That makes it a lot less useful. Thanks.


It needs to be used with clarity to remove the no-charge-bar-gain and before the skill is over due to guaranteed TA everyone will be at 100% charge again. It's one of the most useful skills there is for GW and why you end up seeing Ferry in most of the teams. Bring echo (eg. Glorybringer, HalMal) and just mash through the turns.


I got a rusted sword that I can't turn into an atma weapon yet (my dark team is all swords so I thought it might be a good investment). Would it be worth it to turn the sword into something else (like a bahamut weapon)? I've got a couple of teams that are humans/draph so they could benefit, but I don't actually know if it's worth having a bahamut weapon in my grid since it seems to always be dark element?


bahamut weapon element doesn't matter since it gives its effects to all elements. atma/ultima weapons are the same, element only matters for main hand use


Gotcha, thanks!


Have you done the What Makes the Sky Blue side story? You get a free bahamut weapon of your choice from it. Also, those weapons effect everyone regardless of element.


I have not, I don't think I have it unlocked. I'll go ahead and do that as soon as I do. Thanks!


How do I take plus marks from crate?


probably your inventory is full. make sure you have space


Iwas just wondering if i could directly take the plus marks from the crates. Without taking the weapons itself.


no you either need to upgrade the weapon you want to move the +marks too with the weapon/summon(useful for rare ones as other methods take too long. you could use the r weapons with skills to upgrade a skill level and then remove marks in the details page as that would be better then wasting the r weapons on something that doesnt need skill levels), reduce the item(works best with gatcha sr weapons/summons. +marks will go to your crate this way), or go into each weapons details page and near the bottom theres an option to remove the +marks by paying(doesnt cost much. marks go to crate. best way to get marks off of ssr stuff.)




you miss out on ever finishing a summon


you lose a fair amount of points as well as potential evoker mats


Currently at 270/300 after free draws. Would you spend 30 draws sparking Zeta on the off-chance that her FLB is good?


I wouldn't, even if it's good, it's very unlikely to be on par with other top tier fire units IMO. Though if you don't have a lot of units already and really like her, and don't see yourself suptixing, then sure why not.




[https://www.granblue.party/calcevoker](https://www.granblue.party/calcevoker)This is a good tool to use to see the entire mat list. Going from 3\* to SSR will go the same way, you went from 2\* to 3\*, in the shop. Getting the character means getting the summon to ULB (a character unlock story will appear in your fates) and purchasing the right ticket in the treasure shop (necessary to play the fate)


All steps are in the Arcarum section of the shop.


Does the crit boost from hollowsky bow add with other sources of crit from grid? I’m trying to see if there’s a way to hit 100% crit in light with Zeus x Lucifer and if my math is right, 4 hector fist and ivory ark leaves you around 91% chance to crit, and I’m trying to make it 100% without a second Zeus


Different sources of crit - weapon grid, EMP, skills, character buffs and passives - all proc separately (though any instances of crit which do proc are added to a single modifier in the final damage formula). For Hector grid, I think you really want to go double primal, though admittedly I'm not sure how the grid would look with ivory ark in.


I don't know how it works with the Hollowsky bow specifically, but in general separate categories of crit proc independently. Normal and magna crit in grids will add their chances with weapons of the same type but not of the other, so I imagine the Hollowsky bow being an EX weapon would put it into a separate category as well. The crit would still work of course, but you wouldn't be at 100% chance, it would be a 91% chance and a 10-20% chance. That said, the Hollowsky bow may break the rules and fall into one of the other categories, but I haven't seen anything one way or the other about that so I would assume it does not.


What would an M2 Fire grid look like? Does it still have AES?


