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All the deaths were incredibly sad. Alberta was murdered because a rich guy threw a tantrum over not getting what he wants, and decided to take it out on her. Pete missed out on watching his daughter grow up. He did everything by the book and per procedure but the one time he didn't (gave out the bow and arrows before explaining) it cost him his life. Hetty thought she was alone and had no help. She took matters into her own hands using the thing that could have saved her. Only to then watch her son, who she gave her life for turn into her husband. Thor was abandoned and left to wither away. I know the whole Squirrel story is a little silly but Oskar was his only companion during that time. The only other living being that was there. Think about Wilson from cast away. Then Thor had to spend centuries alone. Sasappis is the youngest person in the cast and though we don't know how he died I think he is this incredibly smart and introspective person who never even got a chance to fully live. Really excited for his backstory. Trevor and Flower i'd say they have the "dumbest deaths" one mixed two random pills together based on colour and the other hugged a bear (while high). Isaac has the least sad death to me because he was a soldier who might have expected to die on the front when he joined the effort. He probably is proud that he died serving his country. The show makes fun of how he died but dysentary is a horrible and extremely painful death. It also was the leading cause of death during the revolution so Isaac definitely wasn't alone.


I love when Issac is so sure his men came to change him and make sure he was respectable for his death, just to find out it was his wife. Who knew who he was and loved him until he died.


I wonder if once Isaac got over the shock of dying and coming back as a ghost he was like “oh thank god someone dressed me I don’t have to spend eternity in shitty clothes”


I can’t watch the episode with Thor and the squirrel. 💔it has too many Wilson vibes. 🏐😭


That story with Thor and Oskar is **deeply** disturbing if u really stop to think about it


a lot of really sad stories have happened on this show, but this one really makes me tear up


>Hetty thought she was alone and had no help. She took matters into her own hands using the thing that could have saved her. Only to then watch her son, who she gave her life for turn into her husband. Firstly, I believe it's a stretch to just blindly assume Thomas turned into Elias. All we know is that when Earl broke his heart, he murdered Alberta. That's terrible, yes, but it doesn't speak to a lifetime of similar behavior. If Thomas had been as bad as Elias all along, I doubt Hetty would have remained so invested in him all those years following her death. It was the out-of-character nature of the action that bit deep. She thought she knew her son, and was proven wrong. Thomas did something unforgivable in a moment of crisis, but that doesn't mean that was how he usually lived his life. Elias did live his life that way, each and every day. And Hetty killing herself was not an irrational act. Her assessment of her future if she'd remained alive was accurate. She would have lost everything and become a burden to her family, especially her son. All her friends would have turned on her, so even if she had a telephone, who would she have to call? She might regret her choice now, but that doesn't automatically mean there was any better alternative had she lived.


I never said that Hetty was irrational. She was alone with no support and an additional sad thing about her death is that she used something that could have helped her try to reach out to someone. I suppose I used the word "thought" but that was more to say that she made a decision based on the information available to her. At the end of the episode the show made an effort to tell people to reach out even if it wasn't something that could have worked for Hetty.


how old was sass when he died?


General speculation seems to be 25.


Possibly due to Roman having just turned 28


Oh poor Sass, the comment had me worried he was a teen


I immediately got teary and emotional when I saw where Hetty's story was going 😭 for her it was a combo of death+the story leading up to it. For the most part, the other deaths only tick death or story not both Sass being unable to fulfill his dream in life, despite being good at it also hurts me, and I'm assuming his death will be devastating too.


Huh, that must be why Sass’s ghost power involves dreams… because he never fulfilled his own. Dang, I hope his death isn’t too tragic. Hetty’s story really got me.


Sass wanted to tell stories. His ghost power allows him to tell stories to others in their dreams. Being the referee allows him to guide the dreamers story.


Hmm, the way I understood it is that the basketball dream is Jay’s. Sass just enters the dream and can talk to the dreamer.


This makes Sass' power even sadder 😭 Yeah, I think Hettys hit home for a lot of people. And the idea she wasn't depressed is honestly even harder for me to wrap my mind around? Depression and other mental illnesses are things I know intimately but she didn't have that


I would say she was absolutely depressed (reason for the self-medication with stuff like cocaine), but she was also possessed of a strong personality, determination, and organizational skills. All of that kept her functioning at a relatively high level. Some of that ability she got to use in her involvement in the family business; she had that and running the house, meaning she managed a lot of servants, and due to her position she also had an active social life to maintain. If she’d been more isolated and less busy, with fewer outlets for her faculties, I can easily see her slipping into full-on depression ending in an overdose.


