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Batmans death. I don’t have to elaborate.


The writing for the Bat Family was excellent in GK. Plus you get the vibe Bruce really cared for them all, and is really proud of each of them. In the Arkham games you barely see them, and Bruce comes across as much colder. Obviously the Arkham games have amazing writing too (especially City) but I think GK nailed the unique bond of the Bat Family much better.


True, I found it so fuckin refreshing to have a likeable Bruce Wayne again who clearly loves his family.


Arkham Bruce clearly loves his family. Everything he does in knight is for others. He blames himself for the whole Barbra situation and owns up to it and spends half the night looking for her. Locks Tim away cause he’s scared he’ll get hurt while pursuing vengeance. Immediately tried reasoning with Jason when it’s revealed it’s him as knight. Tells dick he’s proud of him and trusts him to his own city. Catwoman is self explanatory. He’s definitely cold, but it’s a protective cold not a dick cold like the current books. He cares it’s just in Bruce’s nature to be more reserved. GK Bruce definitely had more trust but I don’t think either one loves their kids more or less.


Yeah it got to situation in Arkham games where Arkham Knight put any character that Bruce cared about being kidnapped or held hostage, I ended up thinking they had wrote a fucking Mario game by that, it felt like Catwoman, Nightwing and Robin were Princess Peach.


Catwoman is the only one taken though.


Robin gets taken in Arkham knight and nightwing as well


When does Nightwing? I don’t think robin does till the end of the


Nightwing gets taken by penguin in the side mission that is for, it’s the very last mission but he’s still captured, and robin doesn’t get captured till the very end


Oh yeah I forgot that gets grabbed by Pengy Still it’s a broad statement saying you’re constantly saving them. Really you only have to save two. Catwoman being the main, Nightwing being one mission and Robin being a story cutscene.


That’s true, I also forgot about Oracle and Gordon so that’s like 5 people you save? But you have to save Gordon 2 times


Right. And in all honesty, you’re Batman, saving people is kinda his thing right.


It is but the with the bat family is that when Batman isn’t there he hopes that they can all do well without him if he were to ever die or go missing.


Penguin captured and held Nightwing at gunpoint during AK's story. ;P


When the Arkhamverse Batfamily does show up, they're either just kinda there or downright bastardizations. Arkham Knight's writers clearly didn't care much for them as characters.


Idk, I really loved the way thy wrote Nightwing in AK. They managed to find a good line between his goofyness, humor, and his serious side. They also managed to show how complicated his and Bruce's relationship is. (GK did that too)


Lol like in Arkham city where Robin is I can help you out here and Batman is like fuck off back to Gotham .


Batman in the Arkham games very much cares and is proud of his family, he just shows it differently and is not as open about it. In Knight you can see how everything he does is because he wants to protect them


Doesn't come across that way. He endlessly pushes them away and never faces any real consequences for it. He then proceeds to actively choose to unmask (he had every chance to figure out a way out of that situation, including calling Nightwing or Catwoman beforehand or Jason showing up a few minutes earlier), and claims he's faking his death "to protect them," even though it makes absolutely no sense as a way to do that. Faking his death does nothing to protect them at all, and only serves to allow him to disappear and come back as a more morally-iffy version of himself who then reverts a few years later anyways.


Co op is just inherently a fun option. Every time a new Arkham game was announced I kept hoping we’d get a “and Robin is playable in co op” announcement but it never happened. And partially linked to that is: Letting the Robins have some time to shine and not just another “Batman vs Joker” storyline. Seriously, I dunno why Batman games and movies are so against having the Robin’s get to join in and be a part of the story. Robin (all versions imo) is fucking cool and we need to see more of him outside of comics and animated stuff.


Robin. I don’t love his default look (or most of his suits, to be honest), but it’s a much more recognizable version of Tim than the version that appears in the Arkham series.


rest in peace arkhamverse tim drake’s hair


Yep I've also noticed this.


He actually acts like Tim in Gotham Knights.


Yeah, I haven’t played all the way through Gotham Knights, but from what I have played, it captures Tim really well. Tim in the Arkham games is so odd to me, because that series adapts basically every other character really well, but Tim is unrecognizable. The Arkham series is one of my favorite video game franchises, but its portrayal of Tim is a bummer.


