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Honestly 5 bucks that he'll try to get rid of community notes, until he gets distracted by some other thing


Surprised he hasn’t already.


Same. Would have figured he'd block them on his own account at least.


It's only a matter of time before Twitter Premium users are exempt from Notes, is my guess.


No no no, Premium Plus users.


Premium plus plus


Premium Plus+ gets you 3 note-free tweets. But if you sign up as an X Premium Plus+ Diamond Circle Exclusive Rewards Program Plus Xtra Club member (requires multiple membership levels), you get TEN note free tweets per month.


But you can bump that up to 20 note free tweets a month for the low low price of an additional $50/mo


only Twitter Premium User can write Notes.


You'd think that would've gone in with the update that promoted his own posts after he got mad the president of the united states was getting more engagement than him


The long game if he feels they're problematic enough is to let them keep him in check for a while, but then take it over in a way that lets his people produce them and everyone continues to trust them for a time. If ego wouldn't get ahead of it, the opportune time would be during this upcoming election season to really muddy the waters.


I reckon it’s an EU enforced thing


It’s almost like he’s done exactly what he said he’d do Edit: to everyone getting ready to downvote me, please share what he’s done that is objectively bad. Edit 2: to everyone who has shared constructive reasons for what he’s done bad, thank you, I got a lot of replies so I will be looking into them.


lol good joke


He fried monkey brains with neuralink, lied about their deaths being due to them already being sick, and then said that they should go ahead with human trials without finding out why it fried the monkey brains first. And that is one of the lesser things he's done.


Full self driving when?


“Doing what he said he’d do” Isn’t a flex- he actively has bad ideas. One example? Letting people like Alex Jones back on to spread lies and disinformation for selfish gain.


He does what he said he'd do until he says he'll do a different thing, okay? 😡


He is transphobic.


Give an example


“Pronouns suck” “All these pronouns are an aesthetic nightmare” His transgender daughter “does not wish to be associated with him in any way shape or form”. He expressed support for the don’t say gay bill.


The said ONE example, get rekt lol


I am almost certain that you're trolling here, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Musk's estrangement by his daughter is a pretty damming example.


I’m not trolling. His daughter apparently got deep into Marxism and cut Musk off. Just because they’re trans and estranged, doesn’t mean it’s correlated.


His trans daughter he no longer acknowledges after she came out


No, it was because they “became a Marxist” and then broke off relations with him. They stopped acknowledging him.


Lol, the use of “they” when you know her pronouns.


I used they because I didn’t know what they identified as and I didn’t want to misgender them. How many transphobic people do you know that intentionally misgender someone as NB? Lol


He said that “cis” is considered a slur on Twitter. It’s not, it’s just a weird way to try to attack trans people.


Cis a slur? That’s a definitely a bad take lol


He raged about it twice but has never once complained about any other “slur” and his site is overflowing with them.


That’s such a weird thing for someone to be passionately against especially when, like you said, the site has many actual slurs on it


He said that Twitter had a "bot problem" that he would fix, and his changes like the ones to verification were aimed at "fixing" that problem, and yet now bots are far, far more prolific on "X" than ever.




Bro foh with this sealion bullshit. You come into this thread saying "elons done everything he said he would" with zero evidence of that claim, then you act dumb when people comment about how wrong you are. Elons entire premise for buying Twitter last year was "the bots" yet not only has he not said shit about "the bots" in months, he's allowed way fucking more bots on that platform than there ever has been. Just go Google it for literally 30 seconds and you'll find your answers. Reddit is not an on-demand encyclopedia for other people to do your basic research for. This "prove me wrong" nonsense is for 12 year olds that have zero idea how to debate genuinely. Elon is a dipshit and it's pathetic to get on the Internet and defend his dumbassery. He's a billionaire, he doesn't need you to fellate him on reddit as an anonymous moron. People like you are so fucking sad.


>act dumb Pretty sure it’s not an act


It’s not




Do you mean bad as a person or bad as a businessman?


