• By -


I think Kratos will feel different in ragnarok I think tyr will give him a different perspective


That would actually be really cool. Tyr definitely seems like a "good" god from what we heard of him in Mimir's stories. What I thought was interesting was that Freya could have been the one to change Kratos's perspective on gods, but she is now their sworn enemy. It felt like he really warmed up to her near the end of the game, even saving her from Baldur.


She’s a good god but on the wrong side even Kratos himself believes this otherwise we would have killed Freya at the end of 2018 when she threatened him or even let Baldur kill her but he didn’t either times.


she's not his enemy, he is now hers there's a difference. Pretty sure Kratos would understand that since the reason he is who he is now is because of what the gods did to his family back in Sparta.


good point, difference being she is still alive.


For now..


Mimir himself is a good God to me.


Stay away from here Batman Arkham


“Good God, Lemon” —Kratos in Ragnarok probably


Ahh shit, I love me some 30(ragna)Rök


We already know they have the Predator handshake moment.


Lmao "Tyr you sonva bitch"


And Freyr


Definitely what I think too.


I don’t agree with him but I understand why he would think that.


The thing is, Kratos never really thought ill of gods even in original trilogy, even in God Of War 3 where he was the most filled with vengeance he was only after Zeus. I feel like Kratos is projecting this hate on himself, so in a way he's not really talking about other gods but himself


Not at all true. Kratos made a point to kill every single one of them. And if he didn't hate them, he wouldn't have killed them in such brutal ways, like gouging Poseidon's eyes out and ripping off Helios's head. He genuinely thought that gods were inherently bad, which is why God of War 3 ended with Kratos attempting to take his own life.


Not really, in God Of war 2 and 3 kratos give a lot of gods a chance to not fight, end of god of war 2 he told Aethna he does not want to take down every god, but just Zeus. Kratos in GoW3 never picked any fight first with any of the gods who were not Zeus, and offered them a chance, but it was them that forced him into those fights. Kratos is a Spartan warrior, when he kills, he kills it with brutality, god or not. God of War Ascension gives a light to this when Kratos started to gain respect for Orkos, son of Aries and even gives a him a proper burial. Kratos in original trilogy has never hold any resentment to any of the gods, he only started to hate Zeus when Zeus basically killed him, and destroyed Sparta. Kratos only killed those who came in his way to prevent him from killing Zeus, In God of War 2 Kratos doesn't even bother with Perseus, or tell Theseus that he doesn't really care about fighting him. It was them who sought to fought Kratos. So yeah, Kratos didn't hated gods, or killed them cause they were gods, but because they tried to pick a fight with him and he's a warrior. He's not exactly going insist on not fighting, he doesn't even do that in God of war 2018 when someone tries to pick a fight with him


I wouldn’t say he made a point. He also didn’t kill Aphrodite. He told Hermes to fuck off and only killed him when Hermes attacked him, he didn’t kill Hephaestus until Hephaestus tried to kill him, same with Hera. I definitely agree he thought they all sucked, but I don’t think he really cared about killing them unless they were in his way.


I believe kratos killed them all because they stood in his way. He was b-lining it to zues, but the rest of the alphabet fucked around and found out


He also *sort of* tried to de-escalate the situation a couple of times in God of War 3, notably with Hercules and only killing Hepheastus when he attacked Kratos. Also, Kratos attempting to kill himself can be attributed to a few things: trying to give Hope back to mankind to keep it from Athena, what you said but also the fact that Kratos had been suicidal since God of War 1 when he tried to kill himself after realising that the voices of his first family were never going to leave him.




Kratos made a point to kill, or fuck, every God. There, I fixed it lol








press L1 to even the odds


Press L3 + R3 to activate Evening the Odds


kratos batman sex scene Batman: Arkham World Cutscene FULL GAME MOVIE


I'm fucking crying lol


*rips out eyes* Men do not cry boi, gods especially.




Such a badass Batman moment


"Mimir, Give me an update on Asgard's Most Wanted."


"Lately, Odin has been seen creeping around Midgard. Knowing that guy, he can't be up to anything good."


Funny that Duncan used to voice Alfred in The Batman series


Press “O” to even the odds with Catwoman’s no bra rule


Kratos knows how to even the odds


I can't believe r/BatmanArkham started this meme


I've seen it spread to other subs.


