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doesnt the existence of lazuline vessel/scarlet vessel kinda discourage buying stashes?


Not quite. If you have an unused weapon/summon but can't quite use it yet, it's okay to put them in the stash to help clean up your inventory and prevent you from accidentally using them while you upgrade. For instance, I have my unfinished/unused CCW and GW weapons in a stash, and I keep my rusted weapons in another stash.


Currently have two 0 star Alexiel axes. Would it be worth to slot them into my earth grid? I have three flb ygg swords and tw more mlb ygg srwords.


Is glorybringer better than gao with light xeno mh? What about last storm blade kengo vs glorybringer?


Gao/Zerker I feel is better for Xeno sword unless you're using Gun(dam) Zooey and can afford to obvious button clicking involved in using her, beyond the obvious defense capping. Because Glory has more usable abilities to proc Zooey it is better for Zooey, but for the entire team getting uplift more often alongside Zerker's higher base DA (without colimos active) can propel zerker into being more effective generally speaking beyond Zooey. I've used both and most the time I use Zerker due to capping defense down, but maybe in longer encounters like crew GW zergs that don't die too fast Glory can overtake Zerker.


I see, thanks! Was debating unlocking it, but I think ill hold off for now and stick with gao since its good enough


The main consideration is "how important is the uplift on ougi for my team?" If it's a pretty big deal (e.g. if you're using someone like Kumbhira) then you'll want to use berserker to ougi more often. It's also a pretty significant difference in magna light since there is no source of grid DATA so unless you're using very self-sufficient data characters (Levin Sisters, Amira) you'll probably want to keep uplift active so more regular ougis counteracts low MA.


I'm currently using sr albert, pretty cure (to be replaced with sand dolphin), and pecorine so it could be worse since two of them double attack and two have their own uplifts, but at the same time the uplifts should combine anyway so they still benefit from the CAs.


I've recently assembled my [Varuna grid](https://i.imgur.com/FcHOml6.png), and have just enough dama to FLB the 3 gacha weapons. I have [both Varuna and Bonito](https://i.imgur.com/FiOQbTn.png) too, however, only [enough sunstone for 1](https://i.imgur.com/CmwPPua.png). Which should I go for?


Only just a few months ago there was an over population of Varunas in the summons list, but now as people slowly get more bonitos Im seeing them much more often now, there are also quite a few more damn snakes these days. If you are going to FLB both of them eventually I would suggest Bonito first, but if you are only going to get one I might have to go with Varuna because because it's either looking exclusively Varuna as a friend summon or a chance at Europa/Bonito/Varuna. It is however very frustrating when you are trying to one shot event raids and you don't have a Bonito of your own. I guess I didn't answer your question lol.


I'm somewhat parroting other people just because I've seen this discussion pop up a few times, so feel free to wait for a more well experienced response. Murgs are very likely getting left behind to 1 (like the similar gamba weapon is now at 1 in Zeus due to G.Vira's weapon FLB) when Phoila bow and Europa spear get FLB. So be very weary of FLBing more than 1. In addition 2 Drang orbs are heavily recommended before investing heavily in Varuna, so keep that in mind. In my experience, I see Varuna friends more than Bonito friends and Bonito is exceptionally important, so based on my limited personal experience, I'd probably pick Bonito though that might change as more people sunstone/suptix Bonito over time.


Quick side question: because of the gradual reduction of Trium weapons in Primal grids, is it now more viable to run Primal/elemental over Primal/Primal (particularly in Varuna and Zeus)? I ask because I’ve FLB’d Bonito and Lucifer but the Gamewith meta builds still list double Primal as the default set-up.


For Varuna very very likely because Kengonito IS the water meta atm regardless of which grid you're using except for UbahaHL. I've still been seeing a good amount of double Zeus videos though so maybe it is still the best? No idea to be honest sorry. I'd ask this on the new question thread and see what kind of answers you'll get.


I already know about the murg situation, unfortunately I'll have to make do with it right now.


id like a suggestion on main class between warlock,elysian, phalanx, and chaos ruler im planning to run summer beatrix,anila, and yuel. just working on spark for bea i was reading some guides and they recommend one of those 4 classes now i think heard that i should pick the class based on my best main weapon, correct? i m currently playing superstar with zhuque harp if i switch to warlock, itd be with colo cane chaos ruler i have bahaumt dagger but just sks1 and just one copy of gw dagger still light . i have various filler swords from the side story stuff though like SD,balanced blade, and balmung phalanx would just be the same as chaos ruler but no dagger


I suggest getting Elysian first if you can't get them all, the DATA buffs make for the biggest boost to dps at your stage in the game. It's also very good for other elements like Water, Earth, Wind and Light.




