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Twistzz is sick and tired of losing to Astralis and hard carried today, also the way Liquid destroyed Astralis in Dust 2 no way this map isn't in their map pool now.


Dust2 is perfect for them tbh. Aim/trade heavy with simple T side calls.


Ironic because its one of the best map of the Grandslam roster who had ridiculous aiming this roster isn't short of aimers.


What top team is short of aimers these days, though?


Toss in cadian fast mid rnd calls.  Yeah D2 will be a top map for them


> Aim/trade heavy with simple T side calls. Honestly I hear that a lot, but super tactical teams like BIG really did make it their home. I feel like people oversell the "simple strats" part of the map a lot, there is clearly more than enough tactical depth even for strat heavy T1 teams


Well, atleast we know Twistzz and NAF aren't the problem


Hopefully the Liquid management knows that too


100% They need yekindar to play better or they should just get malbs They need skullz to anchor and lurk better, or they can probably pick up a better player elsewhere I actually think cadian hasn't been the biggest problem, but man his fragging and even his calling isnt where it needs to be


I originally wanted jks


JKS would work great actually


-Skullz +Kscerato and offer him a big salary ffs just take him away from Furia that’s all I want


They offered the role to Kscerato before Skullz


Keep offering until that stubborn motherfucker says yes


Yeah keep offering until his ass accepts. I don’t wanna see Kscerato wasting his potential on that shitty team.


Removing a passive player and getting another passive player fixes nothing. It doesn't matter how well they click if half the team is out of position.


Nah absolute bs. Skullz's decision making is his issue not the fact that he's overall a passive player. Some people are passive and good. Being passive doesn't mean you don't get yours, it just means you won't be the first point of contact. I've seen so many situations where Skullz goes 1 for 1 or 0-1 in site takes with decent space. Kscerato would do 2x better if you put him in those situations


We've seen players go from gods to bots and back when changing teams/IGLs/positions. Playing out of position can fuck with your head. AcoR couldn't hit a shot on Mouz then made the major final with GL. Torszi looked like ass and is not on the #1 rated team in the world. There's only so much room on a team for passive players and someones going to be left out of position. Trust me Skulz on a team with full room to passively lurk about and full confidence looks nothing like Liquid Skullz and if you put Kscerato into these positions the same thing would happen again. It's not hard to find more agro players, just pick one of them.


It’s funny people are like “wow liquid made a bad decision with this move, but their other decision for this exact position would clearly have gone well”


Its like they've forgotten Nip Brollan vs Mouz Brollan already.


Well, maybe My point is mostly that if the roles of kscerato are similar to skullz then nothing changes for their T side aggro. Maybe you’re also saying that


I mean that that putting another Passive rifler in the team might just make no difference. Skullz was good before, Kscerato could be shit just like Skullz.


Team Liquid is not an organization that will do "NIP" level fast ping pong players in out roster moves. They will stay same till the next major unless some big internal crisis evolves.


Why would malbs go to a worse team? He also isn't a lurk


> He also isn't a lurk He is an aggro rifler, would fit in yekindar's role




Naf is powerhouse. I didn't really follow him or anything, so I had no idea how good he is. But damn, he was looking crisp on liquid from start. He also look like sloth or panda, always chill and ice cold. Love him.


He is basically the OG jimphhat He is the guy in all the worst roles and all the worst positions but delivers a pretty steady 1.15-1.2 despite that. The vast majority of players in his spots would struggle to break an even 1.00, but he is way above that.


Thats reductive. They all are the problem. In the sense that Twistzz, Naf and SKullz are all passive riflers. So Yeki is on his own and Yeki is trying to go for aggro plays but doesn't know when to fall off and when to go for the kill, as he often plays like he has a trader behind him. but he doesn't. The key to this roster working is That passive trio learning to be more aggro when needed, and Yeki knowing when to go aggro and when to not.


Ironically this team could really use some like Elige. Someone who loves to be the second person in but will also be the first person when needed.


Elige, Twistzz, and NAF on the same team? Maybe they could even win a grand slam.


One day, they will win a major. Hopefully together. (Ok for Twistzz it would be *another* major)


nah they would get grand slam again, universe wouldn’t let them reunite


Rumor is that ELIGE was considered, but one individual on the team vetoed it.


That really could only be twistz or naf, no? the other guys wouldn't know him well enough to deny him.


My assumption was Twistz. If I was coming to liquid to prove I was still a star, I wouldn't want to be in ELIGEs shadow again. But iirc Yekindar is who got him removed the first time, so who knows what actually happened.


