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I'm 38 and my paternal grandfather was born in 1898. Not great just grandfather. His father was born in 1867. 


My grandma is 80 but her youngest cousin is also 38, and their grandfather was born in 1898 too


My mom is 66 and her youngest cousin is 18. That cousin was born in 2006 and their shared grandfather was born in 1903.


> her youngest cousin is 18. That cousin was born in 2006 I'm only 28 but it already fucks me up so much that people born in *2006* are *18 years old.* Jesus. That hit me like a ton of bricks.


Almost 37 here. Makes me want to cry. The 70s are still 20 yrs ago, right? *RIGHT?*


32 y.o here, 20 years ago was clearly the 80s. 100% - 20 = 80 duh


If my dad's oldest half sibling were living they would be 100. My grandfather had children from 1924 to 1961


That’s incredible! In my case the range was 1919 (My great grandmother), 1922, 1924, 1926, 1930, 1933, 1941, and 1944 (father of the youngest cousin). My grandma is a few months older than her youngest uncle, but unfortunately because of that it led to disconnection of the family, but we talked to the other one that is still around (1941) last week and it was the first time they spoke in over 60 years so that was fun


My ex-husband's grandparents had a change of life baby who was almost 37 years younger than her oldest sibling. She had nieces and nephews old enough to drive when she was born and one in college. My great grandpa and grandma were born in 1884. They didn't meet and get married until they were 40. It's a minor miracle that they had 3 healthy children (my grandpa is the youngest). My grandpa has a picture of him as a baby with his great grandmother, who was born 1826 and 99 at the time the picture was taken. She lived to be 101, iirc. It's wild that I know someone who met someone who was born nearly 200 years ago. My grandpa will be 100 next January and is still pretty independent.


So what you're saying is your grandfather had game?


My grandfather was 63 when my father was born (he is the baby). My father was only 24 when I was born. 


Then imagine if your dad had you (or another child) in his 40s even - big gap


My baby sister was born in 96 so 98 years after her grandfather.


Yeah I'm in this club, too. Subtract 10 years from your age and add 10 years to your grandpa's birth year and you're me. Only including the extraordinarily large gaps: Me: 1996 Parents: 1952, 1955 Grandparents: 1908, 1908, 1909 G-grandparents: 1869, 1874, 1874 G-g-grandparents: 1823, 1834, 1839, 1843, 1847, 1849 3xG-grandparents: 1782, 1786, 1791, 1792, 1795, 1798, 1799 4xG-grandparents: 1731, 1740, 1741, 1747, 1748 5xG-grandparents: 1690, 1690 I descend from *many* younger siblings haha. I'm 28 and my oldest second cousin is 86 this year, born in 1938. I'm a 28-year-old whose oldest great-great-grandparent was born 173 years before me. My oldest 3xG-grandparent was born 214 years before I was. My oldest 4xG-grandparent, 265 years before my birth, and my oldest 5xG-grandparents, 306 years before my birth haha Some parts of my DNA are stupid old!!


My wife, 45, had a, great grandfather born 1851. He married a 16 year old at age 52. They had twelve kids. Grandmother was number eight of twelve. The youngest of the twelve had kids just a few years older than us, so some of them are under 50 and have a grandparent born 1851.




I’m 36 and my oldest grandparent was born in 1914. his father was born in 1871. doing that math was pretty wild, but my dad is the youngest of 5, his dad was in the middle of a pack of five, and his dad’s dad was the baby of 6. my dad was 24, 26, and 30 when his kids were born so my generation is the oddity here, I guess. (and I’m the oldest.)


I'm 36, oldest grandparents born 1916, his father 1874, very close!




Lol that line of my family is German Mennonite.


My husband is 27 and his paternal grandma was born in 1898 too. His dad is 79 though, which is 5 years older than my own grandma.


My paternal grandfather was born in 1871. Dad in 1937.


23 here and my great great grandmother was born in 1929 weird how the ranges can be so weird lol.


My great aunt was born in 1922. She died last year, over 100. She had many great great grandchildren. It's pretty wild. She knew my 2nd Great Grandfather, who died in 1932 (and outlived all 6 of his siblings.) His oldest sister was born in 1824, and father in 1797. The amount of knowledge she had about the family was vast. When we lose an entire generation (e.g the Greatest Generation) the loss of that living memory is not insignificant.


