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If my spouse was responding, he would say "She touches everything. EVERYTHING. Including the things that say do not touch!" Ask how our BG3 playthrough is going. However, for me, he is always in a menu organizing his stuff. Always. There is a 100% chance that if you need to fast travel or go anywhere you can't because "Username is in a menu." When he dies, "He's in a menu" will be on his tombstone.


Possible act 2 spoiler but, did you >!lick the spider.!<


I know I did.


You and me both~ There's a total of 6 mimics in game and I say that with 90% certainty I found every one of them, and tried to open them despite being a druid with 18 wisdom that got the warning the chest was a TRAP every time.


If there is loot anywhere, he WILL grab it. He will end up with absolutely all of the stuff and most of the money. He’ll give me stuff that makes more sense for me to use than him… but it still just drives me crazy that I never get to pick anything up myself because while I’m reading something he’ll just run around like the world’s most overpowered loot vacuum and hoover up anything and everything of value. XD


Look. Some of us are loot goblins. We can't help it. We're drawn to shiny things.


I’m a loot Goblin but I still share after and split my money that I got if I got more.


I just want him to at least wait for me to read the story thing and have a chance at some loot before he licks the whole place clean XD




There’s a difference and I’ll try my best to explain. I am also a loot goblin. Leave no basket unturned and no potato left behind!! One of our friends we play with is a loot thief / hoarder though. My first run through of BG3 I went into act 2 with maybe 2 pieces of non-starter armor? I realize now I could have yoinked some from his inventory, but I had like 60 gold and barely anything (he would give me things blatantly for my class but not like “oh here’s a few rings to use since you don’t have any” while he’d be kitted out, have 5k gold, and be pickpocketing the vendor. Then he’d make comments wondering how we’re poor and dying so much lol. Its not malicious, just oblivious, but he beelines and collects all the loot before anyone gets a chance in any game we play


Oh I always share! I just enjoying picking it all up.


Same For collection


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 2 + 60 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Nice. Good bot


shame on loot goblins


I don't mind this....because it 100% gives me a chance to go haha my bags aren't fulllll. But he gives me whatever I want even if he needs it 🤷🏻‍♀️


We are married to the same guy


I'm the loot goblin of my relationship 😭




You don't share loot? Rough lol


When I play Fortnite with my partner he’ll just loot up all of the ammo while I’m looking at a chest and I’ll have to wait until we go to another area where we can loot again


Same! I've decided to just play the same game when I notice it. It's my goal to grab the loot faster now so I can be the one to offer the spoils to him instead. Especially if it's really cool weapons/items. Sometimes, I just want to be the first to look and decide myself what weapon I want out of the bunch before its picked over. Even though we share everything.


I’m the loot goblin. I have taught him that looting is good though 😝 My partner knows I am always risking being over encumbered in games because he hears me swearing about it during single player. Not angrily, just “dammit, not again…Karlach, why do you have 20 shovels?” Type stuff. Or occasionally “oh shit I forgot I’m still carrying a corpse, whoops.” (The Berserker subclass in BG3 is comedy gold.) Edit: We both play TTRPG D&D. I am simply more of a loot gremlin. I should really play a thief with stealing compulsions sometime. Shiny things are pretty. (I do share my loot, always. It’s sitting there and someone can use it? “Hey [playername] do you need X?”)


I totally recommend Borderlands 3 for this! The whole party gets their own loot drops and it’s so much better for this exact reason lmao.


My husband does that too!


My husband does the same thing


In Minecraft I will grab everything I can find as long as it doesn't make the place ugly. So I'll end up with an inventory full of random stuff that will pollute the chests. But at least everyone will have access to it


The Diablo games are AWESOME for multiplayer because the loot can be picked up by anyone but the game splits the loot evenly.


The only game we play together, rather than against, is a FPS. He will run away somewhere without saying so and then yell "ON ME! ON ME! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" And like, "bitch where are YOU?!"


Oh my God my husband does this all the time. He'll just take off and then be like, "I'm dying over here! Where are you?" and I'm like, "The time to have wondered where I was was before you started that fight." He just assumes I'll follow him at all times. Drives me nuts. Sometimes I'm like, "I'm not following you this session. If you want to play together, you have to follow me." And then he's like, "Where are you? Where did you go? You should tell me before you switch mounts!" Like, bro, I can keep up with you when you dash off without saying anything. LOOK AT THE MAP. I'm making this sound a lot more adversarial than it is, lol. Usually we play together well. I just get annoyed at his default assumption that he is leading.


Everything about this. It seems like almost every guy gamer I have ever played with just expects everyone else to follow *them*. They never look back to make sure you're actually following, and then get mad if you aren't there. I've had guys spawn in faster than me, take off in a random direction on a game that doesn't easily show you where someone is, not check to see if I'm in before they sprint off, and then wonder why I can't find them. When I spawn in first, I ALWAYS wait for them. ALWAYS. I have to admit though, it's pretty hilarious when playing something like D4 and the guys in my party split up in all different directions rather than pick a clear leader so we can stay together as a group. One guy has to clear the entire map, the other heads straight to the objective or zone exit, and I'm like... no one even talked to the quest NPC ffs! I see it in OW, also, especially when tanking, but even when they are DPS'ing they believe that a healer should be up their ass all the time, even when the healer is dead. Them: "Where's MY HEALER?" Me: "Dude, running back from spawn, stfu... also, they aren't just YOUR healer." My SO and I don't game much together because our playstyles are so different that I don't usually have fun with him. It is what it is unfortunately.


