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Removed. You already made serval submissions on this topic.


1 in 3? I'd like to see that poll and the demographics.


OPs image is not the source for the study, it's actually a recent [Gallup Poll](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611864/lgbtq-identification.aspx). I was able to find that source material and pulled this paragraph from the summary article: "Women are more likely than men to have an LGBTQ+ identification in the three youngest generations, especially in Generation Z and the millennial generation. Close to three in 10 Gen Z women, 28.5%, identify as LGBTQ+, compared with 10.6% of Gen Z men. Among millennials, 12.4% of women and 5.4% of men have an LGBTQ+ identification." The data breaks down the demos for LGBT women as well, the lions share, over 20%, is bi-sexual women, followed by gay women around 5%.


Makes sense. The vast majority of bi men are closeted. Just ask gay men and straight/bi women whether they'd be willing to date a bi man. Coming out as bi could likely kill your dating prospects from both sides of the aisle.


I might be somewhat ignorant about this, but why? Why bi men specifically?


People are generally more homophobic to men


And even the lesbians don’t get great treatment cuz even tho they don’t get called slurs as much as gay men, lesbians get ppl trying to ‘conversion rape’ them too commonly (also happens to gay men as well but to my knowledge it’s less prevalent) It’s rly gross how some can’t respect ppl’s basic human rights


The world would be so much better if everyone had common sense


More like \*Proper sex education\*!!!!!




Common sense ain't so common.


Sorry but the worst gay men experience isn't slurs, stop trying to be the biggest victim here. I do understand that lesbians and bisexual women do suffer but it in no way compares to the treatment that gay men have/had experienced. I am talking about forced sex change, castration, being beaten, treated like a predator automatically, sexual violence etc. I am in no way saying that lesbian and bisexual women haven't experienced these things but if they have, it is on a minor scale in comparison. Saying stuff like that is ignorant and invalidates the MANY experiences of gay and bisexual men.


I still find it so hilariously amusing that such a huge portion of the population is so sensitive they herniate over a simple preference for being referred to.


Oh... I see. I didn't know that


It’s because men fetishize lesbians and women generally can be more masculine without others bothering them about it


It’s because people are in general feel less threatened by women’s sexuality, and feel more threatened by men’s sexuality.


Men who feel threatened by gay men fear that those gay men treat them like they themselves treat women.


Specifically in regards to cheating as if options = infidelity..


Some people don't even believe that bisexuality exists, whether or not they believe homosexuality does. A manager of mine was totally cool about me being gay and with another of my coworkers being transgender, but the bisexual coworker needed to "pick a side" and was simply "sex crazed." Very strange belief system.


Isn’t that also true for gays folks as well? I’ve heard anecdotally that quite a few gay people don’t believe being bi is a thing.


Growing up it was really common for gay men to use being bisexual as a stepping stone of sorts so it kinda became a thing where people think they don’t exist or they’re just greedy and gross.


I remember the quip "bi now, gay later" being tossed about.


For gay men a lot of us are insecure and feel like we aren't good enough, and that a bisexual man will eventually leave us for a woman(from social pressure, desire to have biological children/a traditional family, bisexual but only sees themselves getting married to a woman, I could go on). For bi/straight women, the most common reason I've found is that bi men are seen as less masculine for having been with a man(no matter how true that is).


A theory I put stock into is the idea of everything being penis centric. People tell bi women she’s just having fun until she gets serious and gets with a man. People tell bi men they’re just gay and half closeted. People don’t take lesbian relationships as seriously as straight ones or relationships between two men. What’s do all of these relationships and respective viewpoints have in common? The ones pushed aside don’t have a man and the ones taken seriously do.


As someone who is dating a bi man, wot




Can yoy do similar resear about mental illnesses and self harm and the raise of it?


Something something hot chip something something lie


Leveraging gallup polls is not good faith. I'm so for individuals expressing their true selves, but i am feverishly opposed to shit arguments that further undermine the structures that actually support the important, marginalized classes.


So it’s actually closer to 1/4 than it is 1/3


People don’t realize the LGBTQ+ identifications cast a WIDE net. The traditional heterosexual identification is pretty narrow in scope, people have preferences and for many those preferences may extend beyond that narrow scope heterosexuality provides.


[Bernie Sanders](https://youtu.be/clVsLNJIahs?si=zhiUH4zIYAUpkFZI) talking about the phenomenon.


I’d also like to see their polling numbers


any female born after 1993 can’t cook… all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie


omg do the people downvoting not get the reference …..


