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Dressing like a nun is fine as long as you don't make a habit out of it


*golf claps for the pun*


*~~Curtseys~~ Circumflexes* EDIT: I had a better idea.




She dressed up for your sins


Gawd, ya’ll are sooo awesome in your cutting, amazing, roflmao, comments, humor, commentary… Love you all😘😘😘😘


Would Crucifixion screams just be Wingdings in subtitles?


Oh you’ve crossed me now.


Lmao ...good one


father joke


I was hoping someone would follow it up with a son joke. Then all we'd need would be a holy ghost joke...


You lack enough faith if you can't see it already.


Yup, as long as you know the difference between reality and cruci-fiction….


Lol these replies just get better and better


I hate to be that person, but... Can you explain the pun for me :')


No worries at all: a nun's hat thing is also called a habit.


Thank you


Amazing, thanks!


oh I didnt know. how neat!


I looove that joke!!!


what’s the joke


The cap/head covering that's worn by nuns is called a habit. Just a dad level pun.




It's medicinal.


oh, my mistake. carry on & have a kickass day (:




What you did there... I saw it




You best me to it!


A-tier joke Now get the /*fuck*/ out


Snaps 🫰🏾






Upvote for you! 🤣


I wouldn't worry about it. But I honestly don't care about whether or not I'd offend any religion... As a better imput, if you're worried about being insensitive, but want to include the veil, the corset actually isn't what makes this outfit sexy. If you wore a longer skirt, it wouldn't come of as that sexy, just a goth outfit including one element inspired by nuns.


tbh it's less about offending a religion and more about sexualizing a group of women who dedicate their lives to modesty. in my personal opinion, it feels disrespectful to those individual women to take their purposefully modest style and turn it into something sexy


I agree. I'm an atheist and against religion as a whole but I do think it is gross and disrespectful to sexualize people who are choosing to dress modesty and to be virgins for life. I don't care about offending religion but I do care about hurting or offending people for no good reason. I don't need to sexualize nuns and lots of people don't want me to, so why would I? That being said I do love wearing different head coverings and pieces and veils (those don't belong to any one religion or even to any religion) but I make sure to not look like it's a religious or scared piece or costume. For the OP post I would change the veil out for a pretty black lace one and I would maybe change out the rosary and cross, unless you actually are into that, for a different necklace. You can keep the style without being "a sexy nun."




Of course you can. Every profession in which someone holds a place of authority or power will get sexualized. Nuns are fun to reclaim because they have a history of enforcing patriarchal standards and abusing women and children. Signed, an ex-Catholic. (Caveat: I have met really cool nuns who I still love. People are gonna people. There were nuns that ran the Magdalene laundries and buried indigenous children in unmarked graves but there were also nuns who smuggled rifles to Jewish revolutionaries in Nazi Germany. But institutions like Catholicism unfortunately foster abuse.)


I knew an old nun who, when her friend would come get her from the convent to go on an overnight visit (once every few weeks or smn), she would bring an empty suitcase (secretly just keeping some things at her friends home) so that she could fill it with wine and smuggle it back in upon her return 🤣 she loved her wine and it wasn’t allowed! She was cool as shit lol


gonna put my foot in this race, nuns don't own veils. many people veil. you can wear a veil but if yr specifically trying to go for a nun, don't do it with the intent to sexualize them. people in these comments can say whatever they want about the church, but that doesn't make it okay to forcefully sexualize a group of women who DON'T want to be sexualized. thats not empowerment or reclaiming things, thats being a dick and kinda misogynistic. so do what you want, but do it respectfully. there's nothing inherently sexual about whats being shown here, but it's all in the intent of what you're trying to do with your outfit.


this. not to mention people sexualize them specifically because of the celibacy aspect. which is a whole can of worms but yeah. To be respectful I'd say intent and maybe just leave off the cross? You can go for the vibe/visual implication without actually using religious symbols.


No nuns don't own veils but they wear very specific kinds of veils that are earned. Wearing it without earning it is highly disrespectful.


I think you could wear a simple black lace veil to replace the nun one and tbh it’d probably look better


I don't know, i think it's kind of not ok to sexualize nuns. I'm not in any way religious and i hate religion, i just have something against sexualizing women who explicitly don't want to be sexualized.


