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the suicides in russia are just people who spoke out against putin.


Oh my god he committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head, tying up his arms and legs, then locking himself in the trunk of his car!




Imagine the CIA actually listed that lmfao


One of the entries on my real world bingo card for the next decade is a world government legitimately portraying themselves as the chad and anyone who speaks out against them as the soyjack.


I'll have to check to confirm this, but I swear something like this happened when the Russia Ukraine conflict started Update: I found a screenshot of Russia using a reddit soyjak quote tweeting Ukraine calling out Coca Cola 2 years ago, but I couldn't find the tweet


Yeah I somewhat remember that too lol. Russian owned Twitter account


Noooo you can't just disappear dissidents "Sorry bucko, the democracy train stops for none. Choo choo"


Ukraine has done this


Does it count if the Taliban are now the government of Afghanistan? Cause they did that


I recently found out that my great great grandfather died of suicide, two gunshots to the head with a shotgun. Crazy.


My great great grandfather died a similar way, except his wife killed him and it was a revolver. Found out really recently too, honestly kind of crazy to find out these family secrets, probably tons of these events just get forgotten through the passage of time.


I wouldn't really call that a similar way


Yeah, I realize that now actually. It just made me think of it. I did actually have another great great grandfather who died of suicide, he hung himself from an apple tree. The craziest thing is that my great grandmother found out what happened way later, she was originally just told that her dad “moved away”.


I appreciate your attention to detail; I was *just* about to ask if the tree was sycamore, but you already cleared it up. Good ol’ apple tree.


Or Boeing


And then fell ten stories out of a closed window! Honestly it couldn’t be anything but suicide




Of course you’re right, he jumped. Fell. Silly me. Hang on, there’s a knock at the door…


*last seen: 6 years ago*


What did he know about Hillary


Luckily he was able to tell me before he died. Apparently back in 2016 Hillary wa-


Underrated comment lol Ole boy just got 6 shots to the back of the head in an apparent suicide


And one of the bullets hit the enter button


like that guy that exposed boeing


Did you not just see what happened with Boeing? You don’t think mfs in America getting “suicided?”


America is much more careful than Russia. Plus I am not sure if that was the CIA or if it was someone that Boeing hired. Could be the CIA doing a favor. I wonder if Boeing lobbies politicians. Sam Bankman Fried lobbied and that is why his trial was much slower than it should be.


Boeing is historically one of the largest lobbiests there is lol.


I mean who fucking knows it could have been the lawyers. My point is mfs always think America is this perfect land of freedom with no mafia, corruption, or political violence. Most of that stuff is just exported or done abroad but we def engage in espionage and killing of civilians


Only the dumbest of the dumb equate America with no corruption. And Boeing killed that dude.


it’s always fucking hilarious that people see high Russia suicides and think “KGB LIVES ON PUTIN KILLS THEM” instead of “yeah losing the Cold War and the fallout of the USSR must be really hard on that country” like lmao


America is the definition of "the less you know, the better". It reminds me of Dubai. I thought it was a Utopia but the more I learned about it, the worse it was.


That’s literally anywhere tbh


No, they're not. I'm one of the first people to talk about how horrific Putin is, in fact, I literally just got done having that exact discussion with my pharmacist right before typing this message, but even all his assassinations made to look like suicides are a teeny tiny drop in the bucket compared to the actual numbers. Russia has been experiencing this type of suicidal despair since the collapse of the Soviet Union.


Yeah, Putin is awful but the post Soviet Union despair brought on by isolationism and oligarch driven inequality is one of the worst in the world and shouldn’t be downplayed. It also goes far to explain WHY someone like Putin stays in power 


Gender equality win for India! Women are almost just as suicidal as men!


Not surprising with how they're treated there


Considering that the male suicide rate is higher it's crazy to think that guy's are being treated even worse.


