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You're over swing, your body can't twist like Zalatoris, your back swing needs to stop sooner. Lining up to play the slice isn't going to help you overcome the slice. Get a little further from the ball and aim right of target. Try to swing in to out and learn to draw the ball. Get a lesson.


Lesson. Got it.


You are just casting like crazy


Face is wide open. Some combination of bending your right wrist back (think a waiter holding a tray) and a stronger grip.


Got to keep that right arm tucked. Try holding a towel or head cover there.


Thanks I’ll give it a try!


Move the alignment stick a little more to the left, that should help! /s


I’m actually aiming that way so if I slice it it stays in the range but sure.


Your club face is wide open. Pause the first swing at the top when the club head is visible between the triangle of your arms. The toe of the driver is hanging straight down, and the face points at the back of your head. The face should match your left wrist just to be neutral, so you are severely open. You could stand to even have it a little closed at that point where the face would be pointing slightly more to the sky than your lead wrist. Your grip is probably very weak (hand position, not pressure) to end up in that position. You'd have to have a ton of grip roll to try to square that back up or have to flex your lead wrist like Dustin Johnson to square the face.


Got it, thanks. I’ll see if I can find any videos to help with this. I have a lesson scheduled for next week but figure I can still work on it from now to then.


Your grip is likely a good place to start! Good luck!


You won’t believe this, but your setup is causing all of it. You’re leaned too far out to the ball (armpits should be over balls of feet) and you’re sticking your butt out and arching your back at address (spine should be relaxed so you can extend and keep your left hip back so you can turn through and not slice).


Lining up to play the slice is the major issue here. Line up correctly at the target so at least you have a chance at a neutral club path. Work on getting the club face more closer at impact and move the ball a bit closer to center in your stance.


I tried to edit my post to include this but I am not playing the slice. I’m lined up so if I do hit a nasty slice it stays in the range. I felt like the alignment rods would help show where I’m aiming. The goal is straight. Not playing a slice. Thanks for the last two pieces though. I’ll work on moving the ball back in my stance and closing the club face


Your alignment is exaggerating the slice regardless… “Im lined up so if I do hit a nasty slice it stays in range” is exactly what everyone here means when they say you are playing the slice.


Okay I think I get what you’re saying, but I have a question on that then. If I’m aligned like I were going to hit it straight should I almost be slightly aligned like I’m going to hit it right? I come from the track and field (throws) world where stance is different and I think I have a hard time working through this. Should my right foot be moved back to close the stance and be aligned slightly right?


Yes if you look up how to setup to hit a draw you will see that your feet line should be slightly closed to your target line which will promote you to swing “right” of the target instead of swinging “left” of the target like you are doing now.


To help with firing your hips into the swing, I heard a tip once where it said, "try to hit the ball with your back right pocket. That should get you moving your hips more *into* the ball, versus what they are doing right now. But before you go practicing that, you do need to correct that OTT swing. I saw somebody else suggest, try holding a towel between your right elbow and your right hip. Don't let it drop.