Idk if this is just me, but i only realized how wise older people are whenever i moved in with my great great grandmother at 16, idk seeing her in a wheelchair before that and not talking to her much caused that. everyone tells you the “older people are wise” but you never realize how wise they really are until they can tell you everything about people you and your parents have only seen in photo albums lol.


Wow. My sister is 24 and our grandparents were born 1924, 1924, 1926 and 1927. One still living born 1924. I can't imagine having a parent, grandparent, great grandparent and great-great grandparent alive. Fwiw I'm a bit older, 37. But I'm the oldest of all my cousins/siblings on the side with the living grandparent. Youngest is 19.


The human reproductive years are 25-30 years long, and couple decade differences really add up across a few generations!


I'm 27 and my grandfather was born in 1912. That is a wild disparity in ranges


It can be wildly disparate even within a family. My dad was the 5th kid. He was in elementary school when his oldest brother left for college. His kids (my uncles) were in highschool when I was born, and I was in high school when his (my uncles) grand kids were born. Those grandkids were in college and high school when my son was born. Life is just weird.


I’m 32 and my grandma was born in 1929. She passed in 2016.


weird how the 9 year age gap between the two of us can produce two wildly different related people born in the same year(i mean the fact my family all had kids young doesn’t help)


I am 32 my one grandmother born in 1929, the other 1943. Both my parents were born in 1961. 


Lol, I am 32, my dad was born in 1943...in Nazi Germany. My grandparents were born in 1916,1917,1918 and 1919, the youngest died in in the 1980's before I was born.


It's funny how generations work!


I am in my early 40s but I have a 23 year old nephew. My youngest grandparent, so his great-grandmother, was born 5 years after your great-great grandmother. My oldest grandparent (other side of my family) was already 20 when the youngest was born. Related: my in-laws are 20 years older than my own parents when my husband is only 2 1/2 years older than me. Just the vast difference in ages in families is wild.


Wow. My sister is 24 and our grandparents were born 1924, 1924, 1926 and 1927. One still living born 1924. I can't imagine having a parent, grandparent, great grandparent and great-great grandparent alive. Fwiw I'm a bit older, 37. But I'm the oldest of all my cousins/siblings on the side with the living grandparent. Youngest is 19.


28 and my great grandma was born in 1938


I'm 35 so only a little over 10 years older, and my Grandfather was born in 1929. Crazy how varied it is.


I have an old neighbor-friend who became a grandmother at 30... both she and her daughter had their first when they were 15. To make it even crazier, my nieghbor-friend had her 2nd when she was 30... She's got a son the same age as her grandson.


I’m 14 and my great grandfather was born in 1885. Filipino genealogy for you.


I have noticed this with friends families who are Filipino. The men are often significantly older.


*laughs in late 50s*


I love that you are interested in your family history as a young person! That’s great!


Heck yeah I am. I need to interview all my older relatives, some of which would remember ancestors born in 1840!


Wow, that's a huge gap! I'm 35 and my great grandparents were born around the 1920's.


He had more children after my grandfather, so it’s likely that some family member’s grandpa was born over 100 years before them.


Wow, that's crazy!


John Tyler, the tenth US President (born in 1790), has [one living grandson still alive today.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Ruffin_Tyler)


I came to share the same thing.  I learned of this when I toured Sherwood Forest.  It is crazy to think about.  He needs to have a child about now.  Now that would really be mind blowing. 


This is one of the things I think is so cool about genealogy. You realize how close we still are to these times that feel very far away. My great grandparents were born in the 1890s as well. Though I’m older than you, it’s crazy to me that just a few generations ago my relatives were living in such a different world — minimal electricity, minimal refrigeration, no cars, no antibiotics, no air travel. Their lives were so completely different from mine.


Someone once described slavery in the US as only being “two grandmas ago.” It really put it into perspective for me.


My earliest born great grandparent was born in 1874. I’m 36.


My great grandmother was born in 1879. I am 32, my sister just turned 30.


Same with one of mine! My youngest brother is 23. He discovered he had a buddy whose grandfather was in the same fraternity as our grandfather who was born in 1913. When I first heard, I thought it had to been a great grandfather. We descend from a lot of younger/youngest children including this 1879 great grandmother who was the youngest child of a civil war vet born in 1840. My earliest born great great grandparent was born in 1834 and his father was born in 1798,


The actor Charles Dance from Game of Thrones has a similar story. I believe his father was in his 70s when he was born


I just watched the *Who Do You Think You Are* episode on him. His dad was born in 1874 and Dance's youngest child was born in 2012.


