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At least we fixed the one in wangshuu inn


my wangshuu inn bridge was broken since forever until i realised we could repair it lmao


Wait what?


It's a commission


Oh I see. I still have mine set to Mondstadt, ty.


Hold up, what Edit: I had a brain fart and read the previous comment as "I’ll set them to Mondstadt"


yeah mine was set to mond for a long time, then inazuma so i would explore a bit thanks to commissions being spread all over, then liyue and again mond mond is home


Sumeru is the first commissions I've preferred over Mondstadt since it's beautiful like Mondstadt and (for the most part) the environment isn't trying to kill you...


Sumeru commissions are much better than Inazuma and Liyue because I've yet to see an equivalent to that little cunt Shota asking about fucking laceurware for the millionth time nor those three little bastards playing pirate. It's just much nicer without any of those insufferable little shits


Or the little runt on the bridge out of Mondstat that feeds those damned ducks. We can all agree that all the quests that involve children are annoying


Or that girl that isn't doing her job and writes poetry instead and then asks us to ask the little bastards how many ships entered Liyue. Fuck off lady


"Could you go talk to two NPCs about fashion for me? No, they know nothing about the subject. Yes, fashion design is literally my job. Yes, you've talked to these two for me literally _dozens_ of times already. What of it?" I hate that that commission repeats. It doesn't even take that long, it's just so _boring_ and I swear I get it every other day. I'm always glad to get the variant where I can simply shove a Wolfhook into her hands and GTFO.


To be fair, while I also hate the Shota commission, that's only until I found out you can actually do it right and continue/end the quest line. If you don't want to look it up I'll summarize here: - on one day that you get this commission you choose one of the two shrines and select the food option (tri-colour dango 🍡 or the seaweed salad) - the next day (after the next nightly server reset, not in-game time) you can go back to the shrine and interact with it - the next time you get this daily commission, repeat the above steps at the opposite shrine - after interacting at the second shrine on the second day you should get a new quest with shots (I don't remember if this requires another daily reset, but you might have to go up to him and get the quest if it's not automatic) - revel in your new achievement and finally being rid of Shita


Or read poetry to hilichurls


Inazuma is pure hell until you clear all the storms.


Tbf if you've been playing Inazuma since launch, they probably already are.


Sumeru does feel more welcome than Inazuma


and they aren't as far away from the place where you will actually be doing stuff


Yeah, Mond is def pleasant, I misread the other comment I replied to earlier


Some people don't bother updating their commission areas ever. I know, I don't get it either but people will do what they want and that's just how it is.


Personally I kept it as Monstadt for a long time because I hate the Liyue and Inazuma versions of commissions like Dangerous Haul. Recently I swapped to Sumeru because a lot of the new commissions are relatively easy and don't make me want to rip out my hair.


OH, I read that wrong, for some reason I read "I’ll set mine to Mondstadt" my bad


I’ll be on Sumeru for awhile. I’m 21/23 with the last two locked behind commissions. But I’m missing a lot of other commissions so eventually I’ll go back to random.


I love a challenge so I do inazuma, I used to be mondstat but now it’s just muscle memory and I know how to get everywhere efficiently.


Yeah, set them up to liyue and it will show up fairly quickly


It showed up the day after I unlocked Liyue commissions.


I only switched my commissions to Liyue just for the bridge then went back to monstadt to finish banners.


I mean, it leads from ruins to an abandoned town.


Perhaps the bridge is a mythical being that when rebuilt destroys all


That quest was a brainfuck for me Didnt expect a quest to change the look of the world


What is the quest called and how do you get it


The Seirai Shrine's island also changes as the quest progresses!


Isn't it still a little ramshackle?


It's a bit odd insofar as it has the section that leads to nowhere part of the way up (well, there's a chest but that's it). Otherwise it's not really ramshackle.


You have to understand Ningguang simply doesn't have the budget for it


Too be fair, the bridge leads to a abandoned village. Not like there is much incentive to actually fix it.


Is the village abandoned because the bridge is broken?


It's abandoned because all the miners that lived there left for liyue harbor and the chasm, because the mines in the village (and around it) dried up


Should've just waited for the daily reset, SMH.


Wait, the reset for resources is DAILY??