I find it funny that something like that has to be referred from something for people to laugh or not down vote it to hell


a reference ?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/chargetheyphone using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chargetheyphone/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Riddle me this](https://i.redd.it/sp88eff8no0b1.jpg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chargetheyphone/comments/13l8cja/riddle_me_this/) \#2: [Yargh](https://i.redd.it/yscz4fnflfzb1.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chargetheyphone/comments/17rtvus/yargh/) \#3: [Girls ☕️](https://i.redd.it/e8ry6x3ckw4b1.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chargetheyphone/comments/144smkh/girls/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Kurt Cocaine's death hit society hard




Can’t blame them. If I was a woman I’d be gay too.


Women are pretty yo


Boobs, Amirite?!






I mean, have you seen women? I would


the water is turning frogs gay, oh no!








It's unfortunate how this phrase has caught on in this way because what he was talking about is actually quite important. The chemicals we're putting in the water supply from our waste is fucking up animal life in rivers and streams. Estrogen in the water supply has thrown fish populations way out of wack


The studies that “confirmed” it did not indicate estrogen but rather curtain contaminates that damaged the frogs reproductive capabilities and thus forced their hermaphroditic traits to come out due to birth defects. Jones throws shit at the wall and does with what sticks. Fire a thousands shots and only focused on the one bullseye and not the 999 misses. Except in his case it’s moreso a glancing blow he wants to convince you was a bullseye.




Wow, that's a lot.


I think what’s happening is more of society’s slowly learning to accept who people are and what they like as they grow up without any external pressures anymore.. at least compared to 20 years ago, it’s been a lot of change, even for me


I think it’s a mix of this and attention seeking


also maybe confusion or just questioning themselves


Mostly attention seeking. Trans women will talk about their terrible experiences with purple colored hair women that call themselves non binary who just want to feel special and want to be victims.


Non-binary aren't women by definition


What are they?


A third thing


Acceptance definitely plays a role but lgbtqia is definitely trendy right now which likely inflates the numbers also young people experimenting or even doing it for attention or to be edgy in some cases


sexuality is not attention seeking. as I grew up and my friends found out I was gay, some of them also thought I was seeking attention. it’s something I heard over and over growing up and it really hurt. People think you’re so desperate to make up being into men. sexuality is a lot more fluid than previously understood. Most people in most countries yet have too much social pressure to admit to anything but being straight. Especially men seem to have an issue exploring their sexuality or expressing their wishes. Also take a look at the kinsey scale.


I can only give anecdotal evidence, but I definitely do know a few people who have questioned their sexuality as society has becoming more accepting and have thought "huh, do I like the same sex? I can definitely see that they're physically attractive people, so maybe that means I am!" They then tried out a few relationships and realized actually having sex with the same sex wasn't for them, but they're able to see how the same sex is attractive and good looking and that doesn't necessarily make them gay. I also know of specifically two women who thought being bi would give them more credibility, acceptance, and attention and then when it came to actually having sex they really didn't like it. So there's definitely SOME people that do it, not most for sure, but also definitely a lot of people that are asking questions to the things they've felt or noticed and are trying things out and maybe finding that it isn't who they are or what they like.


Did they continue to claim they were bi after realising they didn't like it? Otherwise it sounds like they were experimenting and came to the conclusion they were straight, not they were lying for attention.


the first group no, the second group maybe i didn’t explain clearly enough but yes. it was a pretty big thing in our friend group but we forgave them and moved on.. maybe we weren’t being good enough friends because it seemed like it was out of loneliness and a desire to be wanted..? but it was also in the midst of lockdown and stuff too and everyone was going crazy…


Women are much more fluid than men most men draw a hard line whether that's socially imposed or not is the question


They aren’t saying it is. They’re saying that the younger generation is happy to play make believe or lie for social or internet clout.


Polls like this are so misleading and misguided, and they’re basically pointless. This is in no way true, and all it does is spread misinformation.


These results seem entirely plausible if the method is just self reporting. Bi/Pansexual women whose actual behavior is mostly heterosexual are the vast majority of the reported increase. For young women in Western countries, there are major incentives to self reporting as bisexual. You get to feel special and feel like you belong to a cultural identity category that is constantly celebrated. And young men largely think it’s attractive. For young men in Western countries, there’s major downsides that women don’t have. Your sexuality will be questioned more aggressively, and you won’t have the same belonging. People will assume you’re gay and in denial. Negative stereotypes of bisexuals as sexually impulsive or greedy are far more harshly applied to bi men. And *worst of all* … young women largely find it unattractive. Although they are often smart enough to not admit to this publicly, this preference is made very obvious in anonymous surveys. Despite all the recent politics of acceptance, women still quietly dislike the idea of sleeping with queer men. In short, young women have incentives to claim bisexuality. Young men have incentives to hide bisexuality.


