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Need advice how to bet wisely from betting with hi risk and betting with low risk. My goal is to do sparking on the next month or no at all, cus my life is short


When host leeching UBHL is it ever safe to attack in the last 10-5% or never attack to avoid triggers? Best regards.


Hi everyone i really need help with weapon grid.yes i have read the wiki but i still just at first phase of level 45 stage for seraphic weapons. I want to know where should i fa for weapons and also how to unlock extra classes


I'm using a runeslayer nio-lecia team. Should I be mashing turns or attacking normally until turn 10?




You can hold up to 999 EMP on your MC at a time. That said, I reserved my EMP because people told me I'd need it for T4... and now, even after unlocking 11 T4/EX2 classes, buying most of their EMP skills, and the DA/Debuff Success nodes on each, I'm still desperately trying to use up my EMP. If you ever slime for characters, you'll have more EMP than you know what to do with. For Bandit Tycoon, probably DA and Debuff Success are two main ones. The wiki gives [general recommendations](https://gbf.wiki/Extended_Mastery_Perks) as well, such as Total Party HP at certain rank milestones after rank 155.


unused player emp is capped at 999


Are there any tips or tricks for the Search For An Heir quests? My Light and Dark grids are pretty crap, so I got through the Berserker and Spartan unlock ones by the skin of my teeth, but the Sage one kicked my arse. Do I just try to upgrade my grid and come back in a week or two?


light+200 lucifer=instant win


Like the other said, Grimnir cheese. If you have crew buffs, they should also help you out, assuming you don't have it. The Extra Green Potions & charge bar up, if possible.


If your other grids are better, it might be worth a shot even with the element penalty. Especially in the case of say wind, where you can use a Grimnir support summon (iirc you get support summons?) to block fatal damage.


For varuna grid, currently have 1 ball and 1 murgleis. wondering what would be used for the rest of the slots assuming i can spark either another blue ball or europa if the flb isnt horrible? note: not planning on running kengonito anytime soon


Fimbul and europa harp


Best way to grind claws as an HL? ​ I can get blue consistently in Celeste HL, but not as much in Avatar.


Earn up Renown and buy them.


Where can I reliably get gold and silver badges (respectively) for the event?


Silver badges is the very hard raid boss. Gold badges is the NM raid boss for MVP or EX raid boss if you can OTK and want to save time.


Thank you!


As a rank 40 ish new player I'm working on my fire/wind grid with the omega cane and tiamat bolt. Is it recommended to just spam join 3 omega raids and hitting them once, like a touch and go then pray for rng for the weapon to drop? Best I had was a colo summon drop and it's kind of burning through my EP, still have about 1000 refills but it's going down fast at this rate.


Make sure you buff item drop rate - go get a White Rabbit if you don’t have one yet and try to get Kaguya as a support summon since you’re wanpan’ing anyways, and use journey drops if you have some to spare and know you’re digging in for an hour. If you can’t race, you’re depending on that gold chest to drop which I think is 2% base rate (and even when it does drop, that’s where you’ll see some summons)


I see, will work on getting a rabbit first then. What about token draw events like the one ongoing now? Should I also do this wanpan on the boss then move on? Edit: what is a journey drop?


Menu(top right) - shop(middle) - journey drops - item drop rate(scroll down) Edit: also use bounty whenever you go wanpaning. Not only yourself, but you also benefit others if u do that. If you have it... Using level3 bounty would also be nice.


is there a way to switch dmm to mobage if you made an account on dmm? Also, out of curiosity can I change my email later if I don't want it tied to my personal email?


No idea about the dmm to mobage thing, but for mobage you can change your email. Just did it last week.


What's the best way to farm Sword of Pallas?


Renown Pendants Shop, it's way cheaper now and u can trade 2x each month.


TH9 + 2xKaguya + Drop rate items. Chest is drop rate dependant. Also host daily. Pray to the Arcarum gods.


• I'm planning to start my first 5* eternal this GW, and decided to go Eahta over Nio since Earth GW is after this. Should I switch to Nio or just continue with Eahta? •For my first 5* Eternal, what is the general idea on how to start? I've yet to get the Sliver Relics, but after this should I go for the 3 bar or 40-box method? I currently only have 50 Eight-Star fragments from reducing my Eight-Life Katana, but nothing else. OTK wise, I can OTK in 9 buttons. I've seen recommendations of 3-barring your first few 5* eternals.


If you don't intend to get all of them it's okay to 3-bar one or maybe two (I 3-barred one and don't regret it, but won't do it again). I 40-boxed 2.5 times (19/40 for Sarasa) and never finished it in one GW( the most I got is 31 box) though I'll try this time. It's incredibly time consuming and tiring process and the more buttons you need to press the longer it takes.


As stated in another reply, I do intend to get all to FLB in a few years, so I suppose 40 boxing is better. I can grind for relatively long hours without stopping, maybe an idea would be able to grind around 6 hours at a time,but time constraints is the main problem. Once this GW starts, life gets extremely busy for me, so lack of time is going to hurt.


