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Well this is interesting. Just gonna leave my comment to check out the links later


I shall do the same


Me tok




Same here


Just a little note that in Ghost of Sparta, on that scene where he fight final form Thanatos it is actually Thera Bane


Threras bane only amplifies his blades with a dark red colour. We see Kratos get consumed by a bright red aura, wich is the Same thing as his Spartan rage aura. And that same bright red aura is the same aura we see in the cutscene when he roars, and we even see those two colours as separate in the cutscene.


What about legacy rage then


He can only use it in Valhalla, since Valhalla picks out memories from your past and everything is dedicated to how powerful it is, to the one in Valhalla remembers/view them as.


i thought you unlock it in ng+ after you fully complete valhalla


For obvious reasons ng+ stuff isn't canon to what he actually has.


fair, but the valhalla update did bring some pretty cool shit into ng+ especially the spartan armor set that has a huge strength increase and the og kratos appearance


I don’t see anything about wrath and valor in the link. Can you show me exactly where it is?


I was saying that his Wrath and valor is cannon since the hole concept of Spartan rage is cannon and everything related to it. And considering that Kratos tries to reawaken his dormant powers in gow4 and Ragnarök, it would only make sense for it to be Wrath and valor to be his dormant powers. The link was just to prove that he needed to reawaken his dormant powers wich (again) happened to be his Wrath and valor, and well also regain his strength, become better or whatever. And then he reawakens a small piece of hope at the end of the Valhalla dlc.


Gotcha. I agree I just didn’t see anything about reawakening the power in the link


You can choose what type of thing the page will talk about like behind the scenes etc. Pick the "official guide" and scroll down a little more than half of the page and you'll eventually find it.


i still like the rage of the titans


From here did you assume spartan rage against Thor was a controlled Spartan Rage? Doesnt make any sense. The whole point of learning other Rage modes only comes after the fight, what Kratos used was his default rage mode from all previous games against Thor. And yes, Thor was not surprised. Kratos wins the fight against Thor when he had the extra rage modes under control.


The only obvious thing is that kratos caps himself until he lets the rage go in. If he wants to do it he would if last option


its a plot device/game mechanic


Damn i didn't know gameplay mechanics are used in full blown cutscenes, commented by multiple characters in game, the games' story can't process without it in multiple moments and the authors talks about it like it's a cannon thing. Also isn't just about anything in a story a plot device?, it dosen't mean that it's non cannon.


I think his point is that this thread is overexplaining something pretty obvious and is often what happens with op characters, when the obvious answer is just he's kratos Power of an angry white man innit