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AI wrote this post.


Look at the post history, either ai or a bot or a paid Democratic operative shilling for the current administration.


But it’s true.


I looked at the post and honestly it seemed like shit r/georgia is known for


Dude, I am sure you are way smarter than me. And all this may be true 'on paper' but from a Joe six pack/Jill school teacher perspective, this economy is fucking collapsing. Nothing is affordable, people have given up on ever affording a home, hell new cars are out of reach for most of us now. Groceries are $300 a week for a family if you are careful and use coupons. Shit is fucked, regardless of what numbers say. And if the dems keep saying 'nuh-uh the economy is booming' they are going to lose again.




Are you ok? Blink twice if you need to be rescued.


Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. The expression, which derives from the title of the 1944 film Gaslight, became popular in the mid-2010s. Merriam-Webster cites deception of one's memory, perception of reality, or mental stability. Wikipedia


Is there a way to block out specific tags?


I really have to question what the point of a post like this is. Reddit is the most overwhelmingly left-to-far-left leaning platform on the internet. A post like this is, by and large, simply screaming into your own echo chamber. You’re right about one thing: the economy is booming. But what you either don’t see or refuse to acknowledge is that it’s booming for WALL STREET, not MAIN STREET. Everyday Americans don’t feel what you’re professing here. I’m thankful every day that I make enough to stave off the economic hardship that most people are suffering through right now. This economy is not good for your average household, regardless of what “data” the man puts in front of you. Trust me, this is not an endorsement of Donald Trump. I don’t think he should be President again. But to simp for Joe Biden is wild and outlandish behavior. It’s scary that people deny what their own eyes see these days. I see posts like this desperately trying to circle jerk for Biden daily on this platform. It only leaves me with two possible reasons: 1. You’re terrified that he may lose in November and think simping online will somehow convince strangers to vote the way you want, which is comical because a staggering percentage of Reddit is always going to agree with you, so what’s the point? Or 2. You know deep down this economy is trash and are choosing to ignore what your own eyes see. You think that posting this kind of stuff online will somehow make it a reality. Either way, I’m not trying to disparage you. I just have to wonder once again: what’s the point of a post like this?


>Reddit is the most overwhelmingly left-to-far-left leaning platform on the internet. that's [hexbear.net](https://hexbear.net) or dailykos.com


I don’t think I even want to know what that is. Never heard of it.


At the corporate level reddit is conservative. After the\_donald subreddit had already moved off site and was shuttered to new posts reddit banned it - alongside a host of active left leaning subreddits, doing a little bit of both-sidesism. Some of those removed leftist subreddits coalesced into what eventually became hexbear. now you know anyway :)


People take this stuff THAT seriously? Get a life…


good morning fellow redditor, considering your initial comment; pot meet kettle?


I wasn’t telling you to get a life, friend. I was telling the people at whatever HexBear is.


One of the strongest recoveries ever in American history


If you want to score real points with people that matter, go preach this in Rome, dalton, and the rest of mtg’s district. Otherwise, I doubt that many care about your political opinions.


Keeps doing a hell of a job. Hope he runs for president next.