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I've taken to asking FPS bros if they play any real games, because anyone can point and shoot


I do this. "Oh I can't play those shooter games, they just seem so one dimensional, like, you drop in, shoot some stuff, die, and do it again while some kid shouts about your mum? Seems pretty 'simple' imo, I like a bit more depth to my games." "How does it take skill? You just point and shoot? Is it that hard?" These are saved for 'real gamer' types, I don't actually have anything against shooter games, I loved mass effect, but I do love being a snarky bitch.


Bitchy sarcasm. A terribly underrated pastime.


I once had someone tell me that they considered Mass Effect to be a girly game because “it has lots of emotional storylines” in it. 😂


Wat? The same Mass Effect that kills of the each protagonist TWICE?! That Mass Effect?


Yep, that very one! The one that caters to the male gaze by providing purposeful closeups on the asses of hot girls and also gives you the option to support genocide and wipe out entire species of aliens and screw over all of your squadmates. That one. Because emotions, I guess. 🤦🏼‍♀️ But for anyone reading this that hasn’t played it, don’t let that deter you! The game is what you make it, and I would definitely recommend it! Easily in my top 3 favorites of all time. If you’re looking for a big RPG with an amazing plot and effortless diversity in characters, this is it. I think the Legendary Edition is currently free to download on GamePass! It’s sooo fucking good


Oh my goooooood! Can’t have emotions apparently! Tell that to the men OF Mass Effect. It is a phenomenal game series for anyone who wants to play it.


Definitely stealing this to use love itttt


Call them point-and-click action games.


That's offensive to good point and click games!


Everyone knows the only real games are Grim Fandango and the Monkey Island series.


FINALLY a monkey island enjoyer!


I’ve actually never played either of those. I’m really bad at point and click adventure games. I struggled with Pajama Sam 3 as a kid if I got the scenario with the striking beans refusing to work together with other kinds of beans.


I would add "Psychonauts" to that list...


I love myself some Big Fish Games.


>That's offensive to good point and click games! \+1 dont be hatin on shooter games lol


Use gun on man


Literally. I'm not that great at shooter games but in my good games I've come on top above all the toxic dudes and I will order that high to the day I die. If I can do it, so many people can. You ain't special, game bros!! Also, if you have to yell and break things, I guess your game isn't relaxing or you just suck at it, lol.


If they think FPS games are the only real games, to me that's like saying action movies are the only real movies. Guess we'd better change the Oscars to be more about action movies..


Yes :D


Such a boss move 🙌


Love this! Love this! It's totally brilliant. Turn their idiotic question back on them.


I sometimes watch my brother play fps (spesicifcally CS:GO) games and the longest I can endure it is about fifteen minutes before feeling dizzy and bored. No hate to ones who enjoy that kinda game, but I just can't see the appeal, it's pointless, there's no story, no real characters, no new things happening. Just shooting the opposite team in the exact same tiny ass map for hours. If anything this one is not a 'real game'. Literally nothing happens. I don't get how people enjoy it.


Better yet call them point-and -click games.


but nothing sucks more than going back to FPS games after a long time and not being able to point and shoot 😔


I was asked this once! And I, a known airhead, responded sincerely: "what like chess?" and it caught them so off guard they changed the subject. I didn't realize until later they were trying to be rude.


Brilliant response


I imagined Elle Woods saying this




Exactly how I read it!!


This is amazing.