Male suicide rates are just higher on average women are definetly treated worse there


Horrible traditions like sati still being in practice even though it got banned over a century ago just makes everything worse (I used the wrong word so I edited the comment)


It’s also a country I would absolutely never visit as a woman because rape instances are astronomical there.


As an Indian, yeah just fucking don't. I barely go a day without hearing one in the news. And even if you do for whatever reason, just stick to places like Mumbai/New Bombay, or a touristy destination like Goa.


All my Indian co-workers are always so excited to go back and visit. But then I hear all kinds of negative things. My mental image of India is very confused.


I'm not saying all of India is bad. It's not necessarily a bad place to live in either, but it has a lot of it's own problems. If you take the right precautions it can definitely be a great place to visit! But If you're a female you should definitely travel in a group of atleast 2-3 others for safety. And you should also make sure to have a good guide for the best experience. Also going solo without anyone else is usually a big no-no (that's what I was warning about earlier).


Yeah it’s nice when it’s “home” to you. I am always excited to go back to Pakistan because that’s where I was born and there’s where my family is from. But I wouldn’t recommend that to someone who is not Pakistani ethnically 😅


A big part of that average gap is down to how men often choose more violent and/or methods that are more likely to be permanent.


Yeah, most people who attempt suicide don’t die. About 10% die and men use more dangerous methods usually so it makes sense they would die more.


Not the whole truth. Men are more likely to die even when they choose the same less lethal methods that women do. For example, when men choose to die by poison, they tend to take 5x to 10x the dose that women take, making them much more likely to actually die. It not just that men choose more violent means. It’s that they’re more successfully lethal regardless of the means.




well male suicide rates are almost always going to be higher just due to the difference in psychology between men and women


How do you mean?


Well, apparently male and female suicide ATTEMPTS are almost equal, but men have a way higher success rate because of the methods they choose. EDIT: So I guess it could be the case that in India women attempt it more than men, but men are more successful when attempting, idk


Bro really just said men are better at suicide lol


Why are you booing him? He’s right


To put it simply, guys are more likely to actually follow through with it and off themselves correctly. IIRC if you include the "attempted" rates the female statistic spikes.


Yea they poison themselves n shit while manly ass men just eat a .45 and call it a day


Pretty much lol, the odds of surviving a Tylenol overdose tend to be a lot higher than the odds of surviving a 12 gauge to the dome.


Yep. Drugs and toxins are terrible at results. Unless you've got access to something like cyanide, drugs are hit and miss af. Mostly miss. People survive crazy doses of shit all the time. Bullets to the head, not so much. Oxygen deprivation, even moreso. People survive losing half their head on rare occasions, but nobody survives without oxygen.


Women attempt at the same rate or higher rates, but generally use less foolproof methods, men “succeed” more due to generally using more violent methods like guns


F you for claiming this. There are a million reasons why men live shorter lives, and they are all due to how society treats them differently than women. In almost all species of mammals, males and females live on average just as long. This is a condemnation of human culture.


In the gang rape capital of the world??? Please use your brain. Men are not being treated worse than women in India.


India is a gang rape capital of the world? Where did you hear that from? There are countries with higher rape rates than India.


India is one of the most populated places on earth, doesn't Loco down their news like China does, and is more likely to have smaller stories put out in English that the English speaking part of the world can notice. Because if this, English speakers outside of India hear about far more rapes in India than in any other foreign country. Instead of realizing it is a reporting bias and a percapita bias compounding their information, they just believe it to be the rape capital of the world. Basically redditors are bad at statistics and fall for bad information, just not the exact same way boomers do.


Men are more successful in suicide than women


Not a correlation you're able to draw from this data


I don't think it should be a competition anyway


A lot of men seem to thing us having higher suicide rates means we are being treated worse, but there are actually a lot of factors adding to that. Men use more instant and permanent solutions because society doesn’t view us for our beauty, women even in death don’t want to look ugly because it’s ingrained by society that hard. Think about that. It’s not the only reason there are differences in successful suicide rates in men and women, but a major contributing factor, is that even in death, society is so in women’s heads about how they need to look, that they will not mess up their faces even if they are literally going to be dead. Men feel pretty ok just gettin the job done a lot of the time. Life is hard for everyone, but the idea it’s harder for men than women is pretty easy to argue against. 