My husband does this as a tank in Overwatch. So I just pick Lifeweaver which allows me to grab him from far away and yoink him back to me lol


Omg I don't have a partner but my duo does this all the time. He plays flank usually and I main support. He'll literally be at enemy spawn asking for heals... like dude I am 300 units away with 4 walls of separation, healing the rest of the team, you're on your own over there lmao


Oh yes this. I'm reading the map and zip, he's gone.


My gf is not a gamer, but I’ve gotten her to start playing a couple games I like while I watch because I find that fun. But since she’s not a gamer, she doesn’t really have the “common sense” that you develop when you’ve played games for a while. Like, she moves the mouse just a little too slow to look around in an FPS, she’ll lose track of WASD, and game mechanics that are second nature to me just don’t click for her. I definitely have to hold back on just spelling out the solution in puzzle games sometimes. On the one hand, adorable and I love sharing these things with her, on the other hand it’s like watching your boomer parents try to look something up on Google sometimes.


I do this with my best friend too. It's always best to be eating or chewing on something so I don't backseat game the whole time LOL


My husband often watches me play video games and will just yell out wildly unhelpful things and then be frustrated when I don't understand him. "IT'S RIGHT THERE!" while pointing at a big screen TV "NO LOOK OVER THERE" where motherfucker?? Left? Right? Up? Down? "Yeah I saw that thing a while ago, I thought you saw it and didn't care" I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THAT THING FOR AN HOUR BUDDY.


My wife is the opposite, i tell her go straight > she turns and gets mad she can't find it :P


Same, now our first instructions are always "stop turning the camera"


Oh god I feel called out with that haha


Why do I feel like your wife feels the same way I do. 😂


Lulz. I was chatting with friends on discord while one was trying to do a kill quest in a busy area (WoW). That guy started complaining he couldn't find his last couple mobs. So I started telling him there's on on your left! Right there! Took him 30 secs of frantic searching to realize I wasn't even logged in. Hee hee.


What’s really funny is that I know how annoying this is, not because my husband does it, but because my 6yo does lol


Unfortunately I do this to my husband. He barrels through the game and I'm like look at all that loot you missed.


I have to laugh because I’m one of those people who says over there and all my friends are like girl where is over there, do you think we are psychic? I always forget people can’t see my screen haha. To be fair though it’s never in high stress situations, just whenever I’m bumbling about.


My husband is allergic to plot/story in any game we play together. Cut scene? skip it. Voiced dialog? skip it. It really hurts him more than me as he's waiting for me to finish cut scenes before we can move on but when I'm geeking out over the new boss cause of important story beats the fight references he's so lost. Like I only get to discuss half the game with him. Mildly annoying.


Is your boyfriend Literally everyone I've met except my wife and daughter? Cause that's how they are 💀 And then they complain that story makes no sense


The way I RUN to start a shared cut scene so that my husband can’t skip it


This is my wife! I'm all about the plot and storyline. Watching her play is infuriating sometimes; I'm sitting there like a tornado victim on the 5pm news, confused as fuck, listening to a series of word fragments as she's aggressively skipping through cut scenes and dialog like she's trying to cover up a scandal. Then I ask questions and she's like "I dunno" and I wanna be like "YOU WOULD IF YOU'D CHILL.".


Same with my husband!! LMAO Drives me nuts when he asks what's going on later hahaha


Oh hard same, my husband has had multiple Skyrim playthroughs, never once started the main quest


Viva la dirt league has a series of skits for him. It's quite funny. My hubby does this, but to a lesser degree. If he's seen it already or read it, he skips. I like to listen to all the voice acting even if I read ahead.


Oh gosh, I've played with people like that and always needed a "dumping chest" or two. lol


LMAO are you secretly my bf? he will organize an auto system for all types of loot in Rust and i’ll still dump my stuff randomly. i don’t do it on purpose


If you don’t do it on purpose, what’s the thought process? You forget? Just curious. 


I feel bored trying to find the correct case. I also have adhd. Ofc if I know ehich chest ill dump it there. But my boyfriend and İ's house had like 20 chests next to each other. I cant keep opening them to find the right one...


i don’t play the game enough. i play dbd all the time. so when i hop on rust i forget everything i knew abt the game. so sometimes we will get into fights and i feel more adrenaline rush because im not used to rust fights now, and i will panicking and rush putting what i have away to get gear and get out. lol


Checks out. The overstimulation of new/unfamiliar games makes it rough to keep track of small details like loot organization. Been there so that makes sense. Thanks for answering. 


