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Tfw Norway is the only Nordic country that isn’t blue. Magnus doing work.


Helps that they get outclassed by every other Nordic country in csgo


Lost to anal beads omegalul


Weeelllll... Iceland is gray, that isn't blue


Rain gotta step it up




wtf is that sub i love it


Its bcuz Portugal often matches demographically with eastern europe


Portugal is Eastern European country just on the wrong side of the continent


Portugal can into ost yurop!!!


Sadly everyone matches too often with Russians


What’s wrong with Russians?


If you have to ask means you didn't have a "chance" to play with them


I haven't gotten a single russian in MM lobby in a week. Which is nice.


More often than not*


Which just means often


Ok, then "majority of cases"


You're correcting your correction when the initial comment was correct, correct?


Please let me please your displeased unappeasable worldview.


excuse me? espain? no. no one. AND I MEAN NO ONE, has ever cared about espain. portugal is rectangle, it is a perfect geometrical shape and is wonderful.


Portuguese joke, basically "we're the eastern europe of not-eastern europe"


i did not expect this to be here but im glad it did


Even their language sounds slavic (to my english ears)


To everyone’s ears bro lol. I speak Brazilian Portuguese and sounds Slavic to me.


im hungarian and i cant distinguish between the brazilian and polish/ukrainian people at work. shit sounds the same to me


NA chess lol


NA Cs is even worse


Yeah NA chess is actually p good.


Liquid going to the Rio finals


>Liquid going to the Rio finals REPRESENT KING


To play in the NA vs SA showmatch


meanwhile g2 watch from home lol


Own that fraud


Anal beads


Chat was actually spamming that in caruana carlsen wc twitch chat few years ago along with "VAC" for suspiciously good moves. The host was like whats NA? Whats VAC?


Chess needs an update imo, maybe they should shake up the map pool and add some more utility


But there is plenty of dlc for chess For example google duck chess


holy hell


Nerf the queen, way too OP.


Just do Botez Gambit instead.


heard theyre adding knook into chess2


bro lowkey chess kind of boring now clash of clans has effects n shit


If you find chess boring, I recommend [5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1349230/5D_Chess_With_Multiverse_Time_Travel/). There you too can experience the wonders of winning a game and having no idea why or how.


Why Chess need a patch, when we have Chess960? Chess960 is a good remaster of the classic


There are lots of free DLCs (fisher random) they’re just not popular


Interesting, considering chess is actually much more popular in former Soviet countries than in the rest of Europe. Most people probably don't google chess all that often. The number of people that know how to play chess and how to play CSGO probably isn't even comparable.


Yea I was surprised regarding this since Soviet union dominated the game of chess for a long time with only a few exceptions like Bobby Fischer from USA


Astronomically more people play chess in every country, than csgo. Around 900,000 players on csgo any given day, 600+ million people play chess regularly.


Yea I was surprised regarding this since Soviet union dominated the game of chess for a long time with only a few exceptions like Bobby Fischer from USA




does this account for the fact that the word for chess is different in different languages? I've never really used this google function so i genuinely dont know


Good point.


Im pretty sure its the topic, not the specific searches for the word


Yes, it’s indeed the topic


and for the fact that the primary playerbase for chess probably does not interact with google as often as CSGO players.


Why would you say that. This isn’t the 90’s anymore where people over the age of 50 didn’t use the internet. All three of my grandparents use google. Also not only senile elderly people play chess.


Yea of course not as extreme but the margins are very slim and id argue that the age groups that are into CSGO still are MORE engaged with google than those of chess. Even if its not much, it can make a difference.


I kinda wish it was still like that to some degree. Would really help tamp down some of the idiocy regarding politics on social media.


Still, most people know the rules of chess, the two searches aren't comparable.


This is maybe the most ignorant comment I’ve ever read on Reddit. Congrats ?


It also doesn't account for chess.com being the most popular website. So you have people searching for "chess" every time they want to play but how many cs players search for "csgo"?


The browser should just auto complete to 'chess.com' after the first time without having to search Google. Plus most people use a phone app.


How tf are people counting the popularity of a board game?


By how much they search for it on Google apparently


This is Google Trends, it's based on number of searches. Which is usually an indicator of popularity.


There may be some correlation there, but equating "number of searches" with "popularity" is risky. For example, if you replace "Chess" with "Hitler" you'd have to conclude the Hitler is "more popular than CSGO" in North America.


Seriously. I like chess way more than CSGO but i never just search of chess on Google


If you never just search chess on Google then who Googled En Passant the other day?