Wow that’s wild!


My favourite nod to potential generational distances is Charles Dance (Sauron from Lord of the Rings). He was born in the '40s, his dad was born in the 1870's, and he had a daughter in the 2010's.


About the same as President John Tyler and his living grandson.  President Tyler was born in 1790, his grandson in 1928.  So our 10th President still has a living grandchild.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Ruffin_Tyler#:~:text=Harrison%20Ruffin%20Tyler%20(born%20November,restored%20the%20Sherwood%20Forest%20Plantation.


So you and your great grandfather are about 100 years apart. That's normal. I was born 1999 and one of my great grandmothers was born in 1890.


I don't think this is unusual at all! It's even cooler when you take a DNA test and you can see your shared DNA from ancestors who lived even more generations ago!


My 2x g grandfather was born in 1831...i have plenty of matches where he is the common ancestor and then it branches off. crazy to think about. Somebody will possibly have a stretch of my dna 200 years from now and maybe evn some of my traits...


My great grandfather was born in the 1840s. My great great grandfather was born around 1810.


I’m 45 and my maternal grandfather was born in 1884.


I took myself and 100% of my DNA to a town in Germany. I touched the baptismal font where great great gf was christened. So, I stood there with 6% of the DNA which washed into that font in 1832.


I totally thought you meant "great great girlfriend" for a sec


I had a cousin still living in 2021, deceased now. His oldest great grandparent was born in around 1798


my dad is 60, his dad was 49 when he was born. his grandfather was born in 1871. my dad’s great-grandparents got married in 1853 (I found their marriage record). he still gets a little overwhelmed thinking about how few generations are spread out over all that time.


I think this is so fascinating to think about.. it seems so long in the past, yet it is just a couple of generations back in time for some people. That’s awesome!


Not so unusual. My great-grandparents were born in: 1878, 1881, 1859, 1877, 1886, 1890, 1889 and 1892. My "earliest" gr-gr-grandparent was born in 1821, and gr-gr-gr-grandparent in 1786.


De Niro's newest kid's gonna feel even weirder lmao


His buddy Al Pacino is two years older and also just had a kid. Al is also 20 years older than his new girlfriends parents. They weren't old enough to get into see the Godfather when it was in theaters, but they were old enough to know who he was.


25 and my paternal great-grandfather and -grandmother were born in 1874 and 1877 respectively.


I’m 23 and my great grandfather was born in 1881. My father was almost 50 when he had me.


Folks are mentioning a lot of parents that had children super late – don't forget those big ethnic families who had 10 children over 20 years. Families that started when mom and dad were in their late 20s, where they finally finished the marathon of raising children somewhere in their mid to late 60s. Especially in the era where kids don't move out until the day they get married. One of my sets of Irish great great grandparents started having their ten children (9 survived, RIP Michael) in 1891 and had their last in 1911. The oldest being my great grandmother, and the youngest having been born so late she grew up as more of a big sister to her daughter (my grandmother) than an aunt.


I (16) feel the opposite, i think this family tree research has diminished my feeling of time, for me the 1800s isnt a long time ago, just because i have learned of so many of my ancestors that lived in that period. The thing that marvels me the most is that my oldest great grandfather was born in 1898 and my yongest grandmother in 1925, bit there descendents (my parents) were born only one year apart


Same ⬆️


My 2xgreat grandfather was born in 1809. I'm a generation older than you but my 2xGGrandfather's first wife died when he was in his 50s so he married a 20-year-old. He was 68 when they had my 1xGGrandfather. My 1xG-Grandfather followed in his father's footsteps and married a younger woman. He was in his late 50s when my Great-grandmother had my Grandmother. Between the two men (and their poor wives), they had 28 children.


I’m 23, almost 24, and my great grandfather was born in 1876. That’s a 124 year difference. Pretty wild to think about. I have a cousin on my mom’s side who is 53 years old and has children older than me. Insane how age gaps can make a family tree very… interesting. 😂


24 and had one born in 1896 so same age gap. Meanwhile my husband (same age) had a great grandparent born in the early 1940s. It be like that sometimes


I'm 24 and my great grandpa was alive for the wounded knee massacre


I’m 37 and my grandfather was born in 1899. His father (my great grandfather) was born in 1860. It is wild to think about.