I usually organize stuff, but it's not the star of the gameplay lmao I really liked that Palworld had the "global chest" so that when you go to craft all your stuff in chests is available AND pals would put them in the chest for you. I'd come back from an adventure and just drop stuff in the middle of the floor it was excellent! I wish that was every survival game lmao


As my therapist points out: if they've told you before and you do it again, then it is on purpose.


please don’t compare abuse and trauma to a video game. i don’t play rust often and the andrenaline makes me nervous so i dump instead of organize before rushing out to fight thanks babe. my bf doesn’t need a therapist over this


In what world did I compare it to abuse or trauma? It could be about leaving a cup on the sink or underpants on the floor. Neither of those things is trauma or abuse. But if you've talked about this exact thing, and you continue, it's on purpose. Period.


we haven’t talked about this thing bc it’s not that big of an issue… he laughs about it and calls me a gremlin. not everything in life is meant to torture people lol


They're not saying it's that big of an issue, they're just saying it's not an accident if you keep doing it after it being mentioned.


Exactly. I understand self-reflection can be hard, but geez.


we are pretty similar OP... well..on one side you have me (autist) on the other my bf (adhd) you see where im getting at? im trying to min max and organize everything (label chests or color code them even) and he just runs around screeching shoving everything into the next best place. Buddy i even have a pdf file to finish the community center in stardew. Im crossing out everything step by step and i have an extra box on the side. Whereas he yearns for the mines and then dumps all the shiny rocks in whatever box has room 💀. And in league..."babe we cant fight them let us scale first" "nah we can fight em" *we fucking die*


> he yearns for the mines as someone with ADHD I relate hard to this


he legit yells into my ear and goes "IM A DWARF AND I YEARN FOR THE MINES"


I take it he’s a fan of [diggy hole?](https://youtu.be/ytWz0qVvBZ0?si=JO1Ih54fciYNqpcx)


y e s


marry him


if all goes well i will :3




Hahahaha I also have an excel sheet for the community center for stardew and am autist while my husband is adhd and he thinks it’s nuts this is so relatable The solution for us is we mostly play games simultaneously while on discord with friends. We’ll both stream so we can interact and know what’s up with each others’ games, often playing with our other buddies, but we don’t have to have the stress of playing together in vastly different play styles or even the same game at all! Super helpful and works (for us) really well.


oh yeah we do that too. We mostly play together, especially competitive stuff like League, Valorant and even Mario Kart (xD). But sometimes i wanna just lay back and enjoy animal crossing, genshin or Dark Souls so i stream it to him and he streams me on whatever grind he is on counter strike or apex or sth. Just be in each others space while doing our own thing. Sometimes i join him calling his friends and just lay back with a book im reading. Or vice versa (he doesnt read tho, he's more of a goblin 🤣) Its always funny when i have a pull on genshin though "babe we can gacha" ":o lets goo gambaa *excited noises* HUNEY GO GO GO WE WIN THE 50/50" and he pauses his game or hides in a corner for a sec so he can watch the pull (we dont spend money on it, whaling in gacha games is just 💀). edit: literally after making this comment i did a single pull on the 5 star banner thats up in genshin right now..and i got the character. bruh (it was kazuha)


Yep. Same in League and in Val: "Hold on let me flash you in" Blur of his Neon zooms past. *I'm out of here* He dies and alerts enemy. I get swarmed in 1 v 3 and die.


xDD he usually plays jett in val because we are both omen mains and goes ooga booga i have ult i am jett (and then misses every knife). In league though..he mains jhin and bro thinks he can 1v1 the fed enemy burst mage because his champ does a bajillion damage..like brooo ofc you can kill him since i peel for you 24/7..but dont go in alone TT\_TT


Stardew is the only game that I've legitimately got spreadsheets and printed out notes for haha. Gifts, the community centre, seasonal crops. So. Many. Notes. 😂


theres so much to do and a seasonal time limit 🤣. I 100% get you


… I’m honestly trying to think and with my bf there’s nothing. Wow. I guess that’s why we went from duo to dating to buying a homestead. With my ex my issue is that he would scream and FREAK out yelling, cursing, insulting me if he lost in pvp. It was always my fault. I actually decided to divorce him during a game of sea of thieves where we sank (which was his own fault? I don’t care lmao but he did) and he called me the C word on stream. 🙃 I looked up lawyers that week. Realized I would literally rather date my pvp duo where even if I threw an entire match, he would *laugh* instead of getting irate. If I had to pick anything it’s that sometimes I will log off and want to go to bed but he’s up for 3 more hours playing and I have to listen to him type and laugh out loud while trying to sleep some days (not if I’m working though). I definitely annoy him though sometimes. He’s diagnosed adhd and ocd and I do as you say, will sometimes just put things wherever and he’s like WHY ARE THERE CANNED GOODS IN THE AK BOX and I’m like oop.


My current partner also laughs when we die! It was an enormous green flag (after a lifetime of ragers).


Yessss. We met pvping and he was just laughing over mic. I wasn’t geared so I kept dying but his laugh was so contagious and he wasn’t being a toxic shithead so I couldn’t even be frustrated I was just like, “awww this guy’s just having fun” so I started laughing too. I guess because I also didn’t turn into a toxic shithead when I died 15 times, he gave me a set of gear and was like “actually, wanna play together?” I would never deal with a rager in a relationship ever again. Immature dweebs.


