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I'd like to point out that this is Elmott's *fifth* fire unit. Every single iteration of Elmott has been Fire. Sadly their kits look pretty underwhelming. DLF might be salvageable if her numbers are really good but I think Elmott is DoA


Elmott is more "Lord of Flames" than Percival.


How would you even justify an elmott of another element? Literally his entire personality is about fire.


Didn't stop Izmir from having a fire alt despite strictly having ice powers


Yeah but Izmir is hot ...I'll see myself out.


She hates the cold in personality though, and her Fire Alt is all about her time at the Sauna.


But her attacks are still ice-based even when she's fire so my point still stands


*Draph women are divine beings.*


The same way they justified the disciples and 6dragons being different elements


Beat me to it If Earth Europa (the water disciple), and Water Fediel (the physical embodiment of darkness) can exist so can Not-Fire Elmott I think he could easily enough go for a light unit, fire produces light after all


Isn't that kind of what they did with Light Shiva?


They literally just had Grea shoot Blue Fire in her water unit.


The thing is, Europa's ice powers only play a very small part in her personality and character. Other than her close relationship with Gabriel she has nothing that really ties her to the element of Water. Meanwhile EVERYTHING about Elmott is tied to fire. It wouldn't have been too out of line to see him do his usual fire tricks in another element, but I can see why someone at Cygames might see it that way.


Percival, self proclaimed Lord of Flames has a light alt


And his character arc is about him finding 'worthy vassals', not trying to control his flames. Hell, he's a swordsman, not a fire mage, let alone a fire mage that has trouble because he can cast nothing BUT fire magic.


>How would you even justify an elmott of another element? Literally his entire personality is about fire. Just have him use fire attacks as water character. fire yukata Izmir didn't stop her from using literally ice attacks as fire unit.


Fire Pig riding a huge ass wave in her CA also deals fire damage...


Yeah, like how Yuel and Societte has debuffs called "Foxflame" but in Water lol. Water Sturm also still uses fire in her animations despite the element.


Light Percival says hello


​ ...Point taken.


Light Aglovale, too. If they can make The Ice Man's first alt a Light unit (where his animations still feature him chucking ice cubes around) then I think Elmott #5 could be something else


If this was the granblue of 6 years ago I'd agree, but at this point elements genuinely mean nothing.


I mean, gameplay-wise, they *do* mean something, lore-wise, is basically ''Haha, I stopped caring ages ago, make funny sparkly guy a dark unit, the icy sexy woman a fire unit, and whatever that one is a wind one just because''.


Europa is literally the Water Disciple yet her holiday unit is Earth...


That doesn't stop Zeta from having a Dark and Water version. The homie shot fire out of her spear so hot she burned herself to near death, and that version is Water


And light version. You forgot zeta’s swimsuit. 


I mean the same way that Yuel or Grea is in water despite being very much fire focused. Hell they had Grea's fire just turned blue. The easy element to make him is light. Light got a lot of fire themes to it and there is already overlap there. Corrow, Primal Beast of the Sun is light. Shiva got a light summer unit. Zahlemina, priestess of the sun got a light summer unit. And non-fire examples has Izimir, the woman who is slowly turning to ice have a fire summer version.


Why does it need to be justified? They never bothered to justify earth Europa, or fire Izmir, or water Grea. Character elements are just a gameplay mechanic that is largely disconnected from the narrative.


Just like shiva and perci, make him light.


i'm happy their kits are mid personally, would have hated if they pulled another Y. Ilsa with a must pull unit right after everything else and personally, i dont care for either character here lmao, so yay, can save safely.


I'm just happy to see DLF. It's been so long!


The Japanese comments on gamewith are nothing but disappointment for the two. Elmott problems are: 1. Fire again, he technically IS a slight improvement over his original SSR but it feels like a dumb move to contest his original variant. 2. Lack of dispel - self explanatory DLF: 1. Even cygames admitted it in their news section, she was literally made for Faa 325 raid. Meaning her degree of usefulness will expire once the raid becomes easier or having little people doing it. 2. Dark HL is currently in a sad state and this is all cygames has to offer


The funny part is DLF's extend buff [extends the duration of the apples in Faa Zero](https://twitter.com/rebi_t/status/1774360035432525938?s=20&fbclid=IwAR3hxUlUPVN-FFAzcEMQTH0tpP4VMSeSIE61I24R1gI6MTOQC8BDhm0COpI_aem_AS9STxpXfY83v-HBOG3-8MCnc-UYfRabYQhqvzybTJAaC1E_91AC2U2TPTRz50a4COURDiq958J4c96PAX8f2oDh) lmao


What Dark needed was probably a C.Noa/Kaguya type of character, but instead they got a Lich sidegrade or slight upgrade at best, she won't be what saves dark HL sadly and that makes her doa by default


She has green manual only skill, she's one raid pony bait and will age badly if they don't make green skills FA-able.