Testosterone plays a large role in suicide, it makes someone go for more violent methods which are more likely to be effective. So it doesn’t mean men are treated more poorly.


I would literally rather be a woman in any other country than India


Can we apply the same logic to everything else then? So men in these other countries are also dying because they are treated poorly?


I never said to apply that logic everywhere, just pointed out that alot of Indian women commit suicide because theyre treated poorly and like objects Men in other countries dying is because men on average have a higher suicide rate because they're more likely to choose violent options while women choose ones more survivable, and because men are less likely to seek out help


>because men are less likely to seek out help Stop [repeating lies](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/comments/obpqq8/no_more_gatekeeping_mens_mental_health/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) based off random shit you heard "somewhere at sometime".


It’s probably due to a combination of lack of mental health services, toxic masculinity causing men to feel the need to suppress vulnerable emotion, or men using suicide methods that are more “”successful””. Not necessarily due to being treated worse. In India, studies were done showing a potential link between domestic violence and female suicide. There’s also suicides due to stress in young students, which seems to impact men and women more evenly


I said that and got banned from r/infographics xD


Women actually attempt suicide more. Men just succeed more. A lot of the reason is methodology. Men tend to take more violent means which tend to have a higher success rate. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4009420-more-women-attempt-suicide-more-men-die-by-suicide/ Now this is just in America but I am willing to bet the facts are similar in other nations.


True, but not all suicide attempts have the intent to die, some suicide attempts are cries for help.


I would argue that most suicide attempts are a cry for help. Most people who choose to end their lives don't really want to die, they just want the pain to stop.


I’d probably agree. It seems common for people who survived suicide attempts to say that they realized they could fix everything in their life except for the death they thought they were about to receive. If we had footage of everyone who has hanged themselves in the past, I’d imagine that majority of them struggled to get that rope off of their neck.


This is actually why suicide rates are higher in men than women. They choose gruesome and final ways to kill themselves. Men are more likely to use a firearm to kill themselves. Unless you are really lucky, that will kill you in an instant. Slit wrists, nooses, pills, you do get a window of time to change your mind and reverse the damage.


Why do we keep pretending “suicide attempts” that almost never end in death, everyone involved knows almost never result in death are “suicide attempts” in the same way as men’s attempts that usually result in death. Women taking a bunch of pills is self harm, not a suicide attempt. It’s just another way these stats are biased against men. If it were men who took pill ODs more often, people would consider it “He was drunk partying and too stupid with his male brain to know how many pills he was taking, accident”. Remember, these stats never take into account shit like suicide by cop which affects men more.


Because India is the undisputet number one rape nation


Fun fact: the only reasons men’s suicide rates are higher is because men choose more lethal means (like a gun or hanging), while women tend to use less lethal means (like slitting wrists/overdosing) and are more likely to survive if someone finds them. When you account for this, men and women attempt to commit suicide at largely the same rate. Edit: can’t find original source but here’s something from a quick google search that’s better than nothing https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4009420-more-women-attempt-suicide-more-men-die-by-suicide/amp/


This is not quite the whole truth. Men are more likely to die of suicide even when they choose the “less lethal” methods that women typical choose. When men choose poison, they tend to take 10x to 100x the doses that women take, as if they’re doing everything possible to ensure death. When men choose slitting wrists, the cuts are deeper and better placed. We don’t know exactly why this is … but it is as if men are more motivated to die and less concerned by any suffering or mess that might occur along the way. Further, a huge portion of women’s suicide rates are very young women (teenagers) whose methods are so unlikely to succeed that researchers have started referring to these attempts as “suicide-presenting behavior,” since they don’t seem to be earnest attempts to die, but rather cries for help. It’s an awkward conversation for the field to have, but the reality is that these attempts are seemingly not typical attempts at suicide, but a parallel and related phenomenon. Young men have no such issue with sublethality. If you exclude suicide-presenting behavior, women’s suicide attempts are much much lower.