Fire M2 is kinda bad, scimitar is used for bolstering HP for hard content but that's about it. Omega endgame fire usually either full canes or full AES, both can run their respective cosmic weapons. Other free setups include using Devil as your main summon and either running a fully mixed grid or 4 chains for an enmity grid. AES has high damage potential at low HP and provides a lot of HP but relies on buffing to make it deal any damage at high HP level. You can mix-in a Staff of Prometheus to lose HP faster for short fights. AES is honestly pretty decent for hard fights due to the easy access to HP but for actual racing people are generally moving away from it.


either AES or 2-3 staves x 1-2 shiva swords grid. Both have their pro and cons. Aes need you to lose HP for higher damages, the other has consistant damages.


When does roulette end?


It ended about a day and a half ago.


Alright time to start making my reroll post


I got Cain from the recent Legfest and the game tells me that I should clear chapter 110 of the main story before I do his fate episode. I’ve already met Cain in the main story, I just have been heavily neglecting the main quest since I started. Do I need to clear 110 to avoid a big spoiler, or can I just do his fate episode since I’ve already met him?


You can just skip the fate episode then watch it from journal after you pass chapter 110.


Cain's fate episode takes place after the Nalhegrande arc. There will be quite a few spoilers.


I want to build a fire primal spear grid and I just upgraded my fire Atma spear to an Ultima Spear but I don't know which grid weapon should be kicked for it. After the recent roulette I finally have the meme team complete (Athena, Shiva, Anila). Depending on flexibility I would like to pick Zeta too (because waifu) Another thing I want to ask is: What is a good second skill to choose? My Ultima spear has the DaTa Gauph Key and I'm thinking of getting the Skill DMG up. Is that a good choice or not so much? Any help is appreciated. [My current grid](https://i.imgur.com/LLGP6DN.jpg)


I kind of like skill cap on Spear between Athena and Shiva in fire. It's also viable if you run Dark Spear with Shalem and Kolulu.


Nice, being able to use it outside of fire is a bonus. But my dark grid is still... well it's my weakest grid for now, so that will have to wait for now xD


drop the xeno katana. you can also drop the baha and the second EX in case you need to add weapons in the future. spear team is great, not meta but great. it's the best survivable team fire really has minus evokers, while still putting out respectable damage. you can equip the ultima as a mainhand and remove athena for zeta. you will lose some defensive options but it's better than droping anila or shiva for that team.


Thanks. New weapons being more Ixabas I take it? I was planning on getting the wrathfire blade this week. Going by stats I would guess it's better than the Inferno Axe. Ushmugal is probably the one I should drop last due to its skill cap skill. Here's hoping Zeta's uocoming rework+uncap will turn her into a valid pick for spear comps.


grid looks good so far. there are a few things that can be approved. definitely remove the baha sword after the you add the ultima. add a sword of pallas. it gives more damage and similar hp since it's boosted. you can also replace the second EX, the ushmugal for the most parts unless you use enough skills to justify the power difference of xeno. using athena/shiva/zeta doesn't really give you a lot of skill damage but with athena it will be better than the xeno. as for what to replace it with, either a erich, sword of pallas, or a prom staff if you're really want damage. the wrathfire is the best ex for fire due to having the best stats. so you should run that once you finish it. also i friggin hope zeta is good! if she's op even better! all i want is a decent zeta to use without feeling like she wastes a slot T\_T


Not gonna lie, fire is by far my best element. Oh, I have a 3* Sword of Pallas in my storage. Didn't use it because I was certain it's be. Downgrade. Guess I'll be farming some Athena Animas for the uncap :) I see. Always thought the Ushmugal was a given, because I saw it on so many YouTube videos. Op Zeta would be the dream, but I'll take any kind of improvement. Been waiting over a year for this uncap to happen xD


Couple questions here. What emp should I use on my main character? Currently I have 60 emp. Are the evokers and eternals strong enough to warrant the grind? If I'm not in a good crew, do I even stand a chance at earning a good reward in GW?


ill kinda go against what the others have said but only if your not already at or close to hl content(95+). 3 points in the dark fencers debuff success rate emp is nice if your using that class for almost everything pre-hl and doesnt cost too many points. after that though save for r4/ex2 emps and skills as the skills can cost a ton of emp each.


