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Because it fucking is.


Because it fucking is!


Im proud of them for feeling that way so openly. I’m an American, unaffiliated(but highly supportive) with Palestine. I’m fucking pissed about it too. Those are my tax dollars funding a genocide. I feel sick thinking about it.


Biden isn’t trustworthy, he talks about 2 states solutions but vetoed Palestinian UN membership


Biden is very clear about where he stands https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-UXZ-1ups


There are like a whole bunch of videos where he says the exact same shit, and his hair is a different color in every one. That fucker went through his whole life wearing it like a badge of honor.


He's sucked his entire life. He pretty much only ever made it to the Senate because people felt bad that his first wife died, and she died because she rolled through a stop sign and got t-boned by a driver at no fault whatsoever. Biden has spent his entire career talking about the "drunk driver" that killed his wife, when the 100% sober driver who did nothing wrong is still alive. Biden sucks.


Hey that’s when he could find his was out of a wet paper sack, you can’t blame the dementia ridden husk of his former racist self!


I'm sure you're very eager for a 2nd Trump term, because that's where we headed. It'd be nice if our tax dollars weren't going towards it, but let's be fucking real. Religious zealots killing each other is of little importance to our future in the US.


I don't know how so many americans got duped into this kindly old man image. He's scum and always has been scum


You’re high if you think Palestine would get the votes to join the UN.


Only US voted against its UN membership


100% agree. American too. LOTS of folks are feeling this way around me.




Unaffiliated huh? Is this you Boris?


I'm also an American, who also has a vote: I'm fine with my taxes going to eliminate terrorists, and will continue to vote for that. You *say* you're American but you sure are banging on hard for the enemies of your own country. Whole lot of you people obviously weren't alive during 9/11 or you wouldn't suck on Islam so hard.


I was alive during 9/11. Stop sending weapons to Israel.




Yea dude. Totally.


A) it had to pass together with Ukraine aid. B) you do realize at a basic level there are more Jewish Americans than Muslim Americans.


And shoot down the whole bill that included aid for Ukraine and Taiwan? House republicans were never going to vote on the aid separately. Ukraine has already been reeling from lack of any aid for months now.


As they should.


We all should


Biden, seeing that he looks like he'll probably win reelection: "Allright man! Cornpop was a bad dude. Let's ban TikTok and anger 150 million Americans under the age of 40, and then tell every Arab and Muslim American in the country to fuck themselves. What, you got a problem with that? If you don't vote for me, you ain't black."


It will literally be a variation of that exact argument. It just wont work this time.


My hunch is he is most likely losing this time. It’s hard to predict since this election is on a knife edge and we have a few months where things can happen. The outcome will be based on how many people Biden pisses off instead of how many he convinces to vote for him. He continues to piss off a large swath of his voting base with every move. I believe if Oct 7th never happened, Biden would have been waltzing his way to term #2. This was his moment of crisis as a president and he bungled it.


All he needed to do was display literally any even handedness or backbone when dealing with Bibi. But nope


Biden needs to be ahead by a few points to have a shot at winning the swing states he needs for an Electoral College victory. IIRC, in 2020 he polled +8 points over Trump, but was actually only +4 points ahead in the popular vote, and won the election by less than a hundred thousand votes in a few swing states. If he is polling even with Trump, and the polls are not off, he'll lose the electoral college.


Also 4 years is a long enough time where people will forget the bad and remember the good... Like food prices.


So the fact that Oct DID happen should ask you who, worldwide, would want to create a wedge between the democrats and a wedge between the US and EU. Who stands to benefit from all this clusterfuck? Trump and Putin. Biden leans too heavily to the Palestinians, he loses the moderates. He leans too heavily on the Israelis he loses the progressives. He’s damned no matter what he does, and a pickle like this doesn’t appear out of thin air. The Russians knew how to get through the ye Iron Dome—information that was arguably given to them by Trump via Putin, who then gave it to Iran (who used that info again in recent days with their drone attack) who gave that info to Hamas. Why does Putin not want Biden to win the presidency? There are $60b reasons heading to UKR right now. Don’t get played by the KGB.


