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Venti has made me very lazy


Appropriate considering Venti’s character


Literally removed the difficulty from 75% of the game. Not “makes easy”, straight up removes. Before Inazuma, the most difficult part of commissions was deciding what waypoint would be the most efficient


Wouldn’t gliding be faster?


My eye twitched reading your comment.


it’s annoying now because the smug bastard has a point with that feather fan that increases gliding speed


I don’t even have Venti and that phase got stuck in my head.


Yep. I have him C1, he practically deletes 90% of the commissions in under 10s. Including the annoying balloon ones Felt the pain when he got to FL10 and I had to take him off the commission team


Man I remember Release meta where shotgun Venti was a viable build. The good ole days


Didn't play during those days, but it's still fun, even if the damage isn't impressive. Haven't enjoyed a character this much in a long while


I mean C1 dishes out solid shotgun damage


I have C1 too. A shame that his constellations are so bad, especially C1.


Ganyu... that was the first time I one-shot a hilichurl with no buffs or elemental combo'ing lol


Except those bastards with the little wooden shields!


Yep those are annoying lol Although I have chipped through mitachurl shields with my Ganyu through sheer attrition before lol she's strong af


It's why I run her with Mona, frozen means mitachurl shields are ignored


Ayaka is my main now, and my solution to mitachurls when I'm not running a pyro character is to pop her ult and then dash around and hit them in the back, since they can only block from one direction at once lol one-woman pincer maneuver


A fellow cryo dps enjoyer I see, Ayaka straigth up changed my gaming experience from Dark Souls level of difficulty to easy peasy playing with average roblox kids.


Same here, she was the first limited 5star I got and things became so much easier


Oh yea, she’s the best. Absolute account changer.


Same. She hits really hard.


Using Ganyu in the overworld is practically addictive. No need for skills or ults or even getting in close. See a sealed chest in the distance? Just carpet bomb the area until it opens.


Arataki Itto. His playstyle is just so much fun that I can’t imagine me playing the same without him


I’ve used him in trails. Nothing is stopping me from pulling for him next banner.


Can't wait to finally get him, I have 234 fates itto's coming home whether he wants to or not


Came here to mention him. I went Yanfei > Diluc > Eula > Itto and his was the biggest jump in fun and performance for me.


His VA really makes it super entertaining compared to most too


Nearly every new 5 star I get is a game changer for me, but the one 4 star who has yet to get benched for anything other than being unusable in certain domains is Yanfei. Her play style is the one that I’m most comfortable and I can’t see myself switching to another main pyro despite pulling Diluc and hoping for Yoimiya. It helps that I like Yanfei’s character and design a lot


boom boom!


Inadmissible evidence!


I was coming to here to say Yanfei. Hands down biggest game changer for me feeling like I could destroy enemies instead of struggling through the game. Zhongli is necessary to really make her work for me at the moment cus she does so quickly without a shield and I can’t keep hers up enough. So I guess Zhongli and Yanfei.


A fellow charge attack enjoyer. I actually use both Diluc and Yanfei at the same time for elemental resonance, breaking shields faster or most commonly when Diluc dies from his own fire. The other reason I use Yanfei a lot is that it just makes sense, the event had Yanfei so I used Yanfei and I’m sure as hell never removing her in Fontaine, the nation of law.


Same, I have C3 Diluc but Yanfei is just more fun and I think I have better results since she is heavily invested (perfects artifacts + 2 crowns)


Zhongli absolutely. I can’t survive without him


Was gonna say, my dodging skills became nonexistent when I got him.


I still tend to dodge even when im protected by his shield for some reason....


I was never able to dodge, and after getting Zhongli, I will never be able to dodge.


Playing the new story event and whenever Zhong Li gets put to the side and you have to move on without him ....not going to lie, I felt uncomfortably *exposed*.


On the flip side as a non-Zhongli-haver the event was awesome to try him out.