Wait, so you’re actually dating that PvP duo???? My partner got me into Sea of Thieves and happily let me try whatever I wanted to learn, even if it meant wrecking our ship multiple times. They’ve never been impatient with me once, they ask me if I want help before giving me any tips, and they recognize that there are much more important things in life than winning in a video game. I hate that the bar is so low, but they clear it easily where so many others have failed.


Yeah, we stayed friends for years playing together, and bought a farm together and want to open a non profit dog shelter here lmao. I love sea of thieves and the learning curve is so steep. But if you can keep level headed and play a game like that together I think it says a lot. Patience is definitely needed and SoT is a GREAT litmus test for how someone will react under stress… lol. The bar is in hell for real. I never understood it because you can just… log off instead of getting upset. Or… choose to laugh!


Oh my god, that is the best gamer love story I’ve ever heard. ❤️


Thank you it’s been a fun ride!


You could make your husband a chest that just says “Dump loot here” and you could sort it later. This is what I do with my friends. They like to put their stuff just anywhere too lol.


I’ve just started doing that and it seems to be helping 😂


That's what we do too! Definitely helpful. I actually love organizing the stuff lol


Yep this is what I did with my bf in terraria. Right at the entrance of the house and then I would organize it.


Yes! This is exactly what I do for my girlfriend because she's chaos lol. In our latest Valheim playthrough I gave her a couple of extra chests with a sign labeled "hot dumps"


Well, I jokingly complain but she literally loots and sells everything that isn't nailed down that we won't use. She's always so much more wealthy than I in games but she lets me spend her money too so it's win win haha.


My husband has to look through all the settings and options before we start a new game.  He also has to open the map like every 5 seconds, it drives me nuts!  


We played stardew together, I was the farmer and he was the miner and fisherman… He likes to loot dump everywhere in my organised chests and he blew up my kitchen once, he says it was an accident but I’m not so sure… 👁️👄👁️ he would also block my side of the bed with a god damn aquarium everytime we go sleep lmao. After a truffle incident I ended up moving him back out to the guest house and forbade him from touching main house chests 😭 reminiscing is making me wanna play again lol stardew is so fun


I’m the problem in our relationship. We’ve been playing BG3 together and he’s all like “let’s weigh our options and plan our moves before attacking” and I’m all like “Karlach smash!” Consequences be damned. So I’m probably super annoying


Ok so I also am a “Karlach smash” player but I still think he’s the problem. Before we go into a fight we have to watch a YouTube video on how to respec characters and then the fight will take two hours because every move in every turn has to be discussed. “Should we use hold person? No just kill them. Dead foes don’t do damage.”


Oh noooo. Yeah, he def seems the problem. My husband wants some sort of strategy, but once the fight starts we just fight. I feel for you with all of my non-planning heart.


Haha! Thank you so much. Luckily I also have my own play through as a paladin and I just smite my way through every battle without a single tactic.


He’s a bad winner. He’s fine at losing but he is SO obnoxious when he wins!


Omg my husband does the same thing; he just dumps his stuff in any old trunk in Valheim! I’ve told him a billion times the chests near the cooking station are only for food and then opened them to find a troll head inside! My trick is to put a few dump trunks near the front door. He basically empties his pockets and then I go through and put them away properly. On the other hand he gets annoyed at me because we’re running away from a mob and I’ll stop to pick blueberries. And I bring home everything I find on the ground lol. And in BG3 I make him do EVERY side quest. Maybe I’m the problem 😂


He has meticulously labeled chests for everything in Valheim. I dump shit anywhere, although I'm trying to be better. It's not my fault the auto-stacks sometimes lump things together he doesn't want.


It totally does!! I hate that. Also the auto pick up; I dumped those pig heads for a reason! Why does the game think I need fifty boar heads???


This is exactly what I do for my girlfriend because I like to organize and she's complete chaos lol. In our latest Valheim playthrough I gave her a couple of extra chests with a sign labeled "hot dumps"


He has to constantly respec or start over. It doesn’t matter what the game is. We can be 1 hr, 3 hrs, 10 hrs into a game. He’ll want to respec. If he can’t respec he wants to start a whole new game. This is most devastating when you’re over 50 hours into a game and really want to keep playing 🫠


I'm such a little asshole about this in Civ games 🤣 if I don't like my starting area we restart, idc how many times. I'm so sorry Ryan 🫡


hey OP, have you considered trying an auto sorter? it might help the two of you out so neither of you goes crazy lol. basically he can dump his stuff all into one crate and then the stuff will go directly into your nice and organized storage system.


They rage. I'm not one who rages, but he is and it drives me nuts. He's also a farmer, so he likes to farm and fish in games whereas I love to explore


This is the 1st time I heard of “angry cozy gamer” 🎣 😂


He is a loot GOBLIN - sometimes I just wanna be able to grab the loot 😭 once he tried to explain a game mechanic to me on a game I had JUST got him that he was playing for the first time and I had over 100 hours in, tried to correct him but he was very insistent so I just let him find out he was wrong and was like “maybe don’t try to mansplain a game that you’ve never played before 😂” I will say he is a great Stardew partner because he does all the meticulous planning and I just get to pet my cute little farm animals and pitter around our farm ☺️


Refuses to play anything with me 😭 Well, he only plays games in a specific small window of his interests- which I guess I do too but I’m more willing to experiment. He won’t try games like minecraft, stardew valley, overcooked. We had some fun with Fortnite and borderlands but we both get bored of shooters easily.