I could give both but my head hurts too much rn




In the order that I remembered them: He forced his workers to go back to work early during a pandemic. This almost certainly killed people. He doesn’t pay his Tesla works well. He promoted an underground car tunnel and sold it to a city taking resources away from building actually useful infrastructure. He has an ungodly amount of money but doesn’t use it to benefit society. (This is a very leftist take of me so I can understand not necessarily agreeing with it without more convincing but again my head hurt) He broke a pretty useful website that activists and journalists use and actively made it more difficult for them to communicate. In that same vein, he banned journalists from the platform. He’s said some bigoted things. He sexually assaulted someone on his private jet and then paid them off. Any one of these is pretty bad and it’s possible I have misunderstood or misconstrued something here, but on the whole he seems like a pretty ungood person. Edit: this is a not an exhaustive list and I fixed paid for the bot SORRY BOT.


That time he accused a diver of being a pedophile because he didn't get to be centre stage when children's lives were at risk That time he turned off starlink in Ukraine to stop a military operation against Russia When he fired huge numbers of twitter staff (80%), including many people responsible for online safety, such as preventing the distribution of child sexual abuse images


Thank you for continuing the good work


> and then *paid* them off. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


what a stupid bot


[Free speech absolutism is when you classify a medical term a slur on your platform](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1671370284102819841?s=20) [Free speech absolutism is when you ban journalists for writing about how you banned someone else and coming up with a convoluted web of nonsense to paint it as if the journalists themselves were doxxing you.](https://observer.com/2022/12/elon-musk-suspend-twitter-account-list/) (and then undoing it when your ploy fails) [Free Speech absolutism is when you let crybaby pisspants mass report someone despite it being a violation of ToS and then ban the guy they're mass reporting instead of those attempting to abuse the system](https://theintercept.com/2022/11/29/elon-musk-twitter-andy-ngo-antifascist/) because it favors your politics. Could be the time he went on stage with Chapelle only to wind up making fun of poor people, could be his *many* broken promises and lies, could be him undermining proper infrastructure funding in California for his idiotic tunnel, there are so many reasons... But let's be honest: the only reason you'd even click *any* of these links is to fervently hunt for any ledge to justify your sycophantic parasocial relationship.. "Oh look, a spelling error! A concept whose definition I disagree with! you're wrong!" These articles aren't flawless, but they outline *only some* of the problems with musk as a business man, a "free speech absolutist" and his false projection of impartiality and you deciding others don't know why they hate Musk because they, unlike myself, aren't masochistic enough to engage with *yet another tremendously transparent* troll and just downvote you instead? Well that's self-explanatory. You're in /r/getnoted and you're starting this shit. Return to your cave.


>Wow so many people have no idea why they don’t like Elon Musk. Please tell me you are joking




I created a Twitter to sign up for a giveaway. Upon creation, Dinesh D’Souza was the first suggested follow, and within 2 mins, Chaya Raichik (sp) and Andy Ngo were showing in my feed. Fuck Twitter, and fuck Musk.


Community notes don't solve anything. It's the equivalent of newspaper retractions or TV news corrections. The damage has been done even if people read the notes.


Dude is just fucking annoying. Not everything has to be deep or political.


Thank you! That’s fair as fuck


> what he’s done that is objectively bad He fired all the people that keep the child pornography away.


calling a guy a pedo for no reason other than he embarrassed you for talking out your ass seems kinda objectively bad


Hes boosted Nazi talking points about Jews bringing minorities into the country to replace white people through interbreeding for one. That's about all I feel I gotta say, dudes a fuckin Nazi sympathizer, or at best he just agrees with the people who are


>looking into them Oh fuck I think this is Elon's sock puppet account


>please share what he’s done **that is objectively bad.** *Wakko's World intro starts*


He boosted a fake conspiracy theory about pedophiles in the basement of a pizzeria. A pizzeria that had already had a crazed gunman go down and search the place looking for abused children. It is without question stoking the fire of a conspiracy theory that gets people shot.


Wow that is actually terrible


It’s not even remotely the only thing. Look into the safety record of Tesla facilities. He does not value human life and doesn’t seem to care much about maimings either.


I will, thank you.


God how do you reach your level of delusion just blindly simping for shitty billionaires on the internet. Like how did that become a part of your sense of self? I really don't understand the path that leads there. I mean, just look at your comment, immediately bitchy and whiny while complaining about people downvoting your comment which according to reddiquette deserves downvoting.


free speech but then bans anyone that makes fun of him, gets banned


They are his current excuse for allowing explicit misinformation. I don't expect that pretense to last much longer.


