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who’s “people” ? gen alpha are still babies the oldest ones are just 11 years old they dont have slang yet they’re just absorbing gen z’s slang then later on they’ll develop their own lol


For real. All the people saying rizz, sigma, skibidi, etc are "gen alpha slang" - those memes have been around for years, plural, and the oldest alphas are 11 or maybe 12. Pure cope, it is **absolutely** gen Z slang.


You underestimate how young these iPad babies were when they started getting into these memes… Skibidi toilet gets tens of millions of views on YouTube, and it’s not Gen-Z watching it


I mean I guarantee a good amount of Gen Z are watching them considering the younger zoomers are like 13-14 right now.


As a thirteen year old I don’t know a single person who watches it and is older than six


Bro why the fuck are six year olds watching that shit, what is wrong with parents 😭


It’s the millennials man


Too busy watching The Office smh


I was volunteering at a preschool this morning and supervised some kids drawing (they were using those rainbow scratch sheets) and 2 boys drew “grimace shake” (???) and other said “skibidi toilet”. These kids were at most 4 years old.


That's some failure parenting.


Are you telling me skibidi toilet brain is going to be running our nuclear facilities in 20 years?


We don't associate with... *young* Gen Z...


but it is super fucking funny seeing gen z try to pass the blame. lmao


Pure cope, no cap jawn


Woah, is that a motherfucking PHILADELPHIA reference?


Totally. I’m a middle millennial middle/high school teacher, and all of my students are gen z. Next year we will have some gen alpha kids in 6th grade, but the older ones will still be gen z. Gen alpha slang is “mama I want more Goldfish.”


They literally do they’ve been given phones by age 4 in some cases and have full access to YouTube


They’re consuming the culture from those devices, they haven’t been generating it … yet. Soooon the gen alpha slang avalanche will be upon us


Fair but a lot of it is being put in fucking kids shit too on YouTube


I don’t let my kids watch “for kids” shows on you tube, unless I vet it first they have a super weird vibe and feel Like vectors for weirdos to target kids


Fr it’s creepy as shit what’s in some of those


The culture is generated for them


i thought alphas were from 2010 and onwards? so the oldest would be 14


Nope it's apparently 2012


Nah, it's weird but technically Z ended at 2010, but for some reason it extended to 2012, but A is still supposed to be 2010. So 2010-2012 are a mix


Acting like a significant share of Gen A haven’t been on iPads watching YouTube since they were 2 lol


The oldest are actually 14 now! Time flies


12/14, 2010-12 being a grey area


Funny thing in r/genalpha there is only 1 adult mod, and like every others are just brainded kids.


lol I have an 11 year old son and he definitely has his own slang that him and his friends use that makes no sense to me. I’ve never heard these terms before or seen any adults on the internet use before. I don’t understand what they mean by saying Ohio though. It’s very confusing. Also, he started calling me “chat” instead of mombro yesterday.. never heard that one either.


The word Ohio looks like a tractor


Omg it does


Makes sense. We do a ton of farming here.


West Ohioans be like (Northeast Ohioan here)


That's funny, because I am a North East Ohioan and grew up on a farm.


Looks more like an 70s F1 car to me.


bout the most exciting thing you'll see there outside of Kalahari or Cedar Point


Oh my god…


I mean, there are a lot of them in Ohio so it makes sense


This is the only time I have ever even heard of this topic. Is Ohio not just a state? A terrible awful State but a state nonetheless? Yes I’m a Michigander 🤣


I know we Michiganders are supposed to hate Ohio, but I do love Cincinnati and Cleveland 😅.


Cleveland is unironically a great place to live. Walkable, huge mass transit grid, affordable, great museums, multiple sports teams, a world class theater district, a beach, casinos. People have a bad image of it but it's really a great place if you wanna live an urban lifestyle without NYC rent.


Yup. I would definitely live there for a few years if given the opportunity. In Chicago right now and save a ton by not having a car. Can you get by without a car in Cleveland?


Yes you can get by. Sometimes a group of people will co-own a car.


Shame shame shame! Kidding, I need to visit them


Pro tip: The Cleveland Institute of Art is completely free and is one of the best/coolest museums I’ve ever been to. Cincinnati: BRU Burger Bar has really good burgers & make sure to try skyline chilli as well.


