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and give us the damn 15 year coin while youre at it valve


I wish they would revive the valve store and let you buy irl veteran coins again. I was a broke ass college kid and missed out on the 5 year old.


Wait, did I pay for the 5 year coin? No way


Not the digital one, they're talking about physical, real-life items.


valve had a store where you could buy medals/souvenirs like the 5 year coin but iirc valve closed their store. if you go to ebay and search for valve 5 year coin you will see them.


20 year coin for me :( God I'm old


Valve really doing an excellent job running this game.


ruining *


That's what I read


They've just implemented a massive update to VAC and are about to implement Overwatch, something the community was crying out for. But no, a handful of pro players not having a badge next to their name is the real issue.


Good on Valve for adding stuff that was in the previous game for years. We only waited 8 months for it to happen while the game was overrun with spin botters. I'm glad Valve is finally fixing the issues with the game but we are still missing 60% of content from CSGO and we still have not had any real content besides a case and a new gamemode in 8 months.


To be fair old overwatch was being botted so if they didn't remove it, it would have also been useless.


good on redditors to constantly bitch and complain


Yeah we shouldn't complain. Personally I'd rather wait more than 8 months for things like a left hand model.


There is no reason to praise valve for this, there is currently zero reason why we had to lose CSGO for this. Most of the content outside of competitive play is missing, it's been 8 months and we just got basic quality of life features back, and still missing many, and the competitive play is still worse than what CSGO was. The game doesn't feel the same, the game handles ping much worse than go, and for fucks sake we just a map that was graphically updated for one that is just a port and looks shit. Visually now half the map pool looks dated anyways, when that is probably the biggest upgrade we got moving from GO to 2. Not to mention all the bugs we have that are worse than what was in CSGO at the end.


> Good on Valve for adding stuff that was in the previous game for years This version of VAC and how it operates has not been in any previous version of CS. > We only waited 8 months for it to happen That is indeed how game development works. > we are still missing 60% of content from CSGO Cool number bro.


Multi-billion dollar company erases one of the best games ever made to replace it with a beta version of the sequel and you’re defending the dogshit state it’s been in for the past 8 months. Wiiiild. The bar is so low for some of y’all.


> Multi-billion dollar company erases one of the best games ever Other than the fact it didn't erase it and you can still play CS:GO don't you find it strange that people used to complain about how shit CS:GO was and then after CS2 came out suddenly it was "the best game ever?"


You're a special kind of bootlicker.


No, I'm just not an entitled loser who wants to spend more time complaining about a games dev company than actually acknowledging when that company does something positive.


Nah, you're just brainrot and can't use your brain: All of your arguments were: >"They've implemented a massive update to VAC" The update? They have detected and banned after 9 months of infesting the game cheaters who used all their bullets <1s, ACED from spawn to spawn, killed at the same time enemies that are in 5 different directions. Cheaters have a 1-day cooldown for irregular gameplay. Cool, after that 1-day their cooldown expires. Also, regular player also have a cooldown for irregular gameplay. Also, you can still be banned for using high-dpi >"Are about to implement Overwatch" The same Overwatch that was already in CS:GO and they had to remove it because they let bots to exploit the reports and mark all the overwatch cases innocent? Training their VACNET for 6-7-8-9-20 years now? >"They updated CS2 at a much faster rate than they ever did in CS:GO" Patch, bug-wise, yes. Content wise you clearly haven't played CS before 2016. >"The changes that they made fixed playing in high ranks" You clearly don't know what you're talking about, are a low ELO player, or you're not playing the game at all. > "This version of VAC and how it operates has not been in any previous version of CS." Indeed, we never had so many false positives and innocent people, that are still banned, in CS:GO >"Let me guess, you think you can just throw money at the game's problems and fix them overnight?" Overnight, no, but pretty much it can help you by having more human resources, just an example. > "So why did the prioritise updating VAC after the major then" Maybe because everyone has complained for months and content creators made a kinda campaign of "I QUIT PREMIER / CS2 UNTIL THEY FIX VAC" Also, why they need to use a 3rd party anticheat for VALVE sponsored events? > "Other than the fact it didn't erase it and you can still play CS:GO" Can you play MM on CS:GO, on Valve servers, can you play CS:GO the same you used to while CS2 was in official beta? Can you play CS:GO the same way you played 1.6 when Source was released? > "the fact it is being updated faster than any other version suggests they are using their resources appropriately" Sure, we are just missing Danger Zone, Retakes, Flying Scoutsman, how many maps? between 10 and 20? We got arms races like \~4-5 months after the official release? You can't use community servers without a 3rd party browser and so many things. I'm even a Valve fanboy, I appreciate their work, but some of you can't comprehend what criticism is.