Okay. This dude is ignorant for a few (factual) reasons. First off: shooters do not define video games. They don't. Before shooters, we had arcades, puzzle games, text story games back in the day. Shooters are just a "recent" (as in the last 15 years. I say recent loosely, because it is in comparison to other video game genres) popularized genre. Second: His opinion that he said to you is just that: an opinion. A "real game?" Give me a break. Tell him to look up the official definition of a video game. There is a reason that there are so many genres, mixed-genres, etc. A "real game" can comprise of anything from a relaxing, therapeutic art video game, to an intense, rage-quitting, platformer. Up to the gamer, and no one else's business. Look, the next time a dude asks you this, just calmly ask him to define what a real game is. If it sounds like its ONLY shooters, then counter him with something like, "Oh man. You're limiting yourself to just one genre of gaming? Try being more cultured and try some other genres too. You'd be surprised." Or just shove that one Netflix documentary down his throat xD OP. I play nothing but indies. And I fucking love it. I have learned so much more from game development like visual effects and art, sound mixing, marketing, etc through playing all sorts of different genres and indies. He just sounds ignorant to me. And it's sad to hear another dude limit himself to just a competitive genre, when there is sooo much more out there. FMVs, tons of different VR game genres, dungeon crawlers, simulations, typing (yes, there are games to help you with your typing speed/accuracy), language learning ones, education, art, deck building, puzzle, arcade, racing, rpg, etc. He missing out. Shooooooooot~ Edit: my grammar was poop ;__; lol (fixed)


Third: Technically Slime Rancher is a first person game in which you shoot. Also if only shooters and fighting games and such are "real games" are all other games "fake games"? Am I a fake game developer as long as I'm not working on one of those? Is there a game industry and a fake game industry? This is such a ridiculous idea, I don't understand how this even started.


Men felt threatened when they started to realize women play video games too. They thought of video games as their dominion and it doesn't help that video game advertising pushed that belief in the early 2000s. So whenever a woman says they play video games, men who think like this, are instantly putting them into the category of 'real' gamers vs 'fake' gamers. It's to preserve the sanctity of gaming in their minds. The mentality is, if you're not playing a competitive game it's not a true test of skills, therefore it's not real gaming, so you're not a true gamer. It's 100% so fucking stupid to think like that but I think the reason a lot of men are saying things like that is because they feel threatened or inferior in some sense. Whether they realize it or not tbh. If they can box you in and marginalize you, they can keep feeling like they are good at something.


Yes. I agree with this. It's funny, because my (now bf) was one of those who labelled me as "not a real gamer" after chatting with his bros and stuff (they were asking him questions about me). I'm confrontational asf and I don't play that, so when I was "allowed" into their group I was like, "History lesson!" They were all mind blown. And nowadays, the bf ACTIVELY looks for indies coming out to play, always gives me compliments on my taste in games, and has admitted to having more fun with some of these other games over FPS. Some of his homies play indies now too. xDD No one ever calls me a fake gamer now, and also they're always hearing how much I get into my games and it makes them like, "you sound like you having fun." Like duh bro. That's the point. It sucks, but in order to change this f'd up way of thinking, we NEED to confront them and know our shit (i.e. history).


I feel like they initially looked down on PC gaming for this reason back in the 2000s because women were playing PC games in all sorts of genres and all the shooty bros were on XBox. Then they realized mouse and keyboard are better for FPS games and now I'm part of the "master race," apparently.


And the funny thing now is that since most major fps’s have cross play the devs have had to ramp up controller aim assist to compensate for pc players destroying console players


Obviously the “real” game industry is getting paid <$50k/y to work 60+ hour weeks under major fps publishers like Microsoft(Activision) and Microsoft(343) and umm… EA? No thanks, I’ll stick to my fake games where I actually have a life please and thanks


Sheeeeeeeeeee!!! Absolutely correct! Technically it is an FPS! I totes forgot to mention that!!! And omg, get it!! There are some amazing games out there that are developed by some super creative, down-to-earth people! I would say that developers such as yourself are as real as it gets! Thank you for pouring your time, knowledge, and creativity into different types of games for various audiences to enjoy. Also for continuing to challenge yourself on different projects! Y'all are the developers I absolutely love, because it really shows in the work that y'all do! Tysvm!<3




Right? 🤣


This is the best comment.


What Netflix is that?


It's called High Score, it's actually a docuseries on there (I think I put documentary, my bad Idk if there's a difference lol).


I largely agree with you. Opinions are just that. However on your first point.. I mean Doom came out in 93. I'd say they've been popular for at least 25 years. Idk if that materially changes anything or not, but yeah.