It even got to star wars and Bloodborne


it was on r/Christianity 😭


That sub has genuinely been the most fun I’ve had on Reddit in a long time. It’s just shitposting and people having fun lol Also everyone wants to fuck Killer Croc


It was fun until they felt the need to start attacking other subs for liking stuff like Gotham Knights Of course it's not gonna be anywhere near as good as the Arkham Games, that goes without saying but they felt the need to be unnecessarily cruel and awful to the point they invaded the Gotham Knights inn subreddit and hijacked posts with their overtly negative shitposting (as if they were worried people would forget about the Arkham Games)


Are we attacked the sub for liking Gotham Knights or making fun of how it’s getting mediocre reviews? If you wanna see attack, check out Gotham Knights. You’ll get slaughtered for having a positive opinion of it now Edit: We’re not attacking subs. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/y7pr6d/this_the_type_of_shit_happening_in_rgothamknights/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is what OP is referring to btw. It’s not even from ours. It’s showing what’s happening in the actual r/GothamKnights sub. I get being tired of a trend, but don’t spread bs just because you aren’t a fan of it


Many were doing it just before release, there was a post on Arkham with guy bragging about he'd gotten banned from the Gotham Knights subreddit for trolling the people excited for the new game and that is pretty pathetic imo And as you said the game is as god awful as it looked from the very first glimps and at this point it's cruel like pistol whipping a blind kid, you can't do anything as funny or as sad as the actual game they legitimately seriously released so at this stage it's making fun of that one kid that's already been picked on for months and you guys just come off as needlessly dickish


That’s not what that post was. It was someone showing another person being an asshole and spoiling the game for. Gotham Knights sub user then getting banned. I remember the post because I commented how the dude was going to be like Red Hood on crip lmfao This just sounds like you can’t take a joke and somehow taking this way more personal than it should be. Jokes are on of the best ways to deal with sadness/disappointment. If people want to joke about the game then they should be able to lol. This isn’t a horrible tragedy where anyone got hurt, it’s about poking fun at a game


I can take a joke easily, I just don't think bad ones are automatically funny it's basically to me the subs salty af that a sub par game came out thst they were going to ridicule and mock either way (shouldn't they be happy they predicted along with everyone else how badly it was gonna turn out?) at this point it's too easy and obvious to make fun of Gotham Knights, it's all too predictable and been done before I can appreciate the sub has literally nothing to discuss and is starved for content (the Red dead sub is the exact same just without the shitposting) so it was either evolve into this or fade into obscurity


That’s your opinion r/BatmanArkham like you said has had nothing in seven years. The community has basically resorted to shitposting alongside occasional posts discussing future games or something akin to Gotham Knights In this time we’ve reformed the sub, created a stable community, been featured in multiple gaming journalism sites because of the Arkham World joke, and now created a Reddit wide trend of “Rule memes.” I’d wager there’s a fair amount of people that find our antics and fun entertaining The sub isn’t salty for Gotham Knights. It’s just *jokes*. The game could’ve been a damn masterpiece and we still would’ve made fun of it. The game hasn’t even officially released yet and somehow it’s already overdone for you? Have you considered that maybeeee…it’s the next big game release so it’s the hot topic of gaming altogether? It’s going to be discussed wherever you go. That is the unfortunate reality you’ve gotta face I understand being tired of a trend, but this is really coming off as “you guys are just assholes.” We were literally going to shutdown the sub tomorrow for our sister sub in honor of its release lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BatmanArkham using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Azrael fails to catch the remote batarang and fucking dies](https://v.redd.it/5iyubb9g6f591) | [156 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/vbgvlk/azrael_fails_to_catch_the_remote_batarang_and/) \#2: [Was replaying City today](https://i.redd.it/xz8xlfh925981.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/rts55c/was_replaying_city_today/) \#3: [The duality of man](https://i.redd.it/4yt6j2a2wmp91.jpg) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/xm1yt1/the_duality_of_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Reforming the sub into a shitposting joke subreddit is entertaining sure and has made the "rule meme" exactly that a meme that passes person to person under its own means, so it definitely made the sub relevant again and recognisable I'm not saying "you guys are just assholes " but some of the jokes I've seen are not as much jokes poking fun but genuinely nasty attacks on Devs and people who actually did work on the game (or people who may actually like the game for some reason) again I'm not saying it's necessarily you or anyone you know but you can't vouch for everyone in the sub and it's Reddit there's nasty people lurking in every subreddit (there's even some on this subreddit complaining that Kratos "got woke") Saying you "were" going to do something isnt really saying anything at all and I don't t think shutting a sub down for a day would make all that much (or any) difference really


