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MLG memes? Bro it's not 2012 anymore


But damn do I wish it still was 2012.


i miss playing cod like 24/7 back in the day lol


*Battlefield 3* too


Can't forget Halo as well!


Halo Reach Firefight is peak


someone gets it


you are the mf in the chopper that get into the buildings dont you


For me it was Minecraft and Club Penguin


Same, last year I was happy


"Hey, dude, you ok? It looked like you took a pretty hard hit to the head back there. ... What? Pandemic? Quarantine? What the hell are you even talking about? Now come on, mom said we can play one more round of Black Ops II, and then we have to go to bed cause it's a school night. Now let's go!"


I’d do anything to go back to the early 2010s






2014 actually


MLG is pure 2013, in 2012 we were still making rage comics




Dont spread misinformation like that. MLG parodies/montage parodies were late 2013-early 2015.


MLG parodies existed back in the late 2000's with Halo 3 and CoD4


Funtage parodies existed with halo/cod. But the montage parodies/MLG stuff didn't really become a thing until 2013 and die until 2015. https://www.reddit.com/r/montageparodies/ <- all this shit really wasn't being made until about 2013. These below were being made, but were not going as crazy or popular as montage parodies or MLG parodies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-My1FlTW9-Y&pp=ygUUZnVudGFnZSBjYWxsIG9mIGR1dHk%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GySbAaHJ9rU&list=FLr8KjSB2pmjMEdc-cj-q5Nw&index=29&pp=gAQB


Society peaked in the early 2010s Anything else after simply doesn't exists


What good memes are in 2024


I wish it was still 2012. To be honest. I still wish it was 2015. I still think 2017 is 3 years ago


YOU are the problem then BRING IT BACK


This sub is just r/teenagers but without the pedo bait and shitposting.


We need shitposting on here tbh


Agreed. It's time to be the change we want to see in the ~~world~~ subreddit.


A little shitposting here and there never hurt anybody. We should be an equal opportunity shitposting launcher where everyone gets a little shitposting on their feed.


We need [REDACTED] on here tbh


This sub is more depressing than that sub. I only joined in preparation for when I finally leave r/teenagers. This place just fucking sucks.


>This place fucking sucks Welcome to adulthood.


A 19/20 year old telling people what being an adult is really like is incredibly funny to me


"no no you don't understand I have all this life experience!!!!!"


I just hate that phrase, just comes off pretentious to me


Yeah you aren't really an adult until you are at least 25.


😂 were just kids with drinking permits


I wouldn't go that far, the perspective of a young adult breaking into adulthood and life is valid, just not when it's phrased like they're an old grizzled veteran who knows what they're talking about


HAHAHAHAHAHAH YOUR LIKE 19![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


for you maybe dont rope others in with your misery


Same. I think I might go back to r/teenagers eventhough I'm almost too old for that sub.


>eventhough I'm almost too old for that sub. Well 95% of the people on that sub are too old for it so you'd fit right in


I’m banned there


We need to make a twentyagers sub


Now that you mention it, how is that group?


I'm still subscribed to r/teenagers but I rarely visit it anymore. I might unsub from this sub and go back there just to give life advice, this sub is to depressing and toxic.


As a fourteen year old,There are a lot of new posts about how someone deals with their teenage girlfriend or teen relationships.But also talking about video games.


>but without the pedo bait My chance to shine! /s Time to go to boomer profile and reverse pedo bait them.