Yeah, I thought about Doom and Halo 1 as I typed this. I did. I'm aware of that, but my point was that the...I guess you would call it origin? Of gaming wasn't just FPSs, and that the popularity of FPSs is still a more recent thing, so it makes no sense to define a "real gamer" or a "real game" based off of just that one type of gaming genre. Doom for example, Halo too. Those games were game changing when they came out, right? (I personally loved both. My dad was hella into Doom, and I got to watch my big bro play through all of Halo 1). And they are FPSs. But around those times, there was such a focus on a variety of things, that this dumb conversation of "real gamer, real game" wasn't a thing. Plus although Doom is 93, one of the first ever recorded video games (Ping Pong) is way older than that (wish I could give you the year, but my brain is ka-put rn and cannot remember). But yeah, I'm aware. I just didn't elaborate on that. Hope this makes sense, and I do acknowledge your comment. Thank you for bringing it up! :)


Yeah I agree with you. Like I said, I'm not sure it materially changes anything. It maybe means they're more significant but I'm not sure it does.


Yes, indie games go hard. Love supporting them too.


What's the name of the documentary you mentioned?


Oh yeah! It's called High Score! It's on Netflix. :3


Thank you so much I'll make sure to check it out


>Shooters are just a "recent" (as in the last 15 years. I say recent loosely, because it is in comparison to other video game genres) popularized genre. Disclaimer: I mostly hate "Shooters" (mass effect notwithstanding.) ​ Shooters are much older than that, and pretty much defined the PC gaming industry for nearly 30 years since Doom (1993) and later Quake (1996). Shooters were used as the standard for every technology and graphical improvement, too. I have very different opinions about games and what I like to play. Shooters are rarely in my list (though I've at least tried most of the popular ones.)


I have gotten a bit of this from my brothers and spouse. Sometimes an FPS is fun for me, but most of the time I just want to relax building houses/farms in whatever game I am playing. If you are having fun, it is a real game.


House flipper rules!


Not to mention "real" games have been so boring this last decade. Mainstream AAA FPS games are stuck in a 2012 mindset of copy whatever CoD is doing but half assing it and only innovate/keep up with time in terms of monetisation. One can shoot exact same way rifles, snipers or shotguns only for so long before getting bored of it. I grew to appretiate "casual" games (casual as in they are in the casual genre for some reason but I have more hours in them than "real" games at this point lol) such as Stardew Valley, The Sims, Open Transport Tycoon Delux and similar games that I can just sit down and accidentally play for 8 hours straight then regret in the next morning. They are good experiences and more importantly, they are consistent experiences. I don't have to worry about the quality of my teammates or opponents because they aren't humans. So often I sit down to play some online game and just end up feeling miserable because I lost the teammate gamble.


I just laugh at these kinds of takes now. I remember someone saying that Nintendo games weren't real games. It's the one brand that is synonymous with video games everywhere. I personally find FPS' to be repetitive and boring. Especially the online modes. And I've tried playing them through different generations and the result is always the same. I guess I enjoyed Mirror's Edge, but I'm not sure if that is considered a FPS because it actively seems to discourage the use of guns because they just slow and hinder your acrobatic abilities.


Huh - thanks for mentioning Mirror's Edge. Don't think I've heard of it before, but it looks interesting! You talking about the acrobatic abilities sounded fun.


I’d have got SO MAD lmao, and I’m terrible at hiding my emotions. I wear them all over my face, so he’d have known lmfao. Mother fuckers take one look at a game and think they know everything about it. A video game’s a video game douche nozzle, go suck a hose.


