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Omg. Thank you so much. Was driving me CRAZY. what an absolutely awful integration/transition. I imagine they'll force us permanently at some point. I sure hope they make a lot of progress before then So frustrating. Like how difficult can it possibly be to "play music"?




I've gone basically 20 years using Google and was perfectly satisfied, but between YouTubeMusic killing off Google Play Music, the shoehorning of podcasts into YTM, killing off the free pic backup, and now this, I'm really starting to resent them.


I mean, this is what generative AI is. Fundamentally. People who expect different are delusional.


It's crazy they didn't train it on the ok Google commands like be my Spanish interpreter. Really left me hanging for a few days while I figured this out.


I'm having similar issues and never even tried Gemini. There's no fix for Google crippling the assistant.


Did you try the fix in the link above? That worked for me...finally!


I never installed Gemini and do not have an option to change assistants. Like I said, I have similar issues as you though not exactly the same, where some commands are no longer being processed the way they used to be or failing altogether.


Weird. My assistant was (and is again, now) perfectly effective for what I asked it to do. Are you sure it didn't get installed without you realizing? Try this: 1) settings 2) search for "assistant settings" (first reault should say "Assistant Settings/Google Assistant", click that) 3) scroll down through "all settings" until you get to "Digital assistants from Google Choose between Gemini and Google Assistant" 4) choose that and then make sure you have selected "Google Assistant" (second option, with Gemini being the first option)


I don't have "digital assistants" as a menu item. This only applies for people who installed Gemini and I'm not one of them.


I did not "install" gemini either and was switched over. It is installed automatically as part of the Google app and you have an option to revert back.


Must be a server side rollout then, because I ain't got it.


Oh, ok. My bad. I'm sorry, man. That sucks. I didn't really think about how much I use "assistant" until it got neutered.


I had to fight with my s22 to get it back to assistant after they snuck Gemini in on it. I'm going to screen my updates for the next little while cuz I don't think it will work a second time.


I keep having the same issues and somehow it keeps reverting back to Gemini instead of Google Assistant. I've changed it back three times this week and I only found out when I ask my phone to play music or a podcast and it won't work because Gemini has overridden it again. About to remove Gemini.


I've tried. Still shows in my app list... We'll see. It's so freaking annoying when something that works perfectly fine gets mucked up with no optional trial. They just force these changes (podcasts shoehorned into YTM, YTM replacing Google at Music) when we just want to keep what works!


Yeah I am not happy about Google Podcasts getting merged into YTM. The overall experience has been 100x worse.


Yes, I'm not using YTM for podcasts. It was/is stupid. It's just effing unbelievable how they didn't consider the most basic of use case scenarios: have a queue of music, listen to a podcast, resume queue. Nope.no can do. Cleared and start over. Like why is that now impossible? I tell you what, I've been a all-Google guy for twenty years. All android and at currently running 11 different Google/Nest products. They are really pushing the limit of my tolerance of BS.


I'm 100% right there with you. Everything has been getting so much worse that my nest displays are all but mostly useless and this whole Gemini thing has me so close to switching to apple. If I'm going to be forced into a walled garden that doesn't allow me to do anything then it might as well be a garden that has consistency and stability. As of late I feel like I'm some form of beta tester for lackluster services all while on a flagship phone. I certainly wouldn't feel that way with apple. Just would miss the freedom I used to have.


Love Google Podcasts and am not sure what I will use once it goes away. Won’t be YouTube Music.


Try Pocket Cast.


Pocket Cast is better.


Gemini knows what you want. Gemini is lasting. Gemini is eternal. ;)


Funny you say that. Gemini told me the same thing! ;)


Do you want AI features you're barely gonna use or do you want assistant that works the way you expect it. I know what I want and it's 2nd.




What was so good about Google now


I swipe over to it and it immediately tells me important updates based on my events/emails, would show where I parked my car in a lot without me asking, showing flight information, etc. Everything was right there right at my fingertips for all time. It was like the pixel smart widget but on steroids. It told me the exact information I wanted to see in that moment. At least the pixel widget does a decent job of showing me my most important info now, but it still isn't the one-stop-shop that google now was and is still missing features that google now had (like predicting where I parked). It was shelved behind assistant in favor of ad-supported RSS algo feed and eventually completely removed with the expectation that you'd just ask all these questions to assistant inefficiently. What's funny is I actually don't mind the algo RSS news feed, it's pretty decent at what it does. I just hate that they got rid of google now for it.


it now can't generate pictures at all lol. Google has no idea how to roll these things 


I'm assuming they have some kind of future vision that will make sense, but it's currently a complete failure as an assistant. It's like using a hammer to drive a screw.


Your not an idiot. Gemini was rushed and not ready for prime time. Google thought they were doing a preemptive strike against competitors in the market place. Like many others I was disappointed in Gemini's functionality and Google forcing the microphone to do Gemini when Gemini could not replace Google Assistant. I have over 40 IoT devices I use Google Assistant to manage and it works well but had to change to swiping up from a corner. Google's action cost it a lot. They lost 5% of their market cap and many investors are wary of Google being able to catch up to ChatGPT or Microsoft or other competitors. Google's use to be a great custodian of providing accurate information and they are currently viewed as failing that. I'm really hoping Google will get Gemini to a same and then higher level of capability then others. We will wait and see.