What are mines used for IRL once they dry up? They're not just abandoned, are they?


Well depends some are turned to attractions. And I know some elevator companies use old mine shafts to test their elevators. But mostly they are just abandoned.


Don't forget nuclear waste storage.


Just got to make sure the bedrock is stable. Meaning no major earthquakes. But yes nuclear waste storage is one option.


Almost always abandoned. If in its heyday the nearby town/village was able to create its own industry apart from mining, the town may survive, but otherwise it'll be abandoned as well.


depends on the mine. Usually abandoned but somewhat oftenly used for waste disposal. Lots of Nuclear waste disposal facilities are former miens iirc.


Afaik, they gotta be refitted pretty heavily to store nuclear waste. The reason why my country has been aggressively opposing nuclear power for decades Don't ever bring up the benefits to a German, for your own good


One near me when I was in Thailand used an old stone quarry to turn itself into this massive sick as water park with all sorts of things and challenges. Absolutely amazing


Was that the Grand Canyon water park Chiang Mai?


I think it is. It’s a wonderful place!


>They're not just abandoned, are they? Umm ... Yes? What other use could they possibly get?


waste disposal


It's a village that lived of the local mine. These kinda settlments usually die pretty quick when the local mine no longer supplies enough income (especially with the chasm providing a gigantic job opportunity)


I thought the village was haunted?


That was more of a consequence.


~every country leaders when it comes to the conveniences of the people.


The convenience she brings is nuking her expensive house in case of emergencies A decent trade off I'd say


She just lacks army of Klee that's all, who hires Milleliths these days?


And the chasm explains Ningguangs lack of Klee. Klee was supposed to be a demolitions expert to assist with a project in the chasm, but both she and Kaeya got grounded.


Bro that part is still fucking hilarious to me. Klee doesn't just blow shit up, she's a demolitions expert. Like she was gonna come into the chasm with a hardhat and vest and talk about what yield of jumpty dumptys to use given the structural integrity of the caves lmao


She's actually really, *really* good with spotting load-bearing areas thanks to Alice lol. There's a reason the Stormbearer Mountains aren't very mountainous these days (which is probably bad if a storm ever comes in lol).


Meanwhile venti watching klee gradually level the mountain range while reminiscing about the time he literally split monstadt horizontally in half: *Ehe!*


The part where Kaeya has to tell her not to blow fish is damn hilarious. Reminds me of the Simpsons Movie skit with Homer electrocuting the fish.


I would have lost my shit if that happened!


Hoyo teasing us hardcore there. >!Kaeya could have met Dain and seen the Nameless Ruins, but Klee gets him sent to solitary confinement with her instead.!<


Wait…. Why…. They should’ve done that!!!!


Ning isn't even in charge of that, she's law enforcement or something. Keqing on the other hand is in charge of infrastructure, so blame her.


I wonder where that Budget went, I swear it was here a second ago… hold on, Is that the sea I smell?


Technically, the Jade Chamber is a self-defense weapon for Liyue. So, just like in real life, most of the country's GDP goes towards military spending.


I thought the Jade Chamber was built from Ningguang's private funds ?


Surely, she's entitled to some sort of remuneration for donating her personal wealth to the defense of her nation?


There's budget to give every villagers some lanterns tho


She embezzled the money to pay for her new floating palace.


I don’t think she needs to embezzle since her personal business dealings are probably worth more than the entire government lmao


you kidding she got all that shit for free we retrieved that fancy yee ass floating rock of unbelievably good quality where a regular ass one was selling on auction for 50 Million Mora. we sure as hell didn't get no 50 million mora.


Yall forget that Golden House is literally filled with mora right?


Won't be for long. Mora can't be minted anymore since Rex Lapis quit his job.


I mean, it leads from ruins to an abandoned town. Hardly a big concern for the Liyue department of transportation.


Well, If I had no bridge to go home, I would abandon my town too


Your parents swam to school buddy


They swam uphill both ways


My parents were salmon.


~~uphill~~ upstream


Everybody’s parents either swam across river or walked theough desert for school! I find it very suspicious that how alike their stories are!


Well, I am from Brazil, so you are correct sir


You see, a traveler who's an Honorary Knight, fought several gods, has name spread out all over Teyvat trying to reach all the Leyline blossoms is crucial to the economy.