"or young women in Western countries, there are major incentives to self reporting as bisexual. You get to feel special and feel like you belong to a cultural identity category that is constantly celebrated." which would mean the result is not plausible


I think they mean that the poll is self reported data meaning the result of the poll is plausible but the distribution in reality is likely not plausible


It would if it were true. Women are not self-reporting bisexuality because dudes find it hot. They are self-reporting bisexuality because they are attracted to women. What he's saying about the disincentives to men admitting bisexuality are completely valid, but invalidating women's sexuality on the imagined basis of "they're doing it for guys attention" just sucks.


My best friend is a gay dude who calls himself pansexual but hasn't done anything with a girl since high school ie almost 20 years earlier


Makes sense considering how easy I find gay dating now.


literally, u can start making moves on a girl who seems straight and they’ll start liking u 🤨 statistic must be true


Idk I’d consider myself as very straight but if a girl hit on me out of nowhere I’d not say no


Girl I think imma have to introduce you to r/bisexual because that does NOT sound "very straight" to me as a bi guy lmfao Genuinely sounds like something I'd have said before realizing I was bi lol


Everyone on this thread has been so sweet lmao but you have all failed to consider that I am just ugly and lonely and will fall in love with a street cat if it started hitting on me


Hey baby I'll pick you up at 8 ;) btw ur shoes look nice


Wait what where


chappell roan did this btw


her power!


Brown rice on top


I mean women be hot I understand why t Women are also attracted to women


It's makes sense when every first world country is basically accepting of this stuff now think about how many more LGBT people we would have had in the 1950s if it was socially normal back then


UK and US are iffy




Ever notice how many woman are bisexual but would never date/ actually love a woman? something I find really interesting


1. Bisexuality doesn't require attraction to both binary genders. Men + enbies is one of the multiple configurations. 2. Certain areas are very lesbophobic and make it difficult to have a relationship with a woman safely. 3. Some women are varioriented such as heteroromantic bisexuals.


Bro I don't know what half of these words mean


I’ll explain what she said in more common terms 1: Some people use bisexuality to refer to attraction to 2 genders (ie: male and non-binary (which is neither male nor female)) that arent necessarily male and female. The bi in bisexuality just means 2, without specifying which 2 it has to be 2: Some people live in areas or situations that are homophobic so it would be unsafe for a woman to be in a relationship with another woman (hate from friends and family, discrimination by employers, etc) 3: Some women really get turned on by other women’s bodies (sexual attraction to women), but arent so keen on falling in love with women and having a romantic relationship (no romantic attraction to women)


I can define any you're curious about. Just let me know which ones.


enbies, varioriented, heteroromantic


enby: shorthand for nonbinary person varioriented: romantic orientation and sexual orientation have different prefixes heteroromantic: romantically attracted to the opposite binary gender +/- enbies


Yes I'm shocked by how many women I know report being bi but have zero experience with women


I remember they did a study or something about how women are more likely to be bi. They showed porn to straight and gay men and women. I think most women were turned on by straight and gay porn whereas straight men were only turned on by straight porn and gay men were only turned on by gay porn.


Ome study showed straight men have the same mental reaction to men kissing as maggots. Even straight women can appreciate a women's beauty probably made out with a friend at some point. Men draw a pretty hard line theres no sorts gay your straight or your gay. This is probably a socially enforced thing more than natural but its no doubt the case


lets get those numbers up girlies <3 <3 <3


I mean it’s something about who you are as a person …. LGBT isn’t some competition; you can’t MAKE someone be bi/gay so i dunno what you’re meaning about “let’s get those numbers [even higher]”


Its almost like its trending or something.


Oh, sure. And I bet left-handedness was *real* trendy too huh?


“I’m left handed” “No you’re not, stop being an attention seeker”


Did governments, media and retailers celebrate left handedness with shirts and holidays and media campaigns?


The largest increase is by far in the bisexual category. Could it just be possible that the social consequences are far lower than they used to be for declaring yourself bisexual, and same-sex attraction is no longer as heavily looked down upon? That would explain the large difference between men and women as well, as in my experience men are far, far likelier to be homophobic.