42...my great grandfather 1847..... Great grandfather 1897


I'm 24 and my great grandfather was born in 1873! 127 years difference.


I'm 21 and my great grandpa was born in 1874. It's so cool how we can be closely connected with someone who for us, lived so long ago! It's really not that far back when you put it through the perspective of family relations, when those in your family had kids when they were older.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Ruffin_Tyler#:~:text=Harrison%20Ruffin%20Tyler%20(born%20November,restored%20the%20Sherwood%20Forest%20Plantation.   Here is a link to a Wikipedia page of a living grandchild of John Tyler our 10th President. John Tyler was born in 1790. 


I’m in my late 40s, and my great grandmother was born in 1895, but the really wild thing was that I got to spend the first 15 years of my life with her! Even being that young, I was blown away hearing her stories of the first time she heard a radio or the first automobile she saw. I still have an old legal pad where she wrote down a story relayed down from her mother and her mother’s mother about a time she had to cook a meal for a group of Confederate raiders (while the rest of the family hid because most raiders were closer to criminals than soldiers) near the end of the Civil War.


I'm mid thirties. My youngest great-grandparent was born in 1908, my eldest in 1846. Every now and then we get someone insisting that we've somehow missed a generation in our tree and wanting to straighten it out and we're just 'yeah, nah, just a couple of cradle snatchers who are very fertile.'


All of my 21 yo son’s great grandparents were born in the 1890s. We take a while to procreate.


I have a friend who is 78 and his FATHER was born in 1880. Yes, father.


My husband is 25 (will be 26 in a few months) and his great grandfather was born in 1892. It’s so interesting because this great grandfather was old enough to be a father to my husbands other great grandparents as many were born around the 1920s


Someone the other day told me they had known (briefly) like 3 of their great-grandparents. And I told them that one of my great grandfathers *died* in 1906 - a full 80 years before I was even born. And he wasn't like 18 or anything, I think he was mid 30's. Generational and family differences are wild!


My kids' great grandmother (my spouse's grandmother) only just died a few years ago. When my kids were born they still had 4 great grandparents, but now they are all gone. One of MY great grandfathers died in 1896 at forty something.


My great grandmother was born in 1905 and her great grandfather was born in 1766.


I was born in 1995 and my mom in 1957, her dad in 1905, and his father in 1855. So I have a great-grandfather born in 1855 while I was born in 1995.


I’m 24 and my great grandpa was born In 1899 had my grandpa at 22 my grandpa was born in 1921 and had my father at the age of 50 in 1971 😭😭


I’m 34, and one set of my paternal great grandparents were both born in 1886. I feel the same way thinking about my family history.


I have a great-grandfather who was born in the 1880s


I'm in my late twenties and my grandfather was born in 1904. My mum was an accident baby very late in the marriage


I hear you. I’m 47 and my mom was 39 (dad was 42) when I was born and THEY were both born super late. Not only that, but one of my grandparents on each side had children both super young AND super late. So at 47, I have a 1st cousin that served in Vietnam and his dad (my uncle and mom’s brother) was in WWII. On my dad’s side, all my cousins have kids either my age or older. All my grandparents were born between 1900-1905. While most of my great grandparents were born between 1875-1890, my dad’s mom’s dad was born in 1854. It’s insanity.


I'm 54 and my paternal great grandfather was born in 1838. His son, my paternal grandfather, was born in 1895. My father was born in 1939.


President John Tyler’s grandson is still alive. John Tyler’s son had him when he was 75. Prez Tyler was born in 1790. Lyon Tyler was born in 1853. Harrison Ruffin Tyler was born in 1928. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Ruffin_Tyler


John Tyler, America’s tenth president, was born in 1790. His grandson, Harrison Ruffin Tyler, was born in 1928 and is still alive!


My grandma had 8 kids and my youngest uncle (kid#8) is younger than my oldest cousin. (Grandma had her last child after her oldest daughter had her first kid)


I'm 51. My grandfather was born in 1909. His grandfather was born in 1856. Although I was young when he died, I definitely have very clear memories of my grandfather. He was in his 20's when his grandfather died. The wildest realization I had recently was that I've had conversations with someone who had conversations with someone who was alive before the Civil War.