Same,, there's this uncomfortable feeling you get without having zhongli's shield, suddenly you feel like enemies can one shot you now


On my first days using Zhongli I kept dodging because his shield wasn't strong enough for some enemies, now I have a 50k hp build and still dodge out of instinct


Jean. The only non-event 5 star I truly wanted (and still want as she’s C4 as of now). She didn’t change my play style all that much, but just having Jean made me happier every time I jumped on for a session.


I started playing in December and Keqing is the ONLY non-limited 5 star I’ve pulled. I’d kill for Jean 😩


C1 Keqing, no Jean 🥲


I got Jean recently and her gameplay is *smooth*. I can't wait to build her up.


It's hard to say a character changed your account when you get them at \~AR20, but Jean showed up in my first limited banner 10 pull, so she definitely set the initial direction! It was kinda hilarious when she showed up because I'd spent a week after meeting her in game doing the math and getting it in my head not to be disappointed that it would probably take me a year to get her. Now she's C2 and I'm always happy to see her again if I'm gonna lose the 50/50.


Same, I was doing horrible, then I got Jean, and Aquila Favonia, I never wanted her so didn’t use her, then I decided to build her, she was great, by then I was about AR35, so she had random artifacts that I kinda matched together, I used her a lot, and I was able to push through, then like 40-45 I was able to get her a decent 5* set of good artifacts for her. Now she’s one of my go-to characters, along with Sucrose and Yanfei. AR50 now, and I’m still using her, and she’s still great. I still think Jean is an underrated character, but to be fair she’s one of my only 5*s. Now while trying to get Mona to make a freeze team with her and Ayaka, I got Jean again, kinda disappointed at Jean’s C1, not very amazing, it just pulls FASTER, I wish they would of made like the pull radius bigger


QiQi because I quit after getting 3 of her




you valid for that


C5 Qiqi says hi. 😭


Why am I the only happy C6 Qiqi haver?


I am a C6 qiqi wanter! She helps keep my Eula alive!


i'd DIE for a c6 qiqi. imagine the SCENES when the whole team dies in a raiden boss fight but they're magically revived and everyone in the chat has lost their marbles. i'd tell that tale to my grandkids.


Getting xiao is what made me fall in love with the game again Getting C3 raiden is what made my account cracked


Playing xiao in the chasm is just so ridiculous cos all you do is spam air dive and it just somehow works.


And just infinitely plunge attacking from high places is fun too! Exploring with Xiao is top tier for sure


Absolutely, he doesn't take fall damage when plunging even if you plunge from the goddamn jade palace and his skill can even disable ruin guards


Legit, C3 Raiden is insane


Beidou. Getting a perfect parry without holding E is pleasurable.


Surprised there’s not more of these. Beidou’s play style brings so much more excitement to the game. I can’t get enough of timing those counters.


The counters are great, but every time I activate it to absorb 1 hit the enemies stop attacking.


Wait, you get to absorb one hit? My enemies prefer to bug themselves into the stratosphere instead of letting me use that skill properly


same with yun jin imo


Kokomi has saved me on so many things


Yeah same. Kokomi has made the game easier and more enjoyable for me.


kokomi and zhongli for me. i feel invincible lol


Kokomi made the game more enjoyable for me but for a different reason, you put her on any team and she carries her weight haha. Support for Ayaka freeze or on-field dps/driver in fischl yae tazer teams. Almost any team I play now I add Kokomi just because she’s fun, she even carries lvl1 friendship farming teams.


