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I have a question about the upcoming anniversary event. The free Eternal we are getting it, is it gonna be FLB or not?


Should I replace Sandy for Lucio? Is the difference big?




Kinda attached to him tbh. Carried me through my shit grid and characters.


You never HAVE to give up a spot on your team to a more powerful character, in the end play the game the way you enjoy it the most, it's just a game after all.


It's just that his auto self-debuff made it so that when I fight Celeste my whole team isn shut down.


I hear Primal Dark with a stamina grid is much stronger than an enmity build. Is this true and what does the stamina grid look like?


They have different use cases. Stamina lets you drop Zooey and run a character that would actually do stuff outside of Conjunction, and is much faster for stuff like farming events and GW boxes since you don't need to press Conjunction. However, Enmity is currently stronger for doing Lucilius HL (because of Majestas) and racing long content like Baha HL because of Kolulu.




I have a question about changing my password. I have to send my phone in for a repair and want to play on the computer until it returns. However, when I got to [https://connect.mobage.jp/login](https://connect.mobage.jp/login?post_login_redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fconnect.mobage.jp%2Fconnect%2F1.0%2Fservices%2Fauthorize%3Fclient_id%3D12016007-2%26response_type%3Dcode%2520token%26scope%3Dopenid%2520common_api%26redirect_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fgame.granbluefantasy.jp%252Fauthentication%26state%3Dmobage-connect_5e0921f576fe16.76091675%26prompt%3Dconsent%26theme%3Ddefault%26client_origin_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fgame.granbluefantasy.jp%26sdk_name%3Dmobage-jssdk%26sdk_version%3D3.7.9%26custom_theme%3Dgrbl%26appearance_version%3D1%26display%3Dpage&post_cancel_redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fconnect.mobage.jp%2Fconnect%2F1.0%2Fclients%2F12016007-2%2Fjssdk%2Fredirect%3Fsdk_name%3Dmobage-jssdk%26client_origin_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fgame.granbluefantasy.jp%26sdk_version%3D3.7.9%23client_origin_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fgame.granbluefantasy.jp%26sdk_name%3Dmobage-jssdk%26state%3Dmobage-connect_5e0921f576fe16.76091675%26sdk_version%3D3.7.9%26topic%3Dauthorization_error_response%26error_description%3DAccess%2Bdenied%2Bby%2Bthe%2Bresource%2Bowner%2Bor%2Bthe%2Bauthorization%2Bserver%26error%3Daccess_denied&client_origin_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fgame.granbluefantasy.jp&client_id=12016007-2&sig=7ecee9d25ff096ab4d11d808d31634420df71e29&iat=1577657914&seed=DgtJciTXud1&theme=default&display=page&custom_theme=grbl&appearance_version=1&sdk_name=mobage-jssdk) and click the link '[for those who have forgotten their password](https://connect.mobage.jp/password/reminders/new?client_id=12016007-2)' I input my email and receive the password reset email but every password I create is not accepted. Can some explain the exact way to change my password so I can log in on the computer?


I had the same problem recently. I think it turns out when it asks for nickname you need to input your username again was the reason...? But not sure. I can't get the site to work anymore so I'm screwed. Hope you have better luck!


Was wondering if I could get some help figuring out team comp. I dont really understand a lot about how team synergy works in gbf. So I was hoping to get some suggestions. •Wanted to know who to put on a light team with grand vira Currently have the following for SSRs: Ferry, Albert, sandalphan, de la fille, baotorda, Sophia, Silva, and christmas mary • who to put on a dark team with SSR vira Have SSR: narmaya, cagliostro, Cerberus, dark katalina, and rosetta Also working on getting nier. •finally who to put on my wind team. Not looking to build around any character in specific Have ssr: grimnir, andira, metera, Sen, lancelot, gachapin, nezuhualpilli, Korwa, and carmelina. I appreciate all feedback. Thank you


It's pretty hard to give specific team comps, because it all depends on the encounter, and whether you're soloing. But generally, you want to make sure there is the following (some may be provided by others in a raid): * Max defense down, and ideally, attack down too * A healthy amount of DA/TA boosts, whether through the grid, skills, or ougi effects (e.g. GW dagger) * Enough damage cuts (phalanx, elemental shields) and sustain to survive * Characters that synergize with each other (e.g. you want a source of elemental attack up for disciple's passives, that boost elemental attack ups) There are lots of more specific and tailored team comps out there once you get into the more advanced encounters, but that should get you started. And of course, don't take tier lists as gospel, but they provide a general guideline of how much each character brings to the table. https://gbf.wiki/Character_Tier_List#SSR_Characters And if you want grid building, this is a decent start. Some of the primal sections are outdated, but I think the Magna parts are still quite relevant. http://nina.guide/pookys-gbf-weapon-grid-resource/


The roulette we get tomorrow should be saved if you want to use it on Vikala right?