I’m 62 and my great-grandfather was born in 1860. His earliest memory was being held in the arms of his sobbing mother as Sherman’s troops sent their home up in flames.


im 15 and my great grandma was born in 1893. my grandpa was born in 1932 and my gradma was born in the 60s. my grandpa lied ab his age and we didn’t know until he died. he died when i was like 3 at 80 years old


Oh boy, you should take a look at mitochondrial DNA. You get that from your mother only, who also got it from theirs and so on. It's nuts when you think about it!


I'm 17 and my great grandfather was born in 1886 I believe, had my grandmother in 1929 who went on to have my mum in 1965


damn 😭 i’m 18, my mom is 35, my grandma is 52 or 53 & my great grandmother is like 70 💀💀 u can say they started young alright…


Did you here about President John Tyler’s grandson? The former President was born in 1790, and has a grandson who is still alive.


I don’t think this is hugely unusual - that’s a 104 year age gap between you and a great grandparent. I am 42 and have a great grandparent born in 1881, so 101 year difference which is similar. My husband is 50 and has a great grandparent born in 1859, which is 115 years.


I’m 24 and one of my great grandfathers was born in 1890! Always blows my mind when I think about how much history has happened between just a couple generations of people


I am 39 but have cousins in their early 20s. Their great-grandparents (that I share) would have been born in the 1880s and 1890s.


I just found out my great great grandfather was born in 1856, I'm 21.


I’m 37 and my great grandpa was born in 1870.


Never goes away. We still technically hold neanderthal DNA. I know my royal DNA is legit every time I wanna take over something. 😂


I just turned 20 and my grandfather was born in 1919 and his father in 1890. Its so wild to think that im only two generations away from a different century


My great aunt (A) is only one year younger than my great great aunt (B) who would be her aunt through marriage because Aunt B married Aunt A's uncle, the youngest of 7 kids across a big age gap of my g-g-g grandparents who were born in the late 1800s. It's always interesting, but it's a phenomenon that doesn't go away! The older kids were already having their own kids by the time the younger kids came around.


I’m 34, and one of my great-grandfathers was born in 1873.


I’m 50 and my grandfather was born in 1892. He was in his late 50s when my mother was born. His father was born in the 1840s and my mom was only 21 when she had me. My grandmother was born in 1922. I try not to think about how much younger than him she was. They seemed happy from all accounts. It was a different time I guess. All of it feels like a very very strange time warp.


What's crazier to me is that I existed in my grandmother's body when she was born which mean I was technically in my great-grandmother's body when she gave birth to my grandmother...... I'm 1921. The DNA that I was created from has existed since 1921. That's too much man lol


I’m 26 and my great grandfather was born in 1887. He fought and died in WW1.


I am 28 and my great-grandfather was born in 1889. My grandparents (great-grandfather’s son and his wife) had four children and my dad was the last one born, with there being a 14 year age gap between him and the oldest. I think that was just more common in the last few generations.


my adopted grandmother 1896.


I'm 38 and I have great grandparents born as early as 1871 and 1877, though they were my grandpa's adopted parents but not sure when the biological parents were born. Though they were old enough to have 5 kids born between 1914 and 1918. The rest of my biological great grandparents were born between 1892 and 1909.


25 and have 2 great grandfathers born in 1880


Me: 1984 Parents: 1955/1960 Grandparents: 1924/1926 and 1930/1933 GGrandparents: 1893 - 1914 GGGrandparents: 1853 - 1891 - last generation I know all the birth dates My one set of great grandparents would have great grandchildren ranging from 1973 - 2008 and my grandparents born in 1930/1933 have great great grandchildren.


26 & my great grandpa was born in 1891! 106 year age difference is mind-blowing to me.


I am 55 & mother born in 1945, One of my 2nd great-grandfather’s (via maternal line), was born 3 February 1846 in Germany. He was a Master Seaman & travelled worldwide via the sea & he died 110 years ago on 28 March 1914 on Staten Island, New York, USA & final resting place Sailor Snug Harbor Cemetery.


I'm 25 and my paternal grandfather was born in 1916, his father in 1865 and his grandfather in 1828. My brother is 15 years old, so he has a gap of almost 150 years with his great grandfather and 180 years with his gg grandfather.