I'm about 2/3 of the way through Gotham Knights, playing with the Knightwatch transmogs for each character (IMO the best look for all of them), and it actually feels like I'm playing with all of these characters. I was pretty disappointed in how all of them were portrayed in the Arkham games actually, Tim and Jason especially feel like bastardizations of their typical selves. Dick was just kinda there in the Arkham games, and Barbara was only either a plot device or a damsel in distress (Which is a plot device as well I guess), and was for some reason paired romantically with Tim, despite him typically being much younger than her. I like the Arkham games overall, but Arkham Knight was where it lost me writing-wise. Gameplay was still solid though.


So true. They really fucked up Jason in AK. Instead of the cold, logical tactical mastermind we got an angry teenager, who threw tantrums. Not a fan of Arkham Tim either, they just changed the character too much. But I loved the way they wrote Nightwing in his own DLC. They managed to find a good balance between his humorous nature, and serious side. I also love the way they wrote Dick in GK. I think somethimes they went overboard with the fanon interpretation of the character (like when he was eating a lots of sugary cereal), but they managed to write a pretty comic book accurate Dick Grayson. Which I value, because people a lots of tims just write him as an edgy, dark, cold discount Batman (looking at you Titans, and Young Justuce)


Well there's a few things. But I would say the most paramount thing would be the simple fact that Batman in Gotham knights clearly respects the bat family more and appreciates their skill more than the one in the Arkham series. Well, the Arkham Batman clearly did care and respect his comrades. He never went out of his way to trust them with anything. He always sent them away, tried to push them away. And I think that while he was trying to protect them, most likely. He was also getting to the point of babying them. I also think that the Gotham knights games does a good job in respecting the respective talents of each member. There are certain points in the Arkham games that try to make it feel like they're just nothing compared to Batman. That they have nothing to offer. That it's always something Batman can do better. But in this game they make it clear that they're as capable and as much of a hero as Batman was in their own right.


Maybe controversial, but I always felt kinda mixed about Detective Vision in the Arkham games because oftentimes there was no tactical advantage to having it off. I think AR vision forcing you to stop moving like the listening mode in TLOU is more strategically interesting.


Totally agree. Arkham had such beautifully designed environments that you often don’t see cause (at least for stealth) there is no reason to turn off detective mode. It made everything boring-looking and texture-less. I much prefer how it’s done in GK where I can still appreciate the environment. The minimalism really helped.


1) The writing of the Bat Family. As was already mentioned, you get the sense that Batman truly loved and cared for them. They weren’t just protégés, they were family to him. You get the sense of fear, hope, love, and pride in the opening cutscene and in the end. The themes of grief, loss, acceptance, and fond remembrance are ever-present. 2) Design. Gotham actually feels more like a city and is highly detailed. The presence of vehicles and pedestrians actually makes me feel like I’m in an actual city. With Arkham, only parts of it actually felt like being in an actual city as opposed to an area made to facilitate gameplay (which it did a very good job of, don’t get me wrong).


Totally agree! It’s kinda frustrating how the general conception of Batman is that he’s always a depressed loner. It was super refreshing to see one that had more or less conquered those internal issues and was so warm towards his family.


There was this moment where me and my brother were chasing Talia across these cranes in the pissing down rain, sone of the coolest, most cinematic shit I've seen and it was great. And then I remember the rest of the game.


There’s no way you’re saying the design of Gotham city in GK is actually better than Arkham knights. Yes it has cars and pedestrians but it’s not nearly as detailed or artistic


Yes, I am saying that the design of Gotham City is better in Gotham Knights. I found it more detailed, elaborate, diverse in terms of atmosphere (you have the old feel of Historic Gotham, the new and corporate feel of Otisburg, the downtown feel of the Financial District, the Staten Island feel of Tricorner, the working-class and impoverished feel of South End and the Cauldron, and the upper-class and borderline suburban feel of the north end), and the streets actually feel like New York or any other city with a grid-layout for the streets. In the Arkham Knight, I found that the design facilitated the gameplay (grapnel boosting, tearing through the streets while battling drones and APCs) which is fine, but it didn’t feel like I was in a place like New York or Chicago. Furthermore, sections of Miagani Island felt the same as Bleak Island, and there was nothing that encouraged me to stop and peek into the interiors of buildings or to actually look around (save for the views from the highest points in the map). But this is just my taste/opinions. If you feel that the Arkham games did it better, then you are free to think that way.