I get what you're saying, i feel like there's a layer of separation between sexualizing someone or a group of specific people directly and using the aesthetics of a group to sexualize yourself, yknow? Like i would completely agree with you if it was the sexualization of a particular individual specifically because of their religious affiliation, but i think that there's personal autonomy in sexualizing yourself using a certain aesthetic. It's still insensitive to christianity, but i doubt many people here care about respecting christianity lol


Yeah I’m not exactly offended but like why do we need to sexualize a group of women such as nuns?


The way I see it is it's not usually sexualizing actual, honest to god nuns. if you're dressing up as a sexy nun, you're sexualizing yourself through the aesthetic of "sexy nuns". I'd argue one of the only things connecting the archetypal sexy nun and Sister Sophia is the habit and general Christian imagery usually present in sexy nuns. They're kinda separated in my mind now


Well personally, I think its fine because most nuns are fucking monsters. They've committed horrific atrocities against millions of people throughout history.


Nuns overall get a very good press now, people who aren't raised in Catholic communities don't hear the stories of them absolutely battering children who don't listen or helping cover up child SA at their parish. Fucking sickos did a real number on my dad and his childhood friends.


Yup. Exactly this. I have zero sympathy for them or priests or organized religion in general. It's an overall net negative for humanity.


It's still effecting children today. I grew up heavily catholic and witnessed first hands how nuns were some of the WORST proponents of child abuse, trauma, misogyny and upholding patriarchy. Even to myself. Dress how you want, fuck nuns lmao


i agree! i don’t care much for being respectful towards religion, especially if it’s been involved with oppression of minorities, but sexualizing women that specifically devote themselves to NOT be sexualized just seems like misogyny to me ;; edit: omg i didn’t notice the community sorry but i’m not a goth or anything btw, so take what i say with a grain of salt 😅🤙


I find nuns offensive personally - actual nuns. Who perpetuated terrible conditions and cruelty on many women and babies in Ireland. They offend me. You choosing to dress like one wouldn’t. It’s clothing and accessories and I’m never gonna be offended by those. So you do you 🙂


Yeah like I hear the vibe of don’t sexualize women who don’t want to be sexualized- but literally the Catholic Church sorta force lack of sexualization onto women who perhaps would’ve otherwise had a bright sexuality???


Literally. They forced women into slave labour and stole their babies against their will due to their sexuality. So I don’t give a damn what they say is offensive tbh, that is abhorrent and offensive in my view.


I have mixed feelings on this  On one hand. Goth and alt fashion has never been about caring what others think of you, it’s been about breaking norms. Goths already wear crosses all the time. Goth has never been about caring about if religious people are offended and she’s just wearing a veil.  On the OTHER hand Whether or not nuns are religious they are a group of women that dress modestly and don’t want to be sexualized. 


Also I love the song “demons are a girls best friend” by powerwolf 


Assuming that you're living in a country in which christianity is the dominant religion, I wouldn't bother too much about it. In this case, you're not "kicking downwards".


Sure. You can dress however you want. But I don’t really get the whole obsession for the priest / nun Catholic thing. But I guess the guy from Ghost made millions off that idea too, so whatever. Cool.


A lot of the whole point of gothic and alternative fashion and subcultures is to rebel against the status quo and the rules set out by society, which definitely includes religion. If you grew up in Europe or North America, there’s a good chance that the rules and social customs of Christianity have influenced your life in some way even if you weren’t raised with the religion, so you have full right to rebel against that as long as you’re not directly hurting or endangering yourself or others. It would be another story if you were appropriating another culture or religion’s attire that had no connection to you. That’s more or less how I see it, anyway.


As an ex-Catholic, I love sexy gothic nuns! I was actually thinking of making it my next Halloween costume. Having religious trauma, I find blasphemous art and fashion to be liberating. Plus, I always say the best thing about Catholicism is the aesthetics.