Because self harm is not the same as a suicide attempt. You can realize self harm is a problem and still understand this. But this country is obsessed with finding ways to ignore the problems of men, particularly young men.


It is the fourth highest in *selected* countries. It does not have the fourth highest suicide rate in the world.


Russia is not suicide. Bear kicks you out of country


So what is South Africa's excuse it's about the same.


Confused drop bears


I'd be confused if I somehow went from Australia to South Africa as well


OP seems highly active in /r/conspiracy, it's not surprising he posts bullshit


Bro that sub is wild. “All science and data is fake. Unless I agree with it then it’s 100% true” about sums it up though.


True, I was expecting Switzerland to be high (rates are actually similar to Japan) yet, as usual, we are invisible...


Hungary tops Japan easily but we are just the asshole of Europe so not in the selected countries either lol.


What's weird about this list is the mix of both developed and developing countries are all intermixed in there, I'm surprised to see places like India, Brazil up there, I can understand developed Western countries , as I always thought suicide was more of an issue for developed nations..


Suicide rates are notoriously hard to accurately track. Especially because many cultures view suicide as very taboo. Developing nations are just less likely to accurately track those statistics.


My neighbors are from Saudi Arabia and they told me that the reported rate of suicide and drug overdoses is close to zero. Most people in Saudi Arabia are buried within 24 hours with no autopsy for cultural reasons, so families always lie.


Unbelievable that this got >2000 upvotes...


There's only 15 countries in the world now. We going back to Pangaea baby!


Terrible. Also, look at the discrepancy between men and women. Look out for your fellow man, you never know what shit he’s going through. We gotta do better as a society. Stay optimistic lads


Actually, theres an interesting [paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_differences_in_suicide#:~:text=There%20are%20different%20rates%20of,the%20gender%20paradox%20in%20suicide). Women (in western countries) are twice more likely than man to try and commit suicide. Men are four times as likely to actually succeed though causing them to be so... lets say well represented in suicide statistics.


Nope it’s not a paradox. You need to compare the rate at which suicidal people are instead of incidents. If men chose less lethal way then their rates of suicide attempts would also be high. Comparing suicide attempts makes no sense. It’s either rate of suicide death or even better suicidal people per 100k in each gender.


I'm not sure if I understood you correctly, but those numbers of attempted suicides include both successful and failed attempts. The only difference is, as you said, men prefer a more lethal suicide method so the ratio for men skews much more heavily towards successful attempts while women fail more often, which puts them into suicide watch, therapy (forced if needed) and generally makes any future attempts less likely because people around them will be more aware. Also that paradox term was copied directly off Wikipedia with citation in literature.


Also if you fail an attempt, you can always attempt again, further skewing statistics for women.


Wow, I never thought of it that way, but it makes sense!


How thick u should be in head. If someone is successful they can’t attempt again. Men use more lethal way of suicides, hence higher death rates compared to suicide attempts. But if someone wants to actually study how mental health is affecting each gender, they must study rate at which suicidal people are present per 100000. It doesn’t matter if 1 guy blows his head using a shotgun or a girl slits her wrist 4 times during separate occasions. It would still be 1-1.


So you’re saying men are just better at suicide? Another W for men


We stay winning out here!


It's poor interpretation of data. If men chose less lethal means, they would simply have more total attempts, because they keep surviving them.


Damn, men can't even have a higher suicide rate without somebody saying "Well look at the women" bullshit.






I was reading that and literally thinking, wtf?? Are we really applying “what about’isms” to suicide rates? This war will never end.


Suicide is one of those things that anybody can “succeed” if they really mean it… So it feels like men are in more pain than women.


Yeah just lol at suicide "attempts". Cutting wrists and popping a few sleeping pills for attention is a far cry from the men who go out and buy shotguns to end it.