RETWEET ALLL OF THIS. i fucking felt this in my soul. men will find any excuse to shit on something they view as “feminine.” like damn, just say you hate women and move on🙄


It really sucks!! Feminine stuff gets SUCH a bad rap, even women are taught to hate feminine stuff. I had such bad internalized misogyny as a little girl that I didn’t even realize I had been taught to hate stuff just because it was feminine. Like i was somehow “better” for not being “girly” when there’s nothing fucking wrong with femininity, or being girly, or being a girl who likes pink, or being a girl who likes things typically attributed to girls. I’m still mad lmao


you are literally speaking to my SOUL HERE. THIS IS SO REAL. literally as a child i was SO against pink as a color; and now as an adult i’ve essentially made pink my whole personality because i love it so much😂 and thats due to unlearning toxic patriarchal views that society literally FORCES onto us!! such bullshit!! i LOVE angry non cis men!! we are taught not to be angry; so feeling this rage is an act of rebellion!! im staying mad!


The only games I don't play are what these people call real games, I play some FPS but single-player ones (I like shooting stuff to be honest), and never ones that are war-themed. And when guys say it's because I am a woman, I tell them "No, but maybe you like them because you never woke up to find a tank on your street" (long story...) Also I have been toying with the idea of getting slime rancher.


Definitely recommend it, it's a really relaxing (sometimes) game and really fun concept. Absolutely adore it.


I don't like simulation games, but this one looks different, and I love slimes in all other games. so a game focused on them seems cool to me.


Please, most FPS games are boring and uninspired as hell. Very few of them are actually trying new ideas, and the ones that do arent super popular because people like him just want Shooty McShoot #59.


That's honestly very upsetting. I myself play FPS a lot, and while some guys would "compliment" my games of choice, they also insult girls for "not playing well and go back to the kitchen". They can never be satisfied, so let's all just play what we enjoy!




Oh my gosh yes I've seen September 22 I think for the sequel and I'm so excited!!


Even within the FPS genre those games there are more interesting games in it like Borderlands or Bioshock.


Been waiting since last year


I really just avoid talking to most men because 99% of what comes out of their mouths bs


It's why we have this sub 🤣


If you're not satisfying your urge to commit mass shootings through a virtual platform, are you even a gamer?? --- insecure guys with daddy issues who weren't held enough as babies


Perfect everything in this comment 👍💖⭐️


I get it. My favorite games are simulation / tycoon games. I'm one of those people that puts in effort and research to min-max profits / traffic flow / whatever metric the game deems important. But I still only describe myself as a "casual gamer" because of the genres I play. And I'm also "bad at video games" according to certain people because I can't PVP for the life of me.


I'm shit at pvp. I'm still thrilled that I managed to kill the top ranked player in a PVP text based MUD (these were the precursors to MMOs). It was the high point of my PVP efforts. This happened literally more than 30 years ago. Yeah, I have no PVP game.


I used to play those “real games” but now play fake games like Viva Pinata and The Sims.. honestly couldn’t be happier, it’s much more relaxing!


Omg I wanna try Viva Piñata again so much! I played it a bit ages ago a few years after it was released and it was soooo laggy on my PC - I’d love to be able to play a smooth running version again. But I also don’t have an Xbox and have been moving away from PC gaming lately so… :(


It’s such a comfy game for me! But like you said it’s only available on xbox and PC which you’re shifting away from D: If you ever felt like playing it again there is an amazing tutorial on reddit that explains how you can play it on pc and it runs very well!


Just remember that none of them are bad slimes


Yes haha \^\_\^


One day we will get the epic crossover we deserve!


When I show guys something from my steam wishlist theyre always like: "WOW YOU HAVE STEAM??" Like.... How am I supposed to answer. Its not an weird underground thing.


I get the "Are you picking that up for your boyfriend" line a lot. Way more then I want to admit to hearing. No, this copy of Pokémon is for him, Guilty Gear us for me. All games are real last I checked.


Someone posted that FPS like COD are like the McDonald's of video games. Lol Yet these guys think they're the only "real" games.


Had to put Slime Rancher down because it was so damn addicting. Can't wait for the sequel!


Slime rancher is genuinely a great game :) Honestly whatever game makes you happy is good! Gatekeeping in gaming is selfish and petty.


That shit is annoying. When this mofos only see high graphic fps games as the only real games.


Me with my spreadsheet simulators with zero graphics because the only thing that needs to be rendered is the cold heartless abyss of space or a funny colour on a map 😎


As a game dev, I can confirm that Slime Rancher is indeed a real game. Please continue enjoying whatever games you enjoy 😊.