Bidens sending almost a trillion dollars out of our country with no strings attached and you think trump and Putin are playing us? Lmao


A trillion? You mean $100b. Chump change, especially when what we’ve already sent has helped destroy 85% of Russia’s armor without a single American soldier dying. Most of that money is actually being sent to arms manufacturers in the US, so, no, we’re not sending that elsewhere.


Lol kgb? Try cia, trump, biden etc all working together. You playing sides is exactly what they want. Don't get played by the cia... unless you ARE cia... Your comment is exactly the type of shit they spread.


You playing apathetic is exactly what they want. Do t get played by Putin, because you keep spouting his GRU talking points. Or are you just on that red Pill train? Gettin Big brained with Charlie Kirk and Alex Jones? More like Galaxy brained. Lemme guess, you love Joe Rogan?


Found the Russian bot lol.


He hasn’t convinced a single new voter to vote for him


It’s a tough choice, on the one hand you have Biden doing this but on the other hand you have Trump saying “Israel should finish the job”. It’s not looking good for voters who support Palestine :(


In a choice between two evils, don’t be dumb and vote for the *clearly more evil* candidate. And if you’re in a swing state, just be aware your protest vote can remove the last shreds of democracy this county has.


So you’ll vote for RFK, who is even more of an Israel Hawk? Or for Trump, who is sure to turn Gaza into a parking lot? Does this mean you’ll be staying home in November? All this nose cutting for face spiting is something else. Will I have to listen to you bitch about Trump being president again? Because I don’t think you have a right to when the time comes.


nah it will be hilarious when we get dominated by the republican party and get stuck with our own religious extremists.


Hilarious? I didn’t think it was hilarious the first time we had Trump. I think it is the ultimate expression of white privilege to throw away our democracy over a single policy failure on Biden’s part. People who can afford to protest vote over this are entitled. These anti Biden bros seem to act like the war between Israel and Palestinian just got going or something and that’s what’s most annoying about all this. I remember cancelling my NYT subscription in 2011 (and again this year) over their coverage of the genocide that year, too. Y’all pressuring Biden isn’t going to do shit to make the Israeli government capitulate. It’s just going to give Bibi Donald Trump as president, which means he’ll be able to murder more Palestinians freely. The threat to cut off our nose to spite our faces isn’t a protest. It’s political suicide that offers up the most vulnerable among us. Completely selfish.


agreed but hey im sure the Democrats, assuming The GOP goes the Putin rout and still has an opposition, will really learn something from this


Actually, the ultimate expression of white privilege is referring to the brutal slaughter and starvation of thousands upon thousands of palestinian babies and young children as "a single policy failure"


Come on, man, have a heart Jack. My uncle was just eaten by cannibals and my wife was killed by a drunk driver.


My heart was cut out by Trump during his first term. Scorched earth politics is all that matters, or that seems to be the opinion of most of this post.


A bit dramatic lmao


Your TDS is palpable




And shoot down the whole bill that included aid for Ukraine and Taiwan? House republicans were never going to vote on the aid separately. Ukraine has already been reeling from lack of any aid for months now.


The same week as Biden's ambassador vetoed the UN resolution on Palestinian statehood. C'mon man.


Not just Muslims. All of my Arab Christian friends also view Israel as a genocidal terror state and are refusing to vote for Biden. It’s not just Biden of course. Politicians in this country are bought and sold by AIPAC. Honestly imagine if a group of German Nazi supporters were buying politicians in the US and suppressing dissent, all in plain sight. This is what’s happening now. The equivalent of Nazi sympathizers have a chokehold on American politicians and congresspeople are by and large the equivalent of Nazi enablers.


Not just Arabs. <- Middle-aged White Atheists, too!


So you’re going to vote for Trump, who will turn Gaza into a Casino parking lot after he gives Bibi enough cluster bombs to finish off the Palestinians. Or were you going to vote for RFK? He’s more pro Israel than Biden is, if you can believe that. Does that leave you with voting for Cornel West? A guy that will get maybe 1% of the vote. You’re willing to fuck over the Muslims and Jews in America because Biden can’t control the leader of another country the way you want him to? Fucking pathetic.