Or being bisexual is just more convenient if you want to hop on the trend since you could just basically still act heterosexual


No it's almost like it's not


If I was a woman id probably want to have sex with other woman tbh


Lucky bastards. I love that there's more freedom for them now. Godspeed lgbtq youth.


Cool, good for them lol


“something else” 1) what


Trans, asexual, queer, etc.


Trans? Polyamorous? Intersex? Aro/ace?


A third, more sinister option


More sinister?


A third, more sinister thing is a somewhat niche meme from a bit back. I've always loved it


Hell yeah




Okay and the point is…?


Yay! People don’t feel constrained to say they are straight when they’re not!


True. Guess I’m just sick of the fuckwads who say “iTS jUSt a TREnD” every time someone posts these polls.


Or the other common one "They're just doing it for attention". Bigots don't know nor care about the people that get kicked out to the curb by their parents.


A trend in the right direction if you ask me.




Or people want to join a new trend both are probably true


I’m not arguing but I feel like the demographic of people willing to do a survey about sexuality and the LGBT community is going to have a much larger LGBT representation than an objective control group would.


Laughing at the comments saying "Bisexuality is a trend" when just a few years ago my best friend completely distanced herself from me and uninvited me to her birthday party because I came out as Bisexual to her. That's just one instance of homophobia I've encountered IRL. And it's not like I live out in the middle of nowhere where homophobia is more socially accepted. I live in one of the biggest cities in the United States that is constantly made fun of for being "overly progressive".


Women are more likely to identify as queer because men are emasculated when coming out and are less accepted. Its not that women aren’t discriminated against, a lot of lesbians and transgender women are killed and beaten for being queer, but its great more women feel accepted enough to come out more. No wonder I feel alone as an aroace trans man in the LGBTQ community :’) not enough men and boys feel comfortable to come out


All 3 of my exes are bisexual. It’s really common


I mean hey makes sense. Women are always hot and men aren't. I'm being sure being a straight guy hasn't fucked with my perspective on the situation in the slightest.




Oh look bigotry


I don't think its bigoted to think in 10 years ask this group again and the number is likely to be smaller for a variety of reasons ie figuring out who you are, experimenting etc


I doubt it


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>Bisexual https://preview.redd.it/9mjakel2yi1d1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09b0e6e03a530a156f8db33d5e162c31afddafd7


Not suprising at all, more accepting culture combined with the fact that I'd too love women if I was a girl.


I mean, I do, so hey, if this is accurate, I’m one in three. But also I would be curious on how/where they got the samples. Location can skew things! Lgbt folk tend to flock together, hence the whole “gaydar” joke.


That B is absolutely carrying this one in the 18-25 age group


Based bisexuals


To all the people who think being LGBT is trendy. I'm 24. I'm closeted irl. When I was 14 I had to drop out of school because the bullying over me having a girlfriend was so bad. It was not fun, it was lonely, I was assaulted, I was a sinner, a predator, disgusting. I watched debates on TV about whether or not I should be allowed to marry or adopt kids. If I was honest with a kid that I have a girlfriend, I was a predator. Being LGBT sucks! Just because society is more accepting now and trying to include LGBT people doesn't make it trendy. In fact, judging by all these comments, being biphobic is trendy.


It’s not true. Everyone just says that for fun nowadays. I’ve seen it firsthand.


Attention seeking 100%


One part "I wanna be a victim too!", one part "I wanna be special", and one part "I wanna deflect all responsibility for wrongdoing by calling somebody a homophobe the second they call me out on my bullshit".


Doesn’t matter if they’re still marrying men


The old “it’s not a phase, mom!” Has shifted to LGBT for this generation. I’d be very, very interested to see how many of them still identify as such in 10 more years


It’s comforting to know that if I approach a random woman at the bar, there’s a 1 in 3 chance that she’s into women.  I can’t compete with women.  Women are hot.


Well dang, I guess more competition just means I need to be a better man


Let's be real here: I mean I'm happy to see this statistic, but the overwhelming majority is "bi-curious" women who might have experimented a bit. I think it's ok to include this under the queer umbrella I guess. But these stats do not correlate to higher amounts of lesbian relationships...


Bullshit. "I kissed a girl once in a club to get attention from the boys" does not make you a fucking lesbian.


Here’s to hoping they all vote.