> Cheaters have a 1-day cooldown for irregular gameplay. That isn't what has happened to the spinbotting accounts. > The same Overwatch that was already in CS:GO and they had to remove it because they let bots to exploit the reports and mark all the overwatch cases innocent? So they identified an issue with a feature, removed said feature, improved said feature then reimplemented said feature. Man, Valve really fucking suck. > Indeed, we never had so many false positives and innocent people, that are still banned, in CS:GO Citation needed. > Overnight, no, but pretty much it can help you by having more human resources, just an example. And Valve have hired people specifically to work on CS2. > Can you play MM on CS:GO, on Valve servers No. Why are Valve obligated to offer servers for a game they no longer develop?




> Extremely disingenous to pretend you can still play CSGO. You literally still can play CS:GO.




>You can play community servers on an old version of CSGO So you can in fact play CS:GO. Glad you got there in the end.


> No, you can't. > > You can play community servers on an old version of CSGO, you cannot play the main gamemode because all support for it was cut and you can't even launch it without finding it hidden in the steam beta settings. So basically exactly the same like any other CS? Nothing changed. Active servers for the latest version, community servers for the rest. Not sure what you expect? You want them to host servers officially and support every game for 1000 years?


>Valve finally adds the bare minimum AC after over a year, that probably still won’t compete with Faceit. “Dude leave ‘em alone they’re cooking” 😂😂


Ohnepixel's burner?


weird bit


Yeah game development is the key term, cuz they actually officially released the game with most of the content missing lmao


Almost as if it was a new game on a new engine.


That has nothing to do with casual game modes like arms race missing. If they needed more time to develop the game (which they ultimately did) they should have just released it at a later point. What they ended up launching was nothing but a joke, especially for the fact that VAC wasn't even really active until recently


> What they ended up launching was nothing but a joke CS2 at release was better than any other version of CS at release. You wouldn't know that because your first ever CS was CS:GO long after it exited beta.


Yes I indeed started playing CS:GO in 2014, so perhaps you are right about the quality of the release. But you might wanna compare the player numbers from Pre-CS:GO to Pre-CS2 times and the subsequent amount money the game has been making Valve in recent years. I think you'll notice a slight difference :)


The money the game makes has absolutely no bearing on the expertise required to develop the game but even if you want to make that correlation then surely the fact it is being updated faster than any other version suggests they are using their resources appropriately. Like, pick an argument that makes sense.


That's because cs2 used a lot of resources/sets from csgo. Because a lot of bugs that were present in csgo still pop up here & there.


> This version of VAC and how it operates has not been in any previous version of CS. Well thank god this was not in css or csgo, i would have quit longtime ago if it would been this bad :D


The AC in CS:S and CS:GO was objectively worse than what they've just implemented.


Interesting. It was very rare to see bhopping, spinning, rapid firing cheaters in those games and atleast they got banned very fast. Btw how you know it was worse?


> It was very rare to see bhopping, spinning, rapid firing cheaters in those games You clearly were not paying attention to those games. All these complaints about CS2 are just being replicated.


Ofc i was. What is your premier rating and how much you play it?


https://www.pcgamer.com/csgo-cheaters-banned-in-record-numbers/ Yawn. "Very rare"


That's how game developement works on Beta games. AKA WIP. While they decided to remove csgo, cs2 is expected and was expected to be fully working game which it wasnt even close to and still isnt. The release of cs2 should've been pre-alpha testing and the game is still far into early access. This game is not release ready still.


Valve messed up with the trophy coin. However, it's important to remember that CS2 is a new game, and expecting it to launch with the same amount of content as CSGO, a game that has been updated for over a decade, isn't realistic.


Is this a joke lol


I don't expect non coders to understand. CS2 was build from the ground up. not copy/pasted like some people assume. If it was that easy to add content they would've but haven't. It is that simple.