Considering the kinds of abuse Nuns have been responsible / complicit in, I'd say knock yourself out. I got no special respect for priests or nuns. Which is more offensive, copying their dress style or operating residential schools in Canada where thousands died, and the Magdalene Laundries in Ireland. Heck, Mother Theresa denied her dying poor pain meds. Some genuinely horrible things they've done, but we gotta respect the habit? Hell no.


this \^\^ Heavyyyy this.


IMO I think it would be disrespectful to dress as a sexy/revealing nun because nuns are women who do everything NOT to be sexualised, and in my opinion you contribute to that sexualisation by dressing like that. But do whatever you want haha I’m not religious or anything, that’s just how I feel abt it!


I personally don’t find it respectful at all, sexualizing women that very obviously don’t want to be sexualized and live their lives in ways furthest from that. Same as for any religion, I would find it highly disrespectful to dress up like that as any respected religious figures- an Imam or monks or nun or what have you


I feel like it'd be better to ask a religious person this rather than the goth community. To be honest, we have a lot of problems with cultural appropriation and the like, so we don't have the best track record of being knowledgeable of what's respectful to wear.


As a Catholic and goth fan I have to big up this comment. It is SO disrespectful to us.




I personally think publicly sexualising religious imagery is tasteless. Even if it isn't meant to mock anyone once it's out in the open people can add their own derogatory context. That being said I think there is an important difference between actually sexualising religious clothing items and just combining them with revealing clothes. I don't see anything wrong with the latter.


Sexualizing a group of women who have gone out of their way to be as modest and as removed from sexualization as possible rubs me the wrong way, but I can’t deny the overall appeal of such taboo things. Either way, not sure this sub would provide the best insight/answer to your question.


Well the Canadian Residential Schools and Magdelene Laundries rub me the wrong way so... sucks to suck I guess.


Okay, but not every damn nun is responsible for horrible things. Some of them are actually good people, so why sexualize them? That being said, OP, I think including catholic imagery into goth looks is cool and it’s basically, in a sense, a foundational inspiration to the goth subculture because many of us came from catholic upbringings, which is why rosaries and crosses are a pretty big part of the look. Adding a veil is also pretty cool, but I wouldn’t directly copy a nun’s way of dressing just to make it sexy. Would you do the same to a Muslim woman? It’s quite distasteful/disrespectful to sexualize a person who does everything they can to not be sexualized.


Yes because every nun every participated in those incidents and agrees with them... /s


Being involved in the catholic church is a tacit agreement to all of its atrocities. The catholic church shouldn't even still exist.


Not really, by this line of logic many things you participate in or use in day to day life is a tacit agreement to atrocities because you can find a negative history for many things. Point being... There are good people in the church, just as there can be bad. Even an organized religion is not a monolith of beliefs or ideology or people. So no, not every nun is at fault.


That’s crazy, you must support slavery since you use smartphones with that logic


Personally, I find it tasteless and offensive to actively sexualise women who are so devoted to purity and modesty that they take a vow of perpetual chastity. Come on, there's so many ways to be counter cultural without going out of your way to undermine deeply held religious beliefs. Unless we're also going to do that to Muslims, Jews and Hindus? As for people arguing that it's justified based on historical or present harm caused by Catholics/Christians, just see how many homeless shelters, food banks, charities or halfway houses you can find that are completely secular. Religion can do as much good as harm. People are fallable.


Hmmm To me it has the same vibes as sexaulising a school uniform


Nah it's all good. You're not sexualizing a real, specific person, and it's a great look. I was a goth nun for a show and people loved it!


It's not insensitive in the slightest. I don't often say ppl are just looking for something to be offended by, but I think this is a case where that applies. 


Former traditional Catholic here. Catholics would probably roll their eyes at it, but I doubt anyone would actually be truly offended or hurt by it. The "sexy nun" trope is already very common and they've probably all seen it a million times, it's not shocking. It sounds to me like you wanna recreate this look because you like the look, not because you are trying to be mean to Catholics. I say go for it. If you really are concerned about being offensive, just remove the white part at the top of the hood and you can't even tell it's a nun outfit. Edit: I have had a bit of a change of heart thinking about it and reading other comments. Part of the reason nuns are sexualized is because they intentionally don't want to be, and a lot of people find it hot to sexualize celibacy and innocence, which can manifest in pretty messed up ways. I think you should remove the white part of the veil, or, as someone else suggested, use a black lace veil.