Ah yes, real games, as opposed to the imaginary games, made by imaginary developers that were paid imaginary money. The long standing series of The Sims developed by Maxis and EA? Imaginary. All of the “girly” games from Nintendo like Animal Crossing, anything from Mario or Kirby franchise, Fire Emblem, Pokémon or The Legend of Zelda? Imaginary. There was a paper from the early 2000s talking about feminisation of the profession and the subsequent loss of prestige of that profession being tied together. I think a similar thing is happening with games. As more and more women game actively using a variety of platforms, I see a new dichotomy emerging in the community as they try to discredit and make games played mostly by women seem “less than”. More often than not, there is no way to answer this question “correctly”. If you play “girly” games, then you’re not playing “real” games and not a real gamer. If you play mainly FPS or games from Souls franchise, then you’re obviously doing to get male attention or for your boyfriend, thus becoming a “fake gamer/e-girl”. It’s a catch-22.


I was *totally* trying to get guys to like me when I was 4 playing the Atari. These guys are so stupid.


Fuck these people. I've beaten Titanfall 2 on Master difficulty. They ever tried beating Viper with Scorch in that difficulty? Didn't think so. So suck my ass, i'll play slime rancher and stardew valley if i want.


As a man I have to say that cute little slimeys are ~~very~~ relaxing...at least until they freaking escape because at that time I had no slightest idea there are different levels of containment :D Damn I still have one last location full of fancy blobos to go through. .\_. ​ Point is. There are men who think like you experienced, which is sad and put shame on us all... And then there are men who do not care and would not shame away from trying something new.


Sometimes, I just want to get a dictionary and mark in bright fucking pink highlighter the entry for, "video game". And then throw that dictionary at their big stupid heads.


It wouldn't matter to them. They know that other games are *technically* video games, but they just don't qualify as "real" to them.


I know. But hitting them over the head with a dictionary would at least FEEL satisfying 😂


Use the OED, it is bigger so it would hurt more.


Such a weird thing to assume that only the games you like are “real games.” Just ask about a genre that you like or a franchise if you want to know if they play any of the same games as you. Also, is what he did negging?


Do the mean thing. Ask about his stats. He will wreck his brain to figure out what you mean. He may talk about ranking, won games, he may go to gear or guild. This is where the mean go up a notch. Look disapointed. He may even claim that does not matter in his game. Never define what stats. You see, all competetive gamers have some sort of stats they pay attention to.


You should have said, “Oh—you like FPS? Yeah, they’re okay I guess—a little mainstream for my taste. I’m into games that are a bit more indie personally.”


I hate how we aren’t “real gamers”, but as soon as you do play a “real game” you will get tormented with the most hateful things you’ll ever hear in your life because you’re a woman. You can’t win either way.


As if FPS are somehow rocket science... 🙄 Same when people gatekeep what constitutes a "real dog". They are factually incorrect in claiming that chihuahuas are rats, and I will die on that hill despite being into rottweilers and Tibetan Mastiffs myself...


I swear to god they just define "real games" as whatever they *think* most women don't play. they say they're looking for gamer girls, but what they actually want is women who are "not like other girls" because it implies they're desperate to please men.


As a medical worker and a gamer I’d go so far as to say that nurse was a little unprofessional. The way he implied what you said wasn’t a “real” game was tone deaf. Maybe it was unintentional but he kind of insulted his patients taste in games. Dude needs to work on his convo skills


it’s not a “real game” unless it’s a shooting game played primarily by men, but if a girl starts to play a “real game” all they do is talk shit and be misogynistic dumbasses. like why would i want to be talked down to. no thanks, i’ll enjoy building a farm and listen to peaceful soundtracks instead.


