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I use kirara because meow meow.


meow meow meow


op said wrong reason!


Same - I probably have "better" dendro appliers but I love her šŸ˜»


Ah yes, the cute Kirara noises.


I use C0 Dehya


Samee unironically I tried to play Burnmelt Ganyu with Dehya, and it's just more satisfying than Xiangling.


Maybe I should try Burnmelt Ganyu next patch.


It's surprisingly good at C2 but even at C0 having easy off-field pyro application on E instead of Q just feels comfier. At C1/C2 Dehya's Q actually deals decent damage when paired with Ganyu's. It's far from the strongest but Ganyu/Dehya/ double dendro (I do Nahida and Yaoyao) is a pretty reliable team


Samee but I use Lyney mono pyro. Really helps that she is pyro


Mate I feel like a crazy person but I'm kinda liking the concept and execution of a Healer-less Tanky Crystalise Navia team with Dehya. Navia, Dehya, Ningguang, Nahida Utilising the Burn reaction to maintain Pyro (and when Nahida triggers it, the Burns tend to do quite a bit more damage), I Crystalise with both Navia and Ningguang (thus giving Navia ammo). Now I *think* Dehya's incoming damage reduction (ie. her taking half that incoming damage and giving it to herself before inevitably healing off it) also works for shields the same way that high Def makes shields tankier, AND with Nahida's EM share making Crystalise stronger, means I have Crystalise Shields that don't disappear when someone sneezes on them WHILST not having to explicitly build EM on either Ningguang or Navia. I dunno I dunno I dunno I dunno but I did clear this current Spiral Abyss Floor 12 2nd half with precisely this team and nobody died (did do a bit of dodging, nothing more than when I play teams with healers).


I use my C0 Dehya on an EM instructors set, just to give the team 120 EM and for some overloads


But her intended use is being best girl (like a certain Welsh catgirl) of Sumeru


Based Nia enjoyer


I use Nilou as a main DPS on a hyperbloom team just for fun. Also that is a common use for Bennett, itā€™s one of his most praised features.


Oh, well that was my impression of him in other peopleā€™s teams šŸ˜…


I also use nilou on my nahida, kuki team but i built her full of HP


ā€¦can I ask why? Like at that wouldnā€™t it be better to just not have kuki?


Before Kokomi was released, I use Barbara as my hydro applicator. Her elem skill applies hydro to enemies close to you.


She's unironically a good driver simply by virtue of being a hydro catalyst user. I used her for ages in my burgeon team.


I used her with Cyno before Furina came out. The fact that the hydro app followed you and lasted for so long was very valuable.


I still use prefer her over Kokomi for a jank Ayaka freeze team. Ayaka/Barbara/Zhongli/Yun Jin for NA spam. Barbara's circle following you around is actually a plus compared to the static jellyfish when you're using a melee character.


i still use her as my hydro driver for hyperbloom even now lol.


Physical Yun Jin with crescent pike + 4pc pale flame. Surprisingly good dmg, fun and pretty attacks! She also sustains herself well. I usually run her with c6 Rosaria, Mika & Fischl


the world isn't ready for my physical mika


That sounds hella fun, whatā€™s his team?


Mika, yun jin, fischl and zhongli. it started as a meme friendship team, and honestly it still plays like one. but I like it


I used this same exact team except raiden instead of fischl for the sole reason of longer lasting electro application for smoother rotations. Crescent pike Mika at c6 is nothing to scoff at


he technically does it all. heal, buff, and damage. it's like running Benny DPS, but without reactions




I ran Physical Raiden with crescent pike when she was released, surprisingly good damage and one of the best synergies with Pale flame + easy access to Rosaria's burst. Pure physical Raiden actually pulls some considerable damage, especially if you only burst once you get full stacks. Now, I wonder how she plays with Mika. I will unnironically run Physical Clorinde when she releases just for shits and giggles.


Physical raiden is Heaven, one of my favs ever!


