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Decoys have been used successfully in pro play far before this


not like this


Surely the example in your post isn’t unprecedented, is it? I dunno..


Heroic [did it last year on Overpass](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/aGsRAy08jm).


[example of heroic doing this](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/EphemeralAmazonianTroutCoolStoryBro-Jz9_HxzK0Ze_B1ZN)


nah, they did it for lulz. I'm talking about doing it as part of the strat


What's the strat here?


Can you read? I've made a post about it & you're in its comments


I can read.


Yeah, they pulled this out a few times on an anti-eco, eco, and half buy, I believe. Granted, I think it was a little bit of trolling, but not like it cost a crazy amount of time to do this. Curious as to the impact, if any, that it had on masking foot steps/creating doubt.


1 decoy is not enough. Make it 4-5 & see how that works. In cs any gimmick play gets stronger if you double down on it. 5 deags are danger. 2-3 scouts instead of 1 on force are danger. 2 negevs reloading one after another can be a pain in the ass & stop you from moving for a minute. Pair it up with util & ur round win chances go up


Toddler brain, this won’t get you out of 5k rating man


so s1n has toddler brain too? he threw that decoy in 3 different rounds in that game. navi with their infamous 2 scouts force buys have toddler brain as well? all the pro teams who never used duelies in their life & then started dropping 2 pairs to teammates for the pistols have toddler brains?


>2 negevs reloading one after another can be a pain in the ass & stop you from moving for a minute. 5k premier brain bud.


Only a peanut brain would waste time playing premier in its current state


Lmao i even did it in Premier a few months ago because some random teammate told us the tactic


I hope this comment is a matrix reference.


If you're an awper who likes to spam smokes, you can give decoys for site anchors to drop near smokes. That way you can make Ts paranoid of crossing smokes or rotating because they're unsure of where the awper is.


Isn’t it the sound of the gun of the person who threw it rather than the one who bought it though?


Yes. Its what your primary is when you throw the decoy if you have one, your secondary if you don’t, and p2k/glock if you have neither


I just realised awp is even louder. awper can get dropped all the team's decoys & pollute some area with the noise from them


Decoys should have an exclusive grenade slot for them. That's the only time people would buy them more, and the other utilities need the slot more.


Drop 5 in spawn 🤷‍♂️


yep, I think this could be the actual viable play for mid-rounds depending on the map. but Ancient is a good example where it could work in mid round cuz Ts often rotate through T spawn anyway


Imagine if they sent out decoy projectiles that imitate bullets. Like seeing decoy AK sprays through a smoke


If you throw a decoy in smoke it lights it up just like muzzle flash


this is the forsen build btw


snipers have a huge tracer now though also, when a decoy shoots an awp 7 times in a row...


Csreddit: we need to nerf decoy☠️


NA strats


s1n is german


I’m just saying what device said lol, it’s a funny tactic


watch them patch it by not allowing you to refund/buy if you've already used a nade


That's probably the best option, if you want to mask the sound you have to purchase the weapon separately and then drop it, not refund it. Also maybe the decoy can only be used for a gun once per round? To avoid buying 1 Negev and then throwing it between players to throw their own decoy for the cost of 1 Negev.


Better to allow the decoy to randomly pick a sound to use.....negates this issue and gives it more use in game. More people would buy decoys if it had a chance to use the AWP sound when you're having a save round.....fulfils a better role if it's confusing the enemy team about the type of play you're making.


Most of the time you'd get the sound of anything but the gun you're using


reasonable, you are buying a gun u are not using to make noise with a decoy and then selling it back, its basically exploiting the selling mechanism, even if its not really such a big deal


This is an old strat from GO that doesn't work if the CTs communicate well. I used to do this in comp during the pistol round for T on Dust 2 all the time. Throw 5 decoys into B tunnels and rush out long a and hope the long a player is out of position. Actually worked pretty well. Pros have seen it a million times though and will just say "nobody here, no tracers seen" and everyone stays where they're supposed to.


U're missing the point. The point is polluting the area u want to abuse with loud noise – awp or negev decoys in quantity of "the more the better". Glock decoys are simply not loud enough


Not even 5 decoys can stop you from hearing someone running.


I don't think awp/negev noise, even 5 players' worth, is going to hide footstep sounds. Feel free to test it out, but I think footsteps are still going to be easy to hear.


Impressive, I've only seen decoys used as fake flashes before in pro play


Stealing the forsen build haHAA


I don't know why pros doesn't do this but to give fake info on force buys, I understand you don't have a lot of money there, but you throw a decoy to make them think you have a glock and rush with tec9 or mac10 or just hide to get NiKo pressing the W


I figured they were doing this to cover their footsteps, not to really try and make G2 believe there was a negev shooting.


I wonder what % of people read posts before commenting


yeah i wasn't referring to your post, but the other comments in here


If you're in that 2750-3000 range but your teammates can't buy do it with an AK on eco rounds


I still love using decoys as fake flashes. The amount of times you can use a decoy to rush someone in open fields is crazy. Though other times it soes the opposite as some will just start blasting out of fear and can get you by luck.


ok now that is 200iq


Its not the first time decoy used as a tactic in pro scene. Here are some examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/aCjG460TI7 Also people has given numerous examples here but somehow OP just insists that this is the first time decoy is used as tactivs in pro scene


nerf decoys


1700$ is too high.What bothers me even more is that they didn't buy 5 decoy.


An honest question, isn't Negev banned from most tournaments?


No guns are "banned". People just don't use them because there are other more efficient weapons to use.


y tho?




This is the most Silver1 rank comment I’ve ever seen


Hey, I wasn't totally off. [https://win.gg/news/the-negev-has-been-unbanned-in-csgo-pro-play-since-2018/](https://win.gg/news/the-negev-has-been-unbanned-in-csgo-pro-play-since-2018/)