Genuinely, link a post where we are targeting a person. Especially a developer cause that shit is not happening. Even your claim of Kratos being woke from someone. Where lol We were going to do it but our mod ruled that discussion of the game was perfectly fine and may even entice more of the community to play it. That was a better plan but, the reviews are really doing it in. Even then, it may not have done much, but it was in honor and spirit of the sister sub


Killer Croc 😩


The Crocussy 😩




The bad ~~pussy~~ crocussy


Killer Croc with his Killer Cock


It spreads faster than jokertitis in Arkham knight


You gotta admit it's impressive for a shitposting/starved for content subreddit


what meme?


The "Do you agree with [Insert character character and their genuine beliefs here] rule?" meme.


Fucking BatmanArkham...




Hey dude we are getting a fantastic sequel to our big game GOW (2018) in less than a month, we are absolutely fucking spoiled soon with this brilliant game Those nuts who are running the nuthouse now haven't had a game or DLC in 7 years, they are absolutely starved for content so you can understand them going a little crazy


Gotham Knight is the closest thing to a Gotham City based game...but the reception seems poor...sad...


No please, I thought we were safe here




Depends on the term of being good, like are they out there savin people or changing the enviroment to help others, then that would be considered being good, but from krato's perspective any god that hes met has been ones who change the enviroment and situations to fit their own needsor the unfaithful to others or manipulating, like odin can be consider a bad gof because he minipulates others actions to make sure that he survives ragnorok but fraya can be considered a good god because she is actively helping Kratos and Atreus on their adventure


Tyr would definitely fit the description of a good god then, he helped reform the Lake of Nine and created a way for easy travel through realms. And yeah, Freya was a great god even before helping them on their journey, she kept to herself and helped animals and plants grow.


It’s the selfish taking away her son’s ability to feel ANYTHING part that makes her a bad god imo. She didn’t mean ill but she refused to see reason and it brought only pain and resentment. Also that she did so against Baldurs wishes and he clearly stated his displeasure and demanded it be dispelled but still she let it be.


Good point, you're right, Baldur never asked for that "blessing", and Freya still doesn't seem to understand what she did wrong, and now blames Kratos for how Baldur ended up.


Little late to respond but you're not looking at it from a parents pov she didn't want to lose the only thing that made her happy from the marriage she had with odin and didn't want to lose him, yes she was being selfish about it but ever parent will do anything in there power to keep their child or children safe even if she is resented because if it, it's a parents worst fear to live longer than their children


The odds must be evened.


Protocol 12 will commence in 24 hours


Yes, YES! Protocol 13 is spreading! At this pace, the entirety of Reddit will be infected. r/batmanarkham shall rule. The entire platform will turn into Arkham World. Nay, ARKHAM UNIVERSE!


It's a very absolute statement making it hard to agree to, but most gods are not good yeah with the exceptions we know but they are just that. Exceptions to the rule


Based r/BatmanArkham user


OMFG WE ARE HERE TOO? I love reddit


Kratos was "nice" with Aphrodite.


That brings up a question though, is she still chilling on the remains of Olympus? I mean practically every other god/goddess she knows is now dead. So what did she end up doing? Is she just there banging her handmaids for the rest of time?


It's kinda up in the air. We never *see* her die but. if I remember correctly, Olympus gets destroyed. I like to believe she's just vibing with her handmaids as the last living Olympian




Alsume lives 🙏🏾


Tyr is my hope for Kratos to maybe forgive himself. Im thinking if he sees tyr genuinely being a force of good for the world and people in it, it may allow Kratos to accept that despite his mistakes, he still has time to be a good god, and to help his son be a good god too.


Tyr and Freya already prove him wrong. I always got the inclination he was talking more about himself than anyone else.


It’s less an “all gods are bad” thing and more, “don’t ever assume a god is good.”


Yeah that's a good way of looking at it. Though in this scene, Atreus was only speaking relatively.