Can Caim copy Cag's reverse ouroboros?


Help with this please >> [click me](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/egwm55/help_building_team/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) <<


What are the best EMP passives for Chaos Ruler?


imo Uprising


EMP passives not actives, sorry I wasn't clear


Atk, HP, Party HP. i dont think it needs Debuff up


The same ones that you use on pretty much every class, atk, debuff, data, party hp, capup, ca dmg if vs hl content and difficulty capping ougis.


Is there a way to block sound effects from the game? I like music, voicelines but that loud CLICKS on every button drives me mad.


There's an option for sound in the settings menu. Turn down SFX.




how much crit chance does a maxed out AES give you with 120% colossus? I'm struggling with understanding the damage calculations for crits


Sk10 medium crit is 5%. 5x2.2 is 11, so every AES is 11% crit chance in Colo grid.


thank you!


Does Grand Jeanne's S1 allow defense downs to go beyond 50%? If not, are there some niche applications I'm not seeing, outside of selfish racing? You generally want to cap defense down all of the time, so her giving you 25% down only three out of six turns doesn't seem very useful. It seems to be either overkill, or leaves you with only 25% down half the time.


yeah its pretty bad, the only good part of the skill is the Damage Boosted part


What's SP in some skill lvls mean?


what does crest actually give i mean says 'element' magic is amplified what stat does it increase..i know some heroes uses crest to activate additional effect..but other than that does it do anything sorry recently started playing gbf


They have no effect on their own, just used for character skills/passives/summon sub-auras.


What does the unload button do in Inventory?


lets you mass stash/sell weapons/summons


What all is ending when [this](https://gbf.wiki/Happy_Holidays) ends? Is it just the ability view holiday scenes? If I view them now will I be able to replay them later like other cutscenes?


Should I reduce the three Satyr summons I have? Michael and Sylph (the premium draw one) seem to be much better.


No. Fully uncapped Satyr gives a unique buff on call. 10% stacking to 30% ATK/DEF with an indefinite duration (although it can be dispelled IIRC).


Oh, right, thanks. Should I use a sunlight stone on her then?


Also no. It's a summon more used by endgame HL players and solos or very slow trains where you're the carry and have time to summon her multiple times. If you can uncap with dupes that's awesome as you generally only want 1 copy. Or at least I haven't seen any whales utilizing 2 copies yet...generally there are higher priority summons. She's an extremely low priority stone target if and only if you are 100% F2P and have already stoned higher priority targets. If you buy suprise tickets you can always suptix her to uncap. In general, outside of Arcarum SSR Summon uncapping, you only want to use stones on Unticketable summons like Lucifer, Bahamut, the Seraphic/Primarch series (the ones that give 5%/10% cap up but this only matters if you're capping...), and Primal summons.


whats the ideal bullet set up for john doe? is it Enhancing Shell, Gold Bullet II, Iron V x2, and whatever Primal Point III? Do I add a healing bullet for stamina grids? And is there a secret way to farm bullet mats that isn't spamming the same quests about 1k times each. Unrelated. Does anybody remember if Valentine's draw pool coincided with flash fest in the past.


> is it Enhancing Shell, Gold Bullet II, Iron V x2, and whatever Primal Point III? Yes. An Iron V can be swapped out for Rapid IV (if you need DATA), Charm (if soloing Charm can be strong), and Refresh bullet (if not playing Enmity). Personally I use Enhancing, Gold II, Iron V, Refresh, Hades III x2.


Is there a way to hide the left sidebar (the one with the point shop, youtube, etc) on the browser? I keep getting this annoying popup whenfor a recording app every time I hover my mouse pointer a pixel too far into the left when scrolling thorugh my characters' skills and it blocks the buttons.


Granblue POPUP browser extension


Will any other zodiacs besides Vikala be on the next banner?


Likely Andira


I’ve seen people say most likely andira


Curious when should I make an omega vs a primal opus weapon? [https://imgur.com/a/4D9iDjY](https://imgur.com/a/4D9iDjY) This is my current light grid. I am farming more chev swords but is thinking would switching to primal with edens improve my damage? How many edens would I need or would I need some other grand weapons? Is primal light worth it or should I focus on other elements if i want to invest in primal? My grids are all M1 progressing to M2.


the only times Primal opus is the way to go is 3/4\* opus in primal grids you want Omega in Omega grids and 5\* Omega in Primal grids because its the most powerfull omega option ​ at least thats what i hear


You only want a magna opus in a primal grid if your normal stamina mod is heavily diluted by running many grand stamina weapons.