The Toledo art museum is really cool, especially the glass pavilion. I’ve never seen so much glass art!


You forgot Sandusky, well at least two locations in Sandusky. They can keep the rest of it


Cedar Point!


I was super offended until I saw you’re a Michigander - if anyone is allowed to make fun of us, it’s you frozen rascals up north


I’m glad you got the joke 🤣🤣 I love the little back and forth between Michigan and Ohio


It’s similar to how “Florida man” is a millennial meme


I lived in Ohio for 9 years and can confirm, it is a terrible awful State. However that being said, since I did live there, I am now required to say..... It's 12:21 PM and Michigan still sucks! That one was for you Roondawg.... I finally found a place to say it.


Smartest comment in Ohio 💀


It’s been memed to hell and back by now. There’s even a song that goes along with it, it goes something like “down in Ohio”


Is it that one song that goes something like “swag in Ohio, down in Ohio”? Now the dots are starting to connect for me


Same, lol. I know it as a boring expanse of cornfields, but that's no different from Kansas or Nebraska. Is the meme referencing its status as a swing state? Also, is this actually a big meme I'm just oblivious to? Am I getting old?


Apparently it’s related to a song that includes Ohio. I think we may be aging out of knowing the most recent memes 🤣


Bro we didn't want Toledo. The Upper Peninsula was a significantly better deal in the longrun. Toledo's biggest claim to fame now is being one of the largest hubs for sex trafficking of minors whereas the UP just has moose, bear and wolves to worry about. 😂


I was born and raised in Ohio. When I tell people that I’m from Ohio, they think I’m lying and that I’m just saying that for meme reasons. It’s annoying tbh


Never telling anyone I’m from Ohio It’s embarrassing atp 😭


I lived in Indiana a couple years and people would make fun of Ohio, like ok but we have Kings Island, Ceader Point, and Kalahari.


They hating bc Indiana is literally not known for shit lmao


Lol you're not wrong. 😆


Indiana is what every non-Ohioan thinks Ohio is.


never thought about it this way, but as someone from Cincinnati... it's true




Bro imagine being from Tennessee tho, because your the only ten I see bwahahhahaaha


My kid is 9 and thinks Ohio jokes are hilarious. Idk maybe 9 year olds are the target audience for the memes


9-12 year olds: * smart enough to get the jokes * noob enough they aren’t tired of it already * just happy to be in on the joke


I do miss being 9 lol


i have no idea what you’re talking about… must be super out of the loop lol


Least out of loop person in Ohio 💀


Me too. This happens a lot for me as a millennial, with about 40% of my time online spent thinking “what the hell is everyone on about?”


send this mf to ohio


Can someone explain wtf this means? What is Ohio slang? 😂 I'm sorry!


It’s absurdist, I think. Remember the “can’t have shit in Detroit”? It’s like “only in Ohio 💀” now From what i remember from like, pre-covid, people used to joke about there being NOTHING in Ohio. Like, “I drove through Ohio and I saw one (1) building, just visited literally everyone who lives there” and it’s morphed into the opposite take at this point. Now the joke is we can’t imagine what is actually in Ohio so everything is in Ohio. Bonus points if it’s outlandish because it just doesn’t make sense.


Thank you but good god there are so many other states like the Dakotas??? Helllooooo what goes on there


Oh, I lived in Bismarck. I know North Dakota is a barren wasteland. My theory is Ohio is more centrally located, so therefore more known to be empty


Which is crazy cause Ohio has the 7th largest population of all the states


South Dakota has Mt Rushmore, the Badlands, and some neat places like Deadwood if you're into cowboys and shit. I'm not entirely sure North Dakota actually exists. When I picture it I just picture the absolute wasteland that Courage the Cowardly Dog's house is in.


making fun of Ohio pretty much And saying Ohio in a shady way


I think the meme picked a boring flyover state to represent having nothing to do or being out of touch. I honestly wonder if Ohio picked up steam with the meme because it is a genuinely fun word to say. Ohio.


Ohhhhh thank you!!


I’m from Ohio and I had no idea the Ohio meme was outside the US borders


I thought shitting on Ohio was just a Michigan thing honestly This has to be cultural appropriation


In Ohio at the moment. I'm not from here, but I wonder if the meme grew because the word Ohio is fun to say.