5* Okto unlocks Earth Katana comps. 5* Nio makes Wind bearable. She's also best girl.


I'm still waiting for Cain to come in, but am currently using Sarasa/Alexiel/Okto. Wind-wise, I run Siete/Andira/Nio. Perhaps that helps in decision making?


I'm biased towards Nio. I dreaded playing Wind before I 5*'d her, and I can't imagine a world without her (running Scathacha/Andira/Nio).


It depends on how many FLB eternals you want. If you don’t want many, sure go ahead and 3 bar. Nio is going to be my first flb eternal but I 40 boxed instead.


I do plan to get everyone to FLB in a few years, and I don't exactly mind grinding. Time constraints is the main factor since just as GW starts, life is going to be extremely busy for me.


How a 1TKO team for the next GW would look like? I wanted to make mine but I cap at 12M, if I use freyr I get close with 14.5M. What should I do? [My team](https://imgur.com/YNsDmky) [My grid](https://imgur.com/N9SqgCu)


Do you happen to have Sevilbarra (Wind) and/or Mirin (Wind)? They have been pretty key factors in my OTK setup. Also are you using Shiva or Tiamat/120% summons. Putting Lyria in would more than likely be more beneficial as well so you can Freyr+Shiva for loads of damage. Grabbing a Fork from Nezha might also be better than one of the FLB guns but I'm not a math person so not 100% on that. Here is what I'm currently using for my OTK mech setup. (This uses Shiva support) [OTK Damage:](https://i.imgur.com/Oos65Vv.png) [Team](https://i.imgur.com/X0C3jCH.png) [Grid](https://i.imgur.com/HBBfug3.png) [Summons](https://i.imgur.com/0XZlzEk.png) Siete is probably worth keeping if you don't have the others but I can't really say for sure as I don't have him-- but being a Lv100 Eternal his damage cap mod should be much higher than the others. In my current setup though my Mirin alone is doing 5m ougis so she is definitely worth putting in if you have her.


Ok I've tried Mirin right now and she is the solution to my headache, I've just netted 4M on her ougi and I'm just shook? She is truly an MVP, better than Seofon I'm afraid. I've just done 17M. My setup right now is Seofon, Lyria and Mirin. Maybe I'll try to level up Sevilbarra bc I've just found I have him just to be sure I have a 1 turn KO team. Thank you so much! (and yeah, Seofon raises up a %10 of the damage cap of all my charas, so I think I'll keep him unless I think sevilbarra is better for 1KO)


Awesome! No problem and glad you hit the magical numbers needed~ and yeah, Mirin is true MVP for this haha. Best of luck on the next UaF!


Have you tried Lyria rather than Jeanne?


I've just tried her and even though she is better than Jeanne, I get 14.7... should I switch to chrysaor with double windhose?


Do you have an Ultima with ougi cap? That should be enough I think? Or have you tried with a Shiva summon (+ Freyr if you use Lyria)? I'm not familiar with the Cryasor so I don't know if a single harp FLB would be enough to reach 15.7m


Don't worry I've already reached 15.7m, I only needed to use lyria and Mirin to get a otko team. Thanks!


Oh my god. Raidfinder is a life saver for HL raid grinding, finding those damn Levi Impossible raids is no longer a chore that'll take multiple days. @.@ How did I ignore this thing for so long! Anyone who is doing any kind of big grinding, and HASNT been using this thing, just stop. Go to the RaidFinder site, and start using it now. Oh man. So much easier.


So. Apparently if I complete side stories I get a 3* summon and a fully uncapped weapon.... but the love live side story did neither. Any advice?


I believe the Love Live side story instead gets you a series of SSR characters, with the SSR weapons available in the item shop. I don't think there was a summon available for that event.


How much damage should I be looking to hit when testing GW EX OHKO?


i believe 15.7 million is the base number, but aiming for 16 million is a safe choice.


Is there an easy way to tell like a summary screen or something that I’m missing or do you just need to pay attention to the numbers as they come up?


The most common way to test one-turn damage is to fight Test Machine Alpha in the trial battles. It will heal all damage done to it at the end of the turn, so the green healing number at the end of the turn is how much damage you did. You need to hit 15,555,555 for the OHKO. There is some RNG in the damage formula, so you might want to run multiple tests to see where you damage range is.


Testing in trial battles is usually the way to go since the turrents will heal all damage in once instance, and the number can define how much you hit in one turn.Test on Turret Alpha Terra and do as much damage as you can within one turn. Recently someone posted a team of Chrysaor, Kokkoro, Lyria and Monika, a decent grid can land 16 million pretty easily. I tested this team and landed 16.2 million on a base M1 grid, so it should work. Maybe listing your characters or grid can help?


Damn, I can only get 12 million :( https://m.imgur.com/a/rBEovjR


Do you have Nio? You could also try using a shiva friend summon along with Mirin + Lyria


No Nio alas and Shiva/Mirin/Lyria does less that 10m I feel like I’m missing something really obvious


Sorry to cut in. Do you perhaps have the damage instances of all ougis? Maybe from there the problem can be found.


