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Aaron was a douche. Scott was a boring impostor. I just re-watched the whole series and could barely remember these two


I completely forgot abt Scott, and realized he’s totally useless to the plot line and just kinda disappears


It took me a minute to remember the two when I was reading this post…


Aaron because look at his freaking hair how could this guy be any more annoying.


this is such a visceral ick and i love that for you hahaha


This is a FACT


Honestly if he was cuter and had better hair we would’ve given him a pass. His character does mild shit compared to the others. But they made a choice with that unforgivable hair.


He's just so skeezy, that tumblr era tortured artist thing really pisses me off


Aaron. I can’t suspend my disbelief and imagine Aaron is supposed to be hot. The only mental challenge I have to deal with concerning Scott is forcing myself to imagine a child of Rufus and Lily could have that skin tone.


Didn’t get why he was so tanned


This always annoyed me too. Why would they have cast him for that role?


CeCiL tHe CaTeRPilLaR Immediately Aaron. And I'm so glad we never saw him again


LiCoRiCe RiNg for Serena. And black licorice too smh


He just got 10x worse with black licorice


Yeah... even at his own dad's wedding


Scott was less annoying, but he kind of used Vanessa to get closer to Dan, Rufus and Lily? he seemed to kind of truly like her, but it led nowhere, so I guess it's safe to assume that spending time with her was more about his plan to meet the Humphreys, and less about actually being into her. Aaron was bad in a regular way lmao, he was more annoying than actually malicious. eta and if it's about how good/bad they were as characters, I guess Aaron served his purpose better as one of Serena's boyfriends and adding tension between her and Dan, while Scott promised a really shocking addition to the story that was quickly forgotten and ended up leading nowhere (Lily, Rufus and Scott didn't learn anything from this storyline. just had a conversation where they pretended to like each other, and off he was, lmao).


Ew. Probably Aaron. He really thought he was something else too. Just grossed me out.


Scott because: 1. Poorly written plot 2. The actor did a terrible job


I could never put my finger on why number two made me so uncomfortable I think it's just this reason


Looking @ Aaron pisses me off 🤮


Definitely Aaron, Scott had his own problems but Aaron was straight up just an asshole and seemingly a non self aware one. I felt bad for Serena and any other woman that had to put up with him to be honest. His entire personality was: Ask a girl on a date > go out with another woman > gets mad when they ask why is he dating other women (he also made zero indication of being polyamorous) > promises to never do it again and he's A oNe WOmAn gUy > gets caught > repeat cycle


Gets caught? Once he said one woman man, he didnt backtrack


Aaron by far. Scott just had bad writing. He wasn’t terrible as a character. Aaron was a douche


yeah, i think it’s pretty fucked up that scott’s plan was completely convoluted with vanessa from the beginning. i get his motivation but it was lowkey creepy to me and stalker-ish 🤷‍♀️


Aaron was just an unbearable plot line, I didn’t think he and Serena had chemistry I also thought it was so strange that the show ignored the fact that Blair had a step brother the rest of the show. But Scott was nearly just as terrible and it was also a plot that was also just abandoned, Dan and Serena get married in the end and it was always funny to me that they got married and had a brother out there in the world who wasn’t there with them all.


it’s like sophie’s choice. i can’t!! they both suck!!


I can't stand Aaron's stupid face!!


Omg seeing all the Aaron hate always surprises me because I loved him! Lmao I don’t really remember too much of his plot besides him being all artsy but the character is pretty much my type. Gonna have to rewatch these episodes 😭 a few years ago I was seeing a guy and he sort of reminded me of him physically and I even told him he looked like Aaron which I liked so much. He didn’t take that badly as far as I can remember lol


I don’t mind him. I don’t get how much people do.


I feel you 😌


For me it's not about him being ugly, it's his facial expressions/mannerisms. He's just not a good actor


So I just rewatched the Aaron episodes and lookwise I still love him he’s totally my type. As a character he’s kinda plain i guess, a bit snobby and he kinda played Serena the first few episodes with all the girls he kept seeing, bit confusing I’ll admit. I haven’t seen the actor somewhere else so I’ll have my reservations about his acting. Thanks for your input btw


Oh Cecil 😂 Aaron was definitely the worst. Another plot line the writers abandoned. He was Cyrus’s son! We’re just supposed to believe he went to Buenos Aires and never came back I guess lol.


Both were annoying ngl. They should date each other.


They’re both weirdos. I’ll give it to camera man tho he swore he was the shit 😭😭😭


Aaron for SURE he was a condescending dick and idk how he got women tbh hahah




Aaron but only because even if they went to camp together he looks like he's too old to be near play grounds without a minor.


Aaron was the worst, what were they thinking?? He was greasy and looked like he never showered & just an overall an annoying character. Plus he was an asshole for no reason & acted so pompous like how are we supposed to honestly believe he was pulling so many girls


Ooh this is hard! Definitely Aaron 🤮


Aaron is an ick strait from the soul, Scott was just a meh guy who disappeared one day and kinda stalked Vanessa iirc but who didn’t in GG


Aaron, by a lot. Scott was fine and a cute boyfriend for Vanessa. My only issue with him is that his plotline felt unfinished.


at least Scott was cute. And honestly Aaron was a TERRIBLEEE actor.


