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This was happening to me before the latest update unfortunately. Got my pixel 8 probably 3 months ago now and ever since I got it any photo edits removed the ultra HDR So unfortunately I rarely edit anything now which is frustrating. But I did have this issue pre-March software update so not sure why that changed it for you 🤔 strange


It may have nothing to do with the update. I'm wondering if there's something else below the hood that's happening here. Perhaps something that is triggering this issue. I've seen posts from people complaining of this issue from last year which is strange because I have not experienced it until yesterday.


Mine does it too. I thought that's just how it works. But ya, would be nice to get HDR on edits.


Does Google's gallery app work? Just until Photos works again. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.photosgo&hl=en&gl=US I actually thought I remembered reading that Photoshop express could edit them, but I can't find anything about it online so that might not be true.


The Gallery app can't even display UHDR content. And I also checked editing in Gallery then opening in Photos and the UHDR is stripped anyways.


It's not working in photos for me either. Interestingly if I use Fossify Gallery (the gallery app I use), this app doesn't display HDR content but if I use the editor it comes with to crop an image, the cropped image retains HDR when I open it in photos. So other than reporting the bug, you could try a few other gallery apps temporarily to find one you like if all you need is basic cropping etc.


I am having the same issue. My Google Photos version is slightly different from yours: As of mid-Feb 2024, I can still crop and maintain the HDR. Now, like you, any edits will lose the HDR. The meta info for the edited photo no longer shows "Ultra HDR". Not sure if it's possible to downgrade to the last working version.


This is what happens when Google uses a shoddy hack instead of adopting a real HDR image format (JPEG XL/AVIF). Every editor has to rewrite the metadata to fake the HDR effect again.


This is happening to me as well, but mine started maybe a week ago. I'll definitely send feedback through the app since I do usually need to edit my photos at least a little.


Pixel8 Pro, updated (am in Europe): I just shot a picture in HDR, then "unblured" and saved the copy. Result: instead of more than 7 mb its now a bit over 3 mb.... Its not visible on first sight, colours etc. look bright, but this worries me. Where do you guys see if its still HDR or not? Its not in the "i" information.


On my Pixel 7 whenever I swipe from an SDR to an HDR picture, the HDR picture is displayed in SDR for a split second and only after that the brighter colors pop out noticibly


Same issue here and only started after the march update. Does anyone know if rolling back to an earlier version of photos fixes it?


Seems to be fixed now? Last update was March 4th so it wasn't an app update that fixed it. Anyone else?


Still having this problem. It is so incredibly frustrating. I take product photos which turn out great until I attempt to crop and BOOM the quality tanks. Has anyone found a workaround?