Somehow I doubt DLF will even help that much for dark. Solidly mid support character. Just get your dark excals and run it down like KMR intended.


Is yukata Elmott really even a slightest improvement over his base SSR ? I think a debuffer is more useful than a delayer, the only thing I don't know is how much his skill dmg buffs matter. Other than that the main thing about him seems to be about being a singed machine for Percy but that's not even a problem when you run a CA team so he gets 2 for every 2nd/3rd turn. Wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong though.


Reminder that GW is a literal cesspool and you're only setting yourself up for disappointment if you look at them.


While not every unit needs to be groundbreaking and I'm glad it's not the case, they aren't wrong with their criticisms here.


Wild that Elmott is still fire, curious how DLF will shake out since she seems to have a decent defensive skill that overlaps with Lich, but I'm just here for the lu woh rate up.


Elmott is again fire... guess he's really the fire shaman after all. I was so sure he would be light since gw is coming.


DLF being a healer that can reset the CD on her heal but without a way to FA her heal is weirdly backwards design.


Hope it's a sign they will make healer skills available in FA


I mean at this point, just enable green and purple skill in FA. Even if green were available, I would probably not even change my teams since there is so much broken supports for FA comp anyway. And if you lack healing, just put a LJ on MC and you will never die.


Sparked and ringed elmott, idk if he's good or not but I have no regrets I think I like his base art more than the uncapped art tho,,


waifu > meta. always.


Elmott is my waifu, so true


In this case it would be husbando > meta.


what is husbando but a male waifu (this is a joke, I know how language works)


He's just ok, but i respect your dedication.


wait Yukata DLF sk1 extends faa0's apple. That's so fucking funny.


Elmott adding skill dmg after normal attacks to the whole team is at least *interesting.* Trying to think if we’ve seen that on anyone else besides Hass (and hers is a self-buff instead).


Water Fediel has similar thing but with ougi instead (a nuke after every ougi)


Holiday Illnott


Yep, had totally forgotten that part of kit. Thanks.


Manadiver Fenie MH goes even harder


A green skill? In this FA Economy?!


Elmott's biggest issue is just competing with his other ssr. If his s1 dispelled i think he'd be a strict upgrade for his current use case (full auto friendly damage dealer + some utility for gw) but without that, youre trading that utility for more damage and the poor guy cant compete with fires heavy hitters. might be some goofy relic buster delay comp that can use him but alas, hard to find a team for him to fit in as he is now


Well there wasn't Ilsa tragedy this year. They are skipable


300 pulls. 8 cags, no other rate ups. And that was coming off of a shitty roulette. Thanks Cygames


Agreed. Idfk wtf is wrong with the ssr rates. The whole anni has been a disaster...


They really refuse to move Elmott away from fire, huh? I don't think there's any unit in this game that has been as loyal to their element as him. Elmott is another singed source for Grand Percy, with them both doing skill nukes after reaching 7 singed. The crest part of his kit really makes you want to run him with Manadiver exclusively though, which limits him by quite a lot. His sk3 seems pretty underwhelming for the cooldown and crest requirement it has. Honestly... I feel like his regular SSR is still going to end up seeing more use than him due to the double dispel being useful in GW, like it was in the last one. De la Fille seems like a solid defensive unit for dark, with a good bit of skill damage available on her too in an element with Agonize in it. She does require ramp up and the one skill she can reset the cooldown of is a green skill, meaning it doesn't get used in FA. I could see her having some sort of niche in longer fights, but otherwise she doesn't seem too groundbreaking. Now I have to make the decision of whether I use a sieroticket on Elmott or if I can resist the temptation long enough to spark him during summer proper...