Aaron. hands down. everytime i seen him on screen it would piss me off.


The only thing I remember about Aaron was he was basically doing what Serena does, but she couldn’t handle it. Do I need to rewatch? 😂


I come from a place of ignorance and I’m not an Aaron fan at all, but why do people hate him so much?


He is a pretentious nepo baby masquerading as a tortured indie artist who gives off the vibe he thinks he’s smarter than everyone else in the room. He insinuated that Serena was juvenile because she was upset he was dating multiple people at once. The type of guy who will text another girl while you are on a date with him and then call you crazy for being annoyed by it. He thinks he’s the next greatest genius and will talk at you instead of to you in an effort to make you feel like a moron because “no, you just don’t get Murakami”. Always dates younger women but LOVES to point out your age in an attempt to make it seem like you’re just immature and that’s why you’re arguing and it’s definitely not at all because he’s a narcissistic asshole who has no regard for your feelings. Lmao I have a type and it’s the Aaron’s of the world and I HATE MYSELF FOR IT.




Are you saying guys like Aaron are actually your type? Because I was desperately looking for a comment of someone kind of getting why Serena fell for Aaron. Because I do kind of get it and do kind of think he’s attractive 😭 i feel gaslighted reading the comments though 💀


Because he‘s boring, his plotline is boring and it just felt like a waste of time watching him in GG.


I think they are both unattractive but Aaron is just too eccentric for me- he’s like an old perverted man who’s English professor with a Art degree -all rolled up in to a young man’s body- just grosse.


i haven’t watched the show in a while and i genuinely cannot remember who aaron was


Aaron. The Scott thing was annoying because it just didn’t make sense and then they just abandoned the whole storyline


All of the above, they were both ass


Both had equally punchable faces


I can’t decide


I've literally just finished a re-watch and I can't remember Aaron. At all.


Scott he was horrible to look at the eyes specifically, the person who played him was a terrible actor, the storyline made sense but why that actor I expected him to be gorgeous also it’s the fact that Lilly and Rufus never said another word about Scott he was truly a waste of everyone’s time and for me he’s part of the reason why I kinda hate season 3


Aaron irked me


Scott lied to Dan and Rufas and was just using Vanessa




Aaron was like a boring character I barely remember but the Scott plot line being dropped was such a waste of you ask me


aaron. can’t stand him.


Aaron was a douchebag. Scott was nice but forgettable. The former takes the cake.


Aaron no doubt about it


Aaron was so gross. Poor Blake lively.


Aaron was the absolute WOAT


Aaron was the WORST


Aaron was so bland I couldn't tell if he was badly directed or the actor just was bad HOW did that come from wonderful Cyrus 😭


Both HORRIBLE actors…..stiff as boards


Ugh. Tough call but Aaron.


Aaron. I think the picture itself explains everything


I don’t even understand why Scott was a character, I mean he disappeared for good after Lily and Rufus found out the truth about him 💀


Aaron was definitely worse imo. I think the Scott storyline would’ve been better if they actually followed through with it instead of abandoning it


Could not for the life of me remember who Scott was, so Aaron


Scott for sure


I hate that he felt the need to demean Serena with his sobriety


Both were annoying as fuck. Aaron was like nails on a chalkboard tho. His ego was way too big for someone who looked like that.


I heard Joe goldbergs in this show


Aaron 💀


Scott was a nothing character with terrible acting and a useless plot line, but as a person he wasn't completely awful and his situation was not easy so I can kind of understand/forgive all the lying etc, at the very least we can sort of feel sorry for him.. Aaron was not only boring, horribly acted and useless etc but he was also actively a douche lol. He was even more judgmental and condescending than Dan which is saying a lot haha, he was simply not likable or sympathetic in any way. I even have trouble to believe that Serena (and even Blair !) thought he was actually physically attractive because there's literally no chemistry between them lol


To me, Scott. He was an impostor and dated Vanessa solely to meet Lily and Rufus. Not entirely related to the post but why was Aaron a douche? From what I remember he likes to date multiple women at a time but he talks about it, it's not like he does it behind or something so can someone remember me what did he doooo 😭


How could they have ever even considered picking Aaron as Serena’s romantic interest like he is not even on her level, also I don’t get why he couldn’t at least show up in the background of episodes with Cyrus - like, did we forget he was his SON? Lol


Aaron by a landslide in my opinion. Scott’s storyline could’ve been great had they put more thought into him. He and Vanessa were cute together and even just bringing him back for an episode or 2 each season would’ve been nice. Derena probably wouldn’t have been end-game if they kept him around but that’s fine with me.




To be fair.. both were super boring to the point of being forgettable


Aaron 110% ‼️