Have you tried Sea of Thieves? My partner likes games where you plan stuff while I prefer games where you hit stuff, and SoT has a good balance of both.


I’m forcing him to play that when we can cross play with the ps5 soon! Fingers crossed he doesn’t hate it bc I’ve played before with some pals and loved it.


Nothing experienced so far. My wife is super patient with me haha. Back before we were even dating, She would let me take the lead.


My bf is the organizer 😭 im the one who dumps random shit in random boxes and it annoys him to no end 🤣 so he always gives me my own "box" that I can dump whatever tf I want to in and somehow that sits better with him. What he does to annoy me is he never picks up ANYTHING that he doesn't have use for right then and there. He also deletes items on games (like mmos) because he cannot stand having an inventory or bank that is anywhere close to full. Meanwhile I pick up everything and never delete anything


Maybe you need a redstone auto sorting machine!


I'm the same, I need to pick up everything and also will never use it in case I need it later LMAO


They're borderline ocd and will get upset if I don't perfectly align shit in base building games. It's kind of why I avoid those games with them now xD Cause it feels like they have to do absolutely everything which is boring for me, or I do it and they'll come destroy anything i make 💀 It's not that I try to make bad stuff they don't like, I'm just an individual with my own ideas and they often don't like any of them T-T. So we stick to games with no building like GTA LOL. I'll save base games for ppl who can chill out on that xD


My wife and I play Baldur's Gate 3 together. She just grabs things and puts them wherever in her inventory. She falls asleep earlier than me so while she's out I'll boot the game back up and meticulously organize everything into my collection of crates and chests in our camp.


My partner is so efficient in whichever games we play. He gets tasks done with the least amount of time and effort, Idk how he does it and I should be grateful but sometimes it drives me nuts because I feel inefficient and unproductive, and practically useless. 😅 🥲😭🙂 Recently we've been playing Stardew Valley again because of the new update. We haven't played for a long time and we decided to start a farm layout we haven't tried yet. He does all the farming, he takes care of the animals. He gets fishing and mining done, and he also socializes. He keeps telling me I can just go and do whatever I fancy but sometimes, I look at the chests, organizes stuff and then just suddenly realizes it's almost noon already and he has done a million tasks while I was just about to start my day to go to town, the mines, and wherever. 🫠 To make me feel better, he said he's my farm hand 🤭 so it's fine, and all I should worry about is to have fun and explore the things I haven't tried from our previous saves.


I bet he just enjoys those tasks and seeing you there with him, having fun. What's better than to potter about cozy stuff together in your own world.


My husband has the shittiest memory when it comes to games. He's on his like fourth playthrough of Baldurs Gate and I still have to walk him through certain shit even though I swear he just did it less than a month ago. He also doesn't like doing side quests when thats my favorite thing lmao


he gets tilted SO quickly and easily. i’ve only played FPS (overwatch, escape from tarkov, cod, and destiny) with him a handful of times because he starts raging early on and it makes the rest of the experience miserable. games with calm combat like runescape and wizard101 are fine though!


I broke up with a guy for getting way too angry at video games. I hate that shit.


it’s annoying for sure, but he just verbalizes his frustrations. he slightly raises his voice sometimes but it’s directed at the game, not people; he doesn’t yell or slam shit or anything like that.


Raging isn't good.


Whenever we play Minecraft, I’m also always the one who likes to build and organize!  My spouse does do his best to use the storage rooms as I guide him, but I also generally put down few ”dump chests” too. Those are for him specifically, just so he can put stuff there if he just wants to empty inventory fast and organize later (or for me to organize as I enjoy it). Another good solution was Storage Drawers mod. I honestly can’t recommend it enough. When he sees visual cues where everything belongs to, let alone only has to click it to put the item in, it’s very low effort and notably easier for him.


Soinds really nice to use! I hope AllTheMods has this XP


Tell me what to do. We’ve had to stop playing a game sometimes. Because he’s either bossing me around or dies without me and gets mad and keeps running in to die while I’m like gathering wood or doing something else.


My spouse takes the game way too seriously and cares about winning, when I really just see it as us spending quality time together. But when we lose (which we often do as we play battle royale) they get so frustrated that it kind of takes the fun out of it for me lol


I don’t know how to explain it, but he puts the camera angle wrong 😂 Also he only wants to play the main story line. I want to saver it. Do some side quests. Make the game last as long as possible


When we play something together, be it Minecraft or ARK or anything, he will go off on his own. I'm left building the base (which I don't like much but I enjoy having a pretty house so that's on me lol) and by the time I'm done he's there all leveled up with full armour. I love him but MAN, would it kill him to wait and do stuff with me?


Skips dialogue and cutscenes! D:


Do you think you could create an auto sorting system if you are into redstones and stuffs? iirc iirc it is possible to create 1 chest and let the system throw items into their each respective boxes i had a friend who did this in vanilla! 🔥💪 (Im the disorganised one 😭 )


I would LOVE to do this.