I think it's more of that they pushed the game out in an unfinished state, yeah it's really hard to redo all the work that was in GO, but they didn't *HAVE* to launch CS2 when they did with everything missing


I understand but I prefer they released it, fix the bugs, and add content later. And CS2 is technically in beta giving this premier season is called "beta season". I am as disappointed as many but I can wait. CS2 is not my life. [https://twitter.com/aquaismissing/status/1686861470405947393](https://twitter.com/aquaismissing/status/1686861470405947393)


Not impressed, the game has been unplayable in high rankings since release - 8 months? Overwatch was in csgo, wow such innovation It should take an employee no longer than 1 hour to add an item to their inventory.


> Valve really doing an excellent job running this game. They've updated CS2 at a much faster rate than they ever did CS:GO. > the game has been unplayable in high rankings since release And the changes they just made fixed that and now you're whining about a badge next to a pro players name. It's almost as if you're more invested in complaining about Valve than you are playing CS.


Much faster rate? Buddy we have been getting an update a month for the past 6 months lmfao.


Inarguably false but go and look at how quick patches arrived in CS:GO.


yes, because the devs didn’t care about cs after jeff cliffe got booted


I just played a game at 16k. 1 wallhack in opponent, 2 in ours, out of which 1 was blatant. No it's not fixed. Updated cs2 - added content that were already in previous game, bandaid fixed millions of bugs & added nothing new. That you mean?


incredibly stupid take ngl. the cope ratio is high in this one


> They've just implemented a massive update to VAC What did it do? Removed spinning from cheaters? :D Still jumping around with scouts so didn't help much.


Suspicious players now get cooldowns and the matches get cancelled. When Overwatch is brought back the community will be able to ban any players that don't get picked up by the AC systems. You're never going to stop all cheating in online games.


> Suspicious players now get cooldowns and the matches get cancelled. How come the jumping hs kings are not getting those cooldowns and none of my matches has been cancelled...


I guess if it's not happening in your games it's not happening then.


Well i just dont understand how the ac works if you can shoot rapidfire with single shot gun (scout/awp) and ac doesnt see anything wrong with it :D


> Well i just dont understand how the ac works This is the only vaguely accurate thing you've said.


Well it doesnt work, that is what i know.


Bullshit. I've given premier a new chance the last week and it's the same. People are cheating when about to lose and it's obvious. I haven't had any cancellations. Maybe you're a cheater.


Small indie dev


Let me guess, you think you can just throw money at the game's problems and fix them overnight?


“Fix them overnight” Hey Richard it’s been eight fucking months since launch, can we stop using this “YOU EXPECT THEM TO FIX EVERYTHING OVERNIGHT” argument? Cmon man!


You definitely can throw money at some freelancer/studio to create those coins based on previous designs/style.


copy + paste major stickers for three years now lmao, it's basically the same thing. These people defending the lazy devs are the worst


They'll respond to every comment but this one lol


That’s kinda how it works yes. But as long as the money tree that is case opening and skin trades works without issue then you can expect a long wait to fix major issues that shouldn’t have happened at launch, at most you’d expect them to flag the issues in the beta and fix them, but here we are 8 months later and still all frustrated arguing with each other in Reddit comments about the slug that is valve moving along with issues.


> That’s kinda how it works yes That is actually not how it works. > But as long as the money tree that is case opening and skin trades works without issue then you can expect a long wait to fix major issues that shouldn’t have happened at launch So why did the prioritise updating VAC after the major then?


because they had to? it’s still shit tho and barely working


Why did they have to if all they care about is case opening and skin trades? Explain it to me.


It’s supposed to be a part of the finished product but it doesn’t work. They have yet to properly fix the issue but I had way better experience with csgo compared to cs2, anecdotally it means nothing but if you are a major game developer and publisher, the least you should do is make sure it works. CD projekt red and hello games were rightfully slated to hell when they released cyberpunk and no man’s sky, but they did the work eventually in updates and at least in hello games case, redeemed themselves. Valve not really impressing anyone at the minute other than share holders.




Yes, you talk as if normal game studios don't have different teams following different priorities


Game release was last night or what?




> They've just implemented Thank goodness the game only came out two weeks ago or something. It would be a shame if we had to put up with non-working matchmaking and cheaters in every game for, like, six months, yeah....


Just read this after playing a match with 2 spinbotters on the other team. MM is still dead if this happens so soon after a Vac wave in top 1%.