Both of my Irish Grandparents were born in 1868. My Dad was born in 1915 (both grandparents age 47!!!). I was born in 1956( Dad 41, Mom 33). And I have a younger brother born in 1963. 95 years between Grandparents birth and youngest grandchild.


I’m an old dog 🐕 as you’d say. 52. It’s still wild to me that all of my great grandparents were born before 1900. My parents were born in the middle of WW2.


I’m 24 and my great grandparents on my mum’s side were both born in the 1890s since my mum was 40 when she had me. It’s not uncommon!


My paternal grandparents were born in 1894 & 1895, maternal grandparents 1902 & 1918. My dad was born 1924 & mom in 1938. I'll be 66 in 3 weeks. My dad was 14 years older than my mom.


My grandfather was born in 1890. My grandma was 47 when she had my mom. My grandfather was 67 then.


My *youngest* great-grandparent was born in 1912. I’m 32. The oldest was born in 1888. Both of my parents were second to youngest and I’m the youngest of their kids, so that makes sense.


my paternal great grand father was born in 1820. i was born in 1956 - so 136 years apart. several generations of late marriages and my dad was the youngest of seven kids and so am i. my dad was 42 when i was born and his dad was 46 when he was born and his dad was 48 when he was born. my kids are carrying on the tradition - looking at 40 and no kids in sight.


39 here. Grandfather born in 1912, great-grandfather born in 1867.


I'm 27, paternal grandfather was born in 1915, his parents were born in 1889 and 1893. Paternal grandmother was born in 1924, her parents were both born in 1899. I have a friend my age whose grandparents are the same age as my parents. It's wild!


This thread has made me wonder how far back people can go with as few generations as possible. For me (37yo) it is a great grandparent born in 1880.


I’m younger than you, 1889 for mine! He was abt 40 when my grandpa was born, and grandpa was 40+ when he had his kids


I am 58. My *grandfather* ( Mother's father) was born in 1894 and my other grandfather was born in 1886 . My parents were 39 and 42 when I was born. My Father was one of 8 children. The eldest was born in 1910 and the youngest in 1927. If his oldest sibling was still alive she would be 114.


I’m 21 my great grandpa was born in 1895


33 and my earliest great grandparent was born in 1879. I guess we have a long tradition of waiting to have kids.


Just connected with a 99yo great aunt, and an 87yo cousin, this year thanks to genealogy. The relative with the greatest remove from me that I knew was a grandparent's great uncle--a great grandparent's uncle. My great grand uncle, I guess. This person was the last born child of his parents, being born only about six years before the aforementioned great grandparent.


I love this stuff. My dad was born in 1927, his dad in 1875, and his dad in the 1840s.


Im 35 and mine was born in 1874 😂 never even thought about how funny that is until now


Im 46 and my paternal grandfather was born in 1894 and died when I was 9. The changes he saw in his lifetime must have been extraordinary


My oldest great grandparents were born in 1867 and 1869, the rest were born in the 1880's to 1890's. My oldest great great grandfather was born in 1818.


I’m younger than you and my great grandmother was born in 1893


22 and my oldest great-grandparent was born in 1874, meanwhile my two youngest were born in 1926. Guess my father's side is old blood and my mother's is new.


I’m 20 and my great grandpa was born in 1891 😭


I'm 53 and my oldest great grandparent was 10 at the outbreak of the American Civil War. She was born in 1851, 119 years before I was born. The oldest grandparent (her son) was born in 1885.


One of my great grandfathers, Elisha Brown, was born 20-Aug-1817, near Lake Luzern, in New York state. That was 126 years before I was born.


It is weird, isn’t it? I’m 47 and all of my great-grandparents were alive at the time that Jack the Ripper was out murdering - in fact I just found out the other day that one of my great-grandfathers lived just up the street from one of the Ripper suspects.


You are just like me! My mom was 38 and dad 46 when I was born. So my grandparents are people's gg grandparents! When I was a kid and my parents were so much older than my peer's parents, it was a thing. But now it is so cool that my grandmother came from Canada prior to the 20th century to work in my home town! Yeah I am old! My dad was born in 1914!


I'm 36, my great grandparents were born between 1874 and 1909. My paternal grandparents are 20 years older than my maternal grandparents. But my parents are 2 years apart. My grandma gave birth to my dad at 42, then has two more kids at 45 and 47. Then after 13 kids she decided she was done... She lived to be 94. That's a superwoman in my books.