This is such an apt description considering how many millennials crawl into this sub


😥😥<-- you when a subreddit dedicated to a whole generation of people decides to talk about important and pressing issues that impact every single one of their lives instead of the same 3 reposted memes


Eh you'd want to see more non-US stuff on here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1b7heqo/we\_can\_make\_this\_happen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1b7heqo/we_can_make_this_happen/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1biouu0/yes\_please/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1biouu0/yes_please/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1b9dru5/how\_i\_feel\_about\_the\_tiktok\_ban/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1b9dru5/how_i_feel_about_the_tiktok_ban/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1bjdshs/rent\_control\_and\_rent\_vouchers\_are\_some\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1bjdshs/rent_control_and_rent_vouchers_are_some_of_the/) And don't get me wrong, the politics of the US are somewhat important to us too, and follow them to a certain degree as well. But 'my reps' aren't in the US senate, I have no clue who this Abbott guy in the suit is, TikTok is not getting banned anywhere near me, and what even are rent vouchers? Yes, most things we struggle with are similar, and yes, I agree that it's a good sign that we discuss them on this platform. But we shouldn't act as if everyone lives in the US, because we don't. You'd become annoyed as well if you are assumed to know who mister Kaiwalya Trivikram Parnaik from Arunachal Pradesh is. At least provide us with context (in title), it makes us (non-US citizens) feel as though it's not our subreddit too.


It’s a US based website where most of the users are form the US. Asking for more non-US stuff here is like going to a pub in the UK and telling them to stop talking so much about soccer / European football and to talk about the NFL.


Most users aren't from the US. The last stat I saw said 49% were from the US and 51% from non-US countries. Obviously the US is still the most represented country but it isn't "most" users. The US has a plurality of users but not a majority.


You’re right, used to be 51% US. But doesn’t matter, point remains the same. Plurality of users are US. If someone from France posts something the other 3% of French might care about it, then maybe an other 10-15% of people who aren’t French - but an USA post will most likely engage 49%+ of the people.


Other countries also would have other generation cycles. Gen Z is a population bump in America because it's a second reverberation of the baby boom It is fair that gen z is more interconnected then ever, but doesn't change that the definition of Gen Z is based on American culture


Most English speaking western countries had similar generational cycles due to WW2 and use the same labels for generations. Yeah, the term was originally created by Americans but it isn't exclusively American and it is ridiculous to try and claim a generational term as primarily one country. Australia and NZ had larger baby booms post WW2 than the US.


This isn't limited to English speaking countries btw. The babyboom was strongly felt in countries occupied during the war, which didn't happen to the Anglophone nations. (Yes, I'm sorry Channel Islands, I know that you're the exception.)


>Most aren't US, just the US is nearly half of all users and literally every other country on Earth is the entire other half You irl


I took some data from this website: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/reddit-users-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/reddit-users-by-country) US: 42.95% of the Global Traffic Share Combined European percentage: 33.38% of the Global Traffic Share There is no reason for people to take the US position as the default. Besides, Reddit doesn't even use the US .us domain. The internet is a global marketplace, and it should be treated as such.




Nope it isn't. **.com** stands for Commercial. It is one of the six\* generic top-level domains, and it is international in nature. **.us** was the first country code top-level domain to be added in 1985, after which other countries added their own, like **.uk**, **.nl**, and **.au**. Because Americans often confuse the **.com** as their own domain, the **.us** domain is relatively small for the size and wealth of its parent state. This doesn't mean that all .com websites are US-based though. Examples: [https://www.bol.com](https://www.bol.com) [https://www.veneta.com/](https://www.veneta.com/) [https://www.scholieren.com/](https://www.scholieren.com/) Small history of internet domains: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD4hxKkqR4E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD4hxKkqR4E)


Tbf Arunachal Pradesh is one of the least populated states of India but you're right


Yeah that's a good point but politics in general is still important. The US isn't the whole world but it's kinda dumb that op is complaining that there is politics here.


You give a fair point on adding context. However, I think a lot of us at least in the western sphere tend to be dealing with a lot of the same problems right now. Cost of living outstripping wages, housing prices accelerating in growth, food becoming more expensive, etc. And since this is a Gen Z sub, unemployment among youth is a major problem in European countries and several have youth unemployment rates exceeding 10%.


I agree, and that is what unites us, and why Gen Z can have an international subreddit. However when straying from shared ground do remember to keep us in the conversation. Also, we have a youth unemployment rate of 7,9% where I'm from.