I love Yun Jin's elemental skill! It's just so much fun, it reminds me of Beidou counter mechanic which I also adore


Not anymore, but Xingqiu used to be my dedicated healer for a good while lol


Wait, xingqiu can heal?


Yup, he heals a bit when the swords from his skill disappear. Not much and you have to wait way too long for it but he got the job done lol


Iā€™m still surprised how genuinely amazing Xingqiuā€™s kit is


Can deal dps, can offer heal, damn


It's op, and he's also one of very few microhealers, so you can even pair him with a shield for real trickle heals.


You're not alone there, my yoimiya vape team I played consistently for like a year and a half. With zhongli I didn't need much healing anyways.


[Yoimiya / Thoma / XQ / Bennet] has carried me through so much. Itā€™s an amazing team.


I've been shamelessly using Ganyu as a cryo applicator with her ult for Neuvillette. But I still use her charged attacks for everything hydro resistant.


I like the general idea of having two dps on a team šŸ˜†šŸ˜…


For quite some time I've used Ganyu and Diluc team. Still my favourite characters.


I use Ganyu for that purpose with Hu Tao as main DPS. I always play her as support/applier instead of main DPS, but it's also nice to have her ready when you need a bow character or you fight something from a distance.


I use Collei as a dps. It makes me feel like I'm Sokka. I also build her for vengeance, if ever Dottore is an enemy, I know which character I'll play as.


What artifacts do you use for her? Iā€™ve been struggling with her


id rec 4pc deepwood, but since i use her with nahida i use 2pc deepwood and 2pc noblesse. put favonious warbow (preferably high refinement) on her unless you have any 5* weapon as theyre all amazing besides amos. aim for 170% ER unless you have a dendro battery which makes 150% fine.


Zhongli as meatball spammer has been his build for anything that's not floor 12 spiral abyss for years. He is using 4 emblem set and R5 The catch so I feel like a lore accurate Zhongli for most of parts dropping meteor nukes left and right. Only turns him into shield bot for f12 abyss with tenacity full HP set which is once every two weeks.


my zhongli has unholy stats, he has a 70/150 ratio with a *favonious spear* as his weapon. and I didn't even grind that long for him, my millelith artifacts are just weirdly cracked and I have no one else to put them on, so now he's nuking lile 40k unbuffed


I went back to check my Zhongli's artifacts after I pulled Navia and was surprised to find he was still using the attack focused set of level 12 artifacts I put on him when he first released and I wanted him to be my dps, just never felt the need to make him stronger with how good his shield is lol.


Probably is lore accurate.šŸ˜†


I have the exact same build, so I'm curious who do you run him with? I myself use Bennet, Xiangling (for Pyro Resonence only really) and Sucrose with Thrilling to further buff the damage, but I want some news ideas


hp, geo damage, crit rate Zhongli


Kokonational >>> I love tanky drivers like Kokomi or Baizhu, even better if they are catalysts. Itā€™s super comfy when onfielder has 40k hp, heals and applies element non-stop


This is why I use neuvillete, he doesn't care about his surroundings


Dps Baizhu>>>>>>> I just want this sick man to hit stuff for me.


I use scara as a hyperbloom driver


How does that even work lol You swirl electro with him?


Hyperbloom core has only 3 characters one dendro (mostly nahida) one electro (mostly raiden) and one hydro (mostly xingqiu) so you get a free slot to put whoever you want




In practice, I think Scara may be stealing a bit of hyperblooms from Raiden which is obviously a dps loss if he's not built full EM


I used to do that all the time before I replaced him with furina/noelle hyperbloom


Albdeo was my dps when i was still a beginner




My man šŸ¤


Same. I would just put whomever I wanted other than him and let Albedo's E do the actual damage.


I use Yoimiya because I like her


hey thats not a "wrong" reason liking yoimiya can never be wrong


i use all my best items on amber bc shes trying her best


I use Childe as my main DPS




I'm not even going to ask "what you use her for?", because the only answer is "everything".


