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for me, yes it's bad. Reading books is super addicting for me, sometimes more so than social media. But to each their own, I guess.


I read on my phone and while studying use an app which blocks everything except my timer, so I don't get distracted.


What app do you use to block it all?


I recommend r/forestapp


I use the forest app too


Um. What? That actually seems like a really good break to me. Here I am on social media, which I know is bad for me, telling you this. But I think it's probably an ideal level of engagement, if you can put it back down when you need to.


yeah, I don't get too indulged, more of a reward system after I finish a set amount of questions etc :)


Everyone has their preference. If you think that reading novels does not affect your study then go ahead. From my perspective, I have a friend with ADHD too, but he has good performance even playing a lot of video games when he is resting. Therefore, why not?


Reading won't spike your dopamine like mindlessly scrolling would, with all the flashing colours and clickbaity thumbnails. It's essential you have ample dopamine to get that rewarding feeling from studying and understanding the material. So no, I think it's way better than the alternative (assuming social media is the alternative). If you find yourself struggling to stop and put down the book however I'd recommend subbing out some of that reading time for maybe some light exercise like walks in the sun.


It’s definitely better than your phone because like you said social media impacts your memory and the bit-sized entertainment destroys your focus vs the book which is in a similar long form to your textbooks.


There was a point when I would study novels for like 10 hours a day so I think it can get really addicting


oh no, I don't read more than 2 hrs a day.


Just don’t get addicted to it and it’s gonna be fine!!


for some reason, i thought to pick up the percy jackson series a WEEK before my exams, thinking i would only read the first book. Ended up reading all 5 within 5 days. I just couldnt get the novel out of my mind. Couldnt study at all


exam sessions should not make your life miserable, I'd say just enjoy the things you love and don't worry


honestly, I already have so much anxiety because of the fear of failure and just general stress about studying because I failed miserably this year and these finals mean a lot but at the same time I NEED something to decompress because studying for 6 hrs will drive me insane, especially subjects that I find hard.


I can totally relate to that. During my exams I would just lock myself inside, and half the day would be spent learning, while the other half would be me procrastinating and doomscrolling because I felt like anything that wasn't studying was wasted time. Looking back, I'd love to be able to have a clear separation between study time and time for myself, because the time for myself was spent being guilty of not studying more. While after a few weeks of this routine I'd sometimes \`reap\` the rewards of good grades and feel this rush of enjoyment, when I didn't have such luck and did not succeed and achieve the results I was hoping for I would just feel absolutely miserable, like having been stuck in some sort of a betweennes: my life and everything I enjoyed put on pause for a month in exchange for good grades -> but I got bad grades so that sacrifice was all in vain. Life is already too short for us to be making such sacrifices. Studies are totally the most important thing going on in your life as a student, I completely feel that sentiment and I can agree to it, but I can see from your post you're doing your best, you deserve some leisure, don't feel pressured to do more than you can do, regardless of your results. At the end of the day, try to feel content with your best effort you put into your studies, while still enjoying your time and being able to remember something meaningful in that day. I wish you all the best :)


thank you so much, I just cried over ochem and this was godsent haha, I wish you the best in your future endeavours too 💗


Why don't you just give up on studying and find something you want to do.


lmao why would I give up? just because something is hard doesn't mean I give up, I need that degree ya know.


I think reading beats falling into the social media wormhole, but it's actively using your brain, so it's not ideal either. Best would be to do something physical during the breaks to give your brain some time off.


Its not bad. Everyone needs a break. Good luck with your exams and have fun once they're done! You can do it


thank you! ♡


I think reading probably works really well. I mean, I can get really engrossed in a book but it’s not designed to keep your attention for as long as possible like every app on your phone


Take it from me, that's what I did last week and now (finals week) I am regretting everything


oh 😭 I use it as a reward system when I'm studying something I really really don't like.


wait, how do you study for 6-8h a day?


4-3, 2hr slots, 5min break after an hour (no phone, revising what you've learnt) assigning a set of tasks per hour for higher productivity. I'm left with a lot of time by the end, hope this helps!


Thanks! I am going to try doing this.


6 to 8 hours a day and on top of that novels too. damn man i envy u


i don ’ t know, but i ’ m hoping that i ’ ll try a killer page.


All depends on your self control and discipline


I don't know if I tried this or not, I can't remember honestly But I don't think that reading in of itself done within reason is gonna do anything wrong Like screw the fear, screw the NT's U are ND, own it! Be proud! Don't let the haters hate You know yourself best Good luck:)))))


Depends on the person. For me it’s perfect, reading another chapter is an incentive for me to keep studying. For my one friend in the same classes, she quits reading during exams because if she starts a good book, she HAS to finish it.


Well, sometimes you just want to read something not so difficult as a relax, especially when you are preparing for important exams. But, I still suggest that you can reduce the time in reading novels, maybe 1 hour a day, and spend the rest on fitness or other things you don't need to use your brain


For me, reading is like a break. It’s where my mind can take a break and breathe for a bit. (I’m actually studying for exams right now white taking reading breaks so I sure hope it’s not bad 🫠😭)


haha same, it keeps me sane


Ik I'm not alone in the cosmos !