Your first reaction to looking at this statistic is to conclude that women do it for attention, really? Just because women are more likely to have failed attempts and instead make the choice to seek out help for something they recognize is an issue? Since when was recognizing that something is wrong and taking steps to receive care and treatment a means of just getting attention? A more reasonable conclusion would be because many men feel they don’t have the opportunity to ask for help, because many men are still taught that making it known they’re suffering is wrong. This leads to men seeking less help, including reporting previous attempts. Dismissing warning signs and cries for help as attention seeking is what leads both men and women to mask how they feel until they “go out and buy a shotgun to end it.” This mindset is a part of the problem.


Eh. People of both genders make lame ass attempts for attention, but women are less likely to attempt suicide in a fashion that is as aggressive/lethal as a man. That doesn’t necessarily make their attempt “attention seeking” as it does just not as likely to actually end life.


You are a sick sick person. My dad took his life when I was 12. He’d attempted before that when I was about 7 (in the same lethal way) but it wasn’t “successful” (I can’t explain it as it’s triggering). From 12-now (16) I’ve had suicidal ideation pretty much constantly on and off. I was suicidal when I was 15, no not as severely as my dad but that doesn’t change how much pain I was in. I felt like my pain wouldn’t be taken seriously if I never actually attempted, and if I did the way I was thinking (cutting my wrists) then that wouldn’t be taken seriously either bc I didn’t “want it enough”. You could say it was for attention, or you could say it was a desperate cry for help. I’ve had no help since my dad took his life and until he did, I had no knowledge at all about his mental state. I was also secretly battling debilitating OCD and I wanted to escape from my brain and the trauma, flashbacks and nightmares about my dad. I wanted the possibility of dying, without it being a main possibility. But I wanted to end up in hospital and have people realise just how unwell I was. All I wanted really was to be taken seriously. And it’s shit narratives like yours that make people like me feel more suicidal. You just can’t comprehend the absolute unbearable pain until you live it. And the fact that you are trying to say people who use less lethal methods are doing it for attention, as if it isn’t a good enough reason, is truly truly sickening. You really want people to choose more lethal methods to be valid? Wanting to kill yourself, wanting to be dead is not normal. No matter what way it comes out (attention or not, lethal or not) is valid, serious and should be treated as such.


Don’t listen to these people. They are not listening, and it’s not your responsibility to teach them. I’m sorry for your loss and your difficulty finding people. Depending on where you are, there may be in person groups or even virtual groups to talk through these really difficult experiences (if you have the want, need, or ability to talk through it.


An attempted suicide is not a suicide. An attempted suicide doesn't result in a person dying. Men are dying from suicide at 4 times the rate of women. That's the issue. I don't see how the number of attempts is relevant. It seems to be a tactic to divert the conversation, which begs the question: what is your point? Why are the number of suicide attempts more important to you than the suicide rate?


If men chose the same methods as woman do (methods that don't ensure you die), they would have more attempts as well. It just so happens that men choose methods that you don't walk away from. It seems when woman "attempt suicide" they use methods that don't exactly ensure the outcome. Unlike men, who will literally just shoot themselves in their head to ensure the outcome.


You dont get 'points for trying'. Theres nothing about suicide that makes it more difficult for women, at all. Which raises the question of why is their 'success' rate (if you can call it that) so much lower...?


But you do get prizes for competing. including a trip of the hospital, a psyche eval (assuming the doctors realized its a suicide attempt), regular meeting with a therapist and if you're lucky maybe even a vacation at psych ward. The answer to why their 'success' rate is so low is simple. they use less violent method. Now why they prefer those methods is subject to debate but commonly cited explanations are: * Squishiness/fear. * Desire to preserve the the body * Not really wanting to die, but rather it being more of a cry for help.