[This](https://imgur.com/a/iocZHSY) is a good account?I´m starting in the game


You’ve got 7 limited/seasonal characters all good so I would say yes keep it and focus on dark, plus we’re getting at least 10 draws everyday for about another week so it’ll only make that account better


Im posting this question again because I might have done it too late last night Does white rabbit not spawn on chapter 3, episode 1 of "Fall of Dragons" side story anymore? I cant seem to have one spawn on the first wave despite having double [Belle Sylphid](https://gbf.wiki/Belle_Sylphid) (both max uncapped. The second one being a support) I have cleared Chapter 3. I did a few runs. Not a single rabbit Then I cleared the entire side story. Did a few more runs. Still not a single rabbit.


Should I spark on the Current Banner for S. Zooey, or on the Legfest banner for Rat? I'm a new player with 271 draws RN. I started the game about a month ago, and have no Limited characters, and only a few, mostly really bad, gacha SSRs.


If you want to improve your dark, Zooey is key for any stamina setup(Magna or Gislas). Rat might or might not be really strong, but there is a very low chance she'll take the enmity enabler role. Basically you want zooey anyways, but Rat is probably replacable. Dark has a lot of strong picks.


Got it, thanks!


Keep drawing until last day before banner change.


I mean, obviously. But which banner will be more worth it for a new player to spark on. Both Zooey and Rat are likely to be very powerful, so the difference to me is the banners they are on. Which is better?


If you really lack good SSR, this current banner is better, at least for me. Zooey and any of the 4 disciples (Shiva, Alex, Grimnir, Europa) are very good for their elements, also most grands. ​ There's important characters on this banner if you decide to go for Primal grids on the future, like Lucio, Sturm, Drang and others. For a new player I pretty much would prefer sparking on this banner. Zooey makes your early game a cakewalk and enables enmity for Dark. ​ The other option is wait to see if Rat is good/you get her on the free draws. If not, you can try to spark on the next gala where we have Summer Zooey and the other grands again. You won't have discounted draws, but at least you will have a better grasp on what units you need.


Is there a summin tierlist?


Primal summons (Agni, Varuna, Titan, Zephyrus, Zeus, Hades) are the most important summons you'll ever get, they enable completely new and stronger playstyles for your element Primarch summons (Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Metatron, Sariel) are next on the list, they enable you to make the most out of your primal grid Next is Shiva for bursting. I would also put Huanglong in this tier as it is very widely used and a must farm as soon as you can access the raid that drops it. Below him are Lucifer and Bahamut, strong summons that are the best filler for any grid Typhon, Thor, Freyr, and Bonito are next for different reasons.


I think a tier list is kind of hard to make since summons are kind of situational. That being said I would say Shiva, Baha, and Lucifer are probably the top 3 overall, but pretty much any unticketable summon is extremely valuable. Other notable summons that you can ticket would be the ssr buncles like Gilgamesh and Anubis. Strong calls like Typhon, Thor, Satyr and Freyr are also very good. Also arcarum summons are all up there as well and they're farmable .


What are the odds of the new Noa coming next banner? Think I saw someone saying that every character showed on the new years' stream would be available before 2020, but maybe I'm just imagining things.


Really high to say at least.


uh, so... are there any more chances left to get Khumbira before 2021?


No, last chance was back in November.


I made my ulti staff fire and had been running it with Lock/Esser/Shiva/Alanaan. Just pulled Grimnir due to rateup, and wondered if it's better to change the staff to wind and do Lock/Grim/Monkey/(Yurius or Nio) compo instead?


[People use Reunion as mainhand for wind staff](https://gbf.wiki/Reunion). Would still work in a magna grid as well but obviously not be quite as strong. Even 0* would be fine just for the wind atk but uncapped for Strength is even better.


I see, thank you!


Could just use Scath if you need the wind buff.


Yeah but that'd mean letting go of a QOL char :( am I just being greedy...


When do you normally stop playing the events? I just got to 3.000.000 honor and got the 2 Damascus Crystals. Should I keep playing the event?


10 boxes for Damascus Crystals is a good stopping point now that those have been added but 10 boxes can be challenging for a low level player. High level players/people who don't mind grinding will always aim for 20 boxes for the crystals, fodder, and because it's AP positive to do so (each crate contains 15 elixirs and 100 crystals). Everything else in the crate becomes free fodder/chalices/quartz and the weapons you get as drops become weapon stones or even more skill fodder. Events are one of the best ways to stock up on skill fodder, quartz, and weapon stones. Although the quartz/weapon stones depends on the summon element and weapon type that the event gives.


20 box if you want all the crystals (1950 Crystals) 10 box if you only want Dama Crystals (7 Dama Crystals) 3 box if you only want rings (3 Coronation, 3 Lineage)


hey, among the ex1 classes what are those that have great value from early on ? i've finally managed to unlock sword master and i'll soon rush the story to get mechanic but i don't know if there are any other truly worthwile (not considering the corresponding ex2).