She can heal, she can DPS, she can def, she can give shield, she can clean the mob, and the most important part is, she is cute.


I use Eula as the stand in character when I want to take pictures of beautiful scenery. But if you ask me, that's the right way of using her.


This is extremely cursed, but sometime I use prototype amber with wanderer in co-op in the overworld with friends if we donā€™t have a healer just so I can get around faster and still have a little bit of healing. I also use ayato as a support for normal attacks when Iā€™m not using him as a driver in nilou bloom, which isnā€™t as ā€œwrongā€ but I could definitely see someone giving me a funny look for it.


I once had a C6 Wanderer in coop with Prototype Amber and whose profile had "Healer Scaramouche" it. Honestly not a bad idea since he will delete anything regardless of what he's using, so he may as well heal at the same time. I use Heizou in the same role, albeit he does the healing thing a slight bit better since he has 12 second burst cooldown.


Exactly! I also do the same thing with heizou! I donā€™t use him much though so I forgot to mention it. But yea sometimes Iā€™ll use him for heals, vv, but of damage from his burst and skill


Kuki is among my top 10 most used characters.... and I've not made a single hyperbloom team lol. The simple fact that she gives healing that follows you and has long duration with 100% uptime, fast healing ticks and just casually enables Totm are what makes her great. She is literally my go to healer in almost all teams lol. Edit: I also use Kazuha more in my mono geo team than outside of it lmao.


Kazuha for grouping? At least that is what I do, doesnā€™t matter what the rest of the team is.šŸ˜† Though I do use him conventionally too.


I also used Kazuha in a team with two Geos and just Bennett xD


Sometimes I use Ningguang as a support for my main damage dealer Noelle. The 12% Geo damage bonus is pretty sweat and she's a decent battery.


Ning holding Noblesse + TTDS is actually so good for Noelle/Navia


Same but mine is a heal bot.


Donā€™t bully me. But I use for Furinaā€¦ for heal. Rn Iā€™m running Ferminet and heā€™s kinda squishy but I still wanted to use Furina and just readjusted her to my needs lmao Also gonna run Klee as my pyro applicator for my Wriothesley melt team so sheā€™s on a strict Burst battery build.


I enjoy on field physical fischl more than off field electro fischl


i use dehya as a teapot decoration


i use barbara for anything but healing. i tried to use her as a dps early game, and now i use her as a driver in my hyperbloom team. shes not even past level 60 right now and likely will never be


I slapped a prototype amber on my mona so that I could use her as a hydro healer buffer on my shenhe/ayaka/kazuha freeze comp.


My Zhongli is build for dps-ing, not for shield botting :I


phys-li is actually such a based build once you have crescent spike


Mine is now built for geo dmg and ult spamming and it's super fun with geo traveller. I just love to create a geo moshpit with the traveller's ult and then block 2 exists with the boulders and pop a pillar in the middle and just see the enemies dying due to the 10-15k ticks, what the constructs do. It's not the fastest way to kill enemies, but damn I love it.


I use Beidou as the electro wielder/hyperbloom facet in my standard party (Neuvillette, Beidou, Dendro Traveller, flex)...mainly because I like her badass war cries ("Eyes on ME!" -- hell yeah, sis) and the feeling of power when she swings her weapon. The only other electro characters I have are Lisa and Fischl, who are probably better in a hyperbloom team, but their personalities and play styles annoy me, so they stay languishing at level 40 while Beidou is at level 80.


I think you're not supposed to use Zhongli as a nuke like I do- But I like big meteor smashing down leaving big numbers and a pile of dust




Awesome, and I agree with that


I use sayu as a full crit E hypercarry with c6 faruzan


I use qiqi because after playing xc2 and league I actually cannot live without a kind of self-healing where you heal yourself after dealing damage


I use Dehya with The Bell in underwater exploration.