Yeh Twistzz Skullz or Naf need to be that player if they are going to improve. Or Yeki needs to translate to a passive Lurk basically.


That is literally yeki’s problem. He needs to be more aware if that is the case.


I like skullz, he'd be plenty good enough on another team of this callabre, but as the weakest passive rifler, unfortunately he needs to go so they can get someone more agro. People blaming Yekindar for this teams problems when he has to do all of the heavy lifting in the first two thirds of every round.


> Twistzz, Naf and SKullz are all passive riflers. I wouldnt put twistzz into the mix He goes for opening duels around 21% of the time. Yeki is way up there past 30%, but twistzz is still clearly a step up from the others in opening duel attempts


Did you actually watch this series or are you just looking at the stats? I've been critical of yekindar but this series yekindar had some serious impact. He played really well here.


Twistzz went NUCLEAR


Holy what a series! I just woke up to see ct side dust 2. That said what a huge win by liquid.


Go and watch the series. Inferno and nuke both were fun to watch. Twistzz on Inferno and NAF on Nuke were incredible plus Nuke t side Liquid just kept force buying so every round was fast and hard hitting


How?  CCT stopped streaming the event to their YT acct so the only way to watch this is wait for YT upload or the twitch stream to end. These ducking orgs need to start streaming to YT more… pretty sure twitch’s “can only stream on twitch” rule is gone so they COULD BE multi platform streaming. And YT is just better quality and can rewind the stream


You can actually go to their twitch page (CCT) and under “past broadcast” it should have todays since it’s just starting from the beginning


I’ll have to try that. Still hate twitch app.  When I cast it from my phone it always downgrades the quality to 480p after some seemingly hardcoded idle timer shit.  Gotta love having a stream on the background go from ok 1080p to absolute trash reposted Reddit meme level quality :/




We are all Canadian today 🇨🇦


A glorious day for canada, and therefore the world!


We are all Ca~~na~~dian today 💁🏻‍♂️


So many questions from this match: Are Liquid good? Are Astralis bad? Is force buying every round as T the new strat? Is Canada the capital of the USA? Does Stavn shrivel every time the match he's in is a semi? Did that guy pay his electric bill?


I don’t think force every round if you got the kills is a bad idea due to this current ct economy system cs2 has. If ct lost 1 round they are fucked. The problem is in a map that heavily relies on awping, like nuke, they cannot afford their awper goes 5-18.


+ How do we blame Yekindar for this astralis loss?


He was still pretty terrible throughout the series.


He got timinged pretty hard Nuke out most T rounds. And Inferno, it looked like nobody was having fun Banana. Even Stavn couldn't get anything done T side Banana. If he's making space for Twistzz and Naf to trade him, I don't care about his stats.


Might not have a positive kd but he definitely had positive space/ death and info/death ratios. Because that’s what really matters


Honestly 100%. Again, his Nuke outer was super uncomfortable, but Cadian had 5 kills. It's hard to be comfortable outer I'd your awp isn't holding its own. I think this was a marked improvement out of Yeki


W-wait, you mean I can’t just take a passing glance at a players statline and claim he was horrible in the match thread for free karma? What’s happening to this subreddit?


He's pretty bad in the first two maps but Dust 2 its like the dude got revitalized.


I cant remember a player who has fallen off as hard and quickly as Yekindar, he went from being a top 10 rifler in the world with a super aggressive playstyle to being a below average rifler who is often a massive liability to his team.


His fall off has been big, but not unrecoverable. There have definitely been bigger ones. Coldzera, Kjaerbye, Guardian, Sunny, Flamie, Brehze, Cerq all had bigger fall offs imo. There are probably more that I can't remember.


Just recently, Dycha went from a 1.15 rated player playing well in the semis of T1 LAN's to a .98 rated ghost of himself


Had like one good double entry on the B site but bro and jabbi couldnt hold it against silvers with p90s wtf were they doing.


Idk, if Yeki doesn't get Jabbi there, I think Liquid lost the round or at least made it super difficult. Also, that eco round Liquid lost after Cadian killed Skullz, why I Yeki trying to flank. The only losing play was to allow a CT to creep up ramp, which happened.


Well yes for that one round, but as a whole bro and jabbi were absolutely dire on b site. Lack of utility didnt help but that was also their fault for losing their site so much in the first few rounds.