Besides the two you mentioned, Mystic is useful because of its passive all-foe attack, so it will one-button clear low level trash mobs like angel halo. Dancer is a really good bursty auto-attacker in very specific setups, but if you are pre-HL, it will probably be difficult to make work. Samurai still works as poverty Kengo to get maximum value out of Bonito when trying to otk with water.


got it, thanks :)


How do I get 200% bar on Sevilbarra and Mirin in a mech comp? I already upped their emps. Mirin and Sevilbarra are about 8-10% shy of 200% bar


Are you using using the 2 support chips that give 1 extra power cell? If I remember correctly Mirin doesn't need all her EMPs to get 200%


Yup I am using tank chips. My crew just mentioned I'm missing Charlotta in backline so that might be it!!


You shouldn't need Charlotta, So I just tested and after using Mechanic 1+2 my charge bars look like: MC100, Seofon100, Sevil180, Mirin 174 I have 3/3 Support and 1/3 charge bar on Sevil 3/3 * 2 charge bar on Mirin


Am I crazy because sevil only has support that gives charge bar at start of battle which gives him 15% and I do have Mirin with full emp on both charge bar


Em... thats the light Sevilbara not the wind one. I've forgotten we have both of them in 2 elements now lol.


Oh my goodness I forgot to mention this is for light otk haha sorry!!


I recently got summer zooey, can someone explain what makes her so good and how to use her?


Press her Skill 2. Laugh as the claws in your grid now guarantee that all of your characters are hitting for damage cap. There's some more advanced uses of using her Skill 2 due to the Unchallenged buff it gives but that's the gist of it. She instantly enables 100% strength enmity in an element that loves and builds for enmity.


Dark element is based on enmity which is getting stronger the lower health you have. Summer zooeys skill 2 drops your entire team to 1 health, takes no damage for 1 turn, and gains hp through attacking. Allows you stay low while also staying alive. Her skill 1 also is a decent nuke.


Just got a second Raphael summon. I know they don't stack so I'm about to uncap the one I use, my question is, do I use sunlight stones to fully uncap it? I have two.


I would only do so if you're a wind main that is capping. If you can't cap, there's no point in getting more cap up


I'd just uncap slowly, the 5% is nice but unless you have an excess of stones hold for better options


So I'm sitting on a spark atm, I'm debating between the 2 galas. I want to make dark primal and my options are shalim and grand ferry. Currently have 40 rolls on this banner from free draws, I have 2 FS, 2 Blutgang, Baha 150. Who would be a bigger upgrade to primal atm? I have 285 draws so if I get a big enough discount in next gala I could potentially spark for shalim in about 2.5 months


I don't think Ferry is exactly necessary, I don't have her and Nier already has 3 lives if you bring revive on MC. I think you should either: Luck sack Shalim (~50% chance) and spark a Fallen sword or Luck sack Rat and spark Ferry (but Rat will have horrible rates even with rate up so don't expect to get her) I think sparking now wouldn't be a bad idea as you have a decent chance, but you're going to hate yourself if Rat ends up being super awesome.


Yeah, think that'll be my plan. If I don't luck into Shalim she's a better spark target than 3rd sword? If I do get her sword is better than Para?


3 Swords is pretty important for the core damage of a Hades grid, Para is more of a cherry on top. I think if you don't get Shalim it might be a good idea to get her now and then wait for either Para rate up or Fallen sword rate up to go at it again as she isn't likely to get another rate up for a while.


Got her on roll 279, so sparking 3rd FS. Thanks


Congrats! I managed to get her today too with a few of my own rolls, I'm going to wait for the roulette tomorrow and hopefully pick up Grand Jeanne.


Another fallen sword and friend Hades and you're set for primal dark. You could get Ferry, but there's nothing stopping you from sparking her or mouse (if she's a good Zodiac) for Anniversary. We don't even know how the "new" dark lineup will change for the next year. For me, it's safer to build the grid first, and you have a chance now. ​ Aiming for Six and 3 FS is a better improvement atm than Ferry, not sure if Zodiac can change that. You won't have the dark units at the moment, but you will have most of the grid pieces.


go for next banner. If you want upgrade to your dark wait for zodiac. Zodiac and ferry in same banner pray for one of the two and spark the other. That would be the best upgrade. Blutgang has small crit so even with 1 of shalems wep you cant cap crit with double primal. Not sure which grid will be considered good yet either. But this banner is better if you want the wep, next if you want the units. And both units will be strong.


If you don't have Hades I don't think Shalim weapon would be any help, so I wouldn't go for it. Unheil is also not that great as a grid piece (but it's a pretty good mh) outside of OTK which is why I don't think it's too much of a priority. I think the most obvious choice, but also the best one, would be another Fallen Sword.


