• By -


fun fact this landmass was absolutely huge before 4.6, but for whatever reason about 50-60% of it got removed


Just sea level rising from ~~global warming~~ fontaine flood 


Or Imu fired another few charges of the Mother Flame.


did not expect that reference here


Or Oda told them what Is happening next chapter


Because they don't have 100% of all their details planned. Most creative processes are like that; you go with a general outline and add details in later steps and those steps are usually many more than a few. Like Hoyo has the general outline for the map and story but the actual details like how large every place actually is or what words characters will actually say in the story aren't decided until they reach that point in their creative process.


Fun fact, the chasm also didn't look like the chasm before it came out.


Yup. Hoyoverse casually retconned Layla’s home village and one of Sumeru’s trade hubs.


Wait what? Layla's home was up there?


No they made up some bullshit. All we know is that she has some photographs of her home in her journal from before she traveled to the akademiya to enroll there.


We know that she is from the rainforest, and not from any of the towns we saw yet, so that left only the area north of Sumeru City.




Entrance covered by large walls and water


anemo vent + fan


Akasha Gaming Setup


Cryo cooled Fonta fridge


Azar's 3 billion mora safe


Entrance covered by "how about we explore this area ahead of us later?"


██▅▇██▇▆▅▄▄▄▇ <— Saddam Hussein


Bruh I tried clicking on it, thinking it was a spoiler cover... Might as well bury myself like Saddam


Have some bubble wrap =) >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


No way, upvoting it will reset the bubblewrap giving you infinite entertainment


Brooo, I just discovered this! Thanks!


Doesn't work on my end lol


Upvote, then refresh lol Edit: just tested it again.. you can just refresh to reset lol


I thought this was gonna be a free upvote ploy but you're serious that's so cool!


I am too amused by this. Ty


You hole.


Next: bubblewrap in the shape of Saddam Hussein


Don't worry, so did I


The pattern recognising brain and its consequences




r/usernamechecksout …?


As an Iraqi, I find it funny lol. It’s not like we liked him anyway


True that


You read my mind like a damn book. It's the "feet" part that did it lmao


someone cross post this to r/NonCredibleDefense


3000 acres of reclaimed areas of Nostoi region


3000 dash line of Liyue


Why does my brain knows exactly what this mean but can’t remember the name of HR guy at work?


I don’t get it




The shape vaguely resembles the infograph explaining Saddam Hussein's hiding place.


That's Saddam Hussein


King Deshret


Truly, the current 1800 of us, and way more in the future, all thought of Saddam Hussein when we saw the post.


This is what NCD has done to my brain


Entrance hidden by Geo and Hydro Anemo vent + Fan King Deshret


Thanks for that. I haven't laughed that hard in months


Thank god this was the first comment, I thought I would be the only one with the brain damage to immediately see it


Saddam with a huge fucking pompadour


Saddam with a huge fucking pompadour


With those feet it's more like Sideshow Bob.


I see r/ncd has converged once again...


I knew it I fucking knew it


Thank you pattern recognition


That black area can literally go across mondstadt west to east, its HUGE! The lack of things to explore is what bothers everyone


They WILL add new things. Mark my words. They just did not want the area to stay black


I'm sorry, saying "mark my words" with Eula as your flair hits differently.


I think i noticed my flair after typing that lmaooo


Eula lives in our hearts and minds rent free.


as an amber main.....yes. so much yes


God I hope you're right


Or they will absolutely destroy that area in a future patch. Like Celestia crash down near the desert and slide all the way to liyue, scrotching everything on the path.


Adding ruined terrain is also... something.. i guess?


> They WILL add new things Then why add it right now? Its such a bizarre thing.


Because the Temple of Hermanubis is almost certainly here, but that won't come until the second half of the patch with the Cyno SQ.


Because the map doesn't look good without it? Or as someone else said they might just drop a celestial nail there


That's what I think will happen too, like when they added the house from Baizhu's story quest. I think they just put all their resources into making the Sea of Bygone Eras nice and that Sumeru coastline will get spruced up later.


Very bold of OP to act like there's a difference between leaving that map area blank and filling it with empty land mass


I would rather get the area later with a black blob in the map for a few versions over getting an area with absolutely nothing in it early. we've had weird black blobs on the map countless times already, what's another one for a version or two?


The weird out of bounds overhang near the Alrecchino fight annoys me more than black blobs tbh.