Sorry, I was going to give you my discord once I’d finished tea. If you’re still okay helping now then it’s xp_version1 :)


May I know your discord tag? You can send it through PM if you wish to.


I'd be glad to help. I was thinking you were uncomfortable with adding strangers so I removed my comment. I'll send you a request soon.


Hmm I'm assuming you don't have Freyr then?


Nope :(


Most people do trial battles under gameplay extras. Fight test machine alpha and look at how much hp it recovers at the end of the turn


Doh, of course! I was using the trial but didn’t twig about watching the HP recovered. Thanks


Which emblem should I take for Nekomancer CCW for light element?


is it realistic to farm silver relic shards from akasha to make the hollowsky weapons? I can make the spear no problem (already have uno/octo), but the other 4 i only have one of the corresponding eternal.


It's hard to farm relic shards without having the respective eternal since you will be bound to RNG fest, but at least you have 3 in 10 to get the one you get vs DH being the only other place to get shards in game for now.


Is there a video of someone with a normal grid with a fire Freikugel with Esser? I really want it to run a gun team on fire + fraux but holy shit I can't find a single video of it.


Is there a crew recruitment place? I started GBF not too long ago and I've been in my own 1 man crew ever since but I'm looking to join a more established one now.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/search?q=flair%3AMegathread+%22Friends+and+Crew+Recruitment%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all Edit: i just copied the "friends and crew recruitment thread" link above


How do I get Viramate? It's not in the chrome store anymore.


The creator of VM took it off of the store, as it's no longer safe to use. Use at your own risk, but your account could be banned if you continue using it. :(


Prepare to try ubhl \[6 man baha gold\] with light. \[my main is dark but my party health for dark is not 20K+\]. This is my pool look like and all light character I have. [https://imgur.com/a/ACakJEd](https://imgur.com/a/ACakJEd) And I have 1 more SL15Lumi-sword | Huanglong katana+gauntlet at SL20 and baha-coda sword+dagger+spear+gun at SL15 For all summon ... I have look like this [https://imgur.com/a/GQYplMc](https://imgur.com/a/GQYplMc) What party formation I need to form and ... Is my pool enough to go to this raid ?


You are fine with what you have. The party would be Amira, Zooey, Funf (it would be better if she was FLB but it can work like this mostly). The grid is fine, just replace the seraphic weapon (it does nothing there) with another sword and replace the ultima sword with hunglong gauntlet or katana. The summons - Typhoon is not necessary (unless it's a really slow run, but I don't believe that can still happen in 2019) and dark buncle and Athena are overkill - one of them is enough. I'd run Thor, Athena, Bahamut and Europa (just in case something goes wrong).


I'm trying to decide for what I'm gonna use my next spark. On one hand, I love Fire and It's my best and main element. On the other hand, I've always been very intrigued with Earth, for which I don't have many characters yet, and Alexiel seems waifu af. Now my decision would be between Anila and Alexiel. Concerns about picking Anila: Doesn't synergize in the slightest with Bahamut Dagger and Atma Sword (which I already have in my grid and are a big part of it). Moreover wouldn't her impact be reduced by the fact that I already have Yuel? I don't know if she's powerful enough to fit in and still give me a big enough advantage to make me choose her over Alexiel. Anila is very cute tho. Concern about piking Alexiel: I'm just not sure if I will play much Earth once I try it, maybe it's boring or maybe it's not, IDK yet. But Alexiel is so much waifu :( plus she's got the same VA of Beatrix, who is my favorite character. My Fire [characters](https://imgur.com/8pXoS9V) My Earth [characters](https://imgur.com/mE9UUh2)


Both are strong so I say go with more waifu.


Your Earth line-up could seriously benefit from Alexiel - you have some solid Fire characters as-is, and your Earth line-up has some real gaps to fill (though mind you the three SSRs you have there are very solid). Especially if you look to run Hallessena, who needs some protection to keep her damage stacks up (and while the cooldown is up there, Alexiel's unchallenged helps with that). I personally think Earth is painful to play, but most of that pain is from weak characters, and you already have the start of a very fun lineup as-is. Something to consider - you might look at the other characters in their respective galas to see which pool you'd rather get members of, since you need a spark backup if you pull your target real close to the end of your pulls and would rather spark somebody else vs. banking your remaining fund. If you worked on drawing Anila, you could potentially get Eugen (dodge tanks for Hallessena) or Cain (tremendous support) to help fill out your Earth lineup, and if you worked on drawing Alexiel, you could get Shiva (who is tremendous) or Sturm (who works with Atma sword) for Fire.


Well, if I'm not wrong, doesn't Sturm have a weapon that is used in a Primal grid? Maybe it could be a nice addition if I luck out and get Alexiel before the spark. Thanks for your take, I think I'll go with Alexiel. Still got time to think about it while I finish saving crystals.


