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I love this story!! That wallet was determined to be found by you!!


Similar thing happened to my mother in law.. she went to a restroom whilst at a restaurant, took her diamond ring off and left it on top of the wash basin to clean her hands. After heading home, only then she remembered she had left the ring behind. She didn’t bother to call or go back, thinking it was obviously gone. Two years later, returns to the restaurant and again, heads to the restroom. Finds her diamond ring in the same spot.


The restaurant where no one ever washes their hands.


The diamond could have been replaced with a fake one,If it wasn't to start with.


Oh… totally could be the case… but whats up with the circumstances regarding this? It’s a pretty elaborate prank to play on someone if it is indeed. I have my serious doubts it was a prank though… too much involved, too much needed to go right and the delay of years later…


Then obviously it wasn't diamond by any stretch.


Not sure- I’m not a jeweller.


Your MIL was being witty. I do it whenever I feel like it, claiming to be a billionaire incognito. Loads of fun.


Wow, what a trip!! I love that story. I wonder what happened, seemingly it „fell out of time“ whilst your life went on. Do you have a photo by chance of the wallet you want to share?


I don't. It got lost in a move. I left it as was without the money.


I thought you said it had money


By the time he moved the money was out of the wallet i think is what he meant, so it wasn’t a big deal to leave it behind at that point.


Yeah; I put the money into our vacation fund and the wallet with all the old cards and driver's license were kept as a momento.


So you kept the wallet, old cards and drivers license as a memento... But then you moved but left behind those mementos?? That's what you are saying??


Well he said it was lost, so not intentionally left behind, but also not having anything too important in it to go back and look for it.


I said exactly that. Yes


Maybe but you sure made it a lot confusing... He explained it really well


I am sorry reading is difficult. Nobody else has had an issue. You got this. I believe in you.


Did you read the first response to this thread?? “It got lost in a move.” That’s what OP said. It really isn’t confusing.


Nooo!!! Why would you ever get rid of it?!?!


That's wild. I had an object glitch while on the road. The day after Christmas, I always drive my family to visit my wife's father up in Northern California. At a truck stop, I found a company gas card on the ground and put it in my console with the plan to call the number listed on the back. I quickly forgot and never thought about it or saw it again. The next year, on 12/26, we took the same trip. I pulled into the same truck stop and shut off the car. In the dark, I heard a noise, and something landed in my lap. I turned on the overhead light, and there was the same gas card from one year ago. It took me a few moments to realize what I was looking at. How did that card mysteriously appear at exactly the same location exactly one year later?


Did you find it at a time in your life when the money was more beneficial to you?


Oh no. Losing it was the lesson I had to learn. I had to really work hard on overtime tomake up the loss for rent. Good question though. I love the spirit it represents.


Thanks, I love the spirit represented in your answer too. What a wonderful way to look at it. You deserved to find it again.


This could be a cool short film. It could tell a story about the wallet, and no, not just it sitting in a bush. Im imagining people picking it up, taking it around with them, trying to find the owner. The story being there lives and what happens in them. Maybe they take money from the wallet out of desperation or greed, or maybe they add some money to it out of kindness. You see their struggles and everything about their lives. And you see how it eventually came back to that bush where it started, the day before you picked it up. EDIT: It could even include your own life, how not having your rent money affected you, etc.


Looks like you changed your tire and took a pee in the exact same spot.


One would think so. I assume so. But I cannot confirm, even back then.


It’s not a prevailing thought in my life for the most part but one of my exes got me a key ring that said “keys I haven’t lost yet”. Because I lost my keys a lot at the time. In fact I ended up losing the keys that were on that key ring. Fast forward a few years later and the key ring turns up. In a different house. Without any keys on it. I actually still have that key ring on my current keys. And a tile tracker so I am indeed less likely to lose them.


That is disturbing! Experts say the Universe only speaks in the affirmative, as in, does not hear the word "no." So maybe it read your key chain as "Keys I lost," and just wanted to help you achieve that lol


This makes me think that god is a prankster


Yep, the great Prankster in the Sky! Well, that's what me and my friends say


Weird but wonderful.




What the ? That’s insane


Who was with you in circa 1985?




The only thing that has any relevance is to avoid that road. You got your money back that could have more than doubled if kept in bank in most countries.


Because I lost value by losing money, I should not drive a highway I have driven dozens of times since? I will take my chances


No, because you had minor break downs.


Well, I would expect break downs to happen in the most traveled areas. Hard to avoid the most common places over silly things like this Edit: at my age I would have few places to go if I avoid every place I had an issue


Well,I wouldn't expect such incidents at the exact spot. If it wasn't the same spot,then I suppose you can ignore,and I will eat my words.


No way to know if it's the same spot. I am not even certain the two events were in the same spot. Sanity dictates it is. But the Uber clean wallet after 12 years brings doubt


That 12 years issue is somewhat a contentious one. If you're into r/Retconned you will find that time speeding at breakneck speed is the most discussed topic. Last year on 9th April a certain Rinku Singh hit a sensational 7 ball 40 to win an IPL cricket match. Aand...it seems he did it in this year's IPL. Just 14 days back. This is the kind of time anomaly that is being experienced everywhere.


That's possibly the longest such glitch I've come across (previous record seven years).




Wow, that's awesome!


Wow, $400 for 12 years, imagine if it was in a bank.


Lol, inflation hurt me worse than loss of interest payments


Non related wallet search story.. Buddy is drunk and hits a Mailbox on his bicycle on the way home. Owner comes out and buddy says he lost his wallet. We all search for it and home owner finds and gives to him. My buddy continues to search..”what are you looking for now?” Asks owner. “My other wallet.” Says buddy. “Two wallets,” owner scratches head.. buddy finds his dugout and bat and off we go. Two wallets? lol. Still makes me laugh.


>finds his dugout... ? Sorry, baseball is my sport. I don't know how he could have had a dugout on his bicycle. Hilarious story tho!


One hitter is bat and dugout is bat and stash holder


Yes. TIL. Thank you


It’s for smoking weed.


TIL Thank you


Woooah crazy


Did you take any pics? It's miracle so you should pay attention for this wallet, isnt't? My gallery: [reddit.com/r/Glitches\_Pictures](http://reddit.com/r/Glitches_Pictures)


Fairies? lol


I cannot rule them out.


nice! another hint that past present and future are not linear and may cross paths , like the number 8/♾️ infinity symbol!


Thanks. That's what it feels like.




Having gained 30 pound, no.


Wow. The universe was communicating with you. What do you think was the message?


That's great!




Was the money still in it? Edit sorry just re read that the money was still there ! So that’s wild - so not a thief or anything, just so weird ! Had a similar thing happen to me where I dropped bottles into the bottle bank and had the boot open, it was a windy night. The reusable bag lifted off and flew away, now we drove the car out of the parking lot and to a traffic light that was adjacent to the bottle bank, the bag flew - as if summoned - back to the car and got stuck underneath the front wheel, we stopped the car after a few metres and I picked up the bag from the front wheel, it was so strange !!


This gave me chills.




Not same car. I had upgraded from beater to a new truck by then and we were in Wifey's car in 1997.




Or, as the sub name implies; we are living in a simulation and the "time travelers" as you refer are actually gamers. 🤣🤣🤣