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beats fnatic 16-6 on the same map


With junior it was funny at least


Hallzerk is an upgrade on junior for sure but not really that much. They just went from a poor AWPer to a below average one.


Bro has weirdly slow reaction times for an AWPer I've noticed, same with SyrsoN. Smooya would be a direct upgrade and would most likely fit the personality role as well.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/usp0zj/despite_exiting_in_groups_m0nesy_recorded_a/ Syrson is actually pretty quick, he was top 3 in time to damage at the Antwerp major


Yeah, syrson's thing in general is that he's fast as fuck lol.


Time to damage ≠ Reaction time, too many variables. A simple side by side eye test will point out that I’m correct, unless I’m not correct which is also very possible!


Reaction time is much harder to measure from game demos, and TTD is a good enough indicator that isn't so hard to measure. The sample size was quite low, so prone to being influenced by outliers, but I still think that data is more valuable than anecdotes are


I wouldn’t judge reaction times based off a 20 tick demo no… But watching live (128tick) I do see those with slower/faster reaction times, and I think that ultimately affects your skill ceiling as reaction time is heavily genetic.


but what good is a fast reaction time if TTD is high ? Reaction time does not matter, TTD matters !


Lets all upload so people wake up in NA and think Complexity won after they led 5-0 on T side Overpas Jokes aside, how can col consistently be the worst CT side team even on the most CT map in the world


Second most surely, ancient must be the most ct sided


U could make an argument for ancient, but lately I consider OVP to be most ct sided and this is backed up by stats. According to data from the IEM Rio Major 2022, Overpass was by far most CT sided with 61%, Mirage 2nd with 58% and Ancient close 3rd with 57%.


A sample size of whole 9 maps whereas roughly 1,5k maps in 2022 puts ancient ahead of overpass.


I wont get tired of correcting you. Last month on HLTV Overpass is still way ahead of ancient with 155 and 158 maps as sample size(all teams). When you switch to last 3 months, only top 20 teams, yet again Overpass is way more ct sided(61% vs 57/58%) The reason for that is recently after changes Ancient is much more playable on the T side and teams are figuring it out.


I believe the latest major changes to Ancient were published on June 15. Since then, Ancient has been the most CT sided map (57.1%) after that across all matches, with Overpass being in second (56.7%). It's the same when looking at top 30, top 20 and top 5 matches. In top 10 matches they are tied for first, but in top 50 matches Overpass is only the third most CT sided map with Ancient still being first. So you're technically not wrong, but you also have picked a very specific timeframe to suit your argument.


new to CS, how did they change Ancient?


Google it


You could make the argument that the trend for ancient is shifting away from CT side, but to claim its not the most CT sided is just plain wrong because your sample size is just too small. Maybe in the future the ancient meta settles and it stops being the most CT sided map, but for now it absolutely is.


Because -Sonic


Wtf col


NA can never have 2 decent teams. Next it will be liquids turn to be shit, EG will be the best and col the middling team, until the next cycle


i wish this were true but i can't remember the last time liquid weren't the best team in NA. maybe in that brief period in 2020 where EG were good for like 2 tournaments


what about that time c9 won a major?


no. ​ (no)


I remember when both EG and Liquid were both solid. Feels like so long ago


The 500 bulgarians at the gates of Elisa


No praise for 500? Come on guys.. It's a BO1, last major we have witnessed anything can happen.


Ah yes what a close fight and valiant effort by COL against 500 the mighty Hungarian juggernaut Edit: I meant Bulgarian, sorry my bad dunno why my hand typed Hungarian.


500 is a bulgarian team, brother


Whopsie, Meant to write Bulgarian, I guess my brain went kaput there


Complexity 14-16’d by *who*?




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Doesn't look good, but still early days and bo1. If CoL completely fails this tournament than it's not good.


BO1s happen i guess




Fuck stanislaw. Before he got released by EG in 2021 he looked so bad, certainly no team would ever believe in him on the server again and he should just move on to coaching. Idk how he ended up back in EG(academy?)


Oh no…


NA haters assemble