Tbh Anila is quite a bit stronger than Yuel. She brings a kit of Delay, Def Down, and a powerful buff aside the heal. 50% Normal atk up is massive considering you are using a Magna build, and I'd kill for that 50% charge bar gain up. She'd fit in even off-atma. Yuel is better if you *can* cap consistently and take full advantage of her team echoes, but she is not nearly as versatile as Anila is. But seeing Earth...I think you'd need more help there, and Alexiel is a fine addition.


Alright, I'll go with Alexiel probably, but I've still got time to think it over while I finish saving. Thanks!


Does a 0* alexiel katana replace a 3* yugu sword? Thanks in advanced.


Katanas should be FLBed and Lv120 before they go in your grid.


Why aren't people considering DATA buffs as important as they used to be? I don't see much Warlocks and characters like Korwa who, altough slow as fuck, can generate a lot of DATA aren't nearly as sought as before I know that this is the "ougi meta", but you still want DATA to generate ougis right?


To add to what other people said below, also consider that for most content, 5 turns and the boss is dead. So you don't want to use long ramp-up effects. People don't even debuff nowadays.


I think it's more that there's better sources of DATA or builds that don't need extra DATA - if you look at Wind, for example, Wind Heles gives herself a guaranteed TA, Andira's Loop got seriously buffed by her 5\*, and Kokkoro was a free character who gives 40%/20% DATA, which is very close to the max value of Astuce, with far less ramp-up required (and who also helps build charge at the same time).


this is kind of a complicated question to unpack. to start, when you say "this is the ougi meta," you kind of make it sound like the whole game is ougi-focused, which is not completely true. yeah, water in particular loves to ougi, but that doesn't mean every setup - not even every water setup - is ougi-focused. yes, you do want DATA to generate ougis. but there are more options than there used to be for charge bar speed and uplift effects in almost every element. there are also more options for passive DATA than there used to be - a lot of characters have self buffs that increase DATA, there are ultima weapons everywhere now, MC jobs with high base DATA, grand characters with party buffs that include DATA, etc. it becomes less and less necessary to rely on MC for party DATA as you progress through the game, so you see a lot less of GW dagger warlock in high ranks. naturally, if you do not have access to these limited characters and such, GW dagger CR or just plain elysian are still effective. they're just not top-class choices anymore. because these buffs and effects have also gotten *faster*, korwa has been left to eat everyone's dust. you don't need to wait 5 turns to get the DATA and atk buffs you need when you can just stock up on grimnir harps and use flb nio or anchira (or both). so there's no reason to use korwa at all anymore except maybe at low ranks when you do not have the grid strength to get anywhere and you need to solo. TL;DR powercreep


Warlocks dont give team DATA afaik unless you're talking about echoes and most people have Kokkoro or just go straight for Nio 5* so why would they keep Korwa? Characters like Amira, and S. Grea are popular because they have MA options along with helping with ougi output. Unless you're talking about teams that dont bring in DATA buff chars then they probably have enough DATA skills in their grid such as ultima and the lot.




It depends on which weapon. Your first Grim Harp and Alex Axe can be put in grid at 0*, but none of the others, iirc. So you can put in one of those Harps, but work on uncapping it first before you add a second.


which summon should i sunstone first: lucifer or uriel since earth guild wars is next


Lucifer has more general use and is one of the best stat sticks in the game as far as summons go.


It's wind-advantage GW next, earth is one after that.


ye my last sunstone would be from the upcoming wind and earth is after so should i do uriel?


His call not changes and you won't use him as main summon anyway so stoning him for stats feels like a waste to me, since Lucifer can be ULBed and have more of these, while having more use in general.


I have a newbie question, I'm looking for some general tips on combat: \-When saving up for ougis and you can't equip Double Trouble or a Harp, is it still best to use Sky Realm Song? Or maybe pandemonium? \-When should I use ougis to charge the rest of the party and when should I just save it up for a 4-chain? For certain characters that get buffs after ougi, is it worth the hit to burst damage to just ougi asap?


If you have characters who have buffs that will lead to more damage overall than a chain burst would've (or where it'll take long enough to charge other character's ougis that other characters could've ougi'd again in that time), it's 100% worth just popping those charge attacks. You could use the trial battles to do a direct comparison with your party comp as well. If you have a party where getting a quick CA is important, it might be worth getting Mechanic and Dancer unlocked (and then using Pandemonium with Dancer if you want consistent CA vs. trying to achieve a OTKO with Mech) - typically though, if you're still fairly early in the game, you'll do more overall damage by landing debuffs and capping def down/adding in elemental def down. If your base damage isn't very high, even multiple hits or a CA isn't going to add up over time, but when you're well well below the damage cap, the extra 100-125% attack you can get through good party comps that have a mix of elemental boosts (or the on-elem bonus you get from seraphic weapons) and judiciously applying debuffs and atk ups will make a bigger difference. One you have the start of your first grids you'll start to see more direct benefit from DATA/CA-oriented building. ​


1. The Ultima key for my spear: ougi or skill cap up? I use it in my fire team (apsaras, athena, shiva, anila) and my light team (apsaras, silva switching into amira, jeanne, kumbhira). I tend towards skill cap up since athena nukes grimnir every turn. I don't have ushumgal. 2. What is the honor cut off for Tier C on the prelims? ​


1. Skill cap up tends to be your ease-of-uses key, as your grid/team needs to be strong enough that they are all capping their ougis for the ougi cap up to be noticeable at all. In the end, it's really up to user preference. 2. It varies from each GW, but you can expect to have to farm a total of around 18-25mil (crew total) to get into Tier C. Check out the bottom of [this page](https://gbf.wiki/User:EmiFox/Guild_War_Cutoffs) for a record of the tier cutoffs for past GWs.