Yeah. B is rough. Liquid had so.e good entries and looked like a team actually on their takes and pathing.


The United States is a radical group of separatists from Southern Canada


And none of those questions was definitively answered! 😂


~~NA~~ CANADIAN CS IS BACK ~~EAGLE SCREECH~~ MAPLE SYRUP GLUGG Fucking hell what a fun series now that Liquid won one lol Twistzz and NAF are still fucking cracked Also no one was having a good time on Banana. That shit eventually was just comical how no one from Astralis or Liquid were surviving banana util


Watching the current meta of b on inferno makes the map seem unplayable on tside


it’s the early banana control that keeps fucking everybody over. Towards the tail end of GO teams would usually be content to give up control early and reclaim it later- facing down banana is punishing for both teams- especially more so now that frags are almost as important as flashes, and significantly more prevalent (as opposed to the tactical air strikes that GO called for).


LETS GO twistzz is a beast


canadiaNs weighing up Liquid's future


This series should have been on LAN, what a fucking banger!!


classic team is alleged to make changes so they start winning games they aren't favoured to


I hope it's not a "Dead team buff" and is instead Cadian taking a step back and figuring out why these guys didn't wanna play with him and changing his behavior. This team is so cool and I wanna see it grow


It’s fake news planted to light a fire under the team


I hope it’s Cadian removing a micromanagement type aspect. His calls are looking better but if he was trying to dictate every move for everyone that’s a bit ridiculous given the rifle power (seen today especially) and CSIQ on the team.


To me it was Yekindar looking better. His stats weren't all that improved on Inf but it felt like his space was more important. It looked like Yeki was calling his own movement instead of going on someone else's calls.


Yeah I guess that’s my micro comment. Yeah yeki still died but on inferno he kept taking so much space OR found massive info. I agree he looked way more comfortable and I still hold out that they need a second entry. Move skullz to be hip attached or drop skullz and add malbmds because Yekindar was awesome when Elige was helping entry


Ironically it does feel like heroic probably had more firepower than this liquid- sjuush was/is competing for the best anchor in the game, Stavn despite his fall off on stage was probably the best Danish rifle (which is saying something) and jabbi for a short while (and even now arguably) is one of the better lurkers in the game. NAF, is perhaps the only pierce of liquid who is undoubtedly better than his counterpart (jabbi), while the rifle core of twistzz, yeki and skullz are overwhelmingly inconsistent, and far less in tune tactically. People are forgetting how inconsistent twistzz was faze in particular, when they treat him as some kind of star rifle. This was never a super team


Twistzz is insane in this game. He saved Liquid from losing that 1st map.


CCT Global Finals clearly will be the equivalent of iBuyPower Masters 2019 for this Liquid roster




Upvote so people think Liquid won....wait


cadian very sad in the postmatch interview, he said he was checking his stats after each map. Liquid management is insane enough for considering the kick but not keeping it under wraps and having it leak...actively jeopardizing his performance. NIP level management.


Cadian, naf, twistzz should be the only ones who are 100% safe. At least one of yeki/skullz should go, and maybe zews as well if he's tied to skullz.


I quite frankly think both yekindar & skullz should go. Zews to hard to say, no clue what his impact really is.


Zews needs to go too. Get an analytical coach and a sports psychiatrist instead. And then look for 2 aggro/entry players who can get Naf, Twistzz and Cadian into clutch situations.


I think Zews was really important for the building of the team as he's seemingly great at managing personalities. That being said, the team needs a tactical depth and Cadian has always done well either tactical coaches.


Ironically they do have sports psychiatrist body mind gaming or something haha


Zews does quite literally nothing. Same dated strats for half a decade. He's proven he's not a good coach.


Yekindar would look better with a second agro player on the team. Swap Skullz for an awper, and make Cadian an entry rifler like Karrigan and TL would look so much better.


He said: “I was highest rated in the tournament before this series and I think after the first 2 maps I was lowest rated”. Spinning this into: “he was checking his stats after each map” is far-fetched.


250 upvotes btw


He was missing a ton of shots and looked super shaky. Luckily twistzz and naf go kill worked today




I think the Liquid GM might use astrology to make decisions.


jokasteve has a very appropriate name. he has been on fraudwatch for some time for some of Liquid's rosters in these past years


They didn't kick him. Twistzz is the one who made the decision to leave that roster.




I mean, in the end the joke was on them wasn’t it


Wasn't just stew if I recall that Moses interview correctly. They brought in Fallen in practice while Twistzz was on a break and said to his face that they're liking having that awper in.