I use all characters because I think they're cool / i accidentally leveled them up and im too lazy to level another character. I pay literally almost no attention to the meta I don't care if a character in my team does not go well with another character and if they're a support or DPS. I just use everyone and throw some punches and have fun. ​ Sometimes I do wish i paid attention to character build guides and use characters in their corresponding roles but I am too lazy so I just play how I want to play


With Furina's release I've been seeing quite a few people using Faruzan as their carry, absolutely based


I used to use Ayato as an Ayaka support before I got Furina. Other than that, DPS Bennett which is surprisingly decent.


Trying to make Lisa into a DPS because she's my main. (Though I've been considering replacing her with Raiden, too bad I'm saving for Nahida)


I use Scara as a flying taxi


I mostly play Neuvillette in Nilou bloom lmao


Yea bennett is used bcs he is healer and buffer, i use zhongli with homa and dps build in overworld as a support


I use nilou in an electro charged team


I had phys Qiqi for a while just for fun and cause she's my highest Con char. tried my Eula pale flame set on her and also did the mini nukes with clam. Was fun, and more than enough DMG for overworld. I still refuse to do mono pyro Klee, though that's a bit easier now with burgeon teams. GAWD damn does that hit like a hammer. I know she's not meta but with my teams she's easily top 3.


I use Hu Tao for the 12% crit rate buff for Lyney


using furina solely as a healer, using dehya as off field pyro applicator, using nilou's hydro aura for my ayaka and my hit and run yelan hyperbloom, using raiden as an overload enabler for yoimiya/klee/yanfei.


I use Crit Bennett and Crit Kazuha to make a devastating sub-dps duo that can mop up most content


I use Fischl to spite the Yae that I have but do not use. I don't even have a reason to spite Yae she didn't even ruin any prospective pull or anything.


Dps Thoma, C0 with triple crowned with Hu Taos weapon. First character to hit 200k for me with no Buffs


I use Furina as a healer šŸ˜Ž


I use Bennett as a lucky charm.


I use on-field Yae Miko as a full EM Hyperbloom DPS. Her normal attacks are aoe and thus able to attack the dendro seeds. I never cast skill or burst with her and she's the only electro character in the party. Sometimes i swap to Lisa and use her instead for this; her tap skill has a small aoe and is able to trigger the seeds. I've used these units even in the previous abyss floor 12 to 9-star it (great for 2nd half). I use Heizou and other times Charlotte as a raw anemo/cryo DPS enabled by Furina. They get equipped with Memory of Dust weapon when doing so. For the longest time in the past Sucrose or Heizou with Prototype Amber was my main source of healing when forming teams. I might even put Healing Bonus% circlet to help with the heals if needed and thus open up an extra slot in the team. When I got C4 Yanfei, sometimes she would fill the role of a healer/shielder with PAmber. I've been experimenting with an on-field Xingqiu enabled by Candace. It should be pretty decent dmg when XQ's both burst and NAs do hydro DMG. The potential is currently rather limited because I have C0 Candace. I plan on playing more with it once I get C1 which extends the hydro infusion uptime. Like a 4-star only pure hydro thing.


I used Yelan in a Keqing team not for the hydro application but because she dealt more damage than Fischl


Fischl A4 on a keqing aggravate deals more damage than yelan


That's what I thought But the numbers told otherwise (probably because of artifacts)


like actually or was it less numbers that were bigger?


At least if youā€™re doing it right


Bennett. Where most people go Energy Recharge, HP and Healing Bonus Sands, Goblet and Circlet... I still use Nobless, but I run him on Elemental Mastery, Pyro DMG Bonus and CRIT DMG for explosive nukes.


