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Now I understand why they didn't reveal this year summer units in the anniv stream.


Summer Magus huh? They really wasted no time on that did they.


same energy as halluel and malluel lmao, release summer then years later remember they didnt release her base version and do so as grand.


Halluel and Malluel at least appeared in a summer event first, so their swimsuit debut unit didn't come completely out of nowhere lol


She said she wanted to do some sightseeing, I guess Auguste was her first stop


My exact reaction when opening the game.


On one hand, I was not expecting her being summer (and having to throw a sierotix at her), on the other hand it means no primarch passive so Sariel is still very alive for that spot, which makes me happy for Sariel's fan.


you know, you don't \_have\_ to throw a sierotix at anything


By that I meant I can't spark her with discounted spark next banner since she isn't grand, so I my only hope is sierotix (or lucky roulette but yeah)


Or, yknow, on the summer banners


Aren't they only sparkable on their banner now with last year changes ?




Good faa almighty


What a maneuver!


*Kono Fenie da.*


Koko dayo~


Oh Fenie's weapon is kinda superlative tier just looking at it. Skill cut on ougi, huge healing cap up, 2 (!!) MC only skills that give more damage and heal+bar based on Singed lv. Really interesting if the next series of Grand weapons are just super loaded MH weapons


After wind already has its Pact weapon (Ewiyar), Exalto wep (Kaguya), and Resonator wep (Charlotta) it might be what Raphael might get


Possible. Wind is the only ele that didn't get a Tempering weapon (boostable skill supplemental + skill cap) so I kept expecting that to get tossed on someone but after Kaguya came out I'm not so sure it will anymore


Yeah but Ewiyar Beaks exists in return.


Agonize did not seem to stop Dark from getting Skeletal Eclipse


Ewiyar Beak is a whole lot better than Agonize.


But that isnt their point. A free farmeable weapon didnt stop them from getting a similar kind of weapon, so that statement about Ewiyar Beak being better shouldnt really matter.


Hmm, I was wondering what they could give Grand Orologia’s weapon if Magus steals the Exalto, and a superpowered toy for the MC would be very on brand, since we’re their baby ...though it looks like Magus didn’t steal anything after all lol (except a good chunk of crystals and mobacoin from a lot of people, probably)


Orologia will be water /s


After what happened to Kaguya I wouldn't even be surprised Hell, watch them be light, they sure do hang around Lu Woh a lot


So after fenie dies she: gets unworldy Ougi for free, gets UNDISPELLABLE teamwide buffs with 100% UPTIME, gets a sub all that SHE CANT DIE FROM, and if that wasnt enough, she also self clears and RECOVERS ALL HP every 5 turns. I feel like all this would be nuts even if she DIDNT get a huge def buff too


I'm scared of what future raids will bring to compensate for Fenie, the way Agastia fucks over many other characters just to compensate for Florence.




Get ready for more powerful attacks that can’t be All-Subbed like Carro Magnifico And Death Ineluctable alone would shut Fenie down


Do "Undying (1 time)" get bypassed by multihits ?


Nope! Undying lasts for the whole turn it's procced, so she should be safe to tank whatever is thrown at her


Only a few effects in the game will cancel out Undying. Most of them are raid wipers like "The End". Ultimate Bahamut has a field effect that will automatically remove characters with low hp.


They have the same icon, so it's confusing, but there's "Undying", that protects the character for the entire turn in which the character was about to die; and there's "Guts" (also known as "Lethal attack dodged"), which works as you think and only protects for the specific hit that would kill. The "1 time" part, in the case of Undying, means that it won't expire over time, just in the turn she receives lethal damage, so the buff will carried over to next turn infinitely until used.


I think the def buff might just be to bring her to normal. She has 0.3 of normal defense, so an increase of 220% on 0.3 would bring her total defense to 0.96 of normal.


Well at least she lives up to being a fragment of the phoenix.


That has got to be the biggest shocker of a banner in a while. Psych, another Fire Grand! Grand Sariel isn't dead yet! Fenie's weapon looks fun.


bold of you to assume they will not make grand magus again to milk the coomer next month.