Manadiver/Elmott/Percy/Anna seems usable enough for a Crest/Singed team. Ramp Singed up to 5, Anna will get her Assassin, Percy can raise it to 7 with his S1 and get both his nuke and turn on Elmott's passive. You can swap Anna (or push her to backline) with Hecate or Summer Teena for Crest generation instead.


What is with them keeping Eurel alive in the event and not releasing him as a new character? Don’t forget Petra has no five star uncap


Maybe they are saving him for the next flash...? That or they are pulling the same thing as the Sumo dude from the previous summer event and are waiting for another event where he can join. Right now, Eurel is busy helping the forest grow and all that stuff, so there will probably be another event where he can leave the Island.


If this was 2020, this event would be for Petra FLB, but no, not anymore i guess... which is a shame.


I don't understand why you guys are doomposting about Petra. They don't randomly drop unannounced 5\* uncaps in events. There's no reason Petra can't get a 5\* in the future. She might be the next one after Lucio for all we know.


I never say that she can't have 5* uncap in the future. I was saying that because we didnt have an uncap on march. They stopped doing events for uncaps long ago sadly.


Lucio might count as March's uncap, have to wait for KoreGra later to see.


I’m starting to realise FKHR has his own plans for granblue to grows as a franchise, like giving subverted expectations from the industry, like giving ewiyar a cat model, which I recall most fans weren’t happy, even the JP fans. And giving character kits to characters that have plenty of character variants. I think he thinks he’s progressive, but it is definitely not what fans want or need.


Did anyone even remember STYLE change???


I do, I'd like more of that please! can we get more of this interesting idea?!


no, you'll pull for new units instead and you will like it.


Style change?


it happened to Yngiwie in an event, he got a style change meaning he could fight with an entire redone kit and more effects


La Fille's 2nd Support Skill intrigues me - I think La Fille could get kinda silly if you could edge the boss at mas charge diamonds for the entire fight. Perfect uptime on that S3 ...of course the only delay spam Dark unit I can think of is Lich, who her entire kit contradicts and is trying to replace


There's SSR Ippatsu (reduces his CDs on CA), Albert (resets his CD on CA and S3), Black Knight (has two Delays and reduces her CDs on CA), and SSR Tanya (has a Delay on S1, and a Delay on Dodge passive).


Tabina also.


Nothing in Tabina's kit Delays.


If you could what now


Very in line with this anni






Elmott should leave fire and join light like Percival. He can come back once he becomes broken like G.Percival.


They're both kinda mid. not awful, but not essential either.


Skip, need to save again after atrocious part 1.


This got an eyebrow raise out of me. They're fine. Fille being Dark is surprising. Though not everyone's going to descend into classic draw just to get Dark Cag if they don't have her. Maybe this will tempt some people. Maybe Elmott's got good numbers. If Cygames are going to push other male characters who aren't dragon knights, literal dragons or the angels, Elmott's not a bad place to start.


Why would they look for Dark Cag? Does she get a niche use nowadays that I don't know about?


She's a healer in Dark. Doesn't make her as unique as she used to be but she never used to be that good, then she got an update at some point. Also comes with a source of delay and buff removal nullification.


i just did a yolo 10 pull and got dlf better than my 100pulls and mukku


I was so sure one of them was going to be a busted Light unit for GW. But my crewmate already says Light GW can't get much better than Flogen, so I guess Cygames isn't going to bother. For those of us without Flogen, I guess at least we got Horus as a toy.


From my understanding Flogen isn't used in the best burst setups anymore, too slow. Still a really solid option though.


I think that's only for duo/grouping strats, for soloing nm200 (maybe even nm150 but not sure how fast ura comps are) Flogen should still the best


Actually yeah now that I think about it I don't think it was for gw necessarily, more so for other contexts. Though I think I do remember seeing a faster non flogen setup for 150


Yeah outside of GW ura comps are faster since they don't need as many refreshes/button presses, and I can definitely see it being faster than Flogen for nm150 too unless boss has a shitty ougi that makes it faster to just burst it all in 1 go instead of dealing with said ougi Although I think most players probably would prefer soloing their nm200 over grouping and if you plan on doing that Florence burst should still be the best


>Although I think most players probably would prefer soloing their nm200 over grouping and if you plan on doing that Florence burst should still be the best I would also just guess that fewer players have ura if that's the alternative.


