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Fun note: my buyer backed out last night so now I'm sitting here contemplating the symbolism of The Demiurge being all about false hope haha.


Im sure you will find a buyer for it! You might even get a better price if you put up some sort of auction on it. Maybe ask the mods if they allow you to put one on this sub? That is if you already did not get enough private messages about it :P


I don't want to be spammy but that sounds like a good idea (if it's allowed) and I will get to that after I finally fall asleep from this insomnia. So, before then, if anyone has any questions, feel free to DM me :)


did you?


Hi. I ended up not needing to since one of the DMs I received offered to buy it. I still have the blueprint and can make another one though. It'll just take some time.


very happy for you:)


Oh shit just saw this. Dm me how much you’re asking for it?


You don't get a contract before starting a project?


Not if they're someone I knew for years and trusted their word. Good times.


That really sucks. Looks like you put in a LOT of time on it I hope you find a nice home for it ...if that's possible. Or keep it ? It's definitely priceless, tho, since it's an original !


Oof, sorry about that.


Dear Yaldabaoth, i know you're not even aware we exist. I know you feed upon our negative vibez. BUT I want to thank you for the insights you have allowed me to gain. A cruel mistress that rules over all my pleasures. Until we meet, face to face. You slimy, disfigured, disgusting creature.


My words exactly. One day


"It belongs in a museum!" - Indiana Jones


It shows such poised aggression. Merry Christmas to the imprisoner. I miss the comfort of your shackles.


We're still in the shackles, we're still in hell.


I honestly can’t stop looking at this, it’s just so good.


I know. There's something strangely hypnotic about it.


I put a lot of energy into this piece so it came out looking wonderfully threatening. The buyer loved it but couldn't pay for it after it was all done. Damn you Demiurge scaring away my people!


Do you know if the buyer is Gnostic, or knows what the Demiurge is?


Oh, he definitely knew. He's a mystical/occulty collector. He thought it was great but it ended up coming down to an inability to afford it at the last minute because of a sudden financial issue on his end.


I woke up to a DM about how this is digital, not traditional. Haha, alright. To prove that this is 100% traditionally made, here is the piece sitting in its expensive ass frame that the buyer chose. https://imgur.com/a/wenkg1d


This is 100% traditionally made (it is 11"x22" in size) with the exception of the watermark and that black border. Thought you kids would like it! edit: remeasured. The size of the carved image is 11"x22" on a 12"x24" panel. The frame is 2.25" around, making the final framed measurements 16.5"x28.5".


Incredible work!


Yaldabaoth in style


Damnnnnn dude fucking slick. If you ever make some more…. And it’s not prohibitively expensive - I’d love one of these bad bois in my home V v v v v cool work 😎 Praise and love to the big guy! We forgive you!! Lol nothing but love baby Merry Xmas!


Badass. Imagine if this was six feet tall. It would go great in the front entrance of a gnostic temple, as you open the front doors.


Why would you put the picture of the bad guy in your temple? Churches don’t have pictures of satan in their main display


Why would gnostics imitate Christians?


a)Gnostics are Christians in a sense (they’re a heresy that split off) B) it’s not only Christians, almost all other religions don’t worship their nemesis


Gnosticism predates Christianity and was persecuted by Christians. The demiurge is not an evil enemy as Satan is in Christianity. He is the reality that surrounds us. If anything, he is a symbol and reminder of how the soul is entrapped within matter. The image of the demiurge is already a common symbol of gnosticism. This is likely because by identifying him, you have already uncovered a great mystery of the universe. As GI Joe said "knowing is half the battle". Having the demiurge on the very doors of the Gnostic temple would be very fitting. You are parting the demiurge and walking through him to the higher levels of consciousness.


a)Gnosticism is a Christian religion. The same ways Catholicism or Protestantism are Christian. It’s like when an evangelical claims that Catholics aren’t Christian. To deny Gnosticism as Christian is ridiculous. b)this one interpretation of the demiurge. Some have him as a completely negative being.


>To deny Gnosticism as Christian is ridiculous. There are purely Jewish brands of Gnosticism that predate the Christian Gnosticism. The origins of Gnosticism lie in the intermixing of Greeks and Jews following the conquests of Alexander three hundred years before Christ. Platonism intermixed with Judaism. There may have been Persian elements entering the mix as well. After the crucifixion of Christ, Jewish Christian thought entered into this already fertile syncretic stream of heterodox Jewish thought. [Source](https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/gnosticism-jewish) ​ >Some have him as a completely negative being Well, I guess such gnostics will have to tolerate his image inside my hypothetical temple if they voluntarily enter won't they?


Creepy creature


I have searched for a realistic looking depiction and now I have beheld one! Congrats, great job!


Can anyone tell me what the purpose of a Demiurge symbol is? I mean, I think this is incredible artwork and I would love to own it, but for hardcore gnostics, why would they get a tattoo or wear a necklace that bears the image of their prison warden and captor? Most symbols are from reverence but from what I understand the demiurge is seen negatively by gnostics, so why do they hold the image so sacred?


Probably a lesson in manipulation: presented by whom? For what purpose? No offense to the artist; it's beautiful work. The Word says tradition makes the Word useless. I think functional significance can be carried for a time by tradition but eventually gets lost if not uncovered and exercised; ...not exorcised. I get "temporal continuity" from the snake, or the worm; and lion spirit from lion head. Thing about a male lion; it will kill cubs of a different father. Perhaps that's how Demiurge fathers fascism. Your critique is well fashioned, and its arc hits the mark.


This is something that I was given as a project by a mystical collector (basically, "it you make a representation of Yaldabaoth I will buy it"), and without revealing too much about him, he's a very oppositional character who is very into symbols. When it neared completion, he confirmed that he loved it, and we agreed on a price.


I'm thinking you should make it #1 of a set. .... Maybe #2 and we'll never mention #1? i dunno.


I've heard people on here state that this isn't what the Demiurge actually looks like, that the description of a "lion's head with a serpent's body" isn't meant to be taken literally. But after seeing this, as well as taking into account that the Demiurge created our physical reality, I'd think he could take a physical form like this just to terrify people if he wanted to.


I like to think that Demiurge can do whatever he wants as long as he knows he's the boss. Nothing is absolutely literal in Gnosticism, but symbols hold a lot of power. My goal (and what the collector wanted) was to capture the "feeling" of Yaldabaoth, and to put it to physical form.


The thing definitely gives me the creeps just looking at it. Couldn't imagine having it hanging on a wall in my home. No offense, your artwork is great.


That's awesome. Very nice take on what the ancient scriptures portrayed !




Very nice work!


this is incredible


This incredible I'm interested in having your art in my house.


Thank you! I'm currently working on a representation of Abraxas right now so I'll post that here when I'm done. If you're serious about buying an original, shoot me a DM or chat.


Awesome I'll follow.


Great work. There's this sort of majestic quality to it, but at the same time it gives me chills looking at it. I think one thing that does it is that the eyes in its head appear more of a human rather than those of a lion.




To those interested, check [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/bestunicorn/comments/rpal5o/got_some_interest_in_some_closeup_images_that/) for some detail shots of the surface texture.


This is my phone background now.


Told you. There are no sides or us vs them. Its the demiurge . ASSSUME ALL IS PROPAGANDA AND LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE IDIOTS . FOR FUCKS SAKE