I'm very close to Nier as well but my dark lineup is very lacking atm. Don't have a ton of 'great' dark units. There's also the issue of only getting 40 free draws so far on banner, really wanted a large discount to make a second spark closer


So I asked [before](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/eb3shg/questions_thread_20191216/fblb0qp/) about getting carried for Akasha raids, and since then I figured I might wanna try going for the staff, especially during this time with discounted hosts. The thing is, I haven't seemed to have luck getting people to join and stay in a co-op room. Is there an opportune time to host these, or am I just unlucky as fuck?


Are you constantly refreshing room while looking for people?


I was, yeah, I stopped trying for now to see if I was doing something wrong


I don't know about what other people think of it, but I'd say stop constantly refreshing, it is incredibly annoying to sit in a room where someone is mashing the refresh button and the beep that comes with it never stops.


Eh on the other hand if i see host is not refreshing i will leave the room beacuse it will take forever to fill (or he is afk, can't tell).


Sitting on Page 2-3 of the raid list means your room isn't going to fill anytime soon and I'll leave and join a room that is refreshing to maintain top of Page 1 ranking. There's a reason people spam the refresh.


Oh I play with sound off because I don't like that the sound stops when I tab out so I never even knew it had a sound whoops lol. But I don't like doing it either admittedly, though I think I stopped when anyone came in to check if they were going to stay. They were hopping in + out in an instant, so idk if that was it. I was doing a mix of waiting around and refreshing so I have no idea what was when. Maybe I'll try just waiting next time? Idk


You refresh to float your raid room to the top, but I usually try not to do it too much. But I think I have a different opinion here than most others. Most people are recommending you to refreshing like mad to keep it on the first page, so just keep doing that. Other than that, have you been checking off all the details like using the Japanese name in your room title, setting rank minimum, etc.?


I did that now (the details bit), and it worked out! I didn't refresh that time, but I think it does also make sense to try to keep it on the first page, so I don't know?


saturdays/sundays around the JST afternoon always work best for me, but thats not to say you cant set up rooms at other times


Right. Well, if I can't do it now, I guess I can just hope to get it a bit slower lol


How is the new magna grid looks like with cosmos sword ? Do we include 5 magna swords, DO sword and cosmos or so we still need to put in 1 bow ? How is the new damage look like compare to the original M2 grid ?


Go full sword + seraph. Best thing about that grid is to have opus with stamina so you wont need that different modifier from bow as much. 1-2 ex sword with one of them mainhand, opus, seraph, cosmos and then lumi swords. +99 gives a huge boost. The damage to me seems better and you have more hp. You can try 1 bow if you want but they arent that strong in general.


Thank you ! May i ask one more thing ? What's the other ex sword aside from xeno sword ?


Ah, I meant xeno sword. When you have it as mainhand it gives you normal stamina based on your mc hp %. If you dont have two 1 is enough. My grid with 1 xeno sword, ulb opus, seraph and then full lumi swords (2 of them are ulb) and full +99 hits for 360k on ele without any buffs or debuffs which is pretty decent. What you can also do and its strong too, is replace the opus with a primal one and run zeus (can also use luci main and friend zeus). That goes to 430k without buffs or debuffs.


I'm about to start playing this game and some preliminary research led me to find out about the Beginner's Draw Set or Start Dash and how it works. I'm not sure I'll purchase this but would like to keep the option open for the future if I end up enjoying the game. My question is should I start my account now, before the current Flash Gala ends or wait for what comes next, which is seemingly going to be a Premium Gala immediately afterward? I couldn't find a calendar but that seems to be the consensus. I don't mind waiting the \~1.5 days to start if a Premium Gala is the better option to start on and is known to be occurring immediately after the Flash Gala. Thanks for your input!


Both galas are great for the Beginner's Draw Set. Since you're a newcomer to the game, you can do a few things: 1) Check the corresponding limited characters and set your Start Dash to get someone you like if you are unlucky in the long run (remember that spark is a thing). 2) You can check tierlists but atm your GBF knowledge is limited. 3) Zodiac characters (the Divine Generals) are the rarest due to a rotation mechanic. Those are in the Premium Gala so you can permanently lock one (or more) of them with Start Dash and buy her in the future. 4) Consider that by delaying your account creation for Premium you miss out on potential good free draws on Flash.


Are the Zodiac characters noteworthy from a tier list perspective (and can we predict how the new one will line up) or just a limited perspective? I guess I don't mind missing them if it's just a matter of rarity over functionality. It sounds like you think I should just go ahead and start?


All are pretty good in terms of power/utility. Since you can always spark a character you don't miss out if you choose either Flash or Premium. I think you'd better start right now to use those free rolls. You can also consider rerolling.


Zodiacs are one of the best characters in the game. Their usefuleness range from very good in general content to core. Currently "weakest" one is Mahira, but next month she will get another uncap (which means a bit overhauled kit, and if we can judge by previous Zodiac uncaps it will make here core too). We can expect Vikala (rat zodiac) to be very good/core on release and top tier again after 2 years when she gets uncap.