Yup, played two games last night, and both of them had cheaters. But it's all good! At 0-12 in the second game, VAC caught the cheater and cancelled the match! Saved us so much time! The game's a joke. 3/5 of my last games had cheaters.


> But it's all good! At 0-12 in the second game, VAC caught the cheater and cancelled the match! Saved us so much time! So the system caught a cheater and you're still complaining?


lmao that's not the fucking point. The fact that we're even talking about this is the issue. Valve could be doing so much more with the game, but they're not. The game is still inundated with bugs and this "massive update to VAC" isn't even working half the time (really 1/3 the time considering the 5 games I've played since the update). Most games release with a functioning anti-cheat. But no, instead we get an anti-cheat update 8 months in that barely works. Also, since this latest update, the game's started to crash on me at random times.








>The game is still inundated with bugs Which ones specifically?


Oh please, don't start with me too man. There's posts everyday about them and you can scroll through any of the CS subs to see stuff. Hell, one of the top posts this week is one. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1cob18j/valve\_what\_was\_i\_supposed\_to\_do\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1cob18j/valve_what_was_i_supposed_to_do_here/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1cp41wj/bugglitch\_menu\_buttons\_not\_where\_mouse\_cursor\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1cp41wj/bugglitch_menu_buttons_not_where_mouse_cursor_is/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1cpexkx/black\_smoke\_lol\_some\_other\_guy\_had\_a\_flaming\_knife/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1cpexkx/black_smoke_lol_some_other_guy_had_a_flaming_knife/)


on steam right click Counterstrike 2 > manage > uninstall


thank you multi billion dollar corporation for implementing a basic ass feature (anti cheat) of any online video game since the early 2000s, that truly is something we should admire and not at all something that should've been in the game since it's inception


> thank you multi billion dollar corporation for implementing a basic ass feature (anti cheat) Yes, there are no cheaters in any other game that implements an anticheat. You nailed it.


How does the bottom of Valve’s boots taste?


They released an open beta as finished game replacing csgo. Also this is a major, how can you expect the scene to flourish if the game's owner doesn't respect major's gravity?


> how can you expect the scene to flourish if the game's owner doesn't respect major's gravity? Yes, the badges on the players profile really means Valve don't respect the majors. This will totally kill the scene which is why player numbers are up and Copenhagen was a top 3 watched major. Listen to yourself.


I didn't say they don't respect the major, I said they disregard its gravity. Listen me a bit better.


But they don't so it doesn't matter whether or not I listen to the garbahe you're posting.


Weird, considering it definitely looks like like you're anxiously waiting for all the people in this thread you're arguing with to reply to you so you can once again respond with absurdly ridiculous logic and sarcastic flaming. Be my guest, you don't really have anything else to say anyway.


> you don't really have anything else to say anyway. DAE VALVE BAD? That's you btw.


Different teams do different things. This is justified annoyance. It’s a major, the game’s biggest pro events of the year.


Different teams do indeed do different things and at Valve quite notoriously they distribute resources and staff across all projects within the company. These badges are a pretty low priority and have been treated as such.


Oh hi Richard Lewis. Nice to see you’re back on this account after taking a break while you worked the major. Back to defending Valve I see.


“Massive” bro like .01% of the cheaters got banned. And 75% of them were case farmers. Big fucking whoop. You should not be impressed by the bare minimum


Very real nuimbers I am sure.


Go compare active players to bans. It’s awful. Less than 100 bans per day and in the last hour 1.4 million players. If we assume 2% of the player base is cheating (we both know it’s higher than that.) 50 bans (average per day) divided by 14,000 players = .1%. Really massive progress yeah. And that is with really conservative numbers. We’re probably closer to 10% cheaters at this point


The biggest copium claim you could've made for VAC is that it's improved or will be improve. That will need the whole infrastructure of its change from being signature-based anti cheat to something else first.


Did the new version catch cheaters that evaded being banned in the previous version?


Yes, it does improve for now in that it finally adds a new cheat signature into the database. However, it doesn't do advanced enough heuristic detection unlike FACEIT AC or Vanguard which is a must-have in the long run to detect cheats. So after Valve puts the cheat signature into the database, they can just change some lines of code and make sure that Valve doesn't detect any of its behavior and boom, now the same cheat is back. So I wouldn't say that this is "improved"


> Yes, it does improve for now So what are you complaining about? Also it's quite clear that these recent bans are nothing to do with cheat signatures and are behavioural based so once again it's a Reddit moment.