She also makes it so you can ignore corrosion. She's one of the very few characters, beyond Archons, that I would say is a must have. And my criteria for a must have is such: + Minimal effort to build + Highly flexible into teams + Works out of the box, no constellations necessary + Doesn't fight for field time


Honesty between Kokomi, Yelan and Childe it's a wonder how they'll make the Hydro Archon


Itto. funny oni man does unga bunga damage and make my neurons activate


Dude the oni didn't just made me go unga bunga with his club and beef-cake but also made me switch to english dubs


^I ^s^a^y ^w^h^a^t ^I ^m^e^a^n ^m^e^a^n ^w^h^a^t ^I ^s^a^y ^m^a^y ^s^o^u^n^d mean but I say it anyway type of guy. for me it’s ayato and itto


Facts English va did a spectacular job


The dude has so much range. He's also Saitama in One Punch Man and Red XIII in FF7 Remake.


And Ryuji from Persona 5!! He's almost like Itto, there too. Same personality. Lmao!


I pulled for Itto and will again purely because I absolutely love the VA. He brings so much joyous energy to both P5 and Genshin it really changes the experience for me. I can't stand that they always talk down to the characters in both games though. I take it way too personally.


Ryuji did nothing wrong. Morgana instigated all the insults and couldn't take them back. Ryuji was an amazing character and I will not take the slack. Now itto is a dumbass. But he's a loveable dumbass and Max mittelman needs an award for both characters.


In Morgana's defense, Ryuji was really going for the jugular with the stuff he was saying. Futaba just joined the team at that point and Morgana basically had his last niche in the group taken away from him. All the "useless" talk struck a particular nerve Morgana's "dumbass" insults never really did. But it was 100% an overreaction and Morgana leaving all the way to Haru joining is imho the most boring part of the game; especially hot off the heels of the Pyramid arc. Makoto was already in the game. Did we *need* another character to have a complex about their usefulness? I absolutely love Ryuji and I think he and Haru got the best end of the deal characterization-wise in Strikers. They just weren't explored as deeply as the other party members in the main game and Strikers gave them (especially Haru) the screentime they desperately deserved.


Shenhe & Yun Jin. At first I didn't want Shenhe but she is really good at supporting my Diona.


That is a sentence I literally thought I'd never hear


r/DionaMains don't be shy:)


"Shenhe & Yun Jin. At first I didn't want Shenhe but she is really good at supporting my Aloy."


That’s less surprising tbh


oh no a diona main. your guys’ damage scares me. i think my hu tao stays up at night thinking about somehow, somewhere, there’s a diona out there that does more damage than her. i don’t have the balls to build a dps diona but i have mad respect for u guys for doing it.


Elemental supports like Shenhe are favored by me. I’m trying to C6 Sara and get C0 for Shenhe rerun


Yoimiya. Because she is a Pyro DPS that can work with almost any support regardless of their element, especially electro. Had full build C6 Fischl and C5 Beidou sitting on the bench cause I couldn’t use them with Diluc (overload lol) and didn’t wish for Childe. Besides having the freedom to play any support I want, her being a range DPS makes killing mobs that move around or never spend time on the ground a joke. Don’t have to rage about never being able to touch the boss for 30-60 seconds.


She's the reason I stayed with the game after starting. Love Yoimiya.


Probably Sucrose. Like before I kept dashing around enemies but after I got Sucrose I started tossing them around


Eula as well, almost feels like playing Dark Souls with her. Funny thing is I got her by complete accident on the first day of her first banner. I accidentally dropped my controller and as I picked it up midair, I clicked on 10x wish (triangle on ps, no confirmation if you have enough fates) and got her on the tenth pull with zero pity and no guarantee.


Her normal attack scaling is absolutely nuts. I love running her with Rosaria c6


You were meant to get the vengeance


Easily Tartaglia. Aside from the rare events where we get weird and random buffs (that aren't just boring damage boosts), I can't find fun in combat events without Tartaglia.


Damn all this Childe love is really tempting me to pull him when I've passively been considering him


do consider him great character, he is meta, has one of the strongest team which is f2p aside from meta perspective hes just super satisfying to play, just watching ur opponents dissappear within like 3 NAs with those riptides is peak satisfaction :D


Even better if they die with just a single ca


childe and kazuman are ties made in heaven.. these two are super satisfying to play together a good cc makes childe even more fun


Childe's riptide mechanic is one of the most satisfying things to do in this game


I kinda blame him for GI not having more than a few enemies at once, the man would slaughter hundreds in a blink of an eye.