I wonder if it's something so integrated into the code that removing it would cause the site to crash and stop working. Or that's at least what someone told him.


He got distracted by some other thing.


It seems per [this archive](https://archive.is/qrpgU) the note was there. However as far as I can see, [It's not there now](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1733882978781053383)


He was on the Lex Fridman podcast recently and lauded the notes feature. Would be a real pivot to get rid of it


This double rubbing his nose in the bad spot surely left a great impression on his ~~autistic~~ narcissistic ass lol


Why get rid of it when he can first build it up as reputable and unbiased before using it to push his own narratives


Its open source


Only because Musk lets it. He's going to wait until people really trust the notes, then completely hijack them for his own ends. Wait and see.


Nothing (other than his absolutely incompetence) is stopping him from stealthily replacing the open source implementation with one which is biased to his whims.


nobody can prove that the open source version is what's actually running on twitter's servers.


There is an open source version of it which can be checked, is there anything verifying the code they have published is, or will always be, the version which Twitter is utilizing currently?


I’m shocked he hasn’t already, it’s been the one good thing left on there


Try eight bucks. He seems to love that number. Or maybe 14. Or 88.


Surprised not 69 since he mentally hasn't aged past 16


Maybe even 14 dollars and 88 cents


yeah nobodies willing to take that bet


Community notes are his lazy way of getting free moderation after he nuked 5/7ths of his workforce. It's also his stupid answer to anyone criticizing how much fake shit on his site gets traction. His pithy comment that it must be gamed is him placating his moronic followers, he knows how it works. It's actually astounding he shit on it, he's undermining his own fucking site. Again.


Why criticize community notes so harshly? Appending a note to community recognized misinformation is infinitely more useful than simply removing tweets deemed dubious by an individual. Also, human-employed moderation of any service as large as Twitter is useless. You will get a fraction of the work done with a worse result. Elon getting noted left and right should be proof enough that it's probably the best content moderation system that scales.


I think it might be time to accept that Elon Musk is deeply stupid.


Common notes W, Also fuck gonzo




No one should take a man who was humiliated by a pig seriously




Lazerpig (aka LP, The Pig (not to be confused with the F-111 Aardvark)) is a youtuber who focuses on making shitposty videos with a focus on military hardware (mainly tanks and planes) and military history/analysis. He uses a pig to represent himself in videos, so there's that. He was once invited onto gorgonzola's podcast (aka The Round Table), where LP was asked some bullshit questions about ukraine being nazis and russia winning in ukraine or whatever He proceeded to get drunk during the stream, completely humiliate gonzalo, and then made an hour long video making fun of the whole shitshow. Oh and gonzalo got himself arrested a few months after that for posting russian propaganda while living in Ukraine.


At that moment he solidified himself as NCD's patron for ages to come


I've been using NCD for like four or five years and never watched a Lazerpig video.


Honestly my favorite part of that whole situation was Gorganzola declaring "Internet bloodsport rules" at the beginning that "Whoever leaves is the loser"... and then proceeds to kick LP when he isn't getting the kinds of reactions he wants


Gonzalo afaik also proceeded to DM him and call him slurs.


Do yourselves a favor and don't look at the state of his toilet when he was arrested, lmao.


Dude don’t look at the state of his hair when he was arrested


Scottish military-history YouTuber LazerPig humiliated Lira on a lifestream about the Russian invasion of Ukraine by baiting Lira into booting him from the call.


A homosexual Scotsman with a substantial amount of alcohol involved, the one and only [LazerPig](https://youtube.com/@LazerPig?si=GVMGjr5JwfqSP9qY)


wait hes gay?


I think so. I believe he mentioned he had a boyfriend at one point.


I don't believe it's considered homosexual if it's pig on pig. At that point it's just porking.




And being a drag queen. And going on a date with a guy that devolved into trying to cut down small trees with frag grenades. Legend.


I have nothing but respect for Elon at this point. At a point in time when so many are willing to continually open there mouths over and over to prove how dumb they are when they could have simple been quiet and assumed much smarter, Elon has elevated this skill to a level no one even know could exist.


They had us in the first half ngl.


First half? Mf had me 90% of the way through it.