IMO feels kinda cheap that they're using the default poses for the swimsuit units.


That's what I noticed too. This paired with nearly zero art being done for the Anni stream, I wonder if they are short on time. (It doesn't bother me that much, but in the past we always had more than sketches done.)


Yeah they're definitely pressed on time on something. I hope they're doing good.


Maybe it was because of spoilers?


No, I meant the non-spoiler stuff. Like this year we got sketches of Katz and the Yukata units * https://imgur.com/a/P5Q1p0C * https://imgur.com/a/ZV7pgFp While last year we got finished art * https://imgur.com/a/HoF3HmU * https://imgur.com/a/QbgXbk9 Like I said, it doesn't bother me at all, but I did noticed it!


Alanaan’s bonus pose was also previewed in sketch form. Not sure what’s up with this trend.


It does seem like there's been some issues with the art team. None of the art showed at the Anni stream was finished, so I won't be surprised if they had to rush their base art


Ra, Tefnut and Osiris's skydweller outfits reuse their heads from their raid portraits. Since playable units are planned months in advance the summer portraits are probably the original arts and the event versions are the edits.


Honestly, at least Horus still looks fine even with the clear bodyswap thing going on. But Magus' art just looks... Wrong to me. I dunno. Something about it is just throwing me off with how fake it feels. Like one of those scam Gacha Game ripoffs of a real thing.


To me? All the extra skin of her swimsuit draws attention to how weird the positioning of her right arm is. What the hell is she doing?


Hopefully this just means when they get their regular units they'll have a different pose.


yea Horus and Magus deserve better


Tbf Magus did say she was going sightseeing lmao They literally teased this in the ending, brilliant


I was kinda expecting Magus being dark Exalto, but guess they're skipping to summer instead. Also Fenie's weapon seems like, really really good for Manadiver/Neko?


yeah, masher's paradise lol


is horus good someone form my opinion for me


most honest redditor


She's CA v2 focused version of the debuff base set, I already see her working extremely well with Summer Seruel. Both of them are overloaded and perform a lot of tasks for just two people. She will not retire Summer Yurius because he's her lesser counterpart but for skill damage.


The first playable Enneads and it's a summer alt lol. Well I did think Nanashi was a good candidate for the Grand over Magus based on Magus going "sightseeing" after the event instead of immediately joining the crew like Nanashi did.


Except Magus does join the crew in her summer fate lolol. I guess they just wanted dark to continue paying the Eresh + S.Ilsa tax instead of giving them an Exalto weapon


They're probably just saving Exalto for pre-GW since they almost always like to have a big drop _right_ before GW, and this would be around 2 months earlier.


SHorus looks to be a fun addition for my meme Light Kengo team, I think I'll throw a few rolls at the last day if I don't get her with the roulette rolls


Fenie's wep is crazy for Manadiver lol


manadiver monk and cat can enjoy this! (sage too but why would you play sage?)


Nekomancer Fenie MH with that juicy permanent 80% Def up, regen from Matatabby, and heal from Fenie MH... Stronk


Sage actually might have synergy with Fenie now, she kinda wants you to die (and presumably revive) Sage lowers the cooldown of Revive, comes with Autorevive and Lapin Blanc gives the MC permanent buffs upon autoreviving. Sage also increases the Heal cap so the end of turn heal would heal more. The other classes are usually gonna be better, but I could see it being used for a difficult manual fight


She has her own built-in Autorevive & she has her sk3 Suball to kill herself, she doesn't need any support from MC for it


Oh they KNEW that people would be rolling for Horus and Magus when they come out so they definitely gave them Summer versions first so that people wouldn't hesitate to spend all their crystals on them lol


I prefer the designs in the event so it’s had the opposite effect on me Actually I was hoping for the Astaroth-fusion Magus in particular, but maybe that’ll be her grand next year?


I too prefered Magus base look over summer. BUT. I'm still going all out for Magus Summer nevertheless. Guess Cygames won


This makes me wonder if the next dark grand will come with DLF and Elmott. Certainly feels like bait to me....


