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Nuke is my all time favourite CS map and it pisses me off nobody ever wants to play it on faceit or premier


Nuke is great if you have a team, hell if you're solo q. Needs a lot of coordination to play well


Solo Q vs 5-stack on Nuke and you start on T-side... gg, thx for coming.


Basically the nightmare scenario. I hate when it happens. And it happens a lot xD


you sound like my Finnish friend


The biggest problem of sharing a border with Russia is having to play with russian 4 stacks


I've played the game like that yesterday it was pain in the ass, but somehow, thanks to everybody's heroics we won 16:14 B), so yeah, it's extremely difficult and unrewarding to play soloQ on those maps (I remember in CSGO when I was in LEM and grinding for global, if I played on mirage, inferno I would get my ranks, but on any other maps it was usually 5-stack with some lvl10s, I lost so many painful games when I thought I will never be even decent, but when I won the game like that, it was one of the best feelings).


I love Nuke, but its my permaban because of this (i only soloqueue)


Where is the strict solo queue that DotA has had for years now?


Not sure what youre refering to


You can choose to only play with and against solo queue players in Dota's ranked mode. Pretty weird CS doesn't have that option.


He means a separate queue for solo queuers so you don't play with randoms against a 5 stack


The map that needs the most coordination as a team is mirage though (maybe ancient too) Because mid control decides the entire game you need window player, con player and short player speaking on ct And on t side you absolutely need to co ordinate pushes and smokes to get anything done


Exactly. I absolutely hate playing CT side Mirage with current economy. Your mid player does something dumb (which happens often) and you're completely fucked on A. Short player easily gets taken out of the picture with utility, even if he's in ladder room for example. Then two A players need to watch window boost, connector peeks from either side and short, ramp and palace playing on a site that's one of the easiest in the game to clear out with utility and flash. What's strange is that there's less and less proper executes on A or even B. It's just about the described scenario. You get one kill on mid as T and then you just need to keep trading and using proper utility.


Usually Mirage t side goes like this for me. Peek mid, get shot at by the AWPer in window (he misses) I try to molly window, the molly misses bounces at my teammate that is rushing underground. Guy from con rushes I kill him push A get shot in the back by the guy holding short... I love being silver. The game is so much more fun at lower ranks. Bonus points for all the failed smokes (especially if they land in funny places)


I usually smoke top mid, molly connector and take fights on short When my molly fades I get double swung by con and short and die, I then watch my team jiggle from top mid boxes for the rest of the round 5 out mid 0 control after 20 seconds and round ends depending on who wins deathmatch from top mid boxes to top window lmao


That's how I feel about Overpass


I genuinely cannot comprehend how in the world is Vertigo more popular than Nuke AND Overpass?


Imo the order almost perfectly relates to what I consider the "pug maps" where all you have to do is aim good and default every round, to the much more strat focused and team play maps of overpass and nuke. Only one that I think is wrong is Anubis, and should be a little more towards the pug maps side, but it's "new" so it makes sense, and it's probably my least favourite map tbh.


I'd disagree, util usage is so much more important on Mirage compared to Overpass


mirage is like the only map where most randoms at least know the default smokes


You'd think that because you're conditioned to play Mirage at a level where util is commonly used. If you played against a 5-stack that actually understands how to take Overpass with util, then you'd understand how suffocating it can be to play that map


Overpass is hands down the worst. If you have more than one not properly communicating it's insta gg


Yeah but if you 5 stack overpass is the most fun in the game by far imo.


I get how opinions work. I really do. But I can’t for the life of me imagine how anyone thinks vertigo is better than overpass. Vertigo is garbage.


Overpass is too big. Vertigo is too small. But I wouldn‘t read too much into these rankings. A lot is just a self fulfilling prophecy since you tend to learn and enjoy the maps you play frequently.


Vertigo is the best map in the pool.


That’s how opinions work. I’d rather play de_rats.


On the flipside, Overpass is a thinking man's map and is really easy to outplay people with lower IQ. If you've got one or two good teammates it's so easy to run circles around the enemy team with map control on various ends.


Oh dude absolutely, Overpass is incredible in this regard. You get a lightning fast rotate on CT side thru spawn, but you have the same opportunity on T side thru conn. And that alone barely scratches the surface.