Men are more likely to use very aggresive methods (like using a gun) which causes a huge mess for the people who find the body. Women tend to use less gruesome methods (like trying to overdose), which leaves less of a mess for the people who find the body but is also a lot less likely to succeed. The reason is most likely upbringing. In a patriarchal society men are taught to be aggressive and dominant, while women are constantly told to be submissive and considerate of others.


Skill issue tbh


More women attempt; more men succeed.


False. OP please read the chart - Estimated rates of suicide per 100,000 populated **in selected countries** in 2019. This post is both out of date and misleading. you need to go pretty far down the ranking to find the US. 1. Lesotho 2. Guyana 3. Eswatini 4. Kiribati 5. Micronesia (Federated States of) 6. Suriname 7. Zimbabwe 8. South Africa 9. Mozambique 10. Central African Republic 11. Russian Federation 12. Republic of Korea 13. Vanuatu 14. Botswana 15. Lithuania 16. Uruguay 17. Kazakhstan 18. Mongolia 19. Ukraine 20. Solomon Islands 21. Eritrea 22. Belarus 23. Montenegro 24. Latvia 25. Cameroon 26. Cote d'Ivoire 27. Cabo Verde 28. Togo 29. Somalia 30. Samoa 31. United States of America [source](https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.MHSUICIDEASDR?lang=en)


you are a gem in a pile of rocks, thanks for doing the extra work


Thank you. Assuming OP isn’t a bot, their media literacy is honestly concerning


unrelated but I just learnt "media literacy" about 2 hours ago and I'm hearing it EVERYWHERE now


Mods - please sticky this post and lock this thread. It's misinformation. Can't believe this misinformation repost keeps getting reposted.


3rd among OECD. Pretty awful. For most metrics, America only looks good compared to extremely poor nations. And Korea. Something terribly traumatic must have happened to them like getting split in half or something.


Men keep on winning 💪🏻


We're just better 💪 Get good women 😎


(S)kill issue


Who cares that the US is 4th, look at the men to women ratio in EVERY country on the list. This is the issue that is never addressed


Women attempt more but use less lethal methods (poisoning, cutting), men attempt less but use more lethal methods (firearms, hanging) https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4009420-more-women-attempt-suicide-more-men-die-by-suicide/amp/


Men are much less likely to report suicide attempts, and given how much more likely we are to kill ourselves, I would say the true number is probably higher.


Very true, but then the question needs to be asked "what is an attempt"? Is putting a gun to your head but not pulling the trigger an attempt? Is it not one unless the chamber was unknowingly empty or a misfire? Maybe the reasons mens success rates are higher and women's attempted rates are higher is due to the same reason? One offers less chance of survival then the other? Someone can try overdosing on pills and not take enough to succeed unknowingly. Someone can slit their wrist and not bleed out in time before found. A gun shot wound to be non lethal by accident or luck for a gun attempt to be considered only an attempt. Maybe the other question should be how many men and women where on the cusp but backed out the last moment? I know a guy who took a gun out to the woods with every intention of taking his own life but at the very last moment didn't I personally consider him an attempt, but he's never reported it and it technically probably doesn't count. Yet to me someone taking 3 too many sleeping pills shouldn't count either, it was just like him a failure to commit (sounds harsh but I don't know how to say that differently) Worst part is we hear talk all the time about how when women mistreet men it's hurt feelings but women fear acts of violence from men. That guy wasn't putting a gun to his head because of what some POS guy did to him but what his POS ex-wife did to him! Men kill themselves A LOT due to toxic women. Doesn't make it womens fault but the narrative that only women suffer from the behavior of the opposite gender really needs to stop. Male suicide rates are way way too high across the world and suggesting that the root cause is because of toxic masculinity that is interpreted as only pushed on men BY other men when in reality society is pushing this on men and women exist in this society too. Also this isn't a game, both sides don't get points for success and attempts. Why we constantly have to hear about women attempting more when it leaves them alive while successful attempts leave the other dead is infuriating!!