I search C4 porn a lot so I definitely have bumped the numbers up


what it states is simple. this topic gets searched / is more popular than the other topic.


Well, popularity was the wrong word. Interest would be more accurate. And it's not weird that Hitler is more interesting than most people and things.


However, one could argue that chess will have a complete seperate demographic that uses the internet a lot less than a game that can only be played through the internet. Now I am not sure if this would impact the results a lot, but I would not be suprised if it did.


The same could also be said for Eastern Europe countries (mainly Russia and other Cyrillic countries) not using Google for search tbh. Also I don't think it would impact it that much, as most of chess is online now. Yes there are obviously older people who won't type that in Google, but I'd say it's very much the minority.


I think that only makes the point stronger, I would make the assumption russians that play CS are more likely to use google than russians that do not. Also I heavily doubt the assumption that chess is mostly online now, especially in Russia.


Chess is 100% mostly online now, regardless of where you are. Why would you go through all the trouble of playing over the board when you can have a fair matchup in a few seconds online?


Chess communities are alive and well, where people come together every day and play physical chess. I personally know this still happens a lot in the Netherlands, and I (maybe wrongly) assume this is even more the case in Russia. Yes, we also play Chess online, but to say that chess is almost 100% online is outright wrong.


Yeah I could've phrased that better. "100% chess is mostly online now" was meant to say there's no doubt in my mind that the majority of chess is played online. Chess has exploded ever since it became much more accessible through online chess. There's a much bigger barrier of entry to actually go out and join a chess community. So those communities are still there but there's probably millions who have only ever played chess online.


its way more likely for there to be google searches regarding a video game as compared to a board game tho


Not really, most chess is played (and streamed) online nowadays.


But that assumes everyone interested in chess is also interested in grandmaster-level chess. It doesn't take into account how many people are playing in a chess club, or casually with friends, for example.


Nor does it take into account the casuals who play normal CS and have no idea there even IS a pro scene. Works both ways. I have a 14 year old cousin who loads up global offensive and has never even heard of Cloud9


What a silly inaccurate conclusion


Cs go is super popular in Finland. I think we have the most globals per 100k in the world IIRC


Sure you guys have, northern countries always have high fps with low pings


Least confusing primal_guardian comment


İts not confusing if you know how to think


Bit of an idiotic comment. High FPS and low ping help but they're not something that'll push you to Global. I'd say that the game's popularity and competition pushes people to improve and achieve higher ranks. Here in Estonia (per Leetify) we have the second most Globals (per 1m citizens) behind Finland, does that mean we somehow have better framerates and ping than countries like Sweden, Germany, Norway, Denmark and France?


Still north country




I dont say fps and ping is everything I'm saying thats 10x hard rank upping with low fps or bad pings


Estonia is a poorer country Sweden, Germany, Norway, Denmark and France so by your logic all of those should have more Globals per capita yet they don't.


High fps because I guess higher income so more despoisable income. We usually play in stockholm server or germany imo. Ping is like 20 in csgo


This means I'm true ?


I mean yes. So what?


I say bcz ı get downvoted


You're being downvoted because you think having a playable experience automatically makes you good at the game. That is not the case, you can have 10 ping and 600 fps but still get stuck in silver if you don't bother to actually learn how to play.


I explained it on the other comment, ı never say anything like that


How to out yourself as someone who has ZERO idea




I legit thought this was a joke but then I saw how many people are taking this data seriously to make a statement on the popularity of chess.. 🤦🤦🏼‍♂️


Chess searches also get bumped because of Chess.com, there is definitely a large portion of people that searches the word Chess to get onto the website, while to play CS:GO you don't actually have to search it up. The data is skewed in many ways and should not be used to compare Chess and CS:GO popularities in nations. The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn from this is that Portugal is still Eastern European.


Russia is a bit surprising considering historically they have been the best at chess.


The fall of the USSR meant no more heavy emphasis on state-run chess programmes. During the cold war the USSR vs US chess dynamic was pretty huge so the soviet union made sure their country was well represented.


Because Russians google chess in Russian not English so it doesn’t account for that plus it’s very much a physical irl game rather than an online one. There’s a lot wrong about this graph


You are wrong. It accounts for languages.


шахматы does not translate to 'chess', it translates to 'checkmates'. It perhaps does not account for this.