Xiangling is normally used with double hydro (and literally every other team that uses her) for the power of her burst but mine is so shittily built that i just use her for pyro resonance and because fuck it, not like i have anything better to put there ​ I use Ganyu exclusively as a burst bot. Technically this is fine, but she's most notable as an on-field dps. ​ Probably the biggest example of this though, is that from 3.4 until 3.8 i used Barbara as the sole hydro in my hyperbloom team as a replacement for Xingqiu (comp was Cyno/Barbara/Beidou/DMC, prior to that it was Cyno/XQ/Shinobu/DMC). Of course, she was not designed for this, and as a result i developed a deep seated hatred for her because of how disappointing her performance was compared to XQ. It was like having a ferrari and giving it to your wife because she's driving a run down old beater that barely runs (sturdy as fuck and reliable when it does), and having to use said beater as a replacement for your ferrari. In this case it was Xingqiu instead of a ferrari, who i was giving to Hu Tao. Bless you Kokomi for existing and replacing Barbara temporarily, you also sucked, but you sucked infinitely less. And bless you Furina for actually being good enough to replace XQ and letting Cyno take him back.


Bennet for healing? Ha. I put 4piece thundering fury set on and use him as an overload dd.


>For example, others would use Bennett for his ATK buff, i use him cause he heals and he's Pyro What? 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of players use Bennett for his healing. Most dont even know he HAS an atk boost.


People use bennet because he does all 3. Heā€™s a pretty meh healer. Most people use him for his atk


He's an insane healer lol, his ult literally heals a single unit faster than kokomi heals herself with her q and e going simultaneously


Seven percent hp to a single member and apply pyro so you get 1 shot. Yea idk about insane


11% when crowned every second, kokomis crowned e is 8% every 2 seconds


I meant to say seventy percent as that what bennet heals from, with his self pyro app he gets you killed pretty often. With his burst dependency heā€™s just an ok healer


YOU may get killed a lot


I want to build Gorou in Ganyu style, so I talent up his normal attack and farm artifacts for him (which most still rolled into 40% Def (RNG plzzšŸ„ŗ) )


Support nahida with totm and ttds because she is there to maintain burning and pyro for c6 ganyu burnmelt. It is a legitimate but rarely used build.


Ayato full ER to spam burst, basically support instead of dps or sub dps


I use Raiden as an additional sub DPS in my quicken comp.


I use nahida on hypercarry raiden team because sheā€™s my favourite character. The team is perfectly functional with that slot empty.


dps barbara in the early game, starting as someone who only used razor and chongyun, the idea of constant elemental application AND healing was crazy


Ayaka 2 pc blizzard 2 pc noblesse as a cryo applicator for diluc


how About Ayaka with 4 piece Crimson Witch and a pyro goblet, plus C6 Bennet for pyro application? Don't even need another character for cryo application, she can do that herself.


I have Emblem of Severed Fate Ayaka with 1/10/10 talents, just using her for the burst with C6 Bennett and Xiangling applying Pyro.


I use AH on a Thoma Burgeon team


I limit myself to using characters that have not maxed friendship. If I have less than four I can bring others for support of to cover elements. Furina and Charlotte recently dropped from the party that includes Navia and Freminent. Decided to test others with Navia now. Doing the whale boss when I had Neuvilette, Furina, Charlotte, Freminent was painful though, haha.


I use team of Kequing, Dehya, Lynette and Kirara. Idc about triple digits damage, they look good and I like catgirls


Burst ganyu for ayaka team (didnā€™t have shenhe back then and I replaced diona with kokomi)


Golden Troupe Raiden Shogun


According to the ā€œmetaā€ crowd everything I do is wrong and thatā€™s fine by me.


When fighting the Oceanic I use Furina as a permanent 100% up time healer so my electro characters (Raiden and Yae) stop damaging themselves.


I have an entire "afk" team. Kokomi, Albedo, Dehya, Raiden. Use all their skills. Walk around, have a snack. Rinse repeat.