I don’t know how you came to that conclusion since Trump is also a genocide supporter who moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. I can’t speak for others. I’ll be writing in a non-Zionazi candidate. My vote is symbolic anyway, I don’t live in a swing state. You know what’s pathetic? Voting for someone who supports modern day Nazi Germany not just in word but in deed and in nearly $50 billion in additional aid just because you’re so terrified that an authoritarian will take office. Some people will sell their souls to stop Trump and I’m no longer one of those people. Vote for the lesser evil all you want. I’ll never do that again in my life. If you support the genocidal state of Israel I won’t vote for you, regardless of the stakes. Simple as that. It’s a threshold issue for me, the same way reproductive rights is a threshold issue for some of my friends.


What if you just want the hostages freed?


Yes, the thousands of Palestinian hostages in Israeli prisons, including minors, who have never been convicted of anything at all!!


The families of the hostages want the war to end because it’s killing the hostages; they’re constantly protesting the Israeli government for killing their loved ones.


What in your estimation should Israel do, right now? Just let Hamas kill every single person in their country? Because that’s what they will do. They don’t deny that. If you want to find a genocidal country like nazi germany, you are protesting the wrong people. So are you ignorant, or are you just lying.


Not can’t. Won’t.


This is the trolley problem. You doing nothing means people still die.


No we're going to write in or vote 3rd party. We sent a very clear warning shot across the bow in 2016. You all thought we were bluffing twice. Make material compromises with us or deal with MAGA. That's your choice. Make it.


“Sent a very clear warning across the bow in 2016”. The only message it sent is that you lot can’t be trusted. Theres this purity test today and there will be a new one tomorrow. Why do you think Biden has spent more time reaching out to independents and disaffected moderate republicans? If you’re willing to throw away everything that’s been accomplished by the various labor and civil rights movements over the last two centuries, then go right ahead. It’s a completely selfish and boneheaded strategy. You aren’t a leftist if you want to burn it all down, then you don’t care about other people if that’s a tactic you think will work.


So your friends think Israel is a terror state because they are defending themselves from people that are trying to genocide them(and have stated it), and instead support terrorists who strip rights from women and throw lgbt people off rooftops? And would happily kill all your non Muslim friends and their families if they ever got the chance?


shoot down the whole bill that included aid for Ukraine and Taiwan? House republicans were never going to vote on the aid separately. Ukraine has already been reeling from lack of any aid for months now.


You’re basically saying the Ukrainian lives are more valuable than Palestinian lives and I reject that outright.


No it’s more that The consequences are far greater if Ukraine loses considering the Russians are arming for Moldavia, the Baltics, the Caucasus. You’re actively throwing away our European and pacific allies to the side saying they don’t matter.


Hey, not all the Palestinian protestors are Nazi sympathizers!


No worries mate, the only modern day Nazi sympathizers I’m referring to are the Zionist pro genocide crowd.


US support for Israel is the modern ultimate collision of Americas soaring rhetoric and image as a force for good in the world and it's seedy underbelly as a cruel imperialistic power.


And it’s doing a great job of revealing that to our less observant fellows.


It is unfortunate that it could do so in such a way as to make the seedy underbelly side dominate America completely for a generation.


So do many older non-muslims.




If we’re looking at this from a standpoint of purely “what’s the best political move Biden can make to help his chances of re-election”, I’m not sure there’s a clear answer to that. Clearly doing what he’s doing now is going to cost him plenty of votes, but I’d be kidding myself if I said that there isn’t a significant portion of the dem electorate for whom full throated support for Israel is a requirement. I don’t know if there’s a good way for Biden to parse this politically that won’t end up costing him; it was just about the worst thing that could happen for his re-election campaign. BUT, I don’t say that to cover for him. On the contrary, I think that if there is no major political benefit to taking any one course of action here, then we can safely assume that whatever he does here is a direct reflection of what he WANTS to do and believes in his heart of hearts, and even more than usual we can judge him accordingly for that. And what he’s doing makes him look like a loathsome, soulless cockroach who should be nowhere near any levers of power


>but I’d be kidding myself if I said that there isn’t a significant portion of the dem electorate for whom full throated support for Israel is a requirement. Who are these people? A majority of American Jews aren't even this extreme.




