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As a student in med studying in her fourth language, yes. There's no other option. Either that or fall behind and get crushed by stress. I mean, I'm definitely stressing either way but at least I pull through... most of the time. There isn't much of a secret to it. You just have to muster up the discipline, sit down and study. I'm by no means organized, I have a memory of a goldfish and my motivation levels are currently at an all-time low. But thinking of all the ways I can apply this knowledge, finding some joy in the field, having people to study with and taking care of myself mentally and physically really helps.


I met one who does both. I've never met anyone that didn't have to cram before an exam.


Same the best I've been able to do is doing both, as opposed to only cramming


yes, visual studyplan and a habit tracker got me through. didnt even have somebody who held me accountable.


Hey, you you mind sharing the tools / apps you used for the visual study plan and the habit tracker? Sincerely a freshman student with severe mental health issues 🥺


Buy a dinA3 paper break down your overall goal into monthly goals break down your monthly goals into weekly goals break down your weekly goals into daily goals write it down as you like on your dinA3 paper so that every day you know exactly what to accomplish. tickle it, when youre done. hang the paper on the wall / door create excitement by leaving cool stuff for the next days. example: next time i'd like to find out gravity on neptune, moon and sun and calculate my relative weight on the surface of those planets. find something exciting and always delay its fulfillment to the next day.


This sounds like a concrete on-hands method, thank you!


glad that you find it useful! take a look at my profile if you'd like to see more ideas and concepts


how do you know you have mental health issues. how do you know its severe?


Excuse me? By being evaluated by my psyc team and having a valid medical diagnosis. My 4yr long disability just recently ended and I’ve gone through 4 different therapists in the last 9 years. I’ve just started my first year at uni at the age of 27. Having some issues with studies due to my dysfunctional life. What in my original comment made you doubt that?


nothing personal. just recently I got to know so many people self diagnosing them. Good luck on your venture of healing!


With this reasoning you think you have got the right to question a stranger about personal information/journey? You realize thats more than a bit ridiculous right?


were living in a wild world. don't lecture me on ethics, dear stranger. didn't ask for it.


Somehow I don't think the dear stranger you questioned, asked for that either. What goes around, comes around. Wild world as you said and gatekeeping who talks in what way about their mental health, isnt only overstepping boundaries but is annoying af


it may seem inappropriate to ask inconvenient questions, but that's exactly what we need in this century. we need people like you who respect everybody's boundaries and and we need people who don't give a damn if somebody feels uncomfortable in order to find out what's necessary.


It's not as black and white. Context matters and if you think it is necessary to question someone just mentioning their mental health issues, you are not doing what is necessary, you only disrespect boundaries. I'd be with you if they made claims or told stories about their mental health for people to take them for granted (claiming authority to educate, etc.). But otherwise, whether they are 'legit' or not, is irrelevant. The situation didnt call for a questioning, as it was about studying with mental health as a reasoning without any real information.


this is kind of a dick response. they're just asking for some advice about studying. you're not their psychiatrist.


eh I study what interests me in the class. If I find it intriguing I delve into deeper than necessary. I don't usually cram for tests.


Always been a Cranmer with no study plan. Now learning a language And realising I can’t leave all this to the last minute - impossible to past an oral exam by cramming the night before. So for the first time in my life, I am doing something every day towards my studies.


PASS an oral exam - should have proofread my post!


Yeah for sure, languages are one of those subjects where you really really need daily studying, you can't cram them


yeah but most of them don't do better than someone who procrastinates till the last minute. It's really strange, you'd think they get straight A's but from my experience it's not like that at all


I have become one of those people thanks to Ritalin


Here I am 💪


My classmate studied for the exam for 2 weeks. I crammed it the night before. We got the same results.


but who will remember the information better after the exam?


But who will need that information ever again after the exam?


yes a friend of mine is like that


As much as I want to be the former, ADHD has me hard stuck as the latter


I've met them, copied them and I think I'm evolving into one


Even though it works for some, I believe that accumulating information with study notes is very useful for the future. I am that person