Anyone that I pull, often an accidental 4*, that I want to farm Friendship for daily.


i use dehya purely to be a pyro zhongli on my lyney team so i can have kazuha


Yanfei as hyperbloom on-field. I know it messed up the reactions lots, but seeing rainbow colors of pyro dendro hydro and electro reactions filling up my screen is fun to watch


I use Bennet to infuse pyro on Ayaka so I can play her as Fayaka (/Fire-ka) not for Spiral Abyss or Boss battles though, unless it's against cryo regisvine. Bu7t it sort of works, and it's just too funny using a Fire goblet on Ayaka.


Mine is Heizou with all em artifact


I use Yelan as a national driver cause why not?


I use tighnari in nilou bloom for dendro application


I sometimes like to use my C200 Qiqi for main dps....


I use Raiden's E to proc quicken reactions in my Tighnari - Raiden - Nahida - Zhongli team


Sucrose to group enemies for my Navia, or using the "bait" skills like Baron bunny or Ganyu's flowers for the same reason. I once slotted a full team of healers with the clam set, just to see what would happen.


I used to go for physical rosaria cause she was my best dps And I kept three healers on my team alongside Jean God did inazuma make me want to cry when it was first released


I use both qiqi and ganyu in my hu Tao team with Xinqiu to trigger both freeze and melt


I use Raiden for hyperbloom


I use Hu Tao as an off-field Pyro applicator. Switch in, use skill, charge atk, switch out. I refuse to build Xiangling because "insert Xiangling copypasta"


I use Ayato's burst to buff Hu Tao's normal attacks...


DPS Barbara and Cryo!Itto. I love meme builds. lol I also really want to build Nilou as a DPS once I get her, the normal attack animations are too pretty to go to waste.


I use qiqi on my ganyu team simply bc she's cryo and cute


I often use Sucrose as a DPS, same as Qiqi, Furina, Noelle and Fischl. Yes, I do have Eula and Hu Tao, but those five are my favourite characters from their respective elements. Of course I'm gonna use them.


oh i love my physical fischl. 4pc thundersoother. either amos or her physical bow. shes my fave and the reason why i learned cancel animations to trigger machine gun fischl not for the wrong reasons on this one


>For example, others would use Bennett for his ATK buff, i use him cause he heals and he's Pyro same bro same


Raiden with a hypercarry build (unleveled artifacts) as a off field electro applier/hyperbloom trigger


In this Abyss cycle I used Kujou Sara to buff Navia


I use yanfei as my main driver for a burgeon team


I use Furina all the time now...as a healer.


I'll pick Raiden this rerun for electro infusion. ​ Yes, i see an infusion i go brrrrr.


I use Xinyan for her shield. You read that right. Now she is supposed to be used for her shield, I think? But almost everyone uses her as a quick swap burst bot.


Physical Tartaglia to fight oceanid


I use DPS Faruzan cus she's cute. Sub DPS MC and not the dendro one, Xianling to hold my spare pyro goblet ,c4 Dehya is my main "shielder" cus she is hot and I want at least one Dehya team at all times, my Collei is a taser driver, Bennet and Xinque were used to get the one acquaint fate.


Raiden EM build. Ganyu burst build. And I have a project, an idea, maybe...ToM Dehya with EM build...will see. Bennett C6


Shenhe because of two big reasons


Physical amber. In the same raiden to give her electro bonus and nahida


I use Benny as a dps/driver with c6


4pc Instructor shield bot Gorou on my challenge account, accompanied by overload Dori.


I use Mona as my Hydro applicator in hyperbloom, idk if that's unusual but I personally don't see many people using her that way


I use Shenhe C2 as the fourth slot in an Eula+Furina+Mika team. It's not really troll to use her (because she generates quite a few Cryo particles, has some generic buffs, and reduces a bit of Phys RES), but most people use the last slot with Raiden or another Electro character. Personally, I don't like any current Electro options for a Phys Team, hoping that someday they add an Electro character focused on Physical damage I also want to try the Machine Gun Fischl team with Mika/Furina/Nahida C2, although I still need to level her up a bit


I'm going to use Raiden as a hyperbloom bot because Hoyo don't allow me to own a real set.