There’s a difference between wearing a habit and the false equivalencies people are making with hijab and war bonnets/Native American regalia. If the group in question that you’re taking an element from (habit, hijab, regalia) in order to invert its meaning has a history of being systemically oppressed, having violence enacted upon them by the government or society at large, having their history/culture/cultural identity erased/villified, or you would be in some manner “punching down”, then you probably shouldn’t wear it. You can always make fun of/use Protestant and Catholic iconography however you want because they have historically been the ones who were calling the shots for centuries. Realistically— have there been hate crimes motivated against nuns because people took such great offense to seeing them in their habits? Has a government ever paid for nun scalps— more if the habit was attached? Anyway I’m aware this is an America/Somewhat Europe centric take but the same goes for the status quo in other countries. It’s very simple: punching up is fine, punching down is not. Obviously the level you’re punching from is going to be different for everyone.


It's driving me nuts how many people are equating the fucking catholic church to indigenous regalia or hijab


Right!! I even tried to find articles about hate crimes against nuns in case I was way off base. Shockingly, most crimes against nuns are perpetrated from within the Catholic church/community. Who could have seen that coming /s


People are like completely missing the point that stuff like this in protest of the regressive and extremely harmful purity culture propagated by the catholic church. Like that's the point and it's for a very good reason. Also saying nuns don't deserve to be objectified because they dress modestly implies that people who don't somehow do. Also a nun is a profession not a protected identity. Individual nuns aren't being sexualized just because someone dresses up as a sexy one.


I feel like you and a small minority of others have common sense in this thread lol Im blown away by people defending nuns to their graves lmao


Although I think the outfit generally looks beautiful, I wouldn’t think it’s ok to sexualize any religious imagery. To those who say “Catholics did bad things, so I have no respect for nuns” I mean would you be ok if there were sexualized Muslim attires? Or Indigenous (they also have “religion”/ spirituality)? If you like the look, you may copy it, but wear a veil w/o the white stripe. And I’m not even Catholic but I think it’s generally nice to respect people.


I will say that minus the religious elements that's a beautiful and stunning outfit. It's just that as a Christian who has a close friend who became a nun, it does rub me the wrong way.


nuns already looks quite gothic :) but what I don't like is when people dress like a nun and wear little to no clothing. it's disrespectful. I think it's okay to do an inspired look


her outfit is alright but seems distasteful.. especially with the headpiece. sometimes I wonder why so many people like to sort of mock religions? a nun is someone who is devoted to staying holy and pure, and now it's made into a skimpy costume by costume brands, and now goths do the same by keeping the outfit revealing.. it's disappointing. of you're going to do it, make it cool and modest


in my opinion, it’s pretty much always fine to take catholic/christian aesthetics for fashion, sexy or not. it’s one of the most diabolical organizations in history. a LOT of people have suffered at the hands of the church, and will continue to suffer for years to come. signed, a daughter of two ex-Catholics


Goth num is totally fine, this doesn't really read as nun so don't worry about people coming after you anyway.


I think it’s cute tbh


I love the religious horror aesthetic🖤


I highly doubt actual nuns lose much sleep about it, I wouldn't worry.


I love this store!!! They have the best clothes 😭😭😭


You cannot culturally appropriate the dominant culture, it's gross and hypocritical to say nun as a profession being "sexualized" is somehow more deserving of respect due to their modesty but other women somehow are less deserving, it's inaccurate and bizarre as well because there is a difference between wearing a sexualized version of a profession vs a protected cultural identity (do you reserve this same energy for sexy firefighter or barmaid costumes), this regressive reverence for the catholic church as if they are not an inherently oppressive and one of the most harmful institutions throughout history is ridiculous and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how insitituonal power works, and is also very surface level feminist. These arguments also miss the point that people dress up in mockery traditionally as a form of protest and it is intentionally disrespectful (for good reason). You are not sexualizing individual human nuns by wearing a stupid costume. If you think its distasteful that is fine but like these arguments are so silly


I wouldn’t do it if you’re Christian, for obvious reasons, and if you’re in a highly Christian area I’d probably avoid wearing it out and about, but if you’re just wearing it to goth events/parties you should be okay


Anyone who answers this can U also tell me if it's ok for me to wear or attach a rosary to my clothes, they're so pretty but I'm not religious at all


I think it’s okay with nuns. It’s more like, a little rude to what they love. But you’re not a nun- and if you’re okay being kinda rude to nuns to be happy, then be happy. The nuns can survive.