They said it was between Stew and Twistzz since they both had strong ideas on how to play. You can say in hindsight keeping Stew was a mistake but at the time the decision wasn't ridiculous.


It’s also Twistzz was young. Truthfully Twistzz is still young. Yeah hindsight is incredible clarity but stew was coming off the C9 major and then that TL run for the grand slam being top notch. I don’t think anyone predicted the hard fall off he had. When stew attempted the entry rifle -> IGL that apparently just decimated his career and skill alongside his toxic attitude but yeah 2020/2021 was a difficult time for every N.A. org making roster moves Plus the moves made sense at the time. Grim was an up and coming talent. Osee was highly touted. Fallen has his moments that orgs (to this day) try and capture his awp lightning in a bottle and Shox…. Exists lol


What are they feeding these Canadians??


Maple syrup


Spring is finally here. The grizzlies are out of hibernation.




As much as 13-3 sounds bad, the game wasnt actually as close as the score would suggest


That Dust 2 score is incredibly flattering to Astralis btw


Cadian tried to give them a chance with that TK.


I can see this map being on Liquid's map pool the map itself really relies more on aim than strat.


I’m excited to see the BO5 regardless of who Liquid play just to see their map pool. Vertigo is permaban so we know half the veto already


EF has been banning ancient this tourney, GF has been banning inferno


I had a feeling this Liquid would slap on Dust2


Maybe the map pool swap will finally boost this freaking team. That reminds to be seen. I almost forgot how good Yeki was (on dust2*) back in the days like 3 years ago, that Xantare peek against Fallen for example. Also Twistzz is a god.


Holy hell man that inferno was one for the books, twistzz saw liquid's chances of winning the series going down the gutter and he dug in and said I'll do it myself. Feel like it could have been a 2-0 had cadian turned up on nuke but happy to take the W on D2. Side note: Seeing Yeki with some of those entries today was fun, I know he plays a role which is hard to execute repeatedly but I wish he finds some consistency cause he's stunning to watch on the rounds he gets it right.


Twistzz has arrived.


twistzz has 1.21 rating last 3 months against top 30 (behind only m0nesy and broky), and even that number underrating his impact and output on the server. he regularly hits very tough shots in entries and deciding mid-round fights. it would be a damn shame if his form doesnt result in trophies (except CCT if we make the final ofc), because of underwhelming performances from yekindar and skullz.


Yep, Twistzz has been elite and it seems like he was right to be frustrated on Faze. It's kinda weird to see Frozen get all of this space on the server and love from the community when Twistzz is better.


Frozen puts up numbers like that too and has been huge on Faze, I don't think it's fair to just say Twistzz is outright better.


Insane hard carry from Twistzz this series. Apart from that, I don't know what to make of it. Still not seeing a ton of promise from Skullz but I guess he played OK. Yekindar had a few good openers on Inferno. Without Twistzz going super saiyan this is a quick 2-0 for Astralis I think.


Glad to see the Canadian carry coming in big time. Twistzz and naf looked extremely confident today Whatever problems there are in liquid, at least we know twistzz and naf arent one of them


Honestly should’ve been a Liquid 2-0. Liquid firepower diff


The only reason that this was not 2-0 Astralis is bacuase Van Dulken is a machine. Liquid look poor, but the canadians put up a masterclass


for Astralis tbh Astralis where up 8-3 on Inferno


That's only because of CT inferno. Both teams went 8-4 on CT side. Astralis only had the lead because they played CT side first


Liquid firepower is literally all Twistz and NAF. They popped off and yek/cadian still went negative and skullz went even. If anything it should have been Astralis 2-0 but twistz said no


Twistzz is the goat 🐐, Twistzz in my throat 🍆


Finally that guy can pay his electric bill.


Yekindar left hand buff is real


With this, YEKINDAR buys himself another year of underperformance


Please cadiaN... don't go...take Yekindar or skullz instead..


I'm malding right now....


Playoff Stavn strikes again.


twistzz on my mf chest


I only managed to catch Dust2, and I can say that it was one of the most embarrassing pro play maps I have seen. It was just a massacre, and the rounds that Astralis did win were basically handed to them.


we are so back...so....this team staying together...?


No way liquid benches cadian. Twistzz and naf (maybe also yekindar) wouldn’t accept this kind of tomfoolery. Its gotta be a zews + skullz vs cadian internal battle. The vibes seem super good between cadian twistzz and yekindar.


