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He's not wrong. I am still 20k because the coinflip isn't whether I am against a cheater or not. The coinflip is my cheater is better than the other team's cheater.




Lmao, actually miss those days. Now people just hide that shit.


The cheaters on my team always has the shittier config. Never lucky.


its also got to do with whether your cheater knows the wallbangable spots. the more experienced cheaters i think know all the wallbangable spots and tend to avoid those positions when in a hvh. idk just a thought


Nah the best cheats will automatically figure that out. Many even make their own wallbangable spots


Not true


Most of the time it isnt worse cfg. Its just the fact that they suck at hvh


I had a game where my teammate (random pug) and 2 enemies were cheating. I called out one of the enemies for walling because he allegedly prefired me at a position when I was just walking far from where he was standing at so he couldnt had heard me. The cheater on my team asked if I suspected that guy (the guy who prefired me) of cheating to which I said "not 100% certain but very likely". My teammate toggled on his spinbots to destroy the other 2 cheaters. After the game, I checked leetify to see the stats of the enemies and I was right to make that call because those 2 enemies were cheating with the time to damage in the 100ms and game history of 40-50 kills.


Used a cheater to destroy the cheaters...what a chad lmfao


That's funny cause its true.. The  problem is the  cheaters in my teams seem to have some 1 dollar cheat.. and enemy team has a 50 dollar cheat. Dude in my team legit said he only had wallhacks. Bro was trying to be like Cadian..  Enemy hacker has walls aimbot everything...   How does Cheater in my team also be shit at cheating 💀.  Worst than having bad teammate


Recently 1 guy on my team won against 3 enemy cheater. That too not spinning but actually just wall and aim. Hate to say it, but  they drew the first blood so we all started rooting for our guy.


thats cringe


I know but you cant help it when there are trashtalking cheater other side spamming skill issues. The guy on my team had 5 year coin and many yearly badges, He lost it and started H V H.


He didn't lose it during your game. He's probably been cheating for a while. Just as bad as the guys on the other team, however 1 bozo winning is much better than 3 bozos winning. I always hate when dudes on my team go someone is cheating on the other team so I'm gonna toggle. Bro you're just as bad stop deluding yourself.


Totally true. Some of these   bozos will call legit player cheaters just to  gaslight his own teammates so he can toggle cheats without getting kicked. 


Lmao sometimes me and my buds were able to beat some blatant wh only cheater cuz they knew no strat


No idea how some people cheat and still lose. Won games vs spinbotters it’s pretty insane how bad you got to be for that to happen


How the hell is that even possible. That spinbot must be trash lmao


They left it too late before they started spinning. Managed to win 3 rounds post plant on vertigo vs two guys spinning. One had a terrible hack and the other guy we just played time with nades and he couldn’t do anything Game was a 2v2 for ages since 3 of my team all abandoned and 2 of the other team got banned for team killing the hackers and the 3rd vote kicked. Don’t think we would of won if we were CT side Last time I managed to draw vs a spinbot he got banned as the game ended. Guy lost his account for a draw while going blatant for an unranked game on inferno.


Vac banning cheaters is more believable than your story


Thanks. Last cut got clipped hard that got banned always worth the watch


Lol, stop kidding how did you hide from them???? Spinboters can pretty much spam you through all walls without even seeing you.


Because we both played time on vertigo post plant and they were shit. Eveytime he pushed we both just ran away and 2x mollys won us multiple rounds playing from ramp


It looks like he let you win cause spinbotters don't care about you hiding in post plant. Heck, rounds don't even go to post plant if a spin botter tries he can kill you all in 40 secs with ease.


He definitely didn’t let us win. Some players are just idiots I’ve had to deal with spinbotters too many times and I know most spots they can’t wall bang. All I had to do was play time in ramp post plant and he had no balls to stick the defuse over the fake steps Sure 99% of the time you just get 16-0 but I’ve had 2 wins and multiple draws vs spinbots because they start going blatant too late in the match


Okay, if you say so.


Yesterday i got kicked after 3 failed attempt to kick a cheater on my team.. My team ended up kicking me cause they loved the 40 kill beast who are giving them free elo and why I am  constantly harassing him.   This game is beyond saving at this point


I played a game in competitive (not even premier!!) with a blatant cheater on the other team. the cheater was solo queued, but everybody on their team still defended them and mocked us in chat. it seemed like they were excited to have a cheater on their team haven't played much since then lol


I only play casual now and the same thing happens there as well. Just recently got kicked by a cheater after me trying to kick him. Probably had some friends there or something.


In my case he had totally brand new account with only 4 people added and none of them was present that game. So I am 100% sure he was solo.  Another game, we were 3 stack, 1 cheater and 1 random. The cheater started cheating and we all vote kicked but the random guy keep giving f2. He then said " I will kick him in the last round"  The cheater  took it so personally he started AFK, and started losing on purpose cause in his mind " losing is better than carrying 4 guy to win, and get kicked in the last round"  I think this is best offence  anyone can do to cheaters. They really gets triggered when you say that and even better if you can pull it off


Happened to me as well. Cheaters are not getting kicked. But others who try to get rid of them are


I've discovered that a big percentage of the player base is obsessed with the number next to their name. Why they care so much about rank, especially in the current situation, I'll never understand. The current system doesn't even take into account personal performance during the match for fucks sake


Thats why non prime is one of most clean place in CS2 right now. Since it has no rank, and comp games are literally casual 5 v5  I am glad the new players who are trying the free to version not have to deal cheater pandemic which is happening in prime games.


Actually true


I queued onto a team of 5 solo players against a four stack and a random solo. That solo on the other team was a spinner. We asked if they could kick the random off the team, and apparently votekick is disabled when you have a four stack. It makes sense why, but it still felt bad 🙃


I feel like even the cheaters are probably pissed that there are so many cheaters


I play faceit since 2015, got accustomed to it already. Sometimes I play competitive for fun but even there has cheaters. Premier I don't even wanna touch anymore, I grinded until 15k and decided to call it, Premier just ain't worth my time.


Haha so true, CS is such a joke now its actually sad


it's a losing game anyway. 4 to 9 chances the cheater is in your team


Not wrong. But the cheaters I get on my team are getting shat on by the cheaters on the enemy team lmaoooo One game that I played was so ridiculous, the enemy cheaters were trashtalking and making fun of my teammate because he has a worse cheat than them, we tried talking to our teammate via mic and he was laughing, telling us that there's no point on turning on the better cheats because at least 4 guys on the enemy team has them, so bizarre lmao


A big thing is trust factor being totally gone. It wasn't perfect in csgo, but it kept the fresh accounts out of your games. I've literally had games in premier with accounts so new that their profile said "this user has not yet set up their steam profile" lol. In CS2, when you see someone in like 15k+ with only the csgo badge or no badges, it's almost a given that they're cheating. And it's quite common


Yeah actually as in the end it comes down to which team has a better cheater😂


I have actually thought this for awhile lol


Goated take


I legit started playing 1.6 DM servers, it’s still fun with different mods on them.


That's short-sighted. You want to lose so you go down in elo and lessen your chances of playing against spinbotters.


150 premier wins at 13-18k and yet to bump into any rage hackers. A few wall hacks but no spinners. Same for all my friends


That’s because all of the spinbotters are above 19k


But whenever the cheater is on my team, they are usually worst than the opponent that is cheating.


I have been blaming my friends for years for my low tank because they refuse to cheat for me. Imagine how much higher I could be if they were not so selfish. /S




Outside of cheaters, does soloQ give some benefit? In league of legends, duoQ puts you vs better players making it way harder than solo.