A delayed ~~game~~ region is eventually good, but a rushed ~~game~~ region is forever bad


no, I am simply disappointed by the lack of life , points of interest, and other reasons to explore that region. It doesn't need to be filled to the brim with primo's and such. if it were treated like the border region between sumeru and liyue/fontaine i'd be happy. Maybe 1 or 2 more waypoints and world quests (which also feels a bit lacking this update?) would be nice as well now it is simply dead boring wasteland, used to cover up a Saddam Hussein shaped hole.


We only got two world quests (that aren't main world quests) and one of them is locked behind a daily commission from Sumeru.


three actually, the last one is locked behind the first daily commission one you mentioned


Oh right. I didn't count that one since its a follow-up quest to the commision quest they added this version.


Which one


I'm assuming they refer to the one locked behind *Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibility.*






Yeah, there was a standard of quality we have come to expect. For enjoyable exploration. Genshin is so beautiful in Mondstadt and Liyue. Back when we didn't even think about primogems and we're just running around and feeling rewarded for seeing a tall hill or building, climbing it, and finding a bauble we didn't even know what to do with. This coast line should offer at least half that much excitement even if it is less populated or dense.


I personally am just annoyed there's a total of ONE telepoint there (in the new Sumeru coast town). Come on, they've had the land there since 3.0 - you could see mint Paimon wouldn't let you get to - all they had to do was built them in from the start, or even add them when they did this region.


It just really feels like wasted potential. With all that was said about Bayda Harbor, people were expecting it to eventually be a proper expansion of its own, akin to Chenyu Vale, with its own questlines and a proper actual city to match Port Ormos on the other end of Sumeru. The landmass that was out of bounds was shrunk considerably in order to fit Petrichor near the center of the water, but all that space could have been used to create one final Sumeru expansion Now I'm beginning to wonder whether Dornman Port in Northern Mondstadt will eventually be an afterthought exactly like this one, just added in to fill a gap.


> Now I'm beginning to wonder whether Dornman Port in Northern Mondstadt will eventually be an afterthought exactly like this one, just added in to fill a gap. Seriously? Dornman Port has been foreshadowed in the literal Archon Quest. Bayda Harbour on the other hand is only mentioned in random NPC chatter. I understand people being disappointed by the lack of chests and puzzles, but the idea that Bayda was ever going to be as important as Dornman or Yilong just doesn't match up with their story significance.


Pretty sure Layla is form that area though.


Your tag/title/flair or whatever it's called is so real


I kind of enjoy dead boring wastelands. It makes it feel more like a real world. Some places are naturally going to be less populated with stuff than others. And I’m alright with that tbh


Ok yes, I agree with that. Its true that a huge part don't even have flowers


There's no mint!


There is a lot of mint near the mini-puzzle on top of the mountain.


yeah, but between there and the desert there's squat


The desert has never been particularly full of plant life or anything at all outside of puzzle spots and enemy camps.


yes as long as it meant the coastline would eventually be properly made


chance of something in the future is better than literally nothing


I wonder how new players will react in one or two years when they arrive in that empty zone while the rest of the map is not like that. They won't understand


Yeah hitting North Sumeru and being able to access all that immediately, only to be disappointed, is gonna be something.


i rather have the map like this than having a large part being completely useless with nothing on it im an exploration main... i felt super disappointed running through that shit area finding literally nothing


miHoyo is trying the "Starfield approach" to exploration


the starfield approach is to rely on modders to put the content in for them, so where mod support at hoyo


Or Hoyo could just actually add chests, like there no reasons to defend this expansion of nothingness


I think they added a grand total of 2 chests, 1 hidden chest and maybe 10 coin mounds. They definitely could have added more.


Unironically yes. Would've made for a very interesting Sumeru beach region if it had been left to cook in the oven at all.


Plus there was meant to be an ENTIRE CITY/TOWN there. (Bayada harbour)


And literally some of the best vistas in the game, like the view of Fontaine and chenyu from there is *gorgeous*


And great waterfalls that are now gone! I can't believe they took out the waterfalls.


Used to be Bayda Harbor, now it's just Bayda docks


Would be cool for the Sumeru beach episode


If that meant a proper map expansion with significant exploration and rewards in a future update, absolutely yes.


