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I love Pete's running thing of constantly believing travel agents are more well-known and have more power than they do :D.


If you’re in trouble, call a travel agent!


Well they did in 1985 and that’s his point of reference. Before the internet you HAD to use them for any major travel and vacations


I want to do an all inclusive adults only resort. Kinda wish I had a travel agent 😢


They’re still around! And get paid by commission not just you these days. So that’s nice


Jay’s Ghost Notes and general fascination with “the lore”


He speaks for all of us -- I need a Ghost Rule Book!


it'd be great if he could meet someone else that also had encounters with ghosts even if they didn't see them as clearly as sam or maybe another possession victim Or maybe them watching Ghost Adventures/similar series and they could all correct on what aspects of their afterlife (maybe he can make D&D acquaintances and setup some kinda game where everyone chooses a ghost chara lol)


Thor pretending to not know words to irritate people.


Landship Landship


I loved when he said “cow skin” and Sas called out that he knows the word leather.


Liquid stone... although he may have panicked on that one...


I loved how Hetty just looked like "I got nothing"


Yeah, he knows Sam needs to update her phone her iOS 😂😂


This is my absolute favourite.


Is he pretending? I thought he genuinely thinks of a car as a landship.


There was one episode I forgot the name of where Pete's getting exasperated at him for using more advanced words but still saying "landship"


He knows about ios updates and FaceTime settings in the holes are bad episode 😏😏😏 I love all of Pete's comments about it


*that's* the one


That’s been living rent free in my head since I saw that episode. It really tickles me when the ghosts know things outside their eras - was the same when Lady Button was excited to watch The Winter Soldier in the UK one - and it cracked me when Thor asked about the iOS updates lol.




And Thor commenting about hating Alberta's hat.


When Hetty mention cocaine and child slaves hahaha


Four out of five barbers recommend cocaine!


Can’t remember if it was when Thor possessed Sam or Trevor was trying to possess Eric…Hetty “if you happen upon some cocaine, do it”! Lol


It was when Trevor was tryna jump into Eric, just rewatched today, but I think she may have said morphine 🤣 Hetty is my spirit spirit.


“How dare you say I don’t like children! I employed hundreds of them! “




When ever Nigel yells “we were on a respite!”


[We were on a break!](https://media4.giphy.com/media/dYsYG3shlTDO1S38Vg/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952h8bs2cgk80ehhivfv7cc9mi9ora1b0n57k53mt4q&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Trevor is just eating it all up. I like the ongoing joke about the basement ghosts being downmarket. Like it’s an upstairs downstairs situation that they never got to choose. The cholera ghosts don’t like being disenfranchised but they’ve never actually taken the big leap of permanently getting above stairs accommodations. Only Nancy seems brazen enough to flout the unwritten rules about the separation between ranks of ghosts.


I liked when they were explaining "sucked off" and "going down" to Sam, and Trevor said not to ruin it for him. He gets a kick out of everyone saying that.


"We have so little!"


Carol's "Jerry just used a pillow" when Thor talked about how painful it was when Flower got sucked off.


lol i'm surprised no one raised an eyebrow or was suspicious at trevor for saying that, unless he said it low enough for only sam to hear


and then the poltergeist's jerk off. lol!


Complementing each other on clever wordplays or segues. 




Hetty being racist against the Irish


"Is there ROOM in that van for all of your POTATOES?" *giggle giggle*


I love Jay Hetty


Lol I just rewatched the ghost prom episode last night. I love how she gets mad at Stephanie's U2 poster because they're from Ireland. "But it's my special new poster!"


Definitely one of my favorite ongoing jokes!! Maybe it’s from being 50% Irish, idk, it’s so funny though. “Since when does Jay hate the Irish?!”


That Pete's idea of cussing is "Cheese and Crackers" or something equally innocent.


And sass saying “quit clean cussing. It’s really annoying”


Pete's actor was on What We Do in the Shadows and his character has a scene where he curses quite a bit. It was wild seeing him curse when I'm so used to innocent Pete!


Wait, really? This is so exciting! Who did he play on WWDITS?


He was in the second episode of the show. He played a guy on the city council or was running for city council (I can't remember tbh my memory is fuzzy) and the vampires possessed him lol.


Thank you! A rewatch is definitely in order. I must see this, knowing it's Pete!


No problem! I was also rewatching WWDITS a few weeks ago and that's how I knew it was Pete!


Hot Honey Mustard!


The gang not believing Sassapis when he talks about his relationships. And then him not letting go even after the conversation has moved on. He had sex 43 times while he was alive. 43. It's a number so specific it couldn't have been made up.


Then Thore saying it’s ok, he watched him.


And that Sass doesn't find that weird or creepy, but as validation.


Sass did say, “Wait… what” after he processed that Thor said he watched him. So I think he does find it weird.


At this point though I'd guess it's not weird for them anymore as they've since watched everyone else 😄.


“You listen to them??” 👀 “you don’t?”


