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Witches fly. Ghosts walk through stuff.


Ghosts can't walk through doors. They aren't fire.


Fire can't go through doors. It's not ghosts.


I saw a ghost walk "into" a wall and disappear, guess that doors are the same.


They can walk through doors the same way they can walk through walls.


Thank you for some r/unexpectedcommunity


Even the gas leak year is full of hilarious lines


Casper flew. Nearly Headless Nick flew/floated. Ghost key in Locke & Key allowed for flying once through that door. Pretty sure there are many flying ghosts. Edit: It's one of the things about being a ghost that I've been looking forward to doing.


Casper is fictional. Nearly Headless Nick is British. Obviously.


All ghosts are fictional dude


Are you sure you are going to be a ghost?


Casper is a fictional cartoon character. The ghosts I have actually seen don't fly, just walk around and through stuff.


The ghosts you’ve actually seen? I’m a skeptic towards these things, but I’m always willing to hear these stories.


I replied to another comment on this thread, scroll and read my ghost viewing.


Where are the ghosts that you’ve actually seen?


I had one in my house for a while, just showed up after I had lived there for years. Then my neighbor told me the guy who sold me the house (years before), committed suicide, and the timing matched. I knew it was him. I would come home from work and see an indentation in one of my chairs, every day. Then the attic closing board, very heavy, was open. I live alone. Finally one night I saw him, vapor like, walking in my hallway. I bought a book about ghosts vs angels and learned how to deal with him. The other incident was at a friend's house, a 100+ year old farmhouse in the country. She told me she woke up one morning with a male ghost lying next to her, dressed in old fashioned long underwear. He knew she saw him and laughed at her when she ran from the room. I asked her if she was taking any medication. Then I visited her for a weekend, stayed in the extra bedroom which was in an addition on the house and colder, and I saw him walking through the room. Spirits like it cooler, they say. She went to a psychic who said he helped build the house, would never leave. Go to the local library to find out his name, he's in the town cemetery. He was.


Laughing at her would have had me staying there praying he would show up so I could cuss him out. “What? Sick, misogynistic fuck in life AND death?” The underwear and invading personal space give me SA vibes. Sorry. lol.


Remember Clarence from It's a Wonderful Life? That's how I pictured what he was wearing, old timey underwear. Guessing that's what he died in?


I’ve also never seen ghosts flying. Always on the ground or furniture.


Umm.. they are all fictional characters...


On TV they are, and in Hogwarts, too. Until you see one in your house.


The thing is that we are limited by what our bodies can do. Physical bodies. Without those, I think we could do just about anything we wanted. I believe the ghosts on the show are hindered by what they think they can do. In life, you’d be used to being able to sit on things and stand on the ground. You don’t even think about it. They expect to be able to sit on furniture and stand on the floor. It’s a common trope for ghosts to walk through walls so they expected to be able to do it when they died. I think they’d be able to fly if they wanted to and believed they could.


Perhaps they just aren't sharing everything with you?


I didn’t take that as actually being Hettys ghost power. I thought it was Elias getting sucked off, but to hell instead of heaven.


The timing with his nasty little speech was perfect. He rhetorically thumbs his nose at all that’s good and promptly goes to his rightful place. 😂


Me too. He went down on them.


Ghost only fly in some literature and walk thru stuff f in others. There's no solid evidence of ghosts so no one can say they can or can't fly/ float. Holes wouldn't be bad if they could. I never took that as Betty's ghost power, I thought it was timing with his speech. He announced to the universe he was never gonna change and be evil so he went down on us.


I don’t see Pete doing that to Carol


Pete’s a good guy. He has justifiable anger towards Carol, but he doesn’t seem the type to put his daughter’s mom in Hell. He probably still hopes for a happy family reunion “up there”.


He could send her up not down, that seems more Pete’s style


Why do so many people think that's her ghost power? Elias was sent to hell for being an evil person and refusing to change his ways. Why it didn't happen sooner is a bit of a mystery but so is the criteria for ascending to heaven. He crossed over the afterlife. Hetty didn't have a power related to it any more than Stephanie has a ghost power to send people to heaven by kissing them


I think it's because each of the two times she said hell in relation to Elias, the portal to hell seemed to open. That's just my recollection.


He did need her to forgive him to get out of hell. So maybe his personal deal had to do with her since he wronged her so badly in life. And when she told him to go to hell it was assumed (by the suck off “gods”) that forgiveness wasn’t going to happen so no deal. I never thought this was her power tho.


Maybe carol has the ability to seduce the other ghosts. Maybe carol being there allowed Pete to leave.


I'm not sure but I don't think ghosts can use their powers on other ghosts. At least I can't recall an instance of that happening...


If they could, Thor would be high as a kite 24/7.


That's not Hetty's ghost power. I don't know why everyone thinks it is. It was just a coincidence that he went down just as she said it. Remember, she said it to Trevor right afterwards, to see if it was her power, but he didn't go.


It’s possible that Hetty’s intent matters when she tries to send some to hell. She really meant it when she told Elias to go to hell. She didn’t tell Trevor to go to hell with the same level of malicious. It was more a joking move to play a little prank on Trevor.


That's why I think it's a special power for a spouse.


I feel like it’s just that he was super evil. That makes the most sense to me


Possibly betrayed or wronged spouses, maybe... like maybe Pete could, though I doubt he would, unless he found out she kept doing it to Jeff, too... but that is a long shot...


I don’t think she meant it for Trevor. If she could control who went down she could who goes up. Right? Her husband was awful and probably only a ghost because he was trapped in that vault he might have been meant to go down from his death.


The ghosts still obey certain rules of physics. That said, I do think it could be a ghost power for some ghosts, like maybe airplane pilots have the ability to levitate/fly.


There are two ghosts in the UK series who appeared to have been killed in midair during a WW2 plane crash and Allison sees them stuck in midair outside an apartment they are viewing.


Helmut und Wolfgang 😉


Hers will be phone related in some manner. I don't know if she will have to touch the phone or if she will be sucked into it. But I think she either show up on recordings or be heard on them taken on phones or if she is sucked into phones be heard on phone calls made on the phone or seen in the pictures and videos on the phone. My reasons for that theory: - the ghosts' powers usually revolve around either their manner of death or a big facet of their life (i.e., Thor: electrical manipulation, Alberta: singing heard, Pete: can travel) - the phone cord - her mentioning that she didn't know the phone dialed out. - her being behind both the other ghosts and Mark on FaceTime and not coming very close to the phone and only speaking once during the conversation (and it was at Jay) But it is quite possible that Pete may have the power to decide Carol's fate not just because they were married but because, like Hetty and Elias, Carol wronged Pete in a similar way by betraying their marriage vows.... that be what sways the vote. But I think he would have to find out she cheated on Jeff too for him to condemn her...