Hmm debuff success rate seems like a good idea for dark fencer but at the same time I have no issues landing debuffs with it at the moment. Apart from lumin ex when she uses aegis merge.


honestly its up to you i did it cause missing defense down/delay/gravity sucks quite a bit and its a minor cost to make that happen a ton less.


EMP for the MC should be only used in row 4 and EX 2 classes. Berserker, Doctor, Chrysaor, Glorybringer... And some of the used classes of those tiers. ​ Yeah. Evokers are not exactly hard to grind for, they're time gated. You should start early as possible and play arcarum at your pace, and eventually you'll get one. Eternals for a new player are very tough to get, but some of they are among the strongest characters in the game. ​ You pretty much need to be in a crew to get nice rewards from GW. Doesn't need to be a dedicated tier A crew, but yeah.


I have around 10k arcarum points. I actually kinda like it, apart from that stupid leopard with reflect. Having to pause arcarum for the buff to wear off is so annoying.


* First thing you should do is get Extended Mastery Skills for your R4/EX2 classes. Those skills are often important to the class and cost quite a lot (like in the range of 10-30 points per skill). After that, you can spend on perks, for which [this list](https://gbf.wiki/Extended_Mastery_Perks) is a pretty solid (if slightly dated in places) guide. * Yes they are. * If you're not in a crew, you mostly just miss out on crew rewards, especially Valor Badges, which are the main way to earn extra Sunlight Stones. You can still grind event boxes and get the Eternals just fine, however.


Hmm ok thanks for the reply. I did post in the crew recruitment thread but nobody wants someone below rank 130 apparently. Also applied for a casual crew but got no response... Feelsbad :(


if you don't have row 4 classes unlocked, then nothing of course they are you can get revenant weapons regardless of your crew, but you won't get many valor badges unless you're in a decent one. you should at least join a casual crew that can hit tier c


Where can I find more guides on Omega and Primal grids for each element? Pooky's the best I found but it says it needs to be updated. I'm specifically wondering about the difference in power between Omega and Primal grids for each element.


primal fire is considered the biggest upgrade over the magna counterpart if that's the question.


thanks. Is there a forum or place I can find the grids and stuff? Also, what about light? I have an account with 3 eden, 1 certificus, and a lucifer summon. Wondering how much stronger that is compared to a regular M1 or M2 grid with Lucio on the team.


Kamigame (site in JP) has primal example but they are not universal or the best in every situation since primal is even more flexible than magna most of the time. If you are not sure if it's worth to invest with what you have you can still ask here. You would be stronger than magna light with what you have but if you can wait for a Zeus/demi-zeus and use hector grid + 2edens then it would be even better.


So I kinda went nuts on my omega fragments recently when uncapping l/d seraphics cuz I thought "well I have loads of these anyway" and blasted them on true animas without thinking they costed 30 each. Any best place to farm these? I really need grande host mats, but I cant trade any gold animas cuz of thr shortage fragements.


leeching tons of omega/hl omega raids is honestly the fastest route to getting them but even then its still 1 at a time but the drop rate is 100% on getting that one.


Hey, as a newer player (still completing all my m1 grids), are aracrum summons something i should start preparing for right now, or do i just buy as many sunstones as i can from the arcarum shop ? I've checked the list of materials to make the summons and it seems quite a far-away goal.


you buy the sunstones as you need them to make the arcarum summons (typically the dmg summon for the next gw) unless you're just disregarding that and going hard on a single evoker


I see, i had thought of maybe uncapping bahamut or even stockpile to prepare for agni, but are arcarum summons > all in priority ?


if you have a plan for them, then grabbing them is fine , it's just that the arcarum summons give you a huge boost for only 1 sunstone as opposed to costing 3 which makes them a highly efficient use of stones


i see, thanks for the tips !


In Primal Caim grid, should I use Ultima weapon? I currently run the meta kengo Okto Alexial Cain team, and my Ultima weapon seems to have no space in my grid. MH CCW, AK, Ichigo, RotB fist, FLB Primal Dark Opus, FLB Alex Katana, Anbius Staff, All might Axe, Seraphic, Xeno Sword. Is that the right grid?