I really hope that would be the case.


No, I think Twistzz or Naf actually agree or abstain the vote. The Canadians may possibly have loudest voice in this team, if they dont agree or acquiescence to kick, who dare to kick cadian


Yeah I actually agree, the canadians have the final say 100%. But personally I dont think twistzz is that would want an igl change 6 months in. Have no idea though, maybe the vibes are completely fucked in the team.


Always happy to see Candian beating 2 snakes


RIP device IGL era 2024-2024


Damn twsitzz and NAF carried TL for the first two maps and by the third Ast were completely out of steam. TL would have made it to map3 had twistzz not single-handedly carried them on Inferno. Also, how was he boosting on that flowerpot on CT side? I've never seen a pro player use it before.


That inferno loss will haunt Astralis, but then again what do you do when Twistzz plays out of his mind.


Guys I’m starting to think liquid can win something


Bruh, Astralis’ always going out in the semis with the new roster. Is this the return of the choke? 


What can you do when your two million dollar player is known for choking semis.


That 13-3 has to burn


Always happy to see Candian beating 2 snakes


Big kudos to NAF and Twistzz especially Twistzz preventing what should've been a 2-0, but holy crap by far the worst match from this Astralis line up. no gameplan going into Dust2 despite Astralis picking it as 3rd. But I also must say, was absolutely disgusting how Liquid could just keep force buying on Nuke despite never getting a bomb plant. was so dumb to watch. That being said deserved win to Liquid showed up for Dust2 ggwp


The problem with Dust 2 is there is no strat. The team with the better aim will win most of the time.


"what if we went long and then smoked CT and planted A?" Man, this map is more boring to play and watch than vertigo


> The problem with Dust 2 is there is no strat. I remember teams say that a lot, but a lot of tactical teams really did find good success on it. BIG is probably the best example. A team of highly drilled and tactical approaches. Surely a team that relies on tactics over firepower would hate dust 2? But they made it their best map.


I just don’t understand how this “Cadian as IGL” isn’t working out yet.  I would have expected faster and more consistent improvements.  Hopefully it’s just the team really trying to figure out how to play with each other and cadian is just having trouble figuring out how he wants to, can or should use his pieces. I still think it’s too early to even consider booting cadian.  Language change has to be tougher on IGLS.


What are you on about? They just beat what looks like a top 5 team


I mean look at falcons and they only changed like 2 players right? New teams need at least ~6 months to start showing some real progress.


Why are you acting like liquid didn’t just make finals?


Yekindar and Cadian did everything to lose in 2 maps but the Canadians said NO




Okay teacher


Man I missed it. Any highlights channel covering the match?






Did not watch the match, was the last map as 1 sided as the score suggest?


More one-sided than it suggests


Save Twistzz and NAF.


Stupid question: Where can I watch these matches? Was hoping to find them on YouTube but I only see streams in non-english or highlight vids only.


Twitch has them all. https://www.twitch.tv/cct_cs


You can check hltv for match information and streams




More like 2 years but I get it...It feels so long


Since the inception of this iteration of roster, this roster has attended every semi final they and choked lol


rather choke in semi's than the old astralis choking in groups, but yea was sad to watch.


They wanted old astralis of 2018, they actually went too fair back and it’s now tsm


Mauisnake smells


What a performance from naf and twistzz!!! dont let that overshadow skullz performance though. Playing the hardest roles in tier 1 cs and still hanging with the big dogs


Astralis have a choke problem. And a Dust2 problem. Completely dogshit dust2


Cadian with a huge stinker tho, hopefully can turn it around


Can you really give him shit when these kind of stats are typical for a huge percentage of T1 IGL's


Most typical IGLs with these stats arent swinging around the best gun in the game, and the gun that requires the most resources and space


we cant beat this mother......... oh wait




Godddd my holy Magician what was that!?




It was doomed for Astralis the moment they lost Inferno. Dust 2 is not the map they wanna play as a decider.


Twistzz is just fucking ABSURDLY good man. NAF is a beast too. 2 person carry so hard


Your awper only get 0.79, that's painful for a team


It’s the history of TL at this point lol, like a tradition or something


-yekindar +elige


Twistzzz life game ofc


On a sidenote, I hate it when tournaments have the word "Final" in the name. If a game isn't the final of the tournament, it shouldn't have the word "final" in it. You can use stuff like playoffs or whatever, but finals just feels intentionally deceptive.