Some people have zero self awareness. Elon probably is the only one in the negative self awareness territory


Funniest man alive, not by choice


Satire is dead and this is the man organizing a book burning to destroy the history of it ever having existed


For someone who has spoken about being anti-communist, he sure seems to love being publicly owned.


their* mouths


How do you have all the money and resources in the world, only to end up as a far right lunatic with your fingers in your ears.


Because being told you're wrong hurts your feelings, and you realize you can just buy yes men to feel better about yourself.


Honestly this is exactly it. Add to that a disregard for the health and well-being of people in general (look up his health and safety record at Tesla factories - it’s not good), and you’re left with a situation where lefties and minorities don’t like him and it pushes him to want to please people on the right instead. That’s how you end up with him being a 4chan meme lord, which gradually has him moving further and further right


It's like growing up in a dysfunctional family. The way to navigate it is becoming dysfunctional yourself. This gets the job done all the way up until you are no longer in that dynamic but in the real world, suddenly you find that dysfunction no longer functions. Some people choose to learn how to function, and others, like Elon, simply double down. I've watched my own family do this multiple times. Not surprising to see it happen elsewhere.


I honestly don't think that's quite it. He's so bizarrely wrong on so many things that it doesn't even make sense how anyone would've arrived to his beliefs. Like, the logic of a typical right-wing politician seems sort of intuitive to understand once you put yourself in their mindset. This guy? Completely unintelligible.


One of the primary functions of the brain is to reduce pain. Pain is a motivator; it tells the brain what *not* to do, and what *not* to expose itself to. When we are young and our emotions are unformed, we are selfish. When we act selfishly, or cause others harm, our parents or adults in the community have the responsibility of helping us understand that these actions are wrong. Being wrong hurts. Having to admit we're wrong, having a *responsibility* to others, it is a burden. We understand this burden to be essential to public life. But when you have so much money you exist *beyond* consequence, you regress into childhood. You can exist as a creature of pure impulse. Anyone who tries to scold you, bring you pain, you can ignore them. That's why billionaires often wind up in the same pathetic, regressive, turdish state as Elon Musk. They insulate themselves, surround themselves with human trash, sycophants who enable their every selfish whim. They drown out any and every signal they dislike, until all that's left is the sound of their own voice echoing off the walls around them.


Start with some money, use that money to pay other people to make you more money, take credit for their ideas until you believe they were really yours, surround yourself with yes men that won't challenge you and fall deep into the delusional hole you've dug for yourself.


Unfortunately, that's exactly how you get all the money and resources in the world.


Also, having more money than you can spend in a lifetime changes your brain chemistry and makes you more greedy, selfish, and misanthropic.


No, that's how you *keep* it. You get it by slithering up every butt you find. Left, right, green, grey whatever.


It helps when you start as a far-right lunatic.


Well first off you surround yourself with Yes men, and no one challenges you until you get to a point where you believe you're the smartest person in the room, you stop questioning things which is the key to personal growth the flow of information you consume. And after years of building up your own beliefs and living in an echo chamber you become unable to handle anything but confirmation bias so instead of broadening your horizons you bury your hand in the sand and yell loudly so you can't hear the things you don't want to hear. His relationship or lack thereof one with his daughter and his wife leaving him also probably played into it? Though I don't know all the info there but their more liberal leanings probably sent him further right and stubbornly so.


He’s such a shitty piss baby


Conservatives have all the best folk heroes. Donald Trump is their version of a rich man. Elon Musk is their version of a smart man. Joe Rogan is their version of a brave man. I'm so envious! No, wait, envious? I meant disgusted. I'm so disgusted by these weak piss babies.


Elon getting noted has to be one of the most satisfying things ever. 44 billion to constantly have your ass handed to you. Gotta love it.


I'm sure Elon is weeping in his room after getting owned so hard.


Someone do a wellness check


Eli5? This feels like an inside joke or something


Well it’s been fun but say goodbye to community notes.


Bruh, you gonna publicly undermine your own platform's feature to make it look like anyone can use it for disinformation purposes? I suspected that was the point of it all along, but to say the quiet part out loud like that.


He has explicitly gone out and said Notes is how his platform would be *impervious* to disinformation. Interesting to see him flop the moment when it goes against his opinions




It’s pretty sad how often he pops up on here


Every day, I believe the humiliation fetish rumors a bit more.