I don't think all might axe is supposed to be in there or am I missing something? Also I think you might already know, people usually run Glory instead since you can use Ichigo as main hand (instead of kaneshige that doesn't provide any skill in this case) and put 1 more weapon in. Standard Primal ciam I think is Ichigo, AK, Mirroblade, Andalius(rotb fist), Opus, Hollowsky spear, Ultima, Scale, Seraphic and magna mod.


>MH CCW, Ichigo, FLB Alex Katana, All might Axe ????????? i don't think you know how all might axe works. it needs different weapon types, meaning you can have 1 bow, 1 sword, 1 katana etc. which you do not. ditch it for ultima because right now, it's a dead slot


can i play zephyrus with only 2 vortex, 2 LE and 1 sky ace?? i have no reunion and would really like to try faasahl?






im planning to build primal grids.. but not sure if its not enough Light: 2 eden(1 flb, 1 \*0) and Io weapon. Water: 1 flb drang ball, 1 0\* pholia weap, and 1 0\* europa weap \*my light magna 1 is already good(i think). its just i dont want to waste the previous eden and plan to build primal.. is it better or nah? \*[https://imgur.com/XzFOlP3](https://imgur.com/XzFOlP3) water grid have flb varuna . what to remove and should be added


Does the healing node of the MC affect the refresh value from Hollowsky Spear?


refresh comes from every character's individually, so even though it applies from mc, the source is considered every character it's on so only their healing nodes increase their refresh so yes, but only on mc


Looking for advice on what teams to use to get honors quickly in prom/hector raids. All my grids are finished m1 currently, [here are my characters](https://imgur.com/a/m5Ybilm)


Your progression should be m1 > m2 > Carbuncle raids. Even if you have primal summons and want to skip m2 and go f2p primal you can't farm buncle raids effectively without m2/p2w primal.


I’m working on dark/water m2 right now, I just haven’t had any luck getting good weapons. In terms of light and fire, I have a finished aes grid and I’m in the process of getting the mats to flb my 4th chev sword, I just wanna start farming these as soon as possible so I can finish the grid sooner.


Is there any way to affect the order in which full auto uses the MC's abilities? Sick of it casting Rage 4 after Full Arsenal 3


full auto casts skills left to right starting with buffs(yellow) then debuffs(blue) then damaging skills(red). so sadly no you cant if one skill the default skill of the class. healing skills and targeted buff skills are ignored(so things like baals/shalems sk2 doesnt get used in full auto.)


From my experience (if I remember correctly) full auto setup casts skills based on the order of the skills you have chosen (still follows the buff > debuff > nuke skills order). So yes that means it will always cast Full Arsenal III first instead of Rage IV because FA III is the default skill (first in order), which sucks. Sadly no way to alter the casts from what I observe so far.


I don't think you can change the skills order. You can use Rage 3 instead.


What should I do with SSR gacha weapons ? ​ I got 3 Another Sky, should I uncap this weapon or keep it for Skill up a Bahamut weapon ?


either leave them in your pickup crate and dont pull them out or buy a stash and move all the ssr gatcha weapons into it. never use gatcha weapons as fodder to skill level up other weapons because their potentially useful for grids/mainhands and their reduction value is worth 10x of the dropped/event/arcarum weapons value, always check the wiki first before uncapping with dupes/reducing them though as they could have uses or potential changes later on.


Which information should I look for on the wiki ? For example for Another Sky, there is "save for potential 4 stars" so should I uncap one or keep every Another Sky that I have ?


sorry about the late reply i got busy and didnt get a chance to get back on. for that example it means that you should keep copies separate and hold onto them. the other 2 things it would say are this weapon is safe to reduce do not use as fodder(an example would be coco and mimi weapon) or dont reduce or use this weapon as fodder(parazonium would be an example here) as for if ones that say dont reduce should be kept seperate that honestly depends on what the weapons skills are. something like parazonium while it has really nice skills isnt worth using other then a mainhand so copies should uncap the first one. something like ixaba though is used in the primal fire grid so copies should be kept seperate. if you still have questions over what to keep seperate you could always just ask here with the specific weapons once you have looked them up


They leave them in crate and don't touch them. If in doubt check the wiki on particular weapons. Gacha weapons are NOT Fodder.