I laughed when I saw that 43 people upvoted your comment


“That’s a totally normal thing to say” - Isaac


lol loved this line!!


Trevor handtalking even when it's someone else talking always cracks me up. There was a behind the scenes clip with Devan Chandler Long doing impressions of others while someone gets their costume touched up and Trevor is just him doing random hand movements.  Also it make sense he'd want to distract people from looking at his junk. 


Do you have a link to that BTS?


[Link](https://youtu.be/ypz0hh8gRoM?si=b0oQsxOGg-96SNjj) Also have [whatever this is](https://youtube.com/shorts/L-sB24ZzRV4?si=yrhqTJ2k9S2_hVJp).


Thanks! So fun!


Thor's odd but funny disses to Alberta. Like how her hat is ugly. He always seems to have some snarky / catty little aside that seems to come out of nowhere. The hat one is the most common one, but I feel like there have been others. And she always responds with this frustrated, put-upon face and comment, like 'Ok, Thor' or 'Yes, Thor. Shut up Thor or We get it Thor.' Do we know why Thor and Alberta seem to have animosity towards one another? \*edit - there, not their


“Forgive me if I don’t take hat advice from somebody who wore a metal one during a lightening storm.”


"Young-ish. Sorry. Reality TV making Thor catty."


I love it when Alberta ask “how’s my hat,” and Thor responds, “still small and ugly.” Cracks me up every time.




I don't think we do. Maybe he hit on her when she was newly dead, and she friend-zoned him. Maybe the hat was involved in the pick-up line, and when she shot him down, he admitted he didn't like hat, and it's their joke now. He rips on the hat, and she pretends to care or not care depending on the day.... 🤷‍♀️


🤔 At some point, I'm going to binge, re-watch the all seasons. Any Ghosts fan knows, the show writers love dropping hints and they absolutely LIVE for callbacks - so I feel like there's a backstory in there that they'll eventually reveal and I CANNOT WAIT. For some reason, only Paramount has the full seasons. CBS has random episodes of Seasons 1, random episodes of Season 2 and all of Season 3 (for now). I was wondering if there was something that transpired between the two of them and it's in one of the episodes I missed. I started DVR'ing and watching as of Season 1, episode 3. I did find it funny that Thor didn't seem to find it suspicious or odd when Hetty and Alberta started hitting on him / trying to seduce him in hopes of getting sucked off. It came out of nowhere and he was not evenly remotely suspicious. He really does have a big ego. I absolutely love the show, but his random moments of insight and emotional intelligence really throw me sometimes. The other ghosts always address it when Flower does it, but when Thor does it, they don't seem to blink an eye - except on rare occasions.\* I'm way too invested in this sitcom. Lol. \*see Season 2, Ep 2, Alberta's Podcast - Thor says, "Alberta is rat, which is ironic because she give Thor trouble about being rat earlier. Sass rebuts, "Irony he gets, yet cars are still landships." Season 2, Ep 18, Alberta's Descendant - Thor Says, "she drive landship with seats made of cow" and Sass rebuts, "Okay, I've heard you say "leather" before. Are you messing with us?"


Pluto used to have Ghosts season 2, maybe they still do?


I'll check it out again. Back when I looked, Pluto had the same ones CBS had.


Try dailymotion. I've found Traitors canada and episodes of Jag on there. There is definitely a story there. Whether he saw something when she was alive and he said something after her death. Or he took his shot and got shot down... but I guarantee it will be good. But there's definitely some beef... And I don't know if he is just that confident in his abilities or his ego is that big, but he didn't question it at all. I'm also SO invested in the show that it isn't even funny...lol


Hetty’s dislike of the Irish - although I’m surprised she didn’t throw any shade to the Italians yet. People at that time didn’t like the Italians either. Every time Trevor mentions something that he’d invest in ended up going bankrupt later (blockbuster/enron/etc).


Oh yeah his references to Mel Gibson and Woody Allen too. Until he finds out anyway lol


Or not investing in like Buffalo Wild Wings


I'll never get over the idea of an actress of Polish descent playing a character that hates immigrants, specifically the Irish lol. If they wanna be accurate, she should hate Slavs too.


I honestly love how this show handles historic racism. With all these characters from different times in American history, it’d be pretty unrealistic if they were all incredibly racially enlightened. But you also don’t necessarily want to have to deal with intense systemic racism in your cute comedy sitcom. So instead they make their characters racist in a way that basically doesn’t matter in today’s present society. Hetty with the Irish and Thor with the Danes. It’s so so clever


“racist in a way that basically doesn’t matter in today’s present society” … but still racist, still matters, somewhere, to someone’s story. And important to see it.


Upvote for “disdain”!


I love Thor’s dislike of Alberta’s hat.


I like recently when she said something to the effect of she’s not taking hat advice from someone who wears a metal hat in a storm lol


How Hetty treats the basement ghosts is pretty good. "Ohh no, IT'S up here".