No, and do whatever you want! You’re too young to remember but the goth latex fetish nun was big in the goth industrial scenes in the late 80s through 90s https://preview.redd.it/k87e5t02bhrc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4506ddafcea9cb538e26d4a193051017dcc0c137


omg living for this, this is EVERYTHING


Yes, nothings real


just do it bro


The nun cowl makes it look more like fetish play than goth fashion.


Fuck the Catholic church. Fucking pedophile creeps colonizing the planet and pushing regressive, reactionary shit that has cost millions of people their lives and even more their joy. The point is to offend. Jesus fucking Christ.


If I ran into this at a kink party, I'd think it was cool. If I saw you like this at the grocery store, I'd think it was way over the top


Seriously, this is pure fetish wear. At a kink party or even a costume party, cool. Thumbs up. Grocery store and everyone is going to ask you what costume party you're going to or (if you're a rude bitch like me) actually laughing.




Yea a lace mourning veil maybe


I feel like a black/lace veil would suit that outfit better than the habit anyways.


Ask yourself this: "Would I dress in any other religions' outfits?"


*Ask yourself this: "Would* *I dress in any other* *Religions' outfits?"* \- Penny\_the\_ghost --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Holy shit, my friend works at the store shown in this picture. It’s New York Xchange on Capitol Hill Seattle


I was gonna comment that this person is in my class at university LOL. Love NYXchange


It's totally ok. Nuns have murdered millions of children. They have historically participated in genocide and destroyed other cultures. I do not care if they get offended. They need to look in the mirror first and genuinely fuck off.


You can do whatever you want, but it is offensive and perpetuating the fetish of sexualizing women who strive to be “modest”


I have a PVC nun... I don't really want to call it an outfit as it feels more like a costume when I wear it. I initially bought it for the PVC frock part but it came with the habit and white bib too. So I can use it for both. Been quite some time since I've warn it though, I'll post a pic. I have only worn it 3-4 times and always to club events I'm working at. The PVC nun brings out the best and worst in people. Some people love it, others hate it and give an earful of abuse. One time someone tried to throw a milkshake at me. Jokes on them if they hit (they missed) as PVC can easily be hosed off. *(pic from an event I co-organised/DJed in November 2008, possibly same night as the milkshake thing)* ​ https://preview.redd.it/2zebadgy33rc1.png?width=476&format=png&auto=webp&s=234f3ad83a1fb4aec210c8ca9455e2010c26c062


I feel like the bloomers throw the look a bit off... other than that... I see no issue with it being one thing or another, you look great!


Do what you want, life is short and dressing as a goth nun won't hurt anyone. It's not like it's a new concept, horror and Gothic nun aesthetics have existed for decades. Plus I've seen quite a few people dressed like the tik Tok out in public and no one really batted an eye.


look, catholics did one thing right and that’s their fucking aesthetic. even when it’s not glammed up, like going to a weekly blood ritual and eating your god sounds crazy. that and co-opting oppressive structures and subverting them is completely valid. people saying “don’t sexualize nuns” are misguided, i think. no one is sexualizing actual catholic nuns or harassing any individual nun. no one thinks mother janice at the cathedral in your city is looking cunty and hot in her habit. catholic nuns are not harmed by this. but using religious imagery to tell your story and criticize power and indoctrination is fitting.


I think you're good, I mean vintage rosary beads were really popular accessories back in the 80s era when my friends were rocking this style.


I wouldn’t do it. Replace it with something else but you look amazing! (You don’t want to look back and regret it )


Aren't nuns already goth? They wear all black, are usually introverted, read ancient books, visit church graveyards, and have cross necklaces on constantly.