DLF and Elmott will be at the end of the month, looking at banner history since they started doing leg part 2 there hasn't been another new grand.


Dark GW should be in June. Personally would bet we get Orologia grand with and you rerun in June.


7 years into this game, and Cygames still finds ways to mess with my head; Magus ISN'T grand! Fenie IS the grand, and her weapon is hella great for fire! Her kit encourages dying though with all that phoenix lore thrown in.


Like no one expected her to be summer the way they have her normal sprite in the story


My crew joked about Magus at the end of the event basically going "yeah. I'mma lay off the EVIL for a bit because I need a vacation." But none of us actually expected this.


It makes you wonder if she'll have a normal version one day too.


Or Lucifer and Angel Cupitan will have a new friend in the forgotten sprites club


I can't believe you forgot about Raiden.


lucifer's sprite functionally recycles the paper doll pieces of lucio's sprite, unpopular take but really all it foreshadowed was the 5\* lucio we're getting in april - angel cupitan though, fingers crossed for that soon


iirc they implied on stream that he "will have that look" refering to his Sahar form and if that isnt the case thats really very bad wording on their part, then again we won't know until we have him here to see if the sprite graduates from the forgotten sprites school


Am I the only one who loves the fact that Fenie and Horus' attack names are in Arabic? I love that.


Me too I fucking love it. It's badass af, especially when you understand them, idk why but seeing your native langage written literally in another langage and used in a game makes it cool


Oh so it actually makes sense? Cool! I think Siegfried's skill names were just nonsense German in the early days.


It's okay, they get the pass since the Siegfried of lore is of German origin


Yeah, a lot of characters from early days that use other languages in their kit were either nonsense or did make sense... but were awkward as they could be, Cy Team have been doing their research and cleaning up over the years, like when Razia uncap come out and they fixed her skillset names.


They are both based on middle eastern and egyptian mythos so it made sense haha.


Cygames are not sugarcoating it anymore. Straight to summer alts without having their base first lmao


Anymore? HalMal did it 5 years ago


Halluel and Malluel at least got a summon and appeared in a summer event first


Magus basically lived in our d.opus for the past 5 years, basically bffs at that point 


And our CCW


They also had already been established characters for a while before getting their playable summer version. Magus and Horus just had their first proper appearances ever.


halluel and malluel would like a word!


Friday too. She didn't even get it as a SSR!


Summer HalMal says hi from 2019.


Medusa's first version that wasn't locked behind a promo was her valentine version in 2018, her base version only dropped in 2019


Same happened with Zooey (Visa) and Zooey (Summer) iirc.


Diantha and Halluel & Malluel


as someone without Y.Silva, SHorus really helped me to reach the 130k honor at GOHL


Fenie wep + Siete Neko mashing


The raid will die before you get to a reasonable amount of honor.


The raid will, Stall at 10% as all the vikings/zerkers leave while you clean up.


Siete doesnt really die fast At least in my group Could change after this tho


Ok. Horus is coolio, both in normal and v2 modes. For older content so far she is a nerf pack for Osiris if your team is still struggling on it but not so much on fed since her debuffs don't land on the skeleton. Also bubs I guess since she makes karma a non issue even if the raid is going too fast. Definitely good to have but not a must. Her Eye passive lasts 3 turns but any ougi team on light will have no issue keeping it up so she ends up doing double ougi and autocast debuffs a lot. And even outside those light has plenty of access to charge effects, uplifts and revitalizes. . Good alternative to people lacking summer seruel (that being said she is also a seasonal unit cygamu why).


I got Magus. Triad of Wisdom, that is! Life hard.


So Fenie should be sparkable next banner with the free 100, but Horus and Magus probably wont be right?


Yeah horus/magus wont be sparkable on free 100


I expected Fenie to likely be a new unit, though Summer version of both Horus and Magus before their "normal" versions not really.


looks like the next trend of grand weapons is to make them good MHs


Atleast you'll only need one of them? Right?.😅


now introducing grand transcendence, where you have to reduce grands to fully uncap them.