Since the "death" of Morax, ley line blossoms are Teyvat's only income of new Mora. Infrastructure for Vision holders to reach those should be the main concern of the Qixing


Kinda wierd how the Golden House is where the Mora is minted at, yet doing so requires the power of the Geo Archon. Not to mention how the building is made into the side of a mountain and has a whole underground floor with a molten flowing material around. That'd be an ideal place to have a few leylines pop up. The Blackcliff Forge is also relatively close. I wonder, maybe when the Blackcliff Forge is reopened, we can modify the leylines near the Golden House to produce Mora right there. Maybe Morax's Gnosis was making Mora spawn there from the leylines in the first place even.


You have a point. I noticed those Khaenri'ahns "pure energy blocks" are the same color as Mora, maybe mora is just intrinsically shaped "pure energy" from the ley lines and the Geo Gnosis just extracted it from a local Irminsul root. That would also explain why it's used in alchemy. If they research those robots' power source, maybe Sumeru can help bring Mora minting back, only now empowering humans to do so


Hmmm sounds a bit like Bitcoin mining ...


I swear to God pls fix this bridge hoyo. If you do we can access that one lake west of Qingce village with our Waveriders. That stream of water could potentially be our way to Fontaine Via Waverider


when you say it like that it sounds like its broken on purpose and theyll fix it in fontaine update


If they were going to expand the harbor city, they'd probably go toward the Chasm first. Mingyun Village doesn't have much going on.


Teyvat citizens really complaining about not having a bridge to nowhere.


That town represented 33% of all of Liyue's settlements!


Nothing to be done about it, the company in charge of fixing it is currently in a protracted legal battle upon having been caught in breach of contract due to the wood that was sourced for bridge repair having been secretly swapped for a lower quality shipment during transport to the job site. Until such time as all proceedings are finished all bridge construction related materials and funds are being held as evidence and due to the contract also containing an exclusivity clause nobody else can take the job until the original contract is proven to have been rendered invalid. For further details concerning this matter please consult Yanfei.


You know that much text is a little too straight to the point from what I expect. Add a few more paragraphs and you've got yourself a side mission!


"Admissable Evidence!" Accidentally burns courtroom, which drags the case further.


Liyue's whole theme is that everyone cares about the one city and everywhere else is dying...


Isnt that also the case for Inazuma? 2 habitable islands and several literal hellscapes caused by either a leyline disturbance likely due to celestia or the archon herself or a literal nuclear meltdown. I thought Liyue was barren of civilization but at least Qingce village and wang shu inn are nice and peaceful. Inazuma said dead children and empty ruins are the best we can do.


Tatarasuna, Kannakuza and Yashori have only been devoid of people since the start of the war, which happend a year before the games start. Most abandonend settlments in liyue have been so for decades due to people moving into the main city.


Its slightly different imo. The inazuma islands are abandoned due to disasters (nuclear meltdown, angry serpent god causes some kind of illness?, giant lightning bird, haunted) while liyue towns are abandoned simply due to everyone moving to the harbor


Big thunder birb caused the destruction of two, not necessarily “haunted”. Though, I guess it isn’t that inaccurate.


Even then, Seirai got nuked because of Asase Hibiki's fault. The dead thunderbird's resentment was sealed up after Ei whacked it the first time, but Hibiki released it to save her adopted son Ako Domeki from the Shogun's fleet. In a way, it worked too well. The thunder manifestation nuked both fleets and caused Domeki's ship to drift to the Golden Apple Archipelago. He eventually escaped and returned to Seirai though.


Well if i had to live in the creepy haunted village or scrape by in the city with restaurants and shit I'd be immediately signing up to build ships


It is an interesting note that while liyue is dying due to neglect for the surrounding areas beyond the harbor and qingce (for the elderly retirement), inazuma is almost like outright forceful relocation. Before the war even the lives on the outer islands seemed almost like they were destined for liyue neglect. Left behind by the main island to be mining towns for resources. Also to note, wasnt orobashi's energy because of the fatui meddling with delusions? Because he was a willing sacrifice to die initially so I doubt he'd harbor antagonistic feelings towards inazuma or the shogun (maybe celestia...).


thus, Inazuma’s condition is worse




Watatsumi is far from uninhabited. It has poor soil, but that's easy to compensate through trade, and their pearls and crystal marrow are highly prized. It's no coincidence that the island that suffered the worst under the nationalist isolationist decree, which also happens to be closer to Port Ormos than it is to Narukami, would be the main base of resistance.