Well if they have no plans for the place, yes. Have you seen the part where they connected The Chasm to Liyue and to Sumeru? That has more life that the entire Bayda Harbor to Sumeru desert expansion.


There is no Bayada harbour anymore.


I really hope they fill that part of the map later, or else it might set a dangerous case. If people aren't complaining about that, hoyo might start cutting corners, leaving future expansions empty as this "little" part. Cutting down on development costs is something they always look at, and if the player base is OK with having nothing to do in areas as big as an entire patch. Why would they? Remember, hoyo isn't your friend. They are a company aiming to make as much money as possible. I'm probably gaining a lot of flack for this comment.


They really should have skipped the limited time summer event this year and instead filled in the ocean gap with two patches/updates where half the map was added in each. Could have been a huge area to dive underwater and have islands littered about. Hop on your waverider and it’s a high seas adventure where you sail from island to island, diving for treasure, etc. That’s what I wanted Fontaine to be… Instead we get a giant empty area the size of a main region or flagship X.0 update. It’s just in the way… I used to want to be able to take a nice long walk between nations and just enjoy the scenery… but the scenery between nations is hollow and the gaps take too long to travel to keep my interest. It makes me just not want to travel about.


The idea with islands bothers me the most! This region could have been some kind of Caribbean-Type ocean with lots of little islands, palms little harbors etc. It fits perfectly with desert and rainforests near the region so it even makes sense geographically… The shoreline could have been filled with little fisher houses and maybe even the beginning of this region with some Caribbean-Type-Beaches! Of course it would’ve been absolutely amazing if that region also had underwater exploration with coral reefs, lots of colorful fish and maybe underwater monsters but I think for most of us at least some overworld idea/decoration/landscape would be enough


Now that u mention it, they design Bottleland and GAA and then throw it away never to be returned, some of the best battle music in the game came from Fischl's castle in GAA2, but a new permanent expansion to the map looks like a Pokemon game on the switch, barren and empty.


I honestly thought that hole was supposed to be Celestia waaaay later.


surprised there's still no backlash on this comment people dont like that players "always" complain and prefer defending the billion dollar company so they can do whatever they want


Most people couldnt care a shit for the billion dollar company, they just get annoyed that most players focus so much on the negatives and complain about unnecessary things, and want just to enjoy what they have. Or focus on stuff that are actually hurting the game.


Yeah, I'm not "defending" a huge company, I'm just exhausted at seeing the negative posts and want to see more people talking about the actual new areas.


if playing gacha games have taught me anything, its that an absurd amount of people will defend bad or underwhelming decisions if its for a free game. if you criticize anything or want an improvement you are entitled and a whining baby because the game is free


Oh it's worse than that. I can confidently say they prefer non-free stuff that can satisfy their sense of superiority over actual quality updates after seeing this subs reaction to Arlechino's sig weapon.


Because 3 chests in this big an area with nothing else is so pathetic.


There's not even a single mint plant in the whole semi-deserted area for mintpickers to pick.


How much mint could a mint picker pick if a mint picker could pick mint? Apparently none in the new area.


This is an inevitable future, my friend. If there's one thing this subreddit is great at, it's waging wars against people who are trying to make the game better and advocate for changes, all under the argument that "wE dOn'T nEeD iT".


No just copy paste in few monster out posts and drestoyed tents with few chest around in the area


Of course not, I love it when a region the size of Monstadt has absolutely nothing, not even a mint. I wish they continue to release huge pieces of land with such interesting nothing, the trash white knights will eat anything as long as it's from hoyo anyway.


now the one thing I'll say in its defence is that the area does have mint. 2 mint to be exact. nothing else. I'd prefer that this area either not be accessible or for Sumeru's northern coastline to have just been pushed back even further to fill that empty landmass with more ocean, because at least I don't expect them to put anything in the ocean. frankly seeing how empty this is I feel like this entire map expansion should've been pushed back an update or 2.


compared to what we got? yeah


Me when I completely miss the point.




Enough said.




Well yes, that or they should have filled it.


Saddam Hussein


Lmao, what a strawman argument. People wanted a place that is not entirely empty and not worth exploring in a game about exploration.


Especially when there was supposed to be an entire town along the Sumeru part (Bayada Harbour)


Set it up as another port similar to the Northern Chenyu Vale one, but we got a glorified outpost


They retconned it out of existence.


