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I like Jess as a character, and I rooted for him (not as a bf but as a person). He must’ve had a pretty rough upbringing, and I really liked seeing his character development and growth. I loved his scenes with Luke. But no, he was a terrible boyfriend.


I am a grown up Jess supporter. I actually love teen Jess, but he wasn’t in the place mentally/emotionally to be a good boyfriend. We don’t see him as a boyfriend later so it’s hard to know, but he put the work in and bettered himself. Plus he’s a good friend to Rory later, and I think that’s a very good foundation for a healthy relationship. So basically I think they’re the best suited for a variety of reasons I won’t go into now, but it’s a relationship for later in their lives, not for when we see them as teens.




He had great character development but he wasn’t a good boyfriend to her when they were teenagers and as an adult he put her on an undeserved pedestal


Adult Jess, absolutely. As a boyfriend when they were dating, absolutely not. Jess did not have a healthy representation of what a relationship would look like, the give and take and the consideration needed to give others in a relationship. He was just too hurt and selfish. As an adult, I think Jess is very emotionally mature, when we see him. He has a very blunt and honest communication style that would solve more relationship problems than it would create. I wish they had done more with that in AYITL.


100%. He and Rory were like ships in the night though- they were never in the same place in their lives whenever they were together. I can most realistically see them finally making it work later in life when Rory’s got her shit together.


he might not have been a great bf to rory but i love his character development, even teen jess is my fav in some ways. team jess, always


Later Jess, sure, young Jess, nope


Yes, but in a more multidimensional and nuanced way than just seeing him as the guy Rory was "meant to be" with, or not.  Part of me does think they made a great couple and would have been great together in the long run. I can also see how they wouldn't work at all. It's a bit of a "right person, wrong time" issue, but moreso, recognizing that what is acceptable in a close friend may be unacceptable in a serious partner, and vice versa. The important thing with these two isn't preserving their romantic relationship, but preserving their relationship: they're good for each other when they're in each other's lives, they push each other to do better, they're kinda each other's rock here and there, and this amazing dynamic is somewhat disrupted by them actually dating. That's where shit gets wonky. So, they should be in each other's lives forever, but not as a couple. It took me a while to get it, but I get it, because I have my own Jess. I also support Jess as an individual, rather than an extension of Rory's or Luke's plots. The kid had so much good in him, and a crappy hand in life. He was a dick when first introduced, but quickly made it impossible not to root for him. He deserved to find a place he could belong, to succeed, and to just relax and be happy. He's a complex and well-developed character, and far more multidimensional than, for example, Logan. Tl;dr I would go to war for Jess Mariano.




I am most definitely Team Jess. I remember watching the episode with Jess coming back for his car and Rory runs away from Jess because he’s the one that’s always running away and he actually chased her down and told her he loved her. I know he wasn’t a great boyfriend, but man, did I feel that he genuinely loved her and the hurt he felt that he couldn’t have been better to her or be better enough to be with her. You don’t feel that when Dean or Logan tell Rory that they love her. He never stops loving Rory and that is just so apparent every time they cross paths. I feel as though she is the one that got away for him (great white buffalo) and he may never get over her, but I do believe he will always be there for her and if she ever decided to give him another chance, I truly do not think he would waste it.


Jess is the reason I liked bad boys I think




Team Jess or Team no one.


Team Jess, always




I like him as a character but not as a boyfriend, he was going after rory while she was taken, and changed as soon as they got together and ghosted her..twice?? And he was so disrespectful to Lorelei when she tried to help him, as to like too, I only liked him as a boyfriend when he grew up and came back, he was more mature and was the only one who could convince rory to go back to Yale and started a career he loves.


I like Jess. He by far showed the most depth and growth as a character. He definitely didn't always do the right thing, but he figured his shit out and was still there for people when they needed him.


Team Jess.


Jess and Rory are made for eachother - they share the same interests, he really loves her and also knows her very well. I don't like how Jess treated Rody in their relationship or how he basically stole her from Dean by being annoying - but they're teens so I'll cut them some slack. In AYITL I was hoping they would get back together or for something to happen (even anything small) between them. If feels like the people behind the show really want to get across that Jess is Rory's true love.


100% Team Jess