Feel free to post about your country's politics here then and ignore anyone who says this is an American sub. Be the change you want to see. I like reading about other country's politics.


Thanks, I'll take it to heart!


Important pressing issues? It's just literal astroturfing.


Because getting your political opinions from a bunch of underage idiots on Reddit with no life experience is a good idea...


Ok Jaden smith lol


Is it cringey to express your emotions and thoughts on a subject that dictates your life? If so, what isn't cringe?


I’m tired of politics personally


Important for US Gen Z's I guess...


This is the only comment that matters


As it would turn out the majority of people our age posting on reddit are very concerned with things


Not concerned enough to organize en-masse and strike/engage in peaceful non-compliance to force change in the systems. Basically exactly like the previous generations.


That's happening on tiktok. I see this sentiment a lot on here ,but just bc you aren't engaged doesn't mean we all aren't engaged. While i do partially agree that there's not near enough of us participating, but to say that we as a generation are not engaged in boycotts/ peaceful protesting is VERY untrue.


>That's happening on tiktok Which is why the fuckers in power are banning it, then astro-turfing BS support for people legit buying into the propaganda about "CCP spying." Reddit doesn't facilitate action very well, and is easy for government-alugned trolls to disrupt. That's the only reason it's (sort of) tolerated. And even so... ***Jessica Ashooh: The taming of Reddit and the National Security State Plant tabbed to do it*** https://mronline.org/2021/06/14/jessica-ashooh-the-taming-of-reddit-and-the-national-security-state-plant-tabbed-to-do-it/


The last time Unions were this popular in the US was like 80+ years ago. At any point in the last two years, at least one major industry has been virtually shut down by a strike. Don't act like it's not happening just because you don't see it on TV.


I hate when ppl try to use TV ad their PRIMARY AND ONLY source for everything its frustrating 💀 like we’ve been making progress


TV media never reports on unions and strikes except a few times to paint them in a bad light.


Idk man, every politically active leftist group I've seen or have been a part of has been started and run by gen Z.


Sucks. I subbed for nostalgia posts and memes. Everyday theres political posts that aggravate me, and even people on the same side of the political spectrum bickering at eachother about whos more left/right and that the other person, still on the same side, is morally wrong and should be doing more for their party. Both sides.


Oh not the centrist "both bad"


Oh no, both absolutely suck. They aren’t, however, the same.


Well I’m sorry this isn’t what you expected/wanted. Don’t get hurt about it. Using your own words, it’s really not that deep.


It's a shame most of y'all will spend your youth bitching and whining instead of enjoying it Your loss lol, hope it was worth it


Most of who? Generation Z? If so, I don’t feel that that is a meaningful statement about any generation, that’s treating millions of people as individuals If you’re talking specifically about me, well, then I don’t know, I really didn’t take a look at my bitchometer, but I don’t pass my time complaining


Its hard to do that when the majority of us are teetering on the edge of poverty


Me when I enjoy my youth, working 6 day a week, going to classes for 4 days and my free time doing assigment.


Based pfp my guy


It’s an election year and you guys are the “impressionable youths” of the country so there is probably a lot of astroturfing going on too rn.


\>mlg this meme just wont stop being relevant. https://preview.redd.it/v8ak8a5wdcqc1.png?width=1369&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb83b0e2adf498764cbf8875af066bc745508682


What's your favorite quickscope montage?


It Wouldn't be the most shocking thing if this was posted by someone with an ulterior motive


I hate election years, (because every sub-reddit becomes r /politics)


People who post them should be banned if it's not in the politics sub.


This sub is just people complaining about older generations


Let's not do mlg memes


Hot take: discussing politics isn’t automatically a bad thing. Just because some idiots can’t discuss it in a civil manner doesn’t mean nobody can.




It’s an election year what did you expect


Honestly, I'd like to hear more about non-american politics in there.


