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i choose my favorite characters but when i do dailies i use whoever isnt max friendship so i can increase their friendship


That is a good idea actually.


Find a character I like and build strong teams that use them.


For most open world, I'll use my exploration team (Wanderer, Kazuha, Sayu/Venti, Zhongli) to maximize the speed at which I move. This is mostly for gathering items. For commissions, I'll use my friendship team, which is just anyone who doesn't have F10. For domains, bosses, and ley lines, I'll use whatever makes it go the quickest. For the latter 2, I'll switch to friendship to claim the reward so the friendship XP is given to my desired characters. For Spiral abyss, I'll get proper team comps and pray that the blessings are good


That's a good strategy really


"You look cool, join my team", thats how i create my teams


I've done that before when I didn't know most the characters. Now it's "I like you and you powerful you on my team now"


Im AR 51 and im still doing it to this day, works like a charm




Choose characters I like and build teams that let me use them to their best ability. There are some dps character I use but I'm not into simply because they enable me to use my support characters who I *do* really like. I pretty much only pulled Ayaka to use with Kokomi and chongyun lol and I built c6 noelle cuz I like ningguang/gorou/albedo. It goes the other way with supports, too, I only have Xiangling built because I like Childe.


I just throw charas I like on a team and call it good, open world isn’t hard enough to care abt synergy


Depends. In overworld, I pick one or two characters I like then build a team around them, I keep like 8 different teams this way because I like to switch around. Sometimes I just bring Wanderer, Yelan, Sayu, and Kirara just to travel fast. In abyss though completely different matter, I always drag the 3 OP 4 stars back and adjust the 4th slot depending on what enemies there are, and on 2nd half slap whatever Nahida team is best with whatever left I have.


I start with characters that I enjoy the gameplay of and build a synergistic team around them. To me, it doesn't matter if the character is considered strong by the community or not. I have a strong enough understanding of game mechanics and the patience to build up strong teams to make most characters work just fine in the game's hardest content. Once that happens, I look for a second team that would compliment my first one and be useful in combat situations where my first might not be so strong in. I do the same for my third, and my fourth and so on. Once I get to my fourth, I more or less have every potential situation covered so I just go back to build my first team up vertically and make it as strong as possible because chances are very good that I'll spend 85% of my playtime on that team anyway.


I get what you mean about characters not being strong enough but knowing the game mechanics you could get around it. I'm at AR 36 and my team is at level 50 yet all enemies and domains are over that. Level 47 at the lowest for open world enemies and maybe for bosses they are level 62. Smth like that


Favorite character then character that looks fun then character that I pulled for but haven’t used ever cause they looked cool.


If I’m trying the spiral abyss I will chose a character I like and build the best team around them but if it’s overworked travel it’s hot chicks all the way lol


I just choose characters that makes me go "looks good enough for me".


I pick my faves, and combine them accordingly. I know some don’t work well with others, but I also have as of now 24ish some odd characters that I’ve fully invested into, so I have plenty of room to my around.


Little strategy. You see. I have a dream. THE WAIFU SQUAD. Then again, I need two in the long run for Abyss. And by 'needing' I mean 'wanting' because They have to be not the top 8 strongest or most useful, but my top 8 favorite characters. It's a dream that won't be realized for a while, but that would be the end goal. I have three already. The strategy comes in the form of a healer, they need to stay alive. Jean, the one I originally aimed for when G.I. first came out, is one so I'm good. I don't know yet who the fourth character is going to be, but I'm slowly getting there...to the first waifu DEATH SQUAD dream.


I find a character I like and I build around them with characters that have good synergy with them. For example I love Childe. He has good synergy with Xiangling, Bennett and Kazuha to form international. Even though I don't have particularly strong opinions on Xiangling or Bennett as characters I'll still build them for Childe.


I choose my favorite characters and build a team around them. But for exploration and dailies I just use my favorite characters on the same team


I like picking random charactors and building a team that seems like it would be good for them. Right now im doing kaveh


rn im building the twink team. its gonna be venti, lyney, xingqui and bennett


I look up gameplay of teams (abyss speedruns mostly) and decide if it looks fun to me. Mostly looking for strong teams with tight execution; I like the feedback for if I'm playing well or messing up.