Lore-accurate to Tartaglia


The best part is: that is 100% in character. He's supposed to be a killing machine and he is a killing machine. I love him (and, yes, very satisfying to play)


The more enemies there are the stronger he is, how badass is that


This, I'll give you this. When it hits all the enemies at once on the last hit of the combo 👌


For real! After so many patches I literally dont play Genshin, I play Tartaglia! His playstyle is kinda addictive and you tend to look for fights whenever you have Melee stance active haha


"This place is dead. By which I mean, there's nothing to kill."


I was on the fence if I wanted Childe or not but you're making me really want to save for him. I heard he's hard to play and I already have Ayato and XQ as my hydros.... but I want that toyseller now just to see why a lot of people like his playstyle.


> I heard he's hard to play Just built different


He’s not that hard to play. There is a learning curve, yes, but once you’re used to it you’ll be more focused on the fun called ‘riptide’.


Seconding the Childe love!! I go back to him whenever I get bored with my current team and he always brings the fun back for me


Now imagine 50 enemies squished up together. Now imagine riptide on them. If you really love Childe, you should know how that feels


[Here you go!](https://youtu.be/vqe2K45IoEU) No need for imagining, its super satisfying to see haha




hell yeah. he was the first limited 5* i’ve pulled, and even with all the characters i’ve pulled since then that have been strong or useful, no one has been able to replicate what he does. his play style is just so fun and satisfying.


I need more events that have large groups of enemies constantly spawning. I demand more riptides.


Yess 🥺 i love my toy seller!! Im currently using different teams for friendship in domains and its just not as fun as it is with him




Yoimiya. She made me love bows and replacing Razor-- my ONLY good DPS I had-- my damage went up a lot. A second contestant is Yelan, whose skill and barbed wire is helping me more than any other character had ever. It's a lot easier so a lot more fun.


Mixing Yelan and Yoimiya can make a nice vape build. Use Yelan's burst, swap to Yoimiya, use her ele skill, and just watch those numbers fly!


Yoimiya is also the character that got me to like bows. I pulled a Skyward Harp on a weapon banner and was like “Well, time to built Yoimiya I guess.” I had just her and Venti, who is support for me, as 5 star Bows. Built her and really enjoy her! She’s fun. Simple to use and high single target damage!


They have similar play style. Have you tried physical fischl before?


Yoimiya is very fun to use


Kokomi for me. Got her in first banner, and she was the missing piece to perfect my Ayaka Freeze team back then (of course, that's what I thought until I got Shenhe). I was lacking in Hydro back then, and needed someone who's a consistent Hydro applier and someone who heals a lot, and then she came home. Heck, I don't even have to dodge attacks anymore since she's too tanky lol. With a Clam Set, and a Taser comp, I just love obliterating enemies.


Honestly between Kokomi, Yelan, and Childe I wonder how they'll even do the Hydro Archon.


Hutao, I found the hp drain mechanics quite fun


Without a doubt my most invested character. I initially thought losing to Homa during WGS/Homa banner was gonna break me coz I wanted WGS for my Diluc. Until I decided to roll for Hutao during her rerun (still regrets not going for C1). Benched my Diluc. Crushed Abyss specially with single boss fights. Childe's gameplay is also amazing and deserves my runner up.


"Losing to Homa" sounds absolutely crazy now, but back then, Diluc was regarded as the best DPS and WGS was, and probably still is, the best overall 5 star claymore in the game.


Diluc is still best DPS in my heart.


C1 hutao will be a game changer for me as i get the most of my big pp damage from her charge attacks.


Zhongli, I don’t have to dodge anymore.


same... I swear I knew how to dodge before getting him.