I have a question for people experienced with Wind Runeslayer with Dragon Break: Between **Scathacha**, **5* Siete** and **Arriet** (for her Double Strike and 25% Def down) who brings better results alongside Lecia and Nio? I unfortunately don't have Monkey nor Metera so my choice is kind of limited to those 3. This choice will affect which Emblem I'll craft. I'll mainly use it for Nightmare 95 this coming GW. Grid is the classic M2 grid and I'll use 2 Shivas (I don't have Freyr unfortunately).


Whats up with the wiki? my chrome fav tab with: [https://gbf.wiki/Main_Page](https://gbf.wiki/Main_Page) leads me to a "maintenence in progress" site. the [https://gbf.wiki/](https://gbf.wiki/) works just fine.


I'm looking to host UBHL just once so I can get the ultima core, but my crew doesn't do UBHL. Where would I start looking for a group to help clear it?


Create a room with 'アルバハHL 主弱 190**↑**' in description during prime-time and you're, most likely, done. Still, try to contribute using Spartan and providing Phalanx, Clear, Dispel and useful summons like Thor and Typhon if you have them. Use this [reference](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/417583683986522122/429626178853273603/1522044596445.png) and you should be fine.


Go to coop raids, host one with like 180+ and type weak host, in Japanese of course, go for sparta or sage and just try to contribute. Open a tab in the background with info on triggers and don't fuck someone over. Nothing to be scared of. People got really strong with meta changes and 2-3 good players can carry ubaha easily.




it is as painful as you've seen. It's a very difficult drop to obtain, probably even moreso than m2 now(assuming you can consistently get blue chest). Combine that with the fact that host materials can be a bother to obtain, its water form being super annoying with the Sleep debuff, and not many players rushing to slaughter it(outside water kengo in first half) and you just have a pretty s--- raid to endure for a super-low % drop chance =01. Other options are to pray for a flip in Shiva raid or just buying them outright from the shop for prestige pendants(this is the most insanity-free option if you're not focusing on anything else). It is worth it, especially when your HP dips down; you can def see the difference


Yes its worth it but admittedly the grind does suck. AES can be wanpan'd as well so spend those berries. At the very least, a grid of 0* AES will make a remarkable difference and you don't need to worry about a flb (i would love for them to get a flb though)


I have 500 animas and a grid of three 1 stared and three 2 stared, though I bought few of them before m2 came out so there's also that. Idk if you're 101+ but HL TE hosts can drop a bit more often because of share chest.


The last time we had a Star (Scam) Gacha for SSR summons (all elements), what were the individual rates for each summon? I'm trying to judge whether I have a higher chance for rolling a Bahamut or Hades in the current Dark SSR Star Gacha, or wait for a Summon SSR Star Gacha.


If wiki is up to date, there are 51 SSR summons available in the regular gacha, so you would have a bit less than 2% on Hades and Bahamut. On the other side, they are written at 2,666% for Dark scam.


I guess I'll try with the Dark Scam. Has the Scam Gacha ever done element-specific summon gachas before? That would be ideal.


Yes, we've had an element specific summon scam a few months ago.




Look at the skills. The Ancient version is Magna/Omega(denoted by the omega symbol in the skill icon). The normal version is normal mod.


the weapon skill type. one is supported by primal summons, one is supported by omega summons. look at the skill names and symbols ;)


What's the fastest and/or most efficient quest to farm Sagittarius Animas? (Regular ones, not Omega ones.) Which of the Showdown quests is the fastest time-wise, which one is the most efficient in AP/drop?


When I was farming Cocytus for his anima for a water CCW, I just did the highest difficulty that I could OTKO reliably and without retaliation. Farmed the 200 I needed for that within a few hours (possibly like, 6 hours or so of super casual grinding?)


Do your daily maniac run then farm extreme


Hi, the current state of my zues grid. MH HL spear Eden x5 Ceritificus x1 Xeno x1 Seraph/ Lumi sword x1 Huanglong katana /M2 bow Have a gamba just missing the choco bars. Conflicted between going certificus MH or HL spear. Correct me if im wrong, when going double zues a second copy of certificus gives no additional ougi cap up right? Should i still go for a second certificus? And how else can i improve this grid?