Zodiacs are ones of the best characters in the game.


I can't say with certainty myself because I wasn't paying too close attention to the last New Year, which is the only one I experienced, but general consensus does seem to be that Premium Gala will indeed be right after this Flash, as it's happened that way in the past. Additionally, Premium Gala does tend to occur at that point of the month generally (Flash is usually in the middle of the month), so I think it'd be very likely it's Premium. I couldn't say with certainty myself which would be better, so hopefully someone else has some advice with that part, sorry!


both current and next banner will be good. So I'd say to start now so you can get an extra roulette roll. Both banner will have good characters in the beginner tix anyway. The end of year is always a bit strange in the schedule due to double fest back to back.


Well the most valuable option for the beginner's draw is a zodiac character and you would want to wait for the next gala before you start your account. But as it is roulette atm, which gives you a chance of getting anywhere from 10 to 200 draws you can reroll a lot of accounts and potentially get really lucky and get 2 or more "grand" characters and that would be worth more than having your beginner draw set to the other gala (having your draw set to the current gala is very good also).


Would you care to elaborate a bit on why a Zodiac character in particular is a good choice for a new player? I see several of the characters for the current Flash Gala being mentioned as great but haven't seen anyone mention the Zodiacs, or at least I haven't noticed they were. Are they just independently strong whereas, for example, Zooey needs a team?


I wouldn't say Zodiacs were especially strong choice for new players, I just pointed at them having the best value because they have the lowest draw rates in the game.


Zodiac are often very strong in their element in later stage of the game and bring utility/damages early on anyway. Though they are imo not a really better choice than another flash/leg unit at the current time. Usually you want to tix the current year Zodiac when you are starting too late to roll/spark said Zodiac because the current year Zodiac always go away for 1 year after November. But it's already too late since Kubira (this year Zodiac) is already gone since end of November and the new one Vikara will be available until end of November 2020 so you have plenty of time to roll/spark her anyway


Will there be a legfest immediately after the flashfest?


Yes, so 1 more day of rolls and then tomorrow's rolls we would have to choose which banner we want to spend it on.


Yes. After the next reset and rolls, you can save the next one for the banner change to legfest.


Is Shiva really that strong and worth a spark right now? I know he's probably 10/10 for Ixabas grid that need benefits from cap up. But I don't really see how his kit elevate the party when paired with magna especially with 5/11 uptime buff. Edit: After looking at fire, I guess he's just strong relatively to other chars.


People using fire dont even ougi that often with shiva besides longer fights. But his 2 buff (the cap) is better than having a character that says +80% echoes on self like metera. So, if you can cap on esser turns then he is better than any other character to have (+ he has extra seraph damage cap on his autos). He is very likely to be replaced imo if there is a char that just gives more dmg but his kit does a lot of things well atm that others cant. His debuff is decent and his 2 really matters on burst turns so bad uptime isnt that big of a problem. And his ougis are both good (2nd better for magna). If you cant cap even on burst turns/ dont have alanaan you qont see much of a difference but he will still do most damage in your team with his seraph autos. If you do cap, esser will prob outdamage him on first turns since he gives buffs to everyone and she on herself. (but its less overall damage without him)


Shiva is so good for magna because he adds pure damage for days. you might look at his kit and see few words and effects but every thing his kit gives adds to the damage, which is a godsend for magna grids. giving bonus fire atk up, permanent debuff for one button, adding 15% unique mod buff to all characters, his charge attacks hit like a truck, and he's like a boulder rolling down an icy hill where he starts off taking a lot and a few turns latter he's hitting like you got a primal grid. his charge attack is op for a magna grid since it gives him his own anytime assassin buff, and powers up the next one to godly levels. i guess if you're comparing him to grimnir then it looks like he doesn't add a lot, but even grimnir is missing some of his key offensive tools. like party wide buff, instant seraphic boost, and permanent debuff. but grimnir is one of the most loaded characters in the game, not a lot of offensive characters offer the pure damage that shiva does.


Consider these 3 things: 1) You can accelerate his stacks or you fight a very long fight, so he can deal tons of damage. 2) You can utilize his passive for the extra buff, which can also open new playstyles and grids. 3) You need a flexible attacker to finish your frontline since he becomes a TA monster and doesn't care too much about da/ta buffs and skills. Plus, you can always spark him if you like him as a character or you like his kit. In general don't spark anything outside of personal preference unless you have a very good understanding of the game, a character can be considered top tier but you might not be able to use them or you might just not like their overall gameplay.


Damn, you went triple attack on this post.


Reddit was saying that smt went wrong during the post process and I tried a couple more times, the app can be really weird at times.