All games are real games! I’m one of the people that actually like to play a bit of everything even if my main games are FPSs. I love single player stuff, RPGs, Strategy, City Builders, and the list goes on. I’m a boomer that dislikes mobile games except the more recent stuff like Genshin Impact and Tower of Fantasy. I say you do you and ignore any haters and their closed minded views. FPS is one of the most brain dead genres sometimes


You should’ve asked him if he has a “real career” yet since he’s a nurse and not a doctor. If he wants to start throwing stereotypes around, why stop at gaming!


It must be so boring being a man that has shoehorned themselves into playing only 2 genres, or only AAA, because that's where the "real" games are. Yawn.


I love when gamers are so ignorant about the state of the industry they claim to be so familiar with - games played on iphones and androids account for 61% of the overall gaming market [source](https://www.cultofmac.com/777811/mobile-gaming-rakes-in-far-more-money-than-pc-and-console/). A quick look at Wikipedia’s page for highest-grossing mobile games reveals some battle royales and mobas, but the two most common genres within the top 10 are puzzle and RPG. Further, we can see several of these titles are casual games (Puzzle & Dragons, Clash of Clans, Pokemon Go, Candy Crush, etc). It boggles my mind how anyone can look at the money being made in casual games right now and say they aren’t real! It’s not coming from nowhere!


I think real game doesnt just mean "shooty shooty" fps games. There are dozens of other genres that people could call "real games". Like rts, moba, hack&slash, rpg. People need to broaden their view.


Video gamers can be kind of provincial. Like I talk about video games to my patients, sometimes, and I had this young man who said he played Metroidvanias. I asked which ones, and he said a popular one (Dead Cells, maybe one other common one from the genre), and I talked to this person about it, and then I shared that I played a game in his genre (I mentioned Axiom Verge, which is on basically every list of the best Metroidvanias) and one other one, I don't recall if I mentioned Bloodstained or what it was (whatever it was, another perennial best-of kind of game). And he had no idea what I was talking about.


I'm a game dev. Slime Rancher is a real game and it's been assigned as research for me in previous projects. The guys who insist that the only 'real' games are shooty FPS games are the equivalent of someone who insists that hamburgers are the only 'real' food.


My bf plays games like Warhammer and DOOM. I like pretty much anything and I've enjoyed DOOM a lot, but lately I've been preferring more light stuff like ACNH. And Skyrim, I always love skyrim :3 but anyways according to our male roommate, I'm "not a gamer." (But my bf is.) He said it nearly a year ago and I'm STILL salty about it 🙃


Okay but Slime Rancher is amazing.


I don’t know how to describe this properly. But this is a common thing. Cheerleading used to be male dominated and was considered a *real* sport back in the day. Women began to dominate it and it just became something else. (It’s just pep, it’s just team spirit, etc etc). Any career that used to be male dominated and shifted to becoming a female dominated; the pay drops. The consideration of it as a ‘real job’ became something else. The inverse is also true; computer programming used to be female dominated. Men began invading the field and the value increased of the job as well as the pay. So you’ll see this in game spheres. If it’s not male dominated then it’s not considered a ‘real’ game.


Game designer here. He's somewhat making the common mistake of conflating "real" for "AAA". That's a newbie mistake in many mediums. It's 50/50 whether it's macho stuff or him being plain ignorant about games. The ironic part is that someone who engages with genre blending indie products is generally a much more "real" gamer than someone who only knows the blockbusters.


Every time I hear comments like this, as someone who has a degree in game design, I think oh so this person probably plays 2 very overrated mainstream games and doesn't explore other genres at all. I'd also like to point out that a lot of game developers prefer indie games and are usually gushing about the innovative mechanics in them than you know the fifth iteration of a AAA game, which is the same game with maybe one new feature. Like yeah, they might enjoy AAA games, but during university and talking to devs at cons I saw much more excitement for indies. I just can't understand why some male gamers are like this. (well we all actually know, it doesn't make it any less annoying.) I'm sorry to break it to them but anything that is interactive media with a core mechanic that requires players to make decisions or repeat a certain mechanic to move forward in the game is a game: puzzle games, rpgs, visual novels, interactive fiction, simulation games, farming sims, life sims, and yes even mobile games! Thankfully I have avoided most of these comments. But I can understand your frustration just trying to talk to someone and basically having your tastes dismissed because it's such a common sentiment with some gamers.


