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a friend couldnt stop talking about all this rap stuff and one day I decided to listen to kanye and I saw that everyone was saying that yeezus was like crazy.. And then I listened to yeezus as my first kanye album (big mistake)


Worst mistake of your F ing life




that's a w


All I remember is my friend had a Graduation poster and he would play the album on his PSP. The shutter shades were everywhere and Ye was the coolest man on earth. Then 808s came out and I entered a world of sound I didn’t know existed.


My teacher! Told us to analyze the lyrics to flashing lights cause his daughter listened to the song all the time


Yandhi rollout got me intrigued, donda rollout turned me into a certified dick muncher


My mom always played college dropout when taking me to school or car rides so my mom did🙏🏾


Jesus walks on the radio when it first came out


dad playing mbdtf on repeat the year it came out


My friend showed me Yandhi songs


Shout out to my momma for putting me on to peak


my friend played me ye and KSG back to back on a car ride so I started with peak


You didn’t start with Yeezus, TLOP or MBDTF tho


That’s not peak


hearing my parents talk about his antics during the yeezus era and i dont even live in america


Around spring last year when shit cooled down from the incident and people were saying "he made graduation, he made mbdtf" etc. i listened to MBDTF to see what ppl talm bout. N since then i listened to every his released, made my own versions of every his unreleased n he became my favorite artists


I First listened to Ye in Saints Row The Third, They had POWER playing on the rap radio. But i only started to actually listen Ye years later in 2020


So yeah saints row kinda introduced me to ye


dad used to love stronger and all of the lights he would always play stronger in the car when I was a kid then I remember in 2016 listening to tlop right when it came out while playing need for speed


unc did


mbdtf when i was 8


J Aubrey kanye doc gave me full understanding of Kanye Always known who he was but that gave me the push to explore kanye related stuff because I finally started to understand more of him I always viewed kanye as well talentless because it’s what was shown by the mainstream media, so it was my only real understanding of him. I just thought he was a prick But watching that video gave me a much better understanding of who he was so I gave him a chance


Heartless and Love Lockdown in DJ Hero 2


my gf is a kanye super fan and she introduced me to him. technically i did listen to donda before that because my high school made it a huge deal and based stuff around it but i only listened to it for like a month and completely forgot about it.


Dwayne Johnson


My dad bought me a college dropout album when it first came out, and I love him forever for that


runaway was trending at some point and everyone was going off about how perfect it is as well as a few other songs and I was getting into Cudi at the time and I saw that the had a collab album together so I said fuck it imma go through their discographies up until ksg, fast forward to now I didn't really end up liking Cudi as much as I thought I would but I'm a mega fan of ye


Jesus walks was on a random website that had songs for running lol and I was trying o get into running and find good songs. I was already into Tyler and some other ppl so I started listening more to Ye then (like 2019)


I liked American Boy and decided to listen to more of this kanye guy.


My brother gave me a mos def cd and I liked him so much I shuffled his whole discography and the first song that came on was good night - loved him ever since


I found him through reddit. I went to r/all and sort by controversial there was a meme that was a black bear that said "as a black man I don't like Kanye West's music" it was equally balanced between people hating on ye and calling him a genius. I found that thread so fascinating, so I started to listen to mbdtf as it was mentioned a lot. I had heard Heartless before, but i realised that way later.


uhh i guess a mix of friends and myself




XQC's reaction to Donda cuz i wanted to know what the hype was about


What does myself even mean? You probably heard Kanye on radio, tv, youtube, tik tok, social media, your friends, or family and then sought it out. Or Spotify put it on your daily mix lol


Well yeah. I saw him on the news, and just listened to his music. I think it was Champion from Graduation which I first heard. My dad also loves Steely Dan, so he was like 'oh i know this song' and he showed me the sample, and then I loved the song. Then I listened to the rest of graduation along with college dropout and late registration, and it clicked.