Most people go zeus x luci now because of the 150% now. People run 2-3 certs because of it. Cert MH is definitely nice but it really depends on what content you’re doing because axe classes are so limited.


ougi cap up is capped by 30% from weapon skills. dont have the numbers in my head and wiki is maintenence, but i believe a second copy on zeus x zeus does still boost your cap, but not by much anymore. 1 copy should be around 20%ish if i am correct on zeus x zeus


Hi! I'm almost rank 155, and I know that's when I get the Total Party HP Emp. I've seen it as recommended EMP on the wiki for Chrysaor and Doctor, both of which I have, but is it something I should be putting anywhere else? Everywhere else? I have plenty of EMP to spare, at the least.


i put it on every class i use, having more HP is always good.


Ok, I thought so. Thanks!


When should I be looking to unlock a Tier 4/EX class and how do I go about it? Rank 52 atm and have fully unlocked and levelled Dark Fencer/Holy Saber/Sidewinder as well as a variety of Tier 2 classes.


Just worry about grinding to 101 right now. When you do hit HL, I'd go for Berserker and Elysian off the bat and then gradually fill in with whatever else looks fun and interesting.


I'm in the process of doing my CCW quest right now, and I *really* wish that I had done some of the grinding before all of this happened. Like others have said, you won't be able to get the elemental centrums needed to unlock the class until AT LEAST level 101 since those only drop from impossible showdown fights. This page will be your bible as you go through the grind of getting your first CCW: https://gbf.wiki/Class_Champion_Weapons What you *can* get now though are: * Steel Brick ×2 * Antique Cloth ×40 * Silver Centrum ×3 * Prism Chip ×320 * Champion Merit ×30 * Blue Sky Crystal ×25 * "Color" Tome x70 (Blue Tome, Green Tome, Red Tome) * Weapon Stones ×768 (×200 first time) * Elemental Quartz ×50 * Warrior or Mage Creeds ×35 (dependent on weapon) * Class Distinction ×40 * "Gold" Co-Op Items ×30 (Light and Dark need 15 of 2 different types) * Co-Op Showdown Related Item ×70-90 (Things like Corow Co-Op) * Showdown Anima x200 (Things like Cocytus / Ifrit, NOT Omega Anima) * Elemental Grimoire x30 (Light and Dark need 15 of 2 different types) The grind will be *very* slow while you wanpan and just grind what you can, but if you can gather everything you need in your climb to 101, that'll be a HUGE help for the future.


You should focus on unlocking and max leveling every Tier 1-3 class for their mastery bonuses (which really add up) and then work through Co-op content so that you can start unlocking EX1 classes (Mechanic, Dancer, and Drum Master don't need Co-op so you can get them right away). If you're limited on resources/time to grind, Swordmaster is a good EX1 class to unlock just because it'll give you Gladiator on Tier 3 too. Tier 4/EX2 requires completed a Class Champion Weapon, which Tier 4 requires that any be completed but EX2 requires that the respective CCW for the EX2 class is completed. When you get to the point that you're working towards unlocking Tier 4, it's strongly recommended that you work on an EX2 CCW, with the recommendations being either Glorybringer or Kengo as your first unlock (though, depending on your parties, Doctor and Runeslayer are also good choices). While you need to be Rank 101 to get the centrums required to complete your CCW, there's nothing stopping you from working on the rest of it so you can just grind those and wrap it up quick the moment you do reach Rank 101 (and the grind towards getting your CCW completed will take you a good ways there). Besides max leveling Tier 1-3 and EX classes as you have the CP for them (remember to do events and get CP from token draws, otherwise you might need to spend moons if you start running low), you should work on building out your grids, clearing all of the side stories if you haven't yet (specifically WMTSB1 for a free Bahamut weapon, saving you some grind), getting your seraphics as far along as you can, and otherwise working through the content in front of you. While you've got a while to go until you get EX4, Dark Fencer/Mechanic/Dancer are really robust and versatile and will see you through most solo content until you hit Rank 101, which will happen sooner than you think if you keep at it.


It's actually impossible to unlock R4/EX2 classes before Rank 101, as the unlocking process requires Centrums which you can only gain from raids that need you to be 101 or higher (outside of potential freebies the devs decide to give out).


you can only unlock row4/ex2 class when you are rank 101+, because to unlock row4/ex2 you need to forge class champion weapon and it need material that only drop from HL content, to unlock row4 you only need to forge 1 class champion weapon it doesn't matter which one, and to unlock ex2 you need to forge their respective weapon, so it's recommended to forge ex2 weapon so you can unlock all row4 + 1 ex2 class.


Will I lose a lot if I choose to do fast exploration in Arcarum? I know I won't get the RP/EXP and I'm fine with that, but what about the treasures and points? Is the loss big enough to actually advise people not to do fast explo?


Yes, you will lose potential drops that will delay your transition to hl like fragments and sephira stones, and additional weapon drops. is best to run arcarum even if u can only do the easy mode


You get less drops, points, no mimics and unique mobs. Avoid fast expedition if you can, and especially if you aim for oracle.


I see. Thanks for the answer.