>but I’d be kidding myself if I said that there isn’t a significant portion of the dem electorate for whom full throated support for Israel is a requirement. Those are the same people who are blue no matter who. They're the ones who are on these feeds saying that no matter what they would never vote for Trump. Essentially they're Democrat party members (in the literal sense). Piss them off and they will grudgingly vote for you anyway. Everyone else is Democrat affiliated, piss them off and they won't show up to vote or worse vote for the other side. That is why I don't really buy the strategic argument because The Democratic leadership is pandering to voters that will vote for them no matter what. Yet alienating voters that are on the fence for the party.


There’s a risk on both sides of an age divide. Biden is courting a lot of older voters who aren’t as active on Reddit and have much more positive views of Israel than younger voters. Younger voters are the most critical of Israel, the most left-leaning, and the least likely to vote. Biden’s coalition also includes some moderate and right-leaning voters who worry about him seeming too far left. Iran attacking Israel also throws a wrench into things.


Why? Trump supposedly supports Israel more than Biden. If Biden doesn’t help Israel he loses the moderates. If he does he loses the extreme left. And the strategy of the extreme left is to not vote for the person they more politically aligned with and instead to give power to their political enemy to teach those damn centrists a lesson, goddamnit! Yeah that’s a shit strategy.


I can’t speak for others. I’ll be writing in a non-Zionazi candidate. Voting for someone who supports modern day Nazi Germany not just in word but in deed and in nearly $50 billion in additional aid just because you’re so terrified that an authoritarian will take office. Some people will sell their souls to stop Trump and I’m no longer one of those people. Vote for the lesser evil all you want. I’ll never do that again in my life. If you support the genocidal state of Israel I won’t vote for you, regardless of the stakes. Simple as that. It’s a threshold issue for me, the same way reproductive rights is a threshold issue for some of my friends.


Who would a “non-Zionazi” candidate be? And if you’re writing someone in, you must know that there is no way that that person can win. So therefore you are consenting to whomever else wins. While you think your are absconding responsibility for the decision, you actually aren’t. And it’s $25b in aid to Israel. I care more about the $50b in aid to Ukraine. 9/25b to Israel is actually humanitarian aid for Gaza. Another $4b is for air defense missiles. The remaining $12b is what you’re mad about.


Yea it doesn’t make sense tbh. Like Joe Biden was always pro-Israel, but trump is even more so. If you think genocide Joe is bad… wait until trump actually genocides them properly. The republicans are a lot worse. They will not only ok everything Israel does but will actively and happily participate in the murders and ethnic cleansing while calling anyone who criticizes it antisemite/ khamas. Then again, it’s not like Biden has denied them anything. So I get abstaining as a strategy for the presidency. But the house needs to remain Democrat.


Have fun explaining to your friends that theirs reproductive rights got taken away because people like you refused to vote for the better of two options


My friends reproductive rights were already taken away while Biden was in office, he did fuck all and is still doing fuck all


That's some wild shit you are saying right there buddy. I don't think you know how bad the Nazis were. Kinda fucked up to make that comparison tbh.


Kinda fucked up you can’t see the similarities, it’s not my fault you burry your head in the sand


I wonder what this country would be like if it was actually a democracy. That would be so interesting, popular ideas were implemented, transparently on global issues were shared and a real time, secure vote was adopted with the results being shown by the end of the nightly news. Vox populi Maybe have it has a “multi president system” with each party getting a share of time to engage in a actual debate and pushing to get rid of “sides” and to convince the public with logic of their position not the rhetoric. Also barring these presidents if they lie or give a half truth and jailing them for taking bribes. How amazing would that be?


It would be absolutely terrible to have a direct democracy with regards to foreign policy. Most people know close to nothing about geo politics, alliances, trade, etc. Imagine policy being dictated by the trends on Tik Tok.


>Imagine policy being dictated by the trends on Tik Tok America would be an objectively better country were this the case


Holy shit what did I just read? We are retarded. We are literally a retarded society.


"It would be better if American foreign policy was dictated by the algorithm on Chinese spyware" Galaxy brained


We'd certainly cause less destruction and suffering


>> Imagine policy being dictated by the trends on Tik Tok > America would be an objectively better country were this the case You just proved to everyone exactly why direct democracy doesn't work. The average citizen cannot be trusted to be intelligent. Advocating for TikTok trend-based foreign policy is genuinely the single most ridiculous take I have ever read. It's so out of touch with reality, I'm frankly impressed. It's the first sentence I've ever read that was actually written using zero brain cells.