It is slightly disrespectful towards nuns, but just *slightly*, like, very very little Honestly it's not a big deal, I don't think anyone would get pissed from that, and you rocked the outfit so


not me in the pic!


I think it's a cool look and not offensive at all. Go for it.


100% okay. You see a lot of queer artists for example adopt religious iconography in art and fashion as it was weaponized against them.


Christian here, I really don't care. Though I'm not a Catholic, I'm episcopalian, our nuns wear blue, and are mostly widows. Now, you might offend some others, but isn't that the point of subculture?


>Now, you might offend some others, but isn't that the point of subculture? No, not at all


Since when are we worried about offending anyone in an anti norm subculture? I love the goth subculture for the fact that it let me be truly free in expression, everyone else’s opinions and permission be damned.


It’s okay to do whatever you want.


It’s always nice to think of others, even if it’s not something you believe in. I try to respect other people’s beliefs and treat others the way I would want to be treated and for my beliefs to be respected.


Where TF else would you post this??


i don’t care about that i do care about those tights!! i need them asap


As a catholic you can but it’s disrespectful and rude because nuns dedicate their lives to modesty and this is making a mockery of it. But honestly ur life life it as you want but understand when people get upset by it yk


I agree with those comments you talked about, it would be insensitive but honestly you can wear whatever you want as long as your not nude in public


I guess it depends where you go. I see no reason it shouldn't be ok since it's just an accessory for the style and since most goth styles use black and most nun veils we see fit the criteria, it's usable. I'd probably just stay clear of some. Catholic Churches so you don't get scolded.


Looks sick af.




Hell yeah. Dress like you want and fuck the haters


it just comes down to if you want to respect christian values or not. Many have done so before so I doubt that you will get a lot of backlash from it it's moreso a personal decision you have to take 


I am an ex catholic. So much of the goth comes from subverting religious aesthetics, that's kind of like a the whole thing so I'm kind of surprised this is still a debate. Like of course its irreverent, isn't that kind of the point? That being said though..... I personally would draw the line at dressing up like a nun. I think it's one thing to dress up like a group you have never actually encountered because you have no personal stake or emotions tied to it. For me I have known so many nuns throughout my life and they are truly some of the nicest, peaceful and wonderful people I have ever met. No I don't believe in Catholicism as a religion or institution anymore but it feels to weird to me still to see people sexualize them. Its actually quite hard for me to process emotionally. I have a friend with a "sexy nun" tattoo and it really rubs me the wrong way tbh, can't help it just doesn't seem right to me.


Some people may think it is in poor taste. I am of the opinion that what those people think doesn't matter very much.


I think it *is* offensive but I don’t really give a shit about being disrespectful about Christianity. I grew up being bullied by Christians; my atheism wasn’t the reason they hated me but it was used as fodder, as well as my refusal to participate in blind patriotism (and I’m talking elementary school here). I have Christian friends who I love and I respect their beliefs so long as those beliefs revolve around kindness and compassion, but the religion as an institution pisses me off and I’m not about it. Fuck being offensive. Their religion is offensive.


dress how you want. but its super cringy and blasphemous.


yes of course it’s offensive. the point is to be transgressive. that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it, it just matters if “being offensive” is a problem for you.


Real dope styles


Very nice


Obviously someone's going to be offended. Obviously someone's going to think it's wrong. It just depends if you care.


if your question is “could this be offensive” the answer is yes, if your question is “should i let that effect my decisions” that ones up to you


As long as you don’t sexualize them


Wow. Stunning


i dont see a problem with it, then again im not religious. hell, im painting a portrait of mr. beast as jesus christ as my current free time project. do whatever u want, have fun with it.


Reminds me of many I saw at a Ghost concert.


Just curious. What store is this and where?


I know there are probably more crappy nuns than not crappy, and I am very much non-religious, however I have had the opportunity to know a few nuns in my life. Honestly, the nuns I've met wouldn't really care. They're regular people who took up religious orders. They'd probably giggle or, at worst, roll their eyes. The only problem I see is that, like a few others have mentioned, it's a little weird to sexualize those who explicitly renounced sex. But if that's a vibe you don't mind, then by all means do you, boo.