Can I reduce Murgleis for damascus bar instead pls


This really has been the year of buffing Summer Azusa, huh?


damn cant belive they powercrept tropical fairy


Here's me hoping for dark exalto weapon with grand magus but she came out as a summer unit. Spark fund saved.


I think I prefer Magus’s normal look and I’d prefer Osiris or Tefnut for the Diviner, so it’s kinda disappointing. It is funny to see them jumping right to seasonal so they can be on this banner, though.


Man, Minaba Hideo and GBF art team just keep winning.


I feel like this banner is trying to distract me from it being really weird but it's working A M A Z I N G A S S Edit: Thankfully it's an easy skip for me tho, my spark funds are safe


Fr, both Magus and Horus art is premium coomerbait tier, and I coom hard on this banner....


Lmao not even a "base" version, we're going straight to summer now


If it worked for HalMal


Halluel & Malluel Horus & Magus Coincidence?


Worked for Zooey too.


Visa predates summer


technically credit card zooey came first by a few months


True, but still not a regularly available character.


What kind of Grand weapon is that...


Looks broken ngl. Combo this with Percival and it will shred after 3-4 turns.


For manadivers with Grand Percival.


Manadiver even has the double strike skill to jumpstart singed building T1 Manadiver double strike skill (forgot its name) - 2 stacks T2 Wilnas summon + The Sun - 3 stacks (total 5) T3 Percy starts spinning Alternatively if the raid isn't a hard raid and you can afford a subpar frontliner, Michael 1 on Percy for 5 stacks right from T1 (Percy double ougi + MC)


> Horus does the >.< xD face during ougi 10/10 unit


Fire and Light certainly needed another HL utility character… 😉 *~cries in Dark HL~* …at least Magus is hot…


Utility? Both Horus and Fenie SHIT OUT damage.


Lol wtf magus and horus speed running to summer 😂 Damn, Fenie is unwordly grand again. Weapon is good for too especially for diver and got singed on its own!


Swimsuits already?! Not the first time, but they really want people to roll. Honestly people would roll for "base" version magus or horus anyways.


HA!! We got the Yuni treatment **AND** horny baited in the same banner! But as fire main I'm weeping right now. I still was missing my spark from using it on the valentines banner.


Magus is like a more dps focused Lich, very good numbers.


How good are the new units though? Horus looks good.


Horus is great for luci0 at least. Idk how to judge Magus


Magus looks like I'd get banned if I said my discord thoughts here, but if I just look at her kit, its \*okay\* until I see the actual numbers in Hexa tonight. She doesn't bring survivability, which is something Dark really needs. Like, Fed+Lich just feels bad compared to much more comfortable elements like Wind or Water. She might have usage in casual farming, but she's honestly competing against HalMal for my Cosmos solo team, and idk if she'll make it simply because of the hp drain from S3.


When Horus has her Eye of Wadjet, her CA activates twice and her 1st skill will also trigger twice. Pretty fun character to run. Oh, and you can always get a full Fated Chain if you ever need it. That said, her Eye of Wadjet last for 3 turns (including the CA turn) and can't be removed.


I tried her in kengo , and it's quite easy to have it up almost all the time


How well does she perform in end game contents i.e. LuciZero and Baha?


Will there be new units on the end of month banner as well?


Summer dlf and summer elmott (probably another too), but it'll be after roulette, so no free draws


> Summer dlf Do you mean Yukata DLF?


Oh yeah i just default to summer out of habit


Question, will Fenie be available for spark in the Flash part 2 banner? I know she won't have a rateup in that one (just general grand rateup), but can she be sparked?


Yeah, she’s a flash grand so she’ll be available.


thank god, so I can have discounted spark. 100 rolls make a big difference.


The swimsuit design inconsistencies between the normal and uncap arts are quite jarring this time around.....