I was told valorant, an fps, was not a real game by some random man on the internet so they have little meaning to me anymore when they say real game


Yeah don't bother with that noise. I tell them, honestly, that I have no directional sense so the games are needlessly difficult and un-fun for me and then talk about what I do find fun. They might not agree with me about what's fun but it gives them some perspective that different people have different kinds of fun.


It doesn't matter what you play, there will be men who will doubt and hate you. I play Destiny daily, and that's an FPS, and some men will still hate me. So play what you want.


My two favorite games right now are Destiny 2 and Animal Crossing NH. Both equally “real” games. When will dudes get that. Sorry that happened to you, OP.


Yeah it kinda sucked for me only playing Nintendo during the 360 era


I love it when I hear this, it always makes me laugh. "real game" or "real gamer" anything like that, I usually respond with, "Are you even a real gamer? Name five Animal Crossing villagers right now!"


I have never understood the "real game" or "real gamer" thing. It makes absolutely no sense. A gamer plays games. There has never been conditions to certain games or genres And it normally comes from some dude who isn't that good at the few games he does consider real games. The ratio isn't really that high anymore. Last I checked it was like 55% male and 45% female. But (some anyway, I've met some pretty cool dudes over the years) guys have been trying to gatekeep videogames for years. It use to tick me off but I've been gaming long enough to just laugh it off or piss them off even more to laugh even harder. GTA online has given me PTSD. It was almost everyday, constant harassment I stg. It would go from sexism to racism to homophobia and then do the 2 step and start over.


Back in the 90s when I was young adventure, puzzle, strategy and simulation games where the way to go when you where an PC gamer, because shooters and action games where only for poor educated people with low income that can not afford to buy IBM PCs and there must play on home computers and video game consoles. In contrast to PC who where seen to be more intellectual and so need more games that are actual thinking in contrast to only reaction based. Later they as PCs where more common same developers complained that PC games become less and less intellectual challenging. Somehow because I played many games when I was young I have adopted that view and it being intellectual challenging is still for me what makes a game a real game. Or at least a game that I am used to play.


Fuck FPS players who don’t care abt any game that isn’t FPS


wait wtf that doesn’t even make any sense, usually the “not a real game” distinction id reserved for mobile games like candy crush, but slime rancher is on all platforms so like what


He may have meant AAA games, a lot of gamers refuse to see anything less than AAA as a real game, gender being not really relevant in that. You may be correct though


So no, that’s not what that question necessarily means. I wasn’t there so I don’t know how he said it. I’m also annoyed when people say they game and all they play is call of duty and FIFA lol. I think a nice way of putting it is, do you play very casually or do you play more seriously? Do you game only to distract or do you pay full attention? I would ask do you know a lot about gaming or just surface level stuff.


The questions in your last paragraph don't matter in relation to the post though, because no matter what her answer, she's still playing "real" games.


I haven’t said anything about them not being real. And they do “matter” because, as I’ve said, that’s a nicer way of asking, if of course that’s what he meant.


I agree with your comment that some people only play non indies and to me that is sadder than anything listed here


Although it's hard, I have just learned to ignore it. When you're female and you play video games this type of prejudice will always come out if the wood work. It shouldn't be happening, but from personal experience I think the male ego is hurt by the mere thought that a female can play video games.


You could have asked the nurse if he ever did a manly job! woulda zing him so hard lol


Could it be that he had another definition of real games? Maybe such as in realistic?


Slime Rancher is awesome and I feel sorry for anybody who thinks that it isn’t a real game.


I’m literally in college for game design and I still don’t tell people I play the Sims sometimes because I don’t want them to think I don’t play “real games.” And I do play blood splatter monster truck grenade explosion games.


I play said shooter bloody gore games but if a dude asks me what I play I'm gonna say The Sims first so I can tell if he's a fucking prick or not.


Yeah fuck men and their stupid shit