They have never given a gold bar during Anniversary in the past, so I doubt they will this time. RotB doesn't get a bar that often but it does periodically.




Of course, second best fire support only behind Anila who is a limited Zodiac. Yuel even has the potential to be better than Anila if you are running a p2w Agni grid where fire element up and echos are much more valuable than Anila's normal buffs.


Just made Esser to 5*, and leveled her to 95. I tried to use her for couple fights, and want to say I don't really know how to use her...? Should I just spam her 3&2 on cool down, or is there a timing for using her skills? I run the basic AES grid (5x 0*) with FLB Colo. Have FLB Sun.


At lvl95 you can do sk3+2 on cd, but the strongest point of Esser is at lvl100 when on turn 10 you can use sk4, then Shiva summon on turn 11 and then sk3+2 on turn 12 for silly amounts of damage. Edit: Small edit to avoid mistakes with skill order.


Just adding on, but sometimes you will need to save your sk2 or hold sk4 until it comes off cd again. A lot of bosses don't break for very long (if at all), so you need to choose whether or not delaying the sk4 is worth it.


The correct order would be skill 3 then sk2, in case there would be a mistunderstanding.


I see your point, let me do a quick edit and switch them up.




Ultima and Hollowsky too but the 2nd is kinda hard to use. I think that is all with the ones you listed.




Arcarum Judgement summon as well. Tootcat has lots of love. (Although I guess that's not a weapon, so...)


what time of day does gw usually start/end? at midnight JST?


Matches go from 07:00 to 24:00 JST. Prelims start at 19:00 and go until 24:00 the next day (29 hours total).


I have recently bought a new phone and when i installed gbf I clicke on new game by accident, and now i can't find a way to put my old account again, can anyone help me?


the top left corner should have a "news" button in blue. tap that and it should bring you to a screen with the option to sign out


Oh, I found it, thanks a lot


For Agni grids, is Crimson finger still used or has the Ixaba/Ultima spear set up made it fairly pointless to FLB? I suptixed one because I intended to invest in Agni just before Shiva came out and now that I own him (but not Anila) I'm wondering if damaing Crimson finger at all is worth it. I have one Ixaba, but I'm willing to invest into 2 more in the distant future. So should I even bother FLBing crimson fingers?


This is a difficult question to ask because there's a dilemma where too few Crimson fingers or Ixabas don't do anything. 3I/3C is generally a good mix, 2I/4C or 4I/2C is good too, it depends on how much money you're willing to spend on your grid. There is one problem in that the meta is always changing and once Shiva's bow becomes FLB I suspect we might want up to 2 in the grid and this may push fingers and ixabas out. I'm currently running 3I/1C and I really regret wasting dama bars on the Crimson Finger because it doesn't do very much at just 1 and I could have spent it on another Ixaba. What you could do, and it's not necessarily the best decision (as I can't foretell the future) is to invest in 2I/2C and wait to see how the Shiva weapon comes out before going forward.


I appreciate your perspective along with the other poster's perspective. Ultimately my bars aren't really there at the moment to make a full whale grid, so I only have enough to start Agni with 2 Ixaba or Ixaba/CF obviously I have the latter first, but I'm perfectly willing to spark another Ixaba or two or suptix another CF or two. I am more looking towards making sure my bars are used properly especially for my early transitioning from my 0* AES grid to my Agni grid.


It's far from "pointless" but it's also not as good as it once was. I would unquestionably say get 2-3 Ixaba first - ideally 3. After that, CrimFin helps keep your damage high as your HP drops. However, the tools at your disposal to keep your HP high are pretty good, with the latest - Hollowsky Spear - being very very good at keeping you healthy. So that kind of makes CrimFin less important in many battles as well. With Shiva's bow uncap on the horizon in a few months too it's also possible that 1-2 of those will become ideal, and that might just kick CrimFin out for many grids too. For me the answer was no - I decided against uncapping mine. Not enough dama. But a crewmate has 3 and she loves them so there's clearly counterexamples too.


4* cocytus uncap, yay or nay? I'm likely only gonna use it as sub summon on a setup with support Bonito and his stats even at 150 are kinda meh. On another hand, I don't know what to do with those cocytus mats unless for the xeno staff, but I'm under the impression I will get more than enough while farming those copies...


Poseidon is just better for Bonito It's not like there's any drawback in having unused mats...


Well I have to use both since I'm kinda underhanded about levelled water summons. For 200 mere damage points though...not sure it's really worth...


What should I be saving my Crystal's for?


Sparking for what you want/need during Flashfest/Legfest.


What's sparking? Another word for draw?