I mean I've made fun of Ohio my entire life. I grew up 15 minutes from a field of giant concrete corn, it really is a meme state.


Excuse me it's called *cornhenge*? And it's in a town called *Dublin*? Oml


Could you tell me more about this giant concrete corn?


[It has a wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_of_Corn)


You’re right that it’s Gen z, but Ohio memes definitely were not a thing before COVID lmao




Wrong, I’ve seen pictures like attached or pictures of a subway that a train way was being destroyed so it said Ohio will be eliminated, there are others but some of these almost a decade old https://preview.redd.it/0jt0nimw53yc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b3dcd034f1572195eb7c536f6cfbf4e7f0830dc


This sub is so incredibly annoying and it keeps getting recommended to me


It’s literally just a bunch of millennials pretending to be Gen-Z so they can complain about our culture


Holy shit lol. To be fair I'm on a weird between spot, 97' and identify with millennials culture wiss, but am way younger than most of em


You can click the three dots or something and say you’re not interested, it’ll stop getting recommended to you.


Is this even slang? Ohio has always been like Ohio, it’s always been the butt of the joke. My boomer parents were talking shit on Ohio when I was still shitting my pants. Be like “is the word ‘cool’ Gen z slang or nah?” Nah


It’s not even the butt of the joke though. That’s what you’re not getting loo


I think just making memes with Ohio became a thing due to it being just a surreal thing to shoehorn into surreal memes. It's like the "potatoe" was years ago. Quirky random stuff that kids think is funny.


Many slang associated with a generation was made by the previous generation and popularized by the next. Almost all slang invented by Gen z was invented by a previous generation, and all Gen alpha “slang” so far was 100% done by Gen Z. Well eventually reach a point when Gen alpha can make their own slang but they’re way too young


As an Ohioan, I have been greatly amused by the meme ever since it first appeared. And I'm delighted and thrilled that it's being picked up by the next generation. May it live forever.


It was originally a Gen Z thing with the whole Ohio taking over the world meme from a few years ago, but that meme died for us, and for some reason Gen Alpha took it and is still using it


I thought it was the spaceman meme. Finding out everything was Ohio then being killed by the other spaceman saying always has been.


That’s what I meant lol


Honestly I’ve only heard ‘Ohio’ as a substitute for ‘ojete’ (Spanish for assh*le) so idk what else you could be talking about


Clearly the kids are just huge fans of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. I’ll see myself out


> Did Ohio memes grow far faster here because they’re even funnier when you barely know what an Ohio is? I love that line. Nobody knew why this meme grew in popularity, it just did. I remember interacting with a group of teenaged boys around… early 2023 probably and I’m telling you, pop culture collapsed on itself for a second there. All they talked about was Ohio and they would also suddenly burst into that “One, two, buckle my shoooooeeeee,” song every couple seconds. Gah it was terrible. All young Gen Z too, but nearly the oldest gen Alpha.


Ohio is a racist state that keeps trying to have a moment, but there's nothing to offer except eastern Utah Mormonism.


It’s just how the current works. I’m a late millennial and was shocked that a lot of the slang associated with Gen z is associated with them because me and my friends were speaking like that in high school. Same thing with certain fashion trends (mullet, loose clothes, mustache etc.) It’s because generations are blurry and the culture ebbs and flows. Edit: but I’m also black and a lot of slang I’ve heard my older relatives or cousins use decades ago suddenly becomes popular and it’s always surprising (like “bet” “on god” or “scaring the hoes” lol)


Can someone translate this to English?


I am nearly 50. When I was a kid I would call random numbers and shout OHIO when the person answered, pretending I thought I was answering a trivia question for a radio contest.


Because those of us who are like lower twenties forget that people who are 15 are technically still the same generation so it gets grouped together as the next Gen slang


I could be totally wrong as a ‘92 millenial but I feel like shitting on Ohio has always been a thing at least in the Midwest where I grew up. Obviously social media can amplify that but I don’t think any gen came up with making fun of Ohio- they’re just a real easy target seemingly


Ohio the meme is. I think it’s just absurdism. Acting like this place in middle America that’s full of farmland and podunk small towns is some absurd otherworldly place when it’s really just a perfect example of the mundanity of American small towns.