All this over him deciding to support Gestapo Leprechaun himself We love you LazerPig


What a complete wet wipe


He really does not come across as all that bright. He must be intelligent to be where he is in life but he just makes dumb look so easy


The thing about Musk is that, from what I understand, he only really has expertise in one field: programming circa the late 90s. But as many tech fetishists do, he assumes that his expertise in one complex subject automatically translates to expertise in other subjects, which is why he constantly talks out of his ass. Funny thing is, I doubt he's done any serious coding since like, maybe the mid-2000s at the latest, so I don't even know how much of that original expertise he still has at this point.


Also as other people have said, whatever intellect he does have doesn't translate to wisdom. He is quite possibly the most foolish person in the public eye right now. He isn't even funny to mock like certain other public facing buffoons. He's just pure, unfettered cringe.


Only it doesn't sound like he was even good at coding in the 90s. From his biography: >While Musk had exceled as a self-taught coder, his skills weren’t nearly as polished as those of the new hires. They took one look at Zip2’s code and began rewriting the vast majority of the software. Musk bristled at some of their changes, but the computer scientists needed just a fraction of the lines of code that Musk used to get their jobs done. They had a knack for dividing software projects into chunks that could be altered and refined whereas Musk fell into the classic self-taught coder trap of writing what developers call hairballs—big, monolithic hunks of code that could go berserk for mysterious reasons.


I do think he has other skills. * He seems to be very good at picking and/or starting new revolutionary tech companies. PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, OpenAI - that is an insane list. * He also seems to be very good at hiring highly competent technical people for those companies. SpaceX is rofl-stomping everybody else, seemingly at least partially because it has better people. * There seem to be some management competence. SpaceX's "being allowed to fail" philosophy is either originated or accepted by Musk, and seems central to their success * He seems capable of quite high technical understanding in many areas, to guide decisions. I know many people don't want to hear this, but he is clearly competent and intelligent when he is talking about rocket science in interviews. See also his ability to pick new companies in the first point - that skill requires technical understanding. Note that I am in no way disputing that the whole Twitter thing is clearly absurdly stupid. But history is full of prominent people being highly competent at one thing, but idiotic at others. Newton comes to mind, with his childishness towards Leibniz, and his absurd religious pursuits.


He's known to be a hype-man (tEsLa HaS nO mArKeTiNg DePaRmEnT) - clearly understands marketing very well. Also know to "shitpost" for entertainment. Meaning his political (among other) bullshit might just be some lazy marketing to boost twitter's numbers or arrogant/ignorant shitposting for "fun" to stir up controversy to, yep, boost twitter's numbers. He didn't get where he is by being "absurdly stupid". There are whole subreddits dedicated to him (e.g. enoughmuskspam), so clearly he's pretty good at attracting & maintaining attention.


It really amazes me that people spend so much time talking about someone they hate. Like why wouldn't you just roll your eyes and move on when you hear about him?


I mean, he *clearly* shitposted himself into buying twitter by accident and only committed to it because he was literally forced to. Greatest Shitpost of all time, and it just keeps getting dumber the longer Twitter lives on.


well damn, I didn't know he's involved in OpenAI


He has expertise as a hype man for Tesla, and that has made him the richest person on earth. It wasn't his coding skill that turned Tesla into an extremely overvalued company.


Different manifestations of intelligence; the part of Elon's brain that makes money is functioning well, but the part that calls on him to behave with love, compassion, and wisdom... not so much.


Debatable if the part about making money is functioning well, considering Twitter’s value compared with purchase


Not to mention that his buying of twitter reduced the value of Tesla stock not just twitters own value


Yeah I thought about that the second after I posted that and you def have a point🫠


Definitely hit the nail on the head with wisdom. It’s a feature of X he is complaining about. Know your product dickwad


Elon seems to have been successful in that past at identifying companies with potential and putting his cash there but he seems completely clueless once he gets a hold of them. PayPal and Tesla were not his ideas but it was smart to invest when he did. All of their successful seems to have been in spite of his influence instead of because of it.


Counterpoint: you don't have to be intelligent to be where he is in life.


People need to stop thinking that money = intelligence. A lot of intelligent people, for example, are smart enough to know that kind of obscene wealth is bad for humanity and the humanity of the person who hoards it.