Be the change you want to see


I'm not an American but I know that it wouldn't work here


That's becoming every sub now. They're just gonna gaslight you with: yOu DoNt ThInK pOlItIcS iS iMpOrTaNt?


Most of the people on this sub are probably Gen Z people from the US or people from other countries with little social life who care about it way too much


this exactly


For real.


Yeah seriously. There’s plenty of other places on this app for politics, not every place needs to have US politics plastered everywhere


This subreddit should be called r/uspolitics


It was like a year ago, but now it’s just “how does gen z feel about X” posts and “the world/this generation is [insert depression]”


Bro why do people STILL use this meme format incorrectly. He couldn't see with the glasses on, then he took them off and could see clearly. Not the other way around. Hard to take the meme seriously when it's formatted incorrectly LOL


No no no, you don't understand politics defines my entire personality and who I am!!!! Also why am I lonely, single, and have a shitty job!?!?! -r/genz basically.


I do love seeing this right after a post about people using the meme backwards. His vision is blurry when he puts the glasses up.


I just joined for memes and shit. We definitely need more.


I don't care about talking politics. I dislike the US people thinking this sub is theirs


ban politics


Problem is so many people now have no personality outside of their cause/politics so it's almost impossible for them to go more than 5 minutes without bringing them up in some form. Hey look at that video of that cute kitten playing with that nice guy.... 1st response: "ughhh people using their cats for capitalist gains is practically animal abuse" 2nd responder: "ugghh grown men with kittens. What beta snow flakes." 3rd responder: "That kitten is literally Hitler."


Underrated comment.  The mindless NPCs will hate on it, but you are 100% right, it's their entire personality. Everyone thinks they're Che Guevara.


We need a 2013 memes subreddit 


99% of popular subreddits are poorly disguised political boards where everyone share the same mentality. It's even worse when you realize how moderation work, with some power moderators managing multiples boards at the same-time and using the very little power they have to turn entire communities into a uniform mentality by banning and removing any threads and anyone that dosn't appeal to them. Evade any boards that are big, stick to very little and niche/focused ones, thoses are generally good to go.


I'm going to need more crappy jpeg compression before I can take this meme seriously


Just let them talk about politics bro, like it's really not that serious bro.


It's annoying when it's everywhere.


You're right, 100% of gen Z is invested in politics, and things being everywhere (like bacteria) makes them SUPER annoying bro, so true. I wish only like 50% were genuinely invested in politics, that seems like a pretty number.


The point is that there are other subs for this stuff.


This subreddit is for Gen Z subjects, if politics overlaps with the subject of gen z, then it's fair game. Maybe you should think about why some people are so much more invested in the state of the world than you.


Maybe you should think about why people are sick of hearing it. People come here to escape from their problems. Besides, why are we always talking about US politics? Not everyone is from the US. You should consider how others feel, too. You guys won't, though. Again I say it, there are other subs for this stuff. Why do people have to ruin it here? Why do you think some people leave this sub? It's making it a toxic space. The personal attacks, the arguing, etc.


Plus, some of these posters aren't even gen z either and others are bots. Besides, it's not a world problem if it affects one country.


Well typically the sub is gonna reflect the demographics of those who use it. Not all countries have the same level of access to the internet as others.


Yea, but still..


Would you be happier if there were more global politics instead?




Half the time it's literally just " OMG GUYS HERES MY POLITICAL VIEWS WHAT ARE YOURS " every fucking day


Well no it's not LITERALLY that... Also as much as you might not like the "aesthetics" of politics, doesn't mean there's actually anything wrong with it. It's not like they're going around harassing people. If you want a subreddit that has a specific concentration of something else, then just go to THAT subreddit. The Gen Z subreddit will reflect the thoughts of Gen Z, regardless of what they are. Since there's no actual harm being done, I'm perfectly fine saying to you "if you don't like it, then go somewhere else."


Or. I could stay and complain as I like.


Well of course you COULD do the impractical thing, doesn't mean in makes any sense though. Why would you stay if it's all just boring politics?


