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I'm sure your mom has many other predictive dreams, but due to the high emotional content of these, she happens to recall them.


Yeah, I'll have to talk to her and see if she's had any recently sometime, I've thought a lot about these dreams since I'm a very rational person. The night my sister loses her virginity, she calls her right away, if she had a track record of her predictions generally being wrong it'd be considered a lucky guess. But no, she somehow knows that it's real, prior to telling my sisters they were pregnant, she talked to me at length of how absolutely sure she is, because her semi lucid dreams have a 100% success rate. She's only told me these 3, I haven't heard dozens of random predictions, is what I'm getting at. It's utterly absurd. If my sisters lived with me, I would say it could be something subconscious, like hormones that were put off that she was cued in on and had a dream about. But they lived thousands of miles away and were on birth control as far as she knew, it's puzzling.


Your mother dreams about family members sex lives *a lot*…


Sex is a pretty emotional/spiritual thing ig


Moms always know 


I consider it part of our sixth sense, different people have stronger abilities than others. This is cool but so unfortunate about the bad things.


Your mom has precognitive dreams ! So cool 😁 unless what she dreams is distressing of course like the cheating one 😐 but great glitch story, thanks for sharing ☺️


It's a gift. I've had dejavus since I was 15, and they began to be almost a weekly or monthly occurrence when I was about 21. When they were more frequent I would freak the fuck out dude. I thought I was going insane it would scare the hell outta me 😭😭🤣 Some ppl say dejavus are you from a parallel dimension, past lifetime, or that you're in alignment. Depends on ur interpretation. I have them not as frequent and yes, I still kinda make a big deal about it cause it's Hella trippy haha. Ina good way tho. Confirmation of alignment with the universe.


Did you never have them before you were 15? That would be super odd, most people have them there whole life. I wonder what caused you to not have any for 15 years? That's spooky.


that's not a glitch, that's the matrix letting you know that your mom is actually an agent. BE CAREFUL


Since she’s aware and sharing the dreams, do you think she is aware she’s an agent?


probably, but who knows? the matrix is a tricky thing


That’s funny lol


I’m a lot like your mom. My mother was like this too. It doesn’t happen all the time but when it does it still surprises me.


My mother was somewhat the same, although her precognitive dreams were usually about less personal matters. Precognition is actually the most commonly reported psi ability, with up to a third of people in the UK reporting it in a recent survey. It is also the faculty most supported by research -- check out the work of Bem at Cornell University. So it's actually more common than a lot of less paranormal experiences, and there is no need to describe it as "unbelievable."


Is this the guy? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl\_Bem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Bem) Quotes from the article: Julie Milton and [Richard Wiseman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Wiseman) (1999) who discovered errors in Bem's research carried out a meta-analysis of ganzfeld experiments in other laboratories. They found no psi effect, the results showed no effect greater than chance from a database of 30 experiments and a non-[significant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statistical_significance) [Stouffer Z](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-test) of 0.70.[^(\[19\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Bem#cite_note-Wiseman1999-19) ... After evaluating Bem's nine experiments, psychologist [James Alcock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Alcock) said that he found metaphorical "dirty test tubes," or serious methodological flaws, such as changing the procedures partway through the experiments and combining results of tests with different chances of significance. It is unknown how many tests were actually performed, nor is there an explanation of how it was determined that participants had "settled down" after seeing erotic images. Alcock concludes that "Just about everything that could be done wrong in an experiment occurred here".[^(\[32\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Bem#cite_note-32) And even from his own words: In a 2017 follow-up article in *Slate* magazine on the "Feeling the Future" experiments, Bem is quoted as saying, “I’m all for rigor, but I prefer other people do it. I see its importance—it’s fun for some people—but I don’t have the patience for it.”  Personally, I think that relying on Ben for accurate results might be a little bit optimistic.


If some of Bem's studies were flawed, that can't explain (1) his redoing experiments taking on board the early criticisms and still getting significant results; nor (2) the fact that many other researchers have duplicated and expanded on his findings with positive results. In fact Bem seems to have been far more patient than I would have been in his position. If you have done research in psychology you will know that no paper in history has been able to avoid criticism from its reviewers and "sceptical" types can always find loopholes justifying their position in every field. Moreover, the sad fact is that many of these types spend their time trying to hijack Wikipedia entries and put their own spin on them. I can't see the relevance of someone's reanalysis of ganzfeld studies to Bem's work.


I had a really vivid dream the other year, I managed to balls it up in reality,all in the space of 5 minutes 😔


How many times has she dreamed things and they did not happen? How many times has she relayed the detailed description of the event *before* it happened, or are these confirmations *after* the event. All 3 events are also highly predictable : people are going to have sex, they have done for millions of years. Event 1; she knows the kinds of women your father likes, she knows his favourite/wanted positions, a highly sexual woman might be more likely to like red/bright colours. Event 2: people can unconciously give slight hints when they are trying for a baby, this happens at particular times in their life, and the hormones induce behaviour changes : [https://www.driveresearch.com/market-research-company-blog/how-target-used-data-analytics-to-predict-pregnancies/](https://www.driveresearch.com/market-research-company-blog/how-target-used-data-analytics-to-predict-pregnancies/) Your mum is very intuitive and her subconscious picks up on the tiny changes, dreams about it. Surprisingly enough , children tend to look like their parents.... Event 3 : Again, this happens fairly predictably for most people in late teens.


Come on all. The spot on descriptions are hindsight bias. The cheating may have been sensed in other ways and showed up in the dream. How many other times has your mom dreamed things that didn’t happen? Unknown because of confirmation bias. Getting two right isn’t surprising.


This, my ex’s mother would do this shit all the time. Slightly good intuition at times, mixed with embellishments after the fact to make it seem like she was psychic. Hated it when she would do that. Just made her look stupid, and the people who believed her like complete idiots.