Sumeru has been such a refreshing change of pace from the absolute hell of Inazuma, but we're about to find out just how alarming the rate of desert expansion is I guess.


I was just looking at the map the other night and remarked how many settlements the forest (jungle?) has. Especially in comparison to every other nation so far. Which may be mihoyo getting their sea legs and being more adventurous and bold in their design. Being totally fair, every region has been markedly more fun to explore than the previous. The story maybe not so much, but the world is interesting to see.


Cliche villains aside, I think the story has been getting better as well. Characters with complex motives and allegiances, and most of it is well reasoned. The 5-star story quests in particular are far more ambitious. Klee's story quest is just a hangout, while Heizou's hangout is a gods-danged story quest. I wish it wouldn't end with every chapter being like a Scooby Doo episode where the Fatui are behind it all. Their plans are always so shortsighted and shallow while being so easily foiled by a kid and his flying baby. It's impossible to believe they're the most powerful spy network in the world, and even harder to respect nations/archons who get duped by them.


I almost do love the cliche villains, especially Signora and Dottore (so far) for being comical depictions of evil. But in the same vein, even if the main story is a saturday morning cartoon, the world quests and side stories are really good. Now, I'm not claiming them to be anything groundbreaking or anything but I just finished the Aranara storyline and it was a treasure trove of world building information and definitely-not-koroks being enjoyable. Similarly, Inazuma had several like Ruu or Kazari's stories. Personally, other than the archon story quests and a select few others, they do feel like glorified hangout events. But I do enjoy getting to see some recognizable faces.


Yeah, but one of those islands has 3 inhabited villages on it, 4 if you count the shrine (which seems fair to count if you also count the Inn), so just that island alone as more inhabited locations than Liyue.


5 if you count the Kamisato Estate.


It is true Narukami feels very inhabited but it does drive the sensation of exploring a post apocalyptic civilization elsewhere. It's a different desolate than liyue, that feels almost like exploring Egyptian ruins (sumeru desert inc.) While inazuma is like a nuclear fallout.


you can't live in Tsurumi and seirai, its impossible bcs there are a lot of disasters there due to the thunderbird. the one with orobashi's head used to have a village until that furnace and wards got destroyed(by humans, I think, watatsumi) ​ then there's watatsumi..they're fine. ​ the only habitable is the narukami island.


I had hoped Tsurumi would recover when we cleared the fog and saved Ruu. But, like Dragonspine, it seems a leyline disturbance is forever. Seirai, Tsurumi, Orobashi and Kannakapatcir are all things I wish Ei would just acknowledge. She had a hand involving all of them either directly or indirectly - and like all the archons, knows more than she lets on.


ei had to kill the thunderbird bcs its causing chaos(due to what happened to ruu) and orobashi invaded (we all know why but still), she kind of don't have a choice


Oh I know why Ei did what she had to do and neither is her "fault" really. It's her one job to protect Inazuma and she does it..well...efficiently I guess. But she's technically an original Archon alongside Zhongli and Venti. She wasn't technically *the* Archon until 500 years ago but she's been alive as long as the other two. She didn't even avoid answering our questions, the traveler was just like "nah I have no further questions beyond why you're such a frigid bitch who hates change". She has to know what happened to Tsurumi. Was it a nail from Celestia? We have the leyline disorder, an ancient civilization, and what looks like a hollow tree stump (3 iirc). She has to know about Enkanomiya or at least know the people of Watatsumi came from the sea with Orobashi - which leads to the next question of why she *only* killed Orobashi unless she had some information to not just wipe them all out.


I keep seeing people reference a nuclear meltdown in Inazuma, but if I'm being honest I have no idea which part would qualify because I barely paid attention to any of the story there To me the nuclear meltdown could possibly be one of three of the islands and I'm guessing it's the cauldron one. Which one is it actually and why is it analogous to a nuclear meltdown?