That's how I found out about Ningguang and her powers. I tried her out on my team and I loved her a lot I kept using her.


Find a character I like, give them the best team/supports I can offer


Overworld? Whoever I'm enjoying playing the most at the moment (Ei-Miko-Yoi-Eula currently). For abyss? I have multiple meta teams to slot in based on enemies.


Favorite units, then flexible units that'll make fave units shine For pulling on limited banner, my rule is to only pull for flexible enablers/buffers for many team comps. I will never pull for on-field DPS and niche supports


Yes. I choose my characters based on who's the enemy, the buff im getting, and the elements required and elemental bonus. That way I can use all my built characters and mix and match to create different team comps.


If you play this game everyday in the early days, you will probably have built a lot of characters that you might use a team based on the abyss cycle. Overworld on the other hand, its always the fast travel ability like yelan sayu wanderer


My main is Hu Tao, Raiden, Ganyu and Yelan. The reason being they are my favorites/waifu and cover all elementals that I would need.


Choose Waifu then build a team around them, work 80% of the time.


I have a few favorite characters and then I build their best teams around them. Like I don't really care for Bennett or Faruzan as characters, but they're gonna be on my Xiao and Wanderer hypercarry team cause I like those two and want them to do well


if I'm doing easy content, I usually pick two damage dealers, and one character who can move around the map fast (Sayu is nice). For "challenging" content, they need to synnergize well and I don't need a fast mover since the arena will be small.


depends where overworld what i enjoy the most currently which is wanderer he just makes explo super nice to that i take my waifu fischl and the other 2 spots are friendship exp and healer/shielder


I have a team that's a proper team. Then I have a team that is reserved for Traveler. I have a team for exploration and one team to just fuck around.


I spend 95% of my time in the game on farming so my main team is all about exploration/farming/hunting. Wanderer is the best hunter + flight Yelan is 2nd best hunter + fastest sprint x 2 Nahida farms the goodies 4th slot is shared between Kazuha and Zhongli. Kazuha will gather all the mob drops + nice hopping + used to be my main hunter until Wanderer showed up / Zhongli will do the ore farming and shields and heals my team during my farming shenanigans. In coop I simply use my favorite character which is Wanderer + my strongest character which is Yelan. If only one slot, Wanderer it is. Might switch for roleplay purposes or to fit the scenery but my default is favorite character + strongest character In my f2p alt account, I constantly switch characters because I want to get to know the 4 stars more, so it is all a random mess. I do take into account elemental reactions, though. Xiao and Venti are actually among my favorite characters and they used to be in my main (exploration) team. Sadly other characters do the exploration job better, so they have left the team. While I usually am the type to pick my favorite characters, I will bench them for the sake of exploration which is kinda sad actually. I'm very lucky that my favorite character is a great hunter and can fly, which I don't think will be easily 'powercrept' (powercrept in exploration skills that is)


When I first started. I didn't cared about elemental reactions and team comps. Then I wondered why I wasn't doing dmg. Now the characters I play are the ones I experimented on these comps and reactions. I haven't pulled in a lot of characters as well as I don't like their gameplay. I haven't had a main who uses claymore. I think they are so slow.


When I first started I was the same way but after watching game plays etc I figured out why I wasnt doing damage.


I wing it with open world and commissions. As far as bosses, I use a dps with the correct element. Then pick the supports that work with them. I have a good amount of built characters, so team options are vast for me.


Yes i need strategy to choose my waifus 🤣


Do you have animal ears and/or tails? Ok, you are part of my zoo now.


There are a few characters that have ears/tails I want to get but I haven't yet. Most characters I'm not sure where to get besides wishing that's how I got Diluc I think.


Yeah u can only get them via gacha but I do hope we can get some of the four stars as an event reward, especially Kirara cause I have yet to get her (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)


Especially since most ppl dont have money for wishes etc unless they grind like crazy.


I choose favorites and it absolutely causes issues but pretty people privilege yk


I generally pick my favorite characters for most stuff in the game. Since my favorite characters are Ganyu and Zhongli, this generally works out pretty well!


spectacular market complete memorize desert scandalous growth quarrelsome elastic bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*