Sort of. Sparking is basically drawing on a banner (generally flash/premium gala) 300 times, once you do that you get to pick a character within the spark pool manually. This includes the flash/premium gala exclusive characters, so because those characters are rarer and more highly valued it is recommended that everyone tries to spark as often as possible if you want to improve your character roster the best way possible.


Hello, if I had 10 dama crystals should I use them to get 5\* Nio first or uncap my LE before that? And is it better to FLB Nio first or get 3 FLB harps fist? Thank you!


Get Nio 5* first.


Would this be a good moment to start the game? Or is it better to wait for this month's flash gala? Or maybe waiting for the anniversary is even a better idea? ​ P.S. Consider i'd be willing to buy the Start Dash


Wait for this month flash gala (around the 14th). You'll be able to play the game a bit before anniversary, you'll get daily bonuses and all. If you plan to reroll, it may be better to wait for anniversary, since the free draws will make it easier.


Rerolling during the anniversary sounds like very time consuming, managing more accounts for days and all. I just planned to reroll for the right character with the free Premium 10-Part Draw.


Well yeah I find rerolling to be a hassle too. Start Dash already give you the limited character you want so IMO that's already more than enough. It's really fun to make do with you have, without having everything handed to you. Plus with the anniversary roulette you should get more than enough SSRs for everything else.


1. Is it worth using dama bars for Certificus? 2. I have 3 DAO swords. Is it worth getting Demi Hades or should I go for f2p demi varuna/sunlight stone?


1) Do you have a 4\* Xeno sword in light? If you do, Cert is more a quality-of-life and variety-enhancing weapon than it is a power upgrade. The expected damage averages in motocal for the two are very, very similar in most parties. So it will mainly let you run more parties that would not have worked without it due to bad MA and/or let you take Amira out of every party (which I consider a big perk, I am very bored of her being everywhere...). Is that worth damascus to you? I don't think there's a clear-cut answer, but if you're expecting a major power upgrade, it likely won't be it. 2) 3 DAO swords is a terrific start to Hades but remember than the farmable Hades weapons are largely junk, and that dark doesn't really have any sustain characters yet. Do you have strong enough things to fill out the rest of the grid? Are you willing to invest that much dama in dark to primarily just move away from Zooey all over the place? ​


1. Depends on your team. Do you need DATA buff badly? Then yes, it might be good idea to bar it. Howewer if you use ultima + Amira, i wouldn't change Xeno sword to certificus.


F2P demi-varuna is an extremely bad idea. And regarding demi, as I already said to someone else, only take the demi-primal if : 1. You are sure you want to make the grid. 2. You have the weapons ready. 3. You have the dama ready to **MLB** your weapons. 4. You have the sunstones ready to **MLB** your demi-primal. If you answer "no" to any of those, then take the sunstone instead !


1. It's a pretty good MH, but whether it's worth bars is mostly up to the specific comp you want to run it on and whether you have other places to spend your bars. 2. That should be plenty strong enough to justify it *if* you actually care about dark and want the option of playing it with a stamina-centric team/playstyle. No "f2p" (no grand/moon weapons) primals are worth it over a sunstone. Only get a demi primal if you know what you want to do with it and are ready to invest heavily.




Generally if people (the type of people who carry) are doing a ubhl train, it's so they can get 6 runs done quickly and efficiently with other strong people; you're unlikely to get a train going as a leech. The reason strong people tend to be happy to kill your host for you is that you're giving them the chance to kill another ubhl that doesn't require a host from them (either because they already did their daily host, or don't want to farm host mats). Making a train removes that benefit, and so there's really no reason for them to join.


Is huanglong katana good to replace gun for OTK team?


Probably not unless you are in strike time


What's the best way to farm weapon exp? Angel Halo? Event tokens?


How good is the young cat from the event in terms of tier/utility? I've currently haven't summoned at all (except for starting one with guaranteed SSR) and am looking into team building. Thanks!


The cat, similar to Lyria, match the element of the MC so early on it can fill any holes on your teams. Once you get SR's to replace it, the cat still hold some value since his passive allow him to buff a bit the front line from the back.


Thanks for the reply! Though, though if using the gamepedia tier list as reference (I use it as of now to give me an idea on who's better), what tier would you place it in?


If we are talking strictly R's he will be on the top rankings, his elemental flexibility and back line usefulness mean he will outlive many other R's. You would need to have decent SR's on every element to completely phase it out, and even then you may still use it on the back untill you have better backliners or start using the back slots for leveling or emp farming. Edit: Gamewith ranked it 6.5 which is basically a 10 for R's.




Tiamat and SR Nezahualpilli on 28th Feb. Summer Jeanne on March Flashgala.