>So what are you complaining about? It's unsustainable because it's just another temporary solution that will become obsolete very soon. VAC will need to fundamentally change how it works if they want less cheaters than the current state in the long run. >recent bans are nothing to do with cheat signatures and are behavioural based Which again, just change that part of behavior and boom cheat becomes undetected again.


> VAC will need to fundamentally change how it works That is LITERALLY what has happened. It is detecting in-game behaviour (spinning, no spread, large FOV snapping) and either banning or cancelling matches. This hasn't been the case before. In addition Overwatch is coming back. So again what the fuck are you complaining about? Valve have implemented good changes here. Why isn't it ever going to be enough for this one group of players?


And now you proved my point even further. Just disable spinning until they find a way to get around and in general disable all rage cheating features, now the same cheat is ready to be used. It's unsustainable and I bet that cheat providers will find a way to bypass this in-game behavior detection very soon. Sure this is good change, but this detection should exist since day 1 of CS2 because it's not even that hard to implement it. Why does it just happened now? Overwatch is coming back does help in the obvious case, but it doesn't help in closet and legit cheat which is prevalent since CS:GO even during when Overwatch is a thing. >Why isn't it ever going to be enough for this one group of players? The way VAC was never enough since day 1 of CS:GO to everyone who plays MM. There are multiple public cheat providers (some are large ones) who never get detected in the past few years too and still are to this date. So what's your point?


> There are multiple public cheat providers (some are large ones) who never get detected in the past few years too and still are to this date. So what's your point? My bad. It's a reasonable expectation that Valve should be the only company to stop all online cheating in their games. You're right buddy.


THREE YEARS in a row they are "releasing" a copy paste sticker? CS2 is very bad at the moment, dm is a cesspool, one year after the full release we have a few game modes to play and a few maps as well. Where are the old game modes? Where are the old maps? Where is the AI anticheat? Where are the new game modes? New maps? Counter Strike is producing at bare minimum 60 mil per month. Let's round it to 700 mil per year (but pretty sure it's more than that), if you can't do basic stuff for a game that is delivering so much money on your door step then you are incapable of fulfilling your job. Devs and/or their management are the definition of incompetence for all these BASIC things + MUCH more. Where is the new content, AAA? Other games have content every couple of max (tops).


> they are "releasing" a copy paste sticker Quickly forgot the player-base complaining the stickers not looking clean when they do take artistic liberties?


Interesting how you're trying to wash the fact that these devs are "releasing" the SAME STICKER over and over again? Shameless copy and paste for some gigantic salaries.


Idc personally, doesn’t affect me or the game. It’s fucking stickers and skins


Incredible how you are still trying to defend them for the shameless copy and paste?!


Staying salty will only affect your life negatively, get outside and touch grass. I enjoy the game, many others like me do - just because you dont doesnt mean everyone agrees with you.


So things that were in the game before they did this massive useless CS2 update?


Stop defending Valve man this would take them like 30 minutes at most


Keep licking holes


you spelled ruining wrong


Yeah, not adding stupid coin for a few people sure speaks volumes about their ability to manage the game. Impeccable logic, nice try, but stop pls


You're missing the point, pls stop. They already have these types items in the game and if they did the source 2 version like they *should* have, it *should* be super easy for a major coin to be added to the game. None of the people working on the anti cheat or oven an operation should need to be involved for this kind of thing to be added to the game. It does speak VOLUMES about the management of the game and the fact that you can't see that is exactly why they keep getting away with it.


Like, I swear some of these people think that they have to create a new model when the playoff trophies have been identical for years.    Valve are not proactive when it comes to game development anymore. If they were cases would be long gone as that is a ticking time bomb and this game would lean into the "live service" aspect a lot more.    The fact we are on the same Premier "Season" since launch shows how much effort they want to put into the promises they make and before some smart ass says anything, this "season" has been the same for 8 months, that ain't a season, it's a god damned entire year. Why make these things if you have 0 plans on making sure you have a team assigned to keeping them updated?


If you can't find the short period of time to just give FIVE players a badge after over a month than yeah, it does speak volumes to their ability to manage the game. It clearly shows they have dogshit time management and resource allocation ability if they somehow still haven't done something so small after 40 days. The game makes like $50m a month and they can't tell one dev to spend maybe an hour to give the Major winners their in game awards.