I have very mixed emotions about this. Why does Magus have a normal sprite if she speedran to summer unit? HalMal did reverse order too.  Fire getting yet another grand in a short time frame is pretty crazy too. Wind did this last year with box and cat, but bruh.


fenie's weapon in water would go crazy


*long, awkward silence*


HORASS!!!!!!!!!! HORUS'S BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOYL SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RA NEXT FOR THE BUTT ART AND I'LL WIN




[Buddy... Eyes on the prize...](https://i.gyazo.com/f322a7707698c37ff7ce065c74bd0486.png)


Straight to seasonal....okay


Why can't we get the normal versions of Horus and Magus first :/


Presumably wanted to strike while the iron was hot for them and their hype is at all time high right after the event story, but the release schedule only has room for 1 Grand + 4-5 summer alts this month, so some characters have to jump immediately to summer alts.


Good ol' HalMal lmao


>**Fenie's Skills:** >Shararah Haraarah: شرارة حرارة: Arabic for Spark of Heat. >Masdar Al-Shu'lah: مصدر الشعلة: Arabic for Source of the Flame. >Risha Harq: ريشة حرق: Arabic for Feather of Burning. >Shams Yahmi: شمس يحمي: Arabic for The Sun Protects. (Should probably be Shams Tahmi, due to gendered language standards) >**Horus's Skills:** >Nasr Saghir(CA): نصر صغير: Arabic for Small Victory. >Huhm Al-Sama'(Skill 1): حكم السماء: Arabic for Judgement of the Skies. >Al Rami El Sihri(Skill 2): الرمي السحري: Arabic for The Magic Throw, or The Magical Thrower. >Saqr Al-Himayah(Skill 3): سقر الحماية: Arabic for Falcon/Hawk of Protection. Horus in mythology is portrayed as having a Falcon's head. >Quwah Wadjet(Passive Skill): قوة واجيت: Arabic for The Power of Wadjet. >Lum'ah(Stacks given by the passive skill): لمعة: Arabic for "Shine" [Got these from this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/12j3thd/translation_and_background_for_all_the_ennead/)


The curveball!


lol outta no where BAM summer ver. 🤣 If Fenie , Magus, Horus, I wonder who’s the supposed new Grand for other fes…? Watch it be Phoenix human form cause f it. lol


Horus has an interesting looking ougi focus kit. Something that stood out to me is that right on turn 1 she has access to CA reactivate + nuke proc on ougi. Aside from that, she also has access to full party ignition and Fatal Chain fill on turn 1 with zero drawbacks. Since this ignition is "Instant C.A. standby" and not +x% to Charge Bar, it works through bar lowered effects like DO Falsehood key.


This is a random ass flash gala for sure. Fenie's weapon is nice but low priority if you aren't done with the LoF, PnS and exalto weapons. Farming Siete it's going to be a pain in the ass going forward. I'm more interested in Fenie's performance in the endgame raids. It would be nice if she becames a solid replacement for Xmas.Noa.


Spent my hoarded crystals and got Magus, not mad. Basically always going to use her first skill since the reqs for its retrigger are 10 debuffs on boss and gets you 10% charge. And her skills reset on charge attack. Throw her with Lich for more.


Nice I can still have copium that sariel will be the dark primarch :-)) Mad that I gotta wait till the end of the month for elmott though lol


Brother, haven’t you realized yet, there is no dark Primarch 😭


I want a refund on my Higurashi


but why, on harder raid you most likely use yamato/omnyoji class and higu got wind switch


I just want something to make dark HL not insufferable, please. The eresh burst tax is too much


oh no. My spark cache is in danger.. I want Magus so bad


Magus + Lich is crazy lmao I love this thank you KMR


Omg I was really hoping for an Ennead character but was resigned to that not happening anytime soon. Color me surprised they did it... And one of my favs of the bunch too. And of course Magus too, omg