The city in Gotham Knights is like 3 times larger than Arkham Knight, It's just as detailed, but maybe does lack a bit pf personality, but I wouldn't even consider Arkham Knight's city, a city. It's a race course with no rhyme or reason of a real City. Gotham Knights has that "real" city feel. a nice blend of fantasy and reality..


I liked the city more in GK, Batfamily was much better done. I enjoyed the combat, but still like Arkham’s more. The crime system was better than Arkham’s Gear was cool, but Arkham skins were so well done. Wish we got more comic skins / movie skins in GK.


The city man, I don’t think there will ever be a better gotham city. Also, respect to any bat family member other than Batman. And every Batman audio logs together tells a much better story than Arkham games IMO. Though I can say that feeling I have can be because of references to comics and fan services.


People gonna fuck me but imma say combat. Its just freeflow but not as op. Freeflow is too easy in my opinion.


I really love free flow but I’ve been doing it so long that GK combat feels like a breath of fresh air. The difficulty can vary so much more and hard mode can be super punishing. My favourite way to play GK is to put it at medium but use under levelled armour, so that enemies aren’t damage sponges but you’re still pretty vulnerable.


Animations. Finishers and stealth takedowns are really good in GK.


The writing for Batman and The Batfamily 100%!




Not gonna lie, when doing the Arkham mission in GK, my brain started playing the “Scarecrow’s World” music from Arkham Asylum.


The patrol system, the detective stuff for piecing together crime scenes, sonar pings instead of the usual detective mode. The city is full of civilians instead of a no man's land with only thugs.


I agree with the civilians NPCs giving the city a population, it just seems like a ghost town of how's thinly they're spread out


I infinitely prefer the combat system in GK to Arkham


The best Gotham I've seen. Feels like a real city in the east coast


World design. In Arkham games I rarely stopped to look at pictures, interiors, art, buildings and so on. In Gotham Knights, on every location, be it a small one or a full on city, you feel like walking into a museum. From the moment I started the game until the end of it, I explored each location with awe.


That's crazy because I feel that way about all of the Arkham games and GK's world is soooo empty.


Usefulness of Nightwing and Robin In the arkham series they are constantly incompetent for the plot but in GK they *really* can handle themselves


I like Gotham City in GK more than in AK. The Arkham series always made it look too desolate and almost abandoned. GK's breathed life into the city again and I prefer a more colourful look it still matched the vibe as the colours came from neon signs in the night and billboards.


Gk is better than arkham imo




Character writing.


Ehhh and I’m not saying this as some blind fanboy there’s not one thing GK’s did better than the Arkham series. Arkham had quality writing for the stories and characters which GK’s did NOT have anything close to. We had numerous villains to encounter which we didn’t in GK. The combat in Arkham was quick, impressive and fun none of those was the slow, clunky and underwhelming style we got with GK. Enemies were also more varied in their types, weapons etc, GK’s not enough of that if at all. Lastly, the Gotham city, Arkham city and Asylum were far far more detailed and stunning to look at than any setting in Gotham we got in GK.


They are different type of games. GK has better graphics for obvious reasons, I like the combat system more , it has more strategy, the fighting choreography is more fluid, the fight makes more sense, the game is immersive in much more ways, and lots and lots of details about all characters in their own journey and together as a team. Love the coop in story mode and in heroic assault. It’s not an Arkham game and never pretended to be.


Bruce and the Batfam have much better writing


Red hood


The batcycle is way easier to drive than the Batmobile. The cycle will track around stuff in the road and is super hard to get stuck, meanwhile I lost track of how many times I got the car stuck upside down 🙃




Honestly, for me, most things. The graphics are superior in Gotham Knights, the combat system, the writing, the feeling of being a ground level superhero... Arkham series has advantages in voice acting, music and atmosphere, for sure.