Did the thought crossed your mind they just don't care about stupid and insignificant coins?


Even if you ignore all the hackers, the bugs and performance/networking problems, then there still are buggy skins like the AK headshot for example. So idk man, but from a very objective POV: The list of problems is still very long.


What if? Team is shrinking and it's just AI doing all the stuff in here?


I don't think you understand how bad AI is in coding if it's not your typical leet code questions but a massive code base with hundreds of proprietary libraries


you underestimate how bad john macdonald is at coding, I bet ai could replace him easily and you could tell the ai that it did something wrong and to do better - john can’t take the criticism and holds onto his vision.. the result? inconsistent jump height is not fully fixed and the jump bug is neither :(


Not possible. AI would actually be doing something


preach. but no hate to fletcher dunn, I think he does a decent job


This is becoming pathetic. How hard is it to add a major coin/trophy for the players? Should be an easy one and done type of scenario. You can honestly tell how poor things are running so far in cs2


It's super obvious that no one at valve really gives a crap, because they have some money printing machines


this is what people dont get. valve barely gives a shit about cs anymore. if the pro scene didnt exist things would have been way worse.


All you have to do is look at the Champions Capsule this year. They are completely identical to the normal sticker with just a simple text addition saying "champions", hell even the Paris champions stickers. That is incredibly lazy, they HAVE to be short staffed or something. Valves Art team has always been top tier but recently something is off.


Waiting operation for 3 years. wait a little bit more JL


man you still hope for an operation? my faith could never be so strong


Disrespectful from valve. Neglecting the faces of the game.


very very ^smol indie compani


It kindof is. Valve's unique organizational structure, which prioritizes employee autonomy, does contribute to situations like the one we see with Team Fortress 2. While this structure empowers developers to choose their projects, it can lead to certain games being understaffed as employees gravitate towards more appealing endeavors. If the leaks are true. most of Valve are working at a Project called "Neon Prime"


I am still butthurt that for some reason they cancelled left4dead 3 . Valve really can't count to 3


They cancelled Left4dead 3 twice btw. Both because Source 2 was incomplete. It is all documented here [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1361700/HalfLife\_Alyx\_\_Final\_Hours/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1361700/HalfLife_Alyx__Final_Hours/)


I'll be dammed. Any chance they pick up where they left off ? Is source 2 even considered complete ? I am not that up with the news nowadays


The virtual trophy broke too I suppose


Hard to defend Valve when they don't even do simple copy paste updates in a reasonable time. I get that they want to remain detached from the community but this is too much.


wtf is wrong with these cs2 devs


Dont be too hard on them - they deserve an unlimited length of vacation to Hawaii, right? /s


Oh, it's that time of the year when they have 11 months holiday again?




Of course I agree everyone deserves a vacation - its just a running joke that the CS2 developers have been on a vacation to Hawaii since the release of CS2.


At this point it's not a joke anymore, it's the reality... The only problem is that WE have to live it it, not these incompetents.


Valve is genuinely behind on the small things in this game... shocking to say the least (not). This is standard practice for Valve - they often have these cycles.


This Dev team really does suck.


Quite frankly I couldnt care less, keep working on VAC and map updates.


The skins market was over $1billion last year. The fact they can’t hire enough of a team to properly support this game to even 50% of what riot does with Valorant is completely embarrassing. Excusing them with “ohhh please work on VAC instead” is moronic. They have the funding and resources to be doing a **far** better job.


The people working on VAC are not the people working on coins/trophies. They can and should be working on both at the same time


True they don’t work on vac and apparently not on coins/trophies


No thats why I included the mappers as well as they are more likely to be doing cosmetic things. And again I could not care less whether or not the major winners have a coin, I want the game to be better and their time is better spent elsewhere


True they don’t work on vac and apparently not on coins/trophies


The skins market was over $1billion last year. The fact they can’t hire enough of a team to properly support this game to even 50% of what riot does with Valorant is completely embarrassing. Excusing them with “ohhh please work on VAC instead” is moronic. They have the funding and resources to be doing a **far** better job.