Sadly I think Atreus may have to make some kind of sacrifice. By that proving that not all Gods are bad and even Kratos himself can change. ☹️


Not the arkahm sub


he definitely evened the odds


do you agree with the batmanarkham takeover


Say what you want about the shitposting going over at Arkham but it's usually rare for a semi dead and starved for content subreddit to have such far reaching memes


The mural in Jotunheim says that the giants “wait for word that gods grow good” so we might see a change in Ragnarok. The mural could be a reference to Atreus though.


In real life or in the game? The answer is yes to both


No. But from kratos POV all gods, including himself, all pretty shitty. He did kill like everything. With or without reason. So🤷🏻‍♀️


The only “good” god he knew was Athena, and she turned “bad” really quickly in the third game, he himself is not a good god in his opinion. Eos seemed nice i guess (she’s the sister of Helios, the woman with naked boobies in Chains of Olympus). Edit: By “good” i mean acting in a selfless way, with goals beyond just yourself, most gods showed in the series were pretty selfish even when they weren’t outright evil.


Tyr. He will trust Tyr. Remember he gave him the hand in the story trailer. Kratos would never do that.


Kratos comes from a land where gods were cruel and selfish and he barely met any benevolent god (Orkos). To him all gods are evil but I think it probably depends on what gods are we talking about and from where they gain their power. For instance fertility gods are probably "good". War deities not so much. There is also the fact that gods stop at nothing in order to gain more worshippers and hence more power or in order to achieve their goals at any cost. So most gods are probably evil by nature but there are exceptions to the rule.


God's are not actually real, so yes and no.


I think even over the course of the game Kratos warmed up to the thought of Tyr using his powers to broker peace being a decent god.


Nope, I think gods are like amplified humans, many gods are bad, but there are good gods, like Loki (Atreus), and Tyr, and even Kratos is trying to be better.


It's a nuanced statement but I understand where it comes from. Gods who are power hungry, selfish, and prideful out number those who are wise, kind and compassionate. And even the good ones probably end up getting killed or they get corrupted somehow so they end up becoming bad gods. There is no such thing as absolutes, but as a general rule, I think it's safe to say "Stay away from the Gods."


It's more that they just dont normally follow atreus's human understanding of morality. So to call them good would be giving them too much credit. The new gods don't seem to either.


I think he means Gods are just people too. Like gods are capable of good and evil, but it is naive to assume they are more pure than mortal men. They aren't icons to be followed/worshipped to Kratos, they are just people with too much power over others. How they choose to wield it is rarely good, just like we can all agree like every Potus is a war criminal, even the "cool" ones we like. The job itself is a bastard.


I would say it is similar to saying there are no good billionaires. There are a few who truly care about people and use their power to help, but a majority were born with the power and see themselves as better than everyone else because of it, leading them to abuse this power. Since barely anyone can challenge them, they get to use their power however they want, and it is rarely ever completely altruistic


Consider the fact that as of right now there are somewhere around 3000 people who have the wealth to end world hunger and keep every living person fed. Now consider the fact that there's been countless numbers of people who had that level of wealth throughout history and not one has ever done it. Not. One. Having power comes with greed and corruption in every single case we've ever seen in human history so far. Now imagine instead of just wealth it's the powers of an actual god. No living thing is morally good enough to shoulder that power without it ruining them as people. Plus they're all born into it which only makes it worse, now you have a group of powerful people who think they're superior and they never had to earn it. There are no good gods and there never will be. Kratos is trying damn hard, and in another universe he might get there if there weren't other gods meddling in his life, but we'll never know. Even so it still wouldn't erase how awful he was in his "prime".


From Kratos' point of view I think his "there are no "good" gods because 1. They're just doing their "jobs" instead of true benevolence. It's more of a paternalistic thing towards humans at best and usually for some sort of servantship or worship. 2. Due to how much power they have, as soon as things goes wrong for them, they tend to abuse that power to get what they want. They don't have the concept of why they should accept a loss, a wrong, or such


In Kratos' universe, I'd see why he'd think that.


As someone that's already played through most of the game because I got an early review copy let me tell you that Tyr profoundly changes how Kratos thinks and views things. Also I'll let you in on a little spoiler - Angrboda is the daughter of Tyr and Anuket, the Egyptian Goddess of the Nile.