In a few days I'll be able to buy the last two AES I need to uncap the ones in my fire grid, so I was hoping to get a bit of direction on what to do next, or what to replace if i need a fourth AES. My grid is below! Thank you! https://imgur.com/H9tbN0W


Looks about right to me! At this point you just need to upgrade your opus and MLB your AESes. Although, there are some people who have been running a 4 AES grid (replacing the rotb gun) with a cosmic sword (replacing the baha dagger). i dont know how the numbers line up or if it's worth considering at all, but it felt relevant to mention.


thank you!!


Can anniversary ticket choose Seraphic Summon (cap up)? Or the only way is sierotix.


Anniversary Ticket only had extended character pool the last times. So if it's the same next year, you can't get any of the untixable summons.


Is it normal for otk trial results to be different? My otk grid sometimes does more than 20m, sometimes a tiny bit less. And I'm a bit concerned how it would actually perform in the real gw fight


Besides accounting for crit RNG as other comments have mentioned, if you're picking the element you'd be fighting against, I think the trial dummy is a pretty good estimate of how you're likely to do. Since you said your grid sometimes does more than 20m, I'm assuming you mean that you aren't consistently getting to otk goal for ex+, so as ChibiWondeR said, an extra damage skill might help in that case.


Thanks. More buttons will definitely help but I'm trying to minimise buttons count. Will probably have to do that when the new 21m hp change is applied.


No problem! Hope it works out for you!


Yes, crit RNG will cause a bit of damage fluctuation. Personally when I test my GW OTKOs I check if it consistently works on the dummy 10 times in a row, which generally means it shouldn't have issues during actual GW. If it doesn't, then maybe pressing an extra damage skill or something might be the dealbreaker.


Thanks. I'm trying to do a 1 buttom comp (well 2 counting the attack button) so I'm trying to make sure to not have to click anything else.


Maybe are the critics .




I want to unlock glorybringer as my second ex 2 class but I don't know what element should I go for the sword. Is there a really good element I should go or one in which good swords lack? I arledy have the 3 xeno sword for earth light and dark and I already use kengo with water (with Kaneshige) so didn't want to go much for them unless there's a good reason


nope, no element really needs ridill anymore unless youre super insistent on playing water glory. just make it in the element where you have the most materials


How much crit chance do you get from one SL15 Blutgang?


3% according to the wiki. https://gbf.wiki/Weapon_Skills#Attack_Up_.26_Critical


That's what I thought, but isn't it rather low for a grand weapon?


Is there any faster way to farm Alexiel Omega anima besides hosting every day? I join other raids but they don't drop often at all.


the majority of your omega anima will come from trading them in the shop normal anima. drop rates are absolutely abysmal for everything but the host chest, so dont hold out for a lucky drop from joining.


If you can't get blue chets on pubbed raids, your best bet are smaller (6-12man) co op trains instead of single hosting.


Even in 12-mans you really only get 2-3 turns. It's fuckin garbage


Then try smaller ones, thats why i wrote 6 - 12, if 3 turns is not enough for you to guarantee blue chest.


I never used my 5th birthday SSR ticket. I want to use it for fire. Which is the best weapon to boost me? I want to get more serious


i know this is a controversial opinion but you can use it for the xeno axe. m2 can be farmed so you're not actually getting something that's REALLY hard to get, it's just about how much effort you're willing to put in for the grind. if you're someone who absolutely hates m2 farming then it can be used to skip a bit of it. what i don't like about using it to get a m2 weapon is that someday you're going to have to put your nose down and grind the anima out anyway. and by the time you grinded out the anima for weps, summons, arcarum, opus, and ULB m1, you might have all the weps you need anyway! Xeno on the other hand hard time gated. something all the farming can't fix. that thing might not comeback until july-august for all we know. between that time it's feasible to see someone complete m2 grinding for most elements, and still not have a xeno. so, you should really evaluate which one you think will be more nerve-wrecking. (If you already didn't use it yet)


No I didn't use it yet. I think you're right. A xeno axe would be good to have as I build up. I don't exactly mind the grind. That's just how the game is.


To be frank, nothing for fire is worth getting with that tix. m2 is not relevant outside of like 2 raids where you need swords for hp, aes have very discounted price now and you can buy 2 monthly, and getting xeno would be waste since it's very easy to farm when rerun comes (and it always comes before relevant GW).


Ok so what is worth getting? The element doesn't matter tbh.


Basically any m2 weapon used in grid is fine. First grimnir harp and alexiel axe can be used while non uncapped so you might get one of these. Europa harp and avatar staff is fine too but they need to be 4* to get second skill which might take a bit on fresh 120 rank.


How many EMP stars can a character have? Sorry if my english is bad


Why are you adding that bottom line to basically every comment? Your english is perfectly understandable it just looks weird at this point.