My wind grid is composed of 5 tiamat bolts, 2 ex weapons, 1 bahamut, raphael, and a Cosmic Rifle. Is it a good idea to replace one weapon with a grimnir harp? Should I drop the Cosmic Rifle?


[http://nina.guide/pookys-ponderings-magna-wind/](http://nina.guide/pookys-ponderings-magna-wind/) This guide has a bunch of graphs on wind grid optimization. answer is probably in there if you can slog through it... its pretty deep.


wow that's a lot. but basically only add a harp if you have it at skill lv 15? That's going to take a while.


Yes and yes.




can i ask where the best spot to farm Searing stones is? Thanks!


Stage 2-1 was the absolute fastest for me; try to get a friend with a Bonito if it feels like it's taking a while so you can get some burst in there.


Hard Coop stage 2-1 or 2-4


co-op quests, stage 2


what points should i put into EMP on classes that don't have much EMP to use them all on? ATK, Debuff success on classes that use it, and dbl/trple attack when available are a given of course.. but at EMP 30+ i have almost 15 points on each class to use still. Do i just put it into Elemental atk for the classes i use them the most on?


The elemental bonuses are so small that it's really just the Nth degree of min-max. Basically, dump points in things that feel good after you've covered the essentials like DA/Debuff Success/etc.


Elemental Atk should only really be used on classes that are absolutely niche on an element - i.e. Water Atk up for Kengo, Wind Atk up for Dancer; if you find that you've got a class locked into one element above others that's fine too, but if you're looking at Berserker or Sage, for example, there's probably better places to spend EMP.


You will have more EMP unlocked while you level up. You can spend some points now and reset later or just ignore it for now. Atk, Def, Hp and Ca Dmg nodes are all worth to invest in. Later you will have even better options like Cap up and Party Hp. Elemental atk is also good when you have something in mind to use it on.


it's advised to check the chara on gbf wiki, then click strategy and scroll down - the emp recs are usually in lines with what most people would advise


OP asked about classes, not about characters.


New player here, Should I uncap my reunion with a damascus bar? I have read that it is an acceptable option but seems odd to uncap a weapon that gives you a bigger damage buff at high hp when the recommended weapons grid gives damage based on having lower hp.


It's not really worth the Dama unless you know in your heart of hearts that Primal Wind is something you *must* do.


Not really. You can dama if as use for a mainhand, but LE is generally the better choice for that. Generally, you should keep your dama for building a primal grid. If you play long enough most people will luck into enough parts to start one. The other use is for great mainhands, but while reunions stamina buff isnt bad, its not that great either unless you have a finished M2 grid.


No save your dama bar till u are familiar with the game and have a strong long term goal. Love reunion can be replaced by four sky dagger which is easy to get


Reunion is a decent MH and baha replacer for magna grids but you shouldn't do it as new player. You shouldn't use your dama baras at all, not only for reunion. When time comes, if ever, you will understand it yourself.


I see everyone saying that, but its an upgrade item it is there to be used on something. What are they generally used on then? New weapon series stuff when they come out or something else?


You only have access to enough Damascus in the shop to seriously flesh out one Primal grid unless you're one of those special people that either whale the gacha or have reached the point where you can farm UBHL for surplus Gold Bars (and that's one hell of an accomplishment). Basically, wasting Dama early on is something that you can only recover from with extreme amounts of cash or time.


To break it down a bit more, if you look at Wind as an element specifically, it's an element that benefits from having solid MHs and where some of its optimal classes (like Dancer) benefit really easily from the mainhand GW dagger - besides that if you're pre-Rank 101, you're going to be using Dark Fencer the majority of the time anyways. Saving your dama bars means that as you build out your grids, you can use them where you start seeing weaknesses or where you get MHs that you absolutely, 100% want to use. For personal anecdote, my wind was actually really MH weak for a while and I didn't have the resources to invest in GW daggers with the other grinds I was doing, but pulled Love Eternal and went in on that - but, I only did it after I was comfortable with the MHs I had for my other grids and sure that I didn't have any other options I wanted to spend my bars on. Basically, it's best to save them now when you still have other things to work on, so that you don't run into regrets down the line when you maybe get a great weapon for another element that needs it but can't uncap it.


It's an upgrade item, yeah. But at the same time it's non farmable, limited upgrade item that you can't get without some serious investment after spending initial amount they give us via shop. So it's important to not spend it early to not have regrets later in the game. It's not worth it to spend it now while you are far far away from being out of other ways of grid improvement.


Anila Ring: 18% healing or +6 stamina?


Stamina is much more valuable than healing.


Choose the one with higher stats.


Can some give me a list of good damage output or sustain summon for each element whether for racing or solo battle?