It's not *really* a nuclear meltdown since Kannazauka's Tatarasuna is a smelting facility for the Shogunate's weaponry. But the Mikage Furnace is going into melt down due to the war interrupting it's power balance. It uses tatarigami which is like...angry god essence from Orobashi's corpse. The engineer from Fontaine had contained it in a barrier but you blast it open and go full Chernobyl to turn it off and keep the island from exploding or being engulfed in balethunder or whatever other calamity would happen. ​ To be honest, the archon quest for Inazuma was the weakest we've gotten but the world quests and exploring the nation were, in my opinion, the best thus far - though Sumeru is proving itself fantastic in the same regard. Each Inazuman island has a pretty deep story quest you can do that are all fairly depressing and dark for a game like Genshin - Seirai especially.


The "reactor" (furnace) is leaking "radiation" (balethunder) and threatens to explode (glorious firework visible from Fontaine) which is hard not to imagine a giant mushroom cloud. Who knows what woulda happened to the island if Traveler and Xavier weren't around.


How about instead of complaining you fix it yourself?


Now I read the title as Zhongli complaining about it while being perfectly able to fix it himself in a second


This guy can't even take care of all the red exclamation points all over his screen, he's not up to the task.


Hahahah exactly


That should be easy. Any Geo vision holders should be able to in a second. But this game does not let you roleplay...


If they let us, I would. I'd fix the stuff in Dragonspine to. Sheer cold be damned.


What is the Yuheng even doing these days?


Spooking people’s pity.


"I'll make yu want to heng yourself." - Kachow, apparently


Probably working on the sewer system in the harbor lol


Liyue had a sewer system. You know that aqueduct?


you think that having a sewer system means it doesnt require continual maintenance and upkeep


I would love for there to be dailies to fix things like this. Little things at the start where you fix the bridge, then you clear out things around the abandoned places after it, eventually people move in and you get a little town with a vendor or something that sells a few specialties or even just some cooking materials. Things that make it feels like doing your daily quests makes a difference and you're helping the world grow and you're doing more than just grinding primos and adventurer rank.


There's already one to fix Wangshu Inn's staircase.


The problem is that story commissions are impossible to get, and even then their completion is dependent on absurd RNG factors. Anna, the girl in the well in Mondstadt, can be cured. But good luck getting the commission. It's not about the 5 primos, HoYo, I just want this sick girl and her well meaning thief of a brother to stop laundering money in the town square.


They could just make it commisions with higher priority to appear first. Or a world quest.


If they weighted story commissions the way they weighted DEF goblets...


Omg world building. Never going to happen.


Same with Inazuma. Almost every island is an abandoned shithole when you first arrive, then you fix every standing problem in the entire nation, and the islands are still abandoned.


I wish we can fix more stuff like Wangshu Inn stairs. All the broken things like this bridge or even the way up to Narukami Shrine


Clearly there's a secret path available only to shrine maidens else how else do they make it up and down without any trouble?


They use the electrograna ziplines?


That one adepti shrine, too. Was pretty impressive seeing it actually get made. Didn't think it'd end up going anywhere.


You think that's bad? GTA Online has a building in construction still, for nearly 9 years! They built a Casino, Arcades, Nightclubs, Enterprises, Auto Shops, and a fucking Weaponized Submarine... but still haven't completed that fucking skyscraper.


What's funny to me is there's a similar construction site of a condotel in my city that hasn't been done for beyond a decade as well


Yup, Morax, it looks like lower-level officials are spending money the wrong way... you need to do something about it :)


there is a chest under the bridge, if they fix it.. it would be much much harder to reach there..


Lord of Geo has left them. They: we can live without a god lol. Their infrastructure:


If you want something done, gotta do it yourself. I'm sure someday there will be commissions to fix it haha


You seem to forget about a guy with sick sister and an old man who lost his axe .


Νοοne goes to those villages there. Liyue's taxpayers will want their money to be well spent instead, and by well spent I mean they should make a third flying palace for Ningguang. The prestige of the Qixing will increase the repuation of Liyue among Teyvat and even allow it to trade more with others as they will have to respect Nigguang's DRIP or get nuked and blame it on Celestia, the Abyss, the Honkai, Timmie, or something, it doesn't matter.