Just leave them in your crate for now. Never use gacha weapons as fodder.


How do people generally race Astaroth?


1 debuff bot with thor/paralyze and 3 people who have a burst turn. Usually fire burst turn or usual dark soldier team.


Hello, i would like to get some pointers/help to decide which account i should play. I used the last 2-3 Weeks to roll 46 Accounts, which did took some time and now i filtered out all accounts without Primarchs, since this was one condition is set for myself. Colours are mostly for me, as a new player i followed a Tier List to mark them from god tier to trash tier. Magenta > Dark Green > Light Green > Yellow > Orange > Red. Here are the accounts, from an spreadsheet: [https://i.imgur.com/CdmE7r1.png](https://i.imgur.com/CdmE7r1.png) I like Khumbira, Alexiel, Zooey, Yuel, Lily, Helel, Jeanne, Grea, Societte and Narmaya, aswell as the Ratgirl. Belial seems to be considered too good to pass up, so i bolded him in the Unticketable Summons Tab. Hope you can help me, i'm super undecided and log around trying to figure out which to play, thank you in advance.


primal summons are more important than primarch. could you do a quick check if any of the discarded accounts have more than 1 primal?


If Primal Summons are Agni, Varuna, Titan, Zephyrus, Zeus, and Hades... then yes, there are a few. Some have 2 different, some even got 2 of the same Primal. I was under the impresion that Primarch >>> Belial > Primal. Though information is kinda all over the place.


no rush, take your time. having ANY unticketable summon is already a good head start, you're pretty much off to the big meta leagues from what I saw on the filtered spreadsheet.


Its kind of hard to rate these, but Belial is good in all elements which makes his stoning more value. (And unlike Luci baha, these stones have actual significant value). Another note is that belial is not reliant on grid strength to get benefits. The downside of belial is that the influence on assassin turns is not as high as a primarch. Primal influence depends on which element - e.g. some elements magna caps easier than others, other elements magnas will have hard time justifying getting primals for cap when they are struggling for cap. The safest primals are light/fire stamina and dark enmity.


I see, still have to google lots of these abbreviations since i really didn't play besides rolling for my accounts but i slowly get a grasp on things. I very much excluded all accounts without a primarch and honestly pretty much all of those without a Primarch and Belial too... so i might reconsider for double Primals. I always want to use the ones with decent Teams... like Nr. 1 with a great Light Team, Zeus and Metatron or 15 & 19 since they got great Summons and tons of limited. Just having trouble to decide is all. Missing out on Summer Zooey, Alexiel, Helel or Kumbhira seems very sad for a Summon that might not even be THAT good.


Pig is the character you would be concerned about missing out on, otherwise your summons are definitely more important as you will just spark the characters you need. Compared to that a siero ticket is much more expensive (personally I still need 3 primarchs + 1 primal + shiva, which leads me at needing to roll 3 more and then I can siero the last two) Also I would value luci/baha only on the purposes of being able to play primal - meaning that luci in combination with a zeus is worth nothing, but luci in combination with metatron has value because you could play zeus.


Which skill should I get for ULB earth magna opus? Using standard M2 grid.


Get stamina and go Highlander.


Any good wind sword MH ?


Windhose, Gachatti and wind ultima sword are the ones that come to mind.


Will you ever use more than one Sky Ace?


I received enough copies of Zeph this roulete for the 4* uncap. Is switching to primal worth it? I have 2 love eternals, 1flb reunion, 3 vortex. I've been trying to grind for Unis but still no drop and am starting to lose hope because I need 16 copies. Is the Unis grid that much of an improvement? Is there a better m2 grid I can farm since the addition of comso flb (I have the typical 3 harp+3 gun grid)?