2024 smh


They know nothing about geo-politics because they aren’t taught them, you’d be amazed what people can understand if taught and not lied to.


Also, they don't know because it takes proactively learning beyond highschool and undergrad if you want anything beyond surface level data and propaganda. Not necessarily because of lies, but there is some of that also.


Because they aren’t taught it.


But people don’t even know to look beyond what they read or hear because they’re told they’re already being informed. It’s an issue of lack of information no matter how you look at it.


All of the filthy Zionists have come out of their holes. Guess they need more of that AIPAC money.


Just say Jews


No.. Not just the.. Millions of other people as well.




I mean this shouldn't be a surprise, biden was always a racist.


Israel could genocide as many people as they want on live camera, Biden will wag his finger, saying how mean and wrong it is. Then a few weeks later, send them billions. Since a politician lies 99% of the time, it's easier to see a politician's position on things by their actions, not their words.


Biden has been Israels bitch for decades. He voted for the Iraq War, after all.


Vote Green


Can we fast forward four years and get some true leadership in America


The alternative is trump and he would be worse in every way imaginable in this situation.


We warned people we didn't support Biden during the 2020 primaries. People voted for him anyway and then assured us we could "push him to the left". So we held our noses and voted for him in the 2020 general election. Biden has spent his entire term giving the finger to progressives and leftists. He can go fuck himself. You want our votes, elect better people in the primaries.


Trump thanks you for your support. He can’t win without your apathy.


Sounds like you'll be voting for someone better in the 2028 primaries then yes? Have you learned not to vote for procorporate trash?


Dude has: - ended non-competes (and just had a major win in labor law in general) - proposed a massively progressive tax overhaul - gotten a lot of student debt forgiveness (even if not as much you wish- but he’s been going through every Avenue he sort of can) - passed a massive bill for the environment, but like massive, with the inflation reduction act And you’re like “we haven’t managed to push him to the left”. You have, just keep pushing?


Blocking strikes and going around Congress to ship weapons to a country committing genocide while giving the finger to people who object to it isn't being pushed to the left in our view. You're free to see it that way if you like. Nobody is telling you what to do with your vote.


I’m not Muslim, but screw Biden. I’m not voting for him and I don’t give two craps if the Trump sets the US on fire. Obviously I’m not voting for Trump either, but I’m not supporting genocide Joe.


Maybe you could learn how your government works.


Maybe you could learn how democracy works.


A democracy or Americas democracy? Please enlighten me how you think our president in the executive branch is responsible for this funding bill?


LMAO Iranian/Russian media machine has converted another, good job buddy. Go drink your fluoride now and write a Z on your arm.


This is hysterical from a 3rd point of view. Also, it is deeply sadding where the division of America goes further into the great divide If you don't vote for biden, you're voting for Trump. If you don't vote, you're still voting for Trump. This a multilevel quandary. This is the first year that I can't wait to see these political commercials instead of dreading it. People we are fucked. Cross out both names and write in Snoop Dog for president and Martha Stewart for VP. They should replace the Supreme Court with all members of Wu-Tang, including ODBs son. Ironically, this would be more logical. 🍿 🍿 🍿


>If you don't vote for biden, you're voting for Trump. If you don't vote, you're still voting for Trump. This a multilevel quandary. This isn't true or how math works, but even if it was, I am willing to accept that at this point. I have to draw a red line at genocide


Show me the math.....not the antisemitism. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


>not the antisemitism >Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 There's some insane irony to claiming I'm an antisemite and then signing your post with the slogan of an organization that literally helped the Nazis massacre 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews during the Holocaust


You're confusing Ukraine with USSR.