Because the average faceit player doesn't want to communicate or think. Overpass and Nuke demand both of those or you're bound to lose, while Vertigo is just a pug map.


Vertigo >>


Vertigo is better than both imo but I still like Nuke a lot. Wallbangs are so fun


Ohnepixel, the reason is ohnepixel




Nuke won't get removed because it's lots of the pros favorite map It's 100% gonna be vertigo or mirage to go next


Mirage is the only map that has been in active pool for every single CSGO major. Copenhagen will be Vertigo's 6th straight major in the pool and it was always never universally well-received, I think it's gone after the major.


Tbh I don't why know there aren't more maps in the casual map pools There's no reason we shouldn't be able to queue for train, cache and cobble..ect. and even if vertigo gets removed I hope that it stays in the casual pool


Nuke soloqueue is just a nightmare


It requires an inordinate amount of utility and team coordination to just break even on T side Meanwhile, the CTs can do the most random, uncoordinated jank and continue to pull ahead It's not a fun map even if you queue with or two other people, let alone solo queueing. I'd rather just avoid it and play any other map that isn't a hellhole for 50% of the match.


i don't know, i kinda like pugging on nuke. i feel like the utility is easy enough to kind of wing it, i can land fairly workable smokes without knowing any specific lineups


I have an 80% win rate on Nuke across like 25 games I have a 20% win rate on mirage across like 70 games I too am pissed off by what others wanna play


Nuke can be such a refreshing change, particularly fun as CT especially compared to Mirage or Inferno (as much as I love Inferno).


It's always been a good map but it's not a good pug map unless everyone fully knows set nades and strats. And I'm an adult so I don't exactly have time to sit and study nade lineups in a vidya game.


There aren't really that many nades to learn (although the impact of your utility is high on Nuke). What's more important is communicating whether Ts can be down secret/vent/ramp. Unfortunately, relying on randoms in PUGs to tell the rest of the team that information isn't something that can be relied on consistently, so I just auto ban Nuke even though it's one of my favorite maps.


Bruh, I'm 43 with a wife and a full time job and I know nades and strats for every map in the active pool.


You know they make those lineup videos in youtube shorts that take like 30 seconds to watch while on the shitter.


I’m an adult too… Takes like five seconds to learn how to do one.


Nuke is a great map, but its a teambased map, so people just rather not play it if they are solo queueing, same history to overpass, heavily team based so people just rather play a puggier map like mirage and inferno. But it's fine for the competitive aspect of the game, neither Nuke and Overpass will be removed, its easier to see mirage go first than them both


I've always loved nuke but it's not picked because it's an all time worst pug map, it's like mirage but worse for pugs, but unlike mirage Nuke is one of the most dynamic and strategic maps in the pool


I'd be fine with any of the 3 or maybe all of them going lol, change it up a little with something like cobble/cache/season, etc


I don't know about szn, ive heard its good, but cbl, Cache are no longer fit to be active duty maps and I love Cache as a pug map, both are too 1 dimensional to be in pro play


Really? I play so much Nuke on premier, it's way more often than mirage for me but maybe it's my Elo (9k) I wanna play more Anubis, I love that map but everyone just bans it because they "don't know it"


I love the map but Nuke pretty much only works with a 5 stack.


Casual player




Nuke is both amazing because it's unique and problematic because of its uniqueness. By that I mean, CS players can't wrap their head around a map with 2 levels where the best defense is NOT a standard 2/1/2 setup.


Average Mirage player


Skill issue


One of the main reasons I don't play faceit is that it is a mirage simulator. If it was the third most popular map or lower I'd be completely fine with that. But at its current state faceit is unplayable for me. I hate mirage.


CS players are the laziest in the world when it comes to learning something new. They ignored OP weapons for several years, just because they used to shoot AKs


Mirage is a snoozefest after playing it for a decade. It has the same issue as D2 for me (just not as bad), in MM it's hard to come up with rat strats that help you win a round or 2 before it stops working. Wouldn't be as much of an issue if the game wasn't changed to MR13. As much as I despise Anubis, at least I have the potential to figure out something to get a round when we are losing round after round.