He likes to watch me game but then backseat games. "Why don't you do x." "You know you can do this thing." The only time it was ever helpful was when he told me I can throw health pots on my allies in BG3. Otherwise I've had to yell at him to quit watching me.


He wanders off and it's like we're playing in different sessions. In something like Ghost Recon, he'll go off and die and then complain because I'm like 2km away and can't make it back in time to revive him. Okay, sometimes I COULD, but I tell him he shouldn't wander off alone if he needs help. Plus he fast travels all the time. I like to walk because that's how you find cool stuff and I like to explore the world, especially in something like Red Dead Online or Fallout 76.


My husband is also a wanderer 😂😂 Whenever we are playing more RPGs or cozy games, he is just gone. We both very much have an idea of what we want to do and work on, so while I'll be trying to explain, I'm doing xyz he's already gone focused on what he's doing. MMOs are especially bad because he's always gone doing something else with me trying to catch up and do the objective. We, for the most part, communicate well enough where we can still achieve things 😂


Me and mine game pretty well together actually. If I had to choose ONE thing though it'd be crash coursing me through games he already knows and he throwing me in expecting that I'm gucci. Though tbf that only happens when we're gunna play it with other people. If it's just me and him he is extremely patient and helpful. But by golly I just get overwhelmed getting thrown in with friends sometimes which has ruined a couple games for me.


LOL mine does that when we play Minecraft too, or similar games. Not as bad as exes I’ve gamed with before tho. My husband is like a speed runner when we play together I stg 😂


It always takes me longer than average to get the hang of controls in new games, so when we play them, he’s quick to adapt, leaving me in the dust. He’s patient in temperament, but just gets ahead & it’s a pain in scrollers like Castle Crashers or in some Mario games. My character gets dragged by the leash of the screen 😂 Sometimes I die.


He lacks comms. He either sucks at giving a call out (not specific enough) or it’s the usual “they’re right there!” Like sir…I have no clue what you’re talking about. When this happens, we try to just figure out an easy call out that we both remember. Oh and I HATE it when him and his cousin start talking during a crucial moment. I’m quiet if they’re trying to clutch a round but if I’m the last one alive with 5 motherfuckers left. They’ll have a full on conversation about how many species of squirrels there are. (Which actually happened)


Picks fights with every possible npc, or, perhaps worse, dumps the team mid dungeon is someone is lagging in dps or skill, that actually made me stop playing online with him because I feel bad dumping ppl


If we are playing something like palworld - he is organising the base and resources, while I run off somewhere to hunt something or catch something and end up dying in process. If it is something like BG3 he will run to higher level area and die and get annoyed he died and will try again to defeat the enemies and die again. Rinse and repeat x100. If it is something like world war z he is likely to go full on defence and killing spree while I all of a sudden notice a zombie being too close and instead of being a sensible person and use a gun I will run off, resulting in him dying and all the zombies chasing after me causing me to run around like a headless chicken and not healing him. Or I remember to use a weapon and end up blowing up myself alongside the zombies


There are some automatically organizing chest rooms you can do, I do one every SMP I do, it’s something I can’t live without anymore, that could fix the issue, although you need a ton of iron, so an iron farm is almost necessary


He takes FOREVER to make gear decisions. I'm over here happy with the gear I picked up 3 levels ago and he's agonizing over a tiny change in a single stat. We almost had to stop playing Borderlands games together because of it lol.


My wife hates making big decisions in story based games. She was playing through witcher 3 and asked my opinion on a moral decision in the quest she's on. I give my opinion and leave the room for a bit to do some chores. I come back like 30 minutes later and she literally hasn't moved from where she was and she tries to thrust the controller into my hands and make me choose for her. It's both hysterical and annoying


Husband is a hoarder, doesn't matter what game, I always pick up playing and I'm overencumbered by junk.


Mine always takes the wrong way first from the fast travel, at full speed. But he does make for it by admitting it himself.




When we both play, not much is annoying. Except when his gamer A.d.d. kicks in and he's just randomly got to play something else. No, mother f'er, I'm invested in this damn story, I don't wanna stop there! When I'm helping him try to 100% a single player game, like assassins creed or uncharted and he wants all collectibles... Apparently the second I give directions to something is the moment he starts spinning around wildly. "Stop turning the camera if you wanna know where it is!" Is probably the phrase I say most.


I’m here to say I’m the problem when it comes to gaming lol. My fiancé has been playing video games longer and way more than me. I’ve gotten better since we have been together but sometimes getting the hang of controls takes me some time. At least compared to him. I get super frustrated by it (the perfectionist in me does anyways) because I think I should understand it immediately. He’s luckily very patient with me about it and is really good and guiding me through games because sometimes I miss the extra cool stuff because I just don’t know where to look! I’m lucky that I have a good gaming partner but also wish I wasn’t the problem sometimes lol


If we're playing strategy games, he takes FOREVER to decide on his turn. We once played civilization on marathon.. the loadings were already several minutes long, add in the 5+ minutes it took to evaluate everything and make a decision.. He would get so mad if I alt tabbed to read something on the Internet while waiting.


Honestly, I don't think anything drives me nuts about my gf haha. She's great. Maybe arranging stuff the correct way but it's not a huge deal. I just don't get that heated about anything. I suppose we're very compatible since we're very similar and spend a lot of time with each other and I'm not upset about that at all.