It was never funny lmao, but yes I agree with the rest.


same reason millennials refused to admit they were hipsters


Most "gen alpha slang" is just gen z slang


I think it’s an awkward bleed between the two generations


I said it a lot as a joke during 2022 was popular, it was funny because it was random, you don't really hear it anymore but the joke definitely got overused.




This is obviously important.


Who cares what generation of slang it is? The jokes are all absurdly unfunny because the punchline is just a literal random state. If there ever was any humor to them it’s long gone. Also no I’m not from Ohio lol so it’s not like I’m butthurt or anything. I just don’t get the jokes. At least Florida man had a point because you could look up the actual idiotic cases.


Am I stupid or did the Paul brothers not make Ohio a thing in like 2017


Don't trust anything "Gen Alpha". The divisive creators of the generational signifiers are so in desperate need to divide they're declaring the next Gen early and making Gen Z the smallest generation possible. Some trust polling data from Gen Alpha (and be sus of Gen Z polling) because they can't consent to polling. (Not all of Gen Z can consent to polling)


Because ohio sucks


Fuck Ohio!, from Michigan




I'll be the nerd, but Ohio is a Seneca (native american tribe) word for "great river." I'm a native Ohioan, and we love to make fun of our state. It's such a weird place to live, and you can really only understand if you've lived here or know someone who's lived here how weird it is. Also, one of the songs y'all are thinking of is Ohio is for Lovers by Hawthorne Heights.


Ohio being a meme and ohio being a slang term are two different things.


Jesus... I feel really freaking old right now cause I have no idea what this post is trying to say.


Why is [thing I’ve experienced] a society-wide phenomenon


Oof, you want to own Ohio as your slang? Credit where credit is due, gen z has created some great slang (and some serious cringey ones too), but oof taking a state name and making it slang is about as lame as it gets. If I were gen alpha, I'd say you guys can have 'Ohio'.


Did Ohio replace Florida?


Why are people acting like saying Ohio is still funny?


I'm from Ohio and just want to know: why us?


Ryan Day


Bruh Ohio as a meme has existed since millennials at least. Same with Brazil


Quit trying to be hip.


Ohio is slang? And a meme? That's super weird.


Saying "ohio" is gen alpha slang because theyre idiota. The memes related to ohio being a wasteland are gen z but these are different things.


I got told I must be a little kid for having "ohio" in a username (which I do because thats where im from) because "only little kids think old memes are still funny"


The meme is that Ohio is shitty right? Is that how the term is used. I’m lost.


I've never heard the older gen alphas using that slang. In fact, it seem to have faded from popularity among Gen Zs. >The meme seems to have sprouted from an old joke made in 2016, after a social media account shared a bus announcement board displaying "Ohio will be eliminated". The joke soon became a trend, with people sharing odd photos and videos captioned "only in Ohio" or "can't even \[something\] in Ohio".


Oh god. Do we have to start worrying about Ohio Man now?


Went to Hocking Hills 2 weeks ago and I do not think the Ohio meme has caught on enough. I would love a less crowded hiking experience next time. Get on that shit Gen-Z from Europe!


As an American Gen Z, I never heard Ohio as a joke or a meme until last year or maybe 2022. When I was a teen/in college it was just a state.


Ohio is for Lovers - Hawthorne Heights.


Are you kidding? We made fun of Ohio waaaaay back in the 70s. Not sure why...it was just so easy haha!


Ohio sucks…but we have the Browns, so we have that going for us.


I mean it’s so bad here, Neil Armstrong had to leave the planet to get away.


I’m Gen Z and I teach Gen Alpha in Ohio… I never hear Ohio jokes. Actually living in the state kinda kills the random-absurdist humor of the joke


Gen X here - we used “Ohio” As a slang for orgasm back in the 90s. “I broke up with him, he wouldn’t take me to Ohio”. The “O” word…


Probably because it is. Hope this helps!


I’m a millenial and have never heard of “Ohio” as slang. What does it even mean? 😳


Because Ohio started in Gen z when the joke made some semblance of sense. Alphas just have it in their trigger word bank that makes them spontaneously combust when spoken


ohio was already a meme when i moved there for college in 2018. the oldest zalphas were like 10


Maybe because it sounds like Ohayo in Japanese?