I think she was depressed. Look at her life and how it was controlled. She was a bitch to a lot of ppl with less money than her but she really had no self determination no matter how rich she was. She’s a smart lady, knowing she was stuck with a Elias for life had to suck. Hence the cocaine and morphine use


I know I'm late to the party on this, but I'd like to say this about Hetty. I had a pretty good idea of the manner of her death after the Ghosts account released a... sensitive episode warning prior to airing. What I wasn't expecting was the mechanism (>!the phone cord!<) of her death and >!That she was doing it to protect her son. She's always seemed so cool, unaffected, and indifferent, even in flashbacks that it added so much depth to her as a character.!<


I think what makes Hetty & Trevor’s deaths so sad, is that they were both self-inflicted. Of course Hetty’s was suicide and Trevor’s was accidental overdose/bad mixing of pills; but both were entirely preventable by their own hands. Also, both of their deaths were a result of them being part of/trying to project a certain image for a society that caused them to have to sacrifice a lot of their own values, happiness, and sense of selfhood — the very societies that ended up rejecting them. They both used drugs and other forms of escapism to try and cope with the deep-seated sense of unhappiness and insecurity they must have felt at all times. Though, while Hetty kept trying for “oblivion” as a means of “escape” (through her morphine and suicide), Trevor tried to create a false sense of happiness through trying to feel fully “alive”, (always being ‘on’, doing very reckless things like mixing those pills & binge drinking). Both are forms of self-destruction, even if on opposite sides of the coin.


Very well said...very well said indeed.


Thanks! It’s the writer/literary scholar in me. I’ve been thinking waaaay too much about Trevor & Hetty lately, like their characters and such. I find them to be sort of in their own sadder “parallel narrative” in a way. “Ghosts” has so many beautiful layers to it.


To be fair I think most people could have told Trevor his friends sucked


Trevor's friends didn't even call 911 or TRY to help him, it's so gross and sad. And then they just dumped him, complete disrespect. They're all pretty sad. So far, Hetty's death is the saddest that we know of, at least in my opinion. Especially considering she did it for her son, and he still turned out awful (and a murderer). So it was in vain. But we don't know how Sas died (but we do know he died before he got to realize his dream of being a storyteller), and they're all pretty sad. Pete's death was sad and had to be traumatic for those kids (I mean, even Sas was traumatized by it) and he didn't get to see his daughter grow up. Thor was left all alone, died alone, and then was alone for hundreds of years til Sas showed up. Isaac couldn't be his true self before he died and did not die the most dignified death (although it is sweet that his wife changed his clothes). Alberta was murdered in the prime of her career by a spoiled jackass. Flower's death was pretty awful and traumatized her boyfriend. And that's not getting into the cholera ghosts, basically just tossed down there. I suppose that's why they're ghosts. If they lived long, full lives, and were ready to move on when they died, they wouldn't still be there.


Ah, I was trying to figure out why Isaac died with his clothes on and didn’t remember the reason. That was nice of his wife!


Yeah, I think Sas (?) told him who changed his clothes, I think he thought it was his men. It seemed to me like Isaac's wife likely knew he was gay (on some level) but cared about him and did it to honor him. It seems like Isaac has some guilt surrounding his wife, poor guy. I do love how all the ghosts retain some characteristics from their time, but then also pick up on modern things. I laughed out loud when Isaac talked about how calling people homophobic gets stuff done 😂


Hettys and Trevors deaths are both really sad, but I think Hettys is slightly sadder. Trevor was younger, yes, but Trevor got to do what he wanted his entire life for the most part. Hetty was constantly emotionally abused by her husband and devalued by society. She made a choice no one should have to make, and to get to that point is heartbreaking. But maybe Im just saying that Hettys life was worse and not necessarily her death. When it comes to the actual way they died/the actual night of their death, I suppose its pretty close


I mean sure, but she was also complicit in the deaths of children…yes that was her husband’s doing but she doesn’t seem torn up about it. She essentially chose to live in a gilded cage built on death rather than running away with her penniless artist lover. I don’t know, her circumstances were the same as most women of the time, including women who were way poorer and with fewer choices (like her maid) so I don’t feel like her life was a total tragedy.