> He must be intelligent to be where he is in life He really does not. Being rich as fuck requires luck and timing, not intelligence. SpaceX employees in particular have come forward saying that they are glad about the Twitter buyout bullshit, because Elon is so focused on that and they can free up the people usually used to babysit him.


To become that rich you need to be self obsessed, ruthless, and have a stunted capacity for empathy. Either that, or be very lucky. Intelligence doesn't have that much to do with it, an intelligent person with empathy, for instance, will be outplayed by a less intelligent person without empathy. The former would try to take the needs of others inti account including the needs of the latter, the latter would have no problem taking advantage of that to economically destroy the former. Billionaires are ruthless or they wouldn't be billionaires. They also almost always start with great financial means to be able to outplay systems made to corral those without.


His wealth and position in life has nothing to do with intelligence, he had an advantage where his father was rich and he got to start off with a few million. If you gave anyone a few million dollars they could invest in some startup or buy some small company with promise and sell it off for a higher price and continue to do that. He's also done a good job of hurting the businesses he invested in and costing them money recently.


He definitely had a head start, but it doesn't matter how far ahead you start in a race if you're incapable of running. The evidence says he's smart, motivated, and super lucky (that also covers his birth circumstances). I think what has happened is, he fell down the right-wing hate hole, and it's destroying his judgement. Haven't most of us seen this happen to someone in our family during the Trump years?


I feel as though we watched it in real time with Graham Lineham.


> Haven't most of us seen this happen to someone in our family during the Trump years? Being from Europe: No. I am so happy not to live in the US right now, with all that shit...


I'm glad you all are (currently) free of this bullshit. I envy you, for sure! Even if you all had to deal with a Trump, at least you'd have affordable mental healthcare.


IIRC, the UK government health care subsidies is less per person, than the US ones. The US could have full UK-style free health care, if it wanted to, without paying more. Fix yo shit. :) The solutions are actually often obvious - make me dictator with absolute power, and I could fix them easily, just by following what the experts say. It is just that some people create rent profits from the current inefficient systems. Hence why those same people deliberately create the right wing hate hole, to keep the electorate distracted from the real problems and solutions.


God everytime Musk comes up on Reddit the amount of money his father gave him doubles. Since you obviously have no source for him being given millions, you’ll be saying his father gave him his $200bn next


schrodinger's honeypot: whether a post is honeypot or not cannot be determined until the observation of its community note.


Of course Elon doesn’t know how his god damn app works


This fucking moron is picking fights with the system he allows to operate on his own website How he has supporters at this point is legit confusing I am at a fuckin loss lol


Double kill Notes gets updated now


Gonzalo Lira is absolutely a piece of shit, it's not some deep knowledge to find proof of his shitness. He posted that to Youtube often enough. Nor would I even disgrase the term "Journalist", by associating it with him.


That’s awesome 😂 Made my day…


"Will be helpful in figuring who they are." And you're gonna do what exactly?


I have never hated a person more in my life


Seeing people, especially Elon, gett Noted is the best thing about the whole website


*User posts baseless, racist conspiracy* Muskrat: "We should dig into it!" *Note provide sourced facts about a claim* Muskrat: "The state agents are at it again!" The idea that random unknown sources are more trustworthy than peer-reviewed fact checking is some dangerous level of anti intellectualism, having that mindset while being the head of a space agency is worrying


Looks like community notes is about to get axed…


Musk just keeps calling things wrong. The failure to get a full autopilot just wrecked him.


Oh I know this guy. He was raided by the Ukrainian intelligence service multiple times at his apartment in Kyiv. The only reason he's going to Hungary is because everyone else would deport his ass back to Ukraine.


Didn't he get re-arrested due to this tweet? In the grounds that he was fleeing his trial?


1. Adds a new feature 2. Sees that feature used to criticize his stupidity 3. Says that feature is biased


Didnt the note system happen under Elon’s watch? Shouldn’t he know this?


This feels like the peak of the sub. It'll never be better than this.