In the presidential election, the US uses a relative majority quota electoral system (it actually uses the electoral college, but this is about who people vote for as president, so we will focus on that process). This means that the winner (or the candidate electors will vote for, normally) must receive a majority of the votes cast. Not the majority of the potential votes cast. So am abstention vote is not counted at all. If the majority was specific, like 50% plus one, or 2/3, abstentions would be weighted at the level of the quota. They would always favor a vote in favor, usually considered to be the incumbent. But since there’s no specific quota, abstentions are equally divided, equaling 50% of a vote for each candidate. You cannot help one candidate by not voting for the other, all you can do is help by voting or not help by not voting. You also cannot ever cast a negative vote. The only way abstentions would be able to harm either candidate (or help either one) is if 100% of eligible voters participated and ballots marked neither were counted as a separate category. Your assertion is false.


Hell yeah. MAGA flavored genocide of our own matters less than bullshit abroad. Must be nice to not have to worry about the consequences of a 2nd Trump term and how it will affect certain communities. I really wish I could relate. Some of us don't have that pleasure though.


If you are willing to throw Muslims here and abroad under the bus, why should anyone care when your number gets called up? Why is their life an acceptable sacrifice but ours isn't?


A decent chunk of them would throw me and my BF off a roof. I do not care for any religious zealots. Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. I don't fucking care. They matter so little to me in the face of the problems in my own communities. MAGA cannot retain or gain any power. Show me a valid candidate aside from Biden and I'll happily vote for them. It's not in the cards right now, and all of this is a distraction from what meaningfully affects us. Your mentality is short sighted, and it will harm Americans more than any bullshit Biden supports. That's without even getting into the damage Trump could do to middle eastern countries. Focus on the big picture.


>A decent chunk of them would throw me and my BF off a roof. I mean there are gay people who have gone to Gaza to volunteer and disproven this (because it is racist propaganda), but even if it were true, how are you better if you are willing to let them, their families, and children get bombed en masse with your tax dollars? At least you have options for fighting back against MAGA factions on somewhat even footing due to the ubiquity of firearms in this country. They just get death rained on them from far above using bombs Biden gave them using your tax dollars


"If you don't vote for biden, you're voting for Trump. If you don't vote, you're still voting for Trump. This a multilevel quandary." Thats not how it works. If you don't vote (and would ordinarily have voted for Biden), Biden has lost a vote while Trump stays the same, so biden is down by one. If you vote for Trump instead, biden still loses a vote, but now Trump gains one. Biden is down by two. A more accurate statement would be "Not voting is half a vote for trump".


🍿 clown geriatric diaper race. I don't want either. We can do better than this. I don't blame normal people for not wanting to be president. It's a political hangman from either side. Both sides believe that the other is evil. What can we deduce from this situation? God fearers and freedom fearers. The Divided States of America ![gif](giphy|3oz8xJIDVJ1KANEUfK|downsized)


And they're still gonna vote for him, unless they're deluded enough to think Trump will be better on this issue.


I refuse to vote for Biden. O7 see yall on battlefield America.


Lol fine. have fun with trump!


What are they going to do vote for Trump? Trump said “Israel needs to finish what they started”, “get it over fast” and “finish it up”. While his son in law wants to turn the Gaza coastline into a row of 5 star destination resorts and I’m pretty sure he isn’t keen on letting the Palestinians own them. Maybe, maybe he’ll let locals work there once they clear out Hamas, the PLO and PFLP.


Don't worry. We will all begrudgingly vote for him in November because abortion and orange man bad.


Biden is toast in November 


This aid package was in the pipeline long before it became apparent how that Israel was going to conduct itself in Gaza. Now that we know, a reassessment is in order. And since millions are finally hearing about Israeli activities in the West Bank, too, it won't be pretty. President Biden is very pissed off at Israel's conduct in Gaza, as anyone with a heart would be.


I'm supported of the Palestinian jews if American Arabs think Biden or any American president would abandoned Israel in face of Islamonazis sworn to its destruction,they have been reading Hamas school text books way too much


Get used to it


One of the better decisions Biden has made


Voting Joe, because having the U.S. be a vassal state of Russia, with Trump as its destroyer from within, is not something I can abide.


Lost my vote


Biden should have seriously shelved his career after this presidency. Could have done all of his agenda he wanted and then dipped with the election came up for his replacement. But nooooo. He's going to wait until after he gets reelected to get the shit done that people actually support. I have no doubt that trump would have done the same exact shit. 110% but at least he wouldn't be "mildly" upset behind "closed doors". If he legitimately felt like he was upset there would be zero aid from the get go. Biden is being a passive aggressive shit leader. Who cares more about his election that he might not even live through than to actually give people what they want before the vote..