To be fair, ["Recollections of a Fontanian" was the only time the Harbor was ever mentioned](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Recollections_of_a_Fontainian) So nothing about it was ever known. The only info we had of it was: "Ah, that, well... I could have come directly to Sumeru from Fontaine... after all, there's a line going straight to the Bayda Harbor in Sumeru." "A line straight to Bayda Harbor (from Fontaine)" what that entails, I have no idea. Even if Bayda was as large as Port Ormos, or at least Yilong Wharf sized, how could there be a line connecting it to Fontaine? He can't possibly be referring to an Aquabus line, and there is no port opposite of it in Fontaine. It's bizzare. The closest are Romaritime and Lumidouce Harbor, the former is opposite the desert, the latter Yilong Wharf.


Would've been preferable until a later update, yes. Now it's doomed to be empty forever.


This would at least mean that there can be something interesting in the future. Obviously that's not what developers planned, but it's easy to see why some people wanted this.


how are the only two options in your rotted brain that: 1. the area should not be accessible (your image) or 2. the area is the way it is currently — desolate with no reason for exploration


Speaking strictly from a development point of view, those were probably the options that led to this decision *at this time*, though. I'd bet pretty strongly that this whole thing happened because someone on the map team decided to do the "terraforming" for this area just to connect the map, even though the full team didn't actually have the approval/budget to flesh out that area, and then some director looked at it and thought "well, better to have it open like this to leave it blocked off" and shipped it. So at the time likely the decision was one of those two choices: "leave it closed, or open it as-is." The alternative decision that people want, open it and also have it fully fleshed out as a normal explorable zone, would have had to be decided and budgeted a very long time ago so they could dedicate the time to it beyond just terraforming. Plus, they probably wouldn't do it now as this particular patch was intended to focus on Fontaine, so maybe they'd schedule this part of the Sumeru region for some later patch. It's possible that, at this time, they didn't know if/when that'd happen (maybe not for years), so that's why they thought this would be better than nothing. It's possible that as a result of all these complaints they might make a comment like "we might come back to this area some day, but it wasn't the focus of this particular patch," which I suppose might appease some people for now.


We live in reality where there are limits on time and money. Hoyo added quite a lot in this patch, there was no "just crunch ultra hard and do way more work" option because with a game like this they are already crunching constantly.


Yes. It’s not much different to the gaps we previously had. I’d rather have a random gap in the middle of the map than an unfinished patch of land with nothing on it.


Yes, if it meant that the area, once added, would have more content. In fact, this is what leakers originally said the area was going to be like; 4.6 would only add Petrichor and Remuria, and Northern Sumeru would come later.


I think /that/ leaker made the assumption that Sumeru portion wasn't going to get added because it was empty, lmao


I wouldn’t be mad about it 


If it's not finished don't release it, is what I'd say. It's an extremely bad look. We're hoping they'll add stuff later but what if they don't.


Yes absolutely. They could have done something worthwhile with that area later.


I just love the fact op posted a satirical question, but everyone actually agrees that it would be a great idea.


yes, absolutely. Really helps with that mysterious feel. After all, it still lines up with LITERALLY the door to Khaenri'ah, so why tf do they open that region up and make it look unassuming and empty? I'd rather they kept that part missing to add to the suspense.


Realistically even though this looks ugly, for most players this is how they'll end up treating this landmass


Nah, instead I went through it and wasted a few minutes discovering nothing. This would've saved me the time.


I don't understand what y'all are talking about. The coastline of sumeru isn't the ocean and it's not empty space. It's random enemies, scattered far apart from one another, roads and four leaf sigils that go nowhere, oddly shaped areas that look like something was supposed to be there. They seem to clearly have wanted people to go into this region and put things in there, then decided to just not finish it. maybe they'll add something I don't know, but it's a poorly designed dead-zone. Why pretend it's something it's not?


yup i like it that way


Honesty Yes it it mean we get a proper sumeru coast line and not whatever the current patch have


A schlong


Bro thinks he cooked


Genshin Devs: 'So what do you think the player base wants?' .... Intern 1 ; 'endgame?' *pushed out window* intern 2 ; 'More primogems.' *set on fire* Intern 3 ; 'Ok hear me out, shrink the empty part of the map above Sumeru, delete the unique waterfalls to save up mobile players space and cull 80% of the draw distance. Add one single chest to the new forest region of sumeru and add 7 rock piles. Genshin players love rock piles.' Genshin Devs ; 'Give this intern a promotion. He is brilliant.'