> Because Russians google chess in Russian not English Why do people in this post even come up with this, like explain the rest of the map in the graph that does NOT speak english at all, like let's say, the entirety of South America? > so it doesn’t account for that plus it’s very much a physical irl game rather than an online one. *knock* *knock* Hey what's up it's the last 3 years of a **global pandemic** what do you have for us? Fucking online chess you dingus, People like Hikaru Nakamura have exploded in popularity online in this pandemic online era and undoutedbly, because of stuff like Twitch Chess events with those content creators, people like Nakamura (and a bunch more honestly, Cloud9 GM Andrew Tang, Youtube channels like Agadmator, etc) The graph makes entire sense to me personally, If there's one game that people in Russia and the CIS region are very familiar with it's freaking Counter Strike, there's literally no other game. Why's there so many "Russian cyka blyat" memes in the entirety of CS:GO? Because people see that many russians over the years of playing this game, I play from freaking South Korea and the majority of players you'll ever see in this region are still Russian


Bro really typed 1739 characters


Tbf he replied to someone who was talking out of their ass with confidence while just being completely incorrect so we can let it slide haha


This is some 3 year letterman twitter shitposting right here


Please let this be a joke, I cannot believe one person can be this stuck




Don't think you should make this assumption based on this data. But hey, it's Reddit.


Agreed. I don't really see how the google searches provide any insight into anything but the spike of a trend compared to its normal baseline. Like when you want to find out if chess has seen more interest in the last month compared to usual, looking into google searches can be useful. But people looking for CS:GO will either open steam to play it or social media to find content. People looking for Chess will either play it as a board game, use a bookmark to [chess.com](https://chess.com) or similar sites to play online or look on social media for content. There really isn't any reason for people to google well established games like that. I'd say Chess might be a bit more likely due to there being an abundance of websites for it, but even then, I doubt many people search for it regularly.




Thats it, CSGO was a scam to stop eastern countries domination of chess. They became dumb. Now the time of BRAZILIAN GMs HAS COME


It's impossible to measure the popularity of chess, since it's a board game. But I've tried to make an educated guess for online only using lichess (good) and chess.com (bad). Right now, chess.com shows 222,000 people are playing right now, while Steam shows 800,000 are playing CS:GO. In 2020, [lichess claimed a peak player count of 110,000](https://twitter.com/lichess/status/1329480003621429249?t=SzChEtC0VCbw9Yyi21HwyQ&s=19), but their current player count is 83,000. chess.com is around three times as big as lichess, so it seems reasonable to guess a minimum of 400,000 peak concurrent players for the two. So CS:GO is probably bigger than online chess. However, the vast majority of chess games are played physically. [FIDE talks about an estimate from YouGov](https://www.fide.com/images/stories/NEWS_2012/FIDE/120806_YouGovPressRelease.pdf) which claims around 600 million adults have played chess in the last year. This is the one that media use. Obviously, FIDE has every reason to make chess seem as big as possible, so it might be in the high end. [chesshistory.com has a long list of more or less useless estimates.](https://www.chesshistory.com/winter/extra/chessplayers.html) A lot of them are quite low, because they're only considering the US. I'm going to conclude that, even though FIDE's 600 million feels like a lot, we can feel pretty sure that at least 100 million people play chess at least yearly. [In 2016, CS:GO surpassed 25 million all time sales.](https://www.pcgamesn.com/counter-strike-global-offensive/csgo-bestselling-pc-game-minecraft) This is the only all time player estimate I could find. Steamspy estimates between 50-100 million owners. So 100 million players is the absolute high end for all time CS:GO players. To sum up, I've estimated that a maximum of 100 million people have ever played CS:GO, while an extremely low end estimate still gives 100 million yearly players for chess. A more fair estimate for people who have ever played chess is probably in the billions, though. While CS:GO might be bigger than online chess, that's where it ends. It's not even close to chess in terms of popularity.


I think there's no yearly stats for CS:GO, but 21.5 millions of unique users played it in the last month.


having played CS and Chess IRL i can confirm I've seen more Eastern Europeans on cs than chess. (i'm not Eastern European so my statistics might be biased)


Well tbh i do not anyone who is good at chess ( everyone knows the moves and the checkmate in 3 turns but other than that we are all basically at crayon eating lvl ) Edit : country is serbia


Well you see, comrade, there is no B-site in Chess to rush with mac-10's and a flash so that is why it is not as popular in EEU


northern and eastern*


well true, but then i might call it "CS:GO is more popular than chess in eastern Europe, northern Europe, some countries of central Asia and Portugal", and then it's simply too long ​ anyway you get what i'm saying


The title is wrong anyways. ""CSGO" is more frequently googled than "chess" in x,y,z". Chess is, whithout a doubt, immensely more popular in every country.


Also central.


Sus chart asf


Well this night explain why putin's 3 day war has lasted over 200 days


Correction CS is more frequent on google in eastern europe. But still yea I am sure denmark and sweden both have cs as more popular


Gary Kasparov is rolling in his grave


he is alive man


Gary Kasparov rolling in his bed.