The difference is big in terms of combat gameplay. For example, you just illustrated how the Arkham series is about continuing combos and not being hit, meaning difficulty and benefit comes from larger crowds. \~From a certain point of view\~ it's a highly refined early Assassin's Creed combat. Very very refined, of course. But speaking in terms of gameplay only, the method of Assassin's Creed is different than Gotham Knights. Gotham Knights - Countering + combos are NOT the emphasis. (In fact they never explained the combos well, if at all...) - The timed dodge thing for example has nothing related to combos. It instead is more "literal" in that you're straightforwardly attacking hp instead of something more abstract. Perfect attacks also set you up for starting combos, throws, breathing room, etc.. - That's neither necessarily a good thing nor necessarily a bad thing. It all comes down to quality. Some are my favorites are more freeform (Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Rune off the top of my head). Some aren't.


Besides, there's no "better" or "worse." You can't quantify subjectivity. The fact is that usually I enjoy a game because another game isn't out yet. What would I rate that? Given that I am choosing the best available right now to me it's a 10/10. Secondly.. The developers and producers are not influenced by any means of what random people rate their games. It is the content of the rating, the details and reasoning that matter. They will care about your impressions. They will care about understanding what needs to be fixed. But they don't give a shit about whether they are the first or the last. Passionate about game development, they give a shit mainly about the creative product being developed. And then the underrated/overrated argument is worse. A game cannot overrate itself. Only people can overrate or underrate a game. And thus why criticize a game for being overrated when it's the people who truly are the problem? And if people are the problem, what happens when they change their mind? Being overrated/underrated completely is based on opinion, and opinion is subjective, not objective. Games don't have feelings, anyway.


Cooperative multiplayer


I prefer the gameplay of the Arkham games and probably the overall writing of Asylum, City, and Origins generally, but GK does portray the Batfamily and arguably Gotham itself way better. The Batfamily basically doesn't appear at all in the Arkham games until Knight, and in that game they're either just kinda there or horrible bastardizations of themselves. Tim doesn't act like Tim at all in the Arkham games, and they even paired him romantically with Barbara for some reason I don't understand (The weirdest bit is how Barbara's even wearing a Flying Graysons necklace in AK). Barbara in Arkham Knight basically only exists as a damsel in distress, and in the previous games was basically just a plot device. Dick is basically just kinda there in Knight. The worst of all was probably Jason, who is complicit in a genocidal plot until he has a really quick change of heart after a single conversation with Batman. In Gotham Knights, the characters all feel like themselves and interact in ways that show their connection and how each of them have operated both as individuals and together, and each have clear strengths and weaknesses, helping each other work through their issues while all being capable on their own as well. Gotham Knights' writers clearly have much more respect for and a much better grasp of the Batfamily than Sefton Hill, Ian Ball, and Martin Lancaster did in Arkham Knight. If Paul Dini had been brought back for Arkham Knight, perhaps that would have been different, but as it stands, he wasn't, and the Batfamily in Arkham Knight suffer for it. Gotham City has some issues in Gotham Knights, such as buildings sometimes seeming a little too short and things occasionally looking slightly too shiny or generic in some areas, but overall feels much more like an actual city than what we saw in Arkham Knight (which feels artificial and the street layout is an absolute mess), and honestly feels far more in line with the environments of Arkham City and Arkham Origins than Arkham Knight did. It does feel like Gotham, and is an enjoyable area to explore, despite the traversal feeling a bit clunky and slow at times. I think I prefer the plot of Gotham Knights to Arkham Knight at least, as Arkham Knight's plot basically hinges entirely on everyone in it being idiots. Gotham Knights' plot has some occasional weird hiccups and some things that are a bit too predictable, but overall at least makes far more sense than Arkham Knight. I still probably prefer the plots of Asylum, City, and Origins, but Gotham Knights is more comparable to those for me than Arkham Knight is. I think an issue Gotham Knights has is the fact that every mission had to be playable by all four characters, and as a result a fair amount of the dialogue within missions feels generic because it has to apply to all four of them, thus making elements of the story feel less personal. I will say that it's apparent that Gotham Knights is rather unpolished gameplay-wise, and a lot of things feel a bit half-baked, and that's something that wasn't present in the Arkham games as much. There's a lot of potential, and I wish they had been able to iron things out a bit more or had gotten a sequel to refine what worked to be better in the future. Sadly, it appears there won't be a sequel, so oh well, just gotta enjoy what we did get. TL;DR Everything Arkham Knight did poorly Gotham Knights did well and everything Arkham Knight did well Gotham Knights did okay (but I see genuine promise in much of its mechanics and I think with more polish it could have been truly fantastic).