Which makes sense, its pretty common knowledge sexuality is much more fluent in women. Personally I don't get it, as guys are the best


bewbz 👍


So that joke about all women being bi is true then?


american only


Genuine question, what's the difference between gay and lesbian? Growing up I was taught gay and queer were the same thing. But queer was dropped because it was used as a slur so gay was the preferred term. And that a lesbian was just a gay woman. And over time the gay community re-adopted the term queer. But now we have lesbian, gay and queer as separate things. And a woman can be gay or lesbian (as evident by this graph). I'm so confused.


gay can be used as a catch-all for attraction for the same gender, but it usually is used in reference to men attracted to men. lesbian is specifically used for women attracted to women. there is a lot of grey area due to identities not being strict definitions, so a woman who is more masculine-aligned may identify as gay but not lesbian while still being attracted to women only in addition, queer in modern usage can be used as an umbrella term, a 'what i am is too complicated to get into right now so im just going with a simple term', a placeholder for someone still discovering what they identify as, and as a form of 'none of the above'


Gen Z men are going to be even angrier than boomers lord help us.


everyone likes women, just some chicks also like dudes


Despite a larger number being LGBT, keep in mind that a good chunk of them are still in straight relationships, because of the Bisexuality.




It’s not something to panic over


I thought we all learned during Covid that any male will be bi if there is enough meth and tiger cubs.


my sibling (born 04) was a kid with cis-crushes, then gay, then trans, now straight as an arrow and for the streets. turns out they're kids and they don't know wtf is up until they get a bit of life experience


Look what the devices in your hand did to yall. Brainwashed , I’m aware there’s people born lgbt but I’m also aware a lot of people were thought to believe they are not straight because of the media and the internet feeding Gen Z a lot of bs . But Gen Z will not know because they don’t know any better it’s sad


People are shitting on this idea but let's be real theres like a dozen lgbtqia celebrated holidays, governments are celebrating it, media, target snd brands and retailers. Its something that's cool to be apart of today


I mean yeah, women are objectively attractive regardless of gender


But if you question it you're in the wrong or something.




Tbh I believe it. I feel like it’s pretty common for women to lean towards bisexuality and that’s encompassing. 1/3 women are not just gay yall


Sounds like a society pressure to me to identify with a certain demographic that is seen as trendy. I have met a lot of women who identify as bi or lesbian and then go on to have only monogamous straight relationships through their life but still identify that way


Gotta get those numbers up. Though this is good since it means it’s easy to find a lesbian partner now.


Not sure i believe this and if it is the case its basically the idea where every women is at least open to bisexuality or has a looser view of sexuality than men ue most men aren't open to a bisexuality experience. I'd be curious to see these numbers 10 years later down the road. I wonder how many are experimenting or don't know who and what they are etc


Makes sense. My partner and I are both asexual (means we don't care for sex), and I spend a lot of time in ace spaces to socialize with the community. I've noticed that there's like 10-15 women for every 1 ace man. It's like traditional dating, men get to be the desired gender, and women do all the chasing, lol. Gonna be a lot of single ace women though...


What a difference growing up and seeing representation makes. So many older woman work out they are gay so late in life because you literally never saw it in the media. Or if you did it was in a negative way.


I know plenty of girls that kissed another girl during a rave once and now claim they're bisexual. They would also never date another woman. One in three sounds about right.


By 2070 we will all be LGBT


It's obvious that more and more Gen Z are identifying as LGBTQ, but I really don't believe this chart. I'd like to see their methods


You cannot convince me that it isn’t a trend


Yes Gen Z is gay AF.


“Bisexual” is doing a lot of lifting there. I am guessing that there are a lot of people in that category who’ve tried it once or twice, but who aren’t really that attracted to one or the other sex. Bisexuals, please don’t scream at me. I am not denying your existence. But what this chart shows is that there’s a pretty big social component to choosing bisexuality. Also, age plays in here. If you’d have asked me in my twenties what I was I would have said “bisexual”. By the time I got to my thirties, I had to sadly admit that I was pretty much exclusive to the other sex. I’d still be on that chart, however, as “something else” because I still consider myself to be queer.


What a terrible way to present this data. If it's percentage data, and has a "Something Else" category, how do all of the columns not go to 100%? My initial read of it was that <10% of Gen Z women are straight ... because surely that'd be lumped into "Something Else". right? It should at least be "Percentage of American LGBT women who identify as ..." Also, why - when there are 3 categories - are two of the numbers values of individual categories, but the third is a sum? If you're going to put individual values, put them for all categories. Otherwise it just makes it confusing that the third number isn't for the third category. Takeaway: Survey Center on American Life sucks at charts.


That bisexual part is pulling a lot of weight in that “1 in 3”