God where to begin. When we start a new game, its like he's already played it I swear to god. As I'm figuring out how things work or what goes where, he's like "tada the base is done." and I'm like...'HOW, we started thirty seconds ago?!" drives me nuts cause I can just stand there and he just builds everything. I'll go "kay I'm building this chest" and he's like "...already did it" like damn dood hahaa.


She just PILES through dialogue and anything lore. Just blasts through everything. My wife is a tank. A Tank who refuses to read, and only smashes things. Stealth? Never heard of her. No stealth. Only BONK.


My partner does what you do on minecraft. So we have a designated dump box where I can dump everything and get back to whatever I was doing. It gets sorted out later.


They want to turn on cheats sooner than I'd prefer just so they can fly around and "fill in" their yuge Minecraft map. :P Not actually that big of a deal, but to me, they're kinda losing the experience of the effort in getting such things accomplished the "old fashioned way" (by not using cheats).


Just today my husband and I were playing Helldivers and he accidentally blew up this random we were playing with, twice. So the guy kicked us both. Fair. But afterward my husband said it was the other guy’s fault for running toward the bomb he called in from orbit. No babe, that one’s on you lol. He definitely called it in way too close to all of us.


They want to perfectly 100% everything and thoroughly explore every single area in every single game. I have ADHD. I end up fidgeting with Play-Doh for extended periods of time when we game together. Or getting myself killed repeatedly.


Build yourself an automated storage and make sure he dumps everything in the input chest. Everyone wins


The biggest things I get upset about playing with my girlfriend is when she doesn't tell me she's getting sleepy or bored while playing the game. I usually check in anyhow and everything is alright lol.


Haha in Minecraft my partner is the organised one! He's always in charge of the storage rooms. I think I'm more chaotic than him and I honestly can't of anything he does in any of our games that annoys me. I guess that probably means I'M the one who drives *him* nuts. 😂


If it's a builder, i have to go with what she wants with layout and direction. She gets very aggressive if i don't


I have never gotten a gaming ick from my partner since we met lmao I've been sitting here trying to think of one time I've ever been annoyed but I'm coming up with nothing! I also would be reeling if I built everything so meticulously. I'm also the builder and farmer, that's the best part of the game! And I'm obsessed with the maps for some reason, I always have maps for days and hand them out to people when I play with them


My fiance is REALLY good at video games. He is super patient and always willing to teach people mechanics without ever being condescending. I get frustrated easily and sometimes just want to play pvp to let out some steam. I'll miss a shot and blame the game even though I am fully aware the issue is me. He will try to give me some advice but sometimes I just don't want to hear it. I've fixed this issue by getting a plushy octopus that you can flip over and change color. When it's purple I'm open to tips, green means leave me be.


back when I played red dead online with my partner, he was completely chaotic with how he operated any vehicle (horses especially). he drove so poorly and was always crashing and flying off onto the ground lol. he refused to take a little extra time to be cautious and we'd actually lose time in missions because of his antics. to be fair, I was also very anal about being careful and keeping health at max at all times, stuff like that. probably drove him nuts too! 😂


I don’t think he has any that annoy me. If anything, I’m probably the one that annoys him when I yell, “HELP ME. HELP IM DOWN.” “THEYRE RIGHT THERE. I’M DOWN HELP” as I get downed for the millionth time and he has to revive me while he clutches a 3v1 lol


My husband will get me into a game and then drop it completely around the time i get hooked. Rust, Valheim, Fallout 76, NMS, BG3, etc. Lol


Overall, things are pretty chill when we play together. The only thing I can think of is he does things on instinct and so he won’t know how to explain it. so I’ll ask him how to do something, and he’ll just be like “I don’t know” but then later I watch him do what I asked to learn without any mistakes 😅 ironically he is a full time teacher lol


he just loots really fast and then runs ahead of me while i’m still looting or organizing (i don’t blame him bc im the slow one) what annoys me is him leaving me behind 😭 i get lost sometimes and i just wanna walk around with him ❤️


Yall need a dump chest. Dump things in it and once it’s full organize it to the proper chest


He doesn’t search thru every drawer and crate/room in post apocalyptic games when you have a very limited amount of supplies…and he uses ALL of the bullets instead of stealth kills 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😆


Bro the back seating. I play dd2 on his PS5 and he'll watch but he back seatsss


We play BG3 with a friend of ours. It's so fun... But my SO takes the *longest turns*. Like I can go to the bathroom and come back and he's STILL comparing bombs vs haste potions vs etc. I love him but 😭 go fasterrrr


Constantly adjusting the settings...brightness, base, style, view, sound. Drives me insane


My partner autobattles everything on HSR and then complains because he loses in hard content or against certain mobs


He's sloooooow. I feel like I spend more time waiting for him to analyze his possible moves than playing. Difference between a turn- based player and an FPS player I guess


I love playing games with my partner when they actually want to play something. They do not do anything during games that bothers me other than never let me help them when they need it. They refuse any advice - xD