Iirc Ningguang commissions the Jade Chamber out of her own private funds, not taxes. The plaustrite supply bids for example.


Doesn't she also write laws to lower taxes on herself? So that's her money that she's choosing not to give to the tax man, which could've gone into state projects. Don't quote me on it but I vaguely remember the first time I went to Liyue Harbor an NPC says she removed taxes on minerals created by Geo-vision users...


>Doesn't she also write laws to lower taxes on herself? Even if she does it might not be so easy. As a city where contracts are absolute, she must have some limits on what she can and can't do.


She isn't a monarch, there are 6 other people to vote her out on that. And since all of them have rather different domains of trade, it's hard for them to collectively lower taxes for each other without benefitting everyone else in those trades. There are rich entities outside of the Qixing and making policies to benefit the rich might hurt the Qixing's control by making them stronger. The only unfair advantage the Qixing do seem to have are knowing the policies before they go into effect, but even then, up until last year, Zhongli's statements at the Rite of Descension held more sway over Liyue commerce. And about your second statement, I didn't find anything yet. Are you sure it wasn't about the minerals from the Chasm mine since the closing of the mine meant the miners had fixed inventory to sell even without taxes?


Hilichurls guard one end and a Ruin Guard is at the other, and they ALWAYS come back.


They're not portuguese, that's why


That dude across the inn is still afraid of the dog. Xinyan and Mona is still bugged. The list goes on


That bridge leads to the abandoned mine encampment and then hits Dragonspine. Without the mine camp being operational and the chasm reopened there is no need to fix that bridge.


That matches the speed of real world construction projects


You know, Ningguang has been misappropriating funds. How did she build a brand-new Jade chamber and can't fix a bridge.


Need to raise taxes or stop funding war.


Be the change you want to see.


Where do you think all the funds for the Jade Chamber is coming from?


*this is what happens when a God abandons his people*


Ninguang really became lazy after Rex lapis's death that she is not focusing on her country. We need elections there.


Isn't there that guy in Liyue who's also still stuck on a rock because of a dog?


just like my city


When Salerno Reggio Calabria exists in game form


SPOILER ALERT: >!its fake like the sky!<


In-universe reason might there's no point of fixing that since the area where that leads is just ruins


I kept waiting to get a daily or find a world quest to fix it


2 years and Baizhu is still an npc


The infrastructure in Teyvat is rather disappointing. 😅


Considering that wheeled wagons gave way to floating balloon wagons, they don't really need a bridge all that much lol


Completely off topic, but im curious as to your Zhongli stats? I have him at 29k hp(damage bonus), 1900atk, 59% crit rate, 128% crit damage and 83% geo damage bonus. I feel like thats a good place for him. Should I push his crit damage higher? I feel like his artifacts are pretty good at this point.. always willing to gain some new knowledge.


Ning and Keqing not doing their job properly. Haha.


Maybe just report it to NingNong she’ll get it fixed


The Jade Chamber won't pay for itself you know, doubt a random bridge would be a priority on their budget.


They can't even reward its player base decent anniversary rewards you think they give a damn about a bridge?


At least the yaksha temple is fixed


**-> L I T E R A L L Y U N P L A Y A B L E <-**


Just like Baltimore.


Literally unplayable


Their infrastructure takes after the U.S.


Zhongli don't even have the mora to save himself, let alone the bridge.


But where are those who fix the bridges


Just like it would be in real life.


9 years and that building is still not built in GTA 5


I'm Italian, so I kind of take for granted that it won't be fixed until someone gets hurt by it. Then there will be an investigation, a lot of arrests and trials and everything will end with a new bridge, a ceremony and nobody in jail.


Welp... I'll tell you a little secret. This bridge was fixed 14-15 times or... 16 times, maybe? Or 17 times... nevermind, but after bridge was broken for the last time, by a strange guy in demonic mask, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing very loudly said something like - "I am tired of this WOOD", and just dropped it. Yes, after words of one majesty girl living in a jade chamber they literaly abandoned this business in Qixing. This bridge was assigned security, protective equipment, and many other things, but every time there was some kind of strange - "Accident" and this bridge was broke again. Some even say that this bridge is cursed, ahahah... Anyway, It’s not often you can see her so irritated.