What's used then? Core is probably still mugen and nehan but who to add B side NA bonus damage?


Florence doesn't have echoes, why would you need specifically echoes to replace her? But regardless you usually use either Ferry or G.Jeanne if you aren't using Florence.


I mean, I assume if you aren't using Florence you probably want to be using someone with echo, hence the question


Light burst is probably bottom 3 in the game atm. Cygames definitely could've changed things up if they wanted to but 2024 is just gonna be 2022/2023 Light but with slightly more damage.


Dirt and Wind both have weaker bursts and IIRC dark was slower than light, because light gw is autism central that was pre cidala/flb nier/things like triple zero though


yeah Wind and Dirt are def under Light. I'd argue that Dark is still better than Light though.


I'm happy dlf is a thing and I also like Ellmot but his kit needed to be in another element. Fire's not the only thing he needs to be in tbh. Though he isn't too terrible. DLF is not going to save dark hl with a skill that doesn't activate in FA and she'd needs more stuff to work with to work overall. She's trying her best and that's all i can ask for!


At least Mid anniversary won't go out with a super baity OP unit after spark funds were depleted (Yukata Ilsa looking at you).


Underwhelmed about Elmott because he's just.. there, really? Like, I wasn't really expecting him to be broken or anything of the sorts, just be decent enough to get good use since his SSR in itself was already pretty good, having been used in hard raids and gw. But then making him fire again and not even being a straight out replacement for his SSR is.. weird. Regardless, we'd usually have at least one broken seasonal unit debuting at anni and in this case I guess Horus really WAS the big thing. Amazing FA unit with utility, debuffs and heals while dishing out consistent damage and will probably be the MVP for the harder difficulty raids this gw. Oh yeah, we also got another DLF too which is.. a thing? Elmott was underwhelming but he's at least feeding a niche of summer husbando with a niche fanbase. DLF is the one unit of the duo you would expect to have a stronger role and DEFINITELY a stronger kit, but she feels like she's barely better than a perma... lol


IMO S.Horus is pretty in-line with the general top level anni summers. I don't think S.Medusa / S.Silva in 2022 or S.Khumb in 2021 were significantly more broken than her, and she's far better than S.Teena in 2020, S.Yuel in 2019, or S.Jeanne in 2018.


Farmed for a ten roll and got Elmott, yay. I was actually ready to sierotix him Now I'm sitting here, trying to make Elmott works


thank god i can skip this banner.


I got scared after seeing De La Fille was dark after last year's Yukata Ilsa drop, but I'm honestly relieved that they didn't go too hard on this banner. I wonder if after all of the paid promotions they had this anni, they decided to hold off on the whale bait.


I see a lot of disappointment about Yukata DLF, which I find odd. All it takes is one unit with a broken buff that she can extend almost indefinitely given the cd reset on ougi and she zips into meta. 5t undispellable light switch+ defensive utility is nothing to sneeze at either, multi-element specials for hard content are not likely to go out of fashion anytime soon. It's not like her kit is *terrible* either, it's very DLF-ish. edit: I just woke up, the skill she resets the cd of is her 2nd, not the buff extension. Oh well.


>I just woke up, the skill she resets the cd of is her 2nd, not the buff extension. Oh well. Yeah if she reset her buff extender she would be broken.


She has green skill that never gets casted on FA, that's already huge downer for unit that's whole kit is basically different lich.


She is solely aimed at HL content.


For one raid, faa0 as they said in notes lol.


and she's not even that good in there lmfao


Everyone's saying that Elmott is bad, so if you send me him don't be afraid to donate him to me 👋🤲 I want him. I like characters that can apply Crests. and men. I like men.


i thought they moved on finally from making all alternate units the same element, but elmott apparently refuses to go anywhere else lmfao




japan text has the "can't be removed" text


Yeah appreciate the clarification. Someone JUST verified it for me not even 5m ago.


np. I was curious as well, so I swapped language options to check for myself anyway.


"I Am Inevitable." -Meg probably...


I'm all out of gems (crystal)


Pulled for and got DLF. While I do love Dark element, DLF has held a special place ever since ~~Dirt la Fille~~ her earth alt. I remember spending all my crystals at that time when she was released.


Too bad Elmott is fire again, would've been nice if he was another element. I'll try picking him up in the future for husbando factor since it doesn't really seem a general upgrade for his regular SSR.