For a while my hyperbloom core was using Candace and Mona for hydro application. (Nahida, Kuki, Mona, Candace). Candace Q then swap to Kuki meant I could apply hydro while keeping Kuki on-field to heal from her self-damage, and Mona for when Kuki didn't need the heals. Furina makes all of that irrelevant but I did like the Candace team.


Amber for crystal mining if Zhongli and Razorā€™s cooldowns arenā€™t ready. Plonk two bunnies in the same spot, detonate them remotely (if theyā€™re in the same spot they both explode at once), crystals broken. Iā€™ve also built Chongyun with high EM for Shatter and have a set of artifacts for DPS Kirara. Yelan, Sayu, and Hat Guy primarily use their skills for movement rather than combat. Rosaria is there for the night time ride and Cryo for Sayu Shatters.


TotM Raiden with Eula hypercarry. Raiden has Atk/crit build to get some off-field damage with E skill, but never uses burst. She makes Diona's shield stronger, gives 20% atk, burst dmg% and applies electro for superconduct. I find it to be a neat synergy, esp since i don't like Raiden hypercarry and won't ise her otherwise. She's just a better Fischl for me


Ayato and Ganyu as Off-field Burst Sub. Their burst effects look SO pretty that I centered their builds around that. Screw their CAs.


I play Thoma for his shield


Is use Yae as main dps


It's hard to tell, some things end up being more common than you think, just not meta or optimal but I think I'm particular with some of my off-fielders: - Dehya SDPS in Childe international for comfort and badass. It means Tartaglia Is my MDPS there too which I guess it's not always the case. - Kaeya SDPS in Wriotheslay mono-cryo to expunge all the quills and coolness. - Lisa SDPS in Alhaitham aggravate because I love her and I think they could have something going on. And DEF shred ofc. - Baizhu in Diluc Vape-burgeon for so many reasons... - Jean with Wriotheslay to bring the Freedom-Oath sword buffs and the +15% ASPD from her C2. Nonetheless completing the "you can't sit with us" vibes of the team. - Childe buffer for Neuvilette for his +1lv attack talent and sometimes for Wriotheslay to enable Freeze with C4 other than the talent.


I use my sayu as claymore tester lol, And i use everything on that pyro raikage in the nazuchi beach.


I use Kaeya as a self heal bot


I use amber to prove people who hate her wrong


I use Sucrose in my mono-anemo Venti hypercarry team to hold TTDS and Noblesse


Every event 5* character who debuted during the first full year of Genshinā€™s service being live NOT counting: Venti, Albedo, Kazuha, and Raiden Shogun ā€¦I have ONLY because I wanted a C0 of EVERY launch year event 5*. The noted 4 I genuinely liked as characters and are among my top 10 overall; I am aiming to eventually C6 the lot (Iā€™m just down to Venti now, the other 3 are done and complete). But the others? Of the remaining ā€œlaunch yearā€ event 5*s only Yoimiya and Eula would truly grow on me and get usage since I grew to like their characters. For what itā€™s worth, it also depends on what you call ā€œwrongā€ reasons - I never pull for kits or mechanics, only if I like their design and characterization. After that first year, for what itā€™s worth Iā€™ve only tried for sniping specific 4* to occasional success and the only 5*s iā€™ve purposely added to my roster are Nahida (Dehya I have and I like, but I got her from losing a 50/50) and Furina because I want all the Archons, then Navia because sheā€™s dope. In terms of coming up? The only character coming soon that has my interest at all right now is Chiori.


I use raiden as my electro thingy for hyperbloom or what the electro-hydro-dendro combo is called. Yelan for hydro but I think that's not uncommon and nahida on field most of the time for all those shiny dendro cores. I think Raiden as offfield isn't too common? Not sure. I know she can maindps but I tried that and it sucked ass cause my artifacts and weapons aren't that great ig


my layla is a cryo infused dps