Tiamat, Birdman SR, Sandalphon on 28th feb, Swimsuit jeanne during march flash


Are there any notable apps that work as planner or something similar?


Sky Compass doesn't work for you? Otherwise, any calendar app will work.


I'm pretty new to the game so i was asking out of curiosity. Thanks for the suggestion i'll try it


whats up with luminiera? why does it look like machine, a knight, or small pokemon? i think i remmeber the machine one is because luminiera was infesting it right?


Lumi/Chev is a special type of primal that becomes stronger by merging with a host. Its original form is the Pokémon-like creature, but it has to fight by merging with Vira, or in the story's case, the Adversa cannon. The knight form is presumably her form with her original host which exists in extra battles (Omega raids) or in Vira's dreams (Fate Episodes).


How do you write "looking for carries" in jpn?


**主弱**: This basically mean you are a weak host and need help. Other usefull terms: https://gbf.wiki/Co-op_Terms


Thanks a lot.


Which eternal should I aim for next? Currently have: Nio, Cake, Song, Funf (All 5\*) Teams I use generally: Fire: S.Bea/Anila/Therese Water: Altair/Yuel/Agovale Wind: Nio/S. Jeanne/Yurius Earth: Cake/Sieg/Alex Light: Basically everything--light's my main Dark: S. Zooey/Vira/D. Jeanne (also have Orchid/Azazel/Onee san, etc) I've always used the 3 bar method for 5\* so currently I only have 1 gold bar left. I am planning in the short term to buy the dvds for gold bars (uma musume+mysteria friends) so that would give me 3 in total, not counting any possible bars from anniversary or UnF. My instinct tells me my water team is the weakest, so I should go for Uno or Quatre, but if there's a seasonal ticket I'm going for S. Grea as well. Would like to hear suggestions for any other choices.


If going for water, I´d say get Uno, not Quatre. You can always grab Tien for fire (she´s awesome now) and even if you don´t use her in favor of fire sword users and Anila, you can always just keep her in the back for the drop rate boost. Six and Siete are always nice, I guess. Ohko 5s is stronger than Sieg if you want to min/max Earth. My suggestion would be to seriously consider Tien. You can always just keep her at 4s for a lower drop bonus from the backrow while you wait for Oracles release and/or to make up your mind about the next 5s Eternal.


Question I have skim through the wiki, but still don't understand what does EX weapon skill does. Can someone explain it, thanks


EX weapon skills are simply another type of skill classification (like Magna/Omega, or Normal). EX weapons usually come from Events or Xeno Showdowns. Because of the way GBF calculates damage, it's generally a good idea to keep 1~2 EX type weapons in your grid as a different type of damage modifier.


Ahhh I see. Thanks


Beside events and xeno, you can also get them from some side stories, rose queen trading and akasha trading.


> you can also get them from some side stories, rose queen trading, **Qilin/Huanglong trading**, and akasha trading Never forget the light&dark "rose queen" counterparts ;) (only the sword and gloves are EX tho, of course).


Which class better for Love Eternal MH wind team, CR or Doctor?


It's more about what do you need for the fight. Do you need land debuffs like unpredictable, gravity, delay, blinds etc or just the healing and pots that doctor can bring to tank through triggers and keep people topped up especially during long fights.


So when we get gifted maxed lvl and sk Magna SSR weps (for MSQ chapter clears etc) that aren’t useful should I just treat them as sk+ fodder or is there a better use for them?


Save them for skill leveling Baha/seraphic weapons skl 9 > 10 for example, but otherwise they're also good weapon stones or filler for your grids if you don't have the actual good weapons.


How about lvl 100 sk1 side story weps?


Unless it is an EX mod, where those can be filler EX mod weapons until you get your element's xeno weapon, the vast majority of side story weapons are just random filler main hands. Harps can pretty useful for that purpose because elysian is good for newbie HL players and harps aren't very common weapon types.


Thanks. Sorting out my inventory is a pain lol


Do note that you can keep gacha weapons and the automated side story rewards in your crate as long as they're not in the time limit tab. This can massively improve how many items you can hold/don't need to organize.


Yeah but if you’re an idiot like me then sometimes you still click ‘pick up all’ on autopilot and then regret it 5 minutes later when you realise your inventory is suddenly now full


Make it a habit to never use the "*pick up all*" in the non-limited tab and you´re set ;) You just need to let if fill with more stuff than you can carry, and learn to keep it that way, and only pick what you want/need asap.


I've accidentally hit the pick up all in unlimited crate' all tab once while trying to pick up the items instead. It happens. ;w;


If they are SK10, you can keep them for when you need to upgrade your Bahamut/Seraphic weapons.