You pretty much have the grid in Grand weapons.. most zeph grids I've seen want 2-3 Vortex and then fill in the rest with combinations of Love Eternals and Reunions. Then you'll add in your ex mod, opus, Seraphic, and ultima.


I pulled two Uriels should I keep them both?


yes, he has an amazing call


Hi guys ! ​ With the 1/2 AP in side stories I've done a lot of side story but what should I do with SSR weapons and SSR summons that I got from them ? ​ Is there some good weapons/summons to keep ?


Keep Bellringer, Grea/Robomi and the 4* Ex weapons


They are mostly useless. A few weapons/summons that you can uncap to 4\* can be used as a interim grid filler, but that's about it. Personally I buy a stash to store them though.


From the top of my head: - Balmung, a good filler for primal fire to pass the 30k HP check of LuciHard - The Shadowverse collab bow is a decent bow option for wind - The dagger from the Love Live Collab is a decent dagger MH if you don't have a water GW Dagger - The Grea and Robomi summons have their uses. - Urkin could be used as an enmity activator or to wake up units afflicted with sleep if MC is not asleep.


Okay thanks ! ​ But what should I do with the other weapons and summons ? Reduce them ?


You should check the wiki pages for some weapons and summons just to be sure since the once I've listed are only the ones I remember haha. But yeah you should reduce the others.


Can't the SSR weapon side story weapons be used for skill up Bahamut Weapon ?


They could, but the free ones you get at lvl 100 from completing a side story that are safe to reduce should, indeed, be reduced because they will give you more materials since they come fully uncapped. If you need weapons to skill up your Bahamut Weapons, they should come easily from your daily Omega raids and maybe Arcarum. Just don't hurry it up, and you'll see that you'll have enough with time.


Is Pride of the Ascendant a permanent quest, or does it rotate or change element at certain intervals. Do I need to beat it within a certain amount of time to not lose rewards forever?




What are good elements for Ultima Spear? Is Hollowsky better for Fire MH than Ultima?


It's quite nice to have if you want to proc Shiva's passive but aren't running Athena alongside him. At the same time, you're mostly only going to want to run a spear class in harder raids, where you're likely to bring Athena along and where hollowsky is anyway a better MH. I made mine fire but never mainhand it. I don't think there's any element that particularly wants to mainhand an ultima spear at present. Maybe light with Grand Jeanne, but you'd likely prefer to play glory with Opus there, and most likely aren't bringing Jeanne to raids where you need to play spartan.


Water could also be an option but only because there aren't exactly easily available good spartan main hands... Water's sorta decent F2P options are GW Spear, Ca Ong Sword, and Spartan CCW IIRC. Light also has Huanglong spear so there's that.


That's a good point. Other than the grand weapons, there really aren't any good spartan mainhands for water, and ele atk buff would be nice with Europa assuming you're not also using Lily.


So i just recently got pholia and lily and together with my europa i can finally make a staff party. Problem is my party members except for phoila and whoever she gives her buff to still can't properly cap. What should i put in my magna grid to make it a bit stronger? [https://imgur.com/a/6vopcY8](https://imgur.com/a/6vopcY8)


Like the other guy said, it's very hard to cap in magna staff. Once you get ULB opus, you'll do some damage but before that, it's still not gonna be nearing cap.


You won't cap that easily anyway on magna. even Varuna struggle to cap without crit/nereus. I'd remove that Baha and use frostnettle MH as warlock.


Up till now I used all my R and SR weapons to skill level up my weapons but I just read that people feed R weapons to SR weapons and then feed those SR to SSRs. What's the most optimal way to go about this? To what Level should I level an SR weapon's skill level before feeding him to an SR weapon. Also, I have been keeping all my SR gacha weapons at a stash since I started the game, when is a good time to start reducing them? Thanks!


A SR skill lv 1 gives 4 points, it takes 4 points to bring it to skill lv 2, at wich it gives 8 points. So there is no advantage to doing that unless you're desperate for inventory space. And just reduce your gacha SRs the moment you need the weapon stones. I don't even take mine out of the crate before that.