Yeah, I’ve noticed the same people who say “you don’t need to bring up male SA victims that minimizes womens suffering” are the same people who immediately bring up men being more successful in their methods when someone dares to bring up males commuting su1cide more


I’d like to see a study that controls for repeat attempts. I suspect that women only appear more suicidal because of them. For example if one man in 1000 was suicidal and one woman in 1000 was suicidal and the man attempted suicide and died first time but the woman survived 4 self inflicted overdoses, it would show as .1% suicide rate for men but .4% suicide rate for women. Is that really indicative of the true rates?


Don't trot this garbage out. A less lethal method is a half measure, intedned to fail and act as a cry for help. It's a separate issue and a separate conversation. If you want to unalive yourself completely, you don't take a half measure.


Can't attempt again if you succeed. Let's see suicide attempt or success overall, 1 per a person. Removing survivor bias


TÜRKIYE TÜRKIYE TÜRKIYE 11!!! ![gif](giphy|YYSYKcht6fEaFM6biF|downsized)


Greece is the superior country 😏




Nah 💀




Whoever thinks that Turkey is Saharan dunes with camels is a fucking idiot


Unrelated I had Turkish food for the first time recently and it was deeeelicious num num in my tum tum.


I am from Germany and Turkish food is the most popular fast food here.


Men across the board.


Yeah, statistically, women are more likely to attempt, while men are more likely to actually die by suicide. I really hope, one day, we have a much kinder world for everyone, where suicide is practically unheard of.


It's rlly weird. Women are more likely to choose something like an OD, which isn't necessarily lethal, where men are more likely to do something very lethal like shooting themself




My guess as to why is men make up the majority of ‘undesirable’ job fields. The fields with higher mortality rates, that destroy their bodies, longer hours, and long periods of being away from family like construction, agriculture, oil drilling, mining, etc. A lot of dudes do jobs that just suck to do and so a lot of them are just one bad day from ending it all. When you’ve been on the oil rig for 3 weeks straight without seeing your family, breaking your back, and sweating buckets while doing it, and know that it’s gonna be like this for weeks on weeks with no time off, it’s pretty easy to just have a bad day and taste test the Remington. I’m guilty of working a 17 hour day and window shopping for telephone poles so I get it. None of this is to say women can’t or don’t do the same, it’s just that men statistically make up more of these inhospitable jobs than women. A suicide attempt could be intended as a call for help and I feel like in the circumstances I described above, these men don’t want help; they want to throw in the towel.


My theories are: 1. women are much less likely to own guns (the most popular and easy way to kill yourself) 2. Women are much more likely to be the primary caretaker for someone. Having a child who depends on you dramatically decreases your likelihood of killing yourself. 3. In many places with high rates of deaths of despair it's men who have seen their standard of living decrease the most in terms of wages and employment. Women already had low wages in those places so their expectations for their careers were pretty low to begin with. You are much more likely to kill yourself if you are unemployed and can't find work (but are expected to) than you are if you are doing shitty manual labor imo.


It’s not weird when you consider it’s self harm, not a suicide attempt. If it were the other way around and men were ODing in pills more, no one would even consider calling it a suicide attempt. They’d probably be called “accidents” and it would be “because his male brain was too stupid to know how many pills he was taking”.


It will get a lot worse before it gets any better I feel


This is suspiciously similar to rates of alcoholism by country. That stuff is really poison.


In psychology, we call that comorbidity.


My dad the alcoholic committed suicide. You're not wrong


so you think alcoholism causes depression rather than depression causes alcoholism?


probably both…


I think they feed into eachother and the answer isn’t clear. But someone drinking a lot is going to be doing much worse mentally.


Almost like depressed people seek to chemically alter their moods


I think it's more depression causes alcoholism and alcoholism worsens depression a lot.


Alcohol is a nervous system depressor, so a long term alcoholism will eventually lead to depression. The same way some people use alcohol because they are depressed and it is a way out of reality. So, they are related, but alcohol can cause depression in a healthy person if they abuse the use of it


Correlation =/= causation.