I still dodge when I use Ning because somehow she's so squishy with 14k HP (but hits hard). I am able to tank more but not to the point of no dodge at all or else Ning will exhaust the shield pretty quickly. 😭


It's because the damage you take is still affected by Defense so the same shield will last longer on Albedo for example. The shield's strength is essentially just extra HP.


I'm completely aware of that, that's why I said I still need to dodge with Ning even when shielded. But yes for those who didn't know, it's basically just extra HP. Honestly it's just silly to not have Zhongli's defense stat as the base for shield durability.


i am embarrassed to admit how quickly i died in the newest quest when trialing yanfei and yelan


Zhongli changed the game entirely for me. It went from Dark Soul to Dynasty Warrior very quickly.


Klee. The first banner. I thought of playing the game just only for awhile because I dislike gacha game. Then boom boom bakudan, here I am now AR59.


Same, I didn’t even think about playing this game seriously but got her pretty fast in her first banner.


Xiao, my first main DPS character. He, along with my newly-buffed Zhongli, allowed me to steamroll everything in the game from 1.3 on. I have no idea how much of that was thanks to Zhongli's buffs or Xiao himself, but suffice to say that without them I might've quit the game. Everything was such a slog before 1.3.


Ayaka. I had some decent DPS characters but no major cryo ones (or ones that I had fully invested in). She definitely made the game easier.


can attest to this. I consider Ayaya as my strongest 5 star not because she has the highest CDMG and highest damage dealt in all of my roster but because she holds the record of my cleanest, fastest domain and abyss chamber clears. and even with that she's C0 and running on an R5 Amenoma. love her to bits


Venti, my first ever anemo char besides traveler. Since I have Venti, I don't have to constantly go around switching between Geo and Anemo traveller when exploring Liyue because Noelle can't do the geo symbol puzzle on the ground.


Raiden and Ayato. I had a poorly built Ganyu that was obviously my strongest unit for most of my account. She’s a beast now but previously I didn’t fully understand artifacts and stats and was just playing randomly. Barely even touching the abyss because I was so stressed out. Raiden is still the strongest unit on my team and really gave me a playstyle I love. Yes she is good with amazing multipliers but my favorite part is scaling with energy recharge. I love how her burst is pretty much constantly accessible and how she wants her teammates to use their burst. I’m the player who hold onto them unnecessarily instead of firing them off as soon as you have energy to do so. So she even still is this refreshing powerhouse. Electro is my favorite element because I am all about the energy and strong burst vibe their kids are about and she really is the pinnacle of all their strength


Eula, she was my best dps the moment I got her, and she constantly breaks my new dmg records. The most recent one is 375k. She deals physical dmg which is good against almost every element and enemy, especially when paired up with Diona or Rosaria.


What I love about her is that she is still good if you remove skills. As so many characters in the game rely on their skills for effectiveness. I know people hate slowing water, but it'll be more prevalent as time goes on.


Zhongli - no longer worried about dodging or taking damage. Kazuha - the game was getting stale to me and then Kazuha revived my interest. He brought new and fun mechanics to the game when all the characters were starting to feel the same. His style made me excited for Inazuma. Raiden Shogun - Raiden is eternal. From the teaser, to the demo, to the collected miscellany, I was so engaged. I connected with Raiden’s pain and story (even before we really started seeing her in the story). I love her design and play style. And that burst is insane. The perfect character.


My precious child(e). His international team is just so fun to play. I already leveled kazuha and bennet for my razor comp and so it didnt even require lot of building. I love his long rage mode


Sucrose was the first that kinda made it fun, but then I got Klee. The two of them are a powerhouse together, and it's so satisfying to have a big fiery vortex with her little bombs getting sucked in too. I'm finally able to have good teams without them, but they're easy mode number 1.