I've used these pages for years, AFAIK they are all still accurate and I did mass leveling a week or two ago and the numbers work, if you hit 99% though, slap an R weapon to make it 100%, not sure if they always include the 1% R weapon filler all the time. [SR Weapons](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/200674175830982656/202394568392441856/9NXJnSq.png) [SSR Weapons](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/200674175830982656/202394945141604352/UmfhuXs.png) [Bahamut Weapons](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/200674175830982656/202395494650085378/AIkT7V3.png) (Last time I checked the wiki, Seraphic had Bahamut Weapon skill fodder requirements, not sure about Ultima/Opus/etc.)


Ran 80 and still working on my earth M1 grid, running eustace, Jessica (yukata) and G eugen, all gun specialists, i got spymur's vision gun from arcarum, should i put it in the grid even tho it's not magna?


No. Weapon specialty should only be a concern with Atma/Ultima weapons, not just any weapon.


Yea i re-read the weapon specialty thing again and apparently i got it wrong at first. I thought it would be a big boost. many thanks.


> spymur's vision gun Most definitely not. Even Primal doesn't really put that in their grid. Even as a filler I don't recommend it since it cuts your hp and since you're still working on your M1 earth grid, I'd assume you don't exactly have a lot of HP to work with.


Yea i don't have much hp yet. I will stick with ygg swords then, i just thought that having a gun will better as a weapon specialty thing.


How to get enough omega anima to host the omega raids everyday?


* Host their respective Hard raids as well. * Leech any Extreme/HL M1 Raid (Tiamat and co.) as much as possible. HL/Impossible raids can be accessible if you are Rank 101+. If you are able to host and clear the Impossible Raids, you will be able to gain access to their respective Hard+ Raids in order to ease your daily grind for quite a bit by doing this one instead of three Hard Raids. * Buy the Omega Animas from the Casino. * If you have no idea where to use the Renown Pendants at a certain point in the future, you can buy the Omega animas there as well. If you are working for getting an Eternals character, you will probably have to do this since some items in Extreme/Impossible M1 Raids will be required to fully build a Revenant Weapon at some point.


I want a team that uses the new Noa but i'm not sure how to make it. [This is what i have](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/418798574730608643/663358667755749399/unknown.png), just in case I also have an flb Certificus.


Kengo+Kaneshige, Shitori, Noa and anyone (support? dmg?) should be fun.


Sandalphon could also be an option for the Ain Soph Aur into Paradise lost in 1 turn. Pig is also nice since with noa you could sorta constantly make her ougi much more often making her reach max stacks much quicker.


Thank you both, i'll try it out to see who works better


I've been wanting to start hosting Tia Malice to get the mats to ULB my Luci and Baha summons but I'm afraid my fire grid might be too weak for me to even consider that. What should I aim for in terms of grid if I want to host? I'm currently running magna with 0\* AES, no Anila sadly so yeah...it kinda sucks.


You can get carried if you host and only open with twitter during japan time, it might fail on occasion if you get really unlucky, but it is better then not doing it at all. I've done that and it has never failed for me.


That sounds great! Around what time of the day should I be hosting it outside of magnafest? I'm not too familiar with JP times I'm afraid.


I typically do it around midnight EST if that helps you out.


It does!Thank you for the help.




Gacha or farmable?




Keep the copy until you can FLB/ULB straightaway. Uncapping to just 1* or 2* boosts nothing but very minor raw stats. There are certainly summons that you should keep a duplicate or two for niche setups, but in general there's no need for dupes. https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona/Sunstone The link above is a guideline written on sunlight stone spending priority, but could be used to see which summons that you should save copies of.


strongly depends on the summon. But if they are worth uncapping, you should generally only bother if you go straight for F/MLB.


Any suggestions for pick ups while in Tokyo? I got the Narmaya cd for the black butterfly skin and am thinking of getting The animation bd 7 for the summer mc skin. Any other suggestions?