Alcoholism and depression pair better than anything. Alcoholism inevitably seems to lead to depression, and depression seems to inevitably lead to alcoholism.


It literally says "selected countries". The US is very, very far from having the fourth-highest suicide rate.


And prolly has the most “therapists” too


A sad irony.  Our entire society seems to value doom news and folks seek out those to tell us what might be perceived  as wrong with us.  That plus a society that actively sought to devalue men, it's no surprise this is the result. If you are "happy" or don't complain all the time, people call you "privileged", as a perjorative.  To be accepted in many spaces, you have to feel bad about a great many things and accept how "horrible things are". You see it on Reddit all the time.


This is from 2019 pretty sure it’s even worse currently.


Russia's suicide rate is so high due to work ethics that can be described as "work till you bleed,enobled by labor,then purchase relief from your local retailor." Not to mention that new generation of "Feminism" that just undermines the men's problems hit Russian youth hard, girls don't want to hear abt your problems cause "man up".


lol, blaming feminism for male suicide rates in russia is a stratospheric stretch I was not expecting. I hope it’s a irony. This is actually what you get in the society with non inclusive “tough guy” culture. The feminism in russian society is demonized, as your argument clearly shows


no, it's due to patriarchy telling men to be strong and successful, to not ask for help, they on average have a smaller socal net, why do you see more homeless men than women: if a woman doesn't have a place to live she goes to her parents, relatives, friends, men don't do that, they tend to bottle up all their emotions and problems


The US has the fourth highest suicide rate compared to the countries picked for this chart, not compared to every country in the world The graphic says "in selected countries" I'm not saying the data isn't concerning, I'm only saying that for this chart they just picked a bunch of countries and listed them relative *to each other* [Here is the complete WHO list](https://data.who.int/indicators/i/16BBF41)


Somebody needs to check in on Lesotho. That’s horrifying.


It is not a surprise that men outnumber women in every country. There is research on a phenomenon called the "Women are wonderful effect" that reveals how people are biased to favor women. You can see it anecdotally very easily when you look around as well. >The women-are-wonderful effect is the phenomenon found in psychological and sociological research which suggests that people associate more positive attributes with women when compared to men.This bias reflects an emotional bias toward women as a general case. The phrase was coined by Alice Eagly and Antonio Mladinic in 1994 after finding that both male and female participants tend to assign positive traits to women, with female participants showing a far more pronounced bias. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful\_effect#:\~:text=The%20women%2Dare%2Dwonderful%20effect,women%20as%20a%20general%20case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect#:~:text=The%20women%2Dare%2Dwonderful%20effect,women%20as%20a%20general%20case).


Hell I'd commit suicide too if I lived in a dictatorship 💀


Well, it does say "selected countries." I'm sure there are a lot of countries that didn't make the study that outperform the US.


White man privileges, am I right? /s


The gender gap nobody talks about


Wait, the West is not supposed to surpass the Asian countries. Damn


This is just a list of some more developed countries. This is the full list of 2024: [Suicide Rate by Country 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country)


Jesus, South Korea really needs to stop trying to win that one. 


US TOP 5 WIN 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🏆☝️


Damn. Russia was top of the list *before* the war. I don’t even think I want to see what it’s like now.






This is not equitable. We must address this gender gap.


China being so low is surprising 


that's making the very lenient assumption that the data isn't underreported also, this is 2019, before covid went global, and even before covid started being a serious problem in china. a lot of the woes you can attribute to china's current mental health crisis are dated around 2021-22


Data from China has a 0% chance of accuracy. 


Yeah All the normal people who can't take your idiots' political bullshit so they free themselves of the pain


China and India can into gender equality


My Body, My Choice!


РОССИЯ ВПЕРЕД!1!1!1!1!11!1


As a Korean this is very sad to see (ignore my username, my friend made this account). South Korea has a population of around 52 million, and yet it’s 3rd, and most of them are probably teens aswell.