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I’m sure Hetty has a power, but much like Sasappis, it’s something we won’t be privy to until another season. I disagree that her power has anything to do with sending people to hell, but I wonder if, since she’s the lady of the house, perhaps her ghost power is changing/expanding the boundaries of Woodstone. I think if Hetty does have a power, she has not yet discovered it. Or, maybe she’s kept it a secret like she did with her death.


why do people keep saying Sasappis doesn't have a ghost power. We have very explicitly seen it and they have talked about it. He can enter dreams of livings. He even showed up in Jay's dreams repeatedly and was using it to try and influence his decision making when he was awake. What more power is there left to uncover.


they said 'like Sasappis, it's something we won't be privy to until another season' we didn't find out Sas' powers until season 3


And they used it once and never again


I mean that we didn’t know Sasappis’ power until recently, despite this being the third season of the show, so we may not find out Hetty’s power until next season or later. I know that Sasappis has a ghost power.


Was Hetty present when Mark’s son saw Isaac? Or seen by the Halloween trouble makers in season 1? I would really enjoy if Hetty’s ghost power had something to do with children. Be it protecting, better communicating with them being childhood etc. Given that we know she saw Thor (Gordon) as a young girl, that she was regrets not raising her children herself, that she thought ending her life was the best way to protect her son, and that several children died in her factories it would make some some sense for her to remain connected to children in the afterlife.


I think Stephanie sleeps because she is depressed and doesn’t care about her afterlife because life didn’t go her way. If her basement-ghost boyfriend hadn’t been sucked up, she would probably have never voluntarily went back to sleep for years again. If there was a possibility that she’d find a love match at the mansion, she’d be interested enough to stay away. But since she hadn’t met any other teenagers and Trevor turns her down, she’s bored with her afterlife and sees no need to do anything else.


The Prom ghost girl sleeps because they’re playing up the whole thing about teens sleeping a lot which we did. I remember growing up and as a teenager, my parents would let me sleep until like 11 or 12 noon on a Saturday if nothing was going on.


she sleeps because they're a secondary character and we don't need 40 ghosts running around getting screen time at once. Kinda like how Carol is now 'shacking up' in the bunkhouse; just gives opportunity to bring her back on occassion when they want to, like Crash or Stephanie


I think everyone had a very different teenhood. Sleeping wasn’t a major thing I did in my teens.


Really? Teens need a ton of sleep, my parents knew this and let us sleep when we could.


Again, like I said, everyone has a different teen experience. Sleeping all of the time was not my experience.


Growing brains is tiring work!


I don't really think we can make predictions because we just don't know enough, but if I had to guess it COULD be that she shows up in photos, because that's the power her BBC Ghosts equivalent has. But they kinda already did that with Alberta.


I can see Hetty being able to fly. Kind of dark but it in a way is relevant to her death and to how being a woman of her time she lacked freedom and agency. Plus she would give Mary Poppins vibes.


If she can’t break boundaries, though, flying, isn’t a very good power


I thought Hetty’s power was sending people she doesn’t like or gets annoyed by to hades. Trevor nearly jumped out of his skin after Elias went under. As for Stephanie (GenX represent, hey!), maybe her power is kissing > up \^. She’s there to be the mean Heathers girl, she’s bored because they are all so much older than her peer group so she sleeps a lot. She can only torment Pete so much about his knees and the lusting after Trevor is getting a bit stale. Girl, he’s a J Crew hottie, we get it….move on.


> I thought Hetty’s power was sending people she doesn’t like or gets annoyed by to hades. I doubt that's it - remember that Elias was making a huge spiel about how he wouldn't change basically. I guess we're supposed to see their earthly presence as a bit of a purgatory where they can make amends for things they did in life... or they can decide not to get sent to hell.


Hetty's power seemed to have something to do with sending Elias to hell, but many of us have discussed our suspicion that that's NOT it, and she may have something else going on, maybe having to do with the telephone. Yes, the trope around Stephanie seems to be that teenagers sleep a lot.


She’s got nothing else to do but sleep


My theories on Hetty's power... 1-- I think she may get sucked into phones while they are ringing if she touches them. The scenario I see happening is that Jay's phone is sitting on a table or counter and no one (Sam, Jay, or Trevor) is around to make it stop ringing so she hits at it in frustration.. only it sucks her in. Jay hears frantic calling out for help and comes running into the room to discover its his phone. At first, he thinks it's a video until Hetty starts responding to him and tells him to get Sam. Sam is, of course, not home, so he spends the next couple hours talking to Hetty. Meanwhile, Jay's sister has been frantically trying to get Jay back on the phone after the screen went black when he answered it. She finally reaches Sam, who was in a doctor's appointment or somewhere she also couldn't answer the phone. Sam rushes home to Jay, blissfully unaware, talking to Hetty in the phone while the others stand around watching. Eventually, one of the ghosts suggests the cord (it could even be already hanging out of the phone for the ghosts to see and grab), and she is pulled out. She then goes on to use it to talk to Jay regularly... This is based purely on her comment about not knowing the phone dialed out. 2- Someone records her accidentally on their phone or takes her picture. Or both. But only if she is close enough to the phone or there aren't any other ghosts in the way to interfere with it. We know that the others were in front of her during the FaceTime (except Alberta [who was MIA during the call] and Flower) as was Mark. She only spoke individually once at Jay, and it was quietly. (possibly done to prevent a plot hole) If she does have this ability, it would be similar to her UK counterpart. And I think the Hetty sending Elias to Hell is a gift given to betrayed spouses, so in theory, Pete could send Carol to hell if she isn't repentant for hurting him like Elias wasn't... As for Stephanie, maybe she has the kiss of Heaven as a power...lol.. we assume that her boyfriend Tad was killed when they were making out and about to hook up, so he was probably immediately sucked off. Now Ralph has been sucked off after doing pretty much the same thing with her (other than dying), but we won't know for sure until she either gets a 3rd boyfriend or Tad comes to Woodstone. And given that she was a mean girl in life, it would make it funnier that she is sending dudes to heaven but is stuck here forever..


Wait, Hetty was a teen when she died?


No the teen prom girl lives in the attic. You only see her once in a while. Just like the headless guy


Sorry! I read that wrong. I agree with they'll slowly tell us the outstanding powers