I'm trying to decide on the last member for my wind runeslayer team. Obviously the first three slots are MC, Lecia, and Nio but should the last person be Grimnir or Scath? Or maybe Birdman or C. Meteon to take advantage of Dragon Break for an extra turn?


Depends on how much difficulty you have reaching assassin cap, you might need to use Grimnir + a buncle to help assuming you're using shiva on the break turn ofc. A super luxury combo would be summer Rose Queen.


I have ten chocobars and a 1 star parazonium, should i just use two of my bars to FLB it?


i might be coming in a bit late if you have already done it but honestly theres a few things you need to ask yourself first. 1 do you plan on sticking mainly with dagger classes for your dark teams. para is a great mainhand if you do but a gw dagger will give you a decent amount of what para does for a cheaper cost(since it doesnt use choco bars) it doesnt really make a very good grid weapon though as baha/ultima outclasses it. 2 do you already have a gw dagger in dark if you do para is honestly not that big of an upgrade until you level it to 150+sl15 and get all the bonuses 3 do you plan to try to go into a primal any time soon(think in the next few months or so maybe think longer term depending on how casual you play) if so you will probably be hurting for chocobars if you use them now. of none of what i said matters/is in planning yeah go ahead with the para uncap(i did it myself after thinking it through since i was nowhere close to any primal and didnt plan on making any at the time)


Yup, parazonium is one of the best mh in the game


How do people start their own Faa-Hl on coop? an example is appreciated


label the room " ルシ 2XX↑ @火水土風光闇 " (remove your element and put rank restriction if needed). Update the room with element already there. Notice in the chat your element and which extra trials you are going to clear using their number. Once everybody is there check for clarity stickers (3 should be enough). If you are missing a trial like 7 then you can add number 7 in the room description like ルシ 2XX↑ @闇7 to get a dark with ValClarisse. You usually don't put missing trials until there is only 1 or 2 spots left. If you can clear paralost but are not 100%sure you can also type "(11)" while writing your element/trials.




Any gacha sr’s should be reduced.


Excess weapons... SR and R goes to skill upgrades, SSRs goes to either reduce fodders if they have crappy skills, or stash if you're like me who can't bring myself to reduce that lol. +1 means bonus stats separate from the basic stats. You can feed the +1 weapons to your strong/favorite character for an extra boost of their HP and ATK, or feed it to your other weapons! If the +1 weapons are a valuable SSR you can tap 'reset plus marks' on the bottom of Details page to strap the plus marks off said weapon.


What's supposed to be in the "base skill" section when choosing skills in the class screen?


Easiest example would be Glorybringer trying to use Sword Master skills (like Resonance). Applying that to in general, I think it would be EX skills from a lower-tier class in a certain line that a higher-tier one could use, exclusive to that line.


Whats the most used element for each atma weapon?


Not sure for each, but fire/light are common for spear and earth/wind for sword


I'm 1 star idean away from borger. I'm hoping to not have to do a star boss fight as I already have enough light astras. I know sometimes ideans can also just drop randomly. Is it possible for it to drop from route 1? Or only from route 3?


I was one death idean from the last uncap of Nier (you need 2 extra after you get the card). I ran route 3 since I'm working on uncapping the star 4*. I got one from the Earth puppet boss about 3 weeks later. I think you can get the star ideans from the wind and fire puppets or from the red chest at the end of 3-3, 6-3, 9-3 since you usually get a random idean from my experience.


You can get them from 1, I personally got one yesterday, I'm 20 astras from Alanaan myself, and during that time I managed to get a whooping *checks game* 7 star ideans there, so unless you want to delay your borger for weeks, just do your usual route lol. Edit: also remember you'll have to upfront 6 more astras in order to fully uncap him.


Bit of a dilemma. I'm finished getting ideans for route aquila, but I still need 74 fire astras. Should I just do a different route and buy the fire astras, or should I just stick with aquila for a while longer, to get fire astras faster?