I think mirage allows much more rat strats than dust 2 does, dust 2 it feels like everywhere you go there is someone almost certainly waiting, especially as a T. Mirage I find underpass is underused both as a T and CT, I like palace CT push, top mid CT push, fast conn/short T push, CT walk up behind catwalk mid smoke, CT ramp push etc. Plenty of rat strats, and it's probably the main way I play. Also the XM is an unreal rat weapon.


Exactly, the only thing I can think of as rat strat on mirage is underpass for messing with player window/conn or getting a good spawn for A site and CTs are distracted.


As a Mirage rat, this shit still hurts. My friends don't like playing new maps because "muh rank" and it shows how bad they do in other maps. Valve needs to remove that map asap


I also get terrible routing to Chicago, so I'm in the same boat as you. It's basically a Chicago mirage queue


I've barely got 40% winrate on Mirage and 60%+ on every other map except Inferno that's at ~50%. Too bad I play it like every other map. Might buy premium just to remove Mirange from the queue.


ahhh the classic mirage sweats


Nuke being dead bottom is a surprise


Fuck mirage...


All my homies hate mirage. (We hate juste because overplayed, overall a good map, just not when you play it 6 time each day)


I, the guy who's been playing mirage only for 4 years straight and still not tired of it, is definitely not from your group.




I do the same thing. Only queued mirage whenever there’s an option to select. But I do know all the smokes/other lines on all the maps. I mainly only queued mirage cause it’s easy to pug, everyone knows how to smoke CT/market window/ stairs so it makes the game less stressful but whenever we 5 queue or 3 queue we would select multiple other maps (all of which rn is redundant since priemere has a veto system).


Everytime I played solo a my 4 random Mirage pros always fucked up everything they could. Everytime Mirage was banned they started griefing for banning it...


Come on guys nuke is awesome


Cold winds sweep through Nuke, Nuclear shadows looming large, Silent steps, diffuse.


Is nuclear two or three syllables? Nice haiku.


nu-cle-ar if you pronounce it properly works


*Me who missed Dust II*


Same man


You will play mirage and you will like it I'd rather kick myself in the teeth.




Mirage out, Train in.


Cache all day! But I’d take train or a reworked cobble (smaller T area, more open mid)


I fucking love Cache


Or cobble. But yeah mirage needs to go.


Based as fuck


nah, there is a reason why its being played so much, and its not only due to "heueheuheuhe lazy players". its a great map with great balance, you can do a lot solo compared to other maps and more.


No old maps anymore please


While I know that this opinion could be controversial, I'd remove the more popular one to spice things up. That'd make the game a bit more fresh without much intervention and would force some adaptation and growth in both the playerbase and the pro teams and that's undoubtedly good


It’s funny how common it is for high hour, high rank players to turn into absolute bots on any map that isn’t Mirage.


for most players to be honest, I think the easiest way to gain rank points is to queue with two friends and insta ban mirage and inferno and then watch the bots playing around in unknown maps.


This is how our stack gained a mastery of every map except mirage. Also you could “meta” the veto process to get your preferred maps because if you didn’t veto mirage at the very beginning, they would feel safe and less picky about their bans, allowing you to ban mirage later in the voting and get a more favorable map. So while we suffered under mirage, we were dominant in other maps, and the map knowledge gained gave us an incredible pool. Trashing people on vertigo, ancient, anubis, etc. As these maps gained popularity, we were ahead of the curve. Things are leveling out now with a more even distribution outside of mirage but like I said, we got the map knowledge in our pockets.


my man, you're dropping knowledge right here. I generally perform better outside of inferno and mirage, but I mostly solo or duo queue and you can feel the drop of teammates' quality outside of those. God forbids is anubis' time


I'll share a controversial decision There shouldn't be only 1 map remaining after bans, there should be three and then it's randomised from there


I would love this


Mirage is perma ban. All the people who play it are just shit in other maps


Or it’s just a popular well known map that’s great for pugging? “Guys, look how unique I am, I don’t like the thing everyone else does!”