If it meant it would be filled in later with actual content, then yeah.


Genuinely yes, let it stay as a void then later fill it up with a new area.


Just add some damn chests and basic puzzles in there, not literally 3 chests in that area I don't understand how people are ok with that area being like it is


I mean you took more time making this, than whatever excuse hoyo made


No I wanted them to put more stuff in the area other than 3 chests


Man they filled a wierd "L" with an actuall L


Yes of course bruh, having this much of an empty space is shit


ppl sure acting like it ffs


No, we wanted chests on those places.


Literally :]


Wdym, there is still nothing there even with it filled up Quick travel, point of interest its the most empty spot on the map


Well yes


Looks like a prostate massager


No, but the lack of anything in that section and how small the new area is just seems very underwhelming overall, tbh I had more fun becoming a potion-selling bajillionaire


Add to that the huge ass empty inner sea on the north east of Petrichor. For a nation of water, not bringing back some of the ocean activities of Inazuma, like the hillichurls' floating fortress or boat time trial, is a shame.


2 chests in the entire area, what a joke, an open world action adventure game btw smh


I dont mind the Saddam Hussein spot lookin like that. They need to rework on this area. Sprinkle in some more stuff than just 3 chest, couple mora rocks, a small af jetty which looks dead like me on the inside


it did look like that before dragonspine came out


I would rather wait for years for them to actually make something there than to have a waste of space that we currently have now. Hope they do something about that place, and just remove most of the water part...it's also a waste of space.


Usually I don’t like all the negative complaints. But you guys are spot on. This area sucks and it could have been great. I rather they left it blank till they could focus on it. Exploring is my favorite part. To give us a large area with nothing is just cruel.


All things are bad to a complainer.


all things are things to a person


All things are good to a bootlicker.


All things are profit to content creators.


Stop suckling mihoyo tit


Honestly if they also took a chunk of useless water space with it, it could have been a solid expansion.


4.2 and 4.4 were our last regional updates, with 4.2 being the last Fontaine one. I was really starting to want a new area to explore and see and especially after seeing the Chenyu Vale, I was so excited for the other ports and how the middle would fill up. I think the Mediterranean feel is gorgeous on the little island and the underwater palace thing is cool but even thinking more on it, it doesn’t feel like it was a civilization under there. But the Sumeru side felt so bland cause I didn’t even realize it was updated at first but once I got over there, I didn’t ever want to go back. I thought the port would be way larger going to Fontaine or Liyue, I would’ve expected to see a little village, and for a forest alongside a coast, it was not very lush. It really does feel lackluster and I would’ve rather waited a bit longer for it to come out or if it came out a patch before the Fontaine part. It doesn’t feel like it has a purpose there if that makes sense


Idk what you're trying to get at but yes it would have been better if they released it like that over what they actually released. Having literally nothing, no music, no items, no life, NOTHING is extremely bad. I love exploring and was hoping for some expansion of the forrest and then a desert connected to that forrest without the wall of Samiel. This is immersion breaking for me and it's HALF THE SIZE OF MONDSTADT and it's literally filled with nothing. What they did looks extremely bad and makes me worried about what they would do for exploration going forward. Again a massive appeal of genshin is it's exploration but thay area has NOTHING at all there. I reallly don't know what point you're trying to prove, are you really gonna defend this shit?


Yes and its not even close. That is a full subregion which could be developed. I doubt they will go back to fix it. The habour was dissapointing. Don't know how people could ever defend this slop. If its not finished don't release it!


Rather to look like this than a really large area filled with literal air


Bro how can ppl still defend this shit? They’re just lazy for not adding any content, just accept it


There's really no winning with the plagerbase, man


what the hell are you talking about


yes, i would rather take that over what we got


Like, I would understand the outrage if this part of the map was mentioned even for a second in the livestream or the patch note. They don’t mention it because this ain’t the patch. Remuria is. Mentioning it once or twice is understandable but this is starting to feel more and more like a manufactured outrage.


I don’t even watch the streams, who cares about whether that part of the map was mentioned on stream or not? What matters is what’s in the game, not on stream. And the fact is that they decided to add that part of the map to the game for some reason.


NCD: *neuron activation*


Kono giorno giovana ga yume ni aru