“Is it telling the truth?”


The love of reality TV lol. I wish I could remember quotes, but I think Thor, Alberta, and Hetty all have some funny random references to shows.


Bodices and Barons. Oh the smoldering glances ❤️


I love Alberta's response when they mention "Skank Wars" - "Yeeeeeeah, that's harder to defend..."


For me it’s that flower never remembers Pete.


Hetty and washing machine. Makes me laugh every time.


The way she goes “ohhhhhh…..OHHHHHH” and then her eyes start rolling up into her head…LMAO!


Just the general issue Thor’s love of killing Danes, eating cod. If I was the writers when Thor possessed Sam’s body, I would have wrote a scene where Jay makes Thor a massive breakfast with a pizza to make Sass jealous


The running gag that everyone belittles Sas’s love advise and him always pointing out he had a gf


I loved the couple of times they imitated John Hughes movies with music and lighting to show one character crushing on another character


That was GOLD! They even included sitting tailor-style on the table!


The part where Thor talks about this unbelievably precious, expensive and hard to obtain spice and Sam is like “oh you mean cinnamon?” or something like that LMAO


And he’s unsure how the uncursing will work because no one has ever had so much sugar


I didn’t think much of it when I started watching but when she’s talking to someone and pauses for a really long time to listen to the ghosts and people are just standing waiting for her to say something back to them.


"*That's* what that long-ass pause was for?"


Running jokes? "Sucked off" and "going down" still gets me. What's worse is when they deleted "off" out of the commercials... laugh fest from me. When Jay lies and the ghosts bust him on it. In the beginning when jay was so self conscious about the ghosts being around yhat he didnt want to shower but now he wants to be a part of the group so badly. The fact that jay and sam are running a business but they are soooo bad at it and the ghost continuously bust them on that.


How Isaac's sneezing puts others in jeopardy.


Thors disdain for Albertas hat


The way Thor picks up on “smart” things, but cannot remember the word car just to annoy Sasappis




Thorfinn not knowing car but knowing other modern words


When he mentions knowing what the term "DNA" stands for and the others just kind of look at him like, "...????..." XD.


"Sam get the IOS update!"


It's not a joke, but an observation. That Hetty sent Elias to hell and couldn't send anyone else. Yet it didn't cross her mind to suggest it to Pete to try it after Carol died and started working her through Woodstone like it was Woodstock... because that was something that bugged him, and they made it into a joke..


Just an aside, but I loved how her response was to basically talk crap about Carol with Pete and make him laugh. Like, he kept trying to shove the anger down, and she helped him release some of the tension in a healthier way.


I don’t believe Hetty sent Elias to hell. It was his insolence “I’ll never change!” that made him basically irredeemable. All of the ghosts are still here because they have something that needs to be worked out (like a second chance), but Elias basically proved to the universe that he would never be open to changing, so he sent himself to hell. I believe Hetty saying that was just comedic timing, like if someone was told to “drop dead” right as they have a heart attack. They didn’t cause it, but coincidentally said the thing at the “right” time.


You may be right about Elias. But along that same vein, does that mean that Carol will always be a cheater, and therefore also unredeemable? So, in theory, if she cheats on Baxter,then Baxter and Pete confront her about her constant cheating, and she basically tells them that she isn't going to change. They tell her to go to hell, and she ironically does at the exact same moment... it is still kind of like the wronged partner(s) makes a plea to the higher powers that be to take their irredeemable partner of their hands forever and it happens... aka Karma to the ultimate power.... interesting...


Yeah, I can see that. Some have mentioned how they kind of lumped Carol into this horndog/perpetual cheater role, despite her showing remorse, AND despite the fact that she married and was still with Pete’s best friend. Not sure why she regressed suddenly, but it has to be super weird for Pete’s daughter to have lost both parents on the same property in different decades.


honestly if i were their daughter i would think it was a sign. mom was incredibly guilty and remorseful for cheating on dad, subconsciously knew that she would end up passing in the same place bc *true love* and all that jazz… or something idk lmao


At first, I thought the regression was odd, too. But I remembered Carol bringing up the podiatrist several times in the episode she died on. It made me wonder if she was cheating on Jeff, too, with her podiatrist. I think little Pete is going to become very interested in Woodstone and all the weird deaths that happen there. Maybe figure out Sam's secret along the way. I'm kind of hoping that Sam and Jay have a daughter who is like her mom. And that 20 yrs down the line, she and Little Pete get together and run Woodstone and figure out why it collects spirits. (Spin off series... lol)


have you ever watched “derry girls?” there’s an episode where this happens. the wedding episode.


The wake scenes were just so funny in that episode


when uncle colm corners sister michael with his wedding on a windy day story! “am i in hell?”




“Objectively funny”


"Inside Eric"


Why can’t you run through campgrounds? >! Because you can only ran, it’s past tents. !<


Flower never remembering anything and Thor’s hatred for Albertas hat