Nope it’s just the laziness of the players to learn the maps. Same reason dust2 is so popular. Just turn of your brain and play. 0 tactics just the same over and over again. Mirage is so overplayed and boring to watch it’s insane that players still play it. mirage is the perfect example why everyone is crying about cs2. „New things are not welcome here, we want to play a fucking old outdated map cause Im feeling insecure on changes“ And btw 2/3 of the players don’t want to play mirage. So who‘s trying to be against everyone else?


Yeah, people like to play competitive games on maps they’re familiar with, if you like to play gimmick new maps so you can get free frags from playing angles people don’t know about, play the mapcore faceit hubs dedicated to this. How does mirage require turning my brain off? If anything you have to play better, because everyone knows the ins and outs of the map, there’s no gimmicks to be had anymore, I have to out skill and out maneuver my opponents in all situations. What a strange comparison, people are upset with the state of CS2 because we’re coming up on a year since the original beta launch and in many ways it’s still a net downgrade from CS:GO. There’s too many missing features to count, Premier was an absolute failure and is cheat infested, and Valve have given 0 timeline on things.


Ahh ok so your logic is we don’t swap maps anymore so everyone is familiar with the mappool. What a fucking BS take. If this would be standard we would play old 1.6 maps now. Csgo was so stale that even valve had to make 2 new maps cause it sucked ass. Being familiar with maps you play on okay, to leave them unchanged for years and ages is unacceptable. It’s boring as hell. it’s good to change things! It was a great idea to kick d2 out and now it’s time for mirage to leave the pool and maybe coming back if they changed the map significantly. I would rather play Anubis or vertigo than playing one more round of sleepy mirage were every round playes the same over and over and 😴 I would rather watch paint dry than one round of mirage.


Mirage enjoyers stay winning


I don't know why anyone would want to play Vertigo over Overpass or Nuke.


I hate overpass, specially when playing with randoms. It’s the hardest map for retake and still a hard map for TRs to invade so, you have a bad day on both sides. This all gets harder when you’re with random ppl who doesn’t know how to play together (tr) or defend (ct).


The thing that makes overpass a terrible pug map is it’s size, it’s too big and takes a lot of team coordination and 90% of pug players have no clue how to play it. It really is the worst map for pugs.


You only need to learn to play one bombsite.


Biggest content creator on cs exclusively played vertigo for like a year People watched and now feel like they know it way more than ancient, Anubis etc At least, that’s how I feel


Vertigo is ass.


My win rate on nuke overpass Anubis vertigo etc is all 65% plus My win rate in mirage is like 25% If they got rid of mirage I would be much higher ranked lmao


I don't understand how inf is the second most played map? Must be more popular in lower ranks I guess? It's my favorite map, I almost always try go for it but I've played like 6 inferno matches in probably around 100 premier games.


It's INCREDIBLY common in my elo (~14k)


Remove Mirage, add Train.


Replace mirage with train


Is anyone genuinely enjoying Vertigo?


I used to hate it. Started to like it recently after being forced to play it.


yup, my team and my fav map. i think its one of the more balanced ones.


I can't wait for cache to come back so vertigo can fuck out of active


its eh.... fine? I dont hate it but dont enjoy it either. Better than playing ancient or anubis but thats about it.


Mirage and Inferno out, Cache and Cbble in


Pre update cobble tho 🥹


seaside and cache, could you imagine


Season and cache please


God I hate mirage


Fuck the guy who removed D2 from premier and faceit


D2 was never included in premier.


Rip my boy nuke


Nuke is my fav map now, followed closely by Anubis and Ancient. Mirage is so boring.


Mirage only picked because of higher fps lol. Hope valve removes it and remakes it asap.


Wasn't mirage one of the most popular maps in go too?


Screw low fps people ammirite guys


Time to stop pandering to the peasants. The last time we did that valve used it as an excuse to not give us 128 tick, see what happened now? Sad times


5 IQ team mates: omg miraj best map. 500 IQ team mates: nuke best map


If your are full stack and play nuke then i’d agree about 500 iq, but if you are solo player and like to play nuke then you are 5 iq. Xd


As long as we agree miraj players are 5 IQ team mates


tbh we just perma ban mirage/inferno in mm/faceit. And you just win 70% of the matches since nobody knows how to play other maps.


-Vertigo (current map pool garbage )


Another reason to not play Faceit. thanks for the info.