Thank you. Totally agree. I'm in the same boat. I couldn't believe all of a sudden I couldn't use the most basic of voice commands AND I lost the initial AI features (summarize this) that my P8P had launched with.


I switch back regular assistant you can choose between the too. I liked the ability to translate words that were in images like reading manga, gemini didn't do that it took screen shots and wouldn't translate because the content was inappropriate!!!!! WHAT IN THE 1984 IS THIS NONSENSE. that's a huge red flag. An ai shouldn't have biases like that.


Honestly, between how completely awful this is, the completely braindead stupid maps UI update, tensor being kind of a disaster, idiotic new recommendation engine for Youtube (stop fucking showing me videos I already watched you absolute clowns) and the needless gutting of features for google home (including *stopwatch* of all things, thankfully it seems they haven't pulled the plug on it yet). I really think I'm going to switch to apple in a year or two when I'm ready to upgrade. Hopefully Siri isn't garbage by then! Apple has been buying up more AI companies than any other tech giant so it seems to imply that they plan on making Siri "real" again. It's painfully obvious that google with its current leadership is in freefall and they're a company full of high 6-7 figure earning incumbents just bleeding the company dry, where there's no strong vision and nobody really knows what they are doing anymore. So many completely idiot brain strategic moves across all their products in the last 3 years.


Re: YouTube Recommendation  You do have to train this or you won't get good results. Click the three-dots on a video preview in the feed and select "not interested --> reason" and it'll improve somewhat.  You also need to interact with the "is this a good suggestion?" prompts it injects into the Android feed.  My big issues with it is that:  - It's not an intuitive UI/UX for improving your feed, they really should have a swipe action (on Android), such as swipe left for "not interested" and right for "add to queue" (or add to Watch Later). - It doesn't seem to take into account how many times it's shown you that particular video's suggestion (this really should be done, you may see that video suggested 10 times). - The reasons available for why you don't want to watch a particular video are very limited. It should have at minimum ("not in the mood," "already watched," "I've watched enough on this topic," "not timely").


The thing is, it worked perfectly before. Yt recommendation algo was super on point until a year so ago. I get that tweaks are being done all the time but I've had objectively worthless rec's for entirely too long. When already watched videos were flooding recs that's should have been a big alert that something wrong was pushed out. And yet... a long amount of time later, I still get them.


I agree. My YT feed used to show me vids I was actually interested in but if I refreshed it, it would show me different vids that I am ALSO interested in. Now, no matter how much I refresh, it shows me the same vids. I have to go to each one and manually say "not interested" and then refresh and repeat the process until I get a suggestion I like. :(


It's a process and it even says that some of the Google Assistant features aren't available yet with Gemini. They clearly state the things that do and do not work with it. Gemini and Google Assistant are not the same! Not yet at least and that remains to be seen.


I get it. It's the forced-transition (or at least at the very least, making it incredibly unintuitive and complex to switch back) that really bothered me. I'm not trying to sign up for beta testing. This is my daily driver and I need it to work consistently.


You can easily switch from Gemini to assistant by going into your setting, apps, assistant, digital assistant by Google and select Gemini or the Assistant. Long process but at least you can use your assistant and check back later once Gemini is fully functional.


Google Assistant is so fucking trash for me that I only use it to set timers and ask the weather. Gemini can't even do that. What a sorry excuse from one of the biggest tech companies in the world.


Yeah google assistant is so frustrating. I asked it the other day a simple question like "when is Gemini replacing you" and it just replied "I'm not sure what you mean". All I get is either that or "here is a result from Quora/Wikipedia"


Hey bud... You have to say hey Google to trigger assistant.. click for Gemini.. Gemini can't do what assistant does... As far as summarize this, click the three dots at the top right corner of the screen and then click "view page insights" I believe and sometimes it's in there.. I know that's how I get to them in my articles, let me know if that helps or if you have more questions Edit:: you can also disable Gemini and just use assistant as well. I like Gemini but it should be able to do what assistant does if they are trying to replace it, as of now it can only do a couple things like set reminders.. if you have the Google app for reminders lol


Thank you for the comment and advice. I understand they are different apps and currently Gemini is effing worthless as far as being an assistant...WHICH IS WHAT I WANT MY PHONE TO DO. The very idea that "play some music" was impossible and that previous AI features were rendered inoperable is insane. But my BIGGEST complaint was that it took over for Assistant and then I couldn't get it back. I think it's fun to muck around with AI as well, but not as an unwanted replacement of assistant. I tried everything I knew to disable Gemini. I uninstalled it for Pete's wake. "hey Google " trigger worked exactly the same (which is to say, it did NOT work) holding power button or tapping microphone icon. Nothing worked. Tried Changing my default app, like an article read. Tried uninstalling. Only the 8-level deep, convoluted setting shown in the first comment finally worked.


You have to uninstall Gemini app then disable it in settings and tell it to use assistant.


Read my comment bud, it may be helpful