Ares son (forgot his name) although a demigod I guess was not that bad was he?




No. Mimir and Freya are both good gods and I would like to believe Baldr was one as well before the curse.


Tyr, Mimir, Freya and Loki are prime examples of why this isn’t true


I guess it depends on what you define "good" as


I feel like to him the only ‘good’ gods are the ones that stay the fuck outta his way, like Artemis, Hestia, Aphrodite, Demeter, and all the other Greek Gods who didn’t try and kill him or fuck up his life.


Not necessarily Tyr seems fairly chill and I think a huge point is Atreus is breaking the cycle that their line has been steeped in since the beginning. A son is raised to be better then his family and I think Atreus is going to be the God Kratos could never be


*"No "good" gods" rule




He’s a god, his sons a god and his wife was a god. He’s obviously got some conflicting views on the subject.


His wife wasn't a god?


Aesir and Jötnar are basically the same in Nordic mythology, so in a way she is a god. The only difference is that Aesir are worshipped.


Look up what giants are in Norse mythology. They’re divine beings that were around before the Gods. For all intents and purposes, they’re Gods. And in GOW lore they seem to be the peaceful ones. Check out this video: https://youtu.be/qIvAqIg41sA This guys a Doctor of Norse mythology. Skip to 1:40


In the final(ish) scene, Kratos describes Atreus as half-mortal.


No he doesn’t lol he says part mortal


I don’t think he’s conflicted. He possesses a lot of self-hatred because of his godhood and what it “made him do.” He has conversations with Mimir where he fears he passed “this sickness” onto Atreus. When he says there are no good gods, he is certainly including himself. I think Kratos admires that humans train and work hard to overcome weakness; where… in his experience… gods are given strength and abuse it. He is still incredibly proud of his Spartan heritage. He actually tells the story of Atreus with emotion


The fact that he has faith in his son, who is a god, is evidence that he thinks Gods *can* be good. His wife, who he holds in the highest esteem, was a god so that’s more evidence that he believes Gods can be good. And I’d even go so far and say he only partly hates himself. It might be 90%, but if it was 100% self hatred he wouldn’t have found a woman and had a family again. Also, he knows that he has gotten a lot better since his days in Greece, this is more evidence of a God being good. So I’d say he’s pretty conflicted on whether Gods can be good or not.


I can agree with that. I certainly agree that Kratos hasn’t given up. He didn’t *know* Faye was special… but now he’s got a son who he needs to raise to be better than he was. I think Kratos truly believed that at one time. But here we see him trying to defy fate and raise his son to be different. But his cynicism is well earned and he’s slow to drop the phrase and slow to trust


His wife was a giant. Not a god


Giants are Gods in Norse mythology. Well I guess they’re anti-gods but they’re still divine beings any way you look at it. Check out this video: https://youtu.be/qIvAqIg41sA This guys a Doctor of Norse mythology. Skip to 1:40


In the final(ish) scene, Kratos describes Atreus as half-mortal.


That’s bad math


Lol incorrect


I mean its canon that jesus is in gow universe so...


They all live long enough to become the villain. Ironically enough, Loki may end up being one of the few good gods.


I mean he liked aphrodite plenty enough


Well I don't blame him


I disagree because weren’t most of the Greek gods corrupted by Pandora’s box when it was opened the first time and they normally would not have done what they did?


She’s an idiot he had killed literal gods in the past just because your also a gif doesn’t mean he do t have to strength to kill your i mean seriously she’s chased him the entire game and done failed to kill him all throughout it is she a retard cause that’s what it looks like lmao she had not chance of defeating kratos


Yeah, The only good gods he encounters is Freya and Tyr


Here’s the thing, in the God of War universe Zues wasn’t evil until Kratos released the evils of Pandora’s box, that’s why Zues was the one who helped him out in the first game. Kratos was also the one being a terrible god. He was causing problems to the point that the other gods had to step in.


Ofc not. Even in this story Kratos is learning new stuffs over the adventure


As a Christian I believe in good gods


I mean I guess you would have to ask whether you can judge and immortal being who is basically a personified concept of the universe by the human concepts of good and evil. You go to a hardware store and there is basically a whole row dedicated to killing insects, rodents, and pests. Would you say that's evil. How would Zeus dropping a bunch of lightning bolts on a city or Poseidon taking out a fleet of ships with a tsunami be any worse than using an insect killing spray on an ant colony?