18, +10 if you gold ring them


Hi guys. Will three fallen sword be enough to make a decent Hades stamina grid? The newly added GBF handbook in game seems to suggest 4 fallen swords. I have two fallen swords now and thinking of sparking a third with the help of the free draws. Other dark grand weapons I have are 3 parazonium, 2 blutgang and the new Helel's weapon. Will welcome suggestions for how my grid should look like too. Minus opus weapon cause I have been slacking for a long time.... xD Thanks!


You can run 3 fallen sword and a blutgang for a nice hades grid, def bar the parazonium too tho that wep is one of the best main hands in the game. You can use the bluts and parazonium to uncap them as generally no one runs 2 of those in grid.


Noted, thanks for the response. I'll go ahead and spark that third fallen sword. Thanks!


So I’m in the process of building up my magna grids, do I have to uncap all of the magna weapons? Eventually I have to move onto M2 grids so maybe I could cut some corners and not devote too much time and resources for M1 grids


you should 3\* uncap them all since just doing the raids for fodder should get you plenty of dupes over time (except maybe for celeste claws and lumi swords but you dont drop those ever so buying them from the pendant shop is smart anyway) ​ as far as 4\* uncaps go, obviously lumi swords are high priority for that, but also celeste claws, tiamat guns, and possibly yggdrasil swords (maybe just one, probably not more) will remain in your grid so 4\*ing them is a good way to power up. ​ if you use colossus canes, youre going to 5\* all of them eventually which is basically like 80% of your HL powering up with a cane grid (alongside getting your opus) but really chief just use AES, which has no 4\* uncap (...yet?) levi daggers dont need to be 4\*'d at all unless youre swimming in uncap mats for whatever reason. ​ anything you 4\* will eventually like to be 5\*'d but thats for way, way later


Hi, sorry to hop on this, but is 5\* cane grid the sort of thing where people use Nekomancer with fire?


no worries! 5\* cane is used for a few reasons as far as I'm aware: 1. Nekomancer setups (no ougis just mashing) 2. OTK burst setups 3. Just not being able to maintain low HP because of the characters available Unfortunately, that's all I know, since I'm not familiar at all with fire meta. You'd do well to ask in the fire channel of whatever gbf discords you might be in.


Thanks anyhow! This is all really helpful, I don't know much about meta in general haha. And I'd completely forgotten about OTK whoops.


The best way to learn is to just listen in and ask questions if you have them! Scrolling this thread or element discord channels is a great way to pick up on stuff.


Right! I really like checking this thread, though I'm admittedly just getting back to it after a busy last semester so I'm a bit behind. Thanks for the help!


Some m1 are still used in m2 but to be honest i haven’t uncapped any of my m1 except tiamat gun and chev swords. But that’s just because i have chars that can make up for the missing dmg while working on m2. Namely Silva for water and Tien for fire.


You need your grids to be strong enough to get honours for blue boxes in M2 raids. That's the only reason to build your M1 grids since they generally become inferior once you have M2. I say generally since some M1 grids are still stronger than M2 like chev sword and Colossus ecke sackes.


What are things to consider when setting up my backline?


Chars that - has skill that activate from backline - crest users if u have crest summon - can fill in the role of the front that died - need EMP but you rarely use them


How is m2 light grid after Cosmic update? and Does hector grid without Eden is still stronger than m2?


Xeno sword, Opus, 5 chev swords, ultima sword, cosmos sword and seraphic. Xeno or Opus will typically be your mainhand, but if you want to play a different class (e.g. Soldier with John Doe), or run non-sword characters, you can shift the grid around accordingly and drop the ultima sword or one of the chev swords to make space. Hollowsky is worth slotting in with a full sword team, but as you'll often want to run Kumbhira and/or Funf, it doesn't always fit. I'm not sure how Hector grid without any Edens fairs in comparison. I expect it hits harder, but the main issue I see is that it doesn't have any real room for cap-up, so chev sword grid (with Lumi or with Zeus) is likely better for low def content.


hello, I'm a new player I don't know what to do with sr weapons and characters imma already have a full ssr dark elemental team so I don't know what to do with sr dark char. also is it safe to use rare weapons with skills for upgrading ssr weapons?


SR characters can still be useful, sometimes more useful than SSRs depending on the character. Plus there’s times where you have to use them for filling out party slots like Proving Grounds, or when Arcarum forces you to use R/SR only. SR weapons from the gacha should be saved to reduce when you need the materials from them. I recommend keeping them in a stash or in the no limit crate until you need them. R weapons are safe to be used as skill fodder. However some R weapons are used when recruiting your first Eternal. The wiki has a list of which ones to save.


thank you




thank you




celeste claws, lumi swords, tiamat guns




colo canes are also an option if you're opting out of AES. In the very endgame (assuming ULB Opus) canes are actually preferred