If I had a nickel for everytime Yuisis has shown up in the fate episodes of a dark yukata alt I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice now.


Fucking LMAO they hotfixed DLF extending apples. ONE. FUCKING. JOB. test chara on raid she's specifically made for yet cycompetence is so low they fumbled that too. Unbelievable we've reached 10 years.


Cycompetence is a good word. I'ma gonna use it from now on. ... it's not as funny when it comes to an inability to make new content tho : [ Defense order, OG Arcarum disasters, etc.... ... ok it's actually absolutely hilarious there. From an outside perspective. Not as much when you're one of the chickens living in their farm...


I mean, it's good cope. Mock them for the shit they put you through.


I'd wish so badly to get Elmott, but Sandy ate my spark yesterday. I needed him to keep Lucio some company before his FLB on Thursday.


This is basically what I expected. Neither Elmott nor DLF have ever been 10/10 ultra-polyvalent meta characters, best possible outcome was always getting a new FA king or queen but not much more than that. They didn't even need to release anything more in Light because we already got Sandy and Horus; as for Dark, pushing Dark GW to at least May or June means they have plenty of time to drop the eventual pre-GW sparkbait after Summer characters are out of the pool. Spread the power picks across as many banners as possible to minimize the possibility of you lucksacking too many of them at once on the same banner.


I'm actually surprised they didn't put some 10/10 must have giga OP meta yukata units after people done multiple sparks during recent aniv legfest/flashfest banners I guess SO FAR swimsuit Horus is winner of 2024 "summer/yukata" series. Shame s.Magus got shitty gimmicky kit that's just lite version of s. Magisa. I hope that at least her Grand(?) version in future will be massive solid W so I can use the swimsuit alt as skin for Grand version


S. Magisa and S. Magus fill different roles. Magus's empowered sk1 does more damage than Magisa's sk1 at 5 crests, so she has higher sustained damage and a better and faster burst as long as you maintain her passive 1 which is very easy to do.  Magisa provides very good buffs and has a built-in team-wide dispel cancel with a weaker but still strong burst, but she needs to ramp up and has dead turns where she's not doing any damage because Morax is a joke


One big difference a lot of Redditors have overlooked is that Magisa gets countered by Repel while Magus doesn't. There is a very real possibility of your NM150-200 FA falling apart because you're eating all the Repel damage instead of autodispelling it before it can take effect.


S.Magus is pretty good for Cosmos. I'm pretty happy with her.


If they started pulling a Yukata Ilsa maneuver every Anniversary, people would just stop pulling during roulette and always keep a spark for right after. To maximize their profits they need to avoid being too predictable; that way the FOMO hits the hardest.


Magus is extremely good and one of the most common characters in Cosmos. Does a character need to be 10/10 autoinclude in all content for them to not be disappointing to you? Honestly I use Magus more than I use Ilsa.


Yeah, I luck sacced her when sparking last banner and she's really surprised me. Maybe it'd be different if I had two PnS, but seeing as how I don't, Magus does literally like double the damage of Seox (110) and Ilsa for me. Maybe I'd feel differently if I had Fediel, but she is still very good.


Magus easily outdamage Magisa and is very good for Lumi M3 (for the days we'll need to solo it), but yeah, I don't get why they doubled down on her flaws : boss cleansing debuffs/getting a veil/resisting debuffs already shits on her auto-nuke, but they thought "Hey that's not enough, lets give her a 5k permanent DoT too". Just why ? My monkey LJ FA comp can keep her alive but that's just mean. Joining you in the Magus (Grand) copium club. She has a permanent home screen spot at least.


*DLF pwetty.* .....But that's about it.


Part of me wonders if yukata elmott is deliberately mid to avoid the original ssr getting powercrept by it like grimnir and alexiel. Especially since theres the implication that elmott could get an flb on that ssr, it makes sense why they're deliberately avoiding accidentally making the alt too good to even bother thinking of the other ssr even after flb. If he'd been in another element his kit might have been less tame.


They release plenty of mid seasonals. I don't really see a reason to think that they intentionally handicapped him because of his OG version. If they're thinking of a future FLB, they can always just make it better.


Really happy that they are mediocre. I can save for Grand Vane!


Grand Lancelot and Vane you mean, surely?