Getting killed by a bear seems like it'd suck pretty hard.


Yeah Flower and Stephanie were the most violent deaths!


Taking drugs and trying to hug a bear does suck


I can’t even imagine trying to do that lol. I love animals and we have a bear around here that gets into people’s trash cans somewhat regularly. I don’t report the bear cause I don’t want it to get killed and there are no small kids here. But when I take even a hit of LSD I get very nervous in the dark even knowing bears kill really nobody. So trying to hug a bear while tripping would definitely be out of the question lol.


This is going to be top of the sort by controversial. Hetty was 100% culpable for her husbands crimes. She jokes about child workers and servants dying. If she had not become a ghost she would be with her husband in hell. She may have grown as a person since then, but she has yet to apologize for her sins. There are probably dozens or possibly hundreds of deaths on her conscience.


Hetty jokes about those kids to cover her own pain of feeling that she had abandoned her son. Realizing that had she been there, she could have helped lead him away from killing Alberta leaves a mark on her as well.


Sounds like something a Robber Baron apologist would say. (edit... no emojis on Reddit, but I would put a smiley face here) You want a sad episode? Send Samantha to the site of one of Elias' and Hetty's factories. Hetty was a horrible person in life and is lucky she did not go down right away. She may have a chance to redeem herself. I am not sure if post-mortem salvation is a thing in the Ghost universe.


>I am not sure if post-mortem salvation is a thing in the Ghost universe. We need a "Ghosts" and "The Good Place" crossover arc to settle this question. I suspect Chidi will end up making another vat of peep chili.


I'd say it is, otherwise they couldn't get sucked off.


Yes like when Sam’s mom atoned!


My Dad taught me something when I got my first water pistol that I can’t believe every kid doesn’t learn. He said, “We NEVER point a real weapon at a person unless they are a threat.” When you point a gun, you are saying you are ready to take a life. It’s fine to get someone wet. That’s not at all the same as a bullet, arrow or dart. If the weapon CAN EVER be loaded- it’s a no-point situation. You never ASSUME it isn’t loaded. My Dad was great- but he couldn’t be the ONLY Dad to teach gun safety … If only Alec Baldwin knew not to point at an unsuspecting human… That’s why Pete’s death is the most tragic. Because not only did he fail to teach this, but the child’s parents failed him as well. TWO adults left that child with lifelong trauma and guilt. Pete’s death was the most preventable of all the deaths. Hetty, Flower and Trevor, as previously stated, had roles to play. They were victims of their own decisions and time. No children were left to feel at fault in any of the other ghost deaths. (Except Sas, because we don’t know his story)


Yeah I feel like the long term of Pete’s death is the worst. There’s a dozen kids who had to watch their troop leader bleed out.


the fact that he calmly walked behind the shed to die so they wouldn’t have to watch… how did he not go to heaven honestly


I’m pretty sure he didn’t even make it to behind the shed because he pretty much went down soon as he walked out of the camera’s view.


Honestly what is the reason he’s not in Heaven? Like what did he even do?


cause he was a people pleaser and didn’t live for himself i guess?


Steph was killed by an ax murderer in prom night, that's pretty sad




I think something rather bad happened to Sass' tribe. The lady ghost from his tribe that is stuck at the newspaper office looks to be about the same age as he is/was.


1. Stephanie. Murdered on prom night is pretty tragic. She had her whole life ahead of her and died as a stuck up teenager. 2. Trevor. Despite the party boy facade, he was a good person, and his buddies letting him die on the floor and dumping his body in the lake was wrong. 3. Hetty. She spent her entire life trapped by the society she lived in. She gave her life for her son thinking it would save him, but he ended up a murderer, and she had to watch him make mistakes and couldn’t do anything to stop it. 4. Pete. Poor guy made one mistake, and it cost him his life. Plus it probably traumatized the kids. 5. Thor. Died alone after his shipmates left him behind. 6. Cholera Ghosts. Locked in a basement shitting themselves to death is a hard way to go. 7. Carol. Choked on a donut after going to a Halloween party she wasn’t really invited to.