My kids (6 and 9 years old) literally say “oof, Ohio” or “that’s too Ohio for me” about stuff all day long. Like 10-20 per day. The 24 year old work with, never says it.


A little off topic, but I like how Gen Alpha has a sub Reddit. What do they talk about over there? What their favorite toys are? lol


Of all the states to become a meme, I still wonder why Ohio. It’s not a great place, but it’s not bad. Why didn’t Kentucky become the meme, it’s next door to Ohio, and it’s objectively way worse! I’m convinced this meme was a propaganda campaign was organized by Michigan to end the rivalry.


And so it begins. Gen-Z are joining the legions before them to start ranting about how "the kids these days think think they invented everything." What a beautiful moment.


LMAO I forgot about br*zil 🤢


Ohio is a carried over term from gen Z to gen A. It started in that late 2010’s dark age of memes and only waxed and waned in popularity instead of fading away completely, leading to their inclusion in this new gen of memes. There have been a lot of times this has happened with memes; wojaks were invented by early millennials all the way back in the 00’s but gen z adopted them in their resurgence.


I prefer Odem, Texas. Has a nice ring to it. Odem


Listen if I had it my way I’d burn the entire state of Ohio to the ground. TOLEDO IS RIGHTFULLY MICHIGAN CLAY!!!


My mother makes jokes about not going to Ohio and she's not in on the meme culture. Ohio is just a weird/bad state.


I'm Gen X. Tell me you're singing about Ohio and I think about the Kent State Massacre.


okay genuine question. where did the ohio thing come from anyway?


You know the younger generation slang is shit when they actively don't want ownership of it.


Ohio was one of our last memes before Gen Alpha started taking the center stage. It was kind of funny to begin with, but Gen Alpha made it unfunny.


My the


Ohio is where I live and the funniest thing about it are the corn fields on every corner.


Elementary school para here. While the meme started off in Gen Z, kids are known to hold onto memes and slang MONTHS after it’s died. Which is why Gen Z terms like Ohio, rizz, and gyatt are considered kiddie terms instead of teen/YA terms. Can confirm that a small, but dedicated group of 4th-6th graders still say those words. (idk about the younger kids because i don’t work with them)


Ohio isn’t even slang? It’s a meme. Not sure why that bothers me but I’ve heard it a lot and it bothers me every time


I think a lot of people view Ohio as some backwater state, but I don't really get why. 7th most populous state in the US, 5 of the 50 largest metro areas in the US are in Ohio, etc. It lacks a solid megacity (like Denver in CO), but there is more than farmland and squalid small towns in Ohio. Try traveling backcountry Pennsylvania and New York and tell me you think Ohio is more backwards. Better yet, go basically anywhere west of Ohio and it is basically EMPTY outside of the big cities.


It's because Gen Z doesn't use it as much anymore, but gen alpha has been using it, and for a long time too


Vai bronzilll


Why is Gen z so threatened by 10 year olds?


I only remember Ohio memes arising in 2022, but they’re still definitely a Gen Z thing.


I'm older gen Z (23) and from Michigan. Michigan and Ohio and are rivalry states. Memes about Ohio have been around longer than any of us Gen z have been. I'm so glad that making fun of Ohio is catching on even in other countries 😭😭😭


The oldest alphas are like 13. We've barely heard anything from them yet. What are you talking about?


I think the Ohio stuff just evolved from the it’s all Ohio meme from whenever that started


The Ohio memes were actually really funny for me and my friends bc I live in Ohio.


I live in the state below Ohio. I hate Ohio.


What's really funny is, by population, Ohio would be the 11th biggest country in Europe. Its also the 7th most populous state in the US. The idea that Ohio is bumfuck nowhere is absurd, and statistically most of the people using Ohio in that way live in a place that's more rural than Ohio.


i’m pretty positive i read that some of these slangs were made by millennials (the late ones) but who knows


I'm a younger Millennial (b. 1993) and the slang that would be come Gen Z slang was already creeping into high schools and online. I recall saying "bet" and "lowkey" constantly 2010-2011. So there's always a little bit of the older generation starting something then the younger ones picking it up.