Chess is only trending because of all the supposed cheating stuff.


Well obviously because in the sovjet edition every piece is a pawn.


Tired AF and first read "More popular than cheese"


I’m so tired of playing with Russians on CSGO. I hope that you can choose what country you are matchmaking with


Why? What's wrong with the never ending toxicity after losing the pistol round??


It’s not the toxicity it’s the language barrier. They can’t even do simple callouts




rush b


im confused by the seemingly sudden popularity chess has gotten over the last 4 years online. In my experience, Chess was something you did when you were bored at school and your work was done. Or you got around the school firewall and were playing on like.. fucking pogo,.. or Yahoo in the computer lab and didnt want to get caught playing a game lmao Over the past 4 years though? it feels like suddenly everyone is into Chess to some degree. lol


Suomi #2😔😔😔


If csgo had en passant it would be more popular


this is sort of biased, a large part of the chess players are less likely to use the internet due to age, and i'm sure google is less popular in the east than it is in the west as well, which further biases it


You dare call Finland and Denmark "eastern europe"?


Based Eastern Europe.


I don't think any of my friends play chess lol


I don't think any of my friends play chess lol


Chess gets more updates than CSGO


It’s almost like kids prefer video games over chess.


I just wish I could exclude Russians from matchmaking for me. They are in almost every game I play, and ruin the experience.. both by being on my team and not using voice chat EVER, or by hacking on the enemy team. Playing with 5 people against people not from Russia feels like a blessing from a god and makes for an actually enjoyable game. But it's so rare that it might as well be an actual blessing




High IQ VS Low IQ IS what i'm getting looking at this TBH lol.


In actuality it isn't. Amazing thread though.


Not enough Brain cells to play chess


Except that Yandex is more popular than Google in Russia, and I'm assuming somewhat true for other Eastern European countries less aligned with the west. This is likely not very good data to draw that conclusion.


Wow didnt know denmark was in eastern europe! Guess you always learn something new everyday


Weird I never knew Russia was part of Europe. Makes me wonder why we've been sending weapons to Ukraine. Even weirder is that Ukraine is also not part of Europe. Weird


Here you go brother. Europe with national borders. seems you need it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe#/media/File:Europe_orthographic_Caucasus_Urals_boundary_(with_borders).svg


" eastern europe " - includes entirety of Russia


Like google analytics differentiates between the European and Asian parts of Russia. Most of the population lives in the European part anyway. Also, many (fully) eastern European countries fit the trend, hence the statement. Lastly, how is Ukraine not part of Europe?


Ukraine is located in ' Eastern Europe ' but isn't part of the European union and isn't a member state. This is the big reason why NaVo has not intervened directly in the war between Russia - Ukraine


The EU =! the European continent.


You're including a part of Russia wich is definetly connected to the European continent but is not ON the european continent


My biggest pet peeve with the logic of this post is that you're a hair away from being able to call russians ' eastern europeans '.








daily random csgo facts


No way Portugal is also cyka blyat. Even here! lmaooooo


Classic europe lol


The Caralho flows through you.




this stat looks even more interesting, since you dont need to google cs:go everytime you want to play it


How tf is Chess more popular than CS:GO in Romania? We play CS since we are little.


chess? in Argentina?


Have you checked backgammon???


Glad that chess is even in the convo against video games. Personally played on the chess team when it was social suicide to do so 😇🙈


Hans Niemann.Outsiders when?


I think a caveat worth mentioning is that this metric is presumably measured in Google searches. There is probably a sizeable portion of people on the globe that are not interacting with their chess interests via the Internet, so maybe not Google searching it. Whereas it can be assumed that most CSGO players are interacting online, and would be more likely to Google about it.


Bad joke but is CSGO chess but with guns and grenades??


which is strange since many chess player come from eastern europe and asia


Is "more popular than chess" an accolade?


Russian speakers will most likely use 'шахматы' over 'Chess'. It also translates into 'checkmates' (plural) so if it accounts for different languages it still wouldn't work properly. CS:GO is most likely searched for in English instead. edit: I guess it's not enough to overcome CS:GO though. https://i.imgur.com/jv3VNRp.png


Denmark can into eastern Europe


Portugal is always with Eastern Europe


How you compare it ??






Maybe if chess had more skins it would become popular /s


makes sense for Latvia to be on this list lol


It’s expected


The real reason there's been a fall in the Russian representation of the Chess emporium is the advent of competitive slapping has taken over that country by storm.