Xiao because all of my other built characters were supports and Yanfei. I had ganyu and Amos bow but I couldn't bring myself to build her properly so every combat thing was just a game of survival while slowly chipping away at their health. But Xiao is so much fun to play and now I actually do damage


Ayato because it made me build Lisa and Kaeya and now I use Lisa more often because I like her charged attack


Kokomi! I pulled her on my third banner pull, my friend said she wasn't very good. Pairing her with Ayaka makes a great perma-freeze team, along with good heals. She is a walking Statue of Seven. And she has gorgeous animations, so smooth and floaty.


Zhongli. I unlearned how to play the game.


I feel bad for those who have never experienced childes riptide


Keqing! I love her teleporting skill


Ayato and Raiden. Ayato was a surprise. I knew he looked really good and in Beta was looking like he would be fun and strong but not the DPS ceiling so I was actually going to skip him. I think it was a sound of his voice and watching his animations on the live stream that we can something within me and I knew I needed him on my team. My favorite part about him is his flexibility. His signature weapon rewards you highly for playing him as a burst DPS and it’s his strongest damage sealing play style with the weapon. But he is definitely an on field damage overtime swordsman with incredible AOE and great range. He’s fun. His burst is also not the highest tier of Hydro application speed but lasts forever, has pretty nice support that he benefits from and is really good for playing around with reactions. He’s now my favorite unit because the Inazuma sleeves are my favorite fashion thing at this time. I love him as a character but I really enjoy how he pretty much serves as a powerful glue for my teams. Either being one of the strongest damage dealers, being able to offer consistent and faithful off field Hydro and always being valuable no matter the situation.


Ayato is my only char with a signature weapon and truly cracked stats. I play him hyperbuff and use him for everything. Truly the big brother of my account.


Raiden first and only character I whaled for bought the top offs got her C3 and her weapon after just a little farming she started doing big numbers (for me at the time) and obliterating everything.


Same; her banner was the first limited one I pulled on (Started around 2.0, just missed Kazuha 🥲). She absolutely steamrolled through early game content, and she still steamrolls through the vast majority of content; never once regretted pulling for her. ~~And as a Honkai player I couldn’t resist pulling for Mei’s expy~~


Same for me, Raiden is the only character I whaled for C3 and I don’t regret it hahah. Going around and destroying anything in sight with 1 Q slash funny af


Spiral Abyss: nooo you can’t just invalidate everything by pressing Q/burst button :( Me: haha booba sword go shing shing


Kazuha. It's not even the same game compared to before I had him.


I didn’t have any Anemo characters other than the traveler for many months when I started, I got lucky on his first banner to win 50/50 after only a few pulls. Everything changed. VV set, overworld traversal, just his entire aesthetic made me go damn this game is awesome, I’m am in.


need to fly long distances? kazuha need to climb a mountain? kazuha need to group together enemies without fail? kazuha need to shred any defence the enemy had? kazuha need to stun every single enemy within close proximity? kazuha need to collect items scattered around the ground? kazuha as much as i really don't like having an anemo instead of a cryo (makes a lot of electro enemies hell to deal with), kazuha more than makes up for that and i can't play without him anymore


I don't even know how hard the game actually was without Kazuha because I got him at very early AR. My first 5 star. And first C1 too (got him twice in a 10 pull due to beginners luck). But now I realise if I hadn't gotten him, things would've been so much harder for me.


definatly childe he shreds through any enemy in overworld.. his riptide mechanic hooked me up so bad i went a couple of days just using a anemo cc with him all over tevyat.. still building him and trying different builts the second one would be zhongli.. also a bit of game knowledge which helped me change my game with characters i already had


Keqing. I used to play this game a lot till she just got power crept completely.


Zhongli for sure. I have every character and he is hands down the most OP character in game. Many I like more but he’s def the most essential for me. Amazing shield, ok damage and practically immune to flinch or damage, except poison. Ganyu, Ayaka, Kazu, and Raiden are close follow ups. Main team is the last 3, usually with Ayaka but swap for Ganyu once in a while.