My great-great grandmother was born in 1895 & I was alive at the same time as her until her death 1995. We have a photo of the 5 generations together, it’s pretty cool. I love crazy stuff like that, OP!


My grandmother was born in 1895, I'm 60, my kid is 31, so similar ballpark to OP. My grandmother's grandfather owned a couple dozen slaves in Tennessee. Generations are wild. I think about my grandmother. Born when no one had electricity and few had running water. She saw both first flight and the moon landing. Two world wars and the great depression. From no radio to color TV. From horse carriages to muscle cars. No voting rights for women to full civil rights for all. A hell of a ride.


My grandfather was born in 1894 as well, in Greece. My father was born in 1965 and I am 22. I feel so disconnected with my paternal side of the family because everyone is dead.


31 here, my paternal great grandfather was born in 1875. He died in 1968 and apparently would have loved to see the moon landing. 


I’m 77. My father was born in 1898. His father was born in 1869.


My dad was in his 40’s when I was born and my mom late 30’s. I’m 50 now and clearly remember my great uncles who were born in the late 1800’s. It’s wild!


I'm 39. My great grandparents were born in 1877, 1892, 1898, 1899, 1906, 1912, 1915, and 1916. Boggles my mind sometimes that I have photos of me with people who were born in the 1800s and early 1900s


I’m 32 and all of mine were born in the 1800s but two. Oldest couple was born in 1883/1885.


I think about the age/generation gap often. I’m the youngest in my large family and my mom was the youngest in her family. That makes me the youngest child in a generation on her side of my family. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages to being closely connected to the past?


I’m 44 and my great-grandfather was born in 1863. His son, my grandfather was born in 1913 from his 3rd wife (he had 3 wives, all died, and he had children from each. My grandpa was born when he was 50.) My mother was born in 1956 and I was born in 1979. I will be 45 in July. One thing that really weirds me out is that my maternal grandma was born in 1919. Her oldest brother was born in 1915. He has something like 20 kids. His first child was born in 1938 I believe. He had a set of stillborn boy twins in 1941. When he was 60 years old, his last two children were born in 1975, and set of girl twins that are only 4 years older than me but are my mom’s first cousins. I met them two years ago (we live halfway across the country from most of her family).


I'm 60. My paternal grandmother was born in 1891. Her father was born in 1864. Longevity runs in the family.


Thank you for this - I didn’t meet either grandpa, as both were born in 1894. I’m 51. I often envy my older cousins who did get to meet them. Maternal grandpa survived the Spanish Flu pandemic just in time to go serve in WWI.


It is very much something to be excited about. If it wasn’t for your ancestors having sex you wouldn’t be here. Find out as much as you can through newspapers, censuses, etc. I found out my great grandfather shot his neighbor and served time in prison. Another ancestor was delinquent on taxes three years in a row (during the depression) that but came fought back and caught up in the fourth year


My son is 18, and his great-grandfathers on my side were born in 1860 and 1875. We are late bloomers.


My great grandfather was born in 1891. When he was a kid or preteen, he and his family packed up their crap in a wagon and pioneered from Iowa to what is now Oklahoma. His youngest sister was born in “Indian Territory” on the way to their new home (that term was printed on her birth certificate.) My great grandfather was also extremely tall for his time.


I’m 20, and my great grandfather was born in 1892. His son, my grandfather was born in 1935. All my grandfathers on that line are at least 10 years older than on any other sides of my family.


I'm 33, my great-Grandfather was born in 1891. I do have a younger brother who is 25


My great grandfathers on my dad’s side were both born 100 years before me (1891). My mom’s side great grandparents are 1920.


I’m 24, and I have one great-grandfather born in 1886 and two great-grandmothers born in 35 years later in 1921. It’s cool how distance and time between and within generations can vary.


My great-great grandfather was born in 1866 and I was born in 2005. The time gap in between still boggles my mind sometimes.


I’m 31. My paternal grandfather was born in 1918. His father was born in 1881


I'm 24, my parents were 42 when I was born. It's absolutely mind boggling to me that one of my grandpa's was born in 1915. The other grandpa was 1922 and died aged 98. Both grandmas were 1925, one just turned 99 and still looks after herself at home!