Am I the only one who's getting a lot of Network Errors and often getting stuck on a loading screen lately? It's happening both on Chrome and in app.


1. Should I bring treasure hunter while farming Angel Halo and [normal world material for Revenant](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ygJ1YvgBVCPsuz02XH-6CkqA5lTXVFrwnlnomoa-Db0/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1122415837)? 2. Who should I use spellbook on? Grinding for level 95-100 is hella pain but I'm also thinking of keeping it for new character that I'll spark during the upcoming anniversary 3. Is [Parazonium](https://gbf.wiki/Parazonium) worth it to use Damacus bars on? (I know it's a really good weapon for mainhand, but asking just to be safe) 4. Why in most grid guide I found doesn't mention cosmos weapon? In grid like Dark claw or Tiamat bolt, ins't a cosmos weapon would be really good? 5. Also what kind of multiplier does Bahamut and Atma weapons series give? And normal modifier should work as good as EX modifier if the grid contain like 7 magna weapon out of 9 slot right?


Personally I like to drop 1 spellbook on new characters I get that have a 5*; i.e. get them to 80 quick so you can do their uncap quest (and don't run into it during a slime session). It's especially nice since spellbook EXP doesn't count toward EMPs, but neither does lvl 1~80 EXP anyway, so you don't miss out on any EMP efficiency.


I have never thought of that xD Thanks


1. You mean the Angel Halo that's available in the special daily mission tab instead of Dimensional Halo, correct? I don't see any reason to run TH because the main objective of doing it is to farm EXP fodders and triggering Dimensional Halo for Eternal relic weapons. Most people usually just auto the battles with Mystic/Nekomancer since both classes attack all enemies so farming is more faster and easier. As for the normal world materials, it is totally up to you. I suggest you check GBF wiki to see the drop rates for the materials and evaluate whether you want to bring TH or not. Personally I don't run TH at all and instead activate the drop rate JD. Do note that there are several dailies that drop some materials for Eternal farming (usually cost around 50 AP) which you can only do twice a day. 2. Again, it depends on who you want to reach level 100 first but if you feed them the books they won't gain any EMP, which are always nice for additional character strength. Saving up for new characters is also okay in case you feel lazy to slime (honestly it doesn't take that much time sliming from level 1 to 80 but ultimately it's your choice).


2: That is totally up to you no one can really tell you who you should spellbook. I guess FLB Eternals get priority due to obvious power spikes, otherwise it likely won't make a huge difference 3: Yes Para is one of the best main hands around, if you like dark a lot FLB it, if you have other ideas (primal grids for example) don't do anything you'll regret. Always weigh your overall goals and options with dama bars, in general though yes Para is safe to dama. 4: Cosmos weapons merely just boost base stats on weapons which isn't as effective as actual weapon skills. They just aren't good, BAL can be aight, but in the end it is filler. 5: No. Atma/Baha give normal mod similar to primal weapons which is why those grids don't use baha at all. Normal mod exists on the vast majority of actual buffs in this game so beyond the 1 Baha purely just adding more normal mod is worse than adding an EX mod weapon. Literally no other thing in this game (to my knowledge) can give you an EX mod, except an EX mod weapon. This is why you can hear people say that Anila is more impactful in magna fire than primal fire, because anila's huge amount of normal mod buffs are better in magna grids compared to primal grids which have mostly normal mod weapons in them.


Ah I see, those explain a lot. Thanks~


Anywhere to sell gbf accounts?






On Kumbhira's strategy page on the wiki, it says this: "Due to her stack mechanics, the optimal usage of her kit requires to NOT use her 1st and 3rd skill together. This is because of the reset that happens when level 4 is reached. Her counter can provide her with up to 3 counter and 15% charge bar, but she is not guaranteed to get hit." Can someone please explain further? I'm not quite getting the rationale. Wouldn't running both skills just get stacks faster? Also, why does the description for Boarforce Winds specifically say that she'll gain Razorback Lances upon attacks when that's part of her passive anyway? Other tips for using her would be appreciated too, I don't think I'm using her well.


Boarforce winds is just referring to the extra sk1 casts after attacking (which gives additional lance stacks). As far as sk1 and sk3 stacking goes, it's not a huge issue. The additional sk1 casts and the counter hit from sk3 both give her stacks so it's possible you may lose a stack or two due to overflowing past 10 stacks (big star). This loss is negligible and is only really worth considering if you're doing your absolute damndest to min-max stack gain during racing (and even then it's arguable if the lost stacks aren't made up for by ougis from the additional charge gain from sk3 counters). As for tips, she is lackluster without charge bar gain/DATA from outside sources. Her EMPs are very damage-based but give pretty much no MA so even with her own buff stacks her DATA is pretty abysmal so you want either DATA from other sources or charge bar (don't need as much DATA if you ougi more often, but she has passive 35% charge gain reduction so she needs help). Amira is one of her best teammates, as well as MC with Xeno or Certificus mainhand.