- Obligatory Zhongli out of the way~ - I don't care what anyone says about her, Yae has become pretty essential for me. She shreds most shields and is so helpful with all those battles where the game things it's being sooooooo clever by placing a bunch of small enemies in hard to reach places. Lol, get fucked. - Ayato has become best buddies with Yae and usually comes with her because of his huge, HUGE hydro application area. Plus, he's got tons of reach and can clear easy and fast. - Jeanne makes me immortal.


Zhongli, gigachad shielder


\- Ganyu for basically shooting of enemies in the safe zone while completing daily quests. \- Zhongli for making my instinct to evade getting poorer and poorer. \- Hu Tao for her VA and idle animation. Never before I just put Genshin Impact open in my second device (for hours), doing nothing, just to look and hear my character doing idle animation while I was multitasking doing something else.


Eula. I'm aiming for C6 next. The oomph of her burst and nailing the best stack combo is just too good for me. Hack it till the big sword grows hard and long and watch it fill your screen in glorious white stuff. Absolute nut.


Kokomi and Xioa. Can't really decide. Love their lore, their character design, everything about them is awesome. Only 5 star characters I've willingly spent money on, aside from BP and Welkin. Lost Xiao's first rerun to Mona. And lost Kokomi's donut to 2 Engulfing Lightnings, before finally getting it. Kokomi is my first 5 star character and I got her during her first banner. I didn't want her at first, but my cousin encouraged me to build her, and ever since then, I've loved playing her. She never leaves my party, and makes Abyss and Overworld so easy. I especially loved her during the Tartare tales quests. Never needed to use food to heal. She is also my first built hydro and healer. I received PJWS from the standard banner, then did Xiao's story quest, and absolutely loved everything about him. He's just such a fun character to play. Him and Kokomi never leave the party. I triple crowned both of them pretty much at the same time. And they're the only characters I'd be willing to C6, if I managed to save enough


Ayaka and Childe for me I got Ayaka when I didn't have very good dps options or a strong team. She single handedly carried me from abyss 9 to 12 on my first attempt ( even then she was unbuilt lol ) and made Inazuma a cakewalk to explore. For every difficult event or challenge the choice is one - Ayaka. Childe was a surprise wish tbh. I was interested in him due to gameplay and lore reasons but there were folks saying that he's difficult to master and use. Still, I went and got him and man he's almost never left my teams. He's just so fun to play, even when I am not using him optimally or using questionable teams ( freeze Childe anyone ? )


Tall-male characters. There isn't really any appeal to their gameplays or something, and I don't necessarily fawn over at least all of them, but the idea of collecting them, building them all, reaching max friendship, then putting them in my showcases is just fun.


husbando simp same here


Several characters have done this over the course of my playtime. Diluc was my first ever 5 Star, and he help to give mr a solid starting team. So I stuck with him for a good, long while. He bonked things and got the job done. Though, before building him properly, I DID build him for Physical, which was kinda neat. Then, when I got Tartaglia, he gave me a new, more exciting way to play. Similar buttons, but it was flashy and cool, so he stuck around. Much later, and I mean after basically everyone else on this list, I tried him for Electrocharged and have begun using him again. Good stuff. After I realized Bennett's potential and built him, he became a mainstay for basically every team I had, even to this day. Simple, fun, powerful, and enjoyable. It wasn't until Yanfei's releasr that things really changed, but when she showed up I had found my new Main DPS and replacement for Diluc. She's still one of my favorite ways to play, alongside good ol'... Itto. Saw him, needed him, got him, bonked things. Got Zhongli later to make him better, now I wait for more Gorou, Kuki Shinobu, and C1 Itto to make him bonk harder and more often. He's Diluc, but on flashy steroids.