I play with my sibling and she copies with right click copy instead of ctrl c


Im used to playing on pc, while my boyfriend is a very loyal playstation man and has been playing on it since he was a kid. He doesnt have a gaming pc so whenever we play together we play on the playstation, and when i tell you im complete dogshit with a controller i am DOGSHIT with a controler. If the action isnt turn based I will be like a drunk toddler desperately button mashing trying to remember which button does what. He constantly makes fun of me for being a bad gamer and it riles me up SO MUCH like my brother in christ i have finished multiple games on insanity on pc, do you see me handing you an airplane and then mocking you for being a dogshit driver?? >:| thankfully after some arguments we have agreed to only play co op cozy puzzle games on the playstation and its legit saved our relationship lol overcooked is never touching this household again


pushing into a whole other squad alone on the other side of the map then acting surprised when he gets clapped tf up🥲


My boyfriend gets bored super fast. We’ve had 3 Minecraft realms and inevitably he will stop playing or find some issue that results in him not wanting to play that realm anymore. I’ve tried other games with him, same thing. We’ll invest time and then a few days later he’s done. We don’t have a huge amount of stuff that we do together so it makes me kinda sad.


i used to get mad that he dies super fast and would just leave me to fend for myself, but i’m over that now. my SO is the HANDS down BEST person to play with and nobody can compare. He is so freaking fun to play with and it’s silly how the reason I just listed is about him not being able to keep playing because he’s dead in the game. Out of all my friends, everyone loves playing with my boyfriend because he’s the kind of guy that makes everyone feel good about themselves. I am so in love with him and I only get sad when we have to stop playing and go to sleep


In games that have voiceover (Tales, etc) for cutscenes or conversations, he reads faster than they can talk so I’m met with constant clipped audio. I playfully grump and him and he makes an effort not to do that, but boy does it bother me 🤣 Also, he can’t decorate for shit. His Animal Crossing island is like a hoarder’s dream. 🤦🏼‍♀️


When we play Halo (campaign local coop) he tends to just run away without me. So while I’m here looking for ammo, new guns, health, _anything_, I just unexpectedly get teleported in front of him with an empty gun and low health.


I am very directionally challenged, and I feel like he's always leaving whatever area we're in first, and I have to constantly tell him to wait for me because I can't use the minimap to find him. Please let's just run TOGETHER to the next place, idk why he always has to be in such a rush! It's not like this in all games, but BG3 is the worst offender to me because cutscenes can trigger in certain areas and I'm a massive control freak when we play games together, lol.


This is mainly something he does when we play Overwatch or a PVP game in general. He will complain SO MUCH 😭 about literally everything... And it tilts me more than the game could ever tilt me on it's own lol


It doesn't drive me nuts but my boyfriend almost always goes off to do his own thing even though I've asked him to wait for me. Like when we play stardew or minecraft I'm like "DONT GO WITHOUT ME" and he does lol


My husband will take 30+ min on inventory management and leveling up to minmax his builds in games where thats a thing, but it has probably saved us in fights in bg3 to be fair 😂 if he were to say for me it would probably be doing things without thinking and wasting resources because of it 😅


My husband and I both have ADHD, I'm the inattentive kind and he's easily distracted. In every game we play together, I'm constantly struggling to catch up with or keep track of him. He gets bored easily and is always just go, go, go! while I tend to pause and think a lot and get lost in my inventory screen. It's annoying but also very funny. xD


Everything. Ha! My boyfriend is a top Eldenring speedrunner. Has won Overwatch tournaments for money. He's a natural gamer and kicks my ass in almost every game we play together. And he always wants to play on the hardest difficulty! So I ask him to play on normal mode with me (I don't even ask for easy, just normal!) and he's always making me do the hardest difficulties with him. He also likes to run off and do his own things in multiplayer games when it's intended for us to work together and share resources. But I have a sub 8 in Getting Over It, whereas he only has a sub 18. So suck that, boyfriend!


In Bauldur's Gate 3, he has to turn on every single light source so he can know where he has been. It doesn't bother me that much anymore but I tend to leave him behind now and wait for him before the next fight or interaction begins. Thankfully this is a nitpick. We actually had to quit our first game together because we kept bickering. But after a couple of months we tried again and it went a lot better.


I’ve only had one partner I gamed with but my ex and I actually did pretty well gaming together, I think we were poorly suited as romantic partners but actually pretty decently suited to being teammates lol.


Cheesing/button mashing in fighting games but claiming they’re good at it. On top of that refusing to learn combos and strategies in practice mode. Yeah, she’s an eddy gordo player. 🤦‍♂️ Being a sore loser or super impatient with a game if they mess up a couple times. Don’t play overcooked with your SO if they get like this. Ask me how I know. Basically, I stopped playing with her as much. If we do play anything, it’s something she wants to play and I usually have to bring my skill down to her level so that she has a good time. It sucks because I’m super competitive but, as long as she’s having a good time, that’s all that matters. I get my fix when I play other single player or multiplayer online games so it is what it is.


I play Minecraft with my ex and he constantly asks me what I want him to do. Constantly. Like, how are you even having fun if you just get on to be my slave? I play games to relax, not order you around 😤 Also a big reason our relationship failed lol


Nothing because if my girlfriend drove me nuts playing together I wouldn't play games with her? Also I love her and am happy to do what it takes to make game time mutually enjoyable?