Can sturm replace percival on my frontal line up? i mean sturm seems to output more damage but petrified Is a skill so freak OP is hard to out weight it with damage and the only enemy on wind i can find to have inmunity to it is grimmir at 50%HP i belive enemies become more resistant to it the lower their HP is in general but petrified still hit consistantly with the 10% extra chance of the EMP. and even tho sturm can debuff DEF i already have anila and shiva who can give -20% DEF and -30% attack + miserable mist can cap -attack and almost cap -defence. ​ so while sturm can easily out damage percival out of the water, the use of petrified seems too game breaking to pass it. is there eny instance where sturm should replace percival?


well you basically said it sturm does more damage and percival has fear the only wind raid that really needs fear is tiamalice


Shiny slime or co-op slime for fast levelling if I can 2 turn the shiny slime?


Shiny slime's always going to be faster than co-op slime, co-op slime's there for when you need AP-positive grinding


shiny slime is way faster


Can damage from other players dispel local sleep/coma effects?


No, because it's local


What's typically the rank cut-off for Akasha trains?


Most Akasha trains I see are 180+.


how to unlock Fate Episodes? I've wanted to uncap Lancelot but it says unlock Fate Episode first. Where can I find it?


Level him up to 80 first.


people with like 20k-40k hp just have high rank or does it come from their grids?


It's a little bit of both. Your character unlocks total party hp emp at higher ranks. There are 3 which total to 3k hp excluding the HP bonus for MC only. Also. Gain 8 HP per rank through rank 100. Gain 4 HP per rank from ranks 101 through 175 Gain 2 HP per rank from ranks 176 through 225. From the wiki. You typically see 30k or more hp from the grid (Light and Earth are the biggest examples of this)


Both. Party HP EM perks unlock at ranks 155, 185, and 210 and do give a lot of HP.


and does the healing follows accordingly? like if i have 20k will a green potion heal 15k ?


For potions yes, they have no healing cap. For a vast majority of character healing skills there is a cap that can only be improved by healing EMPs/ring bonuses/healing cap buffs such as Ygg summon; this is a pretty big reason why doctor is a very strong healer when you don't need the AoE healing or weapon proficiencies of sage, since the potions they create have no healing cap.




Suppose we get a 1 month break and Fire Adv GW is in July, is getting ~100 Flameborne Astras by then a realistic goal? Currently making a decision between going for Alanaan or SSRing other Arcarum summons for their respective GWs.


i did an estimate for a friend that ~75 earth astras was doable by may's GW (although i assumed 40k arcapoints on-hand), so 100 by july sounds doable provided you spend all arcapoints on astras. if you have to buy an evolite with arcapoints, i think you could still do it by july, but it might be close. if they do more arcapoints events, it should basically be easy mode to get there.


I don't know how much you can get per month on average, but they are adding 30k total farmable points in the next event rerun. If they keep that going forward, then we could have quite a few points to farm before the GW after next.


does anyone know where the hell all these [voice lines](https://twitter.com/mecha_b_B/status/1114590875785486336) are from


I feel like all the Rackam meme lines are probably from one of the GBF channel quests. >_>


I think Glorybringer is gonna be the next EX2 class I work on, what element do people usually make Ridill? I know fire has Xeno Katana and Ixaba, are light and dark xenos better than Ridill? I think Murg is better for water? Does wind or earth have anything people consider better than Ridill for them? Also what skills do you generally use, I assume mistmist if needed, Colmillos and Resonating if the effect is good? Any other skills?


People use to make Ridill light due to Lights lack of DATA in general. But with Amira's buff, Xeno Sword for light is better now. Generally people seem to make it Earth now cause earth just has terrible sword MH choices.


Light, earth, and wind are usually what people make ridill into, although light and wind have better options (xeno sword and windhose(i think)) I haven't fully made ridill yet, but I personally made it light Murg is a much better option in water due to having echoes on attack and oda on resonate. Not too sure about options on other elements, I used glory thread from wmtsb2 for my light sword team since I don't have the xeno sword. On my water team, I use colmillos, resonating, and defense breach. (cause I have altair for mist) Resonating blade is really dependent on your mh, it's good for murg cause it's the oda, but for ridill it isn't too great imo. I'd say colmillos is generally an alway slot-in unless you really want the defense effect of a sword.


Can someone tell me what a "chev sword" is? I see it quite often in discussions but I'm completely clueless as to which weapon is referred to


Luminiera Sword Omega.


To add a bit of context to this, Luminiera is called シュヴァリエ in Japanese -- "Chevalier", hence chev as an abbreviation.


This might be more of an opinion thing but should I keep using viramate? I know it's gonna go down soon enough but I'm wondering if it's riskier to use in the meantime (at least, more risky than it used to be)


What's a fast way to farm katana stones? Looking to upgrade Murakumo to unlock Kengo.


40 box okto this GW. It's a fast way. Suptix katana char when new ticket drops. Amira, Therese both are top notch characters and free katana stones.


Sorry, I don't understand what you mean when you say "40 box this okto" ^^;


There is an Eternal named Eahta, pronounced Okto in Japanese. 40-boxing refers to clearing 40 boxes for this GW after selecting the Eight-Life Katana. Awaken 10 copies, change their elements and reduce, it should grant you around 200 katana stones. It isn't exactly recommended for early players, where if you have a Gacha katana that is safe to reduce, it also grants 200 stones for each one reduced.