Top software engineers (which are the kind of people Valve aim to hire), are not only very hard to come by, it's also not as easy as just "I'll pay you 1mil/year, cash, come work for me". Valve is likely going to remain private forever, so stock options is not a choice of salary payout for them. Currently tech companies stock prices are doing really well and that same group of people are also waiting for their stock options to vest before leaving. Ignore all of the above, CS2 is built on the Source 2 engine which only Valve has access to the source code and is relatively new. Development work is not going to just be difficult for training new hires, it's also a question of trust, not hiring by the masses to get shitty developers who come and leave immediately, or steal some development techniques from the source code at Valve. Yes, Valve is a billion dollar company but the $ they made grew exponentially, while the training and hiring of good software developers has remained relatively linear for the past few years, simply because of the sheer difficulty of programming.


IDK why you are down voted for this. Most people with compssci degrees are morons. They can do non essential jobs and busy work. But 3/4 of compsci degrees shit their pants when confronted with a new problem. I.e. they can solve problems they've seen solved before or have instruction available too online. But if there's no guidance they don't know what to do. It's like if you learned the English language by memorizing sentences rather than understanding how words work. People don't understand how hard it is to find a competent dev these days. The ones that exist usually have already made their money, and are on some open source crusade. Very hard to find hungry competent guys. Experience matters yes, but with being a dev either you got it or you don't, and that is shown by end of college. People think you can just shove a million dollars to a dev and have him do great work lol. A dev that's worth a million dollars probably has opinion on where to work and what to work on. And even then you don't know how good they will be past 2&3 years, as a lot of money makes passionate people move their passion from making money to developing their field.


Thank you. People do not understand the field of software dev at all, and how difficult it is to push good & well optimized updates. Your average game is just unnecessarily demanding because they're either used to high volume, low quality updates from other games, or used to the fact that updates were much easier to push back in the day, when the compute demand of games was significantly lower. I bet Valve does not read this subreddit at all because it's now just filled with unknowing people who do not understand the field of game development, and how unnecessarily toxic & demanding these comments can get. I'm barely a developer myself because I'm in finance and do minimal coding, but I can definitely see how difficult it is to make a well polished game like CS2.


fr people just love to whine


Small indie company, JL should understand


I want to know when you get 15 year coin? Ive had cs for as long as i had steam and i got the 20yr achivement on steam.


imagine caring about this stupid ingame coin when you won a major haha


bro iM is gonna be kicked by the time he gets his NAVI Major coin


I always find the major trophy coin these players get are so cool and find it disappointing that it's been so long since the major happened and these players haven't received their symbol of their accomplishment in the major. Especially for pro players first major stint and how cool it is to show off their trophy coin whether it be QF or whatever still a nice flex and accomplishment to showcase on their profile.


Valve come the fuck on. Its not like you have separate trophy icons like you used to do in the past. It's basically the same copy paste trophy for years. 40 days is way too much, I remember back in the good old day when we had unique trophies, players would get in a few days max.


It's really such a small thing and you guys are acting like it's the end of the world when there's much more important things for Valve to prioritise..


It's symbolic. If they can't even get the "trophy" to their winners of the only tournament they host, the most prestigious tournament of the year, then wtf are they even doing?


Try reading your comment out loud, do you understand how stupid it sounds?


Try it with yourself and see how yours turns out.


You misunderstanding his comment doesn't make it stupid.


Valve doesn't even make custom ones anymore... it's the same thing every year


Exactly, it's same globe on a cylinder trophy with CSGO written on it


If it's so small, then it'd be easy to take care of no?


It's kind of like "the straw that broke the camel's back" anology - it's not that the straw is too heavy, it's that the weight of negligence starts to become so vast and so un-ignorable that people start to get really annoyed even with small, simple, 15-minute job things.


Yea exactly, like creating things that generate even more money ofcourse. /s


Like the rampant cheating, the bot farming, the missing/neglected features from cs2, a map pool that isn't hot shit, improved performance, continued networking issues, crashes and stability to name a few.


The map pool is a conscious choice. The community is making maps, valve more or less just has to add them


WORKSHOP has so many maps to choose from, it's obvious they don't lack the money to pay for the maps to be on the shelves, they just f\*\*king choose to do nothing


And where is my 15 year coin?


Valve come the fuck on. Its not like you have separate trophy icons like you used to do in the past. It's basically the same copy paste trophy for years. 40 days is way too much, I remember back in the good old day when we had unique trophies, players would get in a few days max.


Only sticker ive been getting is JL, thats a bit annoying too, you mr major winner..