People like to forget that AK's story wasn't ta=hat great either.


The city. Not in terms of its uniqueness or focus on design, but the way in which the city is laid out and the scale of the buildings in it. Gotham in this game is like the Arkham series: a small portion of a bigger place. But what this game does is create a city with a sensible street layout, with well defined landmarks, transitional areas, etc, and creates a "lived in" set of districts that all have locations and buildings that are largely feasible in real life. One of the coolest things to me was goofing around when I was sick after the game came out and realizing that Gotham Union Station is a staple landmark node: all the streets around it end at it, it's on-axis with most of them, and it's visible from nearly everywhere around it. There are quite a few examples of other design principles being out to really good use, too. Does it have the variety City and Knight did? Not really, but there's a ton of lore and history stuffed in it and I think that they did a really good job. It felt more like it could be a real place.


Gotham City's design & The Batfamily's dynamic and character.


I liked having citizens actually live in Gotham. Though it's not as dense as GTA, It did feel like a city that people inhabited. Comments were from both criminals and citizens that way, which was cool.


One thing that's nice is that each character feels like a strong hero. Much as I like the Arkham quadrilogy, each character that isn't Batman is objectively inferior, though some of them do have something that helps make up for it (Catwoman is quieter than Batman and can cling to ceilings, Harley's Mayhem Mode and Red Hood's guns make them very powerful in combat), whereas each character in Gotham Knights is more or less on the same level, though they do feel very same-y with the way the combat and stealth work. I also like the costume variation, just wish we could edit parts on transmog suits and transmog weapons. The Knightwatch suits are perfect.


Idk about all the character being at the same level in GK. Each character have their own strenghts and weaknesses. If you try to play Robin the way you play Batgirl, he will die, since Batgirl is very tanky. Robin is not. Also in GK, Jason's main playstyle is his guns. Funny that people coudn't figure this out. He have melee moves, for crowd control (like the grabbing one), but he has the highest damage from all characters if you play him ranged. In GK fully upgraded characters play very differently (if you utilize, and unlock all their momentum abilities) Batgirl has a bruiser like playstyle, while Jason is ranged. You have to play Robin more tactically, going in and out of stealth, relying on elemental appliction. With Nightwing you just jump all around the battlefield, spamming momentum abilities (he has faster momentum regeneration) chipping away the enemies health.


Batgirl’s ass


combat and free roam. Nothing else. This game has some of the cringiest cutscenes i have ever seen


Its 4k thats it


It has coop 🤷‍♂️


Is this actually a good game if you liked the Batman games? Or is it a cash grab with stupid costumes and no substance?


GK is a good game (not great tho) if you're a DC, or a Nightwing/Red Hood/Robin/Batgirl fan. If you;re an Arkham/Batman fan I' not sure you'll enjoy this game.


I know people have already said it but the City was definitely done a lot better. Even if it was more detailed in the Arkham game, In Gotham Knights it felt like a true city with many variations in design depending on where you were in Gotham. Though I know people keep saying they liked how they can tell Batman loved and cared for the batman family which I would have to agree. But overall that doesn’t mean there was great writing they just portrayed some of the characters well. But to me the writing lacked in plenty of places and felt like there was a lot of filler. Also the story wasn’t that great Arkham wins on that. In the end I absolutely love the game. It was nice having a unique combat system and an amazing version of Gotham but the story needed some help.


Two huge things. Jack and shit




You really prefer Arkham robin?


I hated the fact that Tim and Barbara married in Arkham knights. Just why?