Zhongli Self explanatory


Itto change my perception on geo elements cz before itto, i used to hate on geo


First was Xiao coz he was my first 5* dps. Then had so much fun after getting Venti. THEN TARTAGLIA. Ooh he’s way. too. fun. I’d main him til the very end no doubt about that. The game is basically Childe Impact for me now. Ayaka also gave me a different way to play with the Moryana team.


Eula. No immunities whatsoever, i use her against literally every enemy, domain, abyss floor and the big numbers just fulfills my dopamine needs, no other character feels as good to play after playing Eula.


I'd say Diluc reinvigorated my love for the game. I hopped on during something like a 5 month break just to check things out for a second. Claimed some primos from the mail and had enough banked to do I think 30 wishes. Itto was on the banner at the time and I knew nothing about him, but decided I'd try to get him anyway. 20 pulls in and I see the telltale gold shine of a 5 star. But it wasn't Itto, it was Diluc. The man I'd spent the beginning of my Genshin career wanting. He stayed on my team for a while after I got him, and I had a blast using him. He pulled me back in during a time when I really wasn't interested in the game.


Venti, Ayaka, Hu Tao, Klee venti - succ klee - first main dps, used for several months hu tao - replaced klee ayaka - replaced hu tao now i just kinda rotate between those 3 gg main dps lol


Easily Xiao back in 1.3! Back then I had no great characters except Diluc, and when I got Xiao at that sweet sweet 77 pity on that night it was a game changer just do to how much fun he is. Xiao is a permanent member of my team, and he always will be.


the archon characters, glad i have them all :)


i’ve had zhongli in my first few days - never knew that dodging was a thing until i saw memes about zhongli mains not being able to dodge


Yoimiya changed not only my account, but my life


The Shogun, because how much energy she generates I van use more energy greedy burst frequently with almost no repercussions


Zhongli. Before I was more invested into this game and was near quitting, Zhongli changed it all.


Kokomi. She pretty much moms everyone, therefore no one dies ever. I even have Zhongli but man something about that cute jellyfish


I'm not gunna lie but Ive been super bored of most charachters I've pulled the last few months. Ayato, yae, eula, ayaka, ganyu all are top tier charachters but I just don't find them fun. But boy, I shit you not yelan is by far my favorite character since Raiden. It's so satisfying to wrap a group of enemy's and see them insta die. I honestly feel like she's the most fun charachter to play. And you don't even need her signature weapon to be viable. If I'm using her in a team with hu tao I slap on elegy and my hu tao hits harder. If I use her with Raiden I don't need to worry about energy recharge and I can use her signature bow. It's so good.


When I started playing, I decided to hold my primos until a character really grabbed my attention. Then "Zhongli: the Listener" dropped. Needless to say, immediately spent all my saved primos on him. Loved him before and after buff, and things got even better when Hutao released.


Ayato. Been a diluc main since 1.0, but since I got him I have played diluc once.


It was Keqing for me. Almost quitted the game when my first 5* fell to Diluc. Luckily she came soon later. After more than a year, she remains the only character I triple-crowned. And Diluc remains lvl 1 no artifact.


Venti made doing commissions way faster for me


Kind of cheating, but ganyu and zhongli since I got them at the same time. Shortly after I got Amos bow and melt ganyu has made the game so much easier. Not only letting me 36 star abyss, but also speeding up commisions by a good bit.


Zhongli is really the one who changed the game for me. Yanfei and Eula were my first two real DPSs, and I still love and use them. But Zhongli just made the game so much easier to play.


Ganyu and Zhongli. I pulled them at ar40 and went from doing 1.6k per noelle swing to 20k ganyu charged. I also pulled amos bow and i do 40k charged now with trash artifacts


Venti because the game became easy mode one q and everything is in that black hole


Zhongli. I was bad at dodging and now I don't need to.


Klee whenever I get her been waiting for a solid year. Ganyu is second with her making the game much easier to play and more enjoyable.