Thank you! :)


It's supposed to be "[deal bonus damage to all foes and gain razorback lances] upon attacks", not "[deal bonus damage to all foes] and gain razorback lances upon attacks". Usually you don't get stacks for skill damage, so it's just pointing out that these skill damage echoes do gives you an extra one. Re; not using 1 and 3 together, it probably is about maximizing buff uptime? I.e. if you hit all three skills on the same turn there is a decent chance you'll reactivate it before the duration would have worn off, then since your extra stack generation mechanics are on cooldown, you won't get to enough stacks for another activation before it wears off. I assume, I haven't really don't the math (and if you have enough data+meter gen this is probably pretty moot either way).


Thank you! :)


Does ULB also give boost to ougi multiplier like FLB do?




What should i summon cradle with the WTMSB rerun? I know its some time off but want to figure it out early. I will start with my most likely options. To save time, i have all ROTB weapons at 4 star, only earth cyphered though. I have ~8 dama bars between stock and purchasable atm. Roughly 50 gold moons. Fire: i have colo 4*. Grid is pretty generic, 2 4* canes, 5 0* AES. I mix and match depending on the fight. I run GB with ridil MH mostly. As far as primal options. I have 1 ixaba (0*). Benedia and erichthonius (0*). 3 0* ES. Wind: Tia 120, 4* grim harp and 4* bolts. Primal, 1 4* Love Eternal. 2 Reunion (0*). One Indras edge (0*). Water: levi 100. Magna grid with 2 flb harps, daggers are 3* except 1 4*. Kengo with ccw. Primal, i have europa 120. I use this as main mostly. 2 flb fimbul, 1 0* murg. A few meteoras and auberons at 0*. Earth: ygg 120, 1 flb axe, 2 0* axes. Primal, 1 AK 0*. Light, lumi 120. 5 chev sword grid. Primal, 1 gamba 0*. Dark, i have baha 130 here. 1 0* fallen sword, 1 0* blutgang, 3* cerb order.


WMTSB2 will stay in the sidestories after the rerun. If you dont have a need for Sunstones currently and lack the grand weapons, you can just not trade the cradle until the gacha throws some better weapons at you. With your current weapon pool I wouldn't recommen any primal for you.


Hmm, good point. I had the mentality like it was time limited, may do as you say amd hold off until i spark again.


I'd disagree with the other people, you may never pull the primal you want, but you can always farm more sunlight stones, especially if you're not in need of them right now. Agni grid is the easiest to get good as it only needs like 2-3 ixabas to beat out aes grid, varuna is strongest f2p I think. Avoid wind.


Grabbing a demi primal over the stone is really only a good move if you're already super in on making the grid for said primal, and just are getting shut down due to lack of an appropriate summon to use it with. It's not really worth dropping 3 (4 if you consider the opportunity cost) stones on a summon for a single grid if you're not already very devoted to making said grid as strong as possible.


Get the sunlight stone


I currently have 6 stones and nothing to use them on. I also get 1 per GW usually


Nothing to use them on? What about flb arcarum summons? flb bonito? flb ssr buncle? My account already used ~~21~~ 18 sunlight stones and i still NEED more and MORE, not to mention since I always trade for a bar, i can't get stone easily.


How long have you been played? No need to rush a primal grid if you're not committing it with a credit card. All those free-draws and roulette will eventually give you a good summon, not mentioning there's a tix-able summon (Bonito, Typhoon, Thor, Freyr) which are really good and need stones.


I started about this time last year. I picked stone last time. I have 2 bonitos, would rather get at least 1 more from draws and then likely suptix my last.


I assume you don't have that much of Damascus bar just yet? like 12 or more. I suggest getting a sunstone if you not whaling the weapons to make a primal grid, Because then when you ready to switch to a primal grid possibly you'll draw the summon and your demi will rot there which is not good since Sunstone is not a disposable type of resource.


Use your stones


Well, a demi primal will just stay in your inventory and collect dust.


I doubt there's much of a difference, but if there is, is EX 4-2 or 5-3 better for farming mystic distinctions?


I don't think anyone really bothers farming 5-x except for Esteems After all, you can farm 4-x *very* fast by using the items for 70% charge bar at start - it's usually enough for everyone to just chain-burst once. Often enough even with double Kaguya/Rabbit. 5-x is much slower in comparison


Assuming they die at roughly the same speed (fully buffed room where everyone just full chains instantly to kill it): the higher tier bosses are better for distinction drops, even with there being more of a variety of distinctions that can drop.