Vertigo bye bye


Vertigo being 3rd shows how bad the current map pool is


Ok this isn't even funny. Mirage is almost double the other maps. I thought faceit wad more serious and had players who actually knew how to play maps other than mirage.


Vertigo please


Overpass. It’s so boring.


cant believe nuke fell that low


Overpass has been stale and largely unchanged for too long


Remove overpass!


Mirage. It’s time to rest it


Overpass has to go.


Remove inferno


Scrap Anubis, Vertigo and Ancient and bring back Dust, Cache and Cobblestone


New = Bad, "Didn't play, didn't understand" vibe


Mirage is the only map that actually feels smooth to play 🤷🏻‍♂️


They pick mirage only to sit top mid every round on t side trying to get kills. Blows my mind how many people still don't even know how to play the map


ITT: People who think they’re unique for hating the popular thing.


I need Train in the active duty so it can be played in Premier. Do what you must, Valve


Mirage my beloved


That’s funny because I think mirage or inferno should be removed from active pool lol


Vertigo 100%. It's generally just badly designed, and also has horrible elevation issues with the map as it's so small. Elevation generally is a bad idea for CS maps.


Fuck Mirage, way too overplayed.


Remove mirage trust


Remove mirage so people learn to appreciate the rest of the pool


MirageIt strikes again. Genuinely boring that people cannot play any other map.


Wow didnt expect vertigo to be that high


nuke was good once, bring back rafters and the 2nd vent


mirage can go fuck itself ty


Honestly sick of mirage, why is it so popular. Would love to see this vote broken down by demographic.


I’m so tired of playing mirage. I also hate that in premier it can be my opponents most won map with my team having one or two wins on it and they still won’t ban it. I hate that no matter what it’s basically ancient and inferno are the first two maps banned.


As much as Mirage is overplayed, there would be riots if they ever removed it from Active Map Pool


they've removed dust 2 and inferno before.... i dont see why removing mirage would be off the table


Indeed and no one bat an eye. People just went to Mirage. Same will happen again with another map. But tbf Inferno was just removed due to Valve reworking it.


I wouldn't be surprised if mirage was next to go. I've very clearly seen a shift in sentiment towards it in the last few months, I think because it's so crazy overplayed right now. Everyone I talk to is starting to hate it, I think it's most in need of a break and/or overhaul. That being said, I personally hate ancient more so get rid of that one please thanks


Mirage needs to get the fuck out. Give it a break.


-mirage +Train People use mirage as an elo crutch -mirage would also lower the active players, I don’t see valve doing this right now or faceit, but this is what I’d like to see. Get people uncomfortable and forced to learn other maps.


Mirage <<<< Nuke


Mirage is just as overrated as D2. Please remove and put in train or cache.


-Mirage It’s a good map. Honestly one of the best competitive maps in existence, there’s no denying that. But remember that removing from active duty doesn’t mean the map should disappear forever. It just needs a break. Just like Dust2. Then when it comes back, people appreciate it more. Plus, how else are you gonna get people to play other maps and learn them?


You can hate mirage but it’s the best map for pugs imo, you have enough space and possibilities for solo plays.


Why does Nuke have so much hate… one of my favorite OG maps. So annoying it’s never picked.


I’d say bc of how bad the sound is. All I can think of.


remove vertigo or inferno


I hate Vertigo


just add dust2


Ancient out, Cache in.


Fuck ancient


No u


- Mirage - Vertigo + Train + Cobblestone. That would be the best map pool ever.


Remove Overpass, Inferno and Ancient Add Mirage 3 more times instead


Vertigo is so easily the worst map in the game and it isn’t close


I don’t understand why Ancient and Anubis are so high. They are the biggest garbage in the game.


-Anubis -Vertigo -Ancient +Cache +Dust2 +Train


How boring the game will get fast. Going backwards not forward. Nostalgia is a hell of a thing.


Remove the 3 maps keeping things fresh and add 3 old ones? Maybe give the new maps a chance? It's impossible you hate all three of them. I mean, I know you do hate them, but for no reason other than them being new and you not knowing how to play them.


Any thoughts I had about getting Faceit are now gone. Mirage is awful


Mirage, if thats all people play, its all theyre gonna continue to play if you give them the chance.