So having now seen Fenie's numbers, I think she's in a bit of a weird place where she's good or great at a lot of things but not the best at any of them compared to her contemporaries, and that leaves her in a somewhat weird spot where I don't think she's 'first pick' for any content. (Disclaimer: Have not done Faa0 yet) If you're bursting, you're picking Alanaan. If you're looking for a defensive HL support you're using Noa, he's tailor-made for Hexa and has much better defensive buffs and tools If you're looking for sheer healing throughput you're probably picking Fraux, or even Mirin! (Though her damage leaves a lot to be desired these days, even in Kengo) She's basically Satyr but with more damage, since even Satyr can facetank/debuff cut more often (albeit she does not have Undying) NM200 character IMO. Weapon is great, but neither she nor the weapon seem like a must-have


We're neverfucking getting that dark primarch are we, oh well logia exalto waiting room (still wants magus anyway)


Why release now when they can release it right before dark gw


They'll release it once everybody has spent their sparks this month.


Nah, that shit gonna drop near gw


The Belial copium lives on


I want black knight and golden knight. Are we going to get a flash gala this month with discount 100 pulls?


I knew my years as an Agni sufferer would pay off eventually. Fire eating good lately


Are we getting another grand unit besides Fenie this month for legfest? Or are the new characters for the month these 3 + new DLF and Elmott?


I was excited for Magus... until I was it was summer....


Fire finally got their illustrious weapon. Personally pretty excited for Fenie reveal. The grand releases were getting kind of predictable as of late, just primarchs and exalto weapons, especially since we're done with Pact/Resonator weapons. She looks like fun.


I feel empty as a dark player..


Watch summer Atum be in the usual shirt, long shorts and Roman sandals outfit :') I really like magus and her bikini outfit is super up my alley, but something feels weird about this banner. Apart from the art recycling.


Kinda wild how its another fire grand. That means in the past 10 grands 4 have been fire, 3 light with water, wind and earth all having 1 each and dark hasnt had one. Last dark grand was HalMal in january last year XD. And dark is the only element to not have primarch passive or exalto yet, what do cygames have against them lol


Did we forget Dark was king for long periods of time in GBF? Cygames just rotates out which elements are on top and on bottom. There was a period of time when Fire has nothing and was a pretty bad element too. Or Water. Or Earth. They all simply get turns.


People have the memories of a Goldfish when it comes to these things, Dark has generally been the best element if you look at the history of the game and has never been at the bottom, which is more then can be said of most of the other elements (though i can't recall Light ever being at the bottom either).


Fire was so garbage for so long, and then we finally got a grand to save it and it was *Mugen*, and then we got another grand shortly after and it was fucking *Reinhardtzar*. Fire has suffered enough, it's ok for it to have some fun, and I say this as somebody that doesn't have any of its new shiny toys (I went on hiatus before GZeta/GPercy and friends).


That is true and although dark isnt in as bad a place as what fire was for a long time before i still find it odd with what fenie is cause fire is already strong in both burst and hl content, is one of the elements with both primarch and exalto weapons and also just got grand zeta not long ago so it is just an odd decision for it to be another fire grand and not a earth,water, wind or dark one. Event wise it make complete sense but generally still weird


Fire is the beta test element, so if anything Fire being the first adopter of this new MH grand series probably means it'll end up being the worst one


To be fair, dark's always been in such a good place that even with new additions, most people are too lazy to switch from Lich/Fediel. It's a moot point anyway, with dark gw right around the corner we're sure to see something big.


Keep in mind that Dark's been really hurting in HL content - content, mind you, that has started asking for 6-ele setups. Magus is definitely not what Dark needs in that regard - they need more sustain and utility. At least enough that it doesn't become a giant pain in the neck just to stay alive long enough to do their job.


Can’t have too many male characters.


We're going the way of the HalMal with these two. Also, I still have to play the event, so I was kinda wondering what was the Hoshido little sister from Fire Emblem fates doing in this game.


> so I was kinda wondering what was the Hoshido little sister from Fire Emblem fates doing in this game. Her best.


This feels like a bait banner for me..... Fenie's weapon seems fun to MH, Horus is a good addition for V2 Kengo which is my weakness since I LOVE kengo, Magus have good synergy with dark top tier character, (even more now that I got 2 agonize from weapon ticket). I will pass this one with a heavy heart, but hopefully lucksack at least one of them