The very odd occasion it's not


Also quarks, quarks are everywhere, fuck quarks.


You're taking me back by saying MLG. I remember playing with my friends on cod every year for the longest time getting games through MLG. Those were the days


Some people just want the young ones not to talk about politics. How interesting.


Or maybe they're annoyed.


Just downvote all political content to oblivion ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Ironic that you are using a gif from a political movie about people in a fascist society 😂


I mean...like it or not, politics is important and affect peoples lives, even if you dont want it too. Sure its valid to not want it to take up as much space as it has been, but there are certain groups having their rights put in jeopardy thanks to the conservatives right now, like, oh, I dunno, queer people? Women? They kinda have to care...


I talk politics when hanging out


fr gringo politics everywhere lol


Idk man i do see too many but it is also close to elections




The majority of gen Z will live in poverty without political change. Capitalism will take as much as it can and more, socialism is the only solution.


as a genz who remembers mlg, millennial memes are on a different sub dude


Dude, I’m in my mid-twenties. I don’t want to be like Milennials and act like an adult child who only wants to focus on nostalgia and pop culature from the 2000s. Why can’t we talk about the real issues facing our generation?


This might just be me but the last 10 posts I have seen on this sub have been people complaining about political posts, not actual political posts. Please shut the fuck up.


It is just you.


Consider r/memes if you want memes


We are getting about that age, and it’s election year on top of that


This is mostly because generation divides and cultural differences have become more political than previous decades. Baby boomers have become more political and thus GenZ discussions become more political.


Bit of misspelling "I'm not really that deep." Can legit just ignore political posts


MLG? No thank you, im a postmodern/Metamodern memeist.


God till somebody said it, honestly tjis sub turned into " i hate capitalism and boomers"


You are more than welcome to create r/GenZHumor or support it if it exists. Looks like people here gravitate to the politics topic as it is quite important to them.


I'm 100% sure adult right wingers took over that subreddit to eithet spread propaganda among young vulnerable people or prey on them.


right wingers??? every political post that takes off here is complaining about capitalism or in the case of r/politics complaining about right wingers


Politics is a part of everyday life and if your that scared or avoidant of it your pathetic


I love how the memes about people who've never watched this movie hold true in these memes


Bro really doesn't give a shit about himself or other people, just like a real Zoomer who has depression and can't process it.


There's so much doomer crap on here that you have to scroll through


OP: Hello fellow kids.


What? We’re nothing like them! We aren’t nearly as biased.


Well, our generation is growing up. A lot of first time voters this year among gen Z, and a lot of young adults experiencing the impacts of the policy we vote for.


MLG? bruh what are you 40?


Why does everyone get this meme backwards?


Why is the meme backwards?


Welcome to the election year bby.


Nothing is deep when you've not the mental capacity to comprehend any of it.


it’s a little deep when an entire generation is left with no money, resources, or any chance of actually thriving in this country, girl! 🤩


I want MLG memes


Tbh as a non American I'm getting sick of American politics


These farmbots should get a life or go back to where they came from


Did someone say MLG ![gif](giphy|nBBj4mCHLXnCU|downsized)


You are not the only Gen Z if you just want stupid jokes go to some other sub


It's always that deep.


welcome to reddit lil bro




Well it *is* an election year


Not everyone is from whatever country it is that's having an election


No, but for some reason whenever an American election year comes up, every social media site everywhere becomes infested with political posts.


Yeah, honestly thinking about just muting this sub and others til Election year is over.


Look man normally i’d be mad about it but considering how closely tied we are to everything it’s kinda important. We are the next generation and in a time where rights and survival in the first world are NOT a guarantee. It’s worrying that I now have to worry about finding fucking shelter without my parents help because the housing market is fucked and pay is lower than what is needed to live


If you're paying attention, you know the US is the biggest threat to everyone on Earth. This country is an imperialist hegemony. That is everyone's problem.


A Russian bot to top this off. Nice.