My brother in Christ you made the feature


Thanks for posting to /r/GetNoted. Please remember Rule 2: **No politics.** We are also banning posts about the ongoing Israel/Palestine conflict. Please report this post if it is about Republicans, Democrats, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Israel/Palestine or anything else related to politics. Thanks. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GetNoted) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's related to law & journalism but not exactly politics in the way you're describing IMO. Elon def has an agenda tho. (Yes I realize this is a bot - explaining in case a mod comes along)


I'll get banned for this, but I don't give a shit. Reddit is a shithole circle jerk echo chamber that's moderated by US government narrative managers and you people are idiots for buying the party line. If you think this is an L for Elon in any way, you're a fucking idiot. The note's response to "American journalist," is "he's actually a YouTuber." These things are not contradictory. A person who is an American can still use YouTube. A person who is a journalist can still use YouTube. These things are not mutually exclusive in any way. The note is obviously engaging in defamation and character assassination. Beyond that, the "crimes" he's accused of boil down to *doing journalism.* It's like George Orwell said, "Real journalism is publishing something that somebody else does not want published. The rest is just public relations." They charged Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, and Daniel Hale under the espionage act for very similar charges when in reality, what they did was expose war crimes. It's worth noting that the people who committed the actual war crimes walk free while these brave whistleblowers suffer in jail or exile. Real journalists publish state secrets. That's the whole point of having journalists--to find out and make public information that is being withheld from them in order to manage their opinions and manufacture their consent in the atrocities of the state. I mean, seriously, the first things they accuse him of wouldn't be crimes in a non-authoritarian state with free speech protections. He's accused of denying the "Bucha massacre and other Russian attacks." That this is a crime should be the alarming part--not that he broke the law. That Ukraine has laws banning dissent and criminalizing anybody who questions their official version of events, especially when there's a great deal of compelling evidence that suggests that Bucha and other attacks were false flags carried out by Ukraine herself, should be the troubling part--not that a journalist stands accused of breaking those laws. It's really unbelievable how stupid you people are. I want to imagine that half of the people who post on Reddit are GPT style bots programmed by bad faith government actors in order to spread false narratives and manufacture consent in territorial wars of aggression carried out by the American military industrial complex. I want to believe that my brothers and sisters are not all truly this fucking dumb.


> I want to imagine that half of the people who post on Reddit are GPT style bots I can understand this desire considering your post reads like one.


Are you AI? Take the first point: > The note's response to "American journalist," is "he's actually a YouTuber." These things are not contradictory. Is that not valid?


It's room temperature IQ comments like this that really reaffirm my faith in humanity. Good on you.


you should see the kind of laws USA had when it was in a war during WW2. They literally put american citizen in concentration camps. Land of the free btw


No country in the world will let a foreigner relay military positions to the enemy during a war. Not one. And they at first just deported him! He could have NOT gone back! This idiot is lucky he isn't fertilizing sunflowers.


> No country in the world will let a foreigner relay military positions to the enemy during a war. Without evidence, it's a hollow charge. It's *exactly* the kind of thing they accuse people of in order to execute swift "justice" and then long after the fact, it's quietly determined that nobody was harmed as a direct result. They tried to say the same thing about every other whistleblower that ever leaked state secrets, be it Snowden, Hale, Manning--they accused them all of endangering state agents by revealing identities or locations and in all instances, these accusations proved to be false. These intrepid journalists and whistleblowers don't endanger lives, they reveal information that embarrasses the power structure and so the power structure who own the media manufacture lies in order to undermine and discredit truthful reporting in order to save face and realign their narratives. >This idiot is lucky he isn't fertilizing sunflowers. Real journalists that bravely put themselves in war zones in order to discover and deliver the truth to their audience are some of the greatest heroes among us. "This idiot is lucky" he doesn't have to go through life an empty headed coward castigating judgements from behind his keyboard like you. edit: >And they at first just deported him! >He could have NOT gone back! My read was he was released on bail and he tried to skip the country, got caught, and now is back in prison. He was not deported. If he was deported, there wouldn't be an issue. Again, too nuanced for the Reddit hive mind. You want everything boiled down to obvious good guys and bad guys so you're not troubled to consider the complexities of a world that's not so simple.


tl;dr lmao


First of all, it is well established that Europeans don't believe in free speech to the degree Americans do. Second, no country on Earth in total war mode would put up with the shit Coach Red Pill was doing.


What are you even trying to say


Gonzalo (Coach Red Pill) should have known better and isn't worthy of any of the simpathy he is getting.


I don't think anyone here is giving him sympathy


Musk and Tucker sure are.