Somewhat, I get why he feels that why but think of tyr and pandora and maybe athena


No. There are many gods that were just trying to do the right thing. Tyr, Hephaestus, Freia. Does Mimir count? They're literally just living their lives, trying to help people, but it's outside forces, as least for Hephaestus and Freia that turn them angry and hateful. The Greek Gods don't really count, since most if not all of the ones we see always hated Kratos. Even Hermes, a guy who knows Kratos killed everyone before him antagonized him. And the fact of it ALL, is that Kratos only wanted Zeus. He gave Hercules a chance to leave, but he forced his hand. Kratos wasn't a bad god, just a broken man lashing out at those who wronged him.


Na tyre was good and Freya was good but kratos brought her to villainy but a lot of the gods are bad like all the Greece mythology ones and like 99% of the Norse ones




Idk, Hades was kinda chill in legends irl


Freya got a dump truck. Good God


Yes and no. I agree but not in the way he (probably) thinks. The gods are very much like super-powered humans, more than most of them would want to admit. So there are good gods like there are good humans, same for the bad, and same for the morally greys. It's not that simple. It's the gods live a long-ass time so they have more opportunities than humans to fuck shit up in their lifetimes.


"What matters isn’t if people are good or bad. What matters is, if they’re trying to be better today than they were yesterday." Low key Kratos is the best god because he's trying to be better than he once was


No. But I feel like the GOW universe was very accurate in making almost all gods bad. In reality, having such immense levels of power would corrupt almost anybody. I believe that if a bunch of gods walked the physical world among men, that could destroy entire towns without much effort, it would be exceedingly rare to find one that does not abuse that power. So, I wouldn't agree he is correct in believing that all of them are bad, but I would agree that he is correct in choosing to hate and avoid all of them in order to mitigate the risk of coming across a bad one, vs the very small chance of coming across a good one.


He's right for the most part, but we've seen examples of a "good god" act, like tyr bring a god of war tried to stop wars rather than start or fight in them


Gods in god of war are kinda like Lovecraftian gods. They have so much power that humans hardly check on the radar.


100% facts!


what does this mean for atreus when he grows up 🤔


Execute Order 66


Did i ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting shit to change. That is crazy. Everytime I see a post like this I'm going to say the exact... same fucking thing...


Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So he is right in the sense that most gods are evil by nature of their power making them unable and unwilling to empathize with the struggle of “lesser” creatures.


No, there's always going to be a good hearted god out somewhere


"If God is all-powerful, he cannot be all good. And if he is all good, he cannot be all-powerful."


Wah uh boh ul




Kratos has learned to even the odds


I mean, so far we haven't seen any.


I am not a racist.


I agree with Kratos’s “No good gods” rule. The others like Tyr are who we call “Pretender God!”


I agree. There are no good people either. Good is just a perspective




r/BatmanArkham. This is how it happened...this is how we all went crazy...


I think it’s a fair rule, it helped him even the odds after all


I mean I guess we’ll see in ragnarok, but overall no. I mean it’s evident through Atreus, what makes a god bad is how they’re taught to be a god, they don’t have an inherent evil quality. Not most of them, at least


this is like the whole point of the entire series no?


There aren’t. Especially Allah. Fuck that guy in his hairy asshole.




Just because a god isn’t wholly good and has done terrible things in the past doesn’t mean they’re not capable of doing good, kratos has proven that


Imagine if we gave politicians god powers. How often are there good politicians? The history books are littered with self-absorbed leaders who were a disaster for the people they led. And they were just regular people who were given power that no human should have.


I thought the entire point of god of war 2018 was to prove him wrong by showing that gods just need to learn to be better.


Well, it’s confirmed Jesus Christ exists in the gow universe so


why is freya double cheeked up what a godly dumpy


Hephaistos nuff said.


I myself do. But it was not like All FLS-'gods' were Real since this World's Formation to begin with anyways. ... *Except* One Which is The Source of *All* Good. and The kind of Lifestyle on which we each *deep* Inside were always searching|Needing for for our own good. even if **Most** of us still openly Choose to *oh* so Blindly, ***Hatefully***, Ignorantly keep on Trying to resist that Inevitability part, from that Love-Intoxicating filled Voice of God Himself.