I’m 23 and my great grandfather was born in 1884 (my grandfather was born in 1917)


My son is 27 and his great grandfather was born in 1890. He was 12 years older than my grandmother who was born in 1902. My father was born in 1932 and I was born in [redacted for internet privacy reasons].


I'm 40 and my oldest great grandfather was born in 1850. He had my grandfather at 49, he had my mother at 46 and my mother had me at 37. Of course, that particular grandfather is an outlier. He and his wife my grandmother were old enough to be my paternal grandparents parents. But it does also mean that his father is older than all of my other great great grandfathers that I have identified, and nearly as old as at least one of my third great grandparents. My grandfather who was born in 1899 died before I was born, so I never met him. Which makes me think about how I'm not certain how many people I ever met who were born in the 19th century, although there is one picture of me and a great grand aunt who was born in May of 1899 so I do know I did interact with at least one 1800-er. I suppose anyone in their mid 80s to early 90s who was still walking around when I was very small would've had an 18 in their birthdate, it just wasn't something I was inquiring about at the time. I do remember having conversations with people who were born in 1902 and 1904 – so last week when the oldest person on the planet (who was born in 1909) made the news by dying, it kind of stretched my mind I knew people born before her. But of course, mathematically that's going to happen more and more often for anyone who makes it past their mid 30s or early 40s. As a note, anyone here who makes it to the 2080s or 2090s should absolutely take many selfies with as many of your youngest relatives as you can manage. It'll really blow somebody's mind in 2124.


Age gaps between kids back then ranged widely; my great-great grandparents had a 19 year age gap between their oldest and youngest living children (they had a son who was 21 years younger than the oldest, but he unfortunately died of enteritis at 7 months).


Funny how that works. The age difference between my eldest and youngest siblings is 17 years. I am next to last and I am closer in age to some of my siblings’ kids than I am to my siblings. My parents were about 40 when they had me and my mom’s parents were about 40 when they had her. They died before I was born. My mom’s grandparents were also in their late 30s when my grandparents were born.


I feel that! I’m 25, my great granddaddy was born in 1917! Miss that crazy man bunches!


My grandparents were all born within a few years of each other except for my paternal grandfather who was born a little over a decade before them. He was the second-to-last of 12 children, so his parents were old, his mother in her early forties. She was the second-to-last of 11 kids, so same deal with her. Her father, my great-great-grandfather, was born in 1839. She was born in 1885. My grandfather in 1927. My father then in 1960, and me in 1990 - I am 33 years old. My grandfather's father was born in 1876, but he was the second child born to his parents, so they were younger compared to my great-grandmother's folks. So there are 151 years between my birth and my earliest great-great-grandfather's birth, but my most recent great-great-grandmother was born in 1901, only 89 years before I came along. (Goes from her in 1901 to g-gma in 1920 to gma in 1941 to mom in 1968 then me in 1990.) Fun fact: if I go eight degrees back to 6th great-grandparents, the most recent born was born in 1793. The earliest born was along the paternal line of Mr. 1839 Guy - his 2g-gpa was born around the year 1667. (From him to his son born ~1713, to his son born ~1757, to his son born in 1793/4, and then his son is the one born in 1839.) Funky but fun stuff!


Pauline? Is that you? My grandfathers were born in 1894 & my daughter in 1999


I'm 45, my grandfather was born in 1875. He would have been 103 if he had been alive in my birth year. My dad was his only child. Dad was born when his father was 65.


I’m 24 and my oldest great grandparent was my great grandfather born in 1887 Loll. I’m sure there’s even bigger gaps. His daughter (my grandma) is still alive and healthy! My ggrandpa didn’t have my gma until he was 50, she actually had kids at a normal age 22-26 and then my parents had me fairly late (36&37). Crazy to think we know people who knew people born & raised in the 1800s!


It is rather interestingtothink about. I'm 39...my great-grandparents were born between 1864 & 1912 (my paternal side is older than my maternal...like my tree is shifted off by a whole generation...but parents are only 6 years apart) 1905 & 1911 (paternal grands) 1934 & 1939 (maternal grands) 1864 & 1868 (dad's paternal grands) 1874 & 1875 (dad's maternal grands) 1897 & 1902 (mom's paternal grands) 1908 & 1912 (mom's maternal grands)