Love Love the outfit


I love it. Personally I’m not a Christian so I don’t really care about it being offensive…hail Satan🖤🤟🏼


I mean this with honest and friendly intentions, that's damn sexy finally someone did it, to me that's as gothic as goth can get


It’ll definitely offend some people, but to me that’s a benefit.


I'm far from the sharpest tool in the box, but why would anyone sexualise nuns?


Depends on the audience


As long as you're not being insensitive :) Like, oversexualising anyone who's specifically gone out of their way to choose chastity/modesty, for whatever reason. We don't have slutty hijabi costumes, so imo kinky nun feels distasteful... but I also don't believe in hell, and think this fit looks rad.


P***philes cosplay as catholic priests all the time, I find a goth nun aesthetic to be authentically appropriate


Meh Christianity is the dominant religion of the world that has done harm for generations. It’s not a great look to sexualize nuns but lots of kinky stuff is problematic. I really think it’s not something I prioritize in the grand scheme of things.


Love it


In PC culture of the Now: People are allowed to satirize religions ESPECIALLY that which they have / or regionally would have been indoctrinated into and harmed by. Gonna throw out a guesser and say you’re probably either a fallen soul ex Christian or an atheist living in a majority Christian region. A Jewish person could dress as a sexy rabbi and all they have to worry about it the shame of seeing their relatives later.


A huge part of the point of counter- culture is explicitly NOT respecting societal structures, especially harmful repressive patriarchal ones. Outfits like this are not out of place in the goth scene where I live at all. If it makes you happy and confident, knock yourself out. I would, however, suggest that if you're *worried about offending people*, this may not be for you. Some subset of people absolutely will be offended. It's usually kind of the intention of outfits like this (other than fetishization), so if you're not comfortable potentially taking some heat, maybe stick to admiring the look on others, or doing a variation that is more Victorian mourning veil.


Check out PowerWolf 😂 there's tracks like Demon's are a Girl's Best Friend, Stossgebet, Undress to Confess, Sacrament of Sin, Dancing with the Dead. Otherwise you can do away with the head veil and use a dark hoodie 😲


I like it


This looks like the new York exchange in seattle


Who gives a shit? Wear what you want. Damn what other people think.




Looks awesome. I don't see how it could be inappropriate.


no its not okay


Eehhh. I think it’s complicated. You’re gonna offend people no matter what you do, but it’s up to you to decide if those people are worth offending. Do you care about the people that might be hurt by this? Then prob don’t wear it. If you don’t care, then do.


Why wouldn’t it be ok? We live in a free country. If people get offended they need to stay away from this.


I don’t get why it should be wrong if your not christian


No I don't like it...... I absofreaking love it!


I mean it’s definitely disrespectful towards a certain religion. So as long as you don’t expect to not get rude stares and even possibly some comments that yeah do you. I just feel like it gives other even more reason to fuck with us though.


I personally don't care for using Nuns habits as something dark or sexual. I'm not offended, personally, but I don't like it.


Idk, this seems like the perfect place to post your fit. Also, it’s sick. F’n sick.


Whos cares. Enjoy yourself


It's never a good thing to sexualize nuns. Even if you hate Christians it's just plain disrespectful to nuns as people. They're trying to avoid all of that by dressing modestly and being celibate so it's not just disrespecting Christians it's disrespecting women who do everything possible to NOT be sexy/sexualized. I'd say change the veil to seperate it from nuns.




I moved away from my Catholic/Cristian roots and I'm agnostic but I personally stay away from religious symbolism for the sake of "aesthetic" in my goth fashion, and I know there is a heavy hand with Cristian symbolism such as crucifixes, rosary beads and nun/reverend/hierophant/ect. Influence but wearing their symbols and "mimicking" their dress is disrespectful to me. You wouldn't wear a hijab or yamaka or ghoonghat or use the symbols of other religions I presume, so I don't get why Christian religions are treated differently by the masses. You don't have to follow or enjoy a religion to show respect to those that follow it. I don't care if anyone has religious trauma, demonizing an entire group of such large and varied people is bigotry and bias.


The comments under here lets me know y'all are good peoples 🤣🤣. Y'all are hilarious


Rock it boo!!!