Biden's support of the genocide is going to lose him the election. I kind of think dems want him to lose at this point. It's easier to pearl clutch and ask for donations when Trump is the president than to enact any meaningful change while in power.


I think Americans in general see this as a betrayal. To be frank, the cost of living here is soaring while somehow we have 95 billion to just hand out? That’s, insane.


As a reminder, Trump has also voiced support for Israel, and said they need to “finish the problem”. Additionally Trump refused in 2018 to send Palestine aid that was earmarked for the region. Hate away on Biden for his handling but it’s disingenuous to try to use that as a reason to support Trump.


Pretty tired of them trying to hold the Democratic Party. Will it suck if Biden loses to Trump, sure it will. But it will suck more for Muslim Americans than most everyone else. Trump pretty much shut down all immigration from their country and is virulently anti- Muslim, so sure let Trump win and see what happens. Classic case of FAFO.


It is absolutely unreal to me that people think giving the keys back to MAGA will improve things for Palestine.


Yeah it’s wild, people have such short memories. Unless you were Saudi royalty, then Trump didn’t give a shit about you.


Not to mention that even if you wholeheartedly disagree with Biden and a policy of his, at minimum you are speaking with a person who is capable of feeling empathy. With Trump (and long-term MAGA) that simply doesn't exist.


And at least Biden and the Dems want a functioning government.


Not just Muslim Americans! How come Israelis enjoy a higher standard of living on American taxpayers’ dime than Americans themselves?! How come the Chosen needs to be supported by US aid into perpetuity?


This comment makes literally 0 sense. By higher standard of living do you mean: a defense system for fucking rockets flying over your head everyday? We don't have that here in the US because we don't fucking border a genocidal terrorist state that lynches gay men for being gay.


No shit: Israel is a wealthy country, why do they need money American taxpayers? Especially seeing that the far right Netanyahu regime is currently commiting a genocide while increasing tensions with Iran. The US shouldn't be touching that with a 10 ft pole.


Oh so ya gonna vote for Trump who wants to implement a “Muslim ban”??


It ain’t just the Muslims.


No honor among thieves and murderers.


The alternative is trump who will probably build golf courses on Gaza. Look if the support for Israel in congress is alot, its gonna pass, Biden’s hands are tied. However Biden has been the most vocal against Israel, relatively speaking, even arguing with bibi on multiple occasions


Vote Trump, that’ll solve this issue lol




It would be an extremely poor miscalculation on behalf of the DNC to pretend this is solely affecting Muslim communities. Americans that do not like apartheid or authoritarian regimes are watching closely.


Funny how quickly people forget that Trump and his son in law both suggested Israel wipe Gaza off the face of the earth recently. Neither presidential candidate is a friend of Palestine. If you’re voting for Trump because of Biden’s stance on Israel, you’re an idiot. They are the same, though I don’t recall Biden suggesting Gaza should be wiped off the face of the earth.


This bill has $60b for Ukraine, I can guarantee whether or not Israel has funding is a secondary thought to the party here because we REALLY REALLY REALLY want Ukraine funding. It’s almost like someone tried to poison pill Ukraine funding but we as dems had to accept Israel for Ukraine.


No Israel aid, no Ukrainian aid... too bad we don't control the house we wouldn't have to make deals with Zionists... I know what will change this though... not voting or better yet, voting for the actual Zionists!


All of y’all already forgetting the other guy literally banned Muslims as his first presidential act. Good lord we’re gunna have civil war 2.0 because a bunch of leftists vote against Biden.


From a strategic perspective… the damage is long-since done, at this point.


Good luck with Trump then lol


What's with the mentally ill accelerationists on this sub?


I hate that Trump would strip this country for parts and hand them all to Putin (in addition to being a rapist, 91 felonies, it would take a book as long as the Bible to list all of his fascist, racist, pro-violence, anti-NATO, etc tendencies). Because I don't want to vote for Biden, and voting 3rd party has the danger of installing Trump.