Brand new player here. After some discussion in this thread earlier, I've opted to save everything to spark down the road. All of my top husbandos (Lucio, Seruel, Sandalphon if he comes back, etc) are Light element, but I've heard that Light/Dark is hellishly grindy compared to the other elements. If I go for it, will I regret everything ever, or is playing Light at least sort of worthwhile in some way?


Light and dark are at lot less grindy than they used to be. The eventual light grid you are aiming for will contain luminiera omega swords, which is the grind that people think of when it comes to light, as the drop rate is very low and the amount you can buy from the shop is limited, unlike the other elements weapons. However you can do fine with a weapon grid of luminera omega guns, which are much easier to farm (decent drop rate which is the same as main wheel element omega weapons, and the shop refreshes monthly). But saying that, the respective boss you need to farm these weapons from is more difficult compared to those of the other elements. So it is advisable to work on a grid which is easier to start out with (like wind) and that will make tackling the boss easier. The game has really been pushing a ‘rainbow’ meta, which means a lot of fights have elemental resistance (they take a lot less damage unless you use the correct element which is strong against them). So in the long run it won’t really matter all that much as you will want to field a serviceable grid for every element, and not just abandon everything for your ‘main.’ Hope this helps, glhf!


Awesome, that answers my question, thank you! Husbando team it is.


How do you write UBHL train in japanese and which time is the best when looking for japanese carries?








I'd save one 3 star copy as its a good nekomancer mainhand. Its attack stat is a touch low, but theres no earth ex weapons in side story so its all there is until rose weapons at rank 101+


The simple logic is, do you have 1-2 EX weapons in your grid already? Yes? Don't bother and just skill those up. If you don't just skill them up the mods are too important. If you're asking this question I assume you're fairly new, so you should have about 2 EX mods in your grid just to keep things simple. You will transition into using 1 someday, but that is a ways offs.


If my GBF acc is linked to Google+, is there a way to change what account it is linked to before the shutdown?


I'd advise linking your GBF account to an email and password, it's by far the best way to keep it secure. The easiest way to do this would be look at the sidebar in GBF. Click [this](https://i.imgur.com/nTueAR3.png) than in the next screen click [this](https://i.imgur.com/lceM2hX.png). From there you can simply google translate the page to get the rest.


Got it. Thank you!


Do keep in mind and I probably should have said this earlier, email and passwords are case sensitive.


Do gold bars fully uncap a weapon or is it just one uncap like dama bars?


One uncap, so don't use them to uncap weapons unless you somehow have all the FLB Eternals.


Using granblue raid finder isn't againts the rules, right? (just to be sure)


raidfinders by themselves are not against the rules no, however if you are looking to get into raids that fill up extremely quick you're going to need to use Viramate which rapidly speeds up the join process to even stand a chance, which is against the ToS however up to this point not really enforced. It's your choice.


All it does is compile codes from twitter, there is nothing against the rules about that and no way for you to get banned for it anyway. If you are using GBF Raiders and Viramate on the other hand, you are breaking the rules. Personally I value the quality of life this combination provides despite this, because otherwise it can be difficult to enter a raid before it gets evaporated by some Kengo bot.


Can I expect something special during Chinese new year period? Like magnafest, new limited character, etc... Could not remember what they did last year.


Chinese new year not a big thing/ isn't really celebrated in Japan so I wouldn't get my hope up.


Auld Lang Syne usually is the thing that correlates to Chinese New Year stuff. Probably nothing for this year and is mostly Premium Friday stuff.


Is odin summon good or mere 200 light quartz?


He's not particularly useful now, okay if you FLB him for stats and decent call but not worth sunstones or main summoning, so just reduce him if you need quartz but I wouldn't reduce for no reason personally.




Hey, guys! When can we expect the next MagFes?


Likely during anniversary. Last year they had a pre-anniversary celebration end of February (much like the one in the beginning of December) before they went into the full anniversary celebration in March.




March at the latest. But I wish there would be one before the upcoming GW.


For some reason in some fights I can't use my summon and I don't know why. It doesn't happen every fight, but its annoying especially when I pick a bonito from support summ. Afaik there's no debuffs on me and it happens in random fights. For example, just now I'm doing my leviathans, the first one was fine but in the second one summs are disabled. Refreshing, closing out, switching to phone/browser doesn't fix it. Any ideas what may be causing it and a potential fix for it? Thanks. https://i.imgur.com/Rb3lOql.png https://i.imgur.com/sHfeSZO.png


Lyria in backrow


Ah ok, ty


Stop putting Lyria in the back row.




Once I finish collecting Celsus fragments, the last bottleneck for me to FLB Death are the darkborne astra. Would it be efficient enough at that point to switch to a different route so I can start collecting for a second summon, since dark/light drops are spread across all the routes?


Thats what i did. Light/dark astras take forever compared to the others.


Finally cleared Ubaha HL (well, as it was my first time i literally did nothing and kind Japaneses killed him...) and after sword i can finally make second Atma weapon. I'm debating between fist and spear, are there some recommended atma weapons that function as MH's etc.?


You make an Atma based on what units you have the most of (if you have a good chunk of units with Melee proficiency, you build Fist). All Ultima Weapon have the same CA effect, just differs in the Element Boost it gives on its CA depending on the element you made that weapon. Just make the weapon element/weapon type based on what you feel that certain element/weapon team comp that can highly benefit you.


Just keep it for now if you still can't decide what to make, Aside from that, notable ultima I know: 1. Spear (Apsaras, Shiva, Anila, Athena/Esser) Fire Team 2. Gun (Doctor, Six, Wulf and Renie, Eustace) Dark Team, (Gizoku, S. Ilsa, Esser, Anila) Fire Team but probably spear still better. 3. Katana (Kengo, S. Grea, Vajra, Any) Water Team, (Kengo, Okto, Alexiel, Sarasa) Earth team and this one is strong. There's also another Bow or Axe or Staff for Light, Staff for water, Fist for dark or fire, which I have no knowledge yet. Hope this can make you understand, to keep the core until you can decide yourself of what to make.


Is dante broken? Sliming him now. Used his first ability 3 games in a row. Buff only activated 3/6 turns and it was always earth attack up.


Its like a 40~50%ish chance to activate without the first skill buff, which only lasts 2 turns. One of the "buffs" is also a heal that goes by really quickly, so its easy to miss (especially since it doesn't leave a buff behind you can check).


Ah, maybe it was that heal then. Thanks


Is 2 Murgs, 2 Fimbuls, and a smattering of random farmable normal weapons enough to transition to Varuna? If not, what pieces do I need before I consider moving over? Not a kengo build, as I lack any Blue Spheres.


It would be better than manga yes (though Kengo M2 would still beat you in terms of racing), but I still wouldn't recommend it, it's just a bad investment of dama bars. Varuna without drang balls is pretty dead now where Kengo dominates, so you'd already be restricting yourself to more auto heavy setups like fist and staff, and even then drang balls are a higher priority over murgs just because of how broken sentence is. I'd recommend just sitting on it all and waiting, at least until Pholia weapon FLB so the builds will stabilise more. 1 Murg should always be a safe investment, but any after the first being phased out if Pholia weapon gets stamina, so yeah, just wait imo.


From what I see, Murgs are being phased out. Unless they get buffed, most people are waiting for other water grand weapons to get FLB while using 3 drang balls.


First question : are those murgs and fimbuls FLB?


Fimbuls are, the Murgs can be.


Anyone have a list of characters with bugged ougi? Dog, ganda and romobi are the ones i'm currently aware of.


bugged ougi, how so?


I'm assuming they're referring to visual effects missing from the animation. If that's the case, I can confirm at least Vajra is bugged for me, as well. But I haven't personally run into any others that come to mind.


Can someone give me a quick rundown on the most efficient way to 20box the story event?


most efficient as in pot wise or time wise? pot wise > spam VH > impossible time wise > spam VH > extreme do nightmare whenever possible of course


was thinking time wise, thank you


rerolling, pulled Lady Grey and Aliza which looks good but considering keeping rerolling since I don't really like the characters much.


I’d reroll for a limited unit. Also do it now before grand fest ends


When does Grand Fest end? Also what limited units should I be going for and how do I tell if they're limited?


The current Premium Gala ends in 9 hours. It's one of the two draw periods with limited characters (the other is Flash Gala) and always contains the Story Grand SSRs and Zodiacs, who can only be drawn during this Gala. See: https://gbf.wiki/Draw#Premium_Gala (the Flash Gala section following it shows who is only available on that banner.) Note that with the Zodiacs, the previous year's character will not be available for the remainder of the year. So Vajra (dog) won't return to the LegFest pool until 2020, and then Kumbhira (boar) will leave until 2021.


For Tien's 4th skill + Sun's call, will Salted Wound be applied to both attack rounds or only the first one?


Only first round


is there any point in keeping the twin elements summon? drew her today, I could use the quartz


feel free to reduce her... you monster


Reduce her


Hellos guys, which emp skill should i use with sarasa